Monday, March 26, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 309: The King Of Limbo

The Goopy Express: Harpy's physical gift came to me in a massive box
The Goopy Express: also I'm called "goopity bloopity" on the address label
The Goopy Express: that's how you know harpy sent it
The Goopy Express: Harpy gave me... this!
RubyChao: holy big pogeys
Sunkern: What in god's name is that abomination WHO'S THAT POKEMON
MobileDrac: I got one of those with Mega Tyranitar.
The Goopy Express: Harpy included a note
The Goopy Express: "Ey Goop, LEGS INTENSIFY - Harpy"
MobileDrac: That's the Priere Pokemon.
The Goopy Express: pogeysephine


Jumpropeman: Protagonist of Rogue Warrior Richard Marcinko says "It's like Christmas" as one of his few profanity free lines
Jumpropeman: of course he says it about murdering north koreans and soviets
Jumpropeman: a very interesting version of christmas


The Goopy Express: I got Pac-Man 256 on Steam the other day and tried it today
The Goopy Express: It's easily the coolest "endless runner" I've ever seen, but maybe I'm just infatuated with ancient pixelated franchises
RubyChao: >coolest
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: but meme run
The Goopy Express: THE MEMES JACK


Jumpropeman: also, if you want a good idea of what Rogue Warrior is like, just listen to the end theme
The Goopy Express: oh boy, I read about the end theme
The Goopy Express: here goes nothing
MobileDrac: "MC Mickey Rourke" I have a good feeling about this!
Jumpropeman: also, someone called Disaster Newz followed me on twitter, and they tweet out news on disasters
Jumpropeman: i have to wonder if they mistook what my disaster reports are about
MobileDrac: That was special.
Jumpropeman: hi ho hi ho this fucker's gonna blow


Conksuck Santa: My brain keeps conjuring up bullshit to try and complicate the simple process of putting head on pillow and closing eyes


Jumpropeman: "Battle for the Sun is an action-packed, first-person shooter documenting the realities of war seen through the eyes of a special forces soldier in a world under alien attack."
Jumpropeman: "the realities"
ivel: I mean that doesn't sound that bad
ivel: as in the wording
Jumpropeman: true, I just like the sudden switch in the direction of the line
Jumpropeman: I was expecting Spec Ops the Line or something until I hit "alien attack"
ivel: haha fair enough


Jumpropeman: best thing about Tetris Attack
Jumpropeman: the baby yoshis singing on the title screen
Jumpropeman: and Lakitu's unending hatred
Jumpropeman: "I hate you, openly and without regret!"


Jumpropeman: if this game was just the title screen of baby yoshis singing the song I can guarantee it would get a Fantastic rating
Jumpropeman: everything else weighs it down
B.C.: i’m sorry its the worst
B.C.: :u
Jumpropeman: nah, it's still good, it's just not Baby Yoshis singing good
B.C.: its not Yoshi bad.
B.C.: thats all that matters
Gooper Blooper: DISASTER REPORT: [game Harpy loves goes here]
Jumpropeman: Disaster Report: Kirby Dream Land 3
Gooper Blooper: Disaster Report: Disgaea 2
ivel: Disaster Report: La Pucelle: Tactics
Jumpropeman: Disaster Report: Scooby Doo First Frights
Gooper Blooper: Disaster Report: Faerie Solitaire
Off-RubyChao: Disaster Report: Danganronpa V3
ivel: Diasaster Report: Mabinogi
B.C.: Disaster Report: 100% Orange Juice
ivel: I wanted to say that one, but I thought of the pun
ivel: so I had to
B.C.: too much poppo
B.C.: why poppo exist
Gooper Blooper: I didn't see the pun until you said it
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
B.C.: fucker


