Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 307: Suffer, Small Nerd

MobileDrac: Pretty sure my wrap up will be "Zeldoten steals Rifa's bouquet and eats it."


ivel: I'll try to play Neverwinter Nights in the offtime to see what Deekin can do again
ivel: there is one thing I didn't get to show off~
Draco: His chainsawchucks?
ivel: well now that you ruined it, no :I
Draco: ^n^


RubyChao: i'm finally awake again which is nice


Cornwind Evil: Okay JRM
Jumpropeman: yo
Cornwind Evil: Do you know what you have made me do?
Cornwind Evil: All your biggening, all your madness?
Cornwind Evil: For the first time, in my life...I have bought a Dr. Pepper
MobileDrac: WHAT
Jumpropeman: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Cornwind Evil: And it is sitting right next to me ready to be opened
Cornwind Evil: You want proof? ONE SECOND
Jumpropeman: cornwind no
Jumpropeman: you don't need to mail me an envelope full of it
Jumpropeman: i believe you


RubyChao: hi
SteelKomodo: sup
RubyChao: working on epilogues
RubyChao: someday i will run out of answers to "sup" and then what, sk
RubyChao: then what
SteelKomodo: then I'll think of something else to say :P


Draco sets up next year's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden plot.
ivel sets up THIS year's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden plot BI

Gooper Blooper: Gino: Shut Up and Jam
Gooper Blooper: the hit new vidya everyone's talking about
ivel: more like Gino: Shut Up
Draco: MAGICK: And Jam
ivel: I just had the mental image of a game that's just Gino telling people to shut up
ivel: Game of the Year
Gooper Blooper: Gino Cini, Ace Attorney
Gooper Blooper: his special lawyer ability is forcing a testimony he can't find a contradiction in to end early with "SHUT UP"
ivel: "OBJECTION!" "No. Shut up."
Gooper Blooper: I remember me and Chao once joked about a Kasumi AA game
Gooper Blooper: her special exclamation was also Shut Up
ivel: lel


Big Questions: ive been feeling blogposts maybe but nothing strong right now
Brinehammer: Nice! I've got an beginning and middle but no end Like my plots lololol
Big Questions: lol same


RubyChao: "All in all, the users will love their virtual world even more than they love their real world. They will crave their virtual world, they will need it... want it... constantly be in it... after all, it's everything they have dreamed of in life. Having a truly happy, wonderful, innocent time without costing them any money... Why wouldn't they enjoy this wonderful virtual gaming world...?" i'm reading kickstarters and
RubyChao: this sounds like a supervillain speech
Gooper Blooper: oh man I actually recognize that snippet
Gooper Blooper: and yeah that could basically be a direct quote from a kobber villain
ivel: it really does
ivel: holy shit
Draco: It's Mecha-Scarlet.


Jumpropeman: not sure fite crew need an epilogue
Rr foams at mouth


MobileDrac: Wonder Woman sure had a wonderful woman in it.
Jumpropeman: if you're referring to Etta Candy, then I agree
MobileDrac: Yes.


Jumpropeman: what sparked the return to prinnies
Jumpropeman: one day they just popped back up in rp
Brandon Carter: first it was just me getting the urge
Brandon Carter: then it was me realizing there was a plot thread I introduced back in 2014 (two, actually, but one i won't get to this year)
Brandon Carter: and it spun into what will be my best attempt at a Megaplot
Jumpropeman: its a bit late to get to a plot this year! Nyuck nyuck nyuck
Brinehammer: Hey ya'll. I feel bad for Jaws, dang How's it going?
Brandon Carter: tentatively named "Diaplot" but i guess you could really call it "Cheng'de Plot"
Jumpropeman: Cheng'de are you watching!?


Jumpropeman: gonna rotate my profiles probably tomorrow
Jumpropeman: there is one (1) character who did not get a teaser and won't get a profile proper juuuuuuust in case
Jumpropeman: their name is Harthopoeia and I'm combining both of the failed ideas
Knight of the Living Bread: Gawaine's Words fought valiantly, but the time slots are just already taken.
Gooper Blooper: All of your rejected characters form... a mass. Can't call it RejectMass, I'll get back to you
RubyChao: Infini Characters
Jumpropeman: the JRM method is to take failed ideas and rope them back in as antagonists
Jumpropeman: remember when we permakilled Faith just as I planned
Jumpropeman: good times
Brandon Carter: ha
Brandon Carter: meanwhile i'm just trying to control myself
Brandon Carter: i am sorry draco for holding parsee hostage
Draco: Don't be. :V
Gooper Blooper: It took a few tries, but Faith finally found her groove
Draco: Just in time for her to retire. :D
Jumpropeman: "I'd originally planned to use the Deadly Six a lot more, as shown by my entering one of their members in my yearly "Newbie open challenge" that year. They'll get their chance to do stuff next year, probably."
Jumpropeman: I was waiting for some Zazz
Jumpropeman: every ambiguous character I spotted in Draco RP
Jumpropeman: I thought "Is this Zazz"


