Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 230: Diaper Duty 2: The Eggs

Brilliant Kid: I went on a huge nostalgia tv bender like a year or so ago and ended up watching a bunch of scrap heap challenge and robot wars
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
Brilliant Kid: And there was one episode of robot wars that featured one of the tean's websites and it was just hilariously dated and awesome
SteelKomodo: amazing
Brilliant Kid: The most dated thing I watched was 10 seconds of Pat Sharp's mullet in the intro to Funhouse. Somehow his hair was even worse than I remembered which is just amazing really


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hello goopy
harpizza: ruby was wondering what was keeping you
harpizza: was it chocolate
harpizza: chatzy madness
harpizza: chatzy madness engraved into chocolate?
RubyChao: that sounds like some delicious chatzy madness
harpizza: chatzy madness about chocolate?
Jumpropeman: hi goopery bloopery
Gooper Blooper: hello frands
Gooper Blooper: Long story short I have some Offseason Projects I've been working on
harpizza: >​offseason projects
harpizza: SaRahPG is happening
Gooper Blooper: and one way to make myself do them is to go "Self, no chatzy until you make some progress"
Gooper Blooper: because chatzy destroys creativity unless it's ded
RubyChao: that's a policy i should take more often
RubyChao: because oh my god that's true
Gooper Blooper: *productivity, not creativity
Gooper Blooper: we're ALWAYS creative
harpizza: i dunno how i get my stuff done aside from bursts of inspiration
harpizza: if i'm inspired, no matter how distracted I get, it gets done
Jumpropeman: one way to make sure I would write fites is refusing to play computer games until all the ones in the pipeline are done
Jumpropeman: and staying away from chatzy was just a way to avoid distraction
Jumpropeman: every time I hear a boop I HAVE to read what someone said!
Jumpropeman: I might miss some prime memes


iKomodo: I'm pretty sure it's not news now but there's a third Sharknado movie and it's literally subtitled "Oh Hell No"
iKomodo: which I'm pretty sure was the world's reaction to learning there was a third one
iKomodo: Like apparently the Asylum is completely straight-faced about the movies it makes? But there's no way they're not aware of how dumb Sharknado is, considering the marketing
Gooper Blooper: Snakes On A Plane really did launch a dynasty, didn't it
iKomodo: It did
Gooper Blooper: Like I mean there were obviously silly-bad movies before then but SOAP really seemed to kick-start the genre
Gooper Blooper: lel the movie's acronym is soap
Jumpropeman: Asylum made Snakes on a TRAIN
iKomodo: ...oh fuck, there's gonna be a 4th one
iKomodo: July 2016
Jumpropeman: apparently its so bad its not a B Movie
Jumpropeman: its a Z movie
Jumpropeman: "Z movies are films that are low-budget that have qualities lower than B movies."
Jumpropeman: harsh much, wikipedia?
Gooper Blooper: skipped C and went all the way to Z
Gooper Blooper: And wikipedia is as stuffy and deadpan as they come, so when THEY diss you you know you fucked up
Jumpropeman: apparently there are C Movies, but they are like, cable tv B Movies
iKomodo: Ok so here's how it goes
iKomodo: the ending of Sharknado 3 is a cliffhanger
iKomodo: you vote on the outcome by tweeting with hashtags
iKomodo: and Sharknado 4 will be a direct continuation based on the outcome of voting
iKomodo: That's... kinda weird
Jumpropeman: what kind of cliffhanger could sharknado have
Gooper Blooper: Well, it's something different
Gooper Blooper: Obviously that the sharks aren't all accounted for yet or something
Jumpropeman: Sharknado 4: Sharkicane, or Tsharknami?
iKomodo: I really don't wanna spoil it
iKomodo: but lemme say it could make or break Sharknado 4, not that there was much to begin with
iKomodo: Also they actually use the word Sharkicane in the third one, jrm
Jumpropeman: oh wow
iKomodo: it's the hypothetical scenario where multiple Sharknados combine into a super-storm of teeth and bullshit
Gooper Blooper: sharkicane final boss 2017
Jumpropeman: I still havent' seen a single sharknado
iKomodo: I don't know if I should recommend it to you, jrm
iKomodo: knowing full well you'd watch scrambled cable porn because you're that kind of person
Gooper Blooper: As I recall, JRM doesn't relish bad movies the same way he does bad games, but I could be wrong
iKomodo: I mean, it's cheesy, over-the-top and hilariously dumb, but I think it's also consciously taking the piss out of itself
Gooper Blooper: Spy on the other hand would watch sixty minutes of a claymation jar of mayonnaise singing Pumpkin Hill and deem it the greatest thing he's ever seen
iKomodo: ...spy go watch sharknado
iKomodo: right now
iKomodo: i'll wait :P
Jumpropeman: I like bad movies, I just don't watch movies as much as I used to in general
Spapstablook: Goops
Spapstablook: How dare you slander me like that
Spapstablook: It'd have to have John Cena's theme layered over it too or I wouldn't even consider it
Jumpropeman: and SK please, I wouldn't watch scrambled cable pron. I have the internet to watch scrambled porn on
Spapstablook: Oh, and who could forget Flame Hyenard and the Delfino Plaza theme
Jumpropeman: oh god how have I not heard of Flame Hyenard til now
Gooper Blooper: BURRRRN
Spapstablook: Nah, my main villain next year is going to be sports injuries
Gooper Blooper: Sports Injuries attempts to sabotage The New Better Olympics


