Friday, March 9, 2018

New Recruits


Officer Browny peered through the papers in his hands one last time. He didn't need to - he already knew the decisions he was going to make - but he always did enjoy being organized and thorough. Before him sat two recruits, awaiting his word on whether or not he would allow their transfer to the ZFPD.

The first possible new recruit was a prodigy. Still young and youthful, she was as smart as a whip, extremely capable, and fast on her feet. She had had great success in her previous assignments, always coming out on top against physically superior foes and making her way through obstacle courses like it was a stroll down the street. And the additional backup she requested seemed promising, as well, though it may take time to approve them as well.

Then there was the other one.

Hoo boy.

If Browny had had a tongue, he'd have been tut-tutting as soon as he'd laid eyes on her papers. The second applicant was a disaster. Plagued by rotten luck, poor decisions, and her own inability, she came here not as a rising star looking to work with the Kobbers, but as a desperate woman who had already been fired from multiple previous districts. When he'd called her sole reference, Browny had been told in no uncertain words that the girl was nothing but trouble.

It was a no-brainer decision, really, but he still took his time before he finally spoke. Browny turned his gaze to the first applicant. "You have shown tremendous ability, and I would be honored to work with you to keep the island safe. I look forward to our time on patrol together, Officer Wagon."

"Glad to be aboard, Officer Browny, sir. I'm looking forward to it myself!"

Browny and Patricia Wagon shared a friendly handshake. Then he turned to the other girl, who was shaking like a leaf.


"I didn't get the job, did I? I KNEW IT! I always SCREW THINGS UP! I never should have bothered applying..."

"Um, Miss-"

"No, no, you don't have to lie to me to make me feel better... I'm sure my old boss told you all about me... now I'll never get my chance to see Tron-"



"You're hired."

"I... I'm what?"

"You're hired too, Officer Marmalade."

"I-I am?! But why me? Why take a chance on me when Officer Wagon is so-"

"This isn't about comparing you to her. This is about evaluating each of you on your own merits as possible additions to the force. And while I am very pleased with Officer Wagon's track record, I will not toss you aside. I believe in giving people a chance, Officer Marmalade. That's what the Kobbers are about, and that's what the ZFPD is about as well. My coworkers are an... odd bunch, but they are surprisingly effective. I believe that if you're to discover your potential, your niche as a cop, you'll find it here with us.

So welcome aboard, Officer Marmalade."

Denise Marmalade rubbed the tears out of her eyes and snatched Browny up in a big hug. "Thank you!!! I-I promise I won't make you regret giving me a chance!"

The short policebot wiggled in Denise's grip, "Y-yes, yes, all well and good! Now put me down, please."

"OH! Right right right sorry!!"


"You hired the incompetent?!"

"As a matter of fact, I did. And she's not incompetent, she's just unlucky. She deserves a chance."

"Your heart is too soft for this work, Browny. No wonder they sent me."

"Hmph. I SHOULD have been able to approve or deny YOU, as well. I have seniority."

"You're out of date. I'm the next generation of policebot. And don't you forget it!"

"Yes, of course, SIR. My apologies."

Browny stalked away from the other robot, grumbling quietly to himself under his breath. Some guy he'd never heard of before swooping in and trying to run the department. He'd been here two weeks and Browny hated him already.

Who hired that guy, anyway?


Patricia Wagon
Denise Marmalade
Heavy Gunner


  1. Reminder that Theodore and Inch were both on the Vegas police force because their superiors were desperate to get rid of them! Marmalade will fit right in with my boys.

    And Patty will pick up their slack I suppose :V

    This Heavy Gunner guy though looks like a swell fella!

  2. I am Heavy Weapons Officer, and my weapon.

  3. Caprice is so happy to work alongside these perfectly normal individuals on this perfectly normal police force.