Gooper Blooper: MAGIC having all that Red Comet merch made me smile
Brandon Carter: one of her robes is secretly one like Rachel's.
Jumpropeman: MAGIC's only her number 2 fan though
Brandon Carter: Sumi's the first, right
Brandon Carter: RIGHT
Jumpropeman: good joke
Brandon Carter: D:
Jumpropeman: Rachel's number one fan
Jumpropeman: is me BI
Brandon Carter: is that why all your characters fall over her
Brandon Carter: : O
Gooper Blooper: never forget
RubyChao: can't wait for her to crash and burn in the next brawl 🙂
Jumpropeman: aw sugar
Jumpropeman: that could happen couldn't it
Jumpropeman: *gets a team of NASA sciences to research how to prevent it*
Jumpropeman: *not scientists, sciences
Jumpropeman: *so serious I must employ meta concepts


Brinehammer: I'm picking my Brawl roster out of a hat, it's going to suck be awesome.


Draco: Parsee is ready for the next Twisted Metal.
Jumpropeman: You will ride eternal, paru and chrome
Jumpropeman: *reads comment on image* good
Jumpropeman: now if only they forced in her catchphrase with all the grace of a tapdancing hippo like i did
Gooper Blooper: XD


PhoneDel enters Vince into the brawl again
PhoneDel: Suffer, small nerd


Jumpropeman: this month's PS+ freebies are unimpressive
Gooper Blooper: Knack and Knack 2
Jumpropeman: partly because they decided to put PSVR stuff
Jumpropeman: come on goops
Jumpropeman: that would be the best month ever
Gooper Blooper: only if they fixed Knack 2
Jumpropeman: we'll see which comes first
Jumpropeman: Knackplot or Knackpatch


Bree: that bit at the end of clashplot where rachel and dolby played that montage of elementals being people
Bree: and it actually working
Bree: is in my top five most satisfying moments of ZFRP Season 7
Bree: it wasn't just that goops had a really fucking incredible idea - he did, but that's not all of it
Bree: the fact that you decided to let it work and have the guy's opinion actually be changed by the new information
Bree: that was a huge part of what made it, just, like, the greatest fucking thing
Gooper Blooper: I started using Dolby as, like, Nerd Club's toolbox this season
Gooper Blooper: she was doing stuff like that and blepping out printouts for them and stuff
Brinehammer: That post hit hard as hell. I had to put my IPad down and walk away for a second afterward. Like, Goops pretty much wrote out a 21.
Gooper Blooper: Aww, thank :3
Bree: yeah, it was some intense feels
Bree: that post and the followup made me cry
Bree: real tears
Gooper Blooper: After everything they'd been through these two seasons, it felt right to go for that angle
Bree: although I'm embarrassingly prone to crying over RP shit, so I mean
Bree: also yes dolby being nerd club's "toolbox" is funny and I love it
RubyChao: i like dolby doing that
Bree: although I still sort of want to see you take it to its logical extreme as like a one-off gag, like, dolby has had projectors and printers and then at some point nerd club's like "we need [insert incredibly large, heavy object here]!" and dolby spits one up and everyone except nerd club is like "HOW DID YOU FIT THAT THERE"
Bree: like for some bizarre reason we need one million tamagotchis right now this very second and dolby's like "I got dis" and then vomits up one million tamagotchis
Gooper Blooper: dolbyspace
Bree: that's sort of taking it in a more amity-esque direction because amity's ability to spit out useful stuff at random moments is primarily used for idiocy
Bree: now that I've described the idea in chat it probably won't get used because we all prefer being original
Bree: but like
Bree: if dolby was my character
Bree: I'd have some stupid moment where she does something impossible and then it's like "dolby how the fuck" "oh I had sine turn me into a walking bag of holding. I'm bigger on the inside!"
Bree: and then dolby was a TARDIS, the end
Bree: ...this might or might not be influenced by my D&D group and our inability to use bags of holding as they are intended to be used
Bree: we're officially keeping the druid in our bag of holding now
Draco: How does he breathe?
Bree: we don't know, and we don't really care :V
Bree: (rule of funny)
Draco: Fair enough.
Bree: the joke is none of the other party members like the druid because he's... weird
Bree: and the guy who plays the druid is perpetually forgetting to show up so now whenever he's not around, they just shove the druid in the bag of holding so they don't have to deal with him
ivel: lel
Bree: we get into fights and it's just like "DEPLOY THE BAG OF HOLDING", fighter throws it at someone and a grizzly bear comes out of it


