Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 237: This Is A Basket

RubyChao: oh, here's an unfun fact
RubyChao: the creepypasta wiki
RubyChao: is conisidering the banning of all vidya pastas
RubyChao: just a blanket ban
Gooper Blooper: they might as well just ban everything that mentions a copyrighted work
RubyChao: well they already have a ban on "haunted game" pastas
Gooper Blooper: this just means Some Ordinary Gamers will get even better
RubyChao: i think they just need to come out and say "we hate pastas about copyrighted works"
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: be honest :V
Gooper Blooper: Or stop being a wiki and just host the stories you deem "good" instead of pretending any schmoe can post
Gooper Blooper: because that's what a wiki is supposed to be - a site where anyone can contribute, even if they're Cirno Debeste
RubyChao: i think you need to explain Cirno Debeste
Bree: yes
Gooper Blooper: Okay this came up a week or so ago but in more detail
Gooper Blooper: And without really spoiling anything
Gooper Blooper: In Ace Attorney Investigations 2, a major character named Sebastian Debeste appears
Gooper Blooper: he is a 17-year old prosecutor, and in a welcome change from the previous "you're way too young to do this important job" prodigy characters the series is infested with, he actually acts like a 17-year-old would if they were a prosecutor
Gooper Blooper: namely he's a fucking idiot
Gooper Blooper: He mixes up words all the time, forgets about evidence he was talking about five minutes ago, and generally has no idea what country he's in, let alone who the murderer is
Gooper Blooper: BUT he thinks he's a genius
RubyChao: and he has an idiot hair
Gooper Blooper: So I started calling him Cirno
Bree: that's amazing
RubyChao: better yet
RubyChao: there exists fanart of cirno dressed as him
RubyChao: and goopy didn't even know
Bree: please give me some of this fanart right now
Bree: I need it in my life
RubyChao: ok


Spy-der Dance joined the chat
Spy-der Dance does a synchronized dance with the rest of my spiders


Jumpropeman: *is invited to a wedding... around July 8th*
Jumpropeman: *sweats*
RubyChao: oh god rip JRM



iKomodo: this the film you're torturing yourself with after Doogal?
RubyChao: link


Gooper Blooper: "Tried going into the “Norm of the North spoilers” tag to find out if Norm of the North dies at the end but I guess I’ll never know"
ivel: spoilers: he gets beaten by his nemesis, Sean of the South


Gooper Blooper: I remember I actually went and read AA fanfics a few years back after catching up on the entire series (this was before AAI)
Gooper Blooper: there were some good ones!
RubyChao: i have a really good one bookmarked!
RubyChao: and it last updated in
RubyChao: >​Updated: Nov 2, 2013
RubyChao: >​Currently on hiatus
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: *chao lies on the floor*
RubyChao digs back up the hole he had filled in after LoT2 went somewhere
RubyChao lies in the hole

RubyChao: so i have no ace attorney, no metroid
RubyChao: what's next
Gooper Blooper: no touhou
Raven: *RP put on hiatus for years*
RubyChao gently holds goops
RubyChao: no
RubyChao slams goops through the table


Gooper Blooper: oh man, Bravely Second's Japan release is on Amazon for 15 dollars with free shipping
Gooper Blooper: that taunting
RubyChao: wow
Gooper Blooper: We're still waiting, and over there they have so many copies they don't know what to do with them


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: has anyone here not seen Goku On Ice
ivel: I haven't
Gooper Blooper: me neither
RubyChao: this is a real ad
RubyChao: in a subway station
RubyChao: better yet, goku on ice was actually important
Gooper Blooper: no weirder than that ultraman ad
Gooper Blooper: like it's weird but I'm kinda used to Japan's weirdness by now :V
Gooper Blooper: it's just what they do
ivel: I still love Youtubers React To Japanese Ads because they had Japanese Youtubers who admitted "These are weird"


RubyChao: 9:08 AM - jumpropeman: I don't know if I ever told you
9:09 AM - jumpropeman: but Inspector Hildebrand spends a long time investigating the case of weapons being stolen with the help of Gilgamesh, and its not until well into the quest do either realize that Gilgamesh has been the weapon thief the whole time

