Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 233: Garden Croppa Carrot-Lagann

Gooper Blooper: So uh
Gooper Blooper: went shopping today, as mentioned
Gooper Blooper: I bought a bunch of food, and Goopsbro...
Gooper Blooper: Well, he, uh...
Deletons: Did you buy a skeleton
Jumpropeman: did you get Pikmin cards
Gooper Blooper: ​He bought a Wii U on impulse
Jumpropeman: wow
The Spykertaker: DAMN
Deletons: Oh woah
The Spykertaker: Wait, hold on
Pretty Demon Etrohus: ​looks like i'll have to add him :U
Gooper Blooper: Skeletons are hard to find in late november
The Spykertaker: DAMN
The Spykertaker: Thanks Ron
Deletons: Thats only slightly less good than a skeleton
Jumpropeman: ​just like I did way back :V​
Jumpropeman: 10/10 would impulse buy again
Gooper Blooper: He got the Smash/Splatoon bundle and also bought Mario Maker
iKomodo: Man, goopsbro
iKomodo: that's a hell of a buy
Pretty Demon Etrohus: i'm going to beat him up
Pretty Demon Etrohus: except not really
Pretty Demon Etrohus: PLAY ME IN SMASH, GOOPS


RubyChao: i saw The Martian today!
Pretty Demon Etrohus: how was it?
RubyChao: it had no biollante and no metal slug martians
RubyChao: 0/10, would not recommend


Pretty Demon Etrohus: apparently this is a very tense movie about potato salad


Pretty Demon Etrohus: surprise me with games, ivel
Pretty Demon Etrohus: or your appearance at my house
Pretty Demon Etrohus: so i can share my brownie with you
Pretty Demon Etrohus: OH MY GOD
Pretty Demon Etrohus: SOON AS I SAID THAT
Pretty Demon Etrohus: IVEL GIVES ME GAMES
Pretty Demon Etrohus: ​i wasn't serious


Jumpropeman: so, I was joking about the side-holidays to Thanksgiving lately, but it turns out, there are two more I didn't know about. There's Blackout Wednesday, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday. Only Sunday was spared
Draco: Savings Sunday
RubyChao: Suplex Sunday
Gooper Blooper: Make sure to SAVE on Savings Sunday with these LOW LOW PRICES!
Bree: free suplexes on sunday only
Gooper Blooper: Purchase gifts for EVERYONE on your list, including people you haven't seen in years!
Bree: *a line of people waiting to get suplexed by silence*


RubyChao: think about it
RubyChao: there's been like
RubyChao: a whole generation on the internet that has no idea zoofights was ever a thing
RubyChao: they missed out
Gooper Blooper: they're like those damn millennial kids that missed pokemania
Jumpropeman: I feel bad for the poor kids these days who missed out on the Black Plague
Gooper Blooper: only middle ages kids remember
Awoken Ivel: only 90's kids remember
Awoken Ivel: 1290


Jumpropeman: I'm going to go use a system of pipes to deliver water to an overhead perforated nozzle which will then deliver that water onto my flesh through a multitude of high pressure streams
Jumpropeman left the chat
Gooper Blooper: someday JRM will run out of ways to say "brb shower"
Gooper Blooper: today is not that day


Jumpropeman: I just found a controller so dusty I couldn't tell what system it was for before wiping it off


Ivel: link
Gooper Blooper: quality animation
Pretty Demon Etrohus: my god rhino
Pretty Demon Etrohus: plz


