Monday, October 27, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 157: The Clefable With the Plan

SteelKomodo: um, i remember saying there was gonna be a silly thing to offset Calicoplot
SteelKomodo: ...can I get back to you on that?
RubyChao: and then smash ate SK and we never saw him again


Gooper Blooper: new stupid comic featuring an entirely different Brawl In The Family than what we're used to


Cornwind Evil: Time to traumatize Cauren again
SteelKomodo: once, we traumatized Beck. Now it's Cauren's turn!
SteelKomodo: at the bar, Beck puts a consoling arm around Cauren
SteelKomodo: "Trust me, I know how you feel."
Bree: ...I have this dumb mental image of Beck's arm being too short to go around Cauren's shoulders, so he uses the Xel and his arm extends until it's long enough
Bree: I don't know why
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: trust me, he'd do it, too


Bree: also apparently in Awful Tumblr RP, Okuu has a babby
Bree: the character called "Oni" calls her mother
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: okuu cravings
iKomodo: oh lawd
iKomodo: Pit: ...MY ENTIRE FRIDGE D:
RubyChao: combine the joke about god-based cravings and recent rp events
RubyChao: the succubi just better avoid okuu for months
Gooper Blooper: Sarah and Utsuho get cravings at the same time, Shimmer just stands there in complete awe
Bree: eate all the foode
iKomodo: hahahahahahaha
Bree: but srsly, Okuu is allowed to eat Pit's entire fridge, I mean it would be Pit's babby XD
Bree: he should own up to it
Bree: just let Okuu eat the fridge itself if she wants to
Gooper Blooper: okuu eats the entire ZFS and that's why we have to change settings
iKomodo: Dirk: ...I'm seriously not gonna make a comment here.
Gooper Blooper: The last post is the front half of the ship crashing into Las Vegas while Okuu eats the controls
Summoned Vengeance: Oh goodness.
RubyChao: relevant
Bree: okuu put on some weight
Gooper Blooper: it all went to her chest
iKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and suddenly, boobs
Bree: (tenshi is jealous)
iKomodo: Pit: *embarrassedface.png*
Summoned Vengeance: Hehhhh.


RubyChao: doppleganger pretends to be tenshi
RubyChao: literally nobody is fooled
Gooper Blooper: I would not mind seeing another doppelganger if they're really really fucking awful at copying people, because all the ZFRP doppelgangers are always like "IT'S A PERFECT CLONE, NOBODY CAN TELL, THEY'VE BEEN SPYING FOR MONTHS"
Gooper Blooper: It'll be like the Crystal Palace in Paper Mario 64 where a duplighost transforms into Koopa Koot and insists it's Kooper
Harpy: yes plz
RubyChao: "No, no, I'm totally Utsuho. Now go fuck yourself."
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: *female red mage eating salad* "But I AM Sarah Triden!"


iKomodo: is Harps allowed to get involved?
Top Del: yiss harp can play
Harpy: thank
Gooper Blooper: I love how harpy has adapted Hansel's "thank"
Gooper Blooper: it amuses me
Harpy: well when you name yourself keeby you are bound to get one of the character's traits
Harpy: much like you make art like gooper blooper does
Harpy: and RubyChao is probably incredible adorable and people pet his hair all the time
Harpy: and he is utterly confused
Gooper Blooper: The Mario GB makes art? In the sense of spraying ink everywhere I guess
Harpy: yes, Goops
Harpy: nobody understands his abstact art and mario just cleaned it up
Harpy: he is incredibly sad


Harpy: >​budew
Gooper Blooper: budew is very small
Harpy: *kills it with flame charge*
Harpy: *Poison point*
Gooper Blooper: REVENGE


RubyChao: that reminds me, there's a character in this agatha christie book i'm reading
RubyChao: named
RubyChao: josephine
RubyChao: (she is nothing like rp josephine)


Bree: I'm legit considering putting together a Sammy Costume and then taking a bunch of pictures
Bree: for Harpy
Gooper Blooper: oh god the ultimate ruined
Bree: I rarely do anything for Halloween so I was like "I know! Sammy cosplay!"
Gooper Blooper: I love it
Gooper Blooper: kobber cosplay


RubyChao: i'm not dead
RubyChao is actually a ghost
Gooper Blooper: 2spooky


RubyChao: "The Gengar was actually talking! Then it said “VOID used PROTECT!” I’m not even sure Protect was a move in 2nd gen!"
RubyChao: lel
Gooper Blooper: you fucking crappypasta writer, it would take less than two minutes to google "Bulbapedia Protect" to see that it was a gen 2 move