Brandon Carter: that feeling when you watch cuphead and you're like "man, this screams vegas. but we're in kuwahawi."
Brandon Carter: oh well
Jumpropeman: that's why I abandoned my plan to RP King Dice


(Ivel advertises a free game deal)

Jumpropeman: free video games?
Jumpropeman: as a man with a small video game collection, this is good news to me
Jumpropeman: maybe I can finally play some of those hit games like Solitaire and Minesweeper
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Jumpropeman: I'm a bit worried though because I'm not very good at sweeping in real life. Adding mines to the mix means it's only gonna be harder
ivel: you'd think so, but I found it's the best way to improve


PhoneDel: VERY important dota 2 update
PhoneDel: Skeleton King can now summon skeletons


RubyChao: i enjoy nitori getting chewed out for being a greedy bitch every so often
RubyChao: cause
RubyChao: she is


Brandon Carter: >randomizing names for a skull mage
Brandon Carter: >Formaldehyde
Brandon Carter: sounds like one of Monoxide's gang members, sheesh
MobileDrac: Angelica was a precious, kaiju-making angel. ;-;7
Cornwind Evil: Maybe she would have been without the brain damage
Cornwind Evil: Though keep in mind my thing was less 'save Angelica' and more 'punish Monoxide'
MobileDrac: Angelica was just like DeMonde at that age. Young, carefree, interested in making horrifying abominations.
MobileDrac: Had a monocle...
Cornwind Evil: Does DeMonde even need a monocle?
Draco: Yes.
Cornwind Evil: What does she use it for
Draco: Seeing.


Gooper Blooper: "Schoolhouse Rock: Earth marked the first time in seven years that the crew released new songs. Unfortunately, almost none of them, if any, hold up against the classic songs. When counting only the seasons that aired on ABC, Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips would get deemed the weakest."
Gooper Blooper: >throwing shade on Mr. Chips
Gooper Blooper: no respect for the dead
Jumpropeman: D:<
Draco: Wow. Woooooow. Vicious.


Jumpropeman: Big Lots maybe shouldn't put that guy on every sale sign


Delmerica (Ireland Is A Silly Place) joined the chat
Delmerica: The eagle has landed
Delmerica: See you soon if the hotel WiFi is free

MobileDrac: Roger that. Welcome to the USA.


Delmerica joined the chat
Delmerica: Okay
Delmerica: First impressions
Delmerica: Holy shit how does anybody live in this fucking nightmare superstructure
Delmerica: Second impression
Delmerica: Holy fuck this is amazing I love it
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo: So it turns out
iKomodo: since mum is on a premium service with the hotel company
iKomodo: we get free wifi
iKomodo changed name to New YorKomodo
Delmerica: I've never been on the 24th floor of anything


(Re: the Rampage film)

Jumpropeman: I guess they made Lizzie a crocodile to make her appearance fit her game model better, even if Ralph is leaning more on realistic wolf proportions seemingly
ivel: I think it's also to avoid being too close to Godzilla, partially
Jumpropeman: what, you saying they don't want this to be Kong vs. Godzilla 2: Plus a Wolf? :V
New YorKomodo: probably :U


Jumpropeman: I realized something weird today. I've been on the internet a long time and seen porn of all sorts of things, but I've never seen any of Hello Nurse from Animaniacs *cue JRM pls*
ivel: do you really want to change that :U
ivel: you're probably better off not knowing, knowing the internet
Jumpropeman: I've seen porn of things you people wouldn't believe. Porn of things I never realized people wanted to see naked. I've seen porn of C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All that smut will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...
Delmerica: Hey jrm
Delmerica: Just so you know
Delmerica: It exists


Jumpropeman: preview of Cirno RP
MobileDrac: :3


ivel: I'm with Harp for the weekend
Lysias: Cool
Draco: I can hear the obnoxious cuddling noises from here. ;V


Jumpropeman: *make's Tomi's Brawl entry "I'M BRAWLIN ERE!"*
Gooper Blooper: Well, if you do the one-liners at the start of the entry, that'd work
Gooper Blooper: Said one-liners, by the way, were just me doing a parody of the old Smash 4 character announcement meme
Gooper Blooper: now everyone does them
Jumpropeman: I just meant Tomi's entry was just gonna be I'M BRAWLIN ERE with no further details, but your idea is better
Bombastic Combatant: say your priers
Jumpropeman: Height: "I'M 4'5'' ERE!"
Abilities: "I'M SCRAPPY ERE!"


