Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 153: And Den Meat Boy Trew Her Hed

Harp: i found my reaction sound to any and all omnious, dangerous villains
SteelKomodo: oh?
Harp: [luigi noises]
SteelKomodo: ...which one is it?
SteelKomodo: it's made up of all different ones
Harp: all of them
SteelKomodo: wat
Harp: but mainly "mama mia" and "BLEH"
Gooper Blooper: Siren staring down giant villain, opens her mouth, stream of Luigi voice clips
Harp: ...
Harp: brb crying and laughing


Procedural Dels: here's some real honest-to-god lore from endless legend
Procedural Dels: one faction, the broken lords, are nanobot ghost vampire knights
Procedural Dels: one of their heroes, when he was alive, was basically the shittiest knight ever
Saberwulf: pff
Procedural Dels: instead of jousting, he'd pretend to be ill and then introduce a sympathetic girl with big boobs to his "lance"
Procedural Dels: eventually his dad got fed up, sat him on a horse and told him to joust you fucking waster
Procedural Dels: he got wrecked
Procedural Dels: and then he decided to be the best knight ever instead
Procedural Dels: and then i guess he died and became a nanobot vampire ghost knight
Procedural Dels: THE END
Saberwulf: Nanobot ghost vampire Conrad
SteelKomodo: XD
Procedural Dels: ahahahahaha
Procedural Dels: "Mom, I don't wanna joust!" "Conrad David Svilzerian, I'll break your fucking arms if you don't get out there right now!"
Saberwulf: Mama Jonesy layin' down the law
Saberwulf: Also holy shit there's no way his middle name is David
Procedural Dels: it is
Saberwulf: Yesssss
Procedural Dels: i decided that as of right now
Saberwulf: "You're named after a goat I found in the garbage"
Procedural Dels: "Gee thanks mom"
Saberwulf: At least it wasn't like "you're named after the bravest men I knew, Conrad Airman Alexthejanitor Svilzerian"


Delvasion: TheDeleter: but hooray at least little conrad officially exists now
-Saberwulf: Conrad David Svilzerian I think you mean

-TheDeleter: no joke, i did actually consider making his middle name david at one point
-TheDeleter: i didn't dismiss it, i just never thought about it again :P
-Saberwulf: David is a very narcissistic person
-Saberwulf: Well if you ever want to change it, David knows some people. One day he's Conrad David Svilzerian, next day he's David Conrad Svilzerian

Delvasion: FUCK
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I was gonna say the other day del
Gooper Blooper: Middle name David was the plan from the start
Delvasion: It was always his middle name
Delvasion: Plot twist
Delvasion: Never Forget


Vengeance, making lasagna: I'm still having trouble working out how a single kobber in a two-day period could travel several hundred miles between targets, murder three boss-level characters and three point two five thousand mooks, and still come home for dinner when *on* screen, the dread pirates could wreck at him so bad on their lonesome.
-blows raspberry-
Gooper Blooper: Have you forgotten, FV?
Gooper Blooper: It's The Conservation of Ninjutsu. The more Razaans and pirates you toss in there, the faster they'll go!
Vengeance, making lasagna: That's a question I get posed more often than you'd think in-
Cornwind Evil: What GB said
Vengeance, making lasagna: oh.
Gooper Blooper: If this plot was just the real Razaan and Vanderdecken we'd be fucking screwed
Vengeance, making lasagna: -revises plans drastically-
Saberwulf: Obviously the Kobbers' soul coronas interacted so much over the years they all, through the conceptual realization of the "Kobber" title they foist upon themselves, unsticks them from reality which is why tiny magic ladies can fight godbeasts and not get exploded too hard
Saberwulf: Or I dunno maybe they're all Orks and the blood they spill makes them go faster
Delvasion: All kobbers are orks
Vengeance, making lasagna: Paint it all red, boys! Red! Crypt gray and omen black are right out! You must make it -DAKA!-
Delvasion: Now canon
Delvasion: Carol da meklady


elvasion: Its christmas advertising over here
Delvasion: Saw some chocolate santas in the local co-op
Gooper Blooper: santa no
Gooper Blooper: I love you but keep your jolly mug out of halloween, it ruins the mood
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: What
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: Why
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: Santa no
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: Can Christmasplot 2014 be that we stop Santa from taking over every holiday
Gooper Blooper: Santa's gone mad with power
Gooper Blooper: Not content with already being the most important holiday, he seeks to conquer the rest of the calendar
Vengeance, making lasagna: Stop spoiling JRM's plans for next year, Gooper! D: That's rude!
Gooper Blooper: (There's a very good reason I made Samhain dislike Christmas :V)
iKomodo: Oh lawd


Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: Q: I'm sure you're getting sick of all the trailer questions, so here's something different: How many times have you 100%ed rebirth? How long does it take you?
Edmund: it takes like 500 hours.. i havent done it yet

Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: ahahahahahahahahahahha
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: *gives 15 dollars over*
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: ahahahahahahhaha
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: *plays until my fingers break*
Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: *heat death of the universe happens one achievement away from Platinum God*


Dean (Titty Master) Ambrose: Oh my god
Gooper Blooper: the most intelligent news gathering
Deckropeman: the best way to make a documentary is to take a result from the first page of GIS results for "propaganda"


Saberwulf: I should probably try to figure out what David's doing
Gooper Blooper: Can anyone really "figure out" what David does


RubyChao: josephine.jpg
SteelKomodo: :3


SteelKomodo: right
SteelKomodo: time for me to wrap something up
Draco: Is it wrapped with bacon?
SteelKomodo: sorry, but no :/
Draco: Oh well.


RubyChao: time for a
Gooper Blooper: =O
Gooper Blooper: Samus, the Kraid was inside you all along. You just had to peer into your own soul.
Harpy: she's infected with METROID CELLS
Vengeance,unscripted: Samus has only been one of Kraid's many personalities all along. She embodies his desires to be pretty in some canons, gritty in others, and to lash out at his shitty coworkers in all of them.
Gooper Blooper: The plot twist is that now that Ridley is alive again he has written another fanfic
RubyChao: Other M 2: Otherer M
Gooper Blooper: "Samus and ridley had been going out for six months now."
Gooper Blooper: ^actual fanfic excerpt
RubyChao: samus's reaction to that metroid high school fanfic


Vengeance,unscripted: Don't give Josephine a Vault 13 jumpsuit. It may do equal to or greater nosebleed damage to Dirk type pokemon than Succubus suits. :\ If there's one thing it's good for, it's pronouncing butts.
SteelKomodo: ...
SteelKomodo gives Josephine a Vault 13 jumpsuit
SteelKomodo: #TheJokeIsButts
Vengeance,unscripted: Oh dear. Think ya killed 'im. D8
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "Dirk, I dunno if this is gonna fit" *DIRK INTENSIFIES*
SteelKomodo: *Dirk intensifies so hard he faints from blood rushing out of his head*


Gooper Blooper: I think you've noticed by now that this community is very supportive
Gooper Blooper: Spy in particular
RubyChao: people in this community only hate their own writing! :D
Harpy: ^
Bree: I know, and that's really helpful because I'm so hard on myself and so neurotic
Bree: mentalillness.txt
Harpy: my writing's atrocious but i keep on going because i'm a dumb
Gooper Blooper: So please please don't worry too much about what we'll think. Only a handful of plots have ever had really controversial reactions, and we always hashed it out in the end
Bree: it breaks my heart every time you say that about your own writing
Gooper Blooper: See, look, it's happening right now
Gooper Blooper: "my writing's bad" "no mine is" "I LOVE YOURS"
Bree: like I'll totally dump on my own writing but then everyone else goes "my writing is so fail" and I'm like "but...but...nooooo ;;"
Bree: I was legit telling Tom the other day (not SK; person me and Harpy know but you guys don't) that Harpy, and this is not a paraphrase, "has a billion fucking characters and creates a new one every three days but all of them are balls-out goddamn brilliant and I love them and I don't understand how she does it"
Bree: "like she just cranks out character after character but they're never boring or repetitive, I adore every single one, what is this shit"
Bree: I literally had a rant about the abundance and excellence of harpchars
Gooper Blooper: Alex was a huge dork before being a huge dork was popular


RubyChao: i thought the astronaut was gonna be JRM's new art character
RubyChao: *new character
RubyChao: how did that art get in there
RubyChao: go away art
Harpy: lel
Gooper Blooper: I thought the astronaut was going to be more important, too
Gooper Blooper: I mean he WAS important, just not in a "shows up a lot" way
Draco: We thought we'd get to see more of the astronaut, but JRM said "NAH-stro-NOT."
RubyChao: and then he saw him every other full moon up until -
RubyChao: my reaction to draco's pun


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Draco: Hi Spook.
Jumpropeman: dats racist :I
RubyChao: jumpropman!
RubyChao: you're just in time for probably nothing!
Jumpropeman: hot dog! Glad I didn't miss it!


