Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 58: Alexander's Sarahkin Harem

Saberwulf: I never added a lotto since I basically don't have any more characters
RedSpy: I just tossed in 17 because fuck it have a crab
Saberwulf: Everyone else is either dead, not born yet, or not yet introducable
RedSpy: >​not born yet
RedSpy: Wulf confirmed for entering Dr. Fetus
Saberwulf: pff
RedSpy: (In all srs, if you're out of lotto chars)
RedSpy: (Just enter John Cena)
Saberwulf: hahaha
SteelKomodo: (XD)
RedSpy: (Although then Vince McMahon will find out, make 300 alts, and spam votes for him)


Cornwind Evil: In other news I just sold a jewelcrafting pattern at 30x markup because the person who bought it didn't know you could buy it in a shop around the corner of the Auction House
SteelKomodo: pffffft, amazing
SteelKomodo: that's almost like me getting loads of bells in animal crossing because the alpaca at Re-Tail takes loads of money for bugs and stuff
Cornwind Evil: To be fair it was a Limited Sale pattern
Cornwind Evil: Which means its not always being sold
Cornwind Evil: And there's only one for sale at a time
SteelKomodo: ah
Cornwind Evil: But a lot of those are in far off corners
Cornwind Evil: Not right in the near center of the Alliance's main town
RedSpy: xD Dick move man
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: your cutthroat tactics would serve you well in EVE
TheDeleter: note: don't play Eve


Mysterious Note Writer joined the chat
Saberwulf: It's.... I have no idea!
Mysterious Note Writer: Of course you have no idea
SteelKomodo: ey goops
Mysterious Note Writer: No one must know the mystery of the note writer
Mysterious Note Writer: NOBODY
SteelKomodo: or is it JRM
Mysterious Note Writer: NOT EVEN... PIT'S HOUSE
Saberwulf: It has to be Goops
Saberwulf: Or Draco
SteelKomodo: a note?
SteelKomodo: where?
Saberwulf: Like 95% it's Draco
Mysterious Note Writer: 95 percent still means a 5% chance of failure
SteelKomodo: just say who you are already D:<
Saberwulf: (It's totes Draco, I can tell by the tone of the text)
Mysterious Note Writer changed name to Gooper Blooper
SteelKomodo: CALLED IT
Gooper Blooper: I can tell by some of the pixels and by seeing quite a few chats in my time
Saberwulf: Damnit


RedSpy: [5:23:20 PM] Iron Badger: oh, btw just in case you still had faith in humanity
RedSpy: [5:23:37 PM] Iron Badger:  this is still a thing
Gooper Blooper: Well, the girls needed some fanservice too
Saberwulf: ^
RedSpy: The proportions are so off. It looks like its trying to break free
RedSpy: Escape from this life of being a fetish mousepad
RedSpy: #FreeChrom'sAss
SteelKomodo: #FreeChrom'sAss
SteelKomodo: darn it, ninja'd
SteelKomodo: that is not a campaign Ariel would get behind :P
Gooper Blooper: >​behind
Saberwulf: hahaha
SteelKomodo is forever demoted for that horrible joke


Gooper Blooper: Broadcaster bazza87: Sign your arses up to our forums and join in on our mindless banter
Gooper Blooper: Well with a pitch like that


Gooper Blooper: Mod Turbo supernormalstep: Wasn't credited, never making CAWs again.
Mod Turbo supernormalstep: which one of those Credited people made Carmen?
Mod bryn4444: Oh man Super Normal
» I'm so sorry

Mod Turbo supernormalstep: no it's okay, I didn't make that many female caws anyways right?
englishplz: supernormalGUILTTRIP
RedSpy: pffft
Gooper Blooper: Mod bryn4444: : (((((((((((((
Gooper Blooper: And then he made the stream live again and put up a huge sign that said "LOTS OF CAWS: SUPERNORMALSTEP"
RedSpy: pffffffft


RedSpy: I've just created a creature in Spore that moves entirely by hopping and have no idea how the f*ck I did it
Erebus: Uh oh. What does mean for the Spore universe?
RedSpy: I don't know, but even the slightest change to the creature means no hopping
RedSpy: I've literally hit perfect balance by complete accident
Erebus: Evolution!


