Sunday, August 11, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 65: Boob Yer Mates

Gooper Blooper: Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Kid Icarus Uprising and Final Fantasy Tactics. The story should use saving the environment as a plot device!


Gooper Blooper: I wish I had more reaction pictures for Ariel
Gooper Blooper: Dammit, Japanese artists I don't know, draw more archers
Gooper Blooper: So I can crop your work and use it on message boards


RedSpy: I've made so many Gaben jokes
RedSpy: I can't even say wait anymore
RedSpy: It always comes out as worth the weight


R.S. Punk: Oh god
R.S. Punk: Guys
R.S. Punk: I just fucked Bazza over
R.S. Punk: He's playing Deus Ex, trying to active an aug, asking for keys
R.S. Punk: I type "Q" cause i have no idea
GB Hazard: spy pls
R.S. Punk: I can't believe I did that xD
R.S. Punk: Now Q is a twitch meme
R.S. Punk: Fuck I'm so ashamed
SteelKomodo: D:


GB Hazard: I am currently the 25711th best Beat Hazard player
GB Hazard: go me
Cornwind Evil: The 25712th can suck it


Jumpropeman: I found out about Missingno when I was little, and when I saw it wrecked my Pokemon hall of fame I pretty much swore off all glitches and cheating for fear it might wreck my other games if I tried them
GB Hazard: I did a replay of Pokemon Blue back in 2010 or so with Missingno as a major part of my team
GB Hazard: I nicknamed it I AM ERROR
SteelKomodo: I think Missingno itself is harmless
SteelKomodo: it's M' you need to watch out for
SteelKomodo: that one corrupts your save file something fierce
GB Hazard: Yeah, when I attempted to add M to my team late in the game things started going wrong
R.S. Punk: It all depends on what you named your file
Jumpropeman: Did your trainer have no eyes and there was blood everywhere and the pokemon actually killed each other?
SteelKomodo: XD
R.S. Punk: Yep!


GB Hazard: In the Society trading card collection, the Compass are holofoils
Jumpropeman: The Table members are the secret rares
Jumpropeman: Barry is an Imakuni card
Jumpropeman: Stan would obviously be a Promo


Cornwind Evil: When Celestia and Harpyhacker hack the files.
Cornwind Evil: They'll find out what happened to the FORMER North Arm
Cornwind Evil: Here's a hint: it involves the words "Mad" "With" "Went" and "Power"
GB Hazard: Well, this is slightly less of a brain bender than the usual Cornwind RP puzzle


Jumpropeman: my copy of Final Fantasy Tactics A2 just stopped working one day ; _ ;
Jumpropeman: I used to play it every day in Latin class instead of paying attention
Jumpropeman: and I guess I paid the price
SteelKomodo: ;_;
RubyChao: man, i just read books in class mostly
RubyChao: except for occasionally bringing heartgold along
GB Hazard: I doodled
RubyChao: or ghost trick
RubyChao: what good students we all are


Jumpropeman: Widow Maker has taught me a valuable lesson: If I want my babies to grow up big and strong, give them lots of cocaine


Jumpropeman: please ignore the fact the doomcomet looks like an x-ray of a boob
GB Hazard: Boob Yer Mates
Cornwind Evil: NOW I CAN'T UNSEE IT
Cornwind Evil: THANKS, JRM
Jumpropeman: I finally draw a decent boob, and it's supposed to be a comet
GB Hazard: but can you draw butts
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: enter Celestia in a fite to find out :V
GB Hazard:
SteelKomodo: Apu you devil
GB Hazard: "It's the last copy, some guy with black wings came in and bought the rest"
SteelKomodo: Dirk.jpg
SteelKomodo: Butts.dirk
R.S. Punk: |______)_____)
Jumpropeman: spy comes out of the cold just for butts
GB Hazard: you're worse than dirk, spy
GB Hazard: |___________)_________)
Jumpropeman: Come in From the Cold is even an achievement for spy in tf2 i believe
Jumpropeman: although I don't think it involves the glutes
SteelKomodo: XD
R.S. Punk: |_________________________​)__________________​________)
Cornwind Evil: At this point Spy
Cornwind Evil: It's stopped being butts
Cornwind Evil: And started being Wheel of Fortune games


Jumpropeman: so there is a new Shadowrun game on the pc
Jumpropeman: once saberwulf figures out to pirate it we won't see him for ages


Jumpropeman: I have discovered the multiquote function
Jumpropeman: and life became a little easier
M Sheep: We have a multi quote feature?
Jumpropeman: those checkboxes next to the quote button
Jumpropeman: check all the ones you wish to quote and then click add reply
M Sheep: This is far too advanced for my coconut powered technology


. joined the chat
.: If a man speaks in a forest and no woman is around to hear him, is he still wrong?


