Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thanks, Alex.

AlextheJanitor, gonna thank you for three things here.

1: Thanks for helping me get involved in the nonsense that is the Zoofights RP Forum.

2: Thanks for starting this trend of every regular RPer having their own dang blog.

3: And thanks for making me want to play Kirby games again. I'm a little behind on the series and I like to game on a budget, so I'm going to get Epic Yarn for my birthday in a couple weeks.

I don't know how often I'll use this thing, but I have some ideas for what to put here in the future.


  1. Booyeah, bitches. And you're welcome for everything. Also, you're fucking awesome. :D

    I'm behind a bit, too. I played up to Kirby Squeak Squad, and I want to get Mass Attack soon... or Kirby: Return to Dreamland. Or both.

    Epic Yarn will have to wait D:

  2. Aw, that's sweet.

    And your birthday is in a couple of weeks? Awesome!

  3. his birthday is close to yours

    I owe you both presents D:
