Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 66: A Sugary End

Saberwulf: Jaxx is like a retarded dog in a field of rabbits


Saberwulf: Since Ardea doesn't have technology, I thought of substituting a TV or radio to inform people of goings on with a traveling bard band that sings the news very loudly at people in the bar
Harpy: that'd be perfect
Harpy: I was thinking more of crystal balls but sometimes they tell the future going on instead of present
TheDeleter: i love it
Saberwulf: "Oooohhh the Society has come... *bring!* to burn down the town! *bring!* and now the forces of good, *bring* have assembled *bring bring!* to take them down! *Buuding!*
Gooper Blooper: medieval barbershop quartet
Saberwulf: Like that
TheDeleter: it's also historically accurate which appeals to my stunted sense of versimilitude
Harpy: oh god now I want to see a medieval barbershop quartet
Gooper Blooper: *waving, cane and hat holding*
Gooper Blooper: *jazzhands*


M Sheep: Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Pit from Purnima's well meaning nature?!


Cornwind Evil: A great line from the Pacific Rim tie in prequel comic
Cornwind Evil: "I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will kill it."


TheDeleter: i am looking up on a lot of baby facts for conrad
TheDeleter: my internet history is getting weird


Harpy: italian restaurants make sure you're stuffed
RedSpy: hell yes food rules
Harpy: very much so
Harpy: lobster stuffed ravioli ftw
RedSpy: Nice!
Harpy: and soup aaand shrimp aaand flatbread aand some sparkling water with a splash of orange


Gooper Blooper: at least Alex Ramza didn't get last


Jumpropeman: it will only be that much sweeter when we overthrow the Eternal September, and everyone thinks Stanley is dead, but he emerges from the flaming rubble and the Hunters go and hug them, Stanley realizing that they loved him all along
Harpy: they are one big happy huntin family
Jumpropeman: *cue credits and Award Bait Disney Credits Song*
Jumpropeman: after 17 says some snappy finishing line of course


Harpy: Carla is prepared for action
Harpy: got her hair pulled back, knuckles on and errythan
Gooper Blooper: Carla should put a baseball cap on just so she can turn it backwards
Harpy: only if you make a pic of that
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: if she had her own gym, it would clearly be a water/ice gym
Harpy: her team full of cute water/ice pokemon
Harpy: oh and kingdra because its fucking boss
Gooper Blooper: Froslass
Harpy: obligatory Blastoise
Gooper Blooper: it has a ribbon and everything
SteelKomodo: pffft
Harpy: she'll just have a Slyveon just to throw everybody off
Harpy: "Its not even part of the theme!"
Harpy: "But it has ribbons :c "
Gooper Blooper: #ribbons


Jumpropeman: I do intend to introduce a new character
Jumpropeman: who can actually
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: fight people
Gooper Blooper: gasp
Jumpropeman: and go on adventures
SteelKomodo: gasp
Jumpropeman: and isn't an old man


Harpy: ack, so much for walking
Harpy: my stomach is acting up hardcore
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: VIVA ITALIA
Harpy: how did you know I ate italian food
M Sheep: I think the real question here, Harpy, is why WOULDN'T you be eating Italian
Harpy: ...
M Sheep: It's freakin' delicious!
Harpy: because i'm too broke to eat at italian restaurants every day :U
Harpy: besides, vietnamese food isn't too bad either
M Sheep: True, I do enjoy my asian food
Gooper Blooper: It was in the chatzy
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: I SAW YOU
Harpy: *hides food*
Gooper Blooper: #Goop'sWatching
TheDeleter: hahaha
Harpy: goops is gaben
Jumpropeman: is it italian food if you get your half italian nephew to microwave you up a pizza?
Harpy: yes
M Sheep: I Know What You Ate Last Summer
M Sheep: Surprising no one, the film flopped in the box office
Harpy: the food better be seen in 3D
Gooper Blooper: and Smell-O-Vision
Jumpropeman: and Sea-World 4D
SteelKomodo: aw yiss
Jumpropeman: where they would throw the food right at ya
SteelKomodo: oh god I saw a 4D thing once
SteelKomodo: Marvel Super Heroes 4D at Madame Tussaud's
SteelKomodo: got poked in the back every time Wolverine unsheated his claws, wasn't pleasant
Jumpropeman: that sounds super annoying
Jumpropeman: at least they didnt spray you in the face with Spider-Man's web shooters or something
SteelKomodo: um, they kinda did
SteelKomodo: was just blasts of air, but still