harpizza: ruby
harpizza: this is devoted to you
RubyChao: that is cool as a fuck
RubyChao: *as fuck
RubyChao: that typo made it seem very different
Gooper Blooper: dat typo
Spapstablook: Am I as cool as a fuck
RubyChao: i would not know


Jumpropeman: gooper, i have some Pokemon cards for you
Spapstablook: Oh god
Spapstablook: They made a sequel!?
Jumpropeman: Pokemon Red White and Blue
Jumpropeman: I dont know what the colors of our flag have to do with it
Gooper Blooper: I like how different attacks do wildly different damage despite having the exact same energy cost
Gooper Blooper: why would anyone use DDOS when they can Bite
Jumpropeman: the best thing about the Pokemon PETA games is you can tell the programmer actually likes Pokemon based on the memes and in-jokes he puts in, but its a game speaking out against Pokemon
Jumpropeman: The McDonald's Customer is OP. He has a 15 damage attack and 70 health and can beat any other card in a damage race
Jumpropeman: this teaches me that to be strong, I must consume the McDonalds
General Stuffandnonsense: Not their fare, mind you. JRM means he's going to eat the entirety of the buildings and the franchise chain.


Gooper Blooper: do my eyes deceive me or ​is Spy going to have THREE female characters next year
Spapstablook: ​You're correct!
Gooper Blooper: ​SPY IS NOT OUR SPY


WorkDel: haha
WorkDel: oh man i just looked up halo 5's plot
WorkDel: are you ready
SteelKomodo: yes
WorkDel: because it's so amazingly dumb
WorkDel: ​cortana is the villain


Del: good responses to sweeps week!
Del: yes netrunner is a world where, despite direct-to-cortex connections and AIs and cloning, they still do fucking sweeps week


harpizza: oh hey cw responded in binary
Deletons: Its because dawn is a big jerk
Deletons: Who doesnt want to help the kobbers get the best exclusive programs!
Deletons: She's not getting a complimentary Jackson Howard toy this christmas >:I


RubyChao: i am here while i wait for fud
RubyChao: and then i will disappear when fud arrives


Jumpropeman: chatzy madness reminded me
Jumpropeman: I have yet to garfield any karts
Jumpropeman: I shall go rectify that
Jumpropeman left the chat


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: ow
Jumpropeman: owwwww
Gooper Blooper: hi JRM
Jumpropeman: Garfield Kart hurts
Gooper Blooper: haha
Jumpropeman: turning is a herculean effort and slightly shifting your wheel does nothing, and the game DOES have miniturbos... but the button necessary to slide only activates when it feels like it
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: Where did the bad game hurt you, JRM? :c
Jumpropeman: plus, it has Daily Challenges, and on my third try I managed to do it! ...but the game menu refused to let me see the next screen so I probably didn't get the prize for doing so