Jumpropeman: man, I missed all the fun RP discussion
Jumpropeman: I could have been unnecessarily critical!
Jumpropeman: *swirls wine glass* You see, every RP character is like a flower, who needs proper care and maintenance to grow *puffs cigar*


Harpy: random tidbit that bugs me: for some reason I just view Juan as genderfluid if that makes sense, so I'm like, wondering how to make that clear in RP. If I should. Been rolling with it since Shiela mistook him for a Princess once and he just rolled with it. I dunno, it bugs me and bluh
Bree: can't really say how to show it
Bree: I think it relies on having opportunities and enough time to show it
Jumpropeman: obviously we will find it on his tumblr profile
Harpy: lel


RubyChao: "I went DAYS searching for the game. DAYS. Until, One I was about to give up, this strange man with bandages covering his eyes said to me: ” Take this. No refunds, just take it. And never come back.“
He handed me over Soulsilver, and he vanished. The game looked strange to me, because it had jirachi looking strait at me, but innocently.
The background was bloody, and the text font was bloody as well. and instead of saying soulSILVER, it said SoulWISH.
It was so damn weird to me, but I ignored it."

Gooper Blooper: yes a strange man just walks up to you and hands you a game that isn't even what you were looking for
Gooper Blooper: No refunds! Even though it was free!


RubyChao: >​labyrinth site hasn't updated in three solid months
RubyChao lies down


Cornwind Evil: I am here, where is SK
RubyChao: he's off fooding
Cornwind Evil: Food is now a verb I see
Delvasion: It is
RubyChao: yes


RubyChao: i'm still disappointed we can't get king k rool country back somehow, though ;_;
RubyChao: that was the truest epitome of crappypasta
RubyChao: the holy grail


Marco joined the chat

(Marco proceeds to link multiple porn sites, then leaves)

Jumpropeman: hold on a tick, checking out marco's crazy links
Jumpropeman changed name to Viru$Rop3M4n


RubyChao: "A few days ago my mom was cleaning up my room and she found my old pokemon blue and and a game boy color that my older cousin gave me a few years ago. I logged on and realized that I didn’t beat the elite four or get mew two so I decided a that I wanted to beat the game. After about 2 hours of playing I finally beat it and turned it off. I started thinking that I should sell it on ebay to get a few extra dollars. I sat down and texted my cousin that I found his old game. Then for an odd reason I wanted to play the game ,but once I turned the game on my saved file was deleted. I didn’t start a new game to overwrite the file but it was just gone. The game just deleted the file and the weird part was that I just texted my cousin that I was going to sell the game.( Note I changed the battery that is used to sa ve the game about 2 years ago so it couldn’t have ran out since the batterys last for about 5-10 years)"


RedSpy and Knuckles: I admit I forgot all about the reasons not to fuck with John Cena
RedSpy and Knuckles: I'm still amazed at how convincing his argument is


RedSpy and Knuckles: Goops, when 'm bck from dinner mind kicking joepine over to the bar
RedSpy and Knuckles: . . I missed at least 5 of those keys
Gooper Blooper: "joepine"
RubyChao: joepine
RubyChao: Joe Pine
Gooper Blooper: A Pineco with a headtowel


Viru$Rop3M4n: I have the extra time, so I'm going to give every skull Meat Boy throws a long backstory
Viru$Rop3M4n: "Savannah Mackenzie's trip aboard the titanic was an eventful one, even before the ship split in half and went under."
Viru$Rop3M4n: "and den meat boy trew her hed"


Gooper Blooper: >​the name of the goddess of sweets
Harpy: sarah actually somehow survived the Cookie Drought of 1879?
Gooper Blooper: She ceased to exist, but her soul energy persisted by hiding in a box of expired twinkies until many years later, when she reincarnated as the third child of a black mage
Viru$Rop3M4n: when she chose her name, it was an act of divine inspiration
Harpy: this weird canon
Harpy: i have no idea how to feel about it
Gooper Blooper: At the moment it is merely chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: If it is selected for a Chatzy Madness it becomes Chatzy Madness, with caps
Gooper Blooper: and then canon
Gooper Blooper: is the next step up
Viru$Rop3M4n: and then, it becomes reality
Harpy: D:
Gooper Blooper: there's tiers you see, not everything makes it to the top


Cornwind Evil: After my last name for 111
Gooper Blooper: It's not a competition, CW!
Viru$Rop3M4n: gooper, if you do actually name the next chatzy madness that, I will respectfully ask you to change it to something less dumb
Viru$Rop3M4n: or preferably, more dumb