RubyChao: "Sonic ran to the emerald to try and save Tails, but Robotnik fired an energy beam diagonally, knocking Sonic back. Robotnik fired his huge beam at the Master Emerald, hitting Tails this time. I heard a loud, high pitched shriek, which I guess was supposed to be a voice sample from Tails. When the beam went away, Tails and the Master Emerald were both gone without a trace. Robotnik did a laughing animation, and flew away. Sonic did an animation I had never seen before, where he fell to the ground and just lay there. The words "You Couldn't Save Him." appeared on the screen, and the level faded out."
RubyChao: ded tails
RubyChao: "After going through what felt like a normal Sonic 2 level in length, I reached the goal sign. There was a small gap in the floor before the sign, after touching the sign instead of running to the right like he usually does, Sonic turned around and just looked in the direction of the gap for about 30 seconds. Then he ran into it, falling to his death."
The Spykertaker: I read that as You Couldn't See Him
RubyChao: "I finally chose no, and got a game over screen similar to the bad ending in Sonic 1. Except instead of juggling emeralds, Robotnik was juggling the bodies of the creatures you free from badniks. I had to reset the game to get away from that screen."
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: "I started the game, and it seemed normal until I collected 50 rings and entered the first bonus stage. Instead of rings coming at me, wave after wave of bombs appeared. I dodged them for as long as I could, but finally got hit. Instead of doing his ring losing animation, the 3D Sonic model did a death animation, and the bonus stage ended. The results screen listed 0 for every stat, but the message at the top was different, in solid black text: "You Can't Bring Back The Dead.""
RubyChao: there's an overarching theme
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: i just can't spot it
Gooper Blooper: is it
Gooper Blooper: death
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: "I wasn't surprised at this point when Dust Hill came up after Chemical Plant, but after going a few screens into it, I saw something new in the background: Tails, hanging from a noose on one of those old west style stands you see in Hangman games. This image would repeat itself in the background every few screens worth of scrolling. Robotnik wasn't in his special boss vehicle, just the generic Sonic 2 floating vehicle he makes his escapes on. He did a laughing animation, and flew away."
RubyChao: wow robotnik, rude
Pretty Demon Etrohus: ​i ̡͜͏g͢͞a͘v̀͝e̸ ̡̀͞ù͘p͏҉ ͡t͜͏ŕ̸y̛͠in͘͢g̴̕͜ ͏̀t̛͢͜o̕ ̨͞g̸o̴ b̴a͏c̨k ҉͘a҉ ̴l̨o͝ng̨ ̨̢t́͠i͞ḿ̡e҉ ̡a̢ģ̛o̵͞͡​
Pretty Demon Etrohus: ruuuude
Pretty Demon Etrohus: :I
RubyChao: "Robotnik was in his vehicle, at the right end of the screen, about level with Sonic. He didn't move, so I attacked him. He made the usual flashing damage animation, so I kept doing it. After eight hits, he still hadn't reacted or been defeated, but the black text appeared again.
"What Do You Hope To Accomplish?"

Not sure what else to do, I kept attacking Robotnik. After a few more hits:
"Killing Him Won't Bring Your Friend Back.""

RubyChao: and then there's a whole series of lines with the exact same point of "IT'S NOT HELPING"
RubyChao: "After getting all these messages, I got an idea of what the game wanted me to do. Instead of jumping at Robotnik to attack him, I walked into him, causing Sonic to take damage and die. One final message came up:
"You Have Paid The Only Acceptable Price.""

RubyChao: rip sonic
RubyChao: "This time Sonic wasn't there either, there was just an empty circle. I started the game, and the screen the common beta sends you to when you select Genocide City appeared. There was no timer, no Sonic falling to his death, nothing. I turned the system on and off and tried again, the same thing happened. I tried the beta on my computer, same thing, same screen. I tried another Sonic game, it was the same, everything in the series had erased him." guys
RubyChao: guys do you realize what this means
RubyChao: sonic & knuckles is now just
RubyChao: & knuckles
Pretty Demon Etrohus: knuck knuck its knockles
Gooper Blooper: Featuring Dante from the devil may cry series
RubyChao: yeah, that was the pasta
RubyChao: somehow i don't think it was 5spooky


Jumpropeman: I see Draco also discovered that there is a serious lack of White Mage Merch
Jumpropeman: *was one of the first ideas I had for a Goopmas gift*
Gooper Blooper: haha
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, the vast majority of white mage merchandise is homemade
Gooper Blooper: I have a folder on my PC dedicated to pics of white mage merch
Gooper Blooper: lemme check again and see what's in it
Draco: If it weren't practically December, I'd've probably done the hand-knitted mages.
Gooper Blooper: There's a little white mage charm from a couple decades ago
Gooper Blooper: a White Mage trading card from the Japan-only Final Fantasy TCG, available in both holo and non-holo
Jumpropeman: I thought I was buying gifts too early this year, but the "shrug" shipping dates I've been given have made me realize I probably didn't buy them early enough :V
Gooper Blooper: A Devout figure from FF3's DS release
Gooper Blooper: And that's about it for official merchandise
Gooper Blooper: And Devouts aren't really white mages so even that one is a stretch


Jumpropeman: *buying an HDMI cable*
Jumpropeman: Regular Price: 1.99+free shipping
Jumpropeman: Price with Expedited shipping: 44.98
Jumpropeman: are they shipping it from the moon or something


Gooper Blooper: speaking of GameFAQs and Undertale
Gooper Blooper: Black Turtle has been doing a playthrough
Dopey Demon Etrohus: whats the situation there
Gooper Blooper: Well, let's see...
Gooper Blooper: He started out treating it as a regular RPG and killed enemies for exp
Gooper Blooper: Couldn't figure out what to do with Toriel so he defeated her, no comments on any feels
Gooper Blooper: The Papryus battle happens.
Dopey Demon Etrohus: i'm scared for papyrus
Gooper Blooper: ​He spares Papyrus, because Papyrus offers to 'spare you' if he's getting beat. BT happily took the chance because he was having trouble with the fight
Gooper Blooper: And this is where things take a surprising turn, and not in the way you might think
Gooper Blooper: He complains that some of Papyrus' moves seemed impossible to dodge. "I couldn't jump high enough"
Gooper Blooper: Someone else goes "Don't you remember the blue stop signs?"
Gooper Blooper: "The what?"
Dopey Demon Etrohus: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: "The blue stop signs, you have to stay still"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm color blind."
Dopey Demon Etrohus: oh NO
RubyChao: oh dear
Dopey Demon Etrohus: that's
Jumpropeman: I'm actually surprised Toby hasn't thought of a compatibility mode
Gooper Blooper: "oh wow I said before that this game might not be for you but now I legitimately think this game isn't for you"
Gooper Blooper: "as in literally"