Jumpropeman: first come first serva mamasita
Jumpropeman: *mamacita
Jumpropeman: *serve
Jumpropeman: *can'tspellever
Jumpropeman: sheep may not be around, but I keep his typos alive
Gooper Blooper: rip sheep posting things :<
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: Sheep ;;
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: One day Sheep and Erebus and Saguaro PI and Owltomaton will come back to us
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: I know it!
Jumpropeman: but not Designate
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: And Designate
RubyChao: but not Devil Ed
Jumpropeman: maybe when he's older
Jumpropeman: like, 63
Jumpropeman: we can invite him back
RubyChao: at least he can probably rp when he's 63
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: And Devil Ed, who's grown and matured and become the King of Writing
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: Everyone will be back
RubyChao: but not The Supporter
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: And we'll have a 100-kobber Big Bar Braw-
Harpy: fuck the supporter
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: Okay yeah no not the Supporter
RubyChao: everyone except for the supporter
Jumpropeman: *burns Supporter in effigy*


RubyChao: i found a game named "The Mirror Lied"
RubyChao: does...
RubyChao: does this mean skurvy lied to me D:
Jumpropeman: this is obviously a horror game
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: This game's title offends Skurvy personally


Jumpropeman: I'm playing a dangerous game with the pokemon I intend to RP next year
Jumpropeman: if it crops up in RP before I make him, I throwing him out
Jumpropeman: luckily, I have picked the lamest pokemon to RP
Jumpropeman: so it hopefully won't be a problem
RubyChao: but goops is already roleplaying beheeyem
Jumpropeman: good point. SECOND lamest


Jumpropeman: Shimmer's gonna try and become a big eater like her best friends
Jumpropeman: "DAMMIT! How am I supposed to fit a whole watermelon in my mouth?"


Jumpropeman: I don't nickname my pokemon, and the one time I did, I ended up with a level 80-something Pidgeot named Fly High as my main poke
Jumpropeman: and my Red Gyarados was nicknamed THE RED ONE, but because of limitations, it became THEREDONE, which looks more like THERE, DONE
RubyChao: i don't even remember what my early pogey nicknames were
RubyChao: considering the couple i do remember are things like ????????? the hypno
RubyChao: it's probably for the best
Jumpropeman: I have a tentacool I accidentally caught named BAJINKIERS and I found an egg in my PC once that I decided to hatch to find out what it was. Turned out, it was an onix, so I gave it the appropriate name WTF??????


RubyChao: and by that he means
RubyChao: spy said "do you think this is a good idea"
AAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA: And he said "lel that works"


Harpy: shimmer pokin idot hairs


Jumpropeman: "Jumpropeman: my plot hint
Cornwind Evil: So in JRM's plot, we will have to go club seals
Goops McMahon: JRM's plot will be very sad"

Jumpropeman: like most things I do, even the coming of the Fat Seal was foretold


Wait Gys: Guys I have an important question
Wait Gys: Is there Diretide this year
Top Del: No
Top Del: Valve did a blogpost about it
Wait Gys: . . . So they didn't つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE


Vengeance: Bible, curiously, is merely greek for 'book'. Tis why bibliophilia refers to the extreme love of books or reading, whether one means in the usual negative connotations of 'philia' or simple as a noted massive character trait. : P It's common policy to mean 'the Holy Christian Bible' when referring to 'the bible', mind you, but I could technically just as easily refer to the Mnemosyne Anthology or any other book as such, and you would never know without further detail.
Vengeance: Muahahahahahahaaaaaa
Vengeance: I like the bibles. I like almost all of them.
Saberwulf: Well yeah, it's just like how the Babylonian creation myth is called Enuma Elish
iDel: Enuma fish
Saberwulf: It's just the first sentence
Saberwulf: It's just the first sentence
Saberwulf: It's just the first sentence
Saberwulf: Fuck
Saberwulf: Goddamn internetttt


RubyChao: "There is no one calling, however. No ghosts, no apparitions, no ai. Just a unmanned phone ringing a number."
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: oh no
RubyChao: it's
RubyChao: it's


RubyChao: labyrinth update
RubyChao: it is just two or three days from being four months since the site updated
RubyChao gets up, digs a hole, lies down in the hole


Jumpropeman: I was reading old chatzy madness last night
Jumpropeman: and I found this line
Jumpropeman: SteelKomodo: this is RP
-SteelKomodo: dogs cannot die in RP

Gooper Blooper: you sure showed him, JRM :V
iKomodo: Oh god D:


iKomodo dances for no reason.
RubyChao dies.


Vengeance: They made an ice cream type pokemon and a cow type, further legitimizing my long held desire to eat pikachu.
Gooper Blooper: the static gives pikameat a kick


(Cauren gets a cursed gun that allows the wielder to summon those it kills)

Cornwind Evil: It replicates what it kills, technically
Jumpropeman: we in the business call it the Gloria Gun



iKomodo: I never got why Pumpkinhead was called that
iKomodo: if he was something like a scarecrow or plant elemental, I could dig it
iKomodo: but his head doesn't even look like a pumpkin!


