Monday, February 8, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 234: Bubsy Edition

RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i found insomnia cookies nearby
RubyChao: "nearby" in this case is "twenty blocks away" but THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH


Etrohus: [8:38:19 PM] Ivelchild: I knew Tony Hawk 5 was bad but
[8:38:21 PM] Ivelchild: "Some players found it crashing so hard they had to log out and create entirely new Xbox accounts"
[8:38:29 PM] Ivelchild: HOW DO YOU FAIL THAT BAD
[8:38:30 PM] HarpyKuro: dear god
[8:38:34 PM] HarpyKuro: what

iKomodo: WHAT
Etrohus: this game needs jesus
Etrohus: [8:39:52 PM] Ivelchild: "The day one update was 7.7 gigabytes. The entire install from the game disc was only 4.6 GB"


Gooper Blooper: "God f***ing damnit this f***ing match. f*** Undertale and its fans. f*** Mass Effect 3 for not stopping this, and its dumb fanboys for not shutting up about X-stats. Melee should've had this, but now it's down by thousands for no f***ing reason."

(Yes, Undertale continued winning GameFAQs matches)


Draco: What kind of girl does Hussie like? Chubby librarians who own flying saucers? ;V
Etrohus: i doubt patchy would be much interested in a guy like etrohus
Draco: Too awesome?
Gooper Blooper: patchy's true love is books
Etrohus: ^
Etrohus: he may crush on her but she will be forever unattainable
Etrohus: ​jake marshall, on the other hand
Draco: Jake Marshall totally has a chance with Patchy?
Etrohus: etrohus may have a chance with jake marshall, if jake marshall were relevant in 2017 :U
RubyChao: >​marshall
RubyChao: >​2017
RubyChao: i got some bad news
Etrohus: i did say if
Draco: ​We all know Patchy's One True Love is Gloria with Librarian Glasses.
RubyChao: ​confirmed


RubyChao: ah man, jrm left
RubyChao: i was going to mention that clinton came up in my politics class and i started laughing to myself
RubyChao: how the fuck did he pull this off
Etrohus: i don't know


Dacor: I return to reap your wishes and turn them into sadness. 8U
Deletons: Oh nooooo
iKomodo: Noooooo D:
Deletons: This is the worst hannukah ever
Dacor: Wait, what? Hannukah?
Dacor: Pffft. My job was done for me. I'm retired now. BV
iKomodo: Hahaha


Comet Warwitch: oh god i almost mistook myself for cornwind
Comet Warwitch: this is what happens when i go back to my game for ONE SECOND
Comet Warwitch: and just see the Co sticking out on chatzy


Jumpropeman: a gift from Vermont arrived in the mail today
Jumpropeman: assuming that it must be firewood, I placed it on the fire without a second thought
RubyChao: PLS
RubyChao: you should have used it as insulation instead :I
Gooper Blooper: ain't much up here but wood and cows, ayup


RubyChao: >​literally launching yourself out of cannons to get around
RubyChao: skyla confirmed hardcore
Draco: Skyla's a bitch. Those aren't TSA-approved cannons. :I


Roman Reigns? joined the chat
Roman Reigns?: ....that was a thing
Jumpropeman: hi harpy
Jumpropeman: :V
Draco: Hi Harpy?
Comet Warwitch: hi harpy
RubyChao: hi harpwind
Draco: Hi Harpy, Harpy?, and Harpy Blarpy.
Gooper Blooper: this is just getting silly now (silly, in ZFRP chat? perish the thought)
Draco: You're right. I'm sorry. D:
Draco gets his coat and leaves.
Roman Reigns?: Well there was a title change tonight
Roman Reigns?: Most people were not expecting it
Gooper Blooper: looking up a raw reaction thread now
Gooper Blooper: yessss it happened
RubyChao: what happened
Gooper Blooper: the title change was ​rommin ragnis suddenly winning the belt one day after failing to get it on PPV
RubyChao: ​AHAHA
RubyChao: ​rip
Gooper Blooper: ​they gave away his big moment for free
Gooper Blooper: best