Gooper Blooper: okay, I am not liking this new tumblr trend
Gooper Blooper: Spambots making accounts, posting nothing but clickbait articles, and tagging everything in the universe so it shows up on everyone's feeds
Dopey Demon Etrohus: stuff like that is why i use xkit
Gooper Blooper: No, spambot, you did not need to tag "19 instances siri pissed people" with "dad jokes"



M Sheep: Hanging out in the chatzy on a Tuesday night, doo doo doot
Gooper Blooper: home alone on a tuesday night? Just remember.... this sheep
M Sheep: link
Jumpropeman: i love the unnecessary details in that image link names
Jumpropeman: its a GRILLE window and there's a CORRUGATED roof
M Sheep: the_color_of_the_sheep_i​s_white
Dopey Demon Etrohus: sup, sheep
Gooper Blooper: JRM, that is a telltale sign of a stock photo or clipart
Gooper Blooper: The default names for them cram in as many related words as possible so people browsing the stock photo store can find the photos with search
Jumpropeman: like danbooru tags
M Sheep: its_68_degrees_Fahrenhei​t_outside_with_a_humidit​y_of_26_percent_
M Sheep: The more I stare at this though, the more it seems like a good idea to make this my next forum avatar
Gooper Blooper: yes, if danbooru put those tags in the filename, it would be a close match
RubyChao: do it sheep
RubyChao: crop the sheep in the window
RubyChao: it's very, very you
M Sheep: throw a black and white filter over it and throw some grain in there and you have noir sheep
Gooper Blooper: work in progress
M Sheep: so much judgement radiating off one sheep
Gooper Blooper: done
RubyChao: my god
M Sheep: Oh my God, Goops
RubyChao: that's sheep
RubyChao: that is 100% sheep
RubyChao: change it
M Sheep: I'm laughoing so loud I'm owrreid the roommates are going to thump on my door


M Sheep: gosh darnit, Goops
M Sheep: I'm typing THINGS now that could be called "Sheep Noir", if only because I have no idea what else to call this


Jumpropeman: *CKR criticizes my bad present wrapping*
Jumpropeman: *wraps one of my presents for her as badly as I can*
Gooper Blooper: just a wad of crinkled paper coated in tape
Jumpropeman: I wrapped it like a tootsie roll
RubyChao: and yet it's not as bad as your taste in games
Jumpropeman: ...all my gifts are coated in tape >​_>​
Jumpropeman: she is right to criticize my wrapping skill
Gooper Blooper: I've seen gifts wrapped like that and it always feels more like one of those presents you see in picture books and cartoons but not in real life
Gooper Blooper: Like when there's a big ribbon that goes around all four sides of the box


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip?
RubyChao: yo j-man
Cornwind Evil: Boip?
Dopey Demon Etrohus: boip.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Dopey Demon Etrohus: hello goop
Jumpropeman: goiper boiper
Bree joined the chat
Dopey Demon Etrohus: hello bree
Bree: fraaaaaaaaands
Dopey Demon Etrohus: all my favorites are coming on
Dopey Demon Etrohus: : o
Bree: yay I'm a favorite
Jumpropeman: breeoip
Gooper Blooper: favrit
Bree breeoips into the chat
FV: I should probably best stand out of their way then, mate. Don't want to trip anyone. -removes self from doorwar-
FV: -removes self from doorway, too, for that matter-
Dopey Demon Etrohus: but what if you are the favorite
FV: ._.
FV: I don't know how to process things like that.


RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: There, the other sisters got involved with something. Just had to burn some plants and require a dictionary.
Gooper Blooper: They're a tad niche.
RubyChao: ah, niche sarahkin
RubyChao: the old days
Gooper Blooper: It took a while for the sarahkin train to get rolling
Gooper Blooper: "it's just sarah"
Gooper Blooper: "it's sarah and celestia"
Gooper Blooper: "it's sarah, celestia, and skeiron"
Gooper Blooper: "josephine will make a few appearances"
Gooper Blooper: "ariel and gloria are minor"
Gooper Blooper: "oh god what have I done"
RubyChao: and now you're juggling a six-person family
RubyChao: how does it feel
Draco kills all the Sarahkin except Ariel so that the best Kin gets all the screentime.


