Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 285: The Potato Goddess

(Chao leaves to get something to eat, then comes back)

RubyChao: so
RubyChao: the place i was going to
RubyChao: is out of business
RubyChao: notice from the landlord and everything
RubyChao: but my second choice is still around!
RubyChao: shame, though; really hyped for that pita bread
Gooper Blooper: :<
Gooper Blooper: When was the last time you got to go there
RubyChao: hmm... i want to say about two or three weeks ago
Gooper Blooper: Wow, that soon? I'm surprised you didn't overhear anything or see a warning
RubyChao: judging from the notice
Gooper Blooper: they're in Zenith's graveyard of lost businesses now
Spy Somehow Still Snowed In: D:
RubyChao: they didn't pay the rent and it's been shuttered until claims court happens
Spy Somehow Still Snowed In: That sucks Chao
dedvel: there was one really great buffet in our town that I miss
Draco: I know the feeling, Chao.
Draco: Every place in town that's done slices, the burger place I was at when Cray Fish won, the waffle sandwich shop that took over the burger joint's location...
Gooper Blooper: Don't forget that shitty ribs place!
RubyChao: yeah but that's a place that we don't mind going away
Draco: I was TRYING to, Goops.
Gooper Blooper: ;V
Draco: :l
Arthur Bishopfish: there was a place here called Rib Train that my dad always wanted to go to but then he found out it had closed, and every day on the way to work we drive by where it was. We saw it torn down and they're building an apartment complex there, but for some inexplicable reason the Rib Train sign is still up and the city doesn't know what to do about it
Arthur Bishopfish: its shaped like a train too, and we thought it might be some historical thing, but the newspaper did a story saying "It's still up for no good reason"
Gooper Blooper: Rib Train Sign vs Ron Paul Sign
Arthur Bishopfish: what's the status on Ron Paul
Gooper Blooper: Last I saw it was still there, but I haven't looked at it in a while
Arthur Bishopfish: hopefully the snow won't kill it
Gooper Blooper: snow didn't kill it the last four years running so probably not
Arthur Bishopfish: true, but something has been gradually killing it
Arthur Bishopfish: its like a dead tree in the forest
Arthur Bishopfish: it won't grow, but gradually the world breaks it down
Arthur Bishopfish: and then someone puts a new Ron Paul sign in its place
Arthur Bishopfish: thus continuing the circle of life


Frankenstein Jr. entered for the first time
Draco: Enough people call the monster Frankenstein that it almost could be Frankenstein Jr.


Baron Cuddlebuns: "hi little cute birb,
Baron Cuddlebuns: i will give you hugs for songs
Baron Cuddlebuns: i love you cute birb"
Baron Cuddlebuns: -BC
Baron Cuddlebuns: "what the fuck even is
Baron Cuddlebuns: a haiku, guys? this is bad
Baron Cuddlebuns: i can't write this shit"
Baron Cuddlebuns: -emily
RubyChao: we just don't know what birds are
Baron Cuddlebuns: "i'll eat the bird for dinner" - masumune
Baron Cuddlebuns: motherfucker
Frankenstein Jr.: "Scooby Dooby Doo
Where are you? We've got some work
To do now, Scooby
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: I
Draco: Hate
Draco: Poems
Draco: -Parsee
Baron Cuddlebuns: "WHEN IS FOOD"
Baron Cuddlebuns: -cian
Gooper Blooper: -sarah
Gooper Blooper: -josephine
Gooper Blooper: -a lot of characters
Draco: "Ten minutes ago - you ate all of my cookies - sleeping on the couch." - Parsee
RubyChao: "kirby kirby kir-"
RubyChao: "by that's the name you should know"
RubyChao: "the star of the show"


Draco: Kind of an odd question, did Goops ever draw Ko except for the Brawl intro?
Gooper Blooper: I don't believe so
Frankenstein Jr.: he did!
Frankenstein Jr.: the brawl pictures that didnt get used
Frankenstein Jr.: with the KO/Ko joke
Gooper Blooper: Actually that's just the same picture from the Brawl title pic but reused
Baron Cuddlebuns: he did that?
Baron Cuddlebuns: you monster
Gooper Blooper: I sometimes cut corners!!
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i can't be friends with you anymore
RubyChao: i'm going to leave forever
RubyChao leaves FOREVER
Baron Cuddlebuns: that means i am the new best friend
Baron Cuddlebuns: baronness cuddlebuns rises
Gooper Blooper: the new friend........... GEROMY
Frankenstein Jr.: Introducing Geromy, the new friend
Baron Cuddlebuns: NO