TheDeleter: i suppose i ought to do something productive but honestly i cannot be arsed
TheDeleter: also one of my friends keeps telling me to like the facebook page of her local fish and chip shop
Saberwulf: hahahaha
TheDeleter: i mean come on who gives a shit about the facebook page of their chippy
Saberwulf: she does, apparently
TheDeleter: i guess she works there? no wonder she keeps pimping them
Saberwulf: Then again, I'd probably like the facebook page of my local pizza place, despite living so close I can hear their radio if I open my door


RedSpy: Oh god Sheryl's had a robo-lobotomy D:
Gooper Blooper: it could have been worse
Gooper Blooper: She could have been reset to Spanish Mode
TheDeleter: I'd have liked Spanish mode better


TheDeleter: Took
TheDeleter: Er I dunno what I typed there
TheDeleter: Fuck autocorrect


Draco joined the chat
RedSpy: Eyo Draco
Draco: Hi Spy.
SteelKomodo: Eyo
Jumpropeman: DRACO
Jumpropeman: MALFOY
Draco: ...
Draco: ...
SteelKomodo: XD
Draco: ...
Draco: Hate you. D=
RedSpy: :D
RedSpy: D:
RedSpy: :D:
Jumpropeman: you knew the risk involved in choosing that name
Jumpropeman: just like I knew you guys would call me Jumphopeman
RedSpy: Nah, Jump-Pope man
Jumpropeman: The Pope had a little too much coffee today so he's feeling jumpy
Draco: I had this username BEFORE Harry Potter.
SteelKomodo: =)
SteelKomodo: =|
SteelKomodo: =(
Jumpropeman: =D
Gooper Blooper: what on earth is going on in here


Draco: Alright, Permafrost the Mammoth has officially taken Royal Guard's place.
Gooper Blooper: Royal Guard was merely a brief cameo
Gooper Blooper: Just like in real life


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RedSpy: HllGprBlpr
Gooper Blooper: I'd like to buy a vowel
Draco: We don't have any vowels except this old U, and that's really just a C we turned on its side.


SteelKomodo: ey JRM
SteelKomodo: you might wanna tell FormerVengeance that Dirk's probably gonna go after the leprechaun
Jumpropeman: He'll be after his lucky charms!
Gooper Blooper: I've been thinking about possible alliances and rivals for Ariel, myself
Gooper Blooper: I can imagine Ariel teaming up with Moosh because of Barkle
Gooper Blooper: IT'S JUST A PUPPY
SteelKomodo: mostly because Dirk hates the Irish sterotype and anyone who tries to dress him in green
SteelKomodo: he hates green
Gooper Blooper: what if josephine had a thing for green
Gooper Blooper: what then
SteelKomodo: ...ah
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: er
SteelKomodo: darn
Gooper Blooper: (I'm laughing for real right now)


Gooper Blooper: Minor thing, Del, but there are actually no Tridens in that room
Gooper Blooper: It's Room 5, I believe, but you could also call it the Sarahkin room
TheDeleter: well where are they now you flibbertigibbet
Gooper Blooper: They are in the room
Gooper Blooper: But their last name is not Triden
Gooper Blooper: Alex is not pimpin
TheDeleter: i just thought of sarah being triden and then everything went wrong
TheDeleter: literally everything
TheDeleter: i shall now have to stab a cheeseburger
Gooper Blooper: Alexander's sarahkin harem
Gooper Blooper: hoooooooooooooooo train
Saberwulf: ZFS Salt Lake City
Saberwulf: (Watch as no one gets that)


SteelKomodo: god damn it, though, beach boys is... i dunno how to describe it
Gooper Blooper: Beach Boys is like if they liquified summer and poured it into a retro boombox
SteelKomodo: that's it
SteelKomodo: thanks, goops
SteelKomodo: thoops
Jumpropeman: he thoops, he thores!
Saberwulf: Beach Boys kind of is the essence of Dirk when you think about it
Saberwulf: Sun, sand, girls in bikinis, being slick, driving nice cars, and lots of cocaine
SteelKomodo is speechless.
SteelKomodo: that is either genius or incredibly stupid, wulf
SteelKomodo: i don't know which, I really don't
Saberwulf: Knowing me, both
TheDeleter: it's all of them


Gooper Blooper: Spacesuitsephine
Gooper Blooper: "Does this space suit make me look fat?"
Cornwind Evil: "No."