RubyChao: i just associate the french with repeatedly overthrowing their government
RubyChao: if the late 1700s and eatly 1800s taught me anything they're a fan of it


tutorial bitsy. Draco. If I can catch you on Steam after work, I need to get you a gift, mang.
Draco: Roger. *logs off Steam and hides*


ivel: 100/10
ivel: the most informative


Bombastic Combatant: who knows what harpy will do now
Bombastic Combatant: write another blog post? play more disgaea?
Bombastic Combatant: exist in your general direction?!?
Bombastic Combatant: this woman is unstoppable


RubyChao: alright j-man
RubyChao: if you're ready i'm ready
Jumpropeman: lets do it
Gooper Blooper: once more into the breach
Jumpropeman: gonna use the restroom real quick
Jumpropeman: then good to go
Jumpropeman: got some good rest in that restroom
Jumpropeman: good thing I didn't go to the bathroom
Jumpropeman: that woulda taken longer


Bandit Catcher: don't
Bandit Catcher: stop
Bandit Catcher: m
Bandit Catcher: ...thanks chatzy for STOPPING ME
Bandit Catcher: i was HAVIN A GOOD TIME


ivel: playing the original Battlefront 2 again
ivel: see a control panel I can shoot
ivel: "Well I may as well..."
ivel: doing so destroys a bridge
ivel: that one of my allies was walking across :U
ivel: WOOPS
Gooper Blooper: ded


Bandit Catcher: to the surprise of no one
Bandit Catcher: kailani is 100% beeg fishlady
Gooper Blooper: large fish
Bandit Catcher: but is it cuz of her bulk, or because of her dress?!?
Bandit Catcher: ;U
Draco: It's because she's wearing ten robes.


RubyChao: so i beat the main game of feddy force
Bamboozled Chinaman: how was it?
RubyChao: not that bad
RubyChao: it's very much not truly metroid
RubyChao: but it's not inherently bad
RubyChao: i can see why people disliked it especially at the time but now that metroid's alive i don't think a grudge needs to be held
RubyChao: it's not like other m
ivel: I keep reading that as freddy force
ivel: the force nobody wanted, needed, or deserved
Gooper Blooper: chao can find love in his heart for the weird-ass spinoffs as long as they show some modicum of respect
Gooper Blooper: (pinball totally showed respect)


PhoneDel: Happy turkey genocide day
PhoneDel: Turkey makes me feel good
PhoneDel: *offkey ghostbusters theme plays in the distance*
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Bamboozled Chinaman: oh HELL yes
Bamboozled Chinaman: high level pirates mean nothing when you can buff up a succubus and throw her in there to suck him dry
Gooper Blooper: GO LILY
Bamboozled Chinaman: lily now knows sexy heal, as she should
thanksgivel: suck him dry eh?
thanksgivel: you said succubus and then that phrasing
thanksgivel: ;U
Bamboozled Chinaman: i mean
Bamboozled Chinaman: that's exactly the point
thanksgivel: oh my~
Gooper Blooper: Lily shrugs. "He's not wrong!"
Bamboozled Chinaman: this is before they got clothes.
Bamboozled Chinaman: :U
thanksgivel: I see no problem with this
Gooper Blooper: The original design for the succubi was much better than the D3 onward one IMO
Bamboozled Chinaman: pretty much
Gooper Blooper: wish they'd kept it
Bamboozled Chinaman: i dunno why they changed it
Bamboozled Chinaman: "KIDS ARE PLAYING THIS GAME" but
thanksgivel: I didn't know they did
Bamboozled Chinaman: anyway i didn't want to give the kill to gonzy since he did a fucking casual 1.2k damage to that dude
Gooper Blooper: The original succubus design was brought to you by the same character designer who gave us Prier
Bamboozled Chinaman: "boobs"
Gooper Blooper: the D3 version was done by the usual Disgaea designer instead
thanksgivel: ah, okay
thanksgivel: I assume the succubus designer was also the Nekomata designer :P
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, and I think they also did Jennifer
Gooper Blooper: basically the original designer grabbed the La Pucelle guy and said "help me with the boobs"
thanksgivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: hence why most of the other girls are flat (except Magic Knight, paru paru)
Bamboozled Chinaman: "i cannot boob, please help"
Gooper Blooper: and through hard work and dedication, and creating classes like Kunoichi in Disgaea 2
Gooper Blooper: he learned how to boob
MobileDrac: That's the real magic of Parsee's class. B3