Bawling Cat: gonzy's greatest weakness
Bawling Cat: is magic
ivel: magic or MAGIC
Bawling Cat: I mean, both
Bawling Cat: MAGIC just kills him with kindness and donuts
ivel: and then SQUISHING HIM
Bawling Cat: this is exactly how she'll beat someone in the Brawl.
Bawling Cat: but if she wears that, how is she gonna get those Rank 1 Hugs?
Bawling Cat: like Renais did when she graduated with a PhD in Chemistry?
Bawling Cat: renais will find the mutants cure
Draco: D: Good point!
Draco: MAGICK needs to be deliver the hugs.
Bawling Cat: MAGIC will sneak into the weird Sarahkin family tree
Bawling Cat: disguises herself as Sarah
Bawling Cat: biggest question
Bawling Cat: what do the prinnies + satoshi even think
Bawling Cat: of BMB goods
Bawling Cat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Bawling Cat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Bawling Cat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Bawling Cat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Bawling Cat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10

Bawling Cat: Renais loves them and shares them with Gonzy, who revels in her enjoyment and buys them for her on her birthday. Bonnie is like "eh, not the best" while Gavin... um, Gavin has bad taste for anything that isn't a sandwich.
Bawling Cat: Satoshi has trouble stomaching sweets.
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
ivel: Deekin thinks they're too sweet as well
Bawling Cat: maybe i'll reroll and see how well he does... DURING the season or when i do a co-op blog with goops
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Draco: Yamame is obligated by her pride to say she's better than Omnimom-in-Law.
Draco: She does a poor job of faking though.


Bawling Cat: *reads up on new chars from the 2hus*
Bawling Cat: *stares*
Bawling Cat: *slowly reaches for the backup dancers and holds them*


Beginning Chapter: i now have an idea
Beginning Chapter: listen
Beginning Chapter: what if
Beginning Chapter: Renais
Beginning Chapter: is the anti-Etna
Gooper Blooper: so Flonne?
Beginning Chapter: read: actually treats prinnies decently, so they- WELL
ivel: has a chest?
Beginning Chapter: i was going to say that
Gooper Blooper: has anything at all?
ivel: lel
Beginning Chapter: but more like "treats prinnies decently so they're willing to obey her more fervently"
Gooper Blooper: etna is the "stick" in Prinnystick
ivel: pfffff
Beginning Chapter: Etna vs. Renais
ivel: Goops is being savage
Draco: Is it post-Adell Etna or pre-Adell Etna?
ivel: I like it


Beginning Chapter: anyway, i got 3 pogeycard packs today
Beginning Chapter: for the reasonable price of 3.99 each
Beginning Chapter: BreakThrough and two Steam Sieges
Gooper Blooper: >Steam Siege
Gooper Blooper: We got us a shot at Evil Gardevoir again, boys
Beginning Chapter: oboi
Beginning Chapter: lets get this mega houndoom fuckin one outta the way
Beginning Chapter: Swoobat, Quilladin, Misdreavus, Seaking, Ralts, Skiddo, Flabebe, the comfiest lookin Swablu, Reverse Holo Staravia and Holo Empoleon
Gooper Blooper: Ha, I have that Swablu
Beginning Chapter: Steam Siege 1
Gooper Blooper: it is indeed extremely comfy
Beginning Chapter: MAGIC is that swablu
Beginning Chapter: Nidorino, Steelix Spirit Link, Rapidash, Ponyta,Pawniard, Motivational Oshawott, Rufflet,Tangela, a cool fuckin dual type reverse holo Volcarona
Beginning Chapter: and
Beginning Chapter: MGardevoir...
Beginning Chapter: EX.
Beginning Chapter: DESPAIR RAY.
Draco: Steelix is good guy.
Draco: Gardevoir is evil. D:
RubyChao: YOU DID IT
RubyChao: you got the evil gardy!!!
Beginning Chapter: "Discard as many of your benched Pokemon as you like. This attack does 10 more damage for each benched pokemon you discarded in this way."
RubyChao: so proud
Beginning Chapter: that
Beginning Chapter: fuckin shit
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: malicious
Gooper Blooper: DESPAIR
Draco: :O
Beginning Chapter: my god
Beginning Chapter: i swear if i get another one in this next pack i will shit
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: I have a Regirock. :3
Beginning Chapter: she's also a dual type!
Beginning Chapter: She's an asshole.


