Saturday, October 1, 2011

RP Retrospective (Part 1)

Okay, similar to what a few other people have done, I'm going to go over all of my RP characters and reflect on how they arrived and developed.

Originally, the wisecracking genre-savvy praying mantis was supposed to be my only character. And for four weeks, she was. But then, tragedy struck at Zoofights - Playing Mantis was defeated by Cray Fish by a single vote. Losing such a loved competitor by such a razor-thin margin, on top of having lost every single fight up to that point, was too much for Widow Maker, and she collapsed from a heart attack. With my character in the hospital, it was time to bring in...

Hey, dufes. While his novelty wore off fairly quickly, for the fight between the Manglin' Pangolins and the Hippos With An Eating Disorder, Jeff here was a blast to write for. It was basically a game of "how many SBAHJ references can I cram into each post?". Jeff was selected because, since the intelligent Widow Maker had a 0/4 record for voting, she opted to bring in the stupidest character she could find as a replacement. Eventually, by the seventh fight of round 1, I switched back to Widow Maker and relegated Jeff to the occasional cameo.

Oh my word, what the hell happened here. Widow Maker was tended to in the hospital by four white mages (the classic one-liner, "Four white mages? It'll never work!" being the entire reasoning). But it really started with "Fite Yer Mates", the RP game that pitted our characters against each other as if it was a mini-Zoofight. After a brutal tag-team match that left even the winners in poor shape, I brought in the white mages to heal their wounds. One of them, "White Mage 3", stuck around afterwards and became a sort of tagalong to Widow Maker. That was going to be the end of it - a two-character tag team, Widow Maker being the snarky veteran while White Mage was innocent and naive of the carnage. This lasted for one fight - Achilles Eel vs. Teslacorn.

Then Alex showed up and things started to get crazy.

The knight/janitor had always been there, but posts were infrequent and Alex's avatar was an old sprite. But when signups for the 18-way Fite Yer Mates Big Bar Brawl were going on, Jumpropeman (Fite organizer) requested full-body pictures of everyone for drawing references, so Alex goes and posts a picture of Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics. I was unsure of who to vote for in the brawl, so I had White Mage 3 start crushing on him. Then Alex caught me off guard when he asked for a name to properly thank her by. I managed to come up with "Sarah". Over the next few days the two of them fell in love, forming the first (and what I naively thought would be the only) bar pairing.

The one thing that I planned for that has actually panned out regarding Sarah is the cuteness. I thought it would be amusing to have an incredibly adorable character in Zoofights, and she's actually gotten cuter with each new development. She's a tiny, happy-go-lucky, lovey-dovey little blob of goo in a robe, and I've been able to do a lot of enjoyable things with her. I also enjoy when she gets mad, because that's when I can unleash Angry Sarah, who is a total badass.

Sarah is by far my most complicated character, so I can see how she's made this post so long. I'll cover my other guys later.


  1. Alex was always intended to resemble Ramza (or Marche, depending on your point of view), buuut I decided to go with something simple. And weird.

    Sarah is basically summed up as "MOE-GLOB"

    Don't know it? Trope it :D

  2. Oh, another thing I forgot to touch on is, of course, Sarah's sweet tooth. Originally she ate perfectly reasonable amounts of food, it was just all sugary. Somewhere around the ice cream eating contest things started to get out of control. Now she eats massive cakes and has a running gag with Alex on making the Black Legend larger and larger over time. It was funny to see her habits wear off on Alex, though.

  3. I gotta say? It may be a bit of a flanderization, but sometimes that makes things funnier. And it perfectly shows how everyone at the King of Beasts is larger than life. Eat big, party big, fight big, drink BIGs.

  4. The funny thing is... probably all of this and more will be intergrated into her character when I write out FWtBT. It's just so cute, you can't leave it out.

    Also having Kirby as a pet doesn't help at all.

  5. "It's called The Adorable White Mage. Once there was an adorable white mage. She was SO adorable EVERYONE DIED. The end."
    "That didn't help at all."
