Friday, August 2, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 59: The Sense of Right Alliance

TheDeleter: what kind of roleplayer decides NOT to go full throttle?


TheDeleter: ~lover~
RedSpy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gooper Blooper: *Josephine sputters and flails, Widow Maker laughs*
Gooper Blooper: BEST COUPLE~~~~
TheDeleter: best couple 2013
RedSpy: But is it Jonesybus?
TheDeleter: nothing can surpass the lofty heights of jonesybus
TheDeleter: all aboard the jonesybus, destination AWESOME
Gooper Blooper: b-but saralex
TheDeleter: >:I
Erebus: Can't hear you over the sound of BEATING DOWN EVIL
TheDeleter: and lo did conrad grow up with the knowledge to kick yon buttock


M Sheep: At a bit of a loss as to what to do with the Pyrokinetic Speedster with a big fat ZERO in athletics
Gooper Blooper: He's really fast, he just breaks his legs every time he moves
Gooper Blooper: It's like Cancerfrog from ZF1


RedSpy: What would happen if Aevar and Purnima's fields collided and were filtered through Doomrider
Cornwind Evil: Madness driven by arrogance and despair?
Erebus: Haha, oh god


Erebus: ...I just realized, last year, Erebus and Pech were kind of a buddy-cop thing.
Erebus: ...I wonder if I can pull off having Aevar and Doomrider be buddy cops.
Erebus: >​.>​
Erebus: Nah


Jumpropeman: after seeing that Utsuho video goops posted, I truly fear for our lives
Erebus: Pretty much.
M Sheep: UtsoWHO?
Jumpropeman: Utsuho Reiuji
Jumpropeman: one of Ruby Chao's entrants
M Sheep: Ah, yes
Jumpropeman: she's from a bullet hell game
Cornwind Evil: I'm not. Hypothenuse has reflexes beyond any human. She can handle a bullet hell wave or seven
M Sheep: I really hope Chao RPs her at some point so WALL!! can accuse her of having her arm stuck in a pickle jar


Cornwind Evil: Sine entered because of a grudge: last place
Cornwind Evil: Now it could repeat itself
Cornwind Evil: EXCEPT IT WON'T
Cornwind Evil: I'M WINNING
Erebus: In high hopes, maybe, haha


Kail joined the chat 8 seconds ago
Kail joined the chat 6 seconds ago

_: Eyo Kail
Gooper Blooper: wat
_: New 'round these parts, or someone using another name?
Gooper Blooper: And they vanished
Saberwulf: Must've entered the wrong Chatzy
Gooper Blooper: "I don't get this chat room thing, Morgana."
TheDeleter: Argblbargl
SteelKomodo: XD
_: "Quickly, Morgana! Grab ahold of my pauldron!"


Gooper Blooper: So like two years ago I bought one of those Xbox Burger King games because it was a dollar and I couldn't pass that up
Gooper Blooper: Yesterday I finally played it for the first time
Gooper Blooper: I got Pocketbike Racer, and it's pretty much Generic Kart Racing Game Except With The Burger King
Gooper Blooper: It comes with a Character Creator and it's amazing
SteelKomodo: Oh, do tell
Gooper Blooper: Picture the insane depth and customization features of WWE 13
Gooper Blooper: Now picture the exact opposite
SteelKomodo: ...oh god D:
Gooper Blooper: You can choose from five different people and recolor their hair, shirt, and pants
Gooper Blooper: I chose the Generic Biker Guy, made him all yellow, and named him "Gust"
_: . . . GOOST
TheDeleter: Gert's
Gooper Blooper: GURST


Draco: I just saw something I had to share. Normally I wouldn't randomly post Imgur stuff in here, but it's relevant to the Knock-offs Blog Goops linked to on his blog:
Saberwulf: hahaha
_: Wha
_: Why is Shrek in all of these
Cornwind Evil: "Our world's about to break...tormented and upset...the loss from when we wake...with no way to go back...I'm standing on my own...but now I'm not alone...SENSE OF RIGHT, ALLIANCE!"
Gooper Blooper: Because evil is about to get shrekked
Gooper Blooper: For The Sense of Wrong Dynasty, playtime is ogre
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of a group of joke villains from one of the worlds Sine was on. You've seen some of it, a picture, an effort post from last year, etc
Gooper Blooper: I remember that
Cornwind Evil: Whose original name was 'The Evil League of Evil Doers Doing Evil'
Gooper Blooper: Every Villain Is Lemons
Cornwind Evil: And whose leader's original name was Professor Buildingbreaker
Gooper Blooper: what did he do for a living
Cornwind Evil: Break buildings. Evilly
Gooper Blooper: :O