Harpy: in other news, I love how I keep getting these junk emails about winning over females
SteelKomodo: ...wat
Harpy: excuse me, but I am a female *fluttered eyebrows*
Harpy: so I already won that xD
Harpy: *eyelashes
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: you can waggle them
GB Hazard: Maybe if they grow long enough!
SteelKomodo: close enough
GB Hazard: Dr. Wily has tried all his life to perfect the art of eyebrow waggling
Harpy: I want to see a Dr. Wily cosplayer roll up to my car, put the windows down, play that little theme, and waggle his eyebrows until the light turns green


GB Hazard: "he hoped that the archer girl would come in."
Harpy: not bring in Ariel and bring in Gloria instead
SteelKomodo: XD
GB Hazard: And then Sarah shows up
GB Hazard: "How did I get here?"


Cornwind Evil: Oh lord, more BIZARRE dreams
Cornwind Evil: I wish I could remember them better, I could probably get more story ideas out of them
Harpy: you're not the only one with bizarre dreams these days
Cornwind Evil: There was something about a town, and it wasn't normal, and it got mad at me for eating a chocolate cake...
GB Hazard: you accidentally had one of Josephine's dreams
Cornwind Evil: And then it was a video game, and they wanted me to fight an evil T-Rex skeleton, but it wasn't actually evil it was a distraction so they could run me over with a truck...
Cornwind Evil: And then they put me in a circle of candles, but I could control the fire so I burned them all....but maybe they wanted that, and besides it wasn't really happening to me it was just a book I was reading...
GB Hazard: the deleton ruse was a distaction
Cornwind Evil: What I remember most was this idea of a small town or a certain part of a city just being BAD and anyone who lived there no longer being human
Cornwind Evil: Like, I got to the edge of the effect and one of them reached over the border to grab me and his arm was cold as ice over the border but his body was warm on the other side.
TheDeleter changed name to Deletons
Deletons rattles bones
Cornwind Evil: I think Bowser was there too
Cornwind Evil: Somewhere
GB Hazard: The only way you could get RP ideas out of something that incomprehensible would be if you were saberwulf
GB Hazard: And he would set it to 60s department store music and we would all love it


Deletons changed name to TheDleeter
TheDleeter changed name to TheDeleter

GB Hazard: DLEET
TheDeleter: that's what literally no sleep does to you folks


SteelKomodo: Btw, del's still making Pimp Stanley jokes at me
SteelKomodo: He just won't let it go :P
Harpy: good job del
Harpy: keep it up


Harpy: yes, a crab in armor totally won't look suspicious
Harpy: not at fucking all
Harpy: take the armor off and stuff him in your shirt, Stanley :I
GB Hazard: 17 is three feet tall
GB Hazard: Stanley would look utterly ridiculous
RedSpy: Pregnant Stan
RedSpy: Congratulations its a crab


The Deleter: to be honest if i start rping now i might incite rp time
The Deleter: gonna say Krieg's attempting to do chores at the drunken gryphon
The Deleter: hope tallish isn't attached to his ornaments
The Deleter: or furniture
The Deleter: or pub


Jumpropeman: Microsoft word is fine with 'mangos', but firefox insists its 'mangoes'


Jumpropeman: Spy, post your character profiles already so that the most recent topic in the alt universe forum is the character profile thread and I can save the fraction of a second needed to access it right now


Gooper Blooper: I did the math and came up with something like 36 or 37 Society characters with individual names
Gooper Blooper: bah gawd they could have filled the entire BBB
Cornwind Evil: That they could have
Jumpropeman: that's how we'll beat them. Host a Society Bar Brawl and then kill the winner immediately afterward
Jumpropeman: no doubt Barry would have won
Gooper Blooper: GENIUS
Jumpropeman: even Glacius gives two thumbs up to this plan