Roman Reigns?: I am a Zelda fan, hardcore
Roman Reigns?: And I will still be voting for Undertale because I want heads to explode.
Gooper Blooper: I remember your Link reverence
Gooper Blooper: Makes it all the stranger you don't play Nintendo systems any more
Gooper Blooper: They still make zeldas ya know
RubyChao: or DO they
RubyChao twilight zone music


Draco: I had a realization today that I haven't played a Sonic game since And Knuckles.
King Etrohus: i'd play SA2
Gooper Blooper: You haven't missed a whole lot, Draco
King Etrohus: not because it's great
Draco: Sounds like it.
King Etrohus: but because it has the chao garden
Gooper Blooper: I loved the Adventures but they're a bit dated
RubyChao: you love me~
King Etrohus: i love you
Gooper Blooper: Sonic 2 and Sonic 3K are definitely my favorites
King Etrohus: as a friend
Jumpropeman: chao garden suckssssssss
RubyChao: platonic wuv is still wuv
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: the door is over there
RubyChao: use it
Gooper Blooper: are we doing this again


(GameFAQs contest final: Undertale vs Ocarina of Time. It's a slaughter.)

Gooper Blooper: It's up
Gooper Blooper: here we go
King Etrohus: show me the money
King Etrohus: goops are you okay
RubyChao: this fucking blowout start
King Etrohus: did
King Etrohus: did something explode
RubyChao: i think the contest overloaded him
King Etrohus: did someone bust an artery
Draco: O_O
Draco: 70% Undertale!
King Etrohus: >​70%
Gooper Blooper: proof
RubyChao: he's opening with his strongest attack
King Etrohus: god damn
Jumpropeman: unfortunately I've made myself vote honestly this competition, so I voted Ocarina in the final round :V
King Etrohus: thats fair
King Etrohus: sadly not everybody votes that way :U
Jumpropeman: also, I probably kinda cheated and voted twice for undertale in the past with my computer and the work computer :V
Gooper Blooper: All my actual favorite games got eliminated by the second round
RubyChao: mine made to round 3
Gooper Blooper: Metroid looked great this contest
Gooper Blooper: Both games made the third round and both lost in very close matches
Jumpropeman: Nintendo takes notice of the support
Jumpropeman: releases Other M 2
King Etrohus: watch as Other M 2 somehow is leagues better than the original
RubyChao chokes
Jumpropeman: Samus now has two beauty marks on her face in this one
Gooper Blooper: samus is portrayed as a weak little girl unable to get the job done alone after seeing a Zoomer and getting horrible flashbacks
RubyChao falls over
RubyChao dies

King Etrohus: I'm trying to be so optimistic ;;
Gooper Blooper: fortunately there are some strapping young men who can take over for her
RubyChao soul-shatters
King Etrohus: *undertale game over theme plays*


BRBree: guys I'm stopping in to report something
King Etrohus: are you reporting that you are cute
King Etrohus: because you are :U
BRBree: no :U
King Etrohus: damn


BRBree: azure wants me to report she's quietly plotting your demise
King Etrohus: what
Jumpropeman: all of us?
BRBree: all of you
Gooper Blooper: final boss 2016
RubyChao: is it because we steal you away
Jumpropeman: awww, I wanted my demise to be special :(
BRBree: she says "YES DAMMIT, SIX MONTHS OUT OF A YEAR" @ ruby
RubyChao: well too bad
RubyChao: we like the bree too much to give her up :I


RubyChao: "Super Mario is probably the most popular game in the world. From kids to old people, everyone knows about this game. Year after year, Nintendo doesn't disappoint with Mario series game releases. I am officially addicted to this game. Another thing that I really enjoy and kind of addicted to is online poker. If you get going, there is easy cash to be made. That's why I like this game so much."
RubyChao: subtle
Jumpropeman: "and the mushrooms in Mario are clearly a metaphor for male circumcision"
Etrohus: good gravy


Butt, A Butt asked Chatzy to choose between Undertale, The Big Dog Roman Reigns and cereal. Chatzy chose: The Big Dog Roman Reigns
Butt, A Butt: Ha!