Gooper Blooper: Fantasizing about ridiculous Big Bag Brawl 3 endings with RubyChao
Gooper Blooper: Dumb Scenario 1: After a vicious and ridiculously violent battle, when the smoke clears, the arena seems empty
Gooper Blooper: On closer inspection, there is a single Conehead and a single Custard Kitten still standing
Gooper Blooper: Conehead accidentally steps on Custard Kitten for the victory
Gooper Blooper: Dumb Scenario 2: Doomrider vs Widow Maker again, gonna take you back to the past etc
Cornwind Evil: Widow Maker wins with a Last Continue
_: AVGN power glove punches through time to sing
_: (Then steals the win)
Gooper Blooper: Dumb Scenario 3: Hypotenuse is absolutely certain every opponent has been eliminated
Gooper Blooper: A nearby rock suddenly shifts form
Gooper Blooper: General Cleft mows down Hypotenuse while fireworks go off and Stars And Stripes Forever plays in the background while the Statue of Liberty sheds a single tear
Gooper Blooper: And it's posted on July 4th at midnight
Cornwind Evil: Hypotenuse falls under the sway of Zeb Coulter
Gooper Blooper: murkans
Cornwind Evil: Hypotenuse: WE...THE PEOPLE.
Gooper Blooper: shouldn't that be
Gooper Blooper: oui the people
Cornwind Evil: ...yes, precisely
Gooper Blooper: Dumb Scenario 4: Ariel falling from the catwalk and arrowing Saxton Hale in the face
Gooper Blooper: And lastly: Anything Involving Spider-Pig


Saberwulf: You know, with 40 characters in the BBB3, there has to be at least one or two folks who are gonna go out in really retarded ways
Saberwulf: "Accidentally vented self into space"
Cornwind Evil: 17 reprograms Hypotenuse's arms to give him a massage
Saberwulf: "Thought plasma manifold was Doomrider"
Gooper Blooper: Hot Tip from Widow Maker
Gooper Blooper: If the fight begins and you are immediately part of the narrative, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE
Cornwind Evil groans and holds head in hands.
Saberwulf: "Let's get ready to BRAWL! Hypotenuse—"
Gooper Blooper: *Jumpropeman gives us several paragraphs of Hypotenuse fighting the Mystery Fiter*
_: Pfffft
_: (I would so laugh if the first man in was the last man standing)
Saberwulf: Hypotenuse arms, 5 Shekels each
Gooper Blooper: It was subverted big time with Jaxx last year
Gooper Blooper: But that was because he HAD to be the one to beat Sine
Gooper Blooper: He just happened to do twenty spots better
Saberwulf: Only 20 spots hahaha
Cornwind Evil: Not right, not shonen animes lied to me...
Gooper Blooper glances at Zoofights 6 final
Cornwind Evil: That was just cheating, that one
Gooper Blooper: The Tractor, much like VGCW, cares not a whit for traditional story-telling conventions
_ mourns Zoofights 7
Cornwind Evil: Major Failure broke the KO rule
Gooper Blooper: it was the ultimate swerve
Cornwind Evil: And ironically had the same result
Cornwind Evil: Zoofights went out of business
Gooper Blooper: World Creature Wars bought them out
_: Nah, dark horse candidate Animal Warz came out of nowhere and snapped both up
Cornwind Evil: But yes...this year will be different
Gooper Blooper: lob lob lobster world order
Cornwind Evil: This year....GONNA BE ON TOP
Gooper Blooper: The final four will be all guys who won't ever actually appear in RP, just watch
_: The final four will all be new members
Gooper Blooper: And then Moosh wins and everyone's just like "well that was a thing"
Cornwind Evil: The final four will be the Mystery Fiter
Cornwind Evil: It's the TMNT
Cornwind Evil: They entered as a team
Cornwind Evil: Hence Mystery FITER
_: Hell no
_: Street Sharkz
Cornwind Evil: I would also accept the Street Sharkz
Cornwind Evil: Jawsome
Gooper Blooper: Whatever it is, there is no way in hell anyone will guess it correctly
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman's character choices are completely impossible to predict


Jumpropeman: Aevar disses Ariel: Erebus votes for her
Jumpropeman: the character:user segregation is delicious


Jumpropeman: You know you've been playing too much Team Fortress 2 when the phrase "(utsuho color for ref)" makes you think they are selling Utsuho color for one refined metal
RubyChao: pfffFFFTT


Jumpropeman: I was reading the first Chatzy Madness: "Gooper Blooper: I am wondering if anyone will go after Josephine." Well you got your answer goops!


