Sunday, March 11, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 306: Fourteen Hours Of Golden Girls

Bamboozled Cat: i also brought back my
Bamboozled Cat: bag o
Bamboozled Cat: fuckin
Bamboozled Cat: artificially cheesy popcorn
ivel: #lewd
ivel: oh




iKomodo: hi goops
iKomodo: And brine
RubyChao: hi goop
Brinehammer: Hey hey
MobileDrac: Brine is kind of like Jrm, right?
iKomodo: Pfffft
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: brine is DIET JRM
RubyChao: and now we have FULL JRM
ivel: out of curiosity and killing time i looked up dr. pepper ripoffs and i’m gonna list my favorites:
dr. pig
dr. good guy
dr. thirst
dr. a+
dr. choice
dr. pete
dr. radical
Jumpropeman: Dr. Pig
ivel: got another taste test for jrm


Brownie Chomper: i am eating shrimp teriyaki right this second
ivel: teriyaki
ivel: is gud
ivel: shrimp isn't tho :U But that means more shrimp for Harps
Gooper Blooper: Shrimp teriyaki?! Your username lied to me!
Brownie Chomper: i do not have brownies to chomp


B.C.: I dunno who is running the demon booth atm
MobileDrac: I'd say Brinetime but that's the Devil Booth.
MobileDrac: Maybe Morgan and Lily.
B.C.: Hm
ivel: it's clearly Dia
B.C.: Dia is not a demon
B.C.: she isnt occult in the slightest
MobileDrac: Dia is too occult. She's so adorable it's spoopy.


Jumpropeman: I had no idea I Am Bread is supposed to be hard
Jumpropeman: I thought it was just like goat simulator but with bread


Bree: harpyplots are about cute squishy marshmallows who used to be slaves at the horrible evil marshmallow prison camp where they subject the marshmallows to frequent woobifying trauma
Bree: but now we are healing the marshmallows with hugs and we are going to burn down the prison camp and tell all the wardens "FUCK YOU FOR MISTREATING THESE POOR PRECIOUS MARSHMALLOWS"
Bree: that's harpy plots
Brownie Chomper: "you toasted my marshmallow."
Brownie Chomper: "now..."
Brownie Chomper: MAGIC throws the stick into the flames and cackles madly as Tamia stares and is like "why."


Gooper Blooper: best college essay ever
Richard Milhous Dastardly: That actually kinda made me cringe
Richard Milhous Dastardly: like I get the joke, but as someone who basically had the concept of writing good essays forced upon him
Richard Milhous Dastardly: I get very picky about that kinda stuff
Brownie Chomper: it reads like a bill wurtz video
Brownie Chomper: almost
Gooper Blooper: *keeps poking around*
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahahahahah
Gooper Blooper: so that settles that then
Khornes Bloodboys: Hory shit
Gooper Blooper: so yeah, writing quality is one thing, but just copying the first page of a book about your subject is quite another
Brownie Chomper: wow
Brownie Chomper: WOW.
Brownie Chomper: fuck


Brownie Chomper: dia is mobster now
Gooper Blooper: that's a great look
Gooper Blooper: the wings aren't very mobster but somehow it still works


Brownie Chomper: welcome to harpy's "time for emotional trauma" time


Gooper Blooper: dia is using life drain... but MAGIC is using FOOD DRAIN
Brownie Chomper rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 57
Brownie Chomper: just your normal everyday kitsune clearing out your everyday normal pantry
Brownie Chomper: don't adopt her, celestia
Brownie Chomper: says Tamia
Brownie Chomper: do not
Gooper Blooper: the sugar mage sisters are all rotating out/retiring, and so's Yamame
Gooper Blooper: Celestia needs this
Brownie Chomper: oh no
Brownie Chomper: celestia, unable to accept an empty nest
Brownie Chomper: adopts Brandon and MAGIC into the fold
Gooper Blooper: team mom eternal


Phone: Tonight has firmly given me a Halloween costume idea for Anne. But will people still recognize cookie monster if the fur is cyan?
Bree: gloria vs anne cookie fight
Draco: Anne? ANNE?! Return that dishware this instant! That's hotel property!
ivel: Cyanne
Phone: Sarahkin have a major natural advantage in that field, I suspect. 8u
Draco: Challenge Ariel. She got full once just by looking at a cookie.
Phone: Hehhn


Khornes Bloodboys: Small town sports team has won, defeating their rival, other small town sports team
Northman: Whatever will the next small town sports team do when confronted with the news they have to face small town sports team now that small town sports team has bested small town sports team?


