Friday, July 26, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 57: Gloria is a Kidnapping Pig

Gooper Blooper: I tend to base all of my RP around "this would be cool" and "this would be funny"
SteelKomodo: Who doesn't? :P
RedSpy: I base all of mine around passing out, waking up, and seeing posts made


M Sheep: So, apparently I screwed your and Goops Fite, CW
M Sheep: Sorry about that
Cornwind Evil: Hardly. It was JRM's decision
Cornwind Evil: I mean YOU COST ME MY WIN
Cornwind Evil: RGGGGHHHHH
M Sheep: T_T


M Sheep: Good lord, what have I created.
M Sheep: What have I DONE
M Sheep: I think I need to hang up my keyboard and live our the rest of my days in a convent after that one


Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: "sarah is motivated by compassion to do good deeds"
Gooper Blooper: accurate
Gooper Blooper: "sarah is autographed and up for bids on ebay"
Gooper Blooper: sarah no
SteelKomodo: "dirk is a brawling poet"
Gooper Blooper: "sarah is a design label especially for bigger women"
Gooper Blooper: :I
RedSpy: zephyrus is a publication committed to publishing work by western students
SteelKomodo: Accurate except for poet
RedSpy: zephyrus is free
SteelKomodo: "dirk is single"
TheDeleter: "jonesy is dying"
RedSpy: zephyrus is evil
TheDeleter: Well fuck
RedSpy: zephyrus is going to be hot
SteelKomodo: D:
RedSpy: ". . . PG-13?"
Gooper Blooper: "josephine is sought in marriage by no less a celebrity than sir joseph porter"
SteelKomodo: "dirk is working out now"
RedSpy: zephyrus is a local group of amateur singers formed in 1991 by paul walker for the purpose of exploring early vocal music for larger forces
Gooper Blooper: oh my god, this one is unintentionally absolutely heart-breaking
SteelKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Gooper Blooper: "josephine is walking along side her father"
Cornwind Evil: sine is little negative
Cornwind Evil: GEE YOU THINK
RedSpy: . . . D:
Cornwind Evil: "sine is a scientifically advanced histological nutraceutical formula providing highly specific nutrients which complement the body's natural ability to"
Cornwind Evil: what?
Cornwind Evil: TO WHAT?
Gooper Blooper: "josephine is unhappy"
TheDeleter: The world may never know
Gooper Blooper: "josephine is suffering now"
Cornwind Evil: "sine is the cofunction of the sine"
RedSpy: zephyrus is an extremely agile and reflex
Cornwind Evil: Sineception
Gooper Blooper: "josephine is crazy and she might even be dead"
Gooper Blooper: josephine pls
RedSpy: Sorry, Google doesn't know oceanus
Gooper Blooper: bubble man is kind of sad
bubble man is so cool
bubble man is fat hahaha
bubble man is always a welcome visitor at hospital happenings
bubble man is pretty much lacking any difficulty
bubble man is now a stegosaurus
RedSpy: air man is not that tough
RedSpy: air man is moving fast through the darkness
RedSpy: meat boy is in smash bros brawl
Gooper Blooper: josephine is one of the most charming and delightful young people i've had the pleasure to meet
Gooper Blooper: :3
Gooper Blooper: josephine is large
Gooper Blooper: :I
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "celestia is an extremely large mountain"
Gooper Blooper: dat ass
SteelKomodo: *dirk*
SteelKomodo: "pit is killing me"
SteelKomodo: help D:
Gooper Blooper: celestia is a place that most primes spend the whole of their lives hopin' and dreamin' just to get a glimpse of and yet in the grand scheme of things
Gooper Blooper: celestia is something i've always enjoyed looking at and drawing
RedSpy: wheeler is lead economist in the infrastructure
Gooper Blooper: celestia is not like all other women
Gooper Blooper: celestia is spanish for "a little bit of heaven"
RedSpy: wheeler is the second title acclaim was able to get a hold of
SteelKomodo: It just gets worse and worse XD
Gooper Blooper: god damn
SteelKomodo: pit is empty
SteelKomodo: So he raids the fridge
SteelKomodo: And afterwards, pit is full
TheDeleter: I feel like I've entered the realm of the chatbots here
TheDeleter: Help
TheDeleter: I'm trapped
RedSpy: wheeler is airborne qualified
RedSpy: wheeler is more of a racing title
RedSpy: wheeler is essentially a ps2 version of the dreamcast game
Gooper Blooper: ariel is flat
Gooper Blooper: she is
RedSpy: 17 is pure
RedSpy: 17 is neutered
RedSpy: "D:"
Gooper Blooper: "ariel is proud to sponsor the lawn tennis association's 'players of the future' programme"
Gooper Blooper: "gloria is banned"
Gooper Blooper: gloria OP nerf now pls
Gooper Blooper: "gloria is a kidnapping pig"
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "gloria is in the beginning stages of launching her musical debut as a rap star"
Gooper Blooper: "gloria is attractive"
TheDeleter: Oh hey jrm posted
Gooper Blooper: "jonesy is drunk"
Gooper Blooper: "hella jeff is what i assume an acid trip feels like"
Gooper Blooper: "harpy is the other real creature mommy fortuna has captured and it hates her"
Gooper Blooper: Mommy Fortuna? I think this one actually IS Harpy
RedSpy: Put that in Chatzy Madness