RedSpy: So, what I miss in the chatizzle hizzle?
Gooper Blooper: Imagine Dirksephine with Kokomo by the Beach Boys playing in the background
Gooper Blooper: And Jumpropeman eating a lizard tail for stat boosts
Jumpropeman: I have more stamina now!
Jumpropeman: gonna need it for all the art I'll be drawing


Cornwind Evil: Just curious: does Ariel know how cigars are smoked?
Gooper Blooper: I really doubt Ariel cares about cigar-smoking technique
Gooper Blooper: wacky tobaccy
Cornwind Evil: Well, the thing is, you don't inhale the smoke like cigarettes. You basically keep it in your mouth.
Cornwind Evil: It's basically 'smoking as tasting stuff'
Gooper Blooper: That's nice, but Ariel still doesn't use them
Gooper Blooper: She also does not chew tobacco
Jumpropeman: or shoot up heroin
Gooper Blooper: Or snort coke
Jumpropeman: or snort coke
Jumpropeman: damnit goops!
Jumpropeman: you beat me to the punch
Gooper Blooper: I'm not even certain I've had her get drunk
Cornwind Evil starts tattooing DRUG FREE on Ariel's knuckles


TheDeleter: >​Implying Grutz the Imp won't lose
TheDeleter: >​at losing
TheDeleter: >​and somehow win
TheDeleter: I dunno how I fucked that up but I recovered
 Cornwind Evil: This
Cornwind Evil: Year
Cornwind Evil: Will
Cornwind Evil: Be
Cornwind Evil: DIFFERENT
Cornwind Evil has the vein throbbing in his forehead again
SteelKomodo: Keep telling yourself that, man
SteelKomodo munches popcorn.
Gooper Blooper: The odds of getting last place twice in a row are quite low
Gooper Blooper: But CW just might be able to pull it off
SteelKomodo: Pfffffft
Gooper Blooper: #Believe
RedSpy: You'll get last :D
TheDeleter: Vote Grutz you fools
TheDeleter: I want the shitty imp to win


Cornwind Evil: Masterpiece draws Painter
Gooper Blooper: paintception
Cornwind Evil: Whole ship is sucked into the meta black hole
Jumpropeman: who draws Adeleine
Jumpropeman: who draws Paint Roller
Jumpropeman: who draws Ado
Gooper Blooper: Ado draws Wiz
Gooper Blooper: Wiz pulls Masterpiece out of his hat
Jumpropeman: and what do you call that act?
Cornwind Evil: Masterpiece: Tah DAH!


Cornwind Evil: You know
Cornwind Evil: In retrospect
Cornwind Evil: Saying Sine 'Friend-Zoned' Zephyrus was the wrong word
Cornwind Evil: Especially considering what 'Friend Zone' seems to be coming to mean
Jumpropeman: not sleeping with a guy just because he's nice?
Gooper Blooper: There's not really any other phrase for what she did though, is there?
Gooper Blooper: We got Triple Friend Zone out of it, which was great
Cornwind Evil: I need to invent one
Jumpropeman: A robot and a woman just cannot love
Jumpropeman: except in Bicentennial Man
Cornwind Evil: Yet in a sense they had a kid together
Cornwind Evil: LIFE FINDS A WAY
RedSpy: And then it got shipped off to be destroyed by custard cats
Gooper Blooper: And then they sent their child to die in gladiatorial combat
Cornwind Evil: You people are spelling 'Win The Big Bar Brawl' wrong


Jumpropeman: I think I know why Hypotenuse has so many hands: To hold up multiple "PG-13 Establishment" signs


Harpy joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hey harpy
Gooper Blooper: hi harpy
Cornwind Evil: It is a harpy
Harpy: oi vey
Jumpropeman: we love the things you do
Jumpropeman: hey harpy
Harpy: i mean hello
Jumpropeman: if I could I would be you
Harpy: I do not support frosted flakes
Jumpropeman: youre the one and only tiger
Jumpropeman: with the one and only taste
Jumpropeman: you know how to take a breakfast
Jumpropeman: and just absolutely ruin it
Jumpropeman: I hate frosted flakes as well


