Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cutting Room Floor

Over the course of the last summer, I've drawn many a picture in MS Paint for my characters, especially Widow Maker and Sarah. Since one can never anticipate for sure what will happen when RPing, a few drawings I've made went unused - all of them featuring Sarah. Here they are, for better or worse.

This evil white mage came about from a boredom-fueled drawing session. Is it Sarah? A doppelganger? One of her sisters? Who knows, because I never got that far! At one point I think I considered having Tiamat kidnap Sarah and her sisters and use them as a lure to get the Warriors of Light to the Flying Fortress, and they would be attacked by a possessed Sarah and try to come up with a way to free her without hurting her too badly.

Here is the problem with using a lot of pictures to show expressions in your RPing - when your character gets a new accessory, you have to acknowledge or handwave it. I had considered adding Sarah's locket to all her standard poses, but opted to have her keep it tucked away in her robe instead as I wasn't pleased with the result and didn't think it was worth the work.

Nothing special here, just the old idiot hair poking gif but faster.

Turns out Sarah never drank one of Hella Jeff's drinks (Bimp or Sweet Vermouth and Hella Gin).

"DUFES, has anennyone sene alex around anywear"


  1. You know what you should do?

    Give Alex a gif for poking Sarah's hair.

    Or both of them poking each other's hair.


  2. I just might have to take you up on that, milady.
