Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Skeiron's Joke Book

Q: Why did the plane crash?
A: Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why did the television show fail?
A:Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why didn't the stove work correctly?
A: Because the pilot light was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why did the police eat the criminal accused of illegally downloading films onto his computer?
A: Because the pirate was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why couldn't the baker do his exercises?
A: Because the Pilates was a loaf of bread.

Q: An enormous store that sells school and office supplies has several parking areas named after common math terms. Unfortunately, one of these areas was devoured by birds. Why?
A: Because the Pi lot was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why couldn't the Pokemon trainer evolve his Pokemon?
A: Because the Wynaut was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the floral shop customer dissatisfied with their bouquet?
A: Because the violet was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why couldn't the dress properly fasten?
A: Because the eyelet was a loaf of bread.

Sarah is so fat, when she lies around the house, the pilot was a loaf of bread!

Q: Why couldn't the statistician get his presentation done?
A: Because the pie chart was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why didn't Alex get a good night's sleep?
A: Because the pillow was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the new bathroom a failure?
A: Because the toilet was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the pilot a loaf of bread?
A: Because the plane crashed.

Q: Why did WarMech fall in love with Sine at the bakery?
A: Because her new life was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the toast able to fly planes?
A: Because the loaf of bread was a pilot.

Q: Why did the WarMech win the fight?
A: Because the Mecha Dragon was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why did the video game programmer experience difficulty in coding his latest cartridge?
A: Because the 8 bits were a loaf of bread.

Q: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
A: Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the business venture successful?
A: Because the competition was a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was the wine-maker a hit at the bake sale?
A: Because the pinot was a loaf of bread!

Q: Why was the amateur computer animator dissatisfied with his choice of program?
A: Because the Pivot was a loaf of bread.

The Lord is a loaf of bread.

Q: Why was this unit's wedding gift delicious?
A: Because the present was a loaf of banana bread.

Jokes in purple are courtesy of Gentleman Draco.
Jokes in red courtesy of RedSpy.
Joke in orange courtesy of Cornwind Evil.



    I will never stop laughing at that. Never. Best insult of all time.
