Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 243: Fun Is A Nonexistent Variable

SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: i made a thing
SteelKomodo: based on some stuff Chao showed me

ShiningChao: sk, please
SteelKomodo: i regret... something?
ShiningChao: you just Regret
ShiningChao: in general
SteelKomodo: indeed


iKomodo: Ash-Greninja seems to be an anime only thing, basically Greninja gets a power boost but Ash feels any damage he takes
ShiningChao: you know what else was an anime only thing?
ShiningChao: *shots fired*
iKomodo: You win the Marie award for best zinger


iKomodo: if anyone sees Draco, tell him I need his sharpest, wittiest put-downs
iKomodo: for the glory of squid kids everywhere
Paper Mario: you got it
iKomodo: much thank
iKomodo: night, all, stay awesome
iKomodo left the chat
Draco: I've never seen a squid shoot brown ink before...oh wait. BV
Draco: Your investment plan so bad, when you tell someone It's none of their business, they say "Thank God!"
Draco: Your CEO is so dumb, he thinks a church offering accrues interest!
Draco: Your credit is so bad, you have to show ID when paying with cash!
ivel: ouch
Draco: How are your checks like a rubber ball? They do nothing but bounce!
Draco: He's so in debt, he won two free lotto tickets and the bank repossessed one!


ShiningChao: if i didnt have Vyse, this next month and a half wait for Bravely Second would be pretty tough :V
Gooper Blooper: thankfully you have me and my lack of willingness to wait for you to experience Skies of Arcadia
ShiningChao: "but goopy if i looked for it on amazon it'd be like a hundred bucks" ​"THEN JUST TAKE MY COPY"​ "well okay"
ShiningChao: that's basically how it went down


J Jonah Delson: Oh shit
J Jonah Delson: EVA Boston report
J Jonah Delson: Clone girl Hannah has accepted Franklin's shit poem and date offer
J Jonah Delson: And I got exp from it
J Jonah Delson: The shipping doesn't stop
J Jonah Delson: The power plants of the shitty teen heart need love coal
J Jonah Delson: Write that down sheep that's fucking Shakespeare
BurningChao: "​The power plants of the shitty teen heart need love coal.​" - Jake "Deleter" Newton, 2016


N Goat: "And really, if you want to get down to it... there is no good and evil. There's only two real states; Existence, and Non-existence, covered up with different words and symbolism and rites and all the other trappings of sentient beings."
N Goat: Ko...are you...okay?
N Goat: "Why is existence inherently better than non-existence? "
N Goat: Kooooo
Paper Mario: ​now that's what i call bullshit
N Goat: "Why is life inherently better than death? You're right, Erdrick, life is wonderful. It's chaotic, and ever changing, and always growing. But Death.... Oblivion... Nothing... is orderly. Absolute. Unchanging. To be completely accurate, you'll be Nothing longer than you'll ever be Something, no matter what."
BurningChao: i can't decide whether "oh no" "ko no" or "oh ko" is best here
Paper Mario: i am also concerned


N Goat: >​a film called Sushi Girl with the actors Mark Hamil and Danny Trejo in it
N Goat: Fair enough, movie trailer
BurningChao: sheep sighs, puts it on next
N Goat: M Sheep's thought process as he watches trailer for alien horror B movie: "Oh, what's that? A tentacle? A proboscis? OOH! THAT LOOKS DISGUSTING! I want to watch it."