RubyChao: hildebrand is great and i dont even play FF14
ivel: welp


Gooper Blooper: oh man, a new garfield game
Gooper Blooper: and that title
Gooper Blooper: And best of all, it's another "trailer" that's just a 21 minute long gameplay video
Gooper Blooper: >​Garfield's Shop
Gooper Blooper: >​Next Free Spin timer counting down from 24 hours
RubyChao: the shop prices are. Stunning
Gooper Blooper: >​Big Oddie
Gooper Blooper: >​Oddie
Gooper Blooper: ​>​Oddie​
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: when
RubyChao: i must see
Gooper Blooper: 1:57
RubyChao: holy shit it's true
RubyChao: how do you fuck up one of the three characters who's been there forever
RubyChao: HOW
Gooper Blooper: Grafield and Oddie and their owner John
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: when is your Garfieldplot
Gooper Blooper: well from the looks of it a garfieldplot would need to feature the grand return of Skinner Box
RubyChao: and garfield kart, don't forget it


Draco: To protect the world with investigation! To discover all cryptids with our vocation!
Draco: To denounce the mysteries of ghosts and stuff! To extend our knowledge to the stars above!
Gooper Blooper: draco outta nowhere!
Gooper Blooper: Just the guy I wanted to see
Draco: Hello.
Draco: Sumi! Squirrel!
RubyChao: dracoooo
RubyChao: >​squirrel
RubyChao: she's a raccoon, rude
Gooper Blooper: I was going through old chatlogs for chatzy madness, and I came across the time Draco helped me out by using my Dropbox referral
Draco: :(
Gooper Blooper: After he helped me, he said this
Gooper Blooper: Draco: You're welcome. Now as thanks you can draw Sarah as a pro wrestler. *j/k*
Draco: I did. This is true.
Gooper Blooper: It took three months
Gooper Blooper: but
Gooper Blooper: here y'go
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: goops
Draco: Nice! :D
RubyChao: goops please
RubyChao: that's hilarious
RubyChao: pls
Raven: sarah for VEW plot 2016
Gooper Blooper: she's a heel
Raven: >​ivel is making her in WWE2k16
Raven: ruined is going places
ivel: eventually
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: Muscle Mage is now Goops' next secret Brawl fiter.
IrritatedSpyt: Amazing
Draco: Insert Super Heavyweight joke here.
Gooper Blooper: Silence lifting Sarah treated like Cena lifting Big Show
Gooper Blooper: despite Silence being nearly two feet taller
Draco: Looking at pro wrestler Sarah, she reminds me a bit of Edea. I think it's the hair ribbon.
Gooper Blooper: Sarah wound up with skull-crushing thighs in that pic so that could be another reason Edea came to mind :V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: GOOPY
Harpy: OMG


Gooper Blooper: that feel when you want to do more reveals but cannot because you want reveals for when it's a good time to reveal things
RubyChao: ^^^^
RubyChao: ​reveal them to me
Gooper Blooper: well, for both of the reveals that are "up next"
Gooper Blooper: ...I already told you both
RubyChao: drat :V


Wulftar Arisen joined the chat
RubyChao: hello wulf
Wulftar Arisen: Saluton nerdos
Wulftar Arisen: So exciting but slightly old now news from me
Wulftar Arisen: I have three girlfriends
Harpy: i saw, congrats
Wulftar Arisen: She's a massive fucking nerd and I love her
Gooper Blooper: the wulfhaus
Wulftar Arisen: They're all massive nerds honestly
Harpy: wulf: the ultimate nerdmagnet
RubyChao: how many girlfriends can one wulf have
RubyChao: this season, she aims to find out
Wulftar Arisen: My girlfriend is playing Darkest Dungeon and she agrees that the goatman "Abomination" in the game is David
Wulftar Arisen: He lives on forever
Harpy: don't forget to share that with del
Harpy: he's a dorkest dungeon dork
Draco: lel
Harpy: like a dork
Wulftar Arisen: When his nerd ass wake the fukkkkk up I will
Wulftar Arisen: Him and his time zoned ass