Jumpropeman: alright guys
Jumpropeman: this might be hard to believe
Jumpropeman: but the problem with Garfield Kart was the graphic settings were too high
Jumpropeman: I turned them down to low
Jumpropeman: they look just the same
Jumpropeman: but now the game is playable
Gooper Blooper: Dammit JRM, how dare you play Garfield Kart on some bumblefuck PC that can't handle its' greatness
Gooper Blooper: It deserves better than that
Jumpropeman: I know, this iPhone port could look so much better than "exactly the same"
Gooper Blooper: your PC literally could not load the enhanced graphics
Gooper Blooper: they painstakingly animated every strand of fur on Garfield, you know
Jumpropeman: the game likes to shame you before each race if you don't use one of the Premium Currency power-ups
Gooper Blooper: it's like fucking pixar
RubyChao: oh man, i remember that
Gooper Blooper: oh man what does it say
RubyChao: from watching that entire 24 minute video
Jumpropeman: it literally says "No Boosts? Shame!"
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Jumpropeman: Failure Face is a failure because he doesn't use boosts
Jumpropeman: the boosts are super insignificant too. You have to buy the right to get a boost at the starting line
RubyChao: ahahahahaha
harpizza: shame
Jumpropeman: when's Hale and Hardy DLC?
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: -eyes 'natural apple juice soda' bought from Jarritos- -reads back- -less than 1% apple juice- SHAME
RubyChao: kek


Jumpropeman: I was trapped in a load screen with the same pained horse noise playing on loop for almost a minute


Gooper Blooper: I like that FV did a massive Fallout plot that worked as a big farewell for all of his Fallout characters... and then a month later the series gets another installment
harpizza: owned
iKomodo: Lel


Jumpropeman: spoilers: ​Snapple killed Dusseldorf​


Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: I feel mildly betrayed. -opens up pack of mint oreos- -stares- When I was a boy, I could get creme filling as thick as my pinky nail turned vertical, out of these things. This is about as thick as two sheets of paper.
Gooper Blooper: Buy Double Stuf Oreos
Gooper Blooper: they have the cream you seek
Gooper Blooper: They also recently introduced "thin" oreos with tiny amounts of filling, maybe you accidentally got those :V
Jumpropeman: has anyone ever had those 100 calorie pack oreos
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: Let me check the tin more carefully. It may just be.
Jumpropeman: those are
Jumpropeman: THE worst
Jumpropeman: they are black crackers with white dots on them
Cornwind Evil: Plus your finger has grown
Jumpropeman: there is nothing Oreo about those
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: look at those lies
Gooper Blooper: They look like they'd be overpriced anyway
Gooper Blooper: You can tell from the packaging
Gooper Blooper: "it's in little convenient travel-size 100-calorie packs" usually means "hey yo we jacked up the price"
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: My finger has not grown that significantly. It's kind of weird. I have small hands for the arms attached to them. The palms are about the right size, but the fingers are short and squat.
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: However, Goops was right. >​////>​ It said thins in big letters.
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: The shame. To have brought such horror into my household. D= I may never be forgiven.
Jumpropeman: you have been duped by completely honest packaging
harpizza: >​oreo thins
harpizza: why are they trying to sell my dog
harpizza: stop that, nabisco
Gooper Blooper: I guess they're for people who like the cookie part
Gooper Blooper: The cookie part IS tasty, but so is the creme part


Jumpropeman: i'm off for a brief standing-up soak, be back after
Jumpropeman left the chat
Feeding Fluff Heracles labors: Poor JRM. He still showers the old fashioned way- having semi boiling buckets of water thrown on you. Standing up soaks are not as fun as nozzle stuff.
WAAAAAAAAspy: Imagine a sitting shower
WAAAAAAAAspy: Not a bath, just a sit-down shower
RubyChao: that sounds really depressing for some reason
iKomodo: does


Jumpropeman: I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Hagar the Horrible was once considered as a potential Mystery Fiter
Gooper Blooper: I think you might have, but it's pretty cool
Gooper Blooper: I used to be HUGE into comics. I had a relative who saved the funny pages from her newspaper every Sunday all year, then gave me the bundle of them at the end of the year as a present
Gooper Blooper: I also made scrapbooks by cutting out my favorite comics from the newspapers and taping them into notebooks
Gooper Blooper: I don't think any of those scrapbooks have survived, sadly
Cornwind Evil: I did that too, Gooper
Cornwind Evil: Great minds think alike
Gooper Blooper: a kindred spirit