Cornwind Evil: Cornwind Evil was playing Smartphone games.
-Cornwind Evil sees what took 5 minutes is now taking 48 hours
-Gooper Blooper: IT'S THE DEVIL'S VIDYA

Cornwind Evil: I failed. -actually spent money on them-
Cornwind Evil: I am lost to you
Cornwind Evil: Farewell my friends.
Cornwind Evil is consumed by Freemium.
Cornwind Evil: -His will says that Del inherits Christopher Ravensky-
iKomodo: Lolz
iKomodo: ...oh god, pls don't give Christopher to Del
iKomodo: first thing Del would do is retcon him into a Russian circus act, like we joked about so many years ago
iKomodo: The Flying Ravenskies
Cornwind Evil: Cornwind Evil: Perhaps Sine and co will eventually permanently settle in Ashworld if I decide to retire her as a main
-RubyChao: >​cw
-RubyChao: >​retiring sine
-RubyChao: forty keks

Cornwind Evil does jazz hands.
iKomodo: I can't imagine you doing jazz hands
iKomodo: it just seems weird
Deletons: If you gave me christopher ravensky his entire family would violently and spontaneously combust offscreen


Cornwind Evil: Well I'm listening to a podcast
Cornwind Evil: And they cover all sorts of things
Cornwind Evil: But their last few were about a notorious serial killer
Cornwind Evil: And I thought they'd go onto one of their other topics like aliens or something
Draco joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: But they uploaded a new podcast which is about an equally depraved serial killer(s)!
Dopey Demon Etrohus: welp
Cornwind Evil: And I went "YAY! THIS IS MORE INTERESTING TO ME!"
Draco: Yes, mention serial killer podcasts and Draco appears.
Gooper Blooper: cornwind.flv
Cornwind Evil: One side of Cornwind anyway


Gooper Blooper: look at this dork
RubyChao: what a big goofy dorkasaurus
Ivel: I love this character and I don't know who it is Goops
Dopey Demon Etrohus: her name is sumireko
RubyChao: oh man
Gooper Blooper: Why, that's Sumireko Usami
Dopey Demon Etrohus: she is me if i took a lot of selfies
Ivel: that cape
RubyChao waits for goops to activate Gush Mode
Dopey Demon Etrohus: and was super into the occult
Ivel: you send me a lot of selfies so she's you :U
Gooper Blooper: She is a Touhou character that debuted last May and she is the best one


Jumpropeman: i feel like eating popcorn before work will prove to not be one of my brighter ideas
Cornwind Evil: Just wash your hands after the popcorn, JRM
Jumpropeman: i did wash them, but they don't FEEL clean
Jumpropeman: the blood of popcorn is still on these stained hands ; o ;
RubyChao: wash yo ​SOUL


(At GameFAQs, Super Metroid attempts to defeat Zelda: Majora's Mask in a popularity poll)

Gooper Blooper: The reactions on GameFAQs to Super Metroid making a run at this are wonderful
RubyChao: quotes
Gooper Blooper: "ffffffffffff-"
"It's real Samus >​ Link"
"is this really going to happen"
"this beautiful goddamn contest
the galaxy is at peace"
"Just wait til the Metroid Power Hour ends."
"The Metroid Power Hour secretly lasts 24 hours"
"oh my god this is really gonna happen."
"if a damn Metroid game beats a N64 ZELDA I don't see how that isn't a smack in the face of expectations"

RubyChao: ahahahahaha


(Chao is attempting to finish Omega Ruby)

RubyChao: golbats are the new zubats by seafloor cavern, i see
Gooper Blooper: Have you ever actually looked at Zubat's stats
Deletons: Aaaaaaaaa
Deletons: Hi goop
RubyChao: no
Gooper Blooper: because I just did and its base speed is only 55
Gooper Blooper: By the time you get to seafloor cavern you're running laps around zubats
Gooper Blooper: so it was golbat time
Deletons: Goop i really appreciate your dedication to jrpgs and pokemon and things that have rounded edges and are cute in general
Deletons: It enables me to see past the jaded world view of men wearing too much armor
RubyChao: i honestly can't tell if that's a sarah fat joke or not
Sleepy King Etrohus: *hides armored men*
Sleepy King Etrohus: CARLOS GET BACK
Sleepy King Etrohus: YOU TOO PAPYRUS
Deletons: It isnt but if you find it funny it can be


RubyChao: current pogey thoughts: wailmer is tough to evolve
RubyChao: but i will press on
RubyChao: for regi bros
Gooper Blooper: Level 40 will give you Shillelagh
Gooper Blooper: you DID nickname it shillelagh right
RubyChao: no
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: because i couldn't remember how it spell it
RubyChao: i named it "Wail."
RubyChao: yes, exactly like that
Gooper Blooper: I'll allow it
Sleepy King Etrohus: I'LL ALLOW IT!