Jumpropeman: literally every video on Youtube has had, in the recommended videos, the entirety of Doogal since that day we talked about it. "You didn't finish watching it Jumpropeman... you know you want to come back and SUFFER"
RubyChao: spy must watch it for you
RubyChao: sacrifice himself to save your soul
Jumpropeman: the truth is, one day i'll probably cave in and watch the whole Doogal
Jumpropeman: I watched Foam Adventure
Jumpropeman: Doogal should be child's play


Gooper Blooper: ​the music getting faster and faster gets me every time
RubyChao: hahahahaaaaa
Spy: Oh my god
Spy: That video


Spy: Meanwhile, in DnD I told a dragon he was being stupid and obstinate to his face. And lived.
Spy: It took a shitton of planning, a shitton of luck, and a solid heave off of a tower, but we be dragonslayers at fresh-faced level 4
Gooper Blooper: when in doubt, just chuck folks off of high places
Gooper Blooper: it works in golden axe
Spy: Our party, who is usually paranoid as fuck, grew complacent by our lack of backstabbery so far and decided to buddy-buddy with a group of dragon cultists
Spy: They wanted to take a dragon to a new home. We wanted to get a dragon out of here. It seemed perfect
Spy: The fuckers used us as part of the offering. "We brought you these diamonds, and these idiots!"
Spy: We decided to buy time by challenging the cultists to see who was more worthy of the dragon's attention. He sat back and laughed as we smashed the cultists
Spy: We then tried to convince the dragon to relocate. He wasn't having it, and as our attempts grew increasingly futile he asked if I knew what a green dragon was
Spy: When I tried the usual backhanded praise he said no, shut up, say something I haven't heard
Gooper Blooper: "paranoid as fuck" is me playing AA blind, as chao can testify
Spy: So I told him he was obstinate. While doing this, I cast an Entice spell that would give him big disadvantage to noticing anybody except me
RubyChao: hahaha, yep
Spy: It worked. He was seeing red. And I was about to tank the attention of a pissed-off dragon, at a challenge rating twice our level
Spy: The initial poison breath damn near killed me outright, only my half-orc's natural fortitude ability keeping him conscious. Unfortunately, since he went before any of us the rest of the party was (somewhat inaccurately) caught in the crossifre before they could move
Draco: Owch. Damn cone breath.
Spy: But their relative unnoticability let them get off several punishing sneak attacks. Including crippling a wing, and the ranger puncturing his throat so hard he couldn't unleash the breath weapon again
Draco: Nice.
Spy: That got the dragon's attention, and he proceeded to wail on the ranger. Took him down pretty effortlessly, since we were all basically starting this fight half-dead
Spy: That's when our druid did something both very stupid and very helpful. His Thunderburst spell took out a section of the tower wall . . . also knocking me from 1 HP to dying, and punting our ranger off the cliff and outright killing him
Spy: The dragon may have been pushed close to the edge, but now we were down 2/5. The remaining two had to make it count
Spy: They did. Our paladin readied an action so he and our monk could charge in sync, sending the dragon plummeting off of the cliff. Monk stayed onboard to pummel him on the way down: he had slow-fall, the dragon didn't, so only one of them got out unscathed
Draco: The paladin was the real winner, I'd say.
Spy: Next turn the paladin came down shortly thereafter, slicing the dragon's head clean off
Bree: that's a lot of adventure for level 4
Gooper Blooper: draco predicting the future
Spy: A scroll of revivify we looted earlier in the dungeon was deployed to heal our ranger, barely getting him up before the minute countdown was over
Spy: I was healed back up, he was healed back up
Spy: Fight ended, no casualties and a very impressed DM
Bree: no casualties is getting kinda technical about it
Gooper Blooper: no permadeaths
Bree: there was totally a casualty
Bree: he just got better
Draco: No deaths.
Bree: anyway good jerb
Bree: you are best D&D party
Spy: Its hilarious though. Every plan we had backfired while also succeeding
Spy: If we didn't take out that wing? He would've wimped out at around half HP and fled
Spy: If not for that amazing throat shot? Ranger would've never been massacred
Spy: And the druid taking out the wall hurt us almost as much as it hurt the dragon
Spy: But when all else fails, The Cliff always works