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
iKomodo: WB geeps
iKomodo: ...geeps? Did I really type that?
iKomodo: jeez D:


Gooper Blooper: Bree you're not gonna believe this but
Gooper Blooper: Teshni is about to result in character development for Viola
Bree: ...lel what
Bree: how
Bree: what
Bree: why
Bree: what
Bree: bree.exe has encountered a problem and needs to restart
Bree: wow


RubyChao: "Actually, before I go, the parts of the episode that were skipped, the script text for that part was illegible. So I wasn't even able to ascertain the actual plot."
RubyChao: what a fucking copout
Gooper Blooper: "also I dropped my camera and the files deleted themselves"
Gooper Blooper: "but it's real guys"
Draco: Creepypasta Peter, why you lie to me? D:


Venbad da Zailor: Poor Cauren winds up getting left on planet by accident somewhere in the off season that hasn't seen David Wulf's anime or heard in the ZFS, gets committed to a ward instantly.
Doctor A: Yes, the patient is suffering from profound delusions, including that bird women want to eat her family and that one ate her mother; that she is in fact fifteen feet tall and can turn into metal; that she's best friends with an android and a sarcastic talking box; and, of course, the intense delirium as to dolls being people. She seems almost maternally defensive as to the last one. : i Claims aliens on a spaceship gave her tentacles for clothing, or something.
Doctor B: Is she hostile?
Doctor A: No. Deranged, yes, but apparently completely harmless.
Doctor C: Why does it indicate wanting a carol to 'fixxy' things? Is she fond of music?
-mutual shrug-


SteelKomodo: "tak-sin" and "little black dress" in the same sentence
SteelKomodo: oh my~
Tableter: ~~~


Jumpropeman: "grinned the lesbro"
Jumpropeman: if I had not pig business to attend to, that line would be my new signature
Venbad da Zailor: Hehhehhhehhheh.
Venbad da Zailor: So how is bringing home the bacon going? Sales of pig iron up? You ever have to hoof it to the market? People squealing for your product?
Venbad da Zailor shot


Harpy: you have no idea how many pictures of succubus booty people were sending Janet so they can be featured in her article
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Harpy: Janet just preferred to use a Shimmersuho picture
Gooper Blooper: I am sure Sarah defeating a demon lord by sitting on him was handled very tastefully
Harpy: you have no idea how many letters she got about that
Venbad da Zailor: Heh.
Harpy: "TELL HER SHE NEEDS TO LOSE WEIGHT" "maybe you need to lose your attitude. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~"
Gooper Blooper: oh snap


Harpy: [8:06:54 PM] HarpyKuro: i never realized
[8:07:02 PM] HarpyKuro: just how much I wanted Widow Maker in Street Fighter


Gooper Blooper: today I bought a giant cookie
Saberwulf: Did it taste good
Gooper Blooper: I haven't eaten it yet
Gooper Blooper: pumpkin bread took priority
Saberwulf: Ah
Saberwulf: Never been a big fan of pumpkin stuff
Saberwulf: Thank god apple stuff is big around this time
Gooper Blooper: FALL STUFF
Saberwulf: AUTUMN SHIT
Gooper Blooper: I like being seasonal, it makes little things seem more special in a "only for a limited time" kinda way
Gooper Blooper: And now through December is MAXIMUM SEASONAL
Harpy: please do not shit an entire season
Harpy: david no


RubyChao: anyhow have some absolute dreck in celebration of creepypasta night
Gooper Blooper: "there was a begining but it was crap!!"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: This writer had STANDARDS
Gooper Blooper: I want to see what did not meet said standards


Harpy: who would pair pit with alex
Cornwind Evil: Fans, Harpy


RubyChao: a bad thing happened offscreen you guys
the walking dead: Zephyrus and Oceanus got eaten by dire weasels?
RubyChao: spy you jerk don't spoil it D:
Gooper Blooper: Sarah is sick and can't eat anything


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between RP and no. Chatzy chose: no
Harpy: screw you ma i do what i want
Jumpropeman: don't worry chatzy, you're my friend. give me good rolls today you crappy chatroom B|


Jumpropeman: I saw this picture yesterday and thought of Goops
Jumpropeman: its probably just supposed to be a generic female, but it looked like Viola playing a 3ds and hearing Paper Mario music
Jumpropeman: which is the most gooper thing imaginable
Gooper Blooper: pretty much
Gooper Blooper: aside from, like, a white mage riding Godzilla and waving a rubber skeleton and a GameCube


(Sammy the Clefable, first seen months ago as the Accidental God Cleffa, has grown up)