Cornwind Hates Printers joined the chat
Paper Mario: what did the printer do to you
Paper Mario: did it print pictures of shishio
Cornwind Hates Printers: It would not print
BurningChao: it printed out that the dog is not sleeping
Cornwind Hates Printers: And in trying to make it print
BurningChao: it is not- oh okay
Cornwind Hates Printers: I used up all of my new ink
Cornwind Hates Printers: Cleaning the nozzles
Cornwind Hates Printers: Rargh
Paper Mario: did it have paper?
Cornwind Hates Printers: .....GOD DAMN IT
Cornwind Hates Printers: (Yes it had paper)



Paper Mario: that feel when you write something and yet you can't seem to pin down the tone
SteelKomodo: aw :<
SteelKomodo: i know the feels
Paper Mario: or find the right word for it
Paper Mario: basically one person's like "but wait couldn't you have used white magic on that infected foot" and the other guy says
Paper Mario: “If white magic could cure everything, normal doctors would be out of a job, nevermind me!"
SteelKomodo: i c
Paper Mario: i can't seem to find the right word for that tone, which i imagine would sound kind of grumpy or something
SteelKomodo: hmmmmm
SteelKomodo: resigned?
Paper Mario: mmm, not quite
DousedChao: ohoooo
DousedChao: *ono
Paper Mario: chao has found the answer to this puzzle- oh
Paper Mario: damn
DousedChao: now i just sounded like an excited siren
Paper Mario: ohohooooo
SteelKomodo: hahaha


DousedChao: reminder: yagren's last thought ever
DousedChao: was confusion over a Jester Chao joke


iKomodo: remember when this happened?
Paper Mario: incredible
iKomodo: And then lo and behold
iKomodo: Cranky was a star
iKomodo: admired by James Dean AND Mr. Bean





iKomodo: Ok so I was chatting with CW yesterday morning
iKomodo: and he was playing Shovel Knight
iKomodo: and I remembered: that is a game I have
iKomodo: so I downloaded it and have played some of it
iKomodo: it is gud
Gooper Blooper: Shield Knight even got to be a neo kobber cameo
ivel: yes it is
ivel: I still need to play Plague Knight
iKomodo: A game influenced an RP thing before I even played the game
iKomodo: how weird is that, eh?
Gooper Blooper: Well, considering Beck
Gooper Blooper: not that weird! :V
ivel: A released game* :U
iKomodo: Ives pls
iKomodo: *Ivel
Gooper Blooper: St. Ivel
ivel changed name to Ives of March
Gooper Blooper: I met a man with seven wivels
iKomodo: I just blame the Dover boys for everything now
iKomodo: also hahaha, I knew that joke was coming
Paper Mario: >​ives of march
Gooper Blooper: dover boys final boss 2016
Gooper Blooper: only way to defeat them is a special round of Twisted Metal wherein everyone is using a runabout


Paper Mario: *looks at writing, flops over*


DousedChao: but i highly appreciate that BD's encounter toggle goes in both directions
DousedChao: it was a big help for both fetch quests and completing the BS demo bestiary
Gooper Blooper: yep!
Paper Mario: yes, that is very helpful
Gooper Blooper: "hey can you get me twenty bear asses" "SURE THING BRO" *cranks up encounter rate*


(Regarding Skies of Arcadia)

DousedChao: ​>​domingo beat me to a couple of the discoveries while vyse was marooned
DousedChao: ​I HAVE FAILED
DousedChao: ​time to restart the entire game (no)
Gooper Blooper: ​ded


Draco: Found a picture of Shimmer during '16.There's even Hulk Hogan in it.
Gooper Blooper: ​shimmer barf watch


SchooledChao: goops: what would sumi think of the Secret Fat Sealing Club
Gooper Blooper: "...So! You guys expose any esoteric?... Do... do you do anything at all? ...No, huh?"
Draco: "You want esoteric, witch girl? Try looking at Sammy's business plan!" ​Draco stokes the fires of heel heat.


Draco: Harpy-sempai, I like your writing more than I like mine, which doesn't sound like much considering I'm a self-depreciating doofus, but it's a good thing.
Harpy: i'm nobody's sempai :U
Draco: You're MY sempai. Get over it. BU
SchooledChao: but if harpy's your senpai... and gooper is harpy's...
Draco: D8
Draco: Oh wait, Sheep is. :D
Gooper Blooper: NOSFERATU
Svendal: I left Vanderdeckan at the helm. Barring suplexes, you'll be fine.
Draco: Radical.
Svendal: Call us radicals, will they? They'll see! They'll all see! This revolutionary Science! will change the world! Wait. Is that what they meant? Then we'll! We'll! ... do nothing?