Draco: Going mobile. I'm hooking
Jumpropeman: woah draco
Jumpropeman: didn't know you needed money that badly
Draco: I'm hooking up my XBox 1 finally.
Jumpropeman: oh ok
ivel: jrmplz
Jumpropeman: *puts away my wallet*
Draco: After buying my GF presents though....


Beginning Chapter: tru
ivel: Konan
Beginning Chapter: *war flashbacks*
ivel: (there was one group of subbers who were... not great. it was Detective Konan)
Gooper Blooper: weedlord bonerhitler
ivel: I forget what else they translated weird
RubyChao: reminds me of kinnikuman
RubyChao: the last part of the last arc of the original series had
RubyChao: an incredibly literal and clunky translation with multiple major errors (such as repeated dialogue, so same exact text put into TWO bubbles, or a character saying the line of another character)
RubyChao: it was
RubyChao: a slog.
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me
Gooper Blooper: Chao, on the whole I really enjoyed the two AA mangas I've read so far of the four you got me for my birthday
Gooper Blooper: but the translation started kinda falling apart a little at one point
Gooper Blooper: nothing as bad as that, but some obvious stuff like misplaced or repeated words
Gooper Blooper: Then again, this is the series that brought us "the miracle never happen", so I guess it's accurate :V
RubyChao: oh, which point
Gooper Blooper: I don't remember any more, but there was just a section where a bunch of errors occurred relatively close together
Jumpropeman: That was "Bring your daughter to work" day at the translating office
Jumpropeman: they let the children give it a whirl
Beginning Chapter: MAGIC is good at translating
MobileDrac: Translating what?
Beginning Chapter: uh
Beginning Chapter: hungry stomach growls
Jumpropeman: he got you good
Jumpropeman: you weren't ready for that
Gooper Blooper: XD
Beginning Chapter: well he wasn't ready for my blog
Beginning Chapter: RIP him >:U


iKomodo: Christmas was over a week ago now
iKomodo: so why am I still staring at Christmas meme videos on YouTube
iKomodo: Yes


MobileDrac joined the chat
MobileDrac: This isn't Taylor Swift chat.
MobileDrac: I've been bamboozled!


Bree: komachi's diary entry #49284: note to self, don't wear new dress around meiling, she kept staring at my boobs again *childish doodle of meiling with X eyes and a scythe sticking out of her chest*
Bree: that's the sort of grade-A content you would expect from a komachi diary
Bree: complaints about dumb shit meiling did, goofy doodles, and probably a lot of emo poetry.
Bree: a lot of emo poetry
Bree: and a lot of hearts with "mrs. komachi kawashiro" written inside
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Gooper Blooper: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Bree: what if he was the most gorgeous-est, charming-est, kindest respectfulest prince ever
Bree: but his name was like
Bree: prince stinkfarts
MobileDrac: Mrs. Nitori Onozuka
Jumpropeman: misread that as skinfarts
Jumpropeman: which is a much grosser name
Eh: Would the damsel lower her pride to be m'lady Stinkfarts until his parents died, and then to become Princess Stinkfarts or Queen Mother/Queen Elect Stinkfarts for life?
Bree: just a whole dumb disney movie about a girl wondering if her one true love is worth the cost of having to be mrs. stinkfarts for life
Bree: and the happy ending is the prince taking her last name instead