Bamboozled Chinaman: my favorite out of the new batch is guardian lion gal
Bamboozled Chinaman: i mean look at this girl
Bamboozled Chinaman: she protec
Bamboozled Chinaman: apparently protecting reimu's shrine (and reimu, puzzled by this in canon, beats her up. "how dare you intrude" "dude I was PROTECTING YOUR PAD" )
Bamboozled Chinaman: and this is why i tossed that reimu out and replaced her with ZF Reimu
Bamboozled Chinaman: "who even are you" "I am good bork."
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2916313
Gooper Blooper: your reimu was fantastic
Bamboozled Chinaman: dorg possible side character 2018
Bamboozled Chinaman: straw hat lady is also mega adorbs
Bamboozled Chinaman: I will murder the hag tho.
Bamboozled Chinaman: fuck you.
Bamboozled Chinaman: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2928682
Bamboozled Chinaman: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2926316
Bamboozled Chinaman: SUCH A GOOD BORK MY GOD
RubyChao: i like stab granny
Bamboozled Chinaman: stab granny's hillarious
Bamboozled Chinaman: i don't want her anywhere near my dorg tho
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2930807
Bamboozled Chinaman: she is
Bamboozled Chinaman: the best dorg
Bamboozled Chinaman: let's see if i can keep that up til RP
Bamboozled Chinaman: because I do have an idea for her
Bamboozled Chinaman: however, it must wait and see if it survives
Bamboozled Chinaman: "Tis I, Aunn, guardian bork of MAGIC"
Bamboozled Chinaman: "RIDE ME INTO BATTLE, MY STEED" "YES MA'AM"
Gooper Blooper: Cirno just like (◕ฺヮ◕ฺ)
Bamboozled Chinaman: i can't fucking believe
Bamboozled Chinaman: that this is a thing
Bamboozled Chinaman: i thought the flowers were some fanon thing
Bamboozled Chinaman: but no
RubyChao: (◕ฺヮ◕ฺ)
Bamboozled Chinaman: it's canon
Bamboozled Chinaman: so i had to immediately buy JRM the game
thanksgivel: the Komainu remind me of the Shisa
Bamboozled Chinaman: they're probably related
Gooper Blooper: I don't know why the eyes are differently sized
Gooper Blooper: I copy pasted
thanksgivel: they look the same to me
Gooper Blooper: This is what I see
thanksgivel: wat
Bamboozled Chinaman: oh my god that made me burst out laughing
thanksgivel: it did
thanksgivel: it's adorable
Bamboozled Chinaman: ultimate in derp
Bamboozled Chinaman: it makes it more perfect


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hola
RubyChao: ahoy ahoy
RubyChao: while you were gone i beat federation force and also did your 2018 plot for you
RubyChao: hope you don't mind
Jumpropeman: typical!
Jumpropeman: I hope you at least remember the big dance number at the end
Jumpropeman: that was pivotal to Jaws's character development
RubyChao: i posted adios muchachos
RubyChao: all is well
Jumpropeman: phew
Jumpropeman: in that case all is forgiven
MobileDrac: Cool. Chaoplot 18 over.


Jumpropeman: touhou's probably good and all, but it can't compare to Deep Space Waifu, the shoot-em-up where you shoot the clothes off of giant anime women
Jumpropeman: a steam review assures me it is not gratuitous fanservice because it is integrated with the game mechanics
PhoneDel: Lol
B.C.: Plz
B.C.: i am waiting for the english patch
B.C.: of touhou :u
Jumpropeman: someone in the steam reviews mentions an english patch I'll probably use
B.C.: Mmm, i was hoping for an official one
Jumpropeman: has there ever been an official one?
B.C.: i know at otakon they had an english patch when they showcased it
Jumpropeman: for a touhou game i mean
Jumpropeman: ah
B.C.: no, just those done by fans
Jumpropeman: I suppose I can sit on this egg a while too and hope it hatches
B.C.: i was just thinking that since
B.C.: its now officially in the states aside from the fighters
B.C.: they would also get an official translation by someone
B.C.: but i might be thinking too hard on it
MobileDrac: Touhou is invading our shores.
B.C.: Oops
B.C.: paru intensifies
Jumpropeman: excuse you
Jumpropeman: the English translation of paru for us americans is
Jumpropeman: "envynoise"
B.C.: Kek
B.C.: i would also recommend getting The Great Fairy Wars
B.C.: but that lacks an official release in the states so uh
MobileDrac: "Envynoise envynoise"


