Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 283: Mr. Nutrient

RubyChao: *checks ivel's steam profile for reasons*
RubyChao: >​he's friends with youmu
RubyChao: lucky D:


N❜Yasunna: "Once again, there are some subtle aspects I wish weren't lost when this Pokemon evolves, since Toxapex sort of trades "sad goth medusa child" for "devil ghost in a cactus igloo""
Beautiful Chickadee: i'm the devil ghost in a cactus igloo
Gooper Blooper: oh good, I'm not the only one reading Bogleech's Pokemon reviews
Gooper Blooper: he hates Gallade but aside from that I line up with him an awful lot
Beautiful Chickadee: unreasonable gallade hate
N❜Yasunna: yoooooooooo
N❜Yasunna: I don't remember how I found them
RubyChao: but what does he have against gallade
N❜Yasunna: but I agree a lot too
N❜Yasunna: especially on Lucario
RubyChao: it's so evil :<
N❜Yasunna: not as strongly as him though
Gooper Blooper: Lemme go check the review again to refresh
Gooper Blooper: His dislike of Gallade seems to stem largely from what makes Gallade so popular in the first place
Gooper Blooper: That being it seemed like pandering to the Gardevoir fan club by giving them a male version so they can pretend male Gardevoirs don't exist
RubyChao: rip
RubyChao: can't argue with that, i suppose
N❜Yasunna: I think the one thing that bothers me about Gallade's design is that waist
Gooper Blooper: but yeah Lucario is his least favorite of all
N❜Yasunna: its like he swallowed an ostrich egg and it got stuck
Gooper Blooper: weird design choices being the main thrust of that, not so much the fact that it's really obvious fanservice bait
RubyChao: to be fair, i might be biased towards Gallade since i've ruined him for myself for years
N❜Yasunna: he's the only person on earth who agrees with me that giant inexplicable spikes are not justification for a steel typing
Gooper Blooper: I never liked Gallade's waist either, I remember in some drawings of Gallade I did long ago I adjusted it to look more natural, like a giant bellbottom
Gooper Blooper: I think so too tho!
N❜Yasunna: a trio has formed!
Gooper Blooper: also bogleech gave Beheeyem a perfect score
Gooper Blooper: so that's nice
N❜Yasunna: we all make mistakes
RubyChao: *jrm immediately - kek
Gooper Blooper: :>​I
Gooper Blooper: oh god I fucked that up and it looks creepy
Beautiful Chickadee: goopy is horrified that he has a nose now
ivel: Harps pls
RubyChao: it looks hilarious


Beautiful Chickadee: my dog begs for pizza
Beautiful Chickadee: but no dog
Beautiful Chickadee: i am more hungry than you


RubyChao: so i just shared this with goops
RubyChao: but i think i figured out a reason everyone was concerned that getting jobs would be a huge hit to RP back in 2013 or so
RubyChao: basically i think there's a few things
RubyChao: -the community was just coming off the confirmed death of zoofights, of which major failure's promotion had played a big part
RubyChao: -the general atmosphere of 2013 was a very doom and gloom one at first
RubyChao: -most importantly: iirc, at the time, Draco and Brine were the only community members with jobs
RubyChao: the former basically never group RPed and the latter straight-up vanished
RubyChao: so it seemed like there was a direct connection between get job and stop rping
RubyChao: then ven showed up, then draco started RPing all the time and brine came back, and then jrm, del, and harpy all got hired
Beautiful Chickadee: they returned to prove us all wrong
Gooper Blooper: So far, at least, there is still a connection between Get Married and Stop RPing
RubyChao: and it turned out oh hey you can have a job and do rp
Gooper Blooper: (Major and Brilliant Kid)
Beautiful Chickadee: if i get married to ivel
Beautiful Chickadee: or rather, when
RubyChao: ​will ivel and harpy prove us wrong
ivel: hey Harpy, we need to test that theory
RubyChao: i like how we all just made the same joke at once
Beautiful Chickadee: i assure you i will just become saturday night draco-wannabe
Gooper Blooper: what might happen there actually would possibly be Harpy dragging Ivel into RP deeper :V
RubyChao: i promise that if i get married i won't ditch you guys
RubyChao: 2important
Beautiful Chickadee: ivel ends up writing an elaborate BBB post that rivals widow maker's in sheer size and effort
Beautiful Chickadee: i mean
Beautiful Chickadee: goopy's
Gooper Blooper: you got me
Gooper Blooper: wids writes her own brawl reviews
Beautiful Chickadee: goops is actually a mantid
ivel: I don't think any of us would be surprised if Goops was a bug


ivel: huh, Nick Cannon has a newborn son
ivel: name is Golden
ivel: so I guess he's the man with the golden cannon :U
Beautiful Chickadee: golden cannon
N❜Yasunna: shoulda named him Glass
ivel: lel
ivel: only if he became a professional fighter later in life


Gooper Blooper: look which member of a beloved RP pairing is getting a toy this year~
Beautiful Chickadee: oh my
Beautiful Chickadee: raunchy


ivel: I think the older South Park games can be enjoyable if you're prepared for them to be bad
N❜Yasunna: but why would someone play bad games, ivel?


RubyChao: oh hey, i'm reading the page of terrible ads and
RubyChao: "If you live in one of a handful of major cities in the United States, chances are you've heard the Kars-4-Kids ad on the radio at least once, which is one time too many"
RubyChao nods knowingly

the greatest Del of All Time: oh dear


Ak Boga: "Neil deGrasse Tyson: The 7 newly discovered Earth-sized planets orbit a “Red Dwarf” star, so perhaps they should each be named after the 7-dwarfs."
ivel: ...
Ak Boga: future headline: Alien Life has finally been discovered on Dopey this morning
ivel: that is brilliant :U
RubyChao: heheeheheheheheh
RubyChao: i'd support it


Squire Squid guides squirrels: I should pass this on to Goops, methinks.
Ak Boga: ^If Gooper made a Shovel Knight OC
SteelKomodo: bug knight


Ak Boga: "Obliterate the following items from: the beginning of time"
Ak Boga: I like Google Chrome's "Delete history" option


RubyChao: "In the fall of 2016 Jim Davis joined the faculty of Ball State University in Muncie as an adjunct professor."
RubyChao: imagine having the garfield writer as your professor
iKomodo: Oh god
iKomodo: That'd be a trip


Blessed Character: my new gimmick is "thinking of how many jokes i can make using Brandon's initials"
Blessed Character: shamelessly shilling my new character
Bree: probably a lot! it's a long dictionary
Bogleech: harpy hasn't been green since nineteen aught six
Blessed Character: indeed
Blessed Character: the brandon hype hasn't stopped
Blessed Character: somehow?
Bree: no brakes on the brandon train
Blessed Character: instead i just combine him with other characters lurking about
Blessed Character: good connections
Blessed Character: and emily is also a thing
Blessed Character: she will fight for your honor and the last slice of pizza
Bree: the emily train also doesn't have brakes but it ​does​ have a bitchass horn
Blessed Character: all i can imagine is Emily somehow getting a replica of Yuugi's horn and putting it on
Blessed Character: instead of the "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK"
ivel: that'd be amazing
Blessed Character: "YEAH BITCH WHAT NOW I'M THE YUUGI OF MANHATTAN" "then what does that make me?" "letty" "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaay"
ivel: alternatively she learns how to play the french horn
Blessed Character: brandon shame​less​ly cosplays as letty
Bree: "I'm learning how to play the french horn!" and then she toots a horn and it goes "SACRE BLEU!!!"
Blessed Character: spy get out of that horn
ivel: I was about to say poor spy :U
Bree: "emily that's not what a french horn is" "well would you like to tell the horn that, then?" "BONJOUR MON AMI" "um okay nevermind"
Blessed Character: great minds think alike
Blessed Character: "that's like some next level yoga shit, man"


Bogleech: some people just don't want to talk about dicks
Bogleech: sorry Richard


RubyChao: we all get out of hand when hype sometimes
RubyChao: i know for a fact :V
Bree: *irumaface, chao intensifies*
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: i've been trying to cut back
RubyChao: but i can't promise that i won't ramp up when we get into late september


Blessed Character: ivel and i are drinking a pepsi and a coke, respectively
Blessed Character: "sick high five"
Draco: D8
Draco: Harpy, just take your cooties shot and accept the high five. BI
Blessed Character: ivel: I high fived her and coughed, therefore sick high five
Blessed Character: not anywhere near me tho
Blessed Character: look
Blessed Character: i AM the cooties
Blessed Character: ivel: it's true
Draco: Awesome.
Action Bree: more like THE CUTIES hyuk yuk yuk


Action Bree: draco, in the blogpost meiling is asking kasumi about herself, if you have any ideas for stuff to ask you should PM it :3
Jumpropeman: i have an idea for Kasumi: she should wear a sombrero
Blessed Character: AS A HISPANIC
Blessed Character: i approve.


Draco: Someone at the library served me up a sick burn that made me laugh a bunch. We were talking about my long-distance relationship and I said we hadn't seen each other for awhile, so my co-volunteer Carol said "That must be why you're still together." It was delivered so perfectly too. I sat there a moment going "Did she really just...? SHE DID. *insert laughter here*"
Action Bree: lel
Mortar Sheep: That's a spicy burn
Draco: This nice lady, probably my mother's age, we get along great, and she just out of nowhere drops the sickest burn and I loved it.
Blessed Character: OOOOH
Blessed Character: that's a spicy meatball
Blessed Character: it made ivel laugh a bunch so i think she's on to something D:
Blessed Character: I'M SCARE
Draco: It's okay, Harpy. You have your spicy meatball with you to laugh at me with me. ;3
Jumpropeman: you guys can laugh?
Jumpropeman: I thought you all just made the "kek" noise
Jumpropeman: I just imagined chatzy like a circle of frogs on lilypads
Blessed Character: kekekekekekekekekekekeke​k
Jumpropeman: everyone keking in approval
Gooper Blooper: See, that's funny
Gooper Blooper: and of course my first instinct was to reply with just "kek"
Jumpropeman: embrace your inner frog


RubyChao: that was a good chatzy madns
RubyChao: *madness
Jumpropeman: that was a good chatzy mantis
Gooper Blooper: that was a good chatzy montage
Draco: Chatzy Madness 8675309: *Insert 'Chatzy Madness "Joke Number": That Was the Most "Verb" Chatzy Madness Ever' joke here*
Mortar Sheep: Chatzy Madness 200-Q Side-C: Chatzy Madlibs
Action Bree: now I really think there SHOULD be a chatzy mad libs


Jumpropeman: we need more emotionally vulnerable robots in RP
Jumpropeman: spy save us
Action Bree: can I date the emotionally vulnerable robots
Draco: Sure, Bree.
Action Bree: meiling is going to be the protagonist of a harem anime someday
Action Bree: except the harem is one she painstakingly assembled herself by extensively courting every new addition


Action Bree: tom's school assignments right now are very ariel
Action Bree: essays about sustainability science and whatnot
Draco: And archery.
Action Bree: I think I mentioned but the program he's doing right now is environmental management, like a degree in that or something?
Action Bree: so yeah, ariel stuff
Action Bree: oh, and I think he ​is​ planning to enter da brorl again in season 7, but last I heard he didn't really have any ideas for what
Action Bree: I'm sure it'll be silly, but probably no more birds :V
RubyChao: neat
Jumpropeman: The Ass is coming
Draco: Suggest he enter Robbie Rotten, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Mime from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Action Bree: [11:19:32 PM] Thomas Smith: this is my legacy
[11:19:36 PM] Thomas Smith: The Ass is coming

Action Bree: I can't tell if that counts as THE ASS CONFIRMED or what
Action Bree: but there you go
Jumpropeman: Sir Booby was a really cool idea
Jumpropeman: I'm sure he could give the Ass a good twist too
Jumpropeman: and don't attempt to make an innuendo out of that because it won't make sense


Mortar Sheep is not home at the moment, please leave a message
Action Bree: M sheep's answering machine: "at the sound of the lovecraftian gibbering that will drive you permanently insane, please leave a message! *lovecraftian gibbering*"
Action Bree: somehow all of the messages he's left are "CTHULHU FHTAGN"
Action Bree: and such
Mortar Sheep answering machine is a random passage from Finnegans Wake
Mortar Sheep Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our certitude...

Action Bree: objection
Action Bree: that can't be from finnegans wake because I understood it
Action Bree: ...have you read finnegans wake? because if so that'd explain a lot about you actually
Action Bree: here is a bit on finnegan's wake that explains my joke about it being sheep-esque :V
Action Bree: "The traditional view is that Joyce loaded 'Finnegan' with as much wordplay and puns as he could possibly fit in. Joyce himself provided a short glossary when the work first began to be serialized, and explained that the work was to be approached as being told in the half-sleep being waking and sleeping; where words and objects begin to take on different meanings. Even then, Joycean scholars have delighted in finding new and unexpected meanings in every single word. One scholar has listed at least 10 different "meanings" to the single word 'thuartpeatrick.' Some meanings, it is said, require the understanding of at least 5 different languages to plumb.
Consider also -- Joyce spent almost 15 years working on it, at a time when his eyesight was failing. He had already had multiple operations on his eyes and could only read by using a powerful magnifying glass. Correspondence and poems could be dictated, but while working on 'Finnegan' it was necessary for Joyce to see the words on the page to edit the spelling. Even a few months before final publiation he was continually reworking, respelling and rewriting in order to load as many different meanings into the work as possible."



Action Bree: the hypothetical amity show was, as I described it to del and later chao, "a cross between dora the explorer and inspector gadget"
Action Bree: where amity solves problems by turning into things
Action Bree: and the things are cute and have ditto faces


Cornwind Evil: So in my college there were a bunch of clubs
Cornwind Evil: And they had like a few parts of the basement of the college set aside for them
Cornwind Evil: This was a very very large basement, I'll note. Like there were like 120 rooms in it
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, in the days before I arrived, the school newspaper, Bandersnatch, and the club "Gamers" (who did d20 and card games and stuff) got into a mostly non serious war
Cornwind Evil: Like, they tossed soda cans at each other through their room's doors.
Cornwind Evil: And pranked each other
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, Bandersnatch's pride and joy was a mini fridge they had
Cornwind Evil: And because it's Canada and its weird, people liked mayonnaise on their fries
Cornwind Evil: So Gamers somehow acquired like one of those really big buckets of mayonnaise
Cornwind Evil: And they managed to eat about half of it before it spoiled because you are supposed to keep that sort of thing in a fridge
Cornwind Evil: So the half eaten bucket became a makeshift garbage can
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, school was ending for the summer, so Gamers pulled the final prank and won the war: Bandersnatch was shut down, and just before they left, Gamers put the mayonnaise garbage bucket into Bandersnatch's mini fridge
Cornwind Evil: Where it sat all summer, including three weeks where the power was turned off for electrical wiring repairs, in a basement that trapped heat, in sweltering summer weather
Draco: OH NO D8
Action Bree: the school newspaper was named bandersnatch
Action Bree: I'm still hung up on that
Action Bree: what a name
Cornwind Evil: So yeah, when they returned their fridge was ruined
Cornwind Evil: And having gone too far by accident the school cracked down on such things because it's one thing to prank and another to destroy property
Action Bree: that seems like more of a mean prank than a funny prank. now they gotta get a new fridge
Action Bree: oh, okay, by accident
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, the story goes that Bandersnatch returned to find the fridge door open and the bucket on its side and empty
Cornwind Evil: And that the mess was gone, slithering off into the vents
Cornwind Evil: Watching. Hungry
RubyChao: wait, what did they expect to happen?
Cornwind Evil: It was dubbed 'Mr. Nutrient' and the rest is small history
RubyChao: i mean obviously the three weeks of heat were unintentional but you'd think leaving spoiled mayo garbage for months would be bad
Cornwind Evil: They clearly did not think the prank through
Action Bree: I'm also slightly concerned that the gamers managed to eat about half of a "really big bucket" of mayonnaise in a short enough timespan that they got through half before it spoiled
Mortar Sheep: Missingnutrient
Action Bree: that's a lot of mayonnaise, guys
Mortar Sheep: mayonomore
Draco: Eew.
Action Bree: it would take a lot of fries to go through that much mayonnaise
Action Bree: unless they were also using it for, I dunno, devilled eggs and tuna salad
Draco: Fries? They just dipped their hands in.
Action Bree: :V
Action Bree: he said they had the bucket because canadians like mayo on their fries
Action Bree: I guess it must've been a really big club
Jumpropeman: they called their fingers fries
Mortar Sheep: There must have been some calories
Mortar Sheep: in the mayo bucket they found...
Jumpropeman: *adds Mr. Nutrient to next year's Feed Yer' Mates*


Blessed Character: *looks back*
Blessed Character: *goops is not on*
Blessed Character: I NEED HIS HELP
Jumpropeman: only he can draw your noseless characters
Blessed Character: plz
Draco: JRM can draw someone with a nose, like Smiling Turnip Brandon.
Blessed Character: no
Blessed Character: :I
Draco: I:
Jumpropeman: don't worry
Jumpropeman: I'll draw Frowning Zucchini Emily instead
Draco: Excellent.


Phone: You live in DC, could you be a dear and murder the presidential cabinet? I keep waiting and it has yet to happen through increasing massive, horrific blunders.
Jumpropeman: HEY
Jumpropeman: I think one of those guys is supposedly okay!


RubyChao: hey jrm


Draco: I found a picture of young Viola
Gooper Blooper: I was going to jokingly respond with "no, THIS is young viola" and link something else, but it was the same character
Gooper Blooper: so lel
RubyChao: acerola is basically a fusion of viola and konata from lucky star


Gooper Blooper: I linked this before but missed the obvious opportunity to subtitle the goings-on as "coming home from visiting Hot Topic"


(after it is realized the ZF Corp "staff" characters roster has grown bigger than ever)

Jumpropeman: I've decided to add a new character to the staff: Harth will be the official blinds drawer. Whenever a window needs its blinds open or shut I'll RP him
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls XD
Blessed Character: jrm plz
Draco: Excellent thinking.
Gooper Blooper: RP Ice Cold Water Man every time anyone mentions water
Jumpropeman: on an island that would be difficult
Jumpropeman: "The Sea Witch poisoned the ocean water-" "I GOT THAT ICE COLD WATEEEEEEEEEEER"
Gooper Blooper: that was the joke, yes, he'd come up constantly :V
Draco: I'll make sure never to mention water in any of my posts.
Gooper Blooper: All Draco RP takes place in the Sea of 'See, where all liquid is chocolate milk
Jumpropeman: ice cold water man must be applied carefully, just like his product
Jumpropeman: if you just pour water on yourself, you get pretty wet! Can't have that happening


RubyChao: "Frieza's move "You Might Die This Time" is mistakenly called "I Might Die This Time". This error is fixed in later games."
RubyChao: frieza that completely changes the meaning
ivel: ahahaha


Blessed Character: lasdjlkgja
Blessed Character: take this nonsensical blogpost
Jumpropeman: >​Rita Shepard
Jumpropeman: i believe the appropriate response is:
Jumpropeman: Bree: lel
Bree: why is that lel?
Jumpropeman: Shimmer's real name is Rita Carpenter
Bree: also I almost thought you were gonna say "I'M RITA SHEPARD, AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE BLOGPOST ON THE CITADEL"


RubyChao: "Afterwards, Appule fights and severely injures Vegeta, who was defeated by Zarbon and heavily wounded. However, Vegeta recovered and he attacked and killed Appule."
RubyChao: fuckin' appule
Blessed Character: appule is teh fuckin stronk
Draco: Appule taught Yamame everything she knows about the Kayoken.
ivel: I thought it was about the Kayakin
Jumpropeman: he taught Blajboa everything she knows about the Mayonnaise
Jumpropeman: mainly not to eat it since Bacterian started using its tub as a trash can and left it in the dojo for a few months
Gooper Blooper: maybe Bacterian was Mr. Nutrient all along
Blessed Character: aaaa


Blessed Character: wait shit i think i just wrote kevvy again
Blessed Character: *looks at old Kevvy things then looks at Brandon*


Draco: "You want to file a complaint? Takes a number, chump."
Gooper Blooper:
 Gooper Blooper: Parsee meets a fat seal
Draco: What Parsee does at work all day
Bree: is it paru o'clock? I love paru o'clock!
Bree rolls around in parsee images
Cornwind Evil: -accidentally clicks Parsee's name on the side-
Cornwind Evil: ABORT ABORT
Cornwind Evil: ARGH


RubyChao: i like how bizarre this one gets with the first panel added
Cornwind Evil: But if it was
Cornwind Evil: How did
Cornwind Evil: The thing was
Cornwind Evil: Did we...


Kamen Rider Hime: Digimon's doing this cool new thing where Digimon are being born from mobile apps
Kamen Rider Hime: and there's a pill shaped Digimon in it named Dopemon who is based on an "enhancement app"
RubyChao: i can't even tell if you're joking anymore
RubyChao: *googles*
RubyChao: >​you're not joking


Skeleton Sentai Delranger: I got my x wangs out
Skeleton Sentai Delranger: Then lost and had to put them away
Skeleton Sentai Delranger: Wangs