EveningChao: man where is spy when you need him
Harpy: the fuck am i looking at
iKomodo: coconut cream pie etc


Harpy: sarah in ff9 is going to destroy worlds
Harpy: when she gets more MP
Gooper Blooper: mighty sarah
Harpy: not sure how she looked at a dagger and came up with sarah but
Harpy: she must have read about that 4 white mage challenge in her books
Harpy: "who was the one with the knife again"
Harpy: "it was sarah right"
Gooper Blooper: sephine uses knives sometimes but she prefers guns
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Sara/h: the best tag-team.
Cornwind Evil: She looked at the knife and remembered the white mage that always ate
Cornwind Evil: And always kicked butt
Cornwind Evil: And so she named herself Sarah


Draco: Chatzy, who should be next on my Blogpost list?
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Rebecca, Zook, Zook, Zook, Zook, Zook and Zook. Chatzy chose: Zook
Draco: I am truly surprised by this result. :Y
Harpy: give me parsee
EveningChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and parsee. Chatzy chose: HE
EveningChao asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and parsee. Chatzy chose: HAS
EveningChao asked Chatzy to choose between NO and parsee. Chatzy chose: parsee

EveningChao: sorry, harpy
EveningChao: parsee is currently under the control of Lanky Kong
Harpy: fuckkk
EveningChao: you'll have to take her back
Draco gives Harpy Parsee. (>​O_O)>​
Draco gives Harpy Parsee's instruction manual. (>​O_O)>​
Draco gives Harpy Parsee's favorite chew toy, blanket, and this joke is over. (>​O_O)>​


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: howdy kinderkin
Draco: We're having free Parsee adoptions today. Harpy's already taken one home; would you like the last one? It's free! =V
Jumpropeman: *adopts Parsee to farm World of Warcraft gold for me*
Jumpropeman: make sure to water the gold every day and use good fertilizer Parsee
Gooper Blooper: care and feeding of your hashihime


Jumpropeman: I went in a gamestop recently. It reminded me that I still don't have the Celebi available this month
Gooper Blooper: You just need to connect to your home internet
Jumpropeman: true, but who has the time amiright
Harpy: i have all the time, yet i'm super lazy


N Goat: oh my goodness, this all natural, gluten free puffed rice and marshmallow monstrosity tastes like a thick air
SteelKomodo: welp
N Goat: I can't wait to find out how these all natural, gluten free, peanut free, tree nut free, milk free, egg free, non-GMO, 0 grams transfat Ginger snaps taste like
Sick Bree: sheepls
N Goat: I'm amazed the package had enough room left over after telling me everything it wasn't to actually tell me the package contains ginger snaps


M Sheep: Hello, hello, got out of rehearsal early and have just walked back to the dorm for a hearty meal of all natural, gluten free, peanut free, tree nut free, milk free, non-GMO, 0 grams trans-fat Ginger snaps and maybe a chocolate bar
M Sheep: decided I'm going to have that chocolate bar after all
M Sheep: because I'm worth it
Gooper Blooper: also it turns out the ginger snaps were also ginger-free and snap-free and sheep was eating a bag of holographic meatloaf
Svendal, Shaman of Lore: Why are you eating food free foods? This is a far worse horror story than any CW has tried to pull on me. D=
M Sheep: Because, believe it or not, it's actually better than most other food options on campus


AllDayChao: hi
Harpy: hi chao
SteelKomodo: hi chao
N Goat: hi Chao
Sick Bree: hi ruby
Sick Bree so nonconformist


N Goat: "There is no good solution."
N Goat: Yessss
N Goat: *wallows in moral ambiguities*


