Sunday, March 27, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 244: This Book Will Steam Your Dumplings

Jumpropeman: I'm an unfortunate creature who will let good things pass him by if I cannot consume them on my own terms
Jumpropeman: *changed between first, second, and third person like four times in that sentence*
FV: It's true. I once when we were much the younger squalls saw him turn away chocolate pizza at a Mr Gatti's because he couldn't watch Spongebob on the screen at the same time as getting food.
Jumpropeman: that cannot be true
Jumpropeman: as there is no such thing as a Spongebob
FV: Liar. -pat- There was no 'you' person perspective. =v Can't have been second. There was first and third, certainly.
Jumpropeman: doest thou meaneth the 'Bob?
FV: Your apologies, your grace. The 'Bob was meant.
Jumpropeman: (plus I don't like Chocolate pizza so maybe I simply was fishing for an excuse to refuse it :V)
FV: Tis a possible thing certainly. =v


PlanetaryChao: remember 2013, when premium was this mysterious thing that we'd never have
PlanetaryChao: and then daniel bryan opened the floodgates
Cornwind Evil: And then his head exploded and he retired
Cornwind Evil: I'm sad.


Cornwind Evil: Sine has made a new short film
Tyrion Lannister: cant watch vidjas at work
Tyrion Lannister: but i can watch you do a sprightly jig if you're willing


Tyrion Lannister: just went into a restroom and finished my business before I noticed the yellow sign on the floor was not a Wet Floor but a Bathroom Closed sign
Cornwind Evil: Oops
J Jonah Delson: Whoops
Tyrion Lannister: thankfully though, no Poops
J Jonah Delson: Hahaha


PlanetaryChao: did anyone see in review mode the one bit i remembered from my dream
Gooper Blooper: could you repost it, I glanced through review mode and there was a lot to sift through
PlanetaryChao: just get gud at reading like me :I
Gooper Blooper: I can't, chao-senpai :<
PlanetaryChao: goops it's like you don't want me to notice you :I
PlanetaryChao: i had a dream of which all i can remember is the title of a short story
PlanetaryChao: which was "The Bog in the Meadow-lands"
PlanetaryChao: what made it stand out was the way meadowlands was spelled
Gooper Blooper: Immediately upon seeing that
Gooper Blooper: I thought "that is 100% sheep"
Gooper Blooper: Sheep would write something called The Bog in the Meadow-lands, dash and all
Juju Gent: I believe I asked if the King in Yellow would have jurisdiction in The Bog in the Meadow-lands. =u And then I remembered that the reference might not actually be gotten.

(later, upon being shown this sequence)

Mouldering Sheep: I resemble that remark


Draco joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: evening draco
Draco: Howdy.
PlanetaryChao: hi
Draco: It's me, your best friend....DRACO.
Juju Gent: Now I'm worried.
Draco does not turn into a monster/human soul hybrid.
Draco just kinda flops over.

Juju Gent: Now I'm more worried.


ivel: >​Sammy the seal
Harpy: fat seal sammy confirmed
Jumpropeman: I wish I could get one of those giant seal plushes that are like human size
Jumpropeman: I could hide under my covers and he could live my life for me


Endless Hunger for Bagels: Walnuts peanuts etc


PlanetaryChao: "...Alright, the name was a lie. My real name is Sumireko Usami. Not "Semirenko Salami"."
Gooper Blooper: I think that may have come up before, chao
Gooper Blooper: I remember we had a discussion about Sumi having an awful "undercover name" once
PlanetaryChao: imagine sumi being the worst spy
PlanetaryChao: she hates wrestling, roleplays sonic, and never, EVER apologizes


ivel: Oh yeah I watched a vid earlier on the worst Pogey cards
ivel: I forgot how bad base set Gastly was
Gooper Blooper: I was just about to ask if Base Gastly got on that list
ivel: naturally
 Gooper Blooper: I actually had the pleasure of informing Chao about the incredible shittiness of Base Gastly a while back while I was playing PTCG2


Draco: Best OST
ivel: *looks at the video's time*
ivel: good lord
ivel: Aeronaut: Oh christ
-Aeronaut: I don't even know how to respond to this

Someone doesn't appreciate the beauty of Undertem BI
PlanetaryChao: kill them
ivel: Chao no
Gooper Blooper: I love how the only time we ever see Aeronaut is their horrified reactions to things from this chatzy
ivel: :U
Harpy: aeronaut should join us
ivel: lel
Harpy: and by that i mean chatzy in general, not ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: aeronaut for BBB6
Draco: Guys, Aeronaut is just Harpy's Neopets name.
Harpy: no, my neopets name is too stupid to be repeated here
Draco: I don't even remember my Neopets name. I just remember naming the Neopets after Gundams.
Juju Gent: I highly doubt that.
Harpy: i don't remember mine either
Harpy: but i do remember stupid RP stuff from the past~
Harpy: a time before ZFRP that was actually pretty horrible
Draco: Holy shit. I remembered both my Neopets name AND password. D8
ivel: welp
Harpy: i probably don't
ivel: I remember mine because I never had an account to remember
Harpy: and i had one of those rare rabbits
Draco logs in.
Draco: Oh think I'm evil. I logged in and the first thing I saw was:

ivel: D:
ivel: SHAME
Draco: And for some reason I laughed. Poor bastard's been starving to death for probably 10 years, delighted to see me so I can feed him, and I'm just going to abandon him for another 10 years.
Harpy: 20 keks
PlanetaryChao: mood: delighted!
PlanetaryChao: hunger: dying!
PlanetaryChao: and i crumbled into laughter too
PlanetaryChao: we're all terrible people
Draco: We deserve each other. Except Harpy. She is precious cinnamon roll too pure for this world. ;p
ivel: yes she is
PlanetaryChao: so what you're saying is
PlanetaryChao: chao x draco
Draco: Sure.
Draco: Drachao
Draco: We can read books all day and do other things we have a mutual interest in.
PlanetaryChao: like watch mecha anime
PlanetaryChao: i need to - hi ven - watch more
Draco: Exactly.
Jumpropeman: I can't even access the email I signed up to Neopets with
Jumpropeman: my Chia and Grundo will just have to turn into skeletons


PlanetaryChao: i just had a gloriously dumb idea
Harpy: does it involve gloria
Draco: No, that's Gloriasly
PlanetaryChao: someone else goes on tv and reveals... eggerman is a supervillain! and he's been in jail multiple times! and he is building a massive robot army! AND he might be working for another gang of villains but i can't prove it!
PlanetaryChao: and then
PlanetaryChao: it barely makes a dent in his approval rating
Draco: If anything, they go up!


(Harpy talks about Palette, a recently created OC with watercolor powers)

Harpy: my main reasoning for not having her paint enemies like mikey and that one society member do, in character, is that watercolor summons are way too fragile to last very long
Harpy: and in hot weather they tend to evaporate very quickly
Harpy: so watercolors are typically used to embue different elements and launch 'em, although for the most part they are water types :U these elements can be applied to other people's weapons if they want
Jumpropeman: if she painted a mustache on someone, would they have mystical mustache powers
Harpy: their mustasche would last for about 10 minutes but gives them temporary protection from the element of their choice
Jumpropeman: good... good...
ivel: what about the element of surprise
Harpy: she is always surprised by enemies touching her out of nowhere
Harpy: fuck that element
Gooper Blooper: I assure you JRM has grand plans concerning the possibility of giving a mustache to characters that do not normally have a mustache


Harpy: those arms 2 skinny
SteelKomodo: wario pls
SteelKomodo: eat moar


CosmicChao: link
D3 Mortal Wounds: I keep seeing this esoteric touhou and all I can think is
D3 Mortal Wounds: "Sumireko my child..."
CosmicChao: fuckin' lel
D3 Mortal Wounds: And then mangle became a magical girl
CosmicChao: you say that like she isn't already


CosmicChao: "i like to imagine that wario is a successful businessman who also raids tombs just because he can"
iKomodo: That's literally canon
iKomodo: Like, no joke, he's a multi-millionaire by now
iKomodo: ...makes you wonder, though
iKomodo: i mean, the reason he's such a jerk is because he's jealous of Mario's fame and success?
iKomodo: but he's literally living in a castle and making shitloads of money from his video games
iKomodo: whereas Mario, allegedly the more successful one, hasn't moved from his shitty little shack to live with the princess yet
CosmicChao: consider that mario is an icon of unrivaled proportions in the mushroom kingdom
CosmicChao: wario probably enjoys being rich and successful
CosmicChao: but he'd enjoy it even more if mario wasn't still above him
iKomodo: i suppose, but when you consider that even Luigi has his own factory...
CosmicChao: luigi also has his own mansion
iKomodo: Yep
iKomodo: Meanwhile, nobody gives a shit about Waluigi and he's okay with that
CosmicChao: wario & waluigi rpg ​when
iKomodo: Nintendo pls
iKomodo: another thought - everyone considers him a rotten, cheating schemer, but he pretty much built WarioWare from the ground up legit
iKomodo: so he's got a better head for business than Mario ever had
iKomodo: unless this is some kind of Stratton-Oakmont deal where he embezzles literally everyone


iKomodo: Fuck me, I have had Disco Kid's theme stuck in my head all fucking evening
iKomodo: i want to star punch something
iKomodo: I don't even like disco kid, I mean come on


Jumpropeman: so I know that China has a pretty bad pollution problem and all, but today I got a package from China that literally had "Fuming Industrial Park" in its return address
CosmicChao: hahahaha


Jumpropeman: link
No One, In Particular: That helmet makes me wince so hard tho'. =u It looks like it would pop like a bubble if you touched it. I try to picture it surviving a hit from Kraid and I just get bloodspatter vision.
CosmicChao: well that's the point of 1950s pulp covers
CosmicChao: not practicality
No One, In Particular: Ah, pulp. =v Never has that term been more appropriate. =b -wallows in braingoo-


Jumpropeman: *Still hasn't thought of what to name the Fite topic for this season*
Jumpropeman: *flops*
CosmicChao: break all tradition
CosmicChao: shock us all
CosmicChao: let the world burn
CosmicChao: name it
CosmicChao: Fight Your Mates
Jumpropeman: Chao
Jumpropeman: that is digusting
Jumpropeman: wash your tongue
No One, In Particular: Fite Yer Brosefs
Jumpropeman: I really wish we were in Vegas for Season 7 instead of the other way around
Jumpropeman: Fite Yer' Mates 777 would be Vegas appropriate
Gooper Blooper: well obviously what we need to do
Gooper Blooper: is hold Season 7 this year, and do Season 6 next year
Gooper Blooper: no setting change or plot change or anything
Gooper Blooper: just call this one "season 7"
Jumpropeman: sounds good to me!
Sick Bree: wut
Sick Bree: *head asplodes*
Jumpropeman: nah, I'll just do Fite Yer' Mates 666
Jumpropeman: Dr. Satan takes over hosting full time
CosmicChao: doctor s- dammit


Jumpropeman: I saw Pixels today
Jumpropeman: it was a pretty good nostalgia trip at times, but unfortunately
Jumpropeman: there was a plot around all the cool video game stuff
Gooper Blooper: I saw a review of Pixels and the reasons they gave for not liking it sounded like reasons I'd probably like it
CosmicChao: adam sandler?
Jumpropeman: all the nostalgia and video game stuff is good
Jumpropeman: for example
Jumpropeman: but there's a terrible romance story and the non-video game jokes fall flatter than Tenshi
Sick Bree: plus: adam sandler
Gooper Blooper: Basically they said it was trying to be both an adult's movie and a kid's movie at the same time, with a childish aesthetic but with references kids wouldn't understand
Gooper Blooper: and I was like "hi there I'm a child"
Gooper Blooper: :V
CosmicChao: kek
Jumpropeman: its certainly not a bad watch
Sick Bree: oh yeah that sounds like a reason it'd be rad
Jumpropeman: but it made me suspicious since I heard Peter Dinklage is supposed to be a good actor
Jumpropeman: he did not do a good job in this film :V
Jumpropeman: Q*Bert is super cute in it
Jumpropeman: apparently Q*Bert is owned by Columbia Pictures too. He's making a weird pseudo-comeback these days that is kinda working?
Gooper Blooper: well after he was portrayed in Wreck-It Ralph who wouldn't feel sorry for the poor bastard
ivel: :U


Jumpropeman: I would have even the tiniest hope for Color Splash if it didnt show the giant fan
CosmicChao: yep


CosmicChao: sk
CosmicChao: imagine:
CosmicChao: Jewel Man ​EX
I Yam A Monster: So Osmium then?
Spy Is Home Now: Osmium?
Spy Is Home Now: OSMIUM?
I Yam A Monster: ​Osmium.
iKomodo: ​Why would you make me inflict that on the world
iKomodo: ​...besides, isn't his current form in RP his EX mode? :U
Spy Is Home Now: ​Jewelman NEO


Gooper Blooper: *checks blogger*
Gooper Blooper: >​four posts in one day
Gooper Blooper: Enjoying yourself, FV? :V
I Yam A Monster: I am nothing if not prolific. =b


Jumpropeman: it's a shame SK isn't here
Jumpropeman: I've got the next step in Pit's character arc here
Gooper Blooper: pls
Jumpropeman: the Charizard head for a belly button I find is a nice touch


Jumpropeman: some people talking about Gardevoir in Pokken
Jumpropeman: "I dislike that her eyes are pink. I don't agree with how they transitioned Gardevoir's red eyes and spike to pink in B/W and kept it that way ever since.
I could live with the pink spike but changing a Pokemon's eye color is a pretty big change."

Jumpropeman: Someone's reply: "Sonic's arms are blue now"
ivel: amazing


Jumpropeman: when the bird version of America tries to bite you, maybe you should take the hint
CosmicChao: i know this will shock you all, but
CosmicChao: i can confirm General Cleft would not vote for Trump
Gooper Blooper: obligatory companion gif
Jumpropeman: that's nothing Bernie, Hillary is popular with birds too!
Jumpropeman: that collar does her neck no favors
Gooper Blooper: I wasn't the only one who double-taked at that, I see


Sick Bree: so today a local charity/thrift shop was giving away stuff for free
Gooper Blooper: I like free stuff
Sick Bree: I think they're closing the shop or moving locations so everything in the store was just "yeah you can take it, just have it"
Sick Bree: so we went with azure to look at the buks
Gooper Blooper: get anything good?
Sick Bree: oh azure got a bazillion trashy romance novels
Sick Bree: that's what she reads
Sick Bree: she's like "if it looks like smut just gimme it" and we filled a bag full o' books
Sick Bree: books with hunky men and women with ripped-open bodices on the cover
ivel: lel
ivel: ...
ivel: I read that wrong
CosmicChao: fabio etc
ivel: I misread bodices
ivel: that's a different type of novel
Sick Bree: and as we were about to leave
Sick Bree: azure had given up on getting more books, I'd grabbed about six or seven
Sick Bree: that's when I saw it
Sick Bree: the cover had a very "ancient japan" art style, with a japanese noblewoman on a bed with a bunch of pillows
Sick Bree: the title was "the pillow boy of lady onogoro"
Sick Bree: but the review
Sick Bree: the review on the front
Sick Bree: "Exciting. Exhilarating. X-rated. This book will steam your dumplings."
Sick Bree: and I said
CosmicChao: oh my god
Sick Bree: "azure's gotta have this"
ivel: ahahaha
Sick Bree: so that was the last book we grabbed and then we skedaddled
Gooper Blooper: let us know if her dumplings were in fact steamed
Sick Bree: I shall :U

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