(Undertale begins its' run tearing up the GameFAQs Best Game Ever contest)

Gooper Blooper: If Undertale wins, it's fighting Fallout 3 next round
Gooper Blooper: that one could get messy
RubyChao: and if it gets far enough somehow
RubyChao: it could fight Skyrim
RubyChao: it's basically Undertale vs. Ven


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: she would be last
RubyChao: viola is so disappointed
Gooper Blooper: :<
Gooper Blooper: I remember at first you were happy with Tenshi being in the background since you figured it meant she was making a deep run
RubyChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: then it slowly turned to mounting terror as you began realizing just how deep the run was
RubyChao: how right i ended up being
Gooper Blooper: to the point where you were desperately rooting for Regigigas to put her down, and he failed... and then she challenged KEVIN...
RubyChao: oh god if she had beaten kevvy
RubyChao: i would have rioted


Jumpropeman: man, that paper mario wiki tumblr really sucks
Jumpropeman: I can't find a single paper mario fact on it BI
harpizza: kek
Gooper Blooper: yeah it's
Gooper Blooper: not a paper mario blog
harpizza: not anymore its not
harpizza: thanks undertale


RubyChao: "Want it tomorrow, Nov. 11? Order within 11 hrs 55 mins and choose Same-Day Delivery at checkout. Details"
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i could order garfield kart
RubyChao: and get it today
Gooper Blooper: or you can get the ~mobile version~ instantly
Gooper Blooper: and be shamed every race for not buying the starting line boost


iDel: Guess who sucks at netrunner but is a great drunk xwing player
iDel: its me


iKomodo: you guys wanna know what Slendy was doing when he wasn't onscreen?
iKomodo: Dance contests
harpizza: wanking off like a dickbag?
harpizza: that too
iKomodo: HARPLS


Jumpropeman: there's a shirt out there for one of DnD's anniversaries... that has our dice on it
Gooper Blooper: >​d21 shirt
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Jumpropeman: sadly, it also costs 21 dollars



Jumpropeman: I also think I have a better idea of what the Olympics will be like next year, probably be a tad more traditional than my wild statements before
RubyChao: so no murder competition
Jumpropeman: I mean not the RP/Fite mix I was proposing
Jumpropeman: let's not get too crazy Chao :V
Gooper Blooper: *there's an Olympic wrestling event (as in the actual sport, not pro wrestling), Silence enters*


Jumpropeman: one thing I think I should mention for everyone who has misgivings about writing a fite
Jumpropeman: when I took up the mantle as fitemaster
Jumpropeman: I thought I couldn't write an interesting battle at all
Jumpropeman: I considered battles my weakpoint as a writer
harpizza: how wrong you were. how wrong we will turn out to be
Gooper Blooper: the absolute toppest of top keks


Gooper Blooper: Wario's Poop
Wario's Poop is yellow and will appear in Mario Kart Wii and Wario Kart Superstarspeed
Is a player in Wario Kart Wiim he is yellow
("I wonder how well a pile of crap can drive." - Stooben Rooben (Talk))
("Well, I wouldn't give him the cup, if he wins" - Megadardery (Talk))

RubyChao: "Like many Mario villains within the series, the Shadow Queen is shown to be a cold and calculating villain who cares for nothing but power and control. She is a highly sadistic, power hungry, and ruthless demon whose actions have led to the destruction of entire lands and the deaths of millions."
RubyChao: >​like many mario villains
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to its fame as a well-known, household object, cheese has been found and referenced in many games and media, mostly in other forms [...]
("Cheese isn't a household object, it's food." - Flipnote Hatena Fan (Talk))

Gooper Blooper: "Buzzy Beetle shell is basically the small shell worn by buzzy beetles. In first appeared in Super Mario Bros. where it was always worn by Buzzy Beetles. The Buzzy beetle shell has, so far, always been seen worn by Buzzy Beetles."
RubyChao: but goops
RubyChao: is the buzzy beetle shell worn by buzzy beetles?
Gooper Blooper: Well, chao, thanks to Mario Wiki removing this from their wiki, I guess we'll never know
Gooper Blooper: "red coins are red"
RubyChao: "Old Clockworks
It is unkown what the factory produced, or was doing. However, It could be clocks."