RubyChao: did groudon just make a volcano by roaring
RubyChao: utsuho gazes into the blazing sun of death
RubyChao: "...So what's the problem?"
Gooper Blooper: "this is great" "UTSUHO WE ARE DYING"
RubyChao: now see if it was kyogre THEN she might mind
Gooper Blooper: utsuho would still see her frands being uncomfortably warm and immediately want to stop groudon, though
Gooper Blooper: because she is a good person
Sleepy King Etrohus: utsuho IS groudon
Sleepy King Etrohus: oh no
Gooper Blooper: then who's kyogre
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: nitori has the "ability to manipulate water"
Gooper Blooper: wait, I got it
Gooper Blooper: Sarah is Kyogre
Gooper Blooper: Shimmer is Rayquaza
Sleepy King Etrohus: so fat, she makes a splash
Sleepy King Etrohus: ...then is Alex jirachi
Gooper Blooper: well you know water crystal and all that
RubyChao: alex is deoxys
RubyChao: because they both have x
Sleepy King Etrohus: i mean what
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: I'm imagining sarah getting really drunk and just blurting that out


Deletons: Reminder
Deletons: At one point in his life, darth vader said "yippee"
Deletons: Thanks george lucas
Gooper Blooper: *edits the original films to have Vader say it several more times*
Deletons: Just randomly
Deletons: In the middle of conversations or wherever its least appropriate
Deletons: Him screaming YIPPEE as he blocks han's blaster bolts or when he hurls palpatine into the core of the second death star
Gooper Blooper: It's closer to Lucas' original vision, you see
Gooper Blooper: this is how the films were always meant to be seen


(Concerning Christmas presents)

Gooper Blooper: I got some dumb shit for frands, have no fear
FEV: I don't have any fear. -checks- Oo! Is that my gift? :U Did you get me a box full of fear? : D
Sleepy King Etrohus: only thing i fear is this gift not arriving
Gooper Blooper: One could probably mail FV a corpse in a box and, presuming he had forewarning so it didn't make a mess when he opened it, he'd probably love it


Gooper Blooper: use your bean, make susan queen
RubyChao: no, vote for me and you'll howl with glee
Gooper Blooper: decisions, decisions


Cornwind Evil: "Ragnarok - Inflicts 351,000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec for 9 sec. Each cast increases the damage of Ragnarok by 351,000%."
Cornwind Evil: I think this might be an error
RubyChao: that means the second cast does 1.2 billion damage
Ace Trainer Etrohus: jesus
Ace Trainer Etrohus: hold me


The Spykertaker: Vinny has confirmed the meaning of life: John Cena memes and shitposting


A PACKAGE! Etrohus: i went to a local tea shop
A PACKAGE! Etrohus: everything was expensive but man did the green tea smell good
Gooper Blooper: An entire shop devoted to tea?
A PACKAGE! Etrohus: YES.
A PACKAGE! Etrohus: and i lack the refined palate to fucking enjoy it like a snob


RubyChao: relicanth's pokedex says it hasn't changed in a hundred million years
RubyChao: so i named it "JRM RP"
RubyChao: because old
Gooper Blooper: dohohohohohoho
Jumpropeman: oh snap


(Chao beats Omega Ruby)

RubyChao: i like how hardcore megagross looks
RubyChao: and there it goes, but damn did it put up a fight
RubyChao: which means
RubyChao: we now have
RubyChao: Champion Utsuho
RubyChao: brendan you killed the moment :I
Gooper Blooper: "no branden, fuck off branden" "but utsuho it's my very own rivalry"
RubyChao: "wally is a better rival than you" and then there's a faint "hooray!" in the distance


FEV: WOW! These dumbfire missiles are really accurately named!
FEV: Not one of thirty six.Thirtysix. Hit. The capital ship. Two meters next to us.
FEV: ._________________o
Ivel: really accurate, unlike them
RubyChao: it's very dodgy


Bree: my 60-ish great aunt nancy used the word "swag" non-awkwardly and unironically
Bree: even I can't say swag and make it sound so natural
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Bree: stop it aunt nancy
Bree: fun fact she was referring to the christmas decor