Gooper Blooper: SteelKomodo: i looked back at Alex's Ramza's concept art and realized his leg armour is literally medieval assless chaps
Gooper Blooper: yep
SteelKomodo dies.
Gooper Blooper: butts
SteelKomodo: why nobody pointed that out before in RP is a mystery to me
Gooper Blooper: It's not the sort of thing that typically comes up, I guess
SteelKomodo: too awkward?
Gooper Blooper: possibly
SteelKomodo: "Um, your leg armour is-" "Yes, is there a problem with it?" "...No >​_>​"
SteelKomodo: ...XD
Saberwulf: "Oh no, there's a whole fleet of nuclear killbots on the horizon! Nice ass by the way, Alex."
Gooper Blooper: Alass
N Goat adds to list of WEIRD STUFF that might come out of WALL!!'s mouth
SteelKomodo: this is going in chatzy madness, i know it
SteelKomodo: as is Dirksephine set to Beach Boys


Harpy: oh snap its sunday and I haven't put in my lotto entry
Harpy: oh well
Gooper Blooper: HURRY HARPY
Gooper Blooper: IT CAN BE ANYTHING
Harpy: but but...noo
Gooper Blooper: PUT IN TIMMY
Harpy: timmy who nao
Gooper Blooper: The purple Kirby
Gooper Blooper: ANYONE
Harpy: no :I
RedSpy: ALEX
M Sheep: Not to be confused with Timmy the Well
M Sheep: acquaintance of WALL!!
Gooper Blooper: WELL!!
Gooper Blooper: OR A HARP


Jumpropeman: It tickles me that Scorched Earth and Permafrost are next to each other in the character lineup


Jumpropeman: i hope Cornwind-senpai will notice me


[SteelKomodo is using the "Correlation Generator" again]

SteelKomodo: Dirk and Crystal are sex friends (don't tell Josephine)
SteelKomodo: whilst Dirk and Ariel are a married couple (oh god this is turning into a Harem Anime D:
SteelKomodo: 17 (written as Seventeen because the generator hates numbers) and Stanley are "acquaintances"
SteelKomodo: nice try :P
RedSpy: pffffft poor Josephine
SteelKomodo: Stanley and Tak-Sin are Junior and Senior
SteelKomodo: possible
RedSpy: pffft
SteelKomodo: Tak-Sin - Friend - Morgan
SteelKomodo: :3
RedSpy: Guile - Hostility - Sarah
RedSpy: With her boyfriend in RP limbo and father deceased, Sarah does not enjoy hearing about Family Mans
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Hypotenuse - Victim - Assailant - The Big Bar Brawl
SteelKomodo: amazing XD


Saberwulf: Man I gotta kill off some characters by this point
Skelemodo: D:
Deletons: i already have
Deletons: whilst you weren't looking, i killed everyone offscreen
Gooper Blooper: ded jonesy
RedSpy: You too, Del?
Saberwulf: I'll probably find some rad bad way of whacking David involving poems and LOTS OF DRUGS
Gooper Blooper: Levia was nuked months ago, the "Sarah" in the Sarahkin chatroom is just an automated program Celestia put together in her grief
Saberwulf: GrimFights
Skelemodo: "Del, why are you a skeleton?" "I fergot ta eat." "What will Eshe say? D:"
Saberwulf: Spaceship of Beasts
Saberwulf: Uhhhhhh I dunno, Kingdom of Sadvance or something
Skelemodo: everything is sad forever :<
Deletons: craaaaaawling iiiiin my skiiiiin
Gooper Blooper: come listen to our poetry as we comb hair over one eye
Skelemodo: Stanley died in the mountains long ago, the boy 17 made friends with is an amnesiac who thinks he's Stanley
Gooper Blooper: Kauket's planet fell to a race of mummy nazis while they were farting around on Orvance


