Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 405: Dawn's Lewd Stash

Jumpropeman: "I'm lost, come get me" the character I'm escorting says when he's like six feet away staring right at me
Draco: lol
AlternateChao: and you just left him there?
Jumpropeman: "You currently have 30 shares remaining"
Jumpropeman: my website has a plugin called Jetpack that gives me stats and stuff but also has a Jetpack Social setting I never touch. They apparently think they can get away with charging for posting your stuff to facebook on twitter for you V:
Jumpropeman: I could pay them for the privilege of getting more shares... or just like, copy paste my link over to twitter and facebook
Kuro joined the chat
Kuro: i'm lost, come get me
Jumpropeman: maybe it was a sort of existential feeling of being lost all along...
Kuro: yeah basically
Jumpropeman: explains why he did that like ten more times during the escort too
Kuro: at that point that escortee should have just clung to your leg like a scared child


Jumpropeman: sometimes I think "man I miss Korone" before realizing she's been streaming constantly so it's not like she went anywhere :V
Draco: lol
2 Kromer: Korone is still a threat


Jumpropeman: gotta feel bad for mariah carey though. Every year the only thing she gets for christmas is people
Jumpropeman gauges the room if this qualifies for my Dad Joke Joke Book
5 Kromer: She will never get real presents
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Lol, lmao


Jumpropeman: something that didn't click for me with Loonatics Unleashed until now
Jumpropeman: they're all descendants of the old tunes. That means Daffy Duck got some. That means ROADRUNNER got some.
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Well uh
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I don’t know what to say to that


Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I can’t believe ironmouse is fucking dead
Jumpropeman: im surprised she finally got some words out :V
Jumpropeman: "Jonesy: $10.00"
Jumpropeman: can't believe Jonesy's an IronMouse simp-
5 Kromer: She probably is
5 Kromer: She also watches Benita
5 Kromer: Also this video is mostly ironmouse cracking up constantly and I love it
5 Kromer: "She fucking cheated on her husband with the fucking bee?!"
5 Kromer: Yes
5 Kromer: Humanity cannot distinguish between good and bad ideas
Jumpropeman: bee movie is more insane than I remembered
Jumpropeman: barry proposes a freaking suicide pact
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Good lord
5 Kromer: I have never watched bee movie
5 Kromer: In any form
5 Kromer: But everything I've seen of it is unreal
Jumpropeman: I believe I caught it on tv back when it was somewhat new
5 Kromer: Damn
5 Kromer: Ground floor of the b movie
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Man
5 Kromer: The dubious honor