Harpy: harpykuro: professional napper since 2000


Cornwind Evil: Parsee or Pachitoli
Cornwind Evil: Or maybe them fused
Harpy: *patchouli
EveningChao: >​Pachitoli
EveningChao: amazing
Cornwind Evil: I am never going to spell her name right
Cornwind Evil: So for me she is now Patch
EveningChao: also i'm leaning paruparu
Jumpropeman: fine
Jumpropeman: *pushes Patchouli down a staircase*
EveningChao: patchy would be fine
EveningChao: she has a large amount of all-natural shock absorbing padding
EveningChao: ​she's fat


M Sheep: Just tell me one thing about Battleship
M Sheep: Did anyone say "You just sank my battleship!"
Ives of March:
Ives of March: there you go Sheep
M Sheep: How could they make that film and not put that line in?
M Sheep: Why else even MAKE a Battleship film?!
Draco: Beats me.
Svendal, Shaman of Lore: It wasn't a particularly good battleship film.
Ives of March: when that one robot fighting movie was coming out I thought it was for Rock em Sock em Robots
Harpy: i have no idea
Ives of March: I forget what it actually was; something about some robot fight club
Game Cheats: Real Steel
Ives of March: yes that was it
Gooper Blooper: Real Steel should have been about battlebots
Ives of March: I still say Rock em Sock em Robots
Ives of March: :I
Harpy: ​an entire movie devoted to Storm II
Svendal, Shaman of Lore: I remember JRM talking me into viewing that thing with him. =i I was rooting on the persian looking gold one killing everyone and everything in an AI unleashed plot.
Svendal, Shaman of Lore: I was grievously disappointed.
M Sheep: Well, films based on such things are not a new commodity
M Sheep: after all
M Sheep: we got the film Twister
Harpy: kek
Svendal, Shaman of Lore: I see what you did there and I approve harder than thou knowest.


M Sheep: >​The stone of her arm was being slowly but steadily replaced with the crystal
M Sheep: I continue to worry about Ko


Game Cheats: Note what it says under "Release"
Gooper Blooper: "In a preview screening of the film for 1,000 people, all but 40 walked out. Of the 40 who filled out cards, 35 said they hated it."
Gooper Blooper: that's beautiful


SteelKomodo: mum's trying the new hoover
Harpy: nice
SteelKomodo: and now del is home and trying it too


SolarChao: S: "Tails, this one is all about you, buddy."
T: "I'm not sure I can do this... Sonic, what do you think?"
S: "I think only you can do this. I know you can do this."
Yesterday I would have bet money that we'd never see dialog exchanges as awful as Other M, but here we are...

Harpy: sonic chronicles, right
SolarChao: sonic boom
Harpy: oh, welp
iKomodo: Welp
iKomodo: The abyss just yawns even wider


iKomodo: Now I'm just randomly scrolling through game grumps vids
iKomodo: "Doc, I'm suffering from incredible brain damage!" - Dan Avidan as Little Mac
iKomodo: "THIS IS FOR YOU, KING GHIDORAH!" - ditto
ivel: lel
Draco: Is the latter quote from them playing a Godzilla game or did he just randomly yell that during an episode?
iKomodo: He yelled that during Punch-Out
iKomodo: about episode 3 or so, I believe, after losing a match to Piston Hondo
Draco: Awesome.
Draco: "THIS IS FOR YOU, KING GHIDORAH!" - Bernie Sanders for President, 2016
Draco: (b^_^)b


Gooper Blooper: in my test play of sarahpg, the player character is sitting in the same room as the final boss
Draco: But there's only one person in the room. Solve. =V
SolarChao: yeee
Gooper Blooper: you got me
SolarChao: the other one is DARK SARAH
Draco: Black Mage Sarah
Gooper Blooper: evil sarah
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: doctor triden and professor sarah
Gooper Blooper: you'll never win
Draco: gesp
Gooper Blooper: (unless you kept a cake in your inventory)
Draco: But that'd be OOC for Sarah. D:


SolarChao: goops
SolarChao: do you still have ​BOWL
Gooper Blooper: I can bring it up in moments
SolarChao: pls do
Gooper Blooper: BOWL
SolarChao: that man eventually became
SolarChao: THIS
SolarChao: his final form
Gooper Blooper: BowlMan final boss 2016



Draco: Or, as Utsuho calls it, room temperature.