Frankenstein Jr.: "Everything You Need To Know About The Conspiracy That Justin Bieber Was Caught Shapeshifting Into His "Reptilian Form" While Touring Australia"
Frankenstein Jr.: new alruthine confirmed


Spy Did The Test: Draco how are you so amazing?
Draco: I dunno.
Draco shrugs.


(Regarding assistants in the Brawl)

Gooper Blooper: love me a good assistant
RubyChao: i've got
RubyChao looks
RubyChao: no assistants!
RubyChao: sorry, Chuckster Pianta
RubyChao: you'll have to be replaced for someone with an assistant
Frankenstein Jr.: Chiharu/Kasumi dream team
Frankenstein Jr.: *Kasumi first to die in brawl*
Gooper Blooper: nonsense, chao
Gooper Blooper: ​Hecatia's assistants are Hecatia and Hecatia
RubyChao: good point
RubyChao: alternatively
Spy Did The Test: Alternatively
Spy Did The Test: Jackal . . . ​with Yamcha
RubyChao: chuckster pianta calls upon secret dark arts
RubyChao: and summons
RubyChao: B̷̸͞Ļ̸̕͡Ờ̸̷O̷̷̧͝͡D͟͏͘​ ̸͢͝P҉͘I̶̧͢A̛͠N̸̛Ţ́͘͜A͏͞​͘̕


Frankenstein Jr.: oh my, i just googled bob and jim for the first time
Frankenstein Jr.: I had no idea one Bob is equal in mass to like eight Jims
Spy Did The Test: He's an ogre, he's biiig
Gooper Blooper: I thought they were Spy OCs
Gooper Blooper: I DIDN'T KNOW
Frankenstein Jr.: so did I until just now!
RubyChao: i see that they went into a new line after blood bowl
Spy Did The Test: I gotta use Blood Bowl's most beloved announce team for Blood Bowl
Spy Did The Test: Guts McFrenzy, the original party hound, was my invention though
Frankenstein Jr.: Guts McFrenzy is still amazing
Frankenstein Jr.: 100/10


Sarah Jane Smith: Piggy Tyro for BBB
Sarah Jane Smith: *adds to the list of Del suggestions*


Gooper Blooper: *Skull Island gets added to the Kuwahawi Archipelago*


Baron Cuddlebuns: i found my rita ref
Baron Cuddlebuns: tho she needs a magical girl outfit and is prolly a little taller than that :U
Gooper Blooper: she cute
Baron Cuddlebuns: i know right
Baron Cuddlebuns: unfortunately i don't have a good idea for the magical girl outfit
Baron Cuddlebuns: all i know is there's one keyword and that's "ocean/sea"
Gooper Blooper: *just sticks her in a sized-up version of Carla's robe*
Baron Cuddlebuns: and armor i guess
Baron Cuddlebuns: :U
Baron Cuddlebuns: bad ideas
Sarah Jane Smith: I looked at tumblr before work and saw that post, and I know that would be your rita ref before even clicking it :V
Baron Cuddlebuns: Well yes
Baron Cuddlebuns: because she's cute
Baron Cuddlebuns: and adorable
Draco: And fluffy.
Baron Cuddlebuns: why aren't there more cute chubby anime anything
Baron Cuddlebuns: I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED
Draco: Because Japan.
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure there's a lot... but it's not exactly safe for RP
st. patrivel: link
Sarah Jane Smith: i just googled it and instantly regretted it
Baron Cuddlebuns: uh
st. patrivel: now I'm concerned
Baron Cuddlebuns: *clicked*
Baron Cuddlebuns: regrets everything