Gib Gonzales: ... now i just thought of a dumb team name for when Gonzy and MAGIC team up
ivel: hm?
MobileDrac: Gagoc
Gib Gonzales: Hero of Might and MAGIC
Gib Gonzales: :U
MobileDrac: *Heroes. Gonzy is a hero too.
MobileDrac: Oh wait, I get it now. XD
Gib Gonzales: :U
Gib Gonzales: only kind of magic Gonzy knows is blood magic
Gib Gonzales: maybe some ki stuff but he's mostly a powerhouse
Gooper Blooper: that's a great name
Gib Gonzales: thank you
Gib Gonzales: i could also call them "HUGE DORKS" but then nobody would know
Gib Gonzales: that could be a lot of people within ZFRP, nevermind from Harpcast
Jumpropeman: that would be Literally Any Two Characters In RP
Gib Gonzales: Satoshi isn't a dork
Gib Gonzales: is he?
MobileDrac: Not Zeldoten and Nibbles. B|
Gooper Blooper: Sumi isn't a dork, she's a nerd
Gooper Blooper: big difference
ivel: if you have to ask, harps
Gib Gonzales: NERD DORK
ivel: you know
Gib Gonzales: HOODED DORK
MobileDrac: DERD
Gib Gonzales: Helios.
Gib Gonzales: NURSE DORK
MobileDrac: DORKTOR
Gooper Blooper: WIDOW DORKER
MobileDrac: That's a cruel thing to call Celestia.
Gooper Blooper: draco pls
MobileDrac: ;D


Jumpropeman: I have made an important executive decision
Jumpropeman: Spheal is now my favorite pokemon


Jumpropeman: " is 3 weeks 4 days old. It is a domain having .com extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95"
Jumpropeman: awwww yeah, time to sell
MobileDrac: I'll buy it for $5 in Fossil Grimers.


Jumpropeman: I have finished Limbo of the Lost
RubyChao: how was it
Jumpropeman: Top 10 Video Game Endings
RubyChao: do you feel like
RubyChao: the king of limbo
Jumpropeman: i had my ups and i had my downs
Jumpropeman: i had my smiles and i had my frowns
MobileDrac: Have you knocked over the stick yet?
Jumpropeman: but i still think I should be crowned
Jumpropeman: the king of limboooooo
MobileDrac wiggles.


Gooper Blooper: the new Touhou fighter is now live on steam
RubyChao: i saw!
RubyChao: a friend is planning on getting it for me
Gooper Blooper: it's 25 smackers, which is more than I expected since the new shooter is 15
Gooper Blooper: but it has sumi in it, so clearly it's worth that price
Jumpropeman: i was about to say I'm hesitant to get a fighting game on the PC
Jumpropeman: AND... I haven't really tested it yet
Jumpropeman: it was a total nipple to set up at all
MobileDrac: Game with Sumi costs more than free? OVERPRICED. BU
Gooper Blooper: >:I
Jumpropeman: Sumi is always welcome in the JRM household
Gooper Blooper: It's been years and I still love this nerd
Gooper Blooper: touhou really knocked it out of the park when they made sumi
Jumpropeman: still a top touhou
Gooper Blooper: Probably helped you had a plot literally tailor-made for her last season
Jumpropeman: She's literally the reason I pushed Mario up a year since I would've been fine making him season 8 otherwise
Jumpropeman: I was worried she might go away
Gooper Blooper: Exactly, that was what I remembered!
Jumpropeman: and now I suffer for what I did to her
MobileDrac: You do.
Jumpropeman: I made the sumisad
Gooper Blooper: And while I'm glad you did that, rest assured that if I had retired her last year and you debuted Mario this year, another nerd would have alerted her and she would have burst out of retirement just for that
Jumpropeman: good :V
Gooper Blooper: I knew the plot would lead to sad sumi but I forged ahead boldly
MobileDrac gently paps JRM with a rolled-up Touhou fanzine.
Gooper Blooper: gotta rip off the bandaid
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: rip off and burn the hat
Gooper Blooper: Rachel helped her a lot, Rachel is a good anchor for Sumireko, as seen in that plot when Sumi loses her goddamn mind and Rachel's just like "yeah sorry about this" to everyone else while rubbing Sumi's shoulders