TAZ MY BALLS joined the chat


RubyChao: i had a dream where mcdonald's had their own hired assassins
RubyChao: and you became one by ordering the right thing at mcdonald's
Jumpropeman: do you order a Dried Shroom
RubyChao: i forget, whatever it was it had too many peaches in it
Jumpropeman: tenshi confirmed McDonald's Assassin
Long Roads: -stabs a man with a sandwich toothpick- FOR THE BURGER KING! -whirls, a spoon through the sole witnesses' eye, and vanishes in a cloud of mustard-
Long Roads: Food Wars goes cloak and dagger. News at eleven.


Jumpropeman: I speak to you from update hell
Jumpropeman: I wanted to use my Xbox One controller on my PC, so I needed a Windows Update
Jumpropeman: I have not done a single Windows update since December 23rd, ​2013​
Jumpropeman: there are 191 updates


RubyChao: knox's ten rules of mystery: II. All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course;
RubyChao: sumireko snaps the book shut
RubyChao: hurls it away in disgust
Gooper Blooper: how are you going to expose esoteric if you just discard it immediately

(As it turns out, this Knox dude was a racist anyway - rule 5 was to not include Asians in your mystery story.)


Jumpropeman: gooper, no offense, but I'm about to dance all over you in Dance Dance Mario
Spy Is At Cool Leg: Dance Dance Mario blind LP
Spy Is At Cool Leg: By that i mean literally blind
Spy Is At Cool Leg: You are blindfolded and dancing


RubyChao NEO: oh god
RubyChao NEO: Gooper Blooper: In fact, go on, chao, make a joke about RevolutionPlot
RubyChao NEO: RubyChao: the subtle hinting is that joyce is aware of the MALP-verse somehow, and wishes to spark a revolution because he felt things worked out for the better there despite the issues
RubyChao NEO: it turned out i was right
RubyChao NEO: this power is too much
Gooper Blooper: of course you were
Harpy: bet you can't predict MY plot >:U
Gooper Blooper: I know full well the power you wield
RubyChao NEO: harpy it doesn't count when i know your plot :V
RubyChao NEO: okay, let's see if it works in reverse!
RubyChao NEO: gooper blooper
RubyChao NEO: predict my plot
Harpy: not specific details, just a general outline~ :U
Gooper Blooper: A character will be built up as a huge obvious evil mastermind. Midway through, another very unlikely character will start having hints dropped they are in fact the true villain
Gooper Blooper: and then it will turn out it was the obvious guy after all
RubyChao NEO: intriguing
Jumpropeman: i think
Jumpropeman: we'll fight bad guys
Jumpropeman: and maybe
Jumpropeman: some bad girls
Harpy: one of the enemies is just going to be a potato with a jetpack, clearly
Harpy: fly, tater, fly


Harpy: status report on snow from the state that got told to fuck itself
Harpy: surprisingly, the power didn't go out
RubyChao: that was - oh you mean yours
RubyChao: for a second i was thinking of the time ~forty years ago
Harpy: yeah we got slam dunked with snow
RubyChao: see NYC was looking at bankruptcy so it went to president ford to ask for a bailout
RubyChao: ford told the city to get lost
RubyChao: and it was immortalized as "Ford to City: Drop Dead"
RubyChao: and now you know another NYC history tale
Harpy: lel
Harpy: wow
RubyChao: "phoenix all the witnesses are dead and the culprit is probably dead too. of old age" "I DON'T CARE WE'RE INVESTIGATING IT ANYWAY"


Gooper Blooper: howdy, jack
RubyChao: "Howdy! I'm Sundowner. Sundowner the Cyborg!"
Gooper Blooper: "Kids you can mold, manipulate into doin' all KINDS of atrocities!"
Gooper Blooper: didn't even have to change that one


N Goat: Protip: Looking up scenes Jack is in, it is much easier to search for "Clyde" than "Jack."
N Goat shakes fist at Hogan
RubyChao: brother