Baron Cuddlebuns: disgaea 5 status: plips intensify
Gooper Blooper: what's a plip
Baron Cuddlebuns: its what the rabbits/yellow prinnies say at the end of their sentences
Baron Cuddlebuns: an alternate universe "dood" as it were
st. patrivel: "Remember the 2005 action-adventure movie Sahara? Haha, neither do we! It was a giant flop, but it starred Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz, and Hollywood wanted to establish it as the first in a new Indiana Jones-style franchise based on Clive Cussler's best-selling novels, featuring the hilariously named action-archaeologist Dirk Pitt. Ironically, Cussler was so protective of his intellectual property that his massive interference directly caused the film to fail."
st. patrivel: >​Dirk Pitt
Baron Cuddlebuns: dark plip
Baron Cuddlebuns: wait what


Sarah Jane Smith: I imagine I'd like Doctor Who if it wasn't for all the Doctor Who in it


Bree: tomorrow there will be a blogpost with caprice and I'm going to BUG EVERYBODY FOR REACTIONS AND IT'LL BE SO ANNOYING
Draco: Don't worry, Bree. I'll be sure to ignore you. BV


Bree: one of my plans for danai is that to make the monies she opens a shop where she sells FUDGE
Bree: a fudge shoppe
Bree: but, should I do this
Bree: also should there be special fudges themed around specific kobbers
Draco: She would have fierce competition.
Gooper Blooper: There are indeed a lot of other food sellers hanging around, BUT what you could do
Gooper Blooper: is have her sell the fudge through the KOB bar or in a teamup with Celestia
Superman: ​is make danai work for meh burger​ or do that
Gooper Blooper: Meh Fudge
Draco: ​Yamame joins forces with her to make fudge brownies.
Gooper Blooper: I saw bags of fudge for a dollar at Rite Aid, I bet that stuff is Meh Fudge
Superman: Try our Chocolate Lumps™!


RubyChao: "Wiley Brooks later claimed that Diet Coke and McDonald's cheeseburgers have special "5D" properties. The idea of separate but interconnected 5D and 3D worlds is a major part of Wiley Brooks' ideology, and Wiley Brooks encourages his followers to only eat these special 5D foods, as well as meditate on a set of magical 5D words."
RubyChao: five-dimensional cheeseburgers
Superman: got it
Bree: great plan, think I'll follow it myself!


iKomodo: Jesus Christ del is doing the kuytama dance right in front of me
iKomodo: Somebody make him stop
Superman: what did you do to warrant such aggression
iKomodo: Nothing at all D:
Superman: all you can do is suffer the crotch thrusts and hope, some day, you will forget


Jumpropeman: Aviaticus is my biggest character, whereas Cirno will be my smallest if my trend of tiny characters continue
Jumpropeman: you will need a microscope to see Cirno
Gooper Blooper: Inch High X Cirno
Bree: pls cirno is underage
Jumpropeman: "Age » Implied to be over 60"
Jumpropeman: >​not 90
Jumpropeman: Zun come on


Bree: hina is a maybe for the brawl!
Jumpropeman: ​=o
Bree: caprice and danai are definites, hina is under consideration
Jumpropeman: ​​=o
Bree: I know I said hina wouldn't want to brawl but I would really love seeing what jrm does with her bad luck powers
Bree: *jrm uses hina to justify every low placing*
Gooper Blooper: I am very curious as to what the in-universe would be for her fiting her mates (yeah I wanna see it too, just gotta work out the canon reasons)
Jumpropeman: Hina's bad luck: entering the brawl in the first place
Bree: she's trying to be hip with the kids
Jumpropeman: *trips, accidentally signs the form on the way down*
Gooper Blooper: She's standing next to someone who's signing up, they knock over an ink well that somehow fills out a form for Hina with the ink puddle