Harpy: >​sammy lvl 95
Harpy: scared


Harpy: Desghidora: Lvl 64 Hydreigon
Harpy: Michelle: Lvl 79 Milotic
Harpy: Dozerette, lvl 72 Mawile with mawilite
Harpy: Pyralis, Lvl 78 Chandelure
Harpy: ...I didn't mean to put my pumpkaboo in my team
Harpy: Alex, lvl 69 Chestnaught
Harpy: and finally
Harpy: the clefable with the plan
Harpy: lvl 95 Sammy B)
Gooper Blooper: hell yeah
SteelKomodo: aw yisssss

(shortly thereafter)


(and after that)

Harpy: where is kaleb now
the walking dead: Where In The World Is Useless Semirobotic Jerk
Harpy: >​Clefable
Gooper Blooper: Don't you get it harpy
Gooper Blooper: He's gotten so desperate he tried copying you
Gooper Blooper: "I'LL GET MY OWN SAMMY"
Gooper Blooper: YES


the walking dead: I'm finally listening to John Cena's song don't wanna fuck with us
the walking dead: I'm really not seeing any especially pressing reasoning behind not fucking with him
the walking dead: I mean he's asking us not to
Gooper Blooper: does he say please
the walking dead: No, but he does specifically warn bitch ass crews
the walking dead: Are we a bitch ass crew guys? I need opinions here
Cornwind Evil: None of us are female dogs
Cornwind Evil: So we cannot form a crew of that sort
Cornwind Evil: Ergo, no.
Gooper Blooper: butt joke goes here
the walking dead: Then let's all go fuck with John Cena!
Gooper Blooper: John Cena final boss 2015
the walking dead asked Chatzy to choose between B, U, T, T and S. Chatzy chose: T
the walking dead: . . . But which T


Jumpropeman: I was technically premature, but I was becoming such a big fat baby they had to remove me early
RubyChao: was that because you're a fat seal, jrm
Jumpropeman: yes, I was born on the beach
Jumpropeman: I was attacked by seagulls and crabs as I raced towards the ocean
Jumpropeman: then I realized I'm not a sea turtle
Jumpropeman: but my fat kept me afloat


Cornwind Evil: Oh look, a classic nigerian prince email scam
Cornwind Evil: In my inbox
Cornwind Evil: "l know this my mail will come to you as a big surprise, since we have not meet before, neither have we been in contact to each other. My name is Dr. Karin Abbas, I am from Libya, I was the director in the central bank of Libya, before Col. Gadhafi was killed. I made my escape from Libya, during the uprising that killed the president and many members of his family and government officials. l was send on a diplomatic mission to Russia to purchase arms and ammunition by our leader Colonel Mum mar Gadhafi, I have with me the sum of Us$ 16.5 Million, which l have deposited in a private security company here in Lome-Togo. Meanwhile, I need a partner very capable and honest like you to receive the money in his country, so I can make further use of the amount into a lucrative business investment purpose in your country. If you can assists me to receive the money into your account in your country or any other country you have account, I will be very willing to share the money with you, 40% for you as my business partner, and the balance 60% will be for me and my family, and we shall join our shares together and establish a mutual business venture in your country. Please kindly reply me, so I can give you more details. Thanks and best regard. Dr. Karin Abbas Lome-Togo"
Gooper Blooper: Somehow, these emails are still sent in the year 2014
RubyChao: Dr. Kairen Abbas Lome-Togo sounds honest to me!
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Kairen Abbas Lome-Togo final boss 2014


Vendictated: It always amused me in a kind of sad way that 'dork' is considered a kinder insult that 'faggot', though the words started on opposite sides of the spectrum. A faggot referred to tinder at first and later to something one burns, and is still how many cigarettes in the UK are referred to. It only became derogatory when associated with -people- one wished to burn alive. Dork, on the other hand, is the scientific term for a whale's penis.
iKomodo: ...well
iKomodo: now I know


Tableter: Pull over dat ass 2phat
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: #Dirkbutt


Jumpropeman: in Smash for 3DS, my Mii Gunner character is Rebecca. As in Designate's character Rebecca
Jumpropeman: sadly there are no stun batons for miis, so gun arm will have to do
Gooper Blooper: I made that Mii!
Jumpropeman: you did! But I added a nose
Jumpropeman: because that's what I do to your stuff Goops
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha
Jumpropeman: ADD NOSES
Gooper Blooper: YOU FIEND
Jumpropeman: you all thought I was all about legs, but I've been secretly a nose man this whole time!
Gooper Blooper: can't do it to melody though
Gooper Blooper: she legit actually has no nose
Jumpropeman: *plops a squidward nose on it*
Jumpropeman: there, she's perfect
Jumpropeman: now she's art
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: you bastard I was doing the same thing XD
the walking dead: I lost it xD
Harpy: amazing
Jumpropeman: she's beautiful goops

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