N Goat wallows in Rp


N Goat: "Yes sirree, bobarooney, we got deals here, deals on top of deals, deals inside deals. Why, we've even got deals that cost you more money."
N Goat: And then we find out that Jack was actually a Kappa all along
Harpy: kappa-paa
RubyChao: jack tries to bargain with nitori
RubyChao: what happens
N Goat: a feedback loop of jargon and hustling to the point that Jack ends up trying to sell kappa goods to Nitori while she tries to bargain them down, Clyde
N Goat: and then an awkward pause when Nitori realizes she's speaking with a phony New York accent and Jack realizes he's wearing her hat
N Goat: they agree to never speak of this incident again
N Goat: in reality land: Nitori probably comes out on top because Jack is rubbish


N Goat: >​ The tiger does something a normal tiger would never do, though: summon sawblades.
N Goat: I
N Goat: ...
N Goat: well
N Goat: Kind of have to concede that one


Gooper Blooper: I don't know what the hell was wrong with me last night
RubyChao: eh, it happens
Gooper Blooper: but after spending the evening barely conscious and shivering, I collapsed into bed... and woke up two hours later, overheating and unable to sleep
RubyChao: o-oh
RubyChao: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: I have not gotten any shuteye since. For reasons I can't comprehend, I had a night comparable to my worst sick nights... except I wasn't sick
Harpy: that sounds like the flu or some symptom thereof
Harpy: welp
RubyChao: that sucks
Gooper Blooper: No matter what I did, my mind's eye would flood with distracting images and keep me from nodding off
Gooper Blooper: A lot of them were AAI2 related but towards the end my brain got desperate
Harpy: .n.
RubyChao: oh god, the eight hour play session backfired
Gooper Blooper: Circa 5 AM, I'm desperately trying to fall asleep for even a minute
Gooper Blooper: Then, in my head
Gooper Blooper: A picture of a fancy woven basket, with the words "this is a basket" next to it in Times New Roman
Gooper Blooper: And I'm like "Really? You're THAT desperate to keep me awake?"
RubyChao: it's the reverse of "this is not a pipe"
Harpy: my god


Jumpropeman: you know how sometimes people take a video game cover and replace all the pictures with clipart?
RubyChao: yes i do
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I saw one going around for Alpha Sapphire
Jumpropeman: the Heathcliff game decided to beat them to the punch
Gooper Blooper: I bet that game is an instant classic, beloved by generations to come
RubyChao: not as good as Garfield Kart
Gooper Blooper: It's from Storm City Games, the people who brought us Vegas Party
Gooper Blooper: they can do no wrong



Gooper Blooper: a journey of adventure and discovery, told through pogeycards
Jumpropeman: Phione be like "Hey! I'm garbage too! Let's hang out!"
Gooper Blooper: cuts so deep, JRM
RubyChao: fucking devastating


Harpy: *looks over at one neglected MSPaint*
Harpy: *grins*
Jumpropeman: millions of mspaints go neglected every day. For a simple donation of your time and mouse cursor, we can make sure these mspaints come to life
Jumpropeman: ♪In the arms of an angel...♪


Jumpropeman: *looking at someone's deviantart*
Jumpropeman: "30 Day OC Challenge"
Jumpropeman: Harpy, I've got a challenge for you


Jumpropeman: Postman Pat's cat has its own spinoff show
Jumpropeman: I watched it with my niece this morning
Spy: And his black and white cat
Spy: And his black and white cat
Spy: And his black and white cat
Spy: And his black and white cat
RubyChao: >​Postman Pat
RubyChao: that's not how you spell Patman Post


Spy cameo: In the grimy darkness of the 40th Millennium
Spy cameo: At McDonalds, it's Mac Tonite
Rambler: Mac ToFite breathes again.
PhoneDel: Magg ToFite, Goblin


Jumpropeman: so I got my daily phone call for the final offer, last-time-we're-going-to​-call credit card options
Jumpropeman: its like one of those mattress or furniture warehouses that are perpetually having a going-out-of-business sale
iKomodo: I know the sort
iKomodo: DFS is in a perpetual state of sale
iKomodo: It's like, when are they NOT?