Jumpropeman: I remember on Gamefaqs
Jumpropeman: which is a great way to start a story
Gooper Blooper: haw
Jumpropeman: there was a guy named "bowser" something or other
Jumpropeman: who posted tons of fake character selects
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Walrein shuts down the character selects for offtopic posting
Jumpropeman: one of them was "Super Smash Bros Kirby Mode"
Jumpropeman: where its just like, every Kirby character on the select screen
Jumpropeman: even Whispy


(Concerning Big Bar Brawl 6 entrants)

Draco: Wait, I've got it! I will enter the Shrekoning: twelve Shreks that are connected to each other by an umbilical cord. They all think they're the original Shrek but only one of them is and as Shreks are cut off from the collShrektive, they die.


RubyChao: spy:
RubyChao: if you tell us blood pianta by 2017
RubyChao: i will include piantas in 2017 rp
RubyChao: goops can hold me to this
Spy Is Free: Very tempting


Gooper Blooper: There are characters I would actually pay four dollars to play as in Smash 4 but we won't get them ever
Spy Is Free: Which ones, Goops?
Gooper Blooper: Ramza, FFT White Mage, Regigigas, Lord Crump, Gardevoir/Gallade, Kingler, Doopliss, Utsuho
Gooper Blooper: just to rattle off a few
RubyChao: ahahaha that last one
RubyChao: so proud
Etrohus: which FFT white mage
Etrohus: sarah
Etrohus: or
Etrohus: that one who would gladly throttle anyone
Gooper Blooper: Harpy: Sarah, with Spunky Green White Mage as the Green Team costume
Etrohus: darn :U
Etrohus: i mean i like sarah but i also like monkmage
Etrohus: this is how comet was born
Ivel: Spunky Green White Mage?
Etrohus: "i want sarah, but i also want sophia"
Etrohus: "I KNOW :U "
Gooper Blooper: Hang on
Ivel: also I'd say Ramza isn't likely but we got Cloud so
Spy Is Free: But wait, here's the real question
Spy Is Free: Chatzy. Will THE BIG DOG ROMAN REIGNS be in Smash 4?
Spy Is Free asked Chatzy to choose between Yes, No, Cereal and John Cena WIll. Chatzy chose: Yes
Gooper Blooper: Okay, so for Ivel: the story of The Green White Mage
Gooper Blooper: There's a bonus dungeon in FFT, and in the cutscene you see before unlocking it, Ramza overhears two generics talking about it
Gooper Blooper: one of them is a white mage with a green-trimmed robe instead of red
Ivel: ah
Gooper Blooper: She argues with her companion over who's the best treasure hunter and pushes them around, then notices Ramza is watching and says something along the lines of "What're you looking at? This ain't no show!"
Gooper Blooper: and so Spunky Green White Mage was born
Gooper Blooper: tragically the only way you can add a green white mage to your party is with action replay
Ivel: welp
Etrohus: she is the best white mage


Ivel: I linked a friend to the Pacman joke book
Ivel: 12:22 AM - Auroranaut: JESUS 12:22 AM - Auroranaut: CHRIST 12:22 AM - Auroranaut: OH MY GOD IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE
Gooper Blooper: the pacson five
Etrohus: aeronaut is dying


RubyChao: on the one hand, i should eat dinner
RubyChao: on the other hand, i am very comfortablely arranged
Gooper Blooper: dinner at computer, of course
RubyChao: yes, but i have to retrieve the dinner in the first place
Gooper Blooper: curses


RubyChao: okay
RubyChao: after a vast amount of effort
RubyChao: i have extricated myself from the blankets
RubyChao: off i go


RubyChao: >​read something
RubyChao: >​esoteric
RubyChao: >​think of sumi
RubyChao: she managed to ruin a normal word for me
Ivel: #ruined


RubyChao: holy shit i was in search way too long
RubyChao stumbles out like the last man after the apocalypse