RedSpy: Everything works with Quad City DJs


Gooper Blooper: I remember after Pokemon cards were banned at my school people noticed the rule specifically said 'no pokemon cards'
Gooper Blooper: So we started collecting Digimon
Gooper Blooper: That loophole lasted the rest of the school year
RedSpy: Digimon, Digital loopholes
RedSpy: Second banana champions!


Saberwulf: Sometime soon I should really take a trip up to the Japanese market and learn to stomach Japanese food
Saberwulf: So much fish and bitter vegetables, ugh
SteelKomodo: :<
TheDeleter: Look for that weird "just add water" mini hamburger and fries
TheDeleter: I'm told it tastes like the real thing
Saberwulf: ew


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: Hi Goops.
Gooper Blooper: hey
TheDeleter joined the chat
TheDeleter: I returneth
Draco: Hi Doops.
TheDeleter: Gerps
Gooper Blooper: dooper hooper
Gooper Blooper: pooper scooper
Draco: Stoops
Gooper Blooper: Goop Kid's afraid to leave his goop


Cornwind Evil: I wonder how they're going to introduce the Wii Fit girl
Gooper Blooper: Pair her with Kirby
Gooper Blooper: It's Sarah/Kayle all over again
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: It's time for a thrilling round of "Feed That Sarahkin"
Gooper Blooper: (try our home game)
Gooper Blooper: (It's just a pile of food)


Cornwind Evil: See guys
Cornwind Evil: When you want to debut a wrestler
Cornwind Evil: You generally have, you know, video packages and stuff
Cornwind Evil: Letting people know they're coming
Cornwind Evil: For example, FANNNNNNDDANNNGGGOOOO had like two months worth of video packages before he actually debuted
Gooper Blooper: he wasn't ready brother
Cornwind Evil: Or the upcoming Wyatt Family
Cornwind Evil: One day in WCW
Cornwind Evil: The announcers suddenly started building up this wrestler, THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: Out of nowhere
Cornwind Evil: THE MACHINE was debuting tonight
Cornwind Evil: We knew nothing about THE MACHINE, but he was supposedly a big deal
Cornwind Evil: All night, hyping THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: Then out comes one of WCW's bigger stars, Diamond Dallas Page
Cornwind Evil: And it turns out he is wrestling THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: So out comes...THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: And he's a guy in a mask
Are you OGREWHELMED?: Like the YET-TAY
Gooper Blooper: Everyone expected the world's first wrestling robot
Cornwind Evil: So they had a match. Neither good or bad
Cornwind Evil: And happened
Cornwind Evil: THE MACHINE climbed to the top rope!
Cornwind Evil: DDP got up and dove onto the ropes!
Cornwind Evil: In wrestling, this means you are supposed to fall into a sitting position on top of the turnbuckle
Cornwind Evil: But not THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: Instead
Cornwind Evil: First, THE MACHINE stood up
Gooper Blooper: but machines do not have testicles
Cornwind Evil: Then, THE MACHINE uttered a shriek of terror
Cornwind Evil: Then, THE MACHINE launched himself across the ring and instead crotched himself on the middle of the ropes there
Cornwind Evil: Because...THE MACHINE
Cornwind Evil: And after all that hype
Cornwind Evil: THE MACHINE...was pinned
Cornwind Evil: And was never seen again
Gooper Blooper: top quality
Cornwind Evil: So ends the strange saga of, THE MACHINE
Gooper Blooper: I wonder if he knows THE SHOCKMASTER