Jumpropeman: pirates can never properly clear their throats
Jumpropeman: the arr noise is just them trying and failing


Harpy: in the meantime, i can think about psychics
Jumpropeman: i thought that said Physics
Harpy: oh my god no
Jumpropeman: the Psychics should have an enemy group called the Physics
Harpy: all that group consists of is gravity
Harpy: gravity has said hello several times
Harpy: sammy hates gravity :I
Harpy: anyway, back to debating whether to think about psychics or the puppeteer
Harpy: and ending up thinking about neither because ACE ATTORNEY
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: what the fuck
Jumpropeman: let's think about Gooper
Bree: harpy you know what the fuck
Bree: the fuck is goops
Bree: embrace the fuck
ivel: hi Goops
Harpy: now all i imagine is goops walking in, dressed as phoenix wright
Jumpropeman: gooper
Jumpropeman: I got a big sack of games in the mail today
Jumpropeman: one of those games
Jumpropeman: was Barney's Hide and Seek
Gooper Blooper: enjoy it, JRM


Gooper Blooper: new raymoo reaction image
RubyChao: ^her reaction when villains try to interrupt yuyutimes


Jumpropeman: "LA comedian Elijah Daniel wrote an erotic fanfiction about a one night stand between Donald Trump and a bellboy. Within days of its release on Amazon, the novella has garnered raving reviews and the honor of being the #1 best-selling title in the LGBT erotica category."


Harpy: ​fawful for mario kart x


Bree: when I mentioned karin loves injections and helios has to train her, my mom was like "lesson 1: the bigger the needle, the bigger the piece of ass you need to put it in"


(JRM is playing Barney's Hide And Seek, because of course he is)

Jumpropeman: the frogs in this game are terrifying
Jumpropeman: that green lump beside his foot is a frog
Harpy: WHY
ivel: well it's relatively identifiable as a frog
ivel: to be fair
ivel: Barney's face though
ivel: that's creepy
Bree: quality graphics
Jumpropeman: barney's facial expressions in this game are amazing
Bree: quality as fuck yo
Harpy: oh lawdy
Gooper Blooper: ah, memories
Jumpropeman: barney got swagger
Harpy: those kid faces
Draco: Barney's gonna barn.


PhoneDel: So
PhoneDel: I have a hot tip for darkest dungeon players
PhoneDel: You may have a fight where this thing appears
PhoneDel: Do not touch it
PhoneDel: Do not damage it
PhoneDel: Do not acknowledge the existence of this small pig
PhoneDel: Or your party will wipe
PhoneDel: This has been a mostly spoiler free darkest dungeon psa
Potatomodo: what
RubyChao: i assume it's an incredibly powerful bonus boss
PhoneDel: Not a bonus boss
PhoneDel: But I have seen so many people fuck up with this pig
PhoneDel: That I must warn my friends
Potatomodo: apparently it's called Wilbur
PhoneDel: Yes
PhoneDel: Do not poke wilbur
ivel: I just looked up why
ivel: ouch
PhoneDel: Yep


ivel: oh my god
ivel: Disgaea 5 just made me laugh so hard
ivel: this guy's class is​ Stupid Punk Kid ​


Gooper Blooper: Oh man, did you guys know what happens if you take a Pokemon with 0 IVs in every stat to the IV judge guy
ivel: nope
RubyChao: tell me
Gooper Blooper: Normally the Judge tells you your pogey's best stat, then its' worst
Harpy: "why"
Gooper Blooper: If two stats are tied, he'll mention both
Gooper Blooper: So if you bring him a Pokemon with 0 IVs in everything, he will tell you about how every single one of their stats is great, and immediately after he'll go through each one and say it's terrible
Harpy: wow
iKomodo: hahahahahahaha
RubyChao: hahahaha, wow
Harpy: the gordon ramsey of pogey