Bamboozled Chinaman: My parents are gone!
Bamboozled Chinaman: PERFECT TIME TO STREAM


Phone: Fire Emblem Warriors (Snoreyers to my counterpart unit over there, though) seems entertaining enough.
Jumpropeman: despite liking both Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: I still call them Snore-iors because why not
Jumpropeman: wow
Bamboozled Chinaman: JRM WE GET IT D:
Jumpropeman: do I need to explain myself again BI
Phone: I didn't quite get it the first time, but now I do!
Gooper Blooper: really pushing that nickname


Gooper Blooper: JRM, question
Gooper Blooper: Is there a reason in particular that you don't have the sequel to Bad Rats
Gooper Blooper: because I'm amazed you don't
Jumpropeman: it's literally against the law to buy Bad Rats for yourself

(I proceed to buy JRM Bad Rats Show)

Jumpropeman: thank you goops
Draco: Is that so?
Jumpropeman: the rats are unleashed once more
Draco: Oh.
Draco: Guess I'll buy it for Goops then.
Gooper Blooper: I will not accept bad game gifts, just FYI :V
Gooper Blooper: But I was laughing the entire time I was purchasing Bad Rats Show so I got my 50 cents worth there
Draco: Game gifts that are bad or gifted bad games? ;p
Gooper Blooper: especially the little "wishes for Bad Rats Show" next to JRM's icon
Jumpropeman: Bad Rats brings joy to the hearts of millions
Jumpropeman: "Nine maps are done. You are ready to Chapter IV." "Can't believe it, you won the Chapter IV"
Jumpropeman: nice achievement descriptions
Gooper Blooper: I see way too many games with shitty achievement descriptions that weren't proofread


Jumpropeman: I really wanted to get my secret santa something related to his ball python, but most ball python merchandise is either cheesy or related to breeding
Gooper Blooper: It's always lame when you see pet merch and it's blatantly obvious they just cut-and-pasted in different species/breeds
Gooper Blooper: a white bumper sticker with "I <3 MY [ball python]"
Jumpropeman: literally saw that one :V


RubyChao: honestly i find it kind of funny that the guy who killed off a bunch of pokemon ended up being probably the second most sympathetic member of the entire council
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: at the time it wasn't that planned :V
Draco: I'm STILL mad at him. :I
Gooper Blooper: but only the second most
Draco: jk
Big Corsair: only second most
Gooper Blooper: *Dolby hugs Maria*
RubyChao: wait, maria?
Big Corsair: *Dia joins in, too!*
Big Corsair: i mean
RubyChao: and here i was talking about johnny mcgraw
Big Corsair: :U
Draco: Yeah, I feel pretty bad for the boxer lady.
RubyChao: she's fine
Big Corsair: *weeps*
Gooper Blooper: nobody is more sympathetic than Halley Solaris
Big Corsair: okay i'm all better
Big Corsair: i dunno, you might need six more for gonz- *shot*
Phone: Next year's plot villain: the pokemon steakhouse.
Big Corsair: PONDEROSAS.
Big Corsair: *glares*
Big Corsair: i've done this joke too many times
Big Corsair: but
Big Corsair: it never gets old
Draco: Sumireko is a horrifying murderer. She shoots down every fun scheme Zeldoten proposes.
Phone: I would joke you need more bullets for the Courier, but Stabb just almost got done in by a headshot, and not the plot one. Kind of proud of that, really. I like mortality.
Big Corsair: so much for biting the bullet


Bree: "jumpropeman has sent you a gift! jumpropeman has sent you a gift!! jumpropeman has sent you a gift!!!1"
Bree: oh boy, that's a lotta gifts!
Jumpropeman: this jumpropeguy ounds like he's been busy


Jumpropeman: I was watching classic Hanna Barbera cartoon Astro and the Space Mutts like any freedom loving American regularly does when I spotted the character of Mario Magnetti
Jumpropeman: he shall be Mario's new disguise next year
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: You joke, but I feel like Clownpiece would enjoy watching saturday morning cartoons
Gooper Blooper: and no american loves freedom more than her
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Draco: She loves them a lot. She watches at least 7 cartoons per Saturday.
Gooper Blooper: even though I don't think she's actually american
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco: Clownpiece is SO American.
Draco: Even if she is the daughter of immigrants.
ivel: but is she more American than...
Gooper Blooper: ...Why are ZFRP's greatest American patriots all from the moon
Dah: Other than the past Presidents roaming it at will, it's because the fifty-first state is filled with Americanium, which sounds like it should be a fictional metal in the vein of Australium for Team Fortress, but is actually a transuranic element of the actinide series. Luna's radioactive waste from Murrican vidjagame is shocking.
Jumpropeman: that's Americium, Ven
Jumpropeman: Americanium is the stuff of legend still