Jumpropeman: "The Realm of Divine Demise is...a blank white void."
Jumpropeman: incidentally, the Zoidberg Bros and Sunwoop are both from a place that's been called The Whiteness and is essentially the same :V
Jumpropeman: Sunwoop a Keres confirmed


ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
ivel: every post I have at least one jobber, if not both
Phone: You wanna trade me that nat one, buddy? I have some uses for failure.


Bree: tom's opinion on MAGIC
Bree: I linked him the "TEN ROBES AT ONCE" goopypic
Bree: Bree - Last Tuesday at 6:13 PM
harpy's newest character
WordSmith - Last Tuesday at 6:14 PM
but why ten robes?
Bree - Last Tuesday at 6:14 PM
because...I dunno. because they create a cocoon of soft warmness
it's like walking around in a sleeping bag
also that many robes create a protective layer of floof to render her immune to stabby
unless you can wear away the protective layer with many stabbings
she is a chubby kitsune girl and she wears a lot of robes
that's about all I can tell you
she just debuted
also she doesn't have a name yet because kitsunes pick out their own names when they figure out who they want to be (that's the backstory for this character's race of kitsunes anyway)
WordSmith - Last Tuesday at 6:19 PM
I'm not sure she needs more characterization
she may be close to objectively perfect
I say close because the only objectively perfect character is Kirby




Jumpropeman: you can tell you're not a fan of some food when your first thought seeing it is "let's get this over with so I can move on with my life"


Jumpropeman: ride to hell is pretty much the perfect example of why I should wait until the offseason for disaster reports
Jumpropeman: dissecting a bad game is hard while also pretending to be a treasure chest smacking babies with a sword
Draco: Have Jasper review the game in-character so he can smack babies while trashing games.


ivel: MGM's alternate ending for Rifa


Samurai Jon Snow: read this shit
SteelKomodo: oh god what
Samurai Jon Snow: yep
Samurai Jon Snow: luigi kills a man
Samurai Jon Snow: LUIGI
Uh, Mario, how come some of them wear clothes and some of them are naked?
The ones with clothes have a condition.
Luigi waits for further explanation, gets none, and says...
(giving up)

Samurai Jon Snow: oh my god this script is insane
Samurai Jon Snow: diddy has been shot
Samurai Jon Snow: no mention of lanky, 0/10 shit script
Samurai Jon Snow: LUIGI
Wallace...”Wario”...Why are you
pointing a gun at me?
Well, a-duuuuuuuuuh. I intend to
shoot you in the face.

SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: well he's not wrong
SteelKomodo: okay what the fuck did this script do to mario
SteelKomodo: this is not mario by a long shot
ivel: "Etro Kong"
ivel: Etroplot plot twist confirmed
SteelKomodo: this script is going crazy directions
Samurai Jon Snow: holy shit they ice bellome in this script
Samurai Jon Snow: oh also fucking CONKER just cameos
Samurai Jon Snow: in a completely useless scene that advances nothing
ivel: as he should be
Samurai Jon Snow: lol
SteelKomodo: okay i can't read any more of this script
SteelKomodo: this is nonsense
Samurai Jon Snow: WARIO
(like someone is twisting a screwdriver into his tongue)

Samurai Jon Snow: this is not a mario party
Samurai Jon Snow: im hollering


Intangible: Allo, Goops. Happy Birthday. A different problem arose with the Steam, though one you could probably rectify presently. In that, ah, I don't have your ID yet. To go do the wishlist.
Gooper Blooper: hi guys
Gooper Blooper: my steam ID is
Gooper Blooper: wait for it
Gooper Blooper: "Gooper Blooper"
Jumpropeman: i'll never remember all that