Gooper Blooper: why is your machoke named "spengbab"
RubyChao: i caught him months ago and do not recall
Etrohus: i named a cat in this phone game "butthead"
RubyChao: i wonder, what does that little box scoll on the bottom mean?
RubyChao: is that you going through your pogeys
RubyChao: >​28 all the same
RubyChao: is that your unown box if my guess is right
Gooper Blooper: yes to both
Gooper Blooper: I nicknamed all of my unown
Gooper Blooper: Each one's name is a mathy/sciencey word that starts with the letter the unown matches
Gooper Blooper: Abacus, Biome, Cortex, Diameter, Einstein, Formula
Gooper Blooper: Gyro, Hex, Isotope, Juxtapose, Kelvin, Latitude
Etrohus: Kelvin
Etrohus: kevin's older brother
Gooper Blooper: Microcosm, Negatory, Observe, Parabola, Quantify, Rhombus
Gooper Blooper: Science, Transpose, Utilize, Vector, Warp, X Axis, Y Axis, Zygote
Gooper Blooper: And Question Mark Unown is Mystery while Exclamation Point Unown is Enigma
RubyChao: excellent work, goops
Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: I found a way to use these unowns as something besides PC fodder
Gooper Blooper: In Pokemon Battle Revolution there's a mode where you and your opponent throw darts at a spinning wheel to pick Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: I brought the Unowns to try and force the opponent into using them
Gooper Blooper: it actually worked
Etrohus: my god
Etrohus: you are evil
Gooper Blooper: I made a custom character just for it, too
Gooper Blooper: A nerdy-looking black-haired girl with glasses who got the trainer title "Unown Girl" because the game detected her team was full of unowns


Jumpropeman: I recently realized the letters in IGN must actually stand for something
Draco: It's Got Nonews?
Etrohus: Informative Gaming Network?
Jumpropeman: the I stands for Imagine
Jumpropeman: Imagine Games Network
Jumpropeman: which sounds a lot more... whimsical? than IGN has even been


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: HI GOOPY
Jumpropeman: so I was thinking we'd be better off if all goopers were blooped, you know what I mean?
RubyChao: goopybloopyyyy
Jumpropeman: OH SHI
Jumpropeman: goops don't read that


(The GameFAQs Undertale situation worsens, to the point people actually seriously consider buying Facebook advertisements to tell people to vote for its' next opponent)

Gooper Blooper: oh god, gamefaqs
Gooper Blooper: "Guys hear me out on this. With facebook advertising you can get something like 25000 CLICKS with $200. It's an option if we're serious about stopping Undertale >​_>​"
"Why didn't you mention this earlier"
"I will do this if FFVII/Undertale is close. I was going to donate a few grand to charity for Christmas but this is a note worthy cause. I'm not joking."

RubyChao: ahahahahaha wow
Etrohus: >​admitting that on the board
Etrohus: screenshot that
Gooper Blooper: ​ANYTHING
Jumpropeman: I think I thought of an apt comparison for this Undertale Gamefaqs thing
Etrohus: do tell
Draco: *snorts*
Jumpropeman: it's like Goomy in BBB4. An unestablished entrant who riles people up as he gets ton of support from mostly outside voters and shakes up what is supposed to be a contest between "established" characters and earns vitriol for it
Draco: "Undertale creator, tell people to stop voting for your game while we buy an ad campaign!"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Etrohus: ...
Gooper Blooper: Undertale is Goomy
Etrohus: that IS apt, holy shit
Gooper Blooper: Or maybe Goomy is Draven
Etrohus: i-i love goomy tho
RubyChao: we were the true gamefaqs all along
Gooper Blooper: Welcome to the league of Goomy
Draco: Undertale is Goomy.
Gooper Blooper: Of course, there's one vital difference
Draco: And thus I am Harpy.
Gooper Blooper: Goomy lost
Draco: :I
Etrohus: i-i'm not as cool as goomy
RubyChao: "You're Goomy" *points to Goomy* "He's Goomy" *points to Draven* "They're Goomy!" *points to Undertale* "Are there any other Goomys I should know about!?"
Gooper Blooper: SSBM: *goomy noises*
Gooper Blooper: "I gotta be smart with the copy for the ad though. "Vote FFVII for best game ever" probably won't entice many fans to actually click into it (or maybe it will, who knows). I think I'll have to buy some traditional ones and then make some baitier versions like "FFVII Remake to feature full frontal nudity""
Gooper Blooper: Vote On GameFAQs Now, My Lord

(Ultimately, this never happened, if only because FF7 did not make it far enough to face Undertale)


Gooper Blooper: Imagine if that fight between Tenshi and Kevin had been the final two, with Ko and Gigas placing fourth and third
Gooper Blooper: And imagine Chao going into complete meltdown
RubyChao: i would have been panicking so hard
Jumpropeman: im glad I get to see the results in reverse so I never have to be like, "oh shit am I going to win"
RubyChao: what about in bbb4
Gooper Blooper: All Hallow's Evil was in reverse
Jumpropeman: *douses Chao in kerosene and kicks him out a window burning* now then, as I was saying, I don't win
Gooper Blooper: JRM still lost quick though
RubyChao: *falls onto Okuu, is unharmed*