Nasty Crimeboy: i keep a princess leia action figure in my pocket at all times
Nasty Crimeboy: concealed carrie


Gyr Mygrr, Jarl of Grouch: Butts, maybe. But what if, and hear me out here, we take the Final Fantasy antagonist, and when the player cuts open their giant trenchcoat uniform, they fall apart to reveal three kids standing on one another's shoulders during the intro to the final boss battle?
Gyr Mygrr, Jarl of Grouch: Just completely 360 the turning into god thing, but still have the pathetic and impossible to lose to trope.
Gyr Mygrr, Jarl of Grouch: But in a funny way.


SteelKomodo: Today at the Long Eaton British Heart Foundation shop
SteelKomodo: In Which The Hundred Acre Wood Is Full of Sassy Motherfuckers
SteelKomodo: by which I mean somebody donated a shitload of Winnie the Pooh books
Gyr Mygrr, Jarl of Grouch: Nice!
SteelKomodo: including the new ones by David Benedictus
Gyr Mygrr, Jarl of Grouch: Not quite so nice. Interestin', tho.
SteelKomodo: I had to put stickers on all of them, so that's how I know they exist :P
SteelKomodo: i snuck a peek in one or two and my joke comes because of what I've read
SteelKomodo: there's a story in which Rabbit is trying to take a census of everyone in the wood
SteelKomodo: and everyone rightly points out that this is a stupid idea
SteelKomodo: Piglet says something that pretty much constitutes an ice burn - "It's not a census, it's a noncensus"
SteelKomodo: and Christopher Robin casually fobs off Rabbit when he tries to take his details.
Nasty Crimeboy: why do you need to take a census of an imaginary land with a single digit population
Nasty Crimeboy: damn it rabbit
SteelKomodo: it gets better - rabbit holds a party to try and get details on his friends and relations
SteelKomodo: but they act so rudely towards him he has a nervous breakdown and runs all the way to pooh's house
SteelKomodo: and a very confused pooh has to put him to bed so he can recover
SteelKomodo: so yeah, those new books are weird shit


Gooper Blooper: steamed hams is the meme that keeps on giving
Gooper Blooper: I have seen Skinner put that fucking platter of cheap fast food burgers in front of Chalmers so many times now
RubyChao: and it never gets old
RubyChao: realization
RubyChao: considering how popular and widespread this has become
RubyChao: skinner wasn't kidding
RubyChao: it's really an unforgettable luncheon
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: I knew it was coming and still laughed
MobileDrac: Gasp
MobileDrac: Steamed Hams?!
Gooper Blooper: "You call Brgrgrs Steamed Hams." "Yes!"


Crimson Overlord Gonzy: sup
Gooper Blooper: No new developments since you asked thirty minutes ago :V
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: welp
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: I derped out, as i am wont to do
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: tempted to do a reply blog to Brine's
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: we have to find out how effective this self washing shirt is
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: also tempted to make a blog about the new chars buuut i'm gonna sit on it for a bit, let it settle
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: and in the meantime i'll just entertain the silly idea of Gonzy being an overlord
M Sheep: Blog everything
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: Cian WOULD be an overlord but he's not gluttony anymore SO
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: oops
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: "and here is where I beat up and ate an overlord!"
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: "...he tasted bad and I regret everything."
MobileDrac: Parsee's an overlord.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: Parsee's a Businesswoman.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: You know who has Overlords by the balls?
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: Rozen Queen.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: Who runs Rozen Queen?
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: I have no idea, but 9/10, its a businesswoman
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: RozenQueen is the ultimate business.
MobileDrac: Rozalin
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: are you saying that Cindy got so drunk
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: she somehow bought her way into making a company
MobileDrac: Yes.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: that is successful on an intergalatic level
MobileDrac: Because Parsee would find that hilarious.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: i want whatever she was drinking
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: that'd be terrifying
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: she nerfed herself into being Kevvy's manager, for the world was not ready for her.
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: Renais thinks she's all powerful, though.
Gooper Blooper: The world wasn't ready for non-nerfed Cindy
Gooper Blooper: so we had to dunk her in booze
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: the world isn't ready for Cindy, period
RubyChao: rip cindy
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: the moment she has her own plot, RP is over
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: ....or at least mine will be
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: because there's no way i'd ever top that
RubyChao: don't undercut yourself :V
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: you're right
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: i'd top that by having a fight with the concept of wealth and poverty
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: FIGHT ME, BITCHES