Gooper Blooper: Draco's gift of Robobot is two games in one
Gooper Blooper: buying it gave me enough My Nintendo Gold Coins for a free game
Gooper Blooper:'s a pinball game :V
Jumpropeman: =V
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: HOLD YOUR HONKING HORSES, My Nintendo has game rewards again?!
Gooper Blooper: It does! They added a handful of third-party games to the gold rewards section
Jumpropeman: my gold coins have been expiring since it was all coupons before
Gooper Blooper: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wii U) : 90 Gold Points
Zen Pinball 3D (Nintendo 3DS): 50 Gold Points
Super Little Acorns 3D Turbo (Nintendo 3DS) : 60 Gold Points
Art of Balance (Wii U) : 70 Gold Points

ivel: wish they'd add Switch rewards already
Jumpropeman: the clear standout there is of course Super Little Acorns
Jumpropeman: after all, it is delivering some of the best platform gameplay yet and featuring wonderful crisp graphics, Super Little Acorns 3D Turbo is a must have for platform game fans.
RubyChao: how bad is it
Jumpropeman: afraid to joke too much about it because then I'll have to get it
Gooper Blooper: I can't tell if it's actually bad or if it's just a stupid enough name and concept to be easy to make fun of
Jumpropeman: it looks decent enough. "Wonderful crisp graphics" is an overstatement and a half though
Draco: JRM's been ignoring his Nintendo Gold like it was Neopets.
Gooper Blooper: JRM gold status: Delighted!
Gooper Blooper: JRM gold hunger: dying
RubyChao: you know what it reminds me of?
RubyChao: the better quality newgrounds flash games
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure I lost over 100 gold before they added these games
Jumpropeman: I thought the same thing chao ;P
RubyChao: like not the absolute "my first project ever" trash but the good ones
Gooper Blooper: but don't you want to spend... *checks* ...good fucking christ
Gooper Blooper: 110 gold coins for a 30% discount on Star Fox Zero
Jumpropeman: mamma mia! How could I resist!


ivel: ""Stay local, be happy and always, eat well!" [sic] is the motto of Sweet Dixie Kitchen, located in Long Beach, California, which was recently busted by an eagle-eyed customer for not exactly staying local - unless you consider the Popeyes down the street " local." The Southern-inspired restaurant, which specializes in biscuit sandwiches, was called out on Yelp by a customer who's noticed an employee smuggling two large boxes of Popeyes into the kitchen; he then confirmed with his server that the fried chicken served by the restaurant was indeed from Popeyes."
Gooper Blooper: HA
Best Champion: we have been reduced to smuggling chicken
Best Champion: wow
ivel: apparently their prices are higher than Popeyes
Gooper Blooper: Of course! Otherwise it wouldn't work
ivel: the owner compared it to buying ingredients like flour from an outside source
Best Champion: no
ivel: but ingredients are way different than just taking Popeye's chicken
Best Champion: dude you are not cooking shit bruh
Best Champion: become another popeyes you fuck


Jumpropeman: how will I defeat Goku now without a fruitcake?
Cornwind Evil looks sidelong at JRM.
Cornwind Evil tries to remember if he ever mentioned that to the gang here.
Gooper Blooper: You did
Gooper Blooper: You even linked us once
Gooper Blooper: I think
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: he did
RubyChao: i still remember
RubyChao: i can never forget
RubyChao: never forget
RubyChao stares into the distance
Cornwind Evil pulls off Chao's face, revealing an elephant.

Cornwind Evil: I KNEW IT
Gooper Blooper: link
Cornwind Evil shows a photo of Chao.
Gooper Blooper laughs uncontrollably


Jumpropeman: 5u
Jumpropeman: gu
Jumpropeman: hi
Draco: Hello.
RubyChao: hello
Jumpropeman: trying to type hi without sitting up was harder than expected
Draco: Sure. That's what you were doing. I totally believe you. :I
Jumpropeman: crap, he's on to me! *scraps season 8 villain "5ugu"*
Draco: Save him for Cirnoplot.
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: Utsuho vs. Angry Puddle
Draco: Utsuho's already fought Lisa though.
The bend is by: 5ugu sounds like Anne's terrible attempt to build a mechanized Okuu villain. Except there was already a robo-Utsuho. And Anne isn't evil this year.
Best Champion: "this year"
Gooper Blooper: >this year
Draco: She was evil last year.