SteelKomodo: it's already happening
SteelKomodo: in the words of the Fazfucks, "rip me"
RubyChao: next FYM: Bayonetta vs. Okuu
SteelKomodo: "I think he prefers legs~" "HE'S A WINGS MAN D:<"
Draco: B)
Draco: So who's RPing Bayonetta next year? ;D


Deletons: Bgbb bbbhbbhb
Bree: del quit drooling on the keyboard
Goops McMahon: shantosh
Goops McMahon: sahshshshhsaasnasnasnssp​y
Deletons: Hahaha
Deletons: Im very tired


Jumpropeman: howdy chao-dy
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: is it package time
Jumpropeman: let's do iiiiiiit
Jumpropeman: *opens the package, it's a bunch of Pepsi* BI
RubyChao: pls
Jumpropeman: oooo chocolate
Jumpropeman: and the greatest gift of all
Jumpropeman: Bubsy 3d <3
RubyChao: i knew you'd like it
RubyChao: disclaimer i have no idea if it actually works
Jumpropeman: lets find out
Jumpropeman: chao I got bad news: the game doesn't work. But it does appear to be fully playable. Bubsy 3D in general just doesn't work
RubyChao: ha
RubyChao: have fun getting 100% completion, as i know you will
Jumpropeman: this intro cutscene is super long
Jumpropeman: OH MY
Jumpropeman: OH MY BUBSY
Jumpropeman: >​it has two player
Jumpropeman: so Ven
RubyChao: rip ven
SteelKomodo: rip
RubyChao: oh yeah, you should read the manual
RubyChao: the tone they wrote it in is something, alright
Jumpropeman: Bubsy ended the cutscene by jumping in from offscreen, saying "I knew I shouldn't have taken that wrong turn at Uranus. What, was it something I said? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?" and then gave the camera the biggest freaking grin
SteelKomodo: I'll tell you what could possibly go wrong, Bubsy
Jumpropeman: thanks a bunch chao
Jumpropeman: I will have a very Bubsy Christmas and a furtacular new year
Jumpropeman: someone left bubsy codes in the manual
Jumpropeman: so someone
Jumpropeman: tried to play this copy
Jumpropeman: the passwords only go up to level 2
deli: Please pardon me, JRM, I fear I've suddenly received a summonses and need to move to Cirith Ungol immediately. I won't be able to play vidjagames from the halls of the Witch King. :u
RubyChao: i knew you would enjoy this gift
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: this is bad game history, here
deli: Sorry, man. You'll just need to get Chao as a player 2 this time.
Jumpropeman: >​there's an option to silence the character voices
Jumpropeman: at least they knew they were making him annoying
RubyChao: i assume you're never using it
Jumpropeman: of course not
Jumpropeman: "Look at 'him hopping' along! Isn't he cute!" ...why is "him hopping" in quotes
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: amazing
SteelKomodo: this is like peering into an abyss that'll never peer back
SteelKomodo: because it's fuckin comatose
Jumpropeman: "press this to quit the level. Why you'd ever want to quit playing Bubsy 3D is beyond us"
SteelKomodo: I dunno, man, it's tempting
SteelKomodo: real tempting :U
RubyChao: reminder:
RubyChao: bubsy 3D came out ​after​ super mario 64
SteelKomodo: everyone wanted a slice of that Mario 64 pie
Jumpropeman: i think there was some mandate that every line in the manual must contain some attempt at a joke
Jumpropeman: "Boy, just once, couldn't we have a video game where everybody gets along, and there's a valuable moral lesson learned at the end?" Bubsy 3D... POSSIBLE IMPETUS FOR UNDERTALE?!?!?
Jumpropeman: in two player mode, One player plays as Bubsy, and the other plays as an unseen gun trying to shoot bubsy
Jumpropeman: the reward for hitting bubsy? Getting to play as Bubsy
SteelKomodo: why
SteelKomodo: why is that a thing
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Jumpropeman: game mighta froze after the first level
deli: Is Fate being merciful?
Jumpropeman: well, I did miss 3 of the 200 collectibles so I'd have to do that level again anyway :P
deli: ​8​ o
SteelKomodo: thank god
RubyChao: bubsy 3D is a well-made game


deli: I'm a bad influence on JRM. :u I made him play games it turned out we liked.