M Sheep: I think it'd be ironic if we were all made of iron
Gooper Blooper: And then everyone was Platinum Blonde
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: I don't wanna be french!
Harpy: welp


Jumpropeman: oh snappers. Briar vs. Glacius: Janitor off!
Gooper Blooper: Get Carlos in there
M Sheep: Ahaha


TheDeleter: shit people are asking me about military rank for The Breach
TheDeleter: i can't tell them the ranks are made up and the pips don't matter
TheDeleter: whose squad is it anyway


Jumpropeman: so is the university in Monsters University actually just called Monsters University?
Gooper Blooper: yeah i think so
TheDeleter: yes
TheDeleter: Monsters are bad at naming things
Jumpropeman: I wish there was a Human University I could attend :(


Gooper Blooper: If Glitchman ever debuts in ZFRP, this is the perfect picture to do it in
Gooper Blooper: Like, he spouts off a one-liner offscreen and people turn to see who said that and there he is
Gooper Blooper: leaning on the bar, jazz playing in the distance
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: stop giving me ideas, goops


Cornwind Evil: Anyway, does anyone wish to do anything with any of my characters
SteelKomodo: Hmmm, not sure there Harpy
SteelKomodo: Kinda drained of RP for tonite
Cornwind Evil is now Harpy.
SteelKomodo: I mean Cw
SteelKomodo: gog daaaaamn
Cornwind Evil changed name to Harpy2


Boo Nits: I love how Donkey Kong and his enemies burst into perfectly choreographed music numbers in oddly suave voices on a regular basis
Boo Nits: This is a thing that happens
Harpy: wait what
Boo Nits: (Also he doesn't find it suspicious that his "reflection" is /singing/ when he isn't )
Cornwind Evil: ....Donkey Kong is REALLY stupid
Gooper Blooper: I saw a tumblr post once that said something like "imagine the next smash bros has high-def graphics and everyone looks amazing except DK who is using his Donkey Kong Country TV show model"
Gooper Blooper: imagine it, it's beautiful
Boo Nits: I'd be okay with that if he sung for his final smash


Jumpropeman: according to that discovery channel show "The Future is Wild", squids will take over
Jumpropeman: meaning we best get on Gezora's good side
Cornwind Evil: We abandoned his bar
Cornwind Evil: It's already too late for us


. joined the chat
.: Gas-s-s-s
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy joined the chat
SpaceKomodo joined the chat

SpaceKomodo: it's that mystery dot again
Harpy: watch him be the final boss of ZFRP 2013


TheDeleter: i like how chatzy madness has become an archive of my typos
TheDeleter: for future generations to laugh at


Gooper Blooper: The Gamefaqs board for the contest now has a "time to chester" factor
Gooper Blooper: This is the time it takes for a character to pass Chester's vote total
Gooper Blooper: Which was less than 1000
RedSpy: What is the slowest Time to Chester?
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: It's either Caim or Spring Breeze Dancin
Gooper Blooper: They both took about six or seven hours before they Chestered
Gooper Blooper: There's another guy who's going to use math and extrapolation when the contest is over to find out how many Chesters each character is worth
Gooper Blooper: I believe Mewtwo scored 28 Chesters in his match
RedSpy: So Chester is now a unit of measurement like a Raditz
Gooper Blooper: Oliver is winning in Greenland
Gooper Blooper: Apparently no character has ever been completely shut out of the colored map thing
Gooper Blooper: Chester won Myanmar