Gooper Blooper: Check out the first two minutes of this Zenith compilation for a lovely dose of old spoopy movie clips plus an appearance by Vincent Price, spoopy icon
Draco: Dang. Those sick 80s beats!
Draco: "Samhain, prince of darkness and lord of the dead." And now he does Halloween parties for Kobbers.
Gooper Blooper: THE ORIGIN OF SAMHAIN'S NAME but everyone probably knew already
Draco: I'm learning things in the best way possible: with an 80s background track.


The bend is by: Why is it I sometimes want to see the things I love wreck each other
Gooper Blooper: Nothing strange here
Gooper Blooper: We get together every July and watch all our characters kill each other


iKomodo: Stag Beetle meets his greatest adversary
MobileDrac: O_O
iKomodo: Stag Beetle vs Rhino Beetle, FITE YER MATES


Brinehammer: Whooo, it's a Brinehammer episode!
Brinehammer: I can't wait to see this guy eat an entire bag of trash.
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo: Tonight on Steel Komodo's Nightmare Extravaganza
iKomodo: Fucked Up Carnivorous Hell Building makes the Thing look like a tame rabbit
iKomodo: stay tuned, or maybe don't
iKomodo left the chat
Brinehammer: Huh. Wonder what's on channel JRM...
Brinehammer: Oh, fourteen hours of Golden Girls. Huh.


Samurai Jon Snow: im redownloading tf2
Samurai Jon Snow: pray for me


meh asked Chatzy to choose between do, do not, there is no try, convince tractor and other. Chatzy chose: do
meh rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
meh rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
meh rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 5

Gooper Blooper: "do" *rolls like garbage* "NOT DO! NOT DO!"
meh: So you do remember how this goes, Tractor.


BAD DECISION MAN rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 1
BAD DECISION MAN: you sunk my battleship
Gooper Blooper: nice
RubyChao: ded
meh: You dropped a bomb on me,
You dropped a bomb on me


Jumpropeman: "Hey, I’m Tumblrbot. Tumblr’s official robot assistant. I noticed you just liked a post by jakecoc. Why not message them? Could be the start of a beautiful Tumblr friendship"
Jumpropeman: just thought I should warn you del that tumblr wants me to hit on you
iKomodo: O_O
MobileDrac: JumpRopeLeter is my favorite Dr. Pepper ship.
Tableter: I don't want this ship
Tableter: Im off


Selchu: When Samhain wins
SteelKomodo: D:


The Super Jinteki Super Show: Srspost
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Thanks everyone for taking part in my good plot this year
Gooper Blooper: and thanks for doing it
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Uh, nothing really off the cutting room floor for this one
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Tossed around killing Julius off but that seemed pretty fruitless
Gooper Blooper: thank goodness
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Also envisioned a big astral knight Vs Fae fight but that'd overshadow the Kobbers a bunch
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Struggled with the morality of killing Titania with regards to Oberon for a hot minute but then I had a shower and was like "lol nope"
RubyChao: del: you couldn't kill off julius anyway :V
RubyChao: i need him
The Super Jinteki Super Show: It's true, you do
Gooper Blooper: hah, that's right
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Wait, what for, I forgot
Gooper Blooper: he needs to get drunk off his ass
RubyChao: DYM
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Ooooooh shit
ivel: this is true :U
The Super Jinteki Super Show: I forgot I entered him in that
The Super Jinteki Super Show: Again
Gooper Blooper: Dodged a bullet there
RubyChao: gj
ivel: you would've been reminded if you had tried anything
ivel: so :U
Gooper Blooper: So yeah if you'd killed him, Chao woulda poked you :V
ivel kills off Aldebaran
The Super Jinteki Super Show changed name to Star-spangled Ass


Jumpropeman: *and then Clawhauser enters the bar and arrests Zeldoten*


Draco: Time to introduce a villain.
Draco: jk
Jumpropeman: Meanest Wiener


Draco: Guys, I think we can befriend Swiftpuke. He seems like he's actually decent.
B.C.: Oh man
B.C.: no
B.C.: they are all going to die
B.C.: there is no last minute harpy sympathy here
Draco: It's not last minute. Zeldo saw his goodness when she jumped into that portal.
B.C.: Its the hands he stole from comet aint it
Gooper Blooper: he's just bitter he doesn't have any hands
Gooper Blooper: we gotta get him some hands and he'll feel better
B.C.: he cant jazz hands
Draco: Exactly. We'll grow him some Scorpion hands.
Draco: Or Celestia can make him hands that turn into buzzsaws.
Draco: He could be Clownpiece's senator dad.