Jumpropeman: my sister came into my room singing when she found out Moosh won
Jumpropeman: she was very happy he ate some of Briar's fingers XP
RedSpy: XD Yay!
Jumpropeman: she is convinced he must eat at least part of a competitor for every match he is in


Cornwind Evil: Gooper Blooper: All of your characters have bad experiences in everything
Gooper Blooper: there's doom and gloom when things go boom
Cornwind Evil: Not Lyall!
Cornwind Evil: ...sort of
Cornwind Evil: Maybe I was wrong there
Goops McMahon: Yes, CW
Goops McMahon: Yes you were


Goops McMahon: Utsuho spouting aeiounaut memes makes far too much sense
RubyChao: football


Goops McMahon: Here's what I found funny
Goops McMahon: Two Sarahkin matches back to back, six pictures between them, and the most we saw of either was Ariel's hand poking out of Orion scrap


Jumpropeman: just wait
Jumpropeman: everyone in the royal rumble will be a heel except PB
Harpy: I keep reading that as "Peanut Butter" instead of "Platinum Blonde"
Jumpropeman: Peanut Butter for Fite Week Godbeast
Harpy: most delicious godbeast
Jumpropeman: perfect match for Moosh to be in
Harpy: full of protein
Harpy: also Moosh has my vote for the rumble now
Harpy: maybe he'll eat PB regardless
Jumpropeman: maybe, if some calls Platinum Blonde Peanut Butter, it will become the next Praying Mangoes


Cornwind Evil: I will want to do a Fite at some point. Best to give me a conventional one
Harpy: I'd still be up to doing one as that one backup writer
Jumpropeman: we'll see how SK guest write goes first
Jumpropeman: im sure it will go without a hitch.
Jumpropeman: but after the business with Godbot
Jumpropeman: I need to learn to love again ;_;


Jumpropeman: i should probably do stuff
Jumpropeman: and
Jumpropeman: if time permits
Jumpropeman: I might even do junk
RedSpy: *GASP*
RedSpy: But . . .
RedSpy: What about crud?
Jumpropeman: I might be a little too ambitious with the first two
Jumpropeman: crud just doesn't seem like an option at this point


Gooper Blooper: An accurate depiction of how life treated Zephyrus in 2011


Cornwind Evil: "The best comment on Red vs Ganon I've heard, is that it makes total sense that Red got destroyed by a Falcon clone."


The Deleter: Every day in every way i get more and more annoyed at everything ever


Harpy: "walking allergen factory"
Harpy: that's Hubert's new nickname


RedSpy: (Question: were the Society files read-only when 17 found them?)
Cornwind Evil: No, but he didn't think to tweak them
RedSpy: Ah, kk
Harpy: That would have been risky anyway, if someone actually saw the tweaks
Gooper Blooper: I probably wouldn't have had Celestia alter them anyway
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, what Harpy said
Gooper Blooper: This is info gathering more than cyber-assault, at least that's how I was treating it
RedSpy: I would've so cleared their secret files and replaced them with "Society is a butt |____)____)"


Gooper Blooper: Do the thing David was recruiting people for
Saberwulf: I'm having second thoughts on that plot, actually
Saberwulf: I feel like it may be too boring
RedSpy: >​Wulf
RedSpy: >​Boring
Cornwind Evil: Just do what I do: never doubt or question anything
RedSpy: holy shit dude you're too funny
SteelKomodo: well, how about this wulf
RedSpy: You, the master of disaster. One of our finest writers. THE GUY WHO NUKED THE WARP
RedSpy: Writing something boring
Saberwulf: pff
RedSpy: Man that's a scientific impossibility
SteelKomodo: remember get high to save friends? Well, how about get high to kick ass?
Saberwulf: Hey man, I've written some really fucking bad shit
SteelKomodo: Like, some kind of mental demon is after David and we can only beat him by smoking lots of ganja
Saberwulf: Pff
SteelKomodo: and then punching the multicoloured lobsters that come after us
Saberwulf: wait
Saberwulf: oh god that feeling in my stomach like I'm about to vomit is inspiration
Saberwulf: I think
Saberwulf: Or I ate too many crackers
SteelKomodo: ...YES