Bree: chao, how will kasumi feel about hugging robots
Bree: do you think meiling will convince her to hug any robots this season
RubyChao: depends on the robot
Bree: skeiron then
Bree: the original huggable robot
Gooper Blooper: stupid mental image
Gooper Blooper: Meiling tries all day to get Kasumi to hug a robot
Gooper Blooper: Kasumi keeps refusing mostly out of stubbornness
Gooper Blooper: then she winds up hugging Ruukoto somehow
Gooper Blooper: "SURPRISE, SHE'S A ROBOT" "...fuuuuuuuck"
RubyChao: i approve
Bree: best
Bree: my mental image of how it'd go if meiling tried to get kasumi to hug skeiron
Bree: is "why should I" "he's cute!" " he's not" "​​BLASPHEMY​​​" "okay okay jeez fuck I'll hug the fucking robot"
Bree: just, middle of celestia's bakery, meiling bellows BLASPHEMY so loudly that thunderclouds form and lightning strikes ominously in the background
Bree: indoors
Bree: you dare question the cuteness of this robot, plebeian? the gods shall smite thee for thy hubris >:I
Bree: anyway so meiling and kasumi are fun to RP together
RubyChao: they are
RubyChao: perpetual grump is the perfect foil to meiling's meilingness
Bree: another dumb mental image
Bree: celestia decides to do something nice for skeiron's birthday
Bree: meilingness best descriptor
Bree: anyway
Bree: skeiron can't eat but celestia decides to throw a party and there will be cake for everyone else to eat on skeiron's behalf
Bree: except, she changes her mind, and instead of cake
Bree: it's a loaf of bread
Bree: ​shaped like skeiron​
Bree: ​skeiron won't let anybody eat it because it's too beautiful​


RubyChao: "Angle's first gimmick in WWE was a really, really arrogant heel that managed to put his foot in his mouth wherever he went. His first few months were undefeated which he bragged non-stop about in between oblivious swipes at the crowd. He went undefeated until he started losing tag matches wherein he would simply declare it was his partner that lost, not him. Then Tazz defeated him at the Royal Rumble. Kurt whined that it didn't count since Tazz used a choke (it was the Tazzmission). Then Tazz beat him again."
RubyChao: today i realized that VEW tenshi was basically heel kurt angle
SteelKomodo: welp D:
RubyChao: (there's a reason i used his theme for her appearances)
RubyChao: (well that and being able to use the "YOU SUCK" version)


It was me, Del!: Yoooooo it came through!!!!
RubyChao: noice
It was me, Del!: Thank
SteelKomodo: awesome


Draco: "What's a computer? Can you eat it?" ​Some sass master chimes in. "Meiling does that all the time."
raviolivel: #lewd
RubyChao: if you're utsuho, the answer is yes
RubyChao: just dump some chocolate sauce on it and feed it to her
Draco: Okuu will even eat her own cooking.
Jumpropeman: Utsuho's been burning macaroni since 2014
Draco: Literally, one constantly burning dish nobody can extinguish.
RubyChao: The Eternal Pot
raviolivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
raviolivel: Apparently Gino is a natural despite never cooking
Brandon Carter (and Knuckles): Gino's a vagabond, he needs to know how to cook
Brandon Carter (and Knuckles): otherwise he will die
raviolivel: have you seen Gino's food stash
raviolivel: because really
Jumpropeman: he learned how to cook, but refused to ever do so, for the memory of how his home village was burnt down by a pancake baking incident still resonates through his soul
Draco: Gino is a hobo. D;
Brandon Carter (and Knuckles): HA


Slept away a day: I'm overdue for running off to work, alas.
Jumpropeman: see ya
RubyChao: lateeer
Draco: Bye Ven.
Phone joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Everyone saying goodbye to FV and then him popping up moments later on his phone is always funny to me
Jumpropeman: WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH D':
Draco throws himself at Ven's feet.


Josephine Day: we're doing an auction here at the retirement home, and with every prize (most of which are jewelry or bags and such) comes 1 roll of paper towels
Josephine Day: which, I should note, was an addition requested by the residents
Gooper Blooper: hey man, paper towels are useful


ivel: "Danny the Street is an actual living sentient street. He moves between the cities and infiltrates them, thus bringing happiness to citizens.
He is a sentient street who is able to place himself anywhere around the world. Danny lets the people tossed out by society have a place to rest. He entertains them with drag shows and various shops. Danny cross-dresses and enjoys expressing himself by putting pink, frilly awnings or curtains on gun stores and the like."

ivel: What.
RubyChao: oh, i know about that guy


Doomrider: Danny the Street is a great character
Doomrider: *says JRM, surprising no one with his opinion*


Doomrider: >​162 Best iPhone games
Doomrider: such a discerning list will surely be useful
Gooper Blooper: it better have Super Monster Bros on there
Doomrider: I got my ipad today, so naturally the first thing I did was download Pokemon Go and catch a rattata
Gooper Blooper: never forget (0:20)
Doomrider: a whole new world of garbage is open to me
Gooper Blooper: one of the deepest worlds of game crap there is
Draco: iPhone Garbage starring Junko.
Gooper Blooper: there is seriously ​so much worthless shit​ on mobile
Gooper Blooper: you'll have a great time
Doomrider: hopefully A1 Celebrity Wedding Dentist Awesome Kids Little Surgery Salon HD - Fun Superstar Dental Doctor Office Makeover Game is still available
Gooper Blooper: Five Nights At Frozen Moana Jurassic Pokemon's Super Duck 3D Free
Doomrider: "Rated 12+ for the following:
Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence
Infrequent/Mild Simulated Gambling
Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes
Frequent/Intense Horror/Fear Themes
Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity
Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References"

ivel: welp
Doomrider: thank goodness its infrequent or I wouldn't let my child play it!
Gooper Blooper: as long as they only gamble ONCE


Doomrider: "Framed is a great deal of fun, with style to spare.
A Good Match For: Puzzle fans, comics fans, saxophone solo fans."

Doomrider: finally, the game for the sax fan
Doomrider: remember my brief Faerie Solitaire fixation
Doomrider: I just looked into the progress on the sequel
Doomrider: FaeVerse Solitaire Complete Fate Collection is still in development, but you can prepurchase it for ​47​ dollars. How inexpensive you must be thinking, because that price is a preorder discount from its projected MSRP of 97
ivel: dear lord
Doomrider: 97 dollars for solitaire
Gooper Blooper: I have got to hear the justification for charging 100 dollars for solitaire
Gooper Blooper: all I know is that ever since I started using steam regularly again, every morning like clockwork
Gooper Blooper: there's JRM
Gooper Blooper: with "MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY"
Doomrider: Mobius has daily log-in rewards so get used to it :V


The Coast Is Toast: "I have got to hear the justification for charging 100 dollars for solitaire"
The Coast Is Toast: An odd Eldar will also come by to dance and protect your computer from Slaaneesh
RubyChao: ​but i don't want my computer protected from depravity
ivel: chao plz
The Coast Is Toast: Oh god, that reminds me of a Lifetime original movie
The Coast Is Toast: Which dealt with the topic of internet porn addiction
The Coast Is Toast: Perhaps you can see two issues with such a topic
The Coast Is Toast: 1) They can't show the actual product, but that's okay, one can work around it.
The Coast Is Toast: 2) But they darn sure can't show some of the actions related to the product.
RubyChao: is this the one from something awful's reviews
The Coast Is Toast: Yes, yes it is
The Coast Is Toast: So they came up with a stand in action to represent excess...alone time
The Coast Is Toast: Guess what it was
RubyChao: ​red bull
Gooper Blooper: footage of a Rad Repeatin' Tarzan action figure
The Coast Is Toast: Nope, Chao got it
Spy: Oh god Rad Repeatin' Tarzan
The Coast Is Toast: To demonstrate the issue they had the guy constantly drinking energy drinks
The Coast Is Toast: All the time
Spy: . . . Wat


Bearandon Cubbard: disgaea 5 alert: my roster is starting to look like my roster for RP


ivel: Dia is the mage to backup Gino's ranger tactics
Bearandon Cubbard: weird
Bearandon Cubbard: i read
Bearandon Cubbard: ranger as "burger"
Gooper Blooper: burger tactics
ivel: Gino's burger tactics
ivel: "Don't go to Meh Burger"
ivel: end of tactics


Doomrider: O
Bearandon Cubbard: did you somehow forget
ivel: welp
Bearandon Cubbard: oh wow
Bearandon Cubbard: you went there
Doomrider: I was thinking about meteor dog the other night and forgot his name
Bearandon Cubbard: kek
Bearandon Cubbard: yeah Duer's his name
Gooper Blooper: young mcharpy had a farm, and on this farm she had a cast
Bearandon Cubbard: with a Brandon here and a Dia there
Gooper Blooper: HERE A CUTE
Gooper Blooper: THERE A SAD
ivel: ^
Bearandon Cubbard: sounds about right


Doomrider: Magical Girl plot eh
Doomrider: who to send...
Bearandon Cubbard: the magical girl plot we deserve
Bearandon Cubbard: which is 100% less creepy
Gooper Blooper: think carefully JRM
Gooper Blooper: it's a real stumper
ivel: I think you know who you should send
Gooper Blooper: [ill-fitting JRM character joke goes here]
Doomrider: Shimme- LORD VYKARIUS
ivel: there it is


Spy: Goops, help me
Spy: The vocalized versions of the BD soundtrack stopped being copyright claimed
Spy: I can't stop listening
Gooper Blooper: well, spy, when I'm infected with an earworm, here's what I do
Doomrider: the only cure
Doomrider: is to beat Bravely Default
Gooper Blooper: 1) Make plans to use the song in RP
Gooper Blooper: 2) Listen to song a hundred times to get hype
Gooper Blooper: 3) One week before plot day, get sick of the song from hearing it too much and link something else
Gooper Blooper: presto
Spy: XD
Spy: Sounds like me in a nutshell
Spy: 4) Miss song, listen a hundred thousand times again
RubyChao: alternatively
RubyChao: two days before plot day
RubyChao: your best friend steals the theme from you
Spy: . . . Oh yeah
Spy: This is gonna be the RP year where I am Out Of College
Doomrider: I am so ready
Doomrider: I've been missing Spy Brand RP™
Gooper Blooper: In my logs I was looking through for chatzy madness, there was a bit of discussion about your freedom, spaps
Gooper Blooper: JRM is very interested in where you're going with Mimikyu and he's not alone
Spy: I can do it
Gooper Blooper: we're hoping for some spychar action
RubyChao: we expect a HUNDRED PAGES of spy action!
Spy: I! CAN! DO! THIS!
Spy: I'M HOME!


Dr. Satan: I had a dream a few nights ago where they added an Alolan Crobat, but the only difference was Crobat was drinking out of a coconut cup with a really big straw, and his health gradually kept going down as he drank in real time, so you could just not do anything and Crobat would die on its own
B.C.: wow.
Gooper Blooper: that's beautiful
RubyChao: nice
ivel: lel


Gooper Blooper: I've got one heck of an anecdote about goopsbro that chao is gonna love
ivel: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Anyway, while I was having dinner around 5, Goopsbro shows up and tells me that, completely on a whim, he decided to start playing NEStroid on an emulator
RubyChao: !!!
Gooper Blooper: he has dabbled with a couple other metroids before, but never gotten far, and he also told me he was doing it legit - no savestates
RubyChao: oh wow
Gooper Blooper: he said the worst part was the ten minutes grinding for health after dying
RubyChao: yeeeeeeeeep
Gooper Blooper: he'd been at it since 11 AM with minimal breaks and had found a bunch of stuff, but not Ridley or Kraid
Dr. Satan: that's one reason I stopped playing Metroid 1
Gooper Blooper: Fast-forward two hours, he pops up again
Gooper Blooper: he fucking beat NEStroid
Gooper Blooper: in one day
ivel: welp
Dr. Satan: Go Goopsbro
RubyChao: holy crap
Gooper Blooper: he conceded that he DID finally start using savestates at the end because Mother Brain was, in his words, "ridiculous"
Gooper Blooper: "like Mother Brain herself isn't hard but HER ROOM"
Gooper Blooper: He got the 3-5 hours ending
Dr. Satan: beware the spaghettios of Mother Brain
Gooper Blooper: and I told him "dude you have no idea, my best friend loves Metroid, he's played and beaten all of them... except the NES one, he played Zero Mission instead, I can't wait to tell him you beat the one Metroid he never finished and it was your first""


Bree: okay so
Bree: apparently the lead community... official person on imgur just has the username "sarah"
RubyChao: yep
Bearandon Cubbard: sarah please
Bree: and after looking at a post by her and some comments I've now come to imagine imgur as a cult that worships goop!sarah
Bree: one comment was "SARAH HAS SPOKEN. HER WILL BE DONE."
Bearandon Cubbard: WOW
Gooper Blooper: Sarah retired from kobbering so she could start an image hosting site
Bearandon Cubbard: please
Bree: the post in question btw is about a potato that sarah keeps on her desk
Bree: someone sent her this potato anonymously in the mail
Bearandon Cubbard: uh
Bree: she put it in a glass box/tank and it has been there for like two years now
Bree: original potatost
Bearandon Cubbard: ...i'm going to make a celestial in disgaea and name her "potato goddess"
Dr. Satan: postato
Gooper Blooper: "Dont fuck it up, don't fuck it up... I LOVE YOU SARAH- Oh fuck."
ivel: I saw a picture of the potato's current status
ivel: not gud
Bree: another funny comment "Sarah has requested a post. The pact is sealed."
Gooper Blooper: the fat is seal
Bree: "Keep it cool or Sarah will never talk to you again." "I'm willing to accept that. For the greater good." "But Sarah is the greatest good!"
Bree: more potato post comments: "I have some three year old sour cream in the back of my fridge that'll balance the flavor nicely, if you'd like" "Really? What does that look like?" asks Sarah, a third person says "Like it's trying to climb out of the cup"
Cornwind Evil: But what is his name?
Bree: george
Dr. Satan: Mr. Vitamin


(More Disgaea 5)

Bearandon Cubbard: i found a mystery room in the item world that consisted of, like
Bearandon Cubbard: an 8x8 square full of goddamn prinnies
Bearandon Cubbard: and two other dudes
Bearandon Cubbard: doing anything regarding throwing the prinnies is suicide
Bearandon Cubbard: because it will inevitibly piss off the cat guard
Bearandon Cubbard: and they
Bearandon Cubbard: are very strong.
Bearandon Cubbard: we do not touch kitty
Bearandon Cubbard: (he guards the gate)
Bearandon Cubbard: i tried this
Bearandon Cubbard: i
Bearandon Cubbard: i have fucked up
ivel: appease the cat by slapping kitty litter
Bearandon Cubbard: no
Bearandon Cubbard: he's lvl 277
Bearandon Cubbard: i cannae
Bree: the prinnies are all waiting for some of corned beef sandwich prinny's legendary corned beef sandwiches
Bearandon Cubbard: the guy who triggered it was a guy stuck in the corner with a wrestler and he says "He's a groper! D:< "
Bearandon Cubbard: and its a fuckin crowded as shit map
Bearandon Cubbard: the wrestler was enjoying the sweaty situation
Bearandon Cubbard: a bit too much
Cornwind Evil: Corned Beef Prinny clearly must team up with Ice Cold Water Man
Bearandon Cubbard: anyway i thought aoe would help but that
Bearandon Cubbard: will not help against 20+ prinnies
Dr. Satan: can a Corned Beef Sandwich really be so cheap?
Bree: no jrm, only the ice cold water is one dolla
Bree: the corned beef sandwich is tree fiddy
Cornwind Evil: It was around then that I realized that prinny was 10 feet tall and a giant beast from the prehistoric era
Dr. Satan: that's when I realized the Prinny was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era!
Dr. Satan: darn, too slow on the punch


Dr. Satan: Oswald is one of those shows where they just threw in everything
Dr. Satan: "Sentient sunflower? Why not! Weird butterfly mom? Sounds good! One of the houses is just a lamp? I've never even heard of the phrase 'consistent design'!"


RubyChao: it's kind of funny
RubyChao: Harpy and Brine completely stopped being called by their old usernames
RubyChao: but we still call spy Spy rather than Person Man
Dr. Satan: its a name that's hard to call someone in shorthand
Dr. Satan: hey Person
Dr. Satan: hey Man
Dr. Satan: hey PM I sent you a PM
RubyChao: that
RubyChao: is a very good point


Bree: I noticed this chatzy madness has a lot of bree
Bree: it should be the Bree Edition
RubyChao: a bree edition would be entirely bree
Bree: that would be too much bree
Bree: you gotta balance it out
ivel: Chatzy Madness: Special Breedition


Not Sleeping Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Not Sleeping Sheep: i don't even know what im rolling for
Not Sleeping Sheep: not even a low roll can put some pep into me
Not Sleeping Sheep: i mean
Not Sleeping Sheep: it could be lower
Not Sleeping Sheep: but
Not Sleeping Sheep: can't complain

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