Jumpropeman: "“The relative spiritual strength of the spirit (pishāch) is 10,000, whereas the relative strength of the lowest ghost, the common ghost (bhūt) is 1.“" Look at all this power
Jumpropeman: you can tell this ghost is real because it uses anime power levels
Gooper Blooper: pishāch final boss 2017
Draco: Is that an owl?
Jumpropeman: "The female goblin (haḍal) is the fourth in the hierarchy of ghosts in ascending order, as per their spiritual strength. Their relative spiritual strength is 1000, compared to that of a common ghost, which is 1. Refer to the article on ‘Types of ghosts’. About 2% of the world’s population is affected or possessed by them in the present times, and will be so right up to 2025. "
Jumpropeman: guys, I have a confession
Jumpropeman: I'm possessed by a female goblin
Jumpropeman: (there are no male goblins)
Draco: Is this where DBZ gets their power levels from?
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between possessed and not possessed. Chatzy chose: not possessed
ivel: good news, I'm not possessed
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between possessed, not possessed and repossessed. Chatzy chose: repossessed
Draco: MY CAR D:
Gooper Blooper: 2%, so 2 times out of 100
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 49
Gooper Blooper: not possessed
Jumpropeman: "The subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) are the topmost echelon in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Their relative spiritual strength is in the range of 100,000 units to infinity."
Jumpropeman: the OP ghost
ivel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 50

Draco: Not possessed.
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Jumpropeman: whoops
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 87
ivel: too late
ivel: you got possessed
Bree rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 72
Jumpropeman: nooooooooooooooo
Jumpropeman: apparently, 4% of the population is possessed by the pishach booger monster up there
ivel: I feel like rolling for Harpy because I like doing dice rolls in here :U
ivel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 33
ivel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 4

ivel: she is possessed by the booger
Draco: Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Draco: Oreo, you were supposed to protect her.
Jumpropeman: ghost=30%, demon=50%, Black serpent=10%, female goblin 2%, witch=2%, jakhin=2%, pishach=4%, subtle-sorcerer=less than 1%
Draco: From booger ghost.
Jumpropeman: so, total possession coverage is... a little over 100 percent
Jumpropeman: we're all possessed guys
Jumpropeman: unless they're doubling up
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between ghost, demon, black serpent, witch, jakhin, subtle and chatzy. Chatzy chose: demon
ivel: MUHAHAHA eh that's expected
ivel: oh yeah, I should have put HE there
RubyChao: i assumed doubling up
Draco: They'd have to do doing at least SOME doubling up if they've got >100% coverage.
RubyChao: where the heck are you getting all this anyway
Jumpropeman: "Why do flies and insects die in the Spiritual Research Centre?
Can flies spontaneously die in normal conditions? At the Spiritual Research Centre such a phenomenon is taking place – SSRF appeals to scientists for further study.
Why do some windows reflect more light?
A study was undertaken to test if some windows in the Spiritual Research Centre reflect more light than others."

Jumpropeman: I think the researchers here just take everything they don't understand and say SPIRITS
Bree: this is why I ultimately didn't do any research for occult appreciation day
Bree: just about everything you get when you try is junk like this
Draco: You know it's a quality, scientifically-founded place when it includes the phrase "the blessings of His Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale"
Bree: that... is a cool name though
Jumpropeman: "Following are some examples of distress experienced at Mr. and Mrs. Rajendekar’s home:
Every day they used to perform arti... While singing, they would forget some stanzas or repeat a stanza again and again, even though the words of the devotional hymns were well known to them.
An enormous amount of dirt or grime would come off the floor while sweeping it .
They started experiencing severe headaches while washing the dishes.
They often experienced irritation building amongst family members without any apparent reason."