Phone: Here's a terrible acting joke I fully expect M Sheep to slot me proper for. 8u If William Shatner is so hammy, how does he keep getting work? Because bacon goes well with almost anything.
M Sheep: :I
Phone shrugs
M Sheep: :I
M Sheep: Someday
M Sheep: Somewhere
M Sheep: You will be trampled by a herd of sheep
M Sheep: and KNOW
Phone: There we go! 8D Points for the lingering Damocles sword threat to induce greater fear.
Phone: I reserve the right to haunt the ones that find my trampled corpse if none of them pun that there was mutton wrong with what happened.
ivel: maybe they'd be feeling too sheepish to say it
Phone: Haaaa


Crimson Overlord Gonzy: this disaster report
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: this whole thing
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: holy shit
RubyChao: well jrm's had his ups and he's had his downs
RubyChao: he's had his smiles and he's had his frowns
RubyChao: but i still think he should be crowned
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: oh god
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: so bad
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: my god
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: i'm hurt
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: jrm your blog killed me
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: now how will you get that patreon money
Jumpropeman: so are you saying
Jumpropeman: you've died and gone to Limbo?
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: fuck
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: the more important question is
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: will Limbo be in RP
Draco: Limbo is boring. They only play one game and Parsee's no good at it.
RubyChao: so you're saying she will never be
Jumpropeman: *restrains self from just singing the whole song*


Bree: tom shared this with me: the greatest question anyone has ever asked an islamic scholar
Bree: T H I C C
Jumpropeman: gaha
Crimson Overlord Gonzy: thick


Jumpropeman: If Rachel wins the Brawl
Jumpropeman: no one will believe it was legit


RubyChao: “Drop the bass, Skrillex!”
But Skrillex doesn’t drop the bass. Instead, he clutches it in his hands, unable to let it go, dooming the fate of the world in his greed.
“Drop the bass, Skrillex,” repeats a desperate Samwise Gamgee, “please.”

SteelKomodo: amazing


(JRM, experimenting with text colors for his Chatzy username, picks one similar to SK's)

Bree: good lord I thought you were sk, jrm
Jumpropeman: I did do a good SK impression admittedly
Bree: I didn't hear a single britishism. it was a rubbish sk impression
Jumpropeman: seems like bob's not my uncle after all :(
Draco: It was a sad floppity not-hottity.
Bree: bob is actually your first cousin twice removed
Draco: Bob actually is my uncle.
ivel: I have a great-uncle Bob
Gooper Blooper: Every time I see the "Bob's your uncle" phrase, which mind you isn't often, but still
Gooper Blooper: I can only think of one Bob
RubyChao: i was expecting bob the builder
Bree: I was expecting
Bree: The 'Bob


Nasty Mimeboy: stands are bullshit and i love them
Nasty Mimeboy: what random grab-bag of powers can we exploit today?
Nasty Mimeboy: link