Jumpropeman: okay this is turning into a creepypasta
Dopey Girl Likes Her Chars: oh god
Dopey Girl Likes Her Chars: what makes you say that
Jumpropeman: the game was having trouble loading the title screen so I opened the disc tray and closed it. The attract screen started so I skipped it, and the screen went black for a long while again before Bubsy appeared, looking directly at me in a dark room illuminated only by a spotlight
RubyChao: 2spooky
SteelKomodo: D:
Dopey Girl Likes Her Chars: kek
RubyChao: (the "dark room in a spotlight" thing is the setting for the death cutscenes and some other short cutscenes)


Cornwind AvoidingTFAspoilers collapses.
Cornwind AvoidingTFAspoilers: TWELVE. DAYS. OF REVIEW. MODE
Cornwind AvoidingTFAspoilers: WHY
Cornwind AvoidingTFAspoilers: WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING


Deletons: Help
Deletons: Im trapped on the toilet im gonna die like elvis
iKomodo: D:
Draco: Does that make you DELvis Presley?
Deletons: Yes sadly
iKomodo: D:
Draco:'re going to Hellvis.
Draco: Your belongings your brother will sellvis to buy some hair gelvis.
iKomodo: Too many puns and you'll break your pelvis
Draco: I'm going to go hide in my shellvis.
iKomodo: Don't forget to scrub it out to get rid of the smellvis
Deletons: I hate you both
Draco: That's too bad. I think you're swellvis. :3
iKomodo: Hahaha
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Deletons: Hi cornwind welcome to elvis puns im your host
Deletons: Today we'll make more pelvis jokes
Cornwind Evil: I didn't sleep wellvis
Cornwind Evil: I'm anxious. My pills will quellthis anxiety
iKomodo: Hahaha
Cornwind Evil: *perusing circumcisiongate* I have to wonder if the guy suffered a severe head injury
Cornwind Evil: Badly rang his bellvis
Draco: He probably slipped and fellvis.
iKomodo: nobody can tellvis
Draco: No matter how much you scream or yellvis?
Deletons: Im going to die surrounded by people telling shitty puns
Cornwind Evil: Mom needs a new computer
Cornwind Evil: Dude she's getting a Dellvis
Cornwind Evil: And your brother wishes he couldn't see us
Cornwind Evil: That he would lack Del-vis(ion).
Draco: He might be getting a little overzelvis.
Deletons: Im leaving
Deletons left the chat
iKomodo: Oh no, we chased del off D:
Cornwind Evil: I wish him wellvis
Cornwind Evil: And not to fall in a wellvis
Cornwind Evil: Now I'm gonna go pick a random comic company
Cornwind Evil: Well. Viz.
Draco: These puns you just can't quellvis.
Cornwind Evil: Okay, we really should stop
Cornwind Evil: Not beat this into the ground too much
Draco: Okay. I'm running out of puns for this anyway.
Cornwind Evil: The wellvis dry


Harpy is a dork: i have been poked


Cornwind Evil: Good Rumble, Goops. and next year it might be best to kidnap McMahon and lock him in a safe before it starts
Gooper Blooper: kek
CHOOSE A GAME: Each year the WWE's heeling will get more ridiculous
CHOOSE A GAME: Next year, Vince enters a zoofighter: the Big Dog, Roman Reigns
Cornwind Evil: Sine: You forgot the Kayfabe Engine.
CHOOSE A GAME: The year after, Jerry Lawler establishes his Kingdom in the middle of the ring and refuses to go
Cornwind Evil: -Roman knocks himself out trying to spear Regigigas-
CHOOSE A GAME: In three years, the entire rumble is replaced with 29 Vince McMahons
CHOOSE A GAME: They all fight over who is the real Vince
Draco: Next year, Parsee will enter. D:<
RubyChao: >​a dracochar entering a rumble
Draco: Draco provides ringside commentary. "The White Mage is going over the ropes and an ACTUAL rumble has occurred!"
Gooper Blooper: Silence threatens to eliminate Sarah and Sara simultaneously, Draco flips out and heads to a bomb shelter
Gooper Blooper: "Place is gonna blow!"