RubyChao: hello
SteelKomodo: we haven't met - I'm SK, and I ruin video game characters for everyone


TheDeleter: i bought three games for 69 british pennies today
TheDeleter: one of those is borderlands 2
TheDeleter: aaaaaaa i can feel myself getting addicted


RubyChao: how is life in england anyway
RubyChao: is it true that all you drink is tea
TheDeleter: it is not true, some of us have coffee too
TheDeleter: and some of us dislike hot drinks
TheDeleter: but the rain is true
TheDeleter: otherwise life in england is probably like life in america but toned way the hell down
RubyChao: probably


RubyChao: creepypasta titles are often pretty hilarious tbh
RubyChao: “Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Screams”


Gooper Blooper: tuy sturee
SteelKomodo: Rex's starvation diet clearly isn't working out
SteelKomodo: guy's as thin as a stick D:
Gooper Blooper: toi starry
.: Yoshiii!
.: . . . Donkey no get out of there
Gooper Blooper: Taking "Sonic Colors" entirely too literally
TheDeleter: druuuuuuuuuuuuuugs
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: gotta go faster
Gooper Blooper: ponies
.: (Goops, we all know the solution to Jon leaving)
.: (Gary and Ego form the ultimate jobber team)
.: Dear god that horse D:
TheDeleter: my terrifying pony
TheDeleter: pinkie DIE
TheDeleter: twilight MURDER
SteelKomodo: FlutterDIE
TheDeleter: we can't have two die puns
SteelKomodo: ...oh come on, that was so obvious
TheDeleter: BLOODYshy
Gooper Blooper: WONDER PONY LAND
TheDeleter: the most metal pony
RubyChao: appleKILLER
TheDeleter: my little high pony


RubyChao: hey guys i have a perfect betting pool for the bar brawl
RubyChao: "How many additional characters will JRM introduce to kill off?"
SteelKomodo: ...>​XD
Gooper Blooper: Last time it was... hmm... At least seven
.: Re-introducing, The Monstars!
.: *the Monstars died on the way to their home planet*
Gooper Blooper: Eleven if you count using a team of five instead of just one for the Mystery Fiters so there were more deaths


Saberwulf: I'll get to voting at the last minute, and it will probably be awful because I'm bad at voting
RubyChao: wulf's votes
RubyChao: 1: Spiderpig
RubyChao: "I pulled his name out of my hat"


Gooper Blooper: Oh god damn it, NOW I find it
Gooper Blooper: A complete set of Pokemon The First Movie trading cards
Gooper Blooper: For LESS than I bought those packs for
.: Goops, don't buy it. Its a lie
Gooper Blooper: ffffffffffffffffffffff
.: You'll open the set
.: And every card will be Togepi In Trouble
Gooper Blooper: item not as described A+ good seller quick shipment
Saberwulf: "All cards were actually copies of Bad Rats fast shipping A++ wba"
.: #BadRats
TheDeleter: i don't think anyone would even want to go to the effort to make that game into card form
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: That's the fun part: They're blank cardstock with steam keys written on them


Gooper Blooper: So I was at the grocery store earlier today and they have this area where you can buy individual donuts, like a Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme or whatever
Gooper Blooper: And they had a new donut in
Gooper Blooper: The Texas Donut
SteelKomodo: ooh
Gooper Blooper: it was an ordinary glazed donut
Gooper Blooper: except it was the size of a dinner plate
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: no human being could eat that
TheDeleter: Del Approved
Gooper Blooper: Only a buck forty-nine
Gooper Blooper: *Sarah intensifies*


TheDeleter: Eggs
TheDeleter: Eggs
TheDeleter: E double g s
TheDeleter: Eggs
TheDeleter: My knowledge of eggs is tremendously wide I've eaten them boiled I've eaten them fried
TheDeleter: Bamboozled and muzzled and swizzled and fuzzled I know every way an egg can be guzzled
Gooper Blooper: sgge
SteelKomodo: Del are you high again