Jumpropeman: I played some of Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings today
Jumpropeman: I can't seem to get to the final set of levels sadly
Gooper Blooper: Is it difficult or just obtuse
Jumpropeman: can it be both?
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Jumpropeman: the real issue is I tried to play it on my RetroN 5 and apparently the final few levels cause it to crash
Gooper Blooper: Aw, that sucks. Yeah, clone systems can't always handle the fanciness of certain games
Jumpropeman: so far only three games I own haven't worked on it
Gooper Blooper: I have a Genesis clone that locked up when I played Toy Story on it - it didn't have the required chip for the first-person level
Jumpropeman: Gargoyles, Jungle Book, and now Izzy's final levels
Jumpropeman: all Genesis titles
Jumpropeman: I did play enough of Izzy's game to know all I need to know about Izzy I think
Jumpropeman: that being: he's still a pretty bad idea for an olympics mascot
Jumpropeman: he has a lot of olympics based powers, like turning into a javelin (that doesn't damage enemies, it just flies) and skateboarding, everyone's favorite olympic event
Gooper Blooper: cut him some slack, it was the 90s


ivel: they're making Sonic Generations 2?
ivel: I didn't know until I looked at Troy Baker's IMDB page; he's Espio
Gooper Blooper: Considering one of the first results is a Fantendo wiki page, I can say with confidence that Sonic Generations 2 does not exist
Jumpropeman: seems like it comes from misreading a guy who said they should make a game more like Generations as their 25th anniversary game
Jumpropeman: "During an interview with SEGAbits on YouTube, Webber was asked about the 25th anniversary of the series next year, he said “there’s definitely stuff in the works for the 25th anniversary,” but he didn’t give any other details besides that more would be revealed in early 2016.
Hopefully this means they have another true Sonic game in the works like Generations was for the 20th anniversary, rather than more terrible spinoff games. If you want to see the full interview with Webber where he discusses everything Sonic, you can check it out below."

Jumpropeman: its what the imdb cites as its evidence
Gooper Blooper: "Here is Sonic Generations 2 For the PC! Celebrating 23 years of sonic games fangames and fans!"
Gooper Blooper: Updated 30 Jan 2015
Gooper Blooper: "this project is cancelled"
Jumpropeman: ha
Gooper Blooper: what a celebration, good work guy
RubyChao: rekt
Jumpropeman: its a meta thing, honoring all the cancelled sonic projects


Bree: some #ruined for everyone: azure and I were playing elder scrolls online and they have these things called delves which are caves with cool loot in them basically
Bree: anyway she's like "hey there's a delve nearby" so we went to it
Bree: and when you discover a new location in ESO the name of the location appears in big words on the screen so we're approaching it and the game declares in big letters
Bree: You have discovered
Gooper Blooper: "mine"
Bree: I'm like "we better leave this one alone" "uh why" "because del already called dibs"
RubyChao: ha
Harpy: wow
Jumpropeman: if you enter the cave, there is a bunch of skeletons guarding a treasure chest full of space-themed video games and tabletop games
Bree: alas there were no skeletons, that would have been so appropriate but no
Bree: there were a bunch of dudes we killed though so maybe they will decay into skeletons
Bree: except not because video game


Gooper Blooper: *sweats worriedly*
Jumpropeman: ​and then its a free-to-play game​
Gooper Blooper: it just has to be like the first two
Gooper Blooper: that's all they have to do
Gooper Blooper: that's literally it
RubyChao: failing that
RubyChao: not Sticker Star 2: This Time With More Stickers
Jumpropeman: they seem to know Sticker Star was bad
Gooper Blooper: I have waited eleven and a half years
Jumpropeman: and then the game is Paper Luigi: The Already Told Story of the Magical Compass
Gooper Blooper: If it uses the original PM mechanics, fuck it, I'll take it
Gooper Blooper: blooper partner!
Draco: Bloop bloop
Jumpropeman: watch your language!
Draco: But it's not on yet. D;


RubyChao: I have some time to myself so I am being a useless piece of shit and playing all these games
Gooper Blooper: I warned you about the offseason bro


Jumpropeman: so long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodnight. The sun has gone to bed and I must go to work
Jumpropeman: *hang glides off into the night*


Bree: omg new chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: yep
Bree: this is good chatzy madness
Bree wallows in the chatzy madness like a pig in the mud

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