RubyChao: >​1.52 gigabytes
RubyChao: why is touhou soccer so fucking massive
Gooper Blooper: the music
Draco: Playable Patchy


Cornwind Evil: Yesterday I clicked on Danbooru and was amazed WHEN THERE WAS NO PORN ON THE FRONT PAGE


Gooper Blooper: SaRahPG fun fact
Gooper Blooper: Was testing a boss, and made a discovery
RubyChao: what arcane madness did you find this time
Gooper Blooper: If you've unlocked every summon you can for Gloria up to that point, she makes the boss an absolute joke, dealing well over twice the damage of anyone else with a summon that hits the boss's weakness
Gooper Blooper: Made the boss significantly stronger to compensate, but she's still the best for fighting it
Harpy: kek
RubyChao: >​making it harder to have gloria wipe the floor with a boss
RubyChao: :I
Gooper Blooper: well chao, the thing is
Gooper Blooper: I know you like Gloria
Gooper Blooper: But I also know you like a challenge
RubyChao: ...dammit, he's got me there


Holiday Bree: totally off-topic, but remember when we talked about the heart attack grill?
Goopmas: yep
Holiday Bree: GMM had a whole episode devoted to insane eating challenges
Holiday Bree: and one of them reminded me of heart attack grill
Holiday Bree: because the restaurant was a deli called fat sal's
Holiday Bree: and the challenge was literally called "the big fat fatty challenge"
Goopmas: hahaha


(Chao is playing Gen 5 Pokemon)

RubyChao: my team is totally going to be underleveled for the elite four
RubyChao jumps off the side of a cliff laughing


Deletons: Hi, I'm Bliztem.


Jumpropeman: If everyone was like Marina RP would be awful :P
Goopmas: oh god
Goopmas: six months of everyone just staying in their rooms doing nothing
Jumpropeman: Sine dropping by every room
Jumpropeman: trying desperately to make them feel better
Goopmas: Sine tried so hard
Goopmas: but Sine and Marina was like peanut butter and windshield wiper fluid


Spy With Less Stomachache: WorkDel: zeph was cool
WorkDel: but his time was up
Spy With Less Stomachache: 'CAUSE MY TIME IS NOW
Spy With Less Stomachache: YOU CAN'T SEE ME
Spy With Less Stomachache: MY TIME IS NOW


Jumpropeman: A character without an end is like a sentence without a conclusion, it just feels


Jumpropeman: Missingno couldn't speak english... and I think that wasn't the best decision
Goopmas: It was a gimmick! :V
Goopmas: I at least made the gimmick better than it originally was
RubyChao: what was it originally
Goopmas: Missingo's text in its' earliest appearances was Japanese... after being run through Zalgo, which made it impossible to translate
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: goops why
Goopmas: I quickly realized "this is stupid" and got rid of the zalgo
RubyChao: i agree
RubyChao: that WAS stupid
Jumpropeman: I have a lot of trouble trying to identify problems with Gooper RP, so Missingno speaking Japanese is the straw I desperately clutch at


Jumpropeman: im burnt out on LEGO games after marathoning LEGO Star WArs a while back
Jumpropeman: collecting all those studs gets tedious
Jumpropeman: but I can't NOT collect all those studs
Jumpropeman: they disappear if I don't!
Jumpropeman: and they make that nice noise when I pick them up, and the number goes up


All of you wonderful darlingss: Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection~
The lovers, the dreamers, -sets fire and looms face menacingly- AND ME
Goopmas: fv pls
All of you wonderful darlingss: ... I actually adore that song, despite the horror attempt moment there. >​//>​


Draco: Jesus died for our sinuses.
SteelKomodo: indeed he did


iKomodo: Now I have a mental picture of Aurora and Okuu arguing over who gets to ice Kench
iKomodo: with Pit standing there thinking "why are both my girlfriends terrifying"


