Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vinyl figures. Vinyl figures everywhere.

Some people collect coins. Some people collect stamps. I have had several collections over the years, including plastic dinosaurs and (like every child at the turn of the century) Pokemon cards.

But for the last couple years I've mostly been rounding up vinyl action figures of giant monsters.

(click the photo for a larger view)

This picture is slightly out of date - There are several toys I have gotten since this photo, and a couple of the tiny ones at the bottom I have sold on eBay. There are also several small toys that were left out because they are on a little shelf on the other side of my room.

There are toys from the Gamera and Ultraman series, but for the most part it's Godzilla Central. I've been collecting since January 2008, and lately new arrivals have trickled to a standstill because A) I don't have the money, B) I'm not the sort of person to drop 300 bucks on a seven-inch-tall Biollante even if I WAS blessed with a gorillion dollars, and C) I've gotten pretty much all the lower-cost merch I can find.

Also I'm kinda running out of room.

I may go into detail about some of these guys in later posts.


  1. Your lack of Gezora...displeases me.

  2. I have a Gezora, he's one of the aforementioned toys that got left out. Expect an entry on him later.

  3. These are amazing. Is that Mothra hovering under your second shelf there? Mothra was always my favourite. :3

    I have something of a figure collection too but it's mostly Jojo's Bizarre Adventure figures and Sengoku Basara mini figures (with odd bits and pieces from other things mixed in). The closest I have to monsters is a couple of Shin Megami Tensei minis and a Secret of Mana rabite phone strap. :<

    Tempted to post pictures of my stuff now, hehe.

  4. That is indeed a Mothra toy. I have quite a few (you can see several in both adult and larva forms scattered around the picture) and will probably do some sort of "The Many Faces of Mothra" spectacular at some point.