RedSpy: My school is making me take some stupid alcohol test
SteelKomodo: what D:
RedSpy: Without including a "I don't drink can I skip all of these questions about my drinking life" button
RedSpy: So I have to endure endless hours of clicking the "I don't drink" box on /every/ question about my habits
SteelKomodo: DDD:
Gooper Blooper: ARE YOU SURE THO
RedSpy: I drink as much as CM Punk
RedSpy: I'm sure
RedSpy: And then it turned out what I finished was just part one of four
RedSpy: I want to get off of Mr. Bones' wild drunken drive
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Bones' Wild Peer Pressure
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Are they expecting me to take this quiz WHILE drunk
RedSpy: They're trying to calculate my BAC level
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: please breathe on the monitor
Gooper Blooper: Now pee in this cup
RedSpy: 3 down one more to go
RedSpy: Each part is shorter than the last
RedSpy: I'm convinced the people writing the test got as bored as us taking it
Gooper Blooper: Question 520: seriously, dude, just try it
Gooper Blooper: Question 521: nobody's watching
RedSpy: One point on the test says caffeine has no impact on hangovers
RedSpy: Another point says caffeine will give you a nasty hangover


M Sheep: Gosh darnit, Goops
M Sheep: Was catching up on Chatzy madness
M Sheep: Suddenly
SteelKomodo: BUTTS
Gooper Blooper: That particular edition of Chatzy madness had even more butts than usual
TheDeleter: BUTTS
SteelKomodo: (_)_)


Gooper Blooper: Poor Sammy :<
Gooper Blooper: #VOMIT!!!
SteelKomodo: :<
Harpy: least her backstory is happier than most of the Cu Sith chars!
Harpy: Aside from burning out a toaster at 13
Gooper Blooper: A happy backstory? In MY ZFRP?
Harpy: "MY WAFFLES D: "
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: saddest moment in her life
Harpy: Blanket-kun was there for her


SteelKomodo: I've watched too much Robot Wars because I wrote this
Gooper Blooper: >​new robot wars game


Gooper Blooper: Jack's reveal reminded me of those daytime talk shows
M Sheep: inb4 Jack's evil twin shoots him
SteelKomodo: Erry Day I'm Shuffling
M Sheep: I'm more reminded to the traditional soapy scene of a character being unconscious in the hospital and the doctor turns to the other character and says "...and he's your son from the future/pregnant/your father/got amnesia/" etc.
M Sheep: ..Not that I watch soap operas or anything
M Sheep: this all just stuff i heard
M Sheep: from a friend
M Sheep: that lives in Canada
M Sheep: that I never talk about
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind?!
M Sheep: Okay, you made me laugh, Goops
SteelKomodo: Hahaha


Cornwind Evil: Get cat toy to make cats exercise
Cornwind Evil: Cats stare at it instead, like they're hypotonized
Cornwind Evil: Cats


Cornwind Evil: "I am not feeling this walking thing."
SteelKomodo: It's your fault for trying to destroy reality :I


M Sheep: We haven't had a vision of everybody in the bar horribly dying yet
M Sheep: somebody should get on that


(Harpy makes a post of Carla suffering an extremely strong nervous breakdown from seeing fire)

Gooper Blooper: CARLA NO
Harpy: i decided to spare you guys the gory details
Harpy: ...mainly because I don't want to go TOO grimdark .n.
M Sheep: er, i mean
M Sheep: how tragic ;_;
M Sheep: totally what I meant
M Sheep: kukuku


Cornwind Evil: Must BBIAB again
Gooper Blooper: You know that sounds like something the crab aliens would say
Gooper Blooper: "Bbiab."
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Let me see if that has any meaning in their language
RedSpy: There is no B character in their language, so such statement is nonsense to them


The Deleter: Brb rebooting this hunk of plastic shite
Gooper Blooper: tablets are the future of computing you guys
M Sheep: snrrt


Saberwulf: I always assume the bars are like the KoB. Filled with unconscious people flopped over tables and hanging out of booths like a hobo camp
Gooper Blooper: Like that time Doktor Hanz woke up after eight months of inactivity
Saberwulf: Didn't he fall down the basement staircase and pass out for a year or something
Gooper Blooper: He was face-down at the bar the whole time
M Sheep: that happened too
Saberwulf: Also I adored how the KoB just became this monstrosity of multiple rooms for convenience
Gooper Blooper: He just abruptly woke up in May 2012
Gooper Blooper: I had a mental map of the bar in my head but I don't think anyone else had the exact same mental image I did
Saberwulf: There's a hostel because everyone's broke, a arcade disco, a beer garden, a basement, like fifteen bathrooms
SteelKomodo: I think everyone did
Gooper Blooper: I should draw it to show you guys how I was imagining the bar in 2011 and 2012
SteelKomodo: That'd be ace!
Saberwulf: Oh man, I'd love that. I want to see how it matches up with mine
RedSpy: The bar is just a nebulous, shifting mass of rooms


Harpy: never put Carla and Sarah in the same room


RedSpy: That awkward moment where somebody uses an old ZF pic as a meme


RedSpy: Last post of the RP season
RedSpy: Dirk and Josephine about to kiss
RedSpy: Goops has to leave for IRL
RedSpy: It never finishes
Harpy: oh god spy no
Harpy: you're gonna jinx it
Gooper Blooper: yeah right spy
SteelKomodo: Actually it's not happening until it's appropriate, so hush you
Gooper Blooper: come hell or high water I will see dirksephine through
Gooper Blooper: to its sugary end
RedSpy: >​Sugary end
Harpy: ohoho
Gooper Blooper: DARE TO DREAM
Gooper Blooper: sarah has a sugary end
RedSpy: Josephine and Dirk tragically drown in a pit of candy as the main villain of Season 4, Baron von Sugarstein, floods them to death
RedSpy: He laughs at their pain as they hold each other until their last breath
Gooper Blooper: you're terrible spy
Gooper Blooper: go sit in the corner
SteelKomodo: Spy stop being evil D:
RedSpy: o-okay ;-;
RedSpy changed name to Shame Corner
SteelKomodo: ...wait a second
M Sheep: WHAT
SteelKomodo: ...wait, BluSpy is dead
SteelKomodo: nvm
Gooper Blooper: GreySpy
Shame Corner: . . . So
Shame Corner: You found out
M Sheep: Are you saying
M Sheep: it's a g-g-g-g-ghost SPY!
Shame Corner changed name to RoboSpy
M Sheep: OH NO
SteelKomodo: I KNEW IT
RoboSpy: Years of infiltrating this chatzy, taking on the identity of a long-gone member. Ruined!
SteelKomodo: OUR spy would never suggest such awfully tragic plotlines!
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo changed name to RedSoldier
RoboSpy: I had to kill him. How else would I go unnoticed for so long?
RoboSpy: His sappiness and happy endings . . . ridiculous!
RoboSpy: No, no. What this bar needs is drama. Pathos. Tragedy.
Harpy: *tosses water at Robospy*
RoboSpy: I will find a way to incite such sorrows. You could say . . . Spy sappin' your plotlines >:D
RedSoldier: CROCKETS!
RoboSpy: !!!
RoboSpy shortcircuits, then blows up in a shower of red fireworks and dollar bills
M Sheep: Darnit, Spy
Cornwind Evil is infected by his pathos
M Sheep: Don't make me pull out Purnima in City of Beasts
RoboSpy changed name to RedSpy
RedSpy: Hey guys, what I miss?
Harpy: death
RedSoldier changed name to SteelKomodo
SteelKomodo: That was weird

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