Krampivel: asking for Disgaea char names
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: name the skull Kevin
Krampivel: when I get one
Krampivel: first is female healer
Krampivel: *uses random name* "Sarah"
New Comp Who This?: inb4 Sarah
Krampivel: :U
New Comp Who This?: . . . inafter Sarah I guess
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: my fucking god
New Comp Who This?: It's density, you must do it
Krampivel: that timing
RubyChao: >​density
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: she sarah
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: ruined
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: im gonna play the disgaeas
Krampivel: ...the personalities
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: when I visit, ivel
Krampivel: Open-Minded, Saintly, or...
Krampivel: Pregnant
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: open minded
Krampivel: actually it's Pregnant<3 (with an actual heart there)
Krampivel: but wow
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: please, Sarah is just fat, disgaea
New Comp Who This?: Oh my god what does Pregnant<3 do
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: Alex too innocent for friggle fraggles
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: i assume personalities affect voice and evilities
Krampivel: Open-minded has more violent sounds, Saintly is nice, pregnant is somewhere in between
Krampivel: "I'm gonna punch you" but in a nice voice
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: saintly
Two Copies of Undertale?!?: sarah is a kindly soul
New Comp Who This?: So pregnancy is gentle fury?


RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and soup. Chatzy chose: HE
Krampivel asked Chatzy to choose between HAS and soup. Chatzy chose: HAS
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between NO and soup. Chatzy chose: NO
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between STYLE and soup. Chatzy chose: soup

Krampivel: ;;
RubyChao: poor lanky
RubyChao: denied his soup :<
SteelKomodo: :<
Krampivel: saddest story


(Cornwind runs into a glitch where he received multiples of a special bonus he was only supposed to get one of)

Christmas Evil: I had a Christmas dilemma, scroll up to see it
N Goat: I have found the core of your issue, CW
N Goat: You're playing freemium games
N Goat OOOOOOOOOOO-*trips and falls on face*
Christmas Evil: Well AT LEAST I'VE SEEN ALIEN
N Goat: !!!


RubyChao: alas, i'm not blond anymore
RubyChao: i think i've mentioned it but i used to be blond
N Goat: this is a most shocking and, frankly, disconcerting revelation
N Goat said, having never put much thought into Chao's hair color or even style before this moment
HappBree Holidays: you should dye your hair blue while in tokyo so you come back to america all like "sorry guys I caught a bad case of the animu"


Goopy Claus: I still have a little bit of Halloween chocolate left in the form of four russell stover mini marshmallow pumpkins
Goopy Claus: I'm gonna eat em ON CHRISTMAS
Goopy Claus: ​FOR SAMHAIN
Goopy Claus: ​WATCH ME


Jumpropeman: Christmas Showcase
RubyChao: yessss bubsy
Jumpropeman: CKR gave me an amazing Wario figure
Jumpropeman: besides the points of articulation its basically Wario ripped right from a video game
Goopy Claus: That's a great Wario
Goopy Claus: and I'm happy I could contribute that Pac-Man
N Goat: >​Bubsy 3D
N Goat screams
RubyChao: sheep: i got it for JRM
RubyChao: i knew he needed to play it
N Goat busy clutching a rosary and repenting his sins
N Goat: that IS a really good Wario though


N Goat: darn this chatzy storing my messages and pointing out how many of my sentences start with "ah" or "oh"
N Goat shakes fist


RubyChao: well tangela evolved
RubyChao: maybe if lickitung didn't job it could do this too :I
Goopy Claus: chao: have you looked at lickitung's base stats lately
Goopy Claus: you might want to
RubyChao: *looks*
RubyChao: o-oh
RubyChao: no wonder
Goopy Claus: reminder that lickitung went three gens without an evo
Draco evolves ALL the Lickitungs. BU


Christmas Evil: Sine: Now to make New Year's Pudding.
Christmas Evil rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 88
Christmas Evil: Sine: I AM AMAZING AT PUDDING.
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 27
Draco: Parsee is allergic to pudding and dies.
Draco: GG, Parsee.