Jumpropeman: I live in constant fear the old Wii Shop Channel will one day die before I can buy everything worth getting off of it
Gooper Blooper: Well the good news is that most of the stuff worth getting is on the Wii U one, I think
Jumpropeman: i wish some of them I had got on the Wii U instead. Punch-out would be much better with restore points :P
Gooper Blooper: You can get them that way if you're willing to spend another dollar or two, and since you're already paying five bucks for NES games maybe you are :V
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, I wish I had never got Yoshi
Jumpropeman: Yoshi is probably one of if not the worst game I've ever played
Gooper Blooper: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: A Nintendo title getting that sort of hot fire from a guy who's played more bad games than anyone else here?
Jumpropeman: the main challenge in the game Yoshi is staying awake
RubyChao: what's the problem with the game?
Etrohus: isn't it a puzzle game or am i wrong
Jumpropeman: it's a puzzle game where it's so easy that it's probably harder to lose than the keep playing
Jumpropeman: even on the hardest difficulty and all it's still slow and easy
Jumpropeman: there was a time Yoshi was on sale for like, 29 cents on Wii U, and told my brother not to buy it because he kept mentioning it
Jumpropeman: he bought it
Jumpropeman: he regretted it
Etrohus: he should have believed you
Etrohus: you, the king of bad games
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately it sounds like Yoshi is the worst kind of bad, the kind of bad even JRM hates
Gooper Blooper: it's ​boring​
Etrohus: yeah
Etrohus: which is
Etrohus: sacrelige to the puzzle genre
Jumpropeman: hold on, there may be one redeeming factor in Yoshi

Jumpropeman: that little yoshi on the right
Jumpropeman: in the egg
Jumpropeman: with that expression, like "You're not gonna like this buddy"


Dacor: I have returned from my eternal slumber to eradicate humanity.
Dacor: Oh wait, that's the wrong script.
Dacor: Hello!


Etrohus: [10:07:35 PM] HarpyKuro: did you know
[10:07:41 PM] Ivelchild: that you're cute? Yes


Jumpropeman: did you know Baby Geniuses is a long running franchise and not just two movies?
Etrohus: whyy
Jumpropeman: I thought this one was just a photoshop joke at first
Gooper Blooper: Where are the Baby Geniuses tie-in video games


Jumpropeman: do not be alarmed, but Imagine Party Babyz may have a romance subplot between the babysitter and a man in a giant lion costume
Jumpropeman: no points for guessing lion man's name
RubyChao: Lyon
Jumpropeman: Leo
Etrohus: i wonder if there's a guy in a bull costume named
Etrohus: taurus
Jumpropeman: I have given my dreadlocks baby a mohawk now instead and gangster clothes
Jumpropeman: its what his mother would have wanted
Jumpropeman: hold the phone I can dress up the enemy babies too i think
Draco: SWEET.
Jumpropeman: and rename them too
Gooper Blooper: JRM will not be denied his army of punk babies
Jumpropeman: my opponents are now Dumbus, Dingo, and Ganja, wearing mishmashes of cat and dinosaur suits mixed with punk clothes
Jumpropeman: and some chinese straw hats for good measure
Gooper Blooper: See this, Yoshi? THIS is a good game
Jumpropeman: some of these noises the babies make are terrifying
Jumpropeman: my baby's victory cheer right now is a loud shriek, like a monkey that was just knocked out of a tree
Jumpropeman: one of the minigames is literally "throw out the nasty gruel Leo served you when he wasn't looking and only pretend to eat it when he is"
Jumpropeman: I think I see why these babies were pelting him with building blocks in an earlier cutscene
Draco: Leeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooo​o! :D
Gooper Blooper: Leo final boss 2016


Jumpropeman: I have bad news
Jumpropeman: you know how I couldn't get the final bobblehead in Cory in the House right?
Jumpropeman: Well, Imagine Party Babyz has two fancy costumes that I can't seem to unlock
Jumpropeman: all other costumes have a tip on how to unlock them, but these two just say "BONUS"
Jumpropeman: I think I may have to play the Wii Balance Board minigames to unlock them
Gooper Blooper: JRM will stop at nothing to 100% literal garbage


RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: when is Skeironplot, about him opening the branch bakery
Gooper Blooper: Circa 2019, after utterly exhausting every other possible sarahkin RP
RubyChao: i'm gonna hold you to it
Draco: Circa 2019? So we're finally getting ​Uncle Gregplot?
RubyChao: if it's Season 9 and we have no Skeironplot i will riot


(Chao enlists me to trade-evolve all of his trade-evolving Pokemon at once) 

Gooper Blooper: I want to point out that as long as this is taking
Gooper Blooper: imagine how fucking long it would take in an earlier gen
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: "okay, that's six, let's disconnect"
RubyChao: having to go back to the PC every six times