Gooper Blooper: COULD BE
Gooper Blooper: "Strawberry is based upon the real-world fruit of the same name."
Gooper Blooper: "sells for 20-30 coins (not completly sure)"
RubyChao: "Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
In the demo version of the game, luigi can be heard laughing in the background of the boss battle music. This feature does not happen in the real game. This may be subliminal marketing, annoying the player to the point of buying the game."

Gooper Blooper: "Dr. Heinz Doofensmirts is an eveil scientist man. his nemisis is perry da platypus and he owns doofensmits eveil ink."
Gooper Blooper: "Godzilla is a dinosaur who pwnz!"
Gooper Blooper: oh god I'm laughing
Gooper Blooper: "Madden is a game not in the mario sieries that is football made by EA sports."
RubyChao: "Super Mario 64
the name is a clear reference to Superman 64
("Especially because Super Mario 64 appeared in 1996 and Superman 64 in 1999")"

Jumpropeman: and Superman 64 isn't even called Superman 64
Gooper Blooper: "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a game where Link must save the Twilights from the Hungry Hungry Hippos"
Gooper Blooper: "A good strategy for Knuckles is to first throw it softly, then throw it hard and then throw it like it is the end of the world."
Gooper Blooper: "Wario Greats is named after Wario's arrogance, as he believes that he is great."
harpiano: thank you kindly, mario wiki
Gooper Blooper: An article called "Unique" with nothing on the page itself except "means special"
Gooper Blooper: "DO NOT under estimate this lakitu to much or it will be the end of that life (note: do not over estimate him either)."
Jumpropeman: the middling Lakitu of average danger!
Jumpropeman: Be aware of him!
Gooper Blooper: that one's one of my favorites
RubyChao: lakitu shows up in rp
RubyChao: that is given as his description
Gooper Blooper: "Most think Kackle is the 5th scariest thing in a Nintendo game."
Gooper Blooper: From King Boo's article: "Apparently wearing a small crown is enough to make you king, but ones from Burger King aren't enough to make your girlfriend call you her majesty. I suppose that's another story."
Jumpropeman: i can see why that was deleted
Jumpropeman: no need to state the obvious
Gooper Blooper: "Some one thinks Kroc is the 8th scariest thing in a Nintendo game."
Gooper Blooper: I wonder who edited this page
Gooper Blooper: "mooke is a kind if goomba that does not appear in any game because they are stupid and dumb"
Gooper Blooper: "In Yoshi's Story, Pak E. Derm's path blocking is similar to that of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings."
Gooper Blooper: he blocks your way, it's a LOTR reference
Jumpropeman: that reminds me of any Shout Out section on TVtropes
Jumpropeman: "The character mentions that time travel is difficult to explain. This is clearly a reference to Doctor Who where time travel is difficult to explain"
Gooper Blooper: "Rainbow Shell is the tenth koopaling of Bowser's. He is a the only koopa with cruches. He has hair almost like Ludwig's, exept it has pointed edges. Rainbow Shell is in world eight with Bowser, his castle is Koopa Clown Car shaped at the bottom, and the top like the Reznor's fortress."
Gooper Blooper: "Spiky Paragoomba, hmmmmmmm? Never heard of it. It doesn't exsist. But for the fun of it, I made a page for it. HP is 3 Attack is 5 and Defense is 2. Pretty cool huh?"
Jumpropeman: what an enemy!
Gooper Blooper: at one point someone put up an article on mario wiki for the wii game "Boom Blox", which wasn't made by Nintendo and has nothing to do with Mario, but it's a "puzzel" game so they said it was like Mario's Picross
Gooper Blooper: Then they wrote "this is what wikipedia has to say" and pasted the entire wikipedia article on Boom Blox
harpiano: rly
harpiano: fuckin really
Gooper Blooper: ya rly
RubyChao: "Wikipedia the free encyclopedia's turn to speak"
Gooper Blooper: I was just about to paste that chao
Gooper Blooper: "Baby Rosalina is the baby version of galaxy princess, Rosalina. She hasn't been in very many games. Her most famous appearance is in Diaper Duty 2: The Eggs. Baby Rosalina appears in the Super Baby Partners Squad game. She helps Baby Mario & Baby Luigi rescue Baby Peach & Baby Daisy from Baby Bowser by giving them special abilities and a few hints. She becomes a playable character after the game is completed.
Games she appears in:
Diaper Duty 2: the eggs
Diaper Duty 3: Baby Peach's turn to shine
Diaper Duty 4: Piranha Plant storms
Diaper Duty 5: Koopa Kid Gets Mad
Diaper Duty 6: Baby Birdo is born
Diaper Duty 7: The Nega star children
Diaper Duty 9: The lost island
Super Baby Mario Kart"