Cornwind Evil: Baltan needs a camera
Gooper Blooper rolls an 11
Gooper Blooper: He'll have to settle for a sketch, but it will be decent
Gooper Blooper: (Of course, this whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with Ardean culture, but he doesn't know that)
Cornwind Evil: He could file it under 'Turned Back Attempted Despoilers Of It'
Cornwind Evil: Or rather Kalkan will
Cornwind Evil: I suspect Baltan can't even spell half of those words
Gooper Blooper: *Kauket
Gooper Blooper: Kalkan would be their shipping name
SteelKomodo: XD


CAUTION: A STRONG MOD APPROACH: The guy playing Grey Knight takes a showler
Gooper Blooper: of course he does
CAUTION: A STRONG MOD APPROACH: Why is it tradition for everyone to have Grey Knight get shat upon
Gooper Blooper: I especially liked when you ran after the deer to prolong the shitting


Jumpropeman: writing for forty guys plus assistants will take a while and I don't know if I have anything else going on that week
Jumpropeman: I'm sure it won't be a problem if I don't get distracted
Jumpropeman: but
Jumpropeman: I do tend to get distracted...
Jumpropeman: im sure it isnt an issue but I don't want to promise stuff and then come up short
Gooper Blooper: what could possibly be more interesting than writing about space warriors and knights and a pony all killing each other
Jumpropeman: touche
Gooper Blooper: Waluigi is the Mystery Fiter
Gooper Blooper: pls
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Jumpropeman: phew
Jumpropeman: we almost had a situation
Gooper Blooper: TOO BA- oh wait


Jumpropeman: I will say, amongst that group there is at least one guy I would have voted for
RubyChao: will you tell us who
Jumpropeman: when its over friend
Jumpropeman: still too early to tip my hand, yadda yadda yadda
RubyChao: :(
Jumpropeman: I will say even I didn't want to vote for Spider-Pig
Jumpropeman: poor piggy


Jumpropeman: there will only be one character with a single vote
Cornwind Evil: Nope. Hypotenuse has this in the bag
Cornwind Evil: I WILL win this through the power of positive thinking
Cornwind Evil: Good, get to work writing her victory
Cornwind Evil: I WILL NOT DOUBT
Cornwind Evil: I think I will leave so I don't have to risk you sniggering if I am robbed of my absolute chance for victory


Chatsephine joined the chat
Jumpropeman: oh snappers
TheDeleter: Hullosephine
RedSpy: Eysephine!
Chatsephine: I'm nervous
RedSpy: Why so nervous?
Chatsephine: Oh, no big deal really, just my sister has thrown herself into a forty-way deathmatch and is showing no fear
Chatsephine: So I'm nervous for two
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: Ouch, that's heavy
RubyChao: Think of it this way
Chatsephine: I've had to heal a sister after a fite before
Chatsephine: it wasn't fun
SteelKomodo: I can imagine :<
RubyChao: She has at least a 2.5% chance of not dying!
SteelKomodo: Spy that's no help |:<
RedSpy: Oi, that's not me
SteelKomodo: sit down before you hurt yourself, mate
RubyChao: Yeah, Spy
Chatsephine: color confusionnnnn~~~~
RubyChao: >:(
SteelKomodo: ohmateos, sorry :<
TheDeleter: Lol
SteelKomodo: *oh
Chatsephine: Ohmateos
TheDeleter: You say tomato, I zader matermorts
Chatsephine: part of this complete breakfast
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
SteelKomodo: Well, I'm not sure there's really that much you can do at this point.
SteelKomodo: You'll just have to give her what support you can and hope she comes a decent place.
Chatsephine: Yeah, I can't stop it. I just have to hope it all works out. Just sit in the stands and cheer for my two picks
Chatsephine: ...
SteelKomodo: ...wait
SteelKomodo: who's your other pick?
RubyChao: is it
RubyChao: the mystery fiter
RedSpy: Its Wheeler, right?
Chatsephine: uh
Chatsephine: uh
Chatsephine: Widow Maker
Chatsephine: Friend of the family and all that
Chatsephine: great bug
RedSpy: Ah, Wids. Good choice!
SteelKomodo: Really? :P
Chatsephine: *cough*
TheDeleter: Hahaha
SteelKomodo: well, good luck to whoever it is!
Chatsephine flees

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