RedSpy: . . . Fuck, VGCW's forever corrupted me
Harpy: what
RedSpy: I'm listening to the AVGN's theme, and I keep going to type stuff into the chat
Gooper Blooper: #CHANNEL3
SteelKomodo: #Channel3
RedSpy: ^^^
RedSpy: Channel 3 comes on, I literally just slam it into the chatbox
Gooper Blooper: cowafuckin piece of dog shit
RedSpy: Then realize "waaaaaaait"


Cornwind Evil: What's Celestia's last name?
RedSpy: Honeypants


Gooper Blooper: Gonna roll one more time, in this chatzy. DO SOMETHING CELESTIA GOD DAMMIT
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Gooper Blooper: FUCK


RedSpy: The fifth year of the KoB is incredibly scattered, panicked posting
RedSpy: Featuring villains like Concerned Family, The Outdoors, King College, and Getting Lead
RedSpy: . . . Laid
Harpy: "Excuse me, but could I have 100 mechanical pencil leads? thanks"
Gooper Blooper: Year 6 is the Big Bar Brawl and nothing else
Gooper Blooper: Written over the course of three months before JRM can finally finish it
RedSpy: Year 7 is Jumpropeman slapping himself, making fite noises, and crying softly
RedSpy: As "ROB" defeats "Cleft," he curls up in a ball and sobs at how alone he is


RedSpy: Anyone have any sentences to test 17's species cipher with?
Harpy: "Hello, I am going to beat your face in with a mallet. Do you mind?"
RedSpy: "Enenenau, Y iaw xauyhx dau pniad ieauoor sliakn yh vvyde ia wiaenennd. Tau ieauoo wyht?"
Harpy: oh my god that is amazing
RedSpy: Thanks!
RedSpy: . . . Wow, that is one weird greeting xD
Harpy: Eneneau!
Harpy: to everyone!
Harpy: i swear all I'm gonna hear are crabs talkin in Qbert language
RedSpy: pffft
RedSpy: Okay, toss me another
Harpy: hmmm
Gooper Blooper: "After nine years in development, hopefully it will be worth the weight."
RedSpy: "Iasldnr hyhn ieniarzz yh tnevnenaufhwnhd, eaufhnslooenenie yd vvyenen pn vvaurde den vvnyxed."
Harpy: those words are long as hell
Gooper Blooper: What does "sephine" become
RedSpy: zznfheyhn
RedSpy: Crabzznfheyhn
Gooper Blooper: dirkzznfheyhn
Gooper Blooper: It's actually still legible
Gooper Blooper: good job crabs
RedSpy: Guess that name!
RedSpy: Zzdiahennie
Gooper Blooper: Stanley
Harpy: Ariel
RedSpy: Ding! @ Goops
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: I guessed it!
Gooper Blooper: Sarahkin crabspeak does sound interesting though
RedSpy: Xenauryia, Gauzznfheyhn, Zziariae, Iarynen, iaht Knennzzdyia
Gooper Blooper: Josephine's crabname is awesome
RedSpy: Thanks!
Harpy: Carlos, Siren, Sol, and Samantha. I want them in the crabtranslator
RedSpy: Kiarenauzz, Zzyrnh, Zzauen, Zziawiahdeia
Harpy: thats a lotta Zs
RedSpy: S = zz
Gooper Blooper: how'd you make this anyway? Is there some kinda make-your-own secret code generator out there?
RedSpy: enauen
RedSpy: How crabs laugh out loud
Gooper Blooper: why did I imagine a whole crowd of them watching a funny movie and going "ENAUENAUENAUENAUEN"
RedSpy: Because that's what they do xD
RedSpy: . . . I'm not doing a good job at making them less adorable am I
Harpy: nope
Gooper Blooper: it's getting worse
Gooper Blooper: Crab alien for Sarah's latest pet
RedSpy: Pfffft
RedSpy: Kriapzz iarn slrynhtzz, haud fhndzz!
RedSpy: (wow, friends came out REALLY weird)


Harpy: oh btw, I saw kittens today
Harpy: tons of kittens
Harpy: I also saw that Sarah and Alex had nametags at the shelter
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: saralex irl
Gooper Blooper: it's too perfect
Harpy: both of them would be leaving covered in cat fur


(A post about the character Raw includes the phrase 'a really raw deal')

RedSpy: "REALLY raw deal there"
RedSpy: Really. REALLY?
Gooper Blooper: >​raw deal


Harpy: Lugia is Luigi's favorite pokemon

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