M Sheep: You spelled Purnima Rahshama's name wrong!
M Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: D::::::::::
Jumpropeman: I had to type forty names
Jumpropeman: one of which is Utsuho Reiuji
Jumpropeman: give me a break ; _ ;


Saberwulf: So I just remembered an idea for a plot I had for this year that would kind of be my big plot deal. Question pertaining: Are any of the Sarah sisters on the ship single/not swooning over Dirk?
Gooper Blooper: Ariel is single
Saberwulf: ah, kk
SteelKomodo: ...oh boy
Gooper Blooper: I am, however, unsure if she is attracted to men
SteelKomodo: I think I can see where this is headed- D:
Saberwulf: gasp, character development
SteelKomodo: PLOT TWIST
Gooper Blooper: I never really thought about it
Gooper Blooper: It would kinda fit in line with the rest of her character though
M Sheep: PurnimaxAriel OTP


RedSpy: Anyone want a preview of my voats?
M Sheep: WHY NOT
Jumpropeman: I want a preview of your goats
RedSpy: Okay then
M Sheep: ARGH, so many people I want to vote for
Jumpropeman: will they try to eat my SWAG shirt like the ones at the petting zoo?
RedSpy: #5 is Beard Goat, armed with a small child on a leash as a weapon
RedSpy: #4 is overly close wide angle lens goat, armed with being ridiculously photogenic
SteelKomodo: XD
M Sheep: #BEARD GOAT all the way man
M Sheep: Look at that beard
SteelKomodo: that is one awesome beard
RedSpy: #3 is Afro Goat, armed with the funk
Jumpropeman: oh geeze
RedSpy: #2's a bit of a tag team entry, but here's the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Armed with troll-repellent and a sweet can-can dance
RedSpy: Finally, goat #1
M Sheep: Goatgoat?
RedSpy: Taylor Swift's biggest fan, armed with an army of scorned evil ex boyfriends
M Sheep: Happy to be goat
Jumpropeman: ._.?
Jumpropeman: there must be oodles of context to that image
SteelKomodo: gotta put my vote on #ThreeBillyGoatsGruff
RedSpy: Still, I'm pretty sure he and his amazing voice will make him the godbeast of this competition until the refs catch on and disqualify him
M Sheep: Well, they let Afro Goat in, and I'm pretty sure he's actually an alpaca
RedSpy: *GASP* You're right!
RedSpy: This is a scandal of Lance Armstrong levels
SteelKomodo: XD


TheDeleter: Splendaman
TheDeleter: The horror of sugar alternatiiives


Jumpropeman: oh geeze I use the tongue face a lot in pms
SteelKomodo: You do
Jumpropeman: I should just RP the tongue face emoticon
RedSpy: JRM is actually a friendly puppy


Jumpropeman: http://i.imgur.com/pSFuprB.jpg
Jumpropeman: wee woo wee woo WEEWOOWEEWOO
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: it's literally the maniac scene
Gooper Blooper: amazing
SteelKomodo: XD


SteelKomodo: This is probably my second fave moment in RP so far
SteelKomodo: No strife or problems or antagonism
SteelKomodo: just a bunch of guys sitting around a table playing cards and chewing the fat
SteelKomodo: It's kind of relaxing :3
Gooper Blooper: well now I have to know
Gooper Blooper: what's number one
Jumpropeman: I think we established number one was the taylor swift fan goat
SteelKomodo: It used to be Raincake, but we have a new champion now
SteelKomodo: Dirksephine
Gooper Blooper: :3
SteelKomodo: :3
Jumpropeman: |3
SteelKomodo: sleepy cat
Gooper Blooper: you're gonna make it dirk
Gooper Blooper: you're finally gonna land the big one
Gooper Blooper is shot by Josephine for poor choice of words
SteelKomodo: he totes will, if I have any say in it :D
Gooper Blooper: Raincake was legendary though
Gooper Blooper: #ICouldEatThatAllDay
RedSpy: All I could imagine was Dirk dating the wave from that Spongebob ep
TheDeleter: I consider raincake the pinnacle of RP achievement


Saberwulf: Fucking hell have we really been doing this for 3 years
TheDeleter: yes
SteelKomodo: yes we have, wulf
TheDeleter: we need professional help and/or skeletons

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