Brilliant Kid: updated tablet drivers, woo
Brilliant Kid: lessee if i can draw a thing
iKomodo: Yay
iKomodo: do the drawing, BK
Brilliant Kid: whoops, that didn't go as planned
Brilliant Kid: possibly ancient photoshop is mad at me for some reason
iKomodo: D:
Brilliant Kid: oh hey something's working at least
Brilliant Kid: and by working I mean hating me
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Brilliant Kid: paint works alright with utterly destroying everything
Brilliant Kid: without*
Brilliant Kid: words difficult today, brain asleep
One Final Down: Just gotta teach it profanity
Brilliant Kid: gonna try photoshop, possibly brb post-crash
Brilliant Kid: my brain?
Brilliant Kid: or photoshop?
One Final Down: Photoshop
Brilliant Kid: because I'm pretty sure photoshop has learnt all the profanity I have to give
Brilliant Kid: possibly that is why it is crashing
Brilliant Kid: because I hurt its feelings
Brilliant Kid: oh wow i haven't crashed yet
Brilliant Kid: quick what should i draw to appease it
One Final Down: MY CLIENT
Deletons: A carrot with a machete
iKomodo: What del said
Brilliant Kid:  

Deletons: Oh my god
Deletons: Yessssss
One Final Down: Damn, that is one cool carrot
Deletons: Thanks BK
iKomodo: Awesome
Deletons: I must relearn my art skills to draw you something back
Brilliant Kid: photoshop approves of choppa carrot, no crashes yet


Jumpropeman: Today I received a video game system known as the RetroN 5 in the mail. It's a nifty piece of tech that lets you play NES/SNES/Genesis/GB/GBC/​GBA games on an HDTV without all the cord business. Now, you've probably seen my backloggery page a few times, and right now, I have a 1/4 beaten to incomplete ratio. Well... my backloggery is a lie. Until now, I have not added my collection of at least 30 or more games I had for the Genesis/SNES and all since I couldn't play them easily
Etrohus: oh man
Gooper Blooper: rip


Saberwulf: I have been very busy becoming pretty and courting women into my lesbian coven


Saberwulf: It is my duty to spin la fadenoj de romancoj to all folkos, regardless of gender and orientation
Saberwulf: Except gay guys those fuckers have grindr so they're fine
SteelKomodo: lel
Etrohus: meanwhile i just
Etrohus: write dorky guys
Etrohus: not helped by the fact that almost this entire chat is full of dorky guys and the fact that i am dating a dorky guy
Del: dork central
Etrohus: del this is your fault, you have poisoned the well with the essence of conrad and sean
Etrohus: all zfrp guys end up developing dorky traits
Del: i am the king of the dorks
Del: bow before me and give me gifts of boardgames and nerd t-shirts
RubyChao gifts del limbo of the lost
Del: a good choice
RubyChao: "I get this chapter's theme already. It has the themes of the previous chapters in exaggarated form, makes characters act out of character (Nilmates? Doing something useful?), involves turning on coloured lights and right now I'm looking for a way to heal a broken heart. Welcome to the Limbo of the Lost christmas special!"
Del: oh wait
Del: is it that kind of game?
Del: as in a bad one?
RubyChao: limbo of the lost is an incredibly bad adventure game that is also at least 50% plagarism
Del: well in that case i sentence you to death
Del: unless you give it to jrm
SteelKomodo: oh dear
RubyChao: is there any bad game that guy won't play
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: watch this
SteelKomodo: this would be acceptable in the mid-late 90's
SteelKomodo: but not today
SteelKomodo: not at all
Del: what the fuck


N Goat: Okay
N Goat: I have no idea what Limbo of The Lost is, and the video a ways up the chat multiplied that innocent ignorance by about ten-fold
N Goat: I couldn't really even tell what the-I assume it was the corpse thing-was saying
iKomodo: Consider yourself lucky
N Goat: admittedly, that was partly because I spent the video reeling at the voice
iKomodo: because Limbo of the Lost is one of the crowning jewels of shitty, low-effort games
N Goat: Apparently it borrowed heavily from other games?
N Goat: I'm seeing the words "ripped off" being thrown about quite a bit
Deletons: It plagiarised hard
N Goat: Hold up now, like it actually took resources from other games?
Deletons: Yep
N Goat various sounds of cacophony
Deletons: Parts of the backgrounds are stolen from elder scrolls games iirc
iKomodo: Yes
Deletons: As are various other art assets and sound effects


SteelKomodo: oh god
SteelKomodo: i found it
SteelKomodo: the pinnacle of Thomas the Tank Engine Remixes
Del: oh my god
Del: oh my goddddd
Del: knuckles the tank engine
SteelKomodo: yes
SteelKomodo: delete everything else, this man has won the internet
Del: the amount of times people have posted "oh no"
Del: on this video


N Goat: that moment when you type out a huge message, look at it, and then delete it


N Goat: My long term memory has been replaced with Hamlet notes


Deletons: I have been 23 for an hour and a half
iKomodo: Same
N Goat: Does it live up to the hype?
Deletons: Not yet sheep

1 comment:

  1. "N Goat: My long term memory has been replaced with Hamlet notes"

    Well, it must be true, because I have no memory of typing this.