RubyChao: i want to remind everyone of this
N Goat: "What could PAW-sibly go wrong?!"
N Goat leaves
N Goat puts on hat
N Goat grabs suitcase
N Goat walks on out door
N Goat keeps walking
N Goat eventually makes his way to Mexico
We wish you a merry christmas stops N Goat at door and pressgangs him into librarian service
N Goat due to Ven stopping him, he works at a Library in Mexico

Draco: A Javelina Library?
N Goat he is soon fired due to not speaking any Spanish
Goopy Claus: You'll never guess what species of mammal lives in Mexico
Jumpropeman: human?
RubyChao: goat?
We wish you a merry christmas: Penguin.
We wish you a merry christmas: Surely penguin.
N Goat the news shocks him, sending him running and crying into the back, deep annuls of the building
Christmas Evil: Penguins are BIRDS
N Goat due to his running mascara, he is unable to read the sign warning him of the Javelina pen
We wish you a merry christmas: =u True. Penguins are birds. I was thinking of the platypus. I just woke up again.
We wish you a merry christmas: Whatever is the answer, Goops?
Goopy Claus: Javelina
Jumpropeman: I've seen wild Javelina down here in Texas
N Goat he trips on his own, trendy, mandals and accidentally kicks a slumbering Javelina in the jowls
N Goat the janitor finds him within the next month
N Goat look, it's a large library/Javelina pit and they should really hire more than one janitorial staff to cover the whole thing
N Goat it's really a serious oversight for health and, when the Javelina pit is involved, safety

Goopy Claus: The real lesson in all of this, sheep: don't overreact at 25-year-old cat puns :V
N Goat which is why one should not kick a Javelina in the jowls
N Goat because you end up like M Sheep
N Goat dead and toeless

RubyChao: 2016 plot: mass produced bubsy
RubyChao: a company tries to create all sorts of artificial mascots
Goopy Claus: If Bubsy doesn't at least cameo from Chao or JRM I'm honestly going to be disappointed
RubyChao: they go rogue and start tearing up everything
RubyChao: just imagine it
RubyChao: a horde of bubsys
RubyChao: a thousand deep
N Goat: Bubsy for 2026 Rp ending Godboss
RubyChao: chanting in unison
N Goat squints
Goopy Claus: So Bubsy is the final boss of sheeplot, got it
Christmas Evil: Bubsy shows up, he's actually a quiet philosophical type who was doing an acting job
Christmas Evil: And it turns out his career WASN'T ruined, he just was a character actor afterwards
Jumpropeman: that is basically how i'd rp him cornwind, yes
RubyChao: now i'm picturing Bubsy in Hamlet
RubyChao: and doing a surprisingly good job
N Goat: Bubsy: The Tragi-OH NO YOU DON'T, CHAO
RubyChao: who would have thought he would be capable of such pathos
N Goat: HE'S NOT
N Goat imagines it
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: what could possibly go wrong
N Goat makes high, keening sound
N Goat: i'm meeeeeelting
RubyChao: oh dear, i broke him
N Goat: meeeeeeeeeltingggg
N Goat: eeeeeee
Draco flees.
N Goat fans himself with Branagh Hamlet case

N Goat: okay, okay, I'm fine
N Goat waves Tennant Hamlet case under nose
N Goat: HOOF!
N Goat: okay
N Goat: okay, I'm up
N Goat: *Bubsy introduces himself to armadillo* Armadillo: "Oh no, worse than a truck!"
N Goat: THAN
N Goat: What did this armadillo do to deserve this special, Bubsy hell?!
RubyChao: ahahah
Goopy Claus: I've heard the armadillo is the one sympathetic character in the bubsy cartoon
Goopy Claus: so of course nothing ever goes right for him
RubyChao: he pretty much is, since he does nothing wrong
N Goat: "Save it, Copernicus"
N Goat: I
N Goat: ...was that an actual intelligent joke?!
N Goat: I
N Goat: I need to sit down
Goopy Claus: You're not already sitting?
N Goat: And I'll have you know I have been known to occasionally stand while doing things!

1 comment:

  1. "I return to reap your wishes and turn them into sadness."

    -Looks at the date this CM was posted-