RubyChao: i'm watching a sunshine speedrun
RubyChao: and they just got to I'M A CHUCKSTER
Jumpropeman: run over
Gooper Blooper: All of the no-FLUDD levels in Sunshine must be really nervewracking for speedrunners
RubyChao: they somehow got Chuckster Pianta to throw them backwards
RubyChao: (by which i mean the one i actually used as an rp reference)
Draco: Gadzooks! He's famous now! :D
RubyChao: i'm still proud that i was actually able to give dramatic backstory material to Chuckster Pianta of all characters
Draco: Whereas Kasumi's still the daughter of Clown College Founders.
Gooper Blooper: It was great


Brinehammer: I'm an AGM at Papa John's; I do everything the RGM doesn't, pretty much.
Jiang Zhung: suddenly, pizza
Jumpropeman: hook a brother up with some free 'za
Brinehammer: It was a significant pay increase/better job/I don't have to make Tacos at four in the morning anymore kind of thing.
Jumpropeman: you deliver to Texas right?
Brinehammer: 35 minutes or less!... We don't have Dr. Pepper, though.
Jumpropeman: NO DEAL
Gooper Blooper: Brine's new cool lady: Mama John the pizza chef
Brinehammer: Only if Wendy makes it in someday


Gooper Blooper: wholesome content
Jumpropeman: only 1,000 images of her?
Jumpropeman: she really is obscure
RubyChao: *deletes two numbers off the end* now it's not wholesome at all 😱
Gooper Blooper: Tokiko has a figurine, somehow
RubyChao: *takes notes for christmas*
Gooper Blooper: Tokiko, but not Sumireko
Gooper Blooper: Somehow I don't think I'm going to be getting this figure any time soon
Jumpropeman: no accounting for taste
RubyChao: *looks up the tokiko figurine and its price*
RubyChao: *erases notes*
Jumpropeman: "the youkai who read a book"
Gooper Blooper: yeah please don't buy me a 200-dollar figurine, I would dissolve into a puddle of shame
Jiang Zhung: time to buy it for goops
Gooper Blooper: :V
Jiang Zhung: ...that was awkward timing
RubyChao: kek
RubyChao: but you're worth 200 bucks
Gooper Blooper: even if I am
Jiang Zhung: he's priceless, what are you talking about
Jiang Zhung: no figurine could ever compare
Gooper Blooper: imagine how many vidya games or pogeycards or godzilla action figures I could get with 200 bucks
Gooper Blooper: more than one
Jumpropeman: I'd buy goops for 200
Jumpropeman: keep him in my house drawing squishy mages
Jiang Zhung: you could get a charizard with that kinda money
Gooper Blooper: I may start charging for my art services more regularly, but even if I do
Gooper Blooper: Brawl art will always be free, because the payment is the brawl itself :V
Jumpropeman: yay!
Jiang Zhung: time to fork up 50 bucks
Jumpropeman: I'll need Brawl art of an upside down Pit even though he didn't enter
Gooper Blooper: CW just really liked that Metal Gear Rising cutscene I guess


Babies Are Small:
iKomodo: The money bin is actually Scrooge's weed stash
iKomodo: he's the dankest duck in the world


Jim Jones The Monkey Salesman: "the Limbo of the Lost wiki"
Jim Jones The Monkey Salesman: Because of course it has one
Jim Jones The Monkey Salesman: "Having just got off playing Hey You, Pikachu! and knowing the woes of Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures that both sort of used a similar idea years before this game was released, I was prepared for the worst"
Jim Jones The Monkey Salesman: Next up, JRM plays Lifeline


Gooper Blooper: link
Jiang Zhung: sexxy
Jiang Zhung: oh
Jiang Zhung: i shouldn't be saying that should i
Gooper Blooper: are you a male salandit
Gooper Blooper: if so, yes
Jiang Zhung: oh sweet baby jesus


Phone: So, about Goops characters, then?
Jiang Zhung: w-wat about 'em
MobileDrac: Goops has characters?


Phone: Splinter's gift was freedom
Phone: Wait. I've got it. We'll give Splinter Kingdom Hearts 3 Sheena Cosheena.