Jumpropeman: the Rajendekar's have a serious case of living life
Jumpropeman: *needs to stop putting apostrophes everywhere*
ivel: "needs" to "stop" putting "apostrophes" "everywhere"
Draco: "The Saints told Him that Spirituality is not a science which can be learnt merely from reading books" <- Probably because it's not a science at all!
Jumpropeman: those are quotation marks ;V
ivel: ''quotation marks''
ivel: those are two apostrophes that time ;U
Jumpropeman: I think I'm closing the SSRF before I spend all night there
Aldebaran entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: I thought you were dead D:
Aldebaran: We don't even know that weirdo
Aldebaran left the chat
Draco: I wonder if that was the real Aldebaran.
Aldebaran joined the chat
Aldebaran: also I can't die until the drinking contest
Aldebaran left the chat
Jumpropeman: but you can die DURING the drinking contest >BI
ivel: this is true
ivel: I doubt it'll happen but it could :U
Draco: "So He did exactly what the Saints told Him to do, that is, He started spiritual practice under the guidance of Saints." <- I'm glad they clarified he started a new practice. For a second there, I thought the saints had told him to come up with a new scam disguised as science.
Jumpropeman: the last drink is a meteor that they have to catch in their mouths
ivel: I'm glad I kept him around, since I got to learn about some Brazilian mythological creatures from it
RubyChao: ivel: I doubt it'll happen but it could :U
RubyChao: *looks left*
RubyChao: *looks right*
RubyChao: *starts rewriting the parts with lethal poison*


Gorton Beeman: Tell me more about this vocaloid program, I may give it a shot in the offseason.
Jumpropeman: you make anime girls sing with it
Jumpropeman: that's where Miku and the vocaloids come from
Jumpropeman: not sure how good it is with english but its japanese stuff is pretty popular
Jumpropeman: there are boys but as far as i know they're all pretty boyish
Jumpropeman: as in, i dont think ive ever heard a deep voiced vocaloid
Gooper Blooper: Just go ahead and imagine FV playing Vocaloid
Gooper Blooper: what a mental image
Gorton Beeman: So I'll need mods to make a gregorian choir with samurai, then.


Brief errands: I got a lot done today and more hugs than I've had in three months otherwise, Em and Kim included. Really helps a lot, those. Wot with the confined rage and anger. Actually did the pumpkin day with little man and got to make him giggle by being big strong uncle Stephen, toting him around and swinging.
Brief errands: It was as close to a perfect day off as I'll likely get, honestly.
Me: Sounds great man.
Brief errands: And now to pay Draco to edit out any hint that Ven is the kind of man that likes hugs.
Draco: Sorry, I'd have to delete half of Chatzy.
Brief errands: : o
Brief errands: >///>


Broken Chair: Josephine
Broken Chair: left her bazooka at home
Broken Chair: for shame
Gooper Blooper: It's too big, I can't have her pull it out of her bag
Gooper Blooper: alas
Broken Chair: that's not what she said
Broken Chair: ...wonk
Gooper Blooper: pfff


ivel: apparently the Pringles mascot has a name
ivel: Julius Pringles
Draco: :I
Draco: Julius has been hiding chips in tennis ball tubes for years.


iKomodo: Oh hey, big sale on Steam-
iKomodo: >literally 75% of my steam wishlist is on sale
Jumpropeman: >steam sale
Jumpropeman: no... no please... my money
Jumpropeman: there's already so many console games draining me
Jumpropeman: how will I be able to afford new bubsy


ivel: oh yeah, Fire Emblem Heroes Halloween (I typed Halloweed lol) summons coming in the next few days
ivel: I laughed
Bree: shouted samhain
Bree: and then freddy replied
Bree: inhale my pumpkin spice dong enragement spook
Tableter: "you colossal fool there is always time for halloweed"
Gooper Blooper: Freddy lights a jack-o-lantern and inhales from the stem
Bree: devour my hot pumpkin spice ass samhain
Bree: foxy's costume is the same every year, he's always a pirate
Tableter: Foxy is always a pirate
Tableter: So on halloween he takes the accessories off and goes as a normal person
Bree: bonnie loses his head for the eleventy kajillionth time, freddy replaces it with a jack-o-lantern
Bree: the day after halloweed, still riding the high, they paint chica like a turkey
Gooper Blooper: it's been years but the fazfucks still make me laugh all the time
Gooper Blooper: perfect comedy characters
Bree: devour her hot bird ass, it's seasonally appropriate this time
Tableter: They're vessels you use to put good jokes in
Tableter: The dynamic is so fun
Tableter: Also yes chica goes as a turkey
Bree: happy fucksgiving
Bree: "what the shit is fucksgiving" "it's the only time of year we give a fuck. happy fucksgiving"
Tableter: Freddy spray-paints himself white and goes as the stay puft marshmallow man