Viru$Rop3M4n: have Ash and Christine ever "solved" a problem? They just seem to cause more when they do :V
Cornwind Evil: The downside of being a hero
Gooper Blooper: The downside of being a Cornwind hero


RubyChao: i got an ad for some kind of underwear with
RubyChao: "your butt will thank you"
RubyChao: that's all i need to say
Harpy: did Josephine make that comercial


Jumpropeman: chao, how could you forget the best Kraid
Jumpropeman: CAPTAIN N KRAID
RubyChao: is...... is there a Captain N Ridley
Bree: and Barbie just, didn't exist for that whole thing
Jumpropeman: yes
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: behold
Harpy: terrifying
Gooper Blooper: looks just like him
RubyChao: well i found ridley's form for 2015
Gooper Blooper: "IT'S A LIVIN! And by that I mean it hurts to live"
Jumpropeman: he looked different in the Captain N comic
Gooper Blooper: Original Ridley
HERE I AM!: Oh my god he looks ridiculous
Bree: Metroidplot 2020: Samus and Ridley trade bodies like a bad Freaky Friday parody
Bree: Ridley is less upset about it than you'd expect
Gooper Blooper: Can I add that I like how it's Samus saying he's "the pirate boss from metroid"
Gooper Blooper: "oh it's that enemy from that video game I'm in. Did you know I'm not real?"
RubyChao: you just know ridley would take to advantage of that to be all
RubyChao: *purposefully trips*
RubyChao: "...Samus, are you okay?"
Jumpropeman: Ridley in Samus's body goes to torch Bubs's Concession Stand "Here we go again!"
Bree: my mental image was more like Ridley staring in mirror muttering "stupid sexy rival" and admiring DEM CURVES
Bree: but then again I'm a terrible person
Bree: bree pls etc


HERE I AM!: Remember when I refused to believe this was real
Gooper Blooper: I thought it was really weird that you didn't think that was real
Gooper Blooper: It doesn't look any worse than the rest of the show
Gooper Blooper: And you can't mimic that DK singing
HERE I AM!: I really don't know
HERE I AM!: Something about it broke me
HERE I AM!: Maybe because I wasn't used to the weird Season 2 backgrounds for songs
RubyChao changed name to A METAL HEAD A METAL HEAD
A METAL HEAD A METAL HEAD: it's stuck in my head
Gooper Blooper changed name to A METAL HEAD
Harpy changed name to MeTaL HeAd

HERE I AM! changed name to A METAL HEAD


BABY STOP THE TIME!: The grand majority of Metroid games have no narrative but "Samus do the thing"


Weep wop WOOP!: I want to play as Nudist Meta Knight
Weep wop WOOP!: I mean Purple Kirby


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Jumpropeman: yo cotnrn
Jumpropeman: i... don't know how that happened


Cornwind Evil: As a contrarion, Sammy is a bad character
Gooper Blooper: cornwind joke attempt
Cornwind Evil: Compared to my wholly original character, Blammy
RubyChao: *All of Gooper's characters immediately turn on CW's*
Cornwind Evil: God damn it Harpy
Cornwind Evil: You just made me spit my drink all over the wall
Keeby: GOOD
Keeby: fuck you and your soda
Keeby: :U


RubyChao: harpy holds the Harpy Character Melee
RubyChao: Waluigi runs in and wins
Jumpropeman: JRM Royal Rumble: A bunch of old people fite and nobody wins
RubyChao: watch, Royal Rumble III comes down to Letty vs. Regigigas
RubyChao: then it turns out I rigged it somehow
RubyChao: "Who let this ruby chao pick the seeding!?"
Gooper Blooper: Letty had drawn number four but she stayed in the whole time because no one could get her over the ropes


Keeby: posted
Keeby: sonia sheenanigans
Gooper Blooper: every time you post with sonia she gets better
Gooper Blooper: It's like when you first debuted sammy
Keeby: only Sonia may not return next year
Keeby: get 'er when she's hot
Keeby: *insert Sonia in a bikini here*
Gooper Blooper: 2hot4tv


Gooper Blooper: Mother Brain in october means she'll probably see what happens to most of the other big plots
Gooper Blooper: and then she's still BUT I'M A BRAIN IN A JAR LET'S FORGE AHEAD
Chao: "They'll be so tired after killing all those other threats, they won't be able to withstand my assault on top of it!"


Draco: Aw...Del locked the Drink Yer Mates thread. I was gonna go post "Zook is alive"

Delvasion: If wulf poofs on tell him HUGE DORKS

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