Jumpropeman: ah yes, the diaper duty series
Jumpropeman: one of my personal favorites
Gooper Blooper: "Baby Toad is a little Toad. He always sleeping and he love Mario"
Gooper Blooper: “I love golden coins. Like always.”
—Baby Waluigi, Yoshi's Island Wii (Coming Soon)

Jumpropeman: my favorite part about that quote
Jumpropeman: is it sounds like someone asked him a question like, "Now that you are a baby, Waluigi, what's different?"
Jumpropeman: and he's just pointing out what's stayed the same first
Gooper Blooper: "abduction, theft, robbery, terrorism, abuse, harrassment, blackmail, arson, destruction, numerous attempts of mass murder, minion facilitation, child endangerment, assault, and even acts such as frame-up, fraud, and identity theft"
Gooper Blooper: Bowser's crimes
Gooper Blooper: "It should be noted that Funky Kong is considered to have the best theme song in whatever game he appears in."
Gooper Blooper: "how ever the nintendow company dose perticuly seem to care and contunes to pretent game paper work suggesting(but not out right claming) they are his children. even thaw Shigeru Miyamoto revild they are not his derect children the are the ownly other memders of bowers speaces other them bowers Jr. ever shown(thaw boom and his sister are also the same they are referd to has the forgonten koopalings implying they were actuly part of the groop)witch seems to imply they are in some way related to him. this is further hinted by the fact they seem to have some degree of athourity over Kamek who anser directly to the royal family."
Gooper Blooper: memders of bowers speaces
Gooper Blooper: "super mario 63
kamek plays a impotent role in the online remake of super mario 64 super mario 63. kamek is the companion of bowser and eventually betrays bowser and goes of on his own. at his castle mario must battle a magical bully to get a red shine sprite and go unlock a room in the attic. and helps mario save princes peach at the end of the game."

RubyChao: oh god i remember super mario 63
RubyChao: back in like 2010 i thought it was the best thing
RubyChao: (it's not)
Gooper Blooper: Wait, you mean there was an actual Super Mario 63 fangame?
RubyChao: yeah, a flash one
RubyChao: it's..... glitchy
Gooper Blooper: I figured it was just the usual daydreaming nonsense
RubyChao: nope!
RubyChao: but it's still a flash game so >​putting it on the wiki
RubyChao: that'd be like putting metroid elements on the metroid wiki
Gooper Blooper falls into death pit
RubyChao: *jobs
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: there is no metroid game with insta-death pits
Gooper Blooper: "Most fans are pretty sure that Luigi hates King Boo a lot"
Jumpropeman: but does he have negative chemistry with King Boo in Mario baseball games?
Jumpropeman: entire ships have been made based off those chemistry mechanics
Gooper Blooper: "Mama Toad is the mom of all the toads"
Gooper Blooper: (mama toad does not exist)
Jumpropeman: you don't know that goops
Jumpropeman: she might just be offscreen
Jumpropeman: constantly giving birth to Toads
Jumpropeman: like an ant queen
Gooper Blooper: “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!”
—Wario, Wario World

RubyChao: i can confirm wario says this in wario world
Gooper Blooper: "In Mario Party 6, Wario and Toadette's team name is named Secret Friends. This may refer that Wario and Toadette were once friends, secretly."
Gooper Blooper: I remember this team name and I actually thought it was adorable


Draco posts a question to Jumpropeman on the forum. "How did you get so handsome? Signed, Yourself"
Jumpropeman: finally, a good question!
Sadness sans slaughters: One That Must Never Be Answered. :l Such things will bring about the end of the universes.
Sadness sans slaughters: Just tell the git forty two or something.