Jumpropeman: did you look at the old forum recently chao
LunarChao: i saw that
Jumpropeman: look at that LIE
LunarChao: IT WORKS


LunarChao: touhou advice: "This is an easy game, just stay on the parts of the screen that are not bullets."
ivel: :U


iKomodo: So I guess my DeviantArt is now my Twitter feed
iKomodo: because I just post status updates and nothing else :U


LunarChao: who is ready for SHOCKING FACTS about petchy
LunarChao: patchy is fat, as has been established... and she ​doesn't care
Gooper Blooper: caring about things requires effort
Gooper Blooper: :effort:
LunarChao: she cares about buks
LunarChao: imagine patchy building a wall of books to block out an annoying person
LunarChao: just levitating all her books over
LunarChao: them stacking themselves in front of the person
Gooper Blooper: I imagined a big wall with a center hole, and a stack of books swings shut to close the hole as if it was a doorway
Gooper Blooper: as in the wall is made of books
Gooper Blooper: but she makes the door last, just so she can close it in their face
Gooper Blooper: *patman post GOODBYE clip goes here*
LunarChao: sakuya should stop serving cups of pee


Gooper Blooper: A big reason I like SOA so much is because Vyse is such a kickass protag
Gooper Blooper: "vyse nobody can do this thing" "I am going to do the thing" "vyse no" "vyse yes"
LunarChao: "vyse you idiot no one has ever done this and lived" "OKAY, I'LL BE THE FIRST"
LunarChao: and then
LunarChao: he is
Harpy: fuck why do i now want to play SoA again
LunarChao: because it's good and i've been relentlessly playing it
Gooper Blooper: because frand one over there is playing the shit out of it
Gooper Blooper: and frand two here is encouraging him
Harpy: research for year 2017 :U
Harpy: ...
Harpy: vyse for "just for fun" char for 2017
Harpy: least, if chao doesn't go for him first :U
LunarChao: and then goopy roleplays aika
Gooper Blooper: chao plays fina
Harpy: ivel plays drachma
LunarChao: drachma joins the BBB after the arena is decided to be rhaknam's back


LunarChao: i forgot to ever show chatzy JRM's acceptance of Hale and Hardy into the secret fiter pool
LunarChao: "'-In crisis situations they might ditch each other to save themselves.' although I don't think I can write the emotional drama of these two paragons of might ever daring to split apart, I will still add them to the Secret Fiter pool and hope that even if they get in, there will never be a reason to separate these two magnificent specimens of humanoid physique."


Jumpropeman: so, there is this steam developer called Digital Homicide who make utter garbage that even I am afraid to touch at an incredibly quick rate but still pretend like they give each game love and care even though they literally purchase assets from the Unity store and resell them with no edits. So, Youtuber Jim Sterling has been calling out each and every piece of crap they try to sell, from the prostitute beater Six Nights at Susie's and beyond. And now, Digital Homicide is trying to sue him for 10 million dollars for libel
Harpy: they are committing digital homicide
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, at some point you have to think
Gooper Blooper: "do I really want to reward these people for trying to trick others into purchasing cash-grab shovelware"
Harpy: with these terrible bootlegs
Harpy: i have no idea how a libel litigation would go
Gooper Blooper: that's why buying shitty games used is a win-win :V
Jumpropeman: before this, Digital Homicide once agreed to an interview with Jim Sterling where they tried to drudge up his personal info and dox him as retaliation... having no idea that Jim Sterling is not his real name, so they got the wrong information
Gooper Blooper: they're not very good at this whole digital homicide thing
Harpy: but as far as i know, critique is not libel
Harpy: so uh, prepare to go into bankrupcy, digital homicide, over something completely stupid
LunarChao: hahahahaaaa
LunarChao: but yeah they've got no grounds to stand on
LunarChao: especially if jim can show "no, this is actually terrible, and here is evidence proving i was telling the truth"
Harpy: your lawyer parents would probably get a kick out of that huh
LunarChao: probably
Harpy: now all i imagine is the jury playing the games and just
Harpy: cringing
Harpy: "What even"
Jumpropeman: when Jim Sterling first reviewed their game the Slaughtering Grounds, Digital Homicide uploaded a video of them "reviewing the review", and then Jim "reviewed the review of the review" where he just laughed.
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: beautiful
Gooper Blooper: man, are they going to stand for that laughter
Gooper Blooper: they should review it
Harpy: i'd review it
LunarChao: and then i'll review harpy's review
Jumpropeman: some more fun from Digital Homicide: On Steam Greenlight, they have 18 games pending approval: one is ET: The Extra Large Testicle, a game where you are a butt eating food and firing poop, a game called Wyatt Derp which is a cowboy shooter, a Wyatt Derp 2 which is the same game but from a top down perspective, and yet another game called Withering Kingdom where its just Wyatt Derp but with medieval wizardy instead
LunarChao: oh wow
LunarChao: they mad
Jumpropeman: ET and the butt game are separate games, forgive my syntax
Harpy: welp
Harpy: i was about to say, testicles are not where poop comes from
Gooper Blooper: >​gawker-media
Gooper Blooper: pre-emptive rip to them
LunarChao: too bad they're all a bunch of random chumps
LunarChao: they got legdropped
Gooper Blooper: brother
LunarChao: dude
ivel: that reminds me of another story
ivel: which was iirc what set off the whole "Negative critique isn't libel" in the first place
ivel: there was this traveling group of performers, I forget their name but they were three sisters
Jumpropeman: sounds like a setup to a Cornwind pun
Harpy: the haruspices tried to sue us for libel
ivel: they didn't like the type of entertainment going on at the time so they decided to go out and do shows themselves
ivel: and their shows were sold out constantly
ivel: because they were so bad people HAD to see how bad they were
ivel: but they thought they were great
Gooper Blooper: Ah, the Cherry Sisters, I presume
LunarChao: hi
ivel: yes
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: goops knows too much- or looked at wiki :U
Gooper Blooper: read about them in a book of "AMAZING BUT TRUE"
Harpy: oh welp
Gooper Blooper: googled "sisters broadway awful" to find the name because I forgot it too
ivel: if you don't want to look at the wiki, what happened was a reporter finally published a review saying how bad they were
ivel: they tried to sue him and performed for the judge to show how good they were
ivel: judge was not amused :U
Jumpropeman: no wonder they lost :V
Gooper Blooper: "Critic and newspaper editor Billy Hamilton's piece described the sisters as being "three creatures surpassing the witches in Macbeth in general hideousness" and continued, "the mouths of their rancid features opened like caverns and sounds like the wailings of damned souls issued therefrom.""
Gooper Blooper: sick burn
Draco: As a native son of Iowa, I have to say, what the heck, Cherry Sisters? BU
Draco: Making the rest of us look bad.


Disobedient keyboards: Keys be de d in some p ts nd switching between b oken keyp ds is not musing. :/ M y need to just ch tsy on the big sc een if this keeps up. It t kes fo eve to w ite mess ges this w y.
LunarChao: ow
Gooper Blooper: I'd like to buy a vowel
Jumpropeman: that would be a very handy way to write garbled distress signals in a sci-fi game though


Tir: I will sell you the entirety of my life's work in writing for a box of donuts and the promise that I will never be associated with it. :l


Jumpropeman: Cornwind's profiles are hilariously out of date


iKomodo: Quiet day
StellarChao: soa is a REALLY engaging game
iKomodo: So I can imagine :au
iKomodo: Damn it why do I keep hitting a instead of shift
iKomodo: now I look like I have a hilarious clown nose
iKomodo: Also I see SoA, and I know what that means
iKomodo: but I keep reading it as SAO - Sword Art Onlne
iKomodo: rip me


CAPTAIN BONES rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
CAPTAIN BONES rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
CAPTAIN BONES rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
CAPTAIN BONES rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5

CAPTAIN BONES: Hahaha chica is the only one out of the fazfucks who's remotely competent at jaeger piloting
Harpy: devour my hot bird ass, kaiju


Harpy: ivel and i were playing Samurai Warriors 4 Empires
Harpy: almost typed Warios
Harpy: Wario should totally have an empire
Gooper Blooper: Samurai Wario
Harpy: we could make waluigi
Draco: Samurwa


Gooper Blooper: remember last year when harpy was so hype she started RPing at midnight on may 1
StellarChao: yes
Harpy: so hype i start RPing on april 31st
Draco: GESP
Jumpropeman: rest assured people, I will not start this years RP by RPing a twodimensional shape
Jumpropeman: Bouncy Blue is three dimensional
Jumpropeman: (really I'll probably lead with Shimmer just to get her out of the way)
Jumpropeman: permanently BI *loads elephant rifle*
Gooper Blooper: draco's wish comes true
StellarChao: i'm thinking my first char this year
StellarChao: will be
StellarChao: ​jake


Jumpropeman: i did not expect Fatsjerro I must admit
FV: He has become everything he once filched from after witnessing real corporate empires. =u He isss... The Fat Cat, in the flesh.
FV: I can feeeel your anger. Let the puns floooow through you. >​8j
FV: It is pointless to re-hiss-t.
Jumpropeman: that one was fine
Jumpropeman: now the re-hiss-t one though
Jumpropeman: that one is so bad I can't even be bothered by it
FV: Haaaahaaha


PlanetaryChao: i google translated an italian review for a bad game and i got this gem
PlanetaryChao: "Fun is a nonexistent variable."
iKomodo: Amazing


Form of: Vengeance! joined the chat
Harpy joined the chat
Draco joined the chat

Gooper Blooper: what the hell
Gooper Blooper: this chat is empty for an hour and then three people join within four seconds of each other
Gooper Blooper: how did you do that
Form of: Vengeance!: It's a conspiracy. Now throw down your money. And your guns. :l We're running it now, Admin.
Draco: We can leave if you'd rather.
Gooper Blooper: no, I'm just amused and baffled :V
Form of: Vengeance!: I'm kidding. It's a total blind coincidence. (We'll still take the money though please.)
Gooper Blooper: I don't have the money
Gooper Blooper: it's in chatzy's hands now
Form of: Vengeance!: Darn. I'll have to bury it with Draco someday.


PlanetaryChao: monks on motorcycles: the newest public menace
Harpy: i love byakuren's hair
Gooper Blooper: Byakuren is the touhou celestia IMO
PlanetaryChao: so you're saying
PlanetaryChao: celestia is gonna ride motorcycles at high speeds over people
Harpy: she's mom to all youkai
Harpy: not the actual mom but she pretty much adopted them all
Harpy: she died for their sins
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's the motorbike rider in the family
Harpy: or, well, got sealed
Gooper Blooper: but Celestia has tanks!


Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: ven
Jumpropeman: did you
Jumpropeman: why do we have premium
FV: :l
This is exactly what-
*snorts, and explodes on scolding*
Jumpropeman: please lawdy lawdy tell me you only got the one month
FV: I will tell you I only got the one month, but it may not be entirely the truth.
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna need to roll up two newspapers for all the bapping you're about to get
StellarChao: well i gotta go, things to do and all that
StellarChao: later!!!
Jumpropeman: CHAO
StellarChao: huh
FV: Chao doesn't want to see this level of domestic abuse.
Jumpropeman: get back here and help me bob this boy
FV: Run, Chao, Run.
Jumpropeman: we're gonna bop him so hard he'll become a Bob

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