(After the Prier/Josephine fite)

Gooper Blooper: that fite was a lotta fun
Gooper Blooper: as expected :V
Jumpropeman: big women, big fun
Bree: and for just $39.99, you too can own BIG BOOTY BEATDOWN, the only place where you can see--wait, what? what do you mean that wasn't gameplay footage?
Bree: stupid bit of cutting room floor fact: during that scene where ronpas visited beach episode, chao and I discussed whether it was plausible that ibuki had kobber merch while peko, the first ronpa to show up, didn't
Bree: we decided it made sense since ibuki is famous and already provably marketable while peko hasn't made much of a splash
Gooper Blooper: well, some games have used live action in their commercials and such before
Gooper Blooper: cut it up into the greatest hits and there's your trailer
Bree: but at one point chao joked about peko commenting on the lack of peko merch, and I said I had seriously considered having ibuki say there is peko merch...
Bree: the adult section, featuring beheeyem and "the women of fite club"
Bree: and then peko just stops ibuki midsentence before she can describe it any further
Gooper Blooper: oh my~
Bree: anyway that didn't happen so instead it was just BIG BOOTY BEATDOWN
Gooper Blooper: a whole different kind of BBB
Bree: raymoo's inclusion courtesy of chao saying his headcanon is raymoo got da junk in da trunk
Jumpropeman: my headcanon for this character... is she has a butt
Bree: it was also chao's idea that ibuki is on #TeamDirk and I went "yeah, makes sense to me, canon"
Gooper Blooper: I like the idea of a rubber stamp that says "CANON" and every time people declare something off-forum to be canon the stamp is used
Gooper Blooper: *BAM* "CANON"
Bree: yes that was my mental image too
Bree: also @jrm
Bree: you know there's a difference between a character who has a butt
Bree: and a character who has
Bree: the booty


Draco: Odyssey's the real villain.
Cornwind Evil: That or he thinks gamers need breaks
Jumpropeman: nonsense
Jumpropeman: playing video games from when you wake up til you go to sleep is perfectly healthy
Jumpropeman: these bags under my eyes are just a trick of the light
Draco: His life is literally video games. He's hiding something.


Hibernator: Humm. Alright. They can have odyssey. But I reserve the right to express grumpy concern if we ever get to Mario: Titanomachy.


The Moon Crew Comes Through asked Chatzy to choose between buy the plastic mans, wait till payday and lol no. Chatzy chose: wait till payday
The Moon Crew Comes Through: Sensible chatzy
SteelKomodo: oh god what plastic mans are you after now
The Moon Crew Comes Through: More plastic mans tom
The Moon Crew Comes Through: The plastic never ends


Draco: How good a fake name can Hazel come up with?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Draco: It's not very good. Doesn't hurt that signing up for a Fite probably gets her name in at the hospital.
Gooper Blooper: "I'm Hazelsonnn Dededoo"
Draco: "My name is Fhqwhgads."
Draco: "I'm a dragon."
Draco is to the limit.


DrinkingChao: guys i found Kiiboplot 2018
Gooper Blooper: I won't be surprised if a few elements from Mario Odyssey worm their way into RP
MobileDrac: Like hats and jumping! 😄


DrinkingChao: hi jrm
DrinkingChao: i brought you a dym
Jumpropeman: for me? you shouldn't have!
Draco: You're right. He shouldn't have. BI
Draco gets out the Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty.


Earth Wind Fire and Knuckles: Shit I have entirely the wrong username right now


Birthdayropeman: FYMpost
Birthdayropeman: had to trim myself
Birthdayropeman: because the Zoidbergbros can go on infinitely if I don't stop them :V
Gooper Blooper: aw :V
Birthdayropeman: pages upon pages of two interchangeable characters saying ridiculous shit as they refuse to move
Gooper Blooper: Kinda reminds me of Hecatia banter
Gooper Blooper: I do love a good banter


MobileDrac: Bbl - assume Zeldoten does awesome things.
Gooper Blooper: *Zeldoten does a triple flip and meows*

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