Sadness sans slaughters: At one point, good pie represented the totality of mankind's domination over the planet. :l This has changed with pre-gathered ingredients, pre-made crusts, and extremely convenient ovens one doesn't need to pipe gasoline or coal to on a regular basis while cooking; but it was one of the biggest known variants on amalgam foods, which are one of the biggest tell for homo sapiens presence, given most other creatures don't waste time sorting out multiple articles to their meals or cooking. It has since required rather less skill, given that you can get the ingredients and even premade crusting and material fairly well anywhere, to make than in the foraging and hand-cooked days. Enough so to be disparaged since, if I recall Wulf's argument nearly a year back, as 'wet fruit in bread'.
That, I contend, is still a higher achievement than most in the culinary arts, barring detoxifying blowfish or edible gold (though that one is still an awful idea and practice).


Jumpropeman: Alright, so I have something amazing to tell you guys about Garfield Kart
Jumpropeman: it has REVERSE rubber banding
Jumpropeman: meaning the computer players suck more the further behind you are
Jumpropeman: I've been collecting puzzle pieces during the races, driving backwards, dicking around... and after minutes spent doing so, I can still pull ahead and get first place if I want to
Jumpropeman: even better, if the computer players face a hazard without you around, they can't pass it
Jumpropeman: There's a jump in a city level, and since I was too far behind, they were unable to make that jump. BUT, the jump is over the track, so I could see the racers falling to their death repeatedly as I stay in place and watched the Lemmings leap
Gooper Blooper: JRM: While not that extreme, I've seen that sort of thing in other games
Gooper Blooper: I remember I played a special game with Mario Kart DS where I'd sit at the starting line for about half a lap to a full lap, then spend the race trying to catch up
Dacor rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Dacor: Parsee rex the Garfield Kart Game.
Gooper Blooper: The fact that it was possible shows that the AI was weakening
iKomodo: Ahahaha
iKomodo: that is amazing jrm
iKomodo: that game really is broke
Jumpropeman: also, I had to buy some boosts, because the game knew I was trying to get the puzzle pieces in Single Race mode and refuses to give you the Spring powerup which you need to reach shortcuts unless you buy the More Springs powerup
Jumpropeman: its a devious game
Jumpropeman: Lastly: from what I can tell, it is literally impossible to drift to the left. I can drift to the right perfectly fine, turn to the left too, but if you try to drift lift, Garfield just drives forward as if you are pressing nothing
RubyChao: but who do you main, jrm? we must know
Jumpropeman: Garfield of course. You only start with Garfield and John and have to unlock the rest, and John has terrible handling
RubyChao: >​John
Jumpropeman: *Jon
RubyChao: i see you're not a TRUE garfield fan >:I
Jumpropeman: its my middle name give me a break BI
Gooper Blooper: I was just about to jump on that
Dacor: Jumpro John Peman?
Jumpropeman: I do have one bit of high praise for Garfield Kart
Dacor: It can make atmospheric reentry unassisted?
Gooper Blooper: It makes good chatzy madness fodder?
Jumpropeman: The track design? Actually pretty great. Like, if they were in a better game like Mario Kart they would be tracks to remember... provided they had better theming, visuals, and music
Jumpropeman: as far as I can tell, there is a desert track in every cup
Jumpropeman: the Garfield themesong plays in a spooky lighthouse level, and the spooky music plays in a snowy mountainlevel
Jumpropeman: and the final track of the default cups plays the title screen music
iKomodo: Pffffft
Gooper Blooper: fantastic music selection
Jumpropeman: There's a level called Spooky Manor
Jumpropeman: you never race in the Spooky Manor
Jumpropeman: its up on a hill while you race in dirt
RubyChao: wow, false advertising much
Jumpropeman: there's a level called Sneak-A-Peak, which is that mountain level, but I guess what you are sneaking a peek at is the incomplete skybox
Jumpropeman: another bit of praise though: It does the Blue Shell better than Mario Kart
iKomodo: I can only assume this game is meant for, like, really young kids
iKomodo: who will overlook the bad bits because GARFIELD
Jumpropeman: There are three UFOs that move out in front of the pack and block the next junction where you can't avoid them by taking a shortcut. However, if you are clever or go into the rough, you can squeak past them, instead of just getting hit by it like a Blue Shell. If you do get hit by their tractor beam though, it abducts your briefly
Dacor: Race on the title screen!
Jumpropeman: potentially more devastating than a Blue Shell, but also avoidable!
Jumