Saturday, October 8, 2011

Of Sick Mantids

Why have I suddenly decided to have Widow Maker catch a cold in the bar? Why, because I've just gotten one myself. Bleck.

You know that feeling of impending doom you get when your throat starts feeling a little scratchy? Food and drink isn't going down as easily. Your nose runs a little. You're not fully sick, but you know that it's already started and there is absolutely nothing on Elohim's green earth that will keep you from falling headfirst into it? I had that feeling last night.

I hate that feeling.


  1. I know the feeling and so, so, SOOOO much more. I fucking hate that feeling. Springtime can be the worst, with me catching bronchitis and crap.

    It is the most horrible feeling in the world. I can tell you that much.

  2. Joining the cold crowd. Ugh, so many used tissues. I just want to sleep, or drink, or die. One of those.

  3. I've been sick AND at my own birthday party.

    Totally freaking worth it, though.