SteelKomodo: VAGUELY
The Megazord is very big: What the fuck were we on
SteelKomodo: drugs :P


Jumpropeman: "Super Mario Odyssey is Amazon's best selling game of 2017 despite only being out a month"
ivel: clearly Knack 2 is the second best
Jumpropeman: no no no, ivel
Jumpropeman: Knack 2 isn't a game
Jumpropeman: it's a lifestyle
ivel: ah right, thanks for correcting me jrm
Gooper Blooper: it's a lifestyle because you have to spend hundreds of hours replaying the same levels because you had to restart your file
Jumpropeman: behold, THE FUTURE
Jumpropeman: the controls for the Ultimate Game are meaningless balls that I suppose you grope in different manners to simulate moving starship controls
RubyChao: well, they were right about VR games
RubyChao: and wireless multiplayer over the internet
Jumpropeman: it will also have a screen but somehow project all around you?
ivel joined the chat
ivel: it was so glorious I had to rejoin chatzy
Jumpropeman: clearly they got the future Ultimate Game wrong, because as we just mentioned, that's Knack 2
Jumpropeman: i mean, just look at the graphics
ivel: it was so good they could never predict it, jrm
Jumpropeman: nobody could predict that swerve of having goblins as the antagonist
RubyChao: happy birthday videogames
RubyChao: me
Gooper Blooper: vidya
Bree: "meaningless balls that you grope" *ZEPH CHARGING IN WITH THE PG ESTABLISHMENT SIGN*
Gooper Blooper: the offseason is a time for contemplation, planning, relaxation, and vidya
ivel: "In October 1958, Physicist William Higinbotham created what is thought to be the first video game. It was a very simple tennis game, similar to the classic 1970s video game Pong, and it was quite a hit at a Brookhaven National Laboratory open house"
RubyChao: tennis for two
RubyChao: i know about that one
Gooper Blooper: Tennis For Two almost got a spot in Format Wars
Jumpropeman: Tennis for Two is the best game of all time
Jumpropeman: we really peaked at the start
ivel: I knew Pong wasn't officially the first vidya but wasn't certain what was considered to be
Gooper Blooper: There's some debate
ivel: so figured I'd look it up :P
Gooper Blooper: Pong was at least the first video game to be a big deal
ivel: mhm
RubyChao: tennis for two is listed as being the first one that was created solely for entertainment
Gooper Blooper: Everything prior was niche or an experiment
RubyChao: there were ones before it but they were primarily for other stuff
Jumpropeman: previous video games were serious business
Gooper Blooper: Pong was the first Triple-A title, if you will
RubyChao: speaking of video games
RubyChao: prepare to be in pain
ivel: ...
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Jumpropeman: that has to be fake
Jumpropeman: there is nothing right about that picture


RubyChao: and that was feddy force
Jumpropeman: in the words of dora the explorer
Jumpropeman: we did it


ivel: I'm a :U person but Aero uses :V
Gooper Blooper: Harpy also uses :U
Gooper Blooper: not big surprise
Bree: aero must join ZFRP
Bree: it's his destiny
Bree: the crocodile face proves it!
Gooper Blooper: at the very least, I expect another round of "Ivel shows Aero the smooshfaces and he flips out at how stupid the brawl is"


PlaceSorrow: I'm writing a letter to management while I go through photobucket and steal images they blocked on Brine's links to edit in from a Deviantart stash afterward if I get a admin accomplice for the older locked pages.
Jumpropeman: ive already got most of brine's images saved to my computer
Jumpropeman: save for the ones from his private albums
Jumpropeman: i should probably get back to that photobucket project
Jumpropeman: if you're able to get the ones mentioned in the posted image topic though that would be great
Jumpropeman: those are the missing ones and I'll update it when appropriate
PlaceSorrow: There's a posted image topic?
Jumpropeman: in the announcement and news forum
Bree: there's an announcement and news forum?
Jumpropeman: i would not be surprised if most people don't click out of the Zoofights RP section :V
MobileDrac: There's an RP section?


MobileDrac rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
MobileDrac: Koakuma doesn't know how to pupper either.
Bree: she forgets that not all puppers are like byte
MobileDrac: "Sakuya how do dogs work? Where's the charging cord?" "......"
MobileDrac: "He won't stop barking where's the Mute button?"
Bree: meiling's like "normal dogs DON'T HAVE MUTE BUTTONS. can you imagine?!"
MobileDrac: Koakuma: 8O
MobileDrac rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
MobileDrac: Koakuma faints.
iKomodo: Ripkuma
MobileDrac: She's got five months to undie.


Bree: dumb fun fact about melody
Bree: she really really really really wants samhain to get to experience christmas someday
Bree: like, so much so that she has considered petitioning arceus or elohim or something for a Samhain Christmas Miracle
MobileDrac: They'll do Nightmare Before Christmas.
Jumpropeman: JRM will arrange it as long as he also gets to experience Brawl Day ;V
Bree: hasn't samhain been around for brawl day before
Bree: I feel like that's been a thing
Gooper Blooper: he was
Gooper Blooper: Two years ago he piggybacked on another holiday, and last year he managed a very weak manifestation through sheer force of will
Bree: do you mean season 5's summer pool party samhain
Bree: regarding the first one
Gooper Blooper: No, I mean in Season 6 Samhain used another holiday to appear in the stands
Gooper Blooper: I believe it was National Fried Chicken Day or similar
Jumpropeman: clearly that's his new holiday after he got fired
Gooper Blooper: He didn't get fired, he got reassigned
Gooper Blooper: Come October 1 he's going to manifest... clear on the other side of the world, and have to do his job there
Jumpropeman: that's basically fired in my eyes ; w ;
Bree: october 1: samhain starts his new job. october 1, midday: KOBBER RIOT


Jumpropeman: very tempted to make this my forum signature
Jumpropeman: geocities ladies were so proud to be bitches
RubyChao: do it jrm
Bree: pride in one's bitchery has been a perennial feature of ladies


Grand Gonzales: spoilers: i may or may not be overhyping gonzy
Jumpropeman: D:
ivel: you didn't spoilertag it!
ivel: D:
Grand Gonzales: DUN DUN
Draco: GG
Grand Gonzales: then is it truly a spoiler?
Grand Gonzales: ;U
Jumpropeman: well im spoiled now
Grand Gonzales: you're spoiled for choice
Draco: *spoilered for choice


Phone: I have to wonder, if there's a bucketgal equivalent but with boxes, do shippers actually ship them together in the post?
Phone: Is Box Ghost The Man For You, a National Enquirer title right next to My Dates With Death.
Phone: Nooo... for Zoofights world, make it the Rational Inquirer instead.
Phone: 8y
Phone: Is Bigfoot Our Cameraman?!
Phone: Local business lizards protest coldblooded being used as an insult.
Phone: Is there an alien conqueror ghost clashing your clans? Increased claims of haunted cells.
Phone: On and on, because the tabloids amuse me. The closer to being accurate but skewing off just enough, the better. :^
Phone: Not enough to actually do in canons, most likely, least away until we see how the Times recovery goes next year, but still. You try a few. : p
Jumpropeman: Soar usually ends his broadcasts with a tabloidy "coming up next"
RubyChao: kawashiro products: made by lizard people? read our exclusive expose
Phone: What did happen in Vegas? The stories The Man doesn't want you to know!
Phone: Succubus parties- demons are real, and it's a hell of a good time!
Jumpropeman: don't worry Sumireko, you can reveal Bigfoot exists after he dies- *sound of 3d printed gunshot in the distance*
Gooper Blooper: HE DIED IN THE BRAWL
Jumpropeman: don't be silly
Jumpropeman: that was Mario Andretti
Phone: When Mario leaves, some Jumpropekiddo replacing him is gonna have some big shoes to fill. Notoriously big.
Jumpropeman: Jumpropekiddo?
Jumpropeman: With Faith rotating out, we need a designated mope!


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: god evening gooper
Phone: Blessed it be.


Jumpropeman: i like alola forms
Jumpropeman: not so much formes
Jumpropeman: Shaymin Sky Forme... *shudders*
Gooper Blooper: I don't like forms that aren't permanent
Gooper Blooper: They feel less solid when I can't keep them in stasis in my PC
Jumpropeman: you can tell that thing sounds like sonic the hedgehog
Jumpropeman: somewhat appropriate since it used to be a hedgehog :V


Jumpropeman: #HAPUTTHEBEST
Jumpropeman: although I might just be saying that because Draco called her Pokemon's Ingrid and I suddenly liked the character more after :V
Gooper Blooper: JRM tiny girl squad unite
Jumpropeman: my plan is to accrue so many tiny girls that I can put them in a trenchcoat and sneak into the movie theater


Jumpropeman: "The last metroid is on clearance. The price is five dollars."
Jumpropeman: I feel like this Metroid Other M video might be good


Jumpropeman: I sleep with my Virtual Boy

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