Jumpropeman: I had considered asking about chatzy madness
Jumpropeman: it seems my caution has rewarded me
Jumpropeman: that cactus game has an interesting concept
Jumpropeman: oh man, I forgot the Mexican Soda Saga
Jumpropeman: I like Aya now
Jumpropeman: my new least favorite touhou
Jumpropeman: are the discount Sumirekos
RubyChao: what'd they ever do
RubyChao: besides not be sumireko
Jumpropeman: that's exactly their sin
Jumpropeman: i get excited for sumi art
Jumpropeman: but nope, chuck testa
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: poor renko


iKomodo changed name to OOOO-R-R-R-R-R-AAAAH!
OOOO-R-R-R-R-R-AAAAH!: I did not realize this name would be as long as it is
OOOO-R-R-R-R-R-AAAAH! changed name to iKomodo


(The yearly Touhou character poll launches)

RubyChao: character votes done
RubyChao: my 1st place vote went to Okuu (she needs it more)
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I tailor my votes for this thing similar to how I vote in gamefaqs contests
Gooper Blooper: gotta metagame this shit
RubyChao: and my other six votes went to Yams, Teshni, Nitori, Salami, Machi, and Ruukoto
Gooper Blooper: good choices
Gooper Blooper: As with every year, my top vote will be sumi and I also want to support tokiko again but I'll need a little time to work out the others
Gooper Blooper: those who remembered I voted for tokiko last year now understand why
RubyChao: *sumi receives 3 points total*
Gooper Blooper: nonsense, JRM will vote for her too
Gooper Blooper: it's the closest he can get to voting for rachel
RubyChao: remember last year
RubyChao: when jrm was the only person in the world who had a first place vote for tupai
Gooper Blooper: I do, and it was glorious
Gooper Blooper: his vote mattered
Jumpropeman: what buttons do I press to get to voting
Jumpropeman: never mind, I think im there
MobileDrac: I must vote with my heart: Mina.
MobileDrac: *Mina
MobileDrac: **Mima
Gooper Blooper: ***Maria
MobileDrac: ****Mario
Jumpropeman: *tries to use page translate to vote*
Jumpropeman: "small name needle ball"
Jumpropeman: good try google
Jumpropeman: who is
Jumpropeman: Eternity Larva
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): a butterfly fairy from suntanned cirno: the game
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): possibly the worst name to ever grace the touhou games
Gooper Blooper: are you kidding, that name is amazing
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): amazingly bad :U
ivel: I agree; Cirno is an awful name :I
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): cirno's great
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): eternity isn't
Jumpropeman: *votes Eternity Larva for 1st place*


(That time Harpy really liked Dan for like 3 hours)

Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): Danplot confirmed 2018
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): oh
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): wait.
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): not confirmed
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): not even may yet
MobileDrac: I'll confirm it. Danplot coming this March.


Jumpropeman: lately, I keep going "oh yeah, I'm RPing that character next year"
Jiang! (Feat. Dan from SF): accurate


RubyChao: >can you name every touhou character
RubyChao: bbs
Gooper Blooper: good luck
ivel: the first one I thought of was Wriggle
To: Good luck, man! I sure couldn't.
Gooper Blooper: I dunno if anyone here could, there are some seriously obscure hus. But if any of us can, it's Chao
RubyChao: done
RubyChao: 131/135
Draco: The four he missed were all Parsee.


Jumpropeman: Nintendo Labo looks nifty
Gooper Blooper: It seems neat, but I don't think it's aimed at folks like us :V
Jumpropeman: little did you know gooper
Jumpropeman: I ate cardboard as a child
Jumpropeman: so clearly this is for me


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: BRB - buying Goops' Christmas gift.
Jumpropeman: *o*
Jumpropeman: now I see what Kermit sees in Ms. Piggy


Phone: When it comes to weaponized fangs, though, I think my favorite is this one.
Phone: 
Phone: Shit.

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