Gooper Blooper: So if you take SK's avatar and put it next to mine
Gooper Blooper: It looks like Pit is ribbing Josephine about something
Gooper Blooper: And Josephine has poker face
Gooper Blooper: "So how about that Dirk? Eh? Ehhh?"
Are you OGREWHELMED?: You like Dirkky Patties don't you Josephine
Are you OGREWHELMED?: Damnit goops!
Gooper Blooper: They go right to her thighs


Cornwind Evil: There's a weirdly surreal example of a bad boss in Hellboy: The Black Flame. After getting involved in a bunch of Lovecraftian cult stuff, the CEO of a Mega Corp calls a board meeting. The board members file in to find the CEO standing there, wearing a steampunk-nazi battlesuit that glows with black flames of pure dark energy and surrounded by demonic frog minions. They stare at him, and he informs them that he now owns 51% of the company and they are all fired. Cue fiery death, right? Nope. No puns, no nothing, he just fires them and they leave.
Gooper Blooper: ariels_impression_of_ceo​s.wmv


Cornwind Evil: Both Jo and Dirk have iron mouths and stomachs
Cornwind Evil: They were made for each other
Gooper Blooper: It runs in the family
SteelKomodo: oh lawd now you're doing it CW
SteelKomodo: Dirksephine everywhere
Gooper Blooper: Everyone's doing it


Gooper Blooper: Dirky-poo and Jo-Jo
SteelKomodo: #ItBegins


Jumpropeman: grrr, this mysterious note is gonna bug me
RedSpy: I wonder who it'll be
Jumpropeman: Only *I* am allowed to have mystery characters!


RedSpy: From first to last: Fugly, Mik Jagga, Porkfetus, The Villain From The Next Digimon Movie, and Lotsa Spaghetti


Gooper Blooper: It's weird. He's new, but I can't help but think I've already met Spy's new knight character
Gooper Blooper: There's just something about him


Gooper Blooper: I remember feeling like a total heel when giving up on Aegis Wing last summer
Gooper Blooper: Because the usual "Are you sure, your progress will not be saved" message adds "and humanity will fall" to the end
RedSpy: It should've been "Your progress will not be saved. Neither will humanity"
RedSpy: "You monster"
Jumpropeman: it's like when you quit binding of isaac and he says "are you sure you want me to die?"
Gooper Blooper: dammit game
Gooper Blooper: stop guilt trippin me
RedSpy: Doom just calls you a pussy
Jumpropeman: thats the real reason spy and i play it so much
Gooper Blooper: And then there's Banjo Kazooie
Gooper Blooper: Which thinks anyone who can't finish it in one sitting deserves the Bad End
Jumpropeman: dat grunty
RedSpy: I dunno, if games guilt tripped me Spore would've just self destructed by now
RedSpy: Because the abominations I make HAVE to be worse than exiting the game
Gooper Blooper: RedBulgrave
SteelKomodo: Also I dunno, I remember quitting BK a lot for that ending
Gooper Blooper: I bet Dirk did
Gooper Blooper: IT'S ALIIIIIVE
SteelKomodo: I am the Dirk
SteelKomodo: it's me
SteelKomodo: Also yes, Dirk did that
Gooper Blooper: 64-bit bazooms


Jumpropeman: GOOPS
Gooper Blooper: THE MYSTERY GUY
Gooper Blooper: IS
Gooper Blooper: A MYSTERY
SteelKomodo: A MYSTERY GUY
SteelKomodo: Damn it Goops XD
Jumpropeman: My little Big Bar Brawl


Jumpropeman: go to this website:
Jumpropeman: and say you are under 21
RedSpy: Why?
Jumpropeman: its magical
Jumpropeman: i jam out to it periodically
RedSpy: I jam to slams
Jumpropeman: I space jam
Jumpropeman: so much so, that I managed to rope Space Jam into two consecutive Big Bar Brawls
RedSpy: I swear, if this ends in everyone throwing balls at each other
Jumpropeman: it won't be balls. It will be spider sausages
Jumpropeman: im gonna be so depressed if I never get to draw those sausages
Jumpropeman: it's like Hanz's living schnitzel all over again
RedSpy: Is that mystery fiter? All of the spider-sausages forming into a giant spider made of sausage?
Jumpropeman: im so transparent with my plans these days
RedSpy: Well I'm invisible
RedSpy: So that's even worse


Jerry Lawler joined the chat
Jerry Lawler: I like foreign divas! You know, I'm kinda foreign myself
Ariel joined the chat
Ariel: Knock it off
Jerry Lawler: AAAAA
Jerry Lawler left the chat
Ariel: Ugh. Men sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. In retrospect, I'm sad this Chatzy Madness isn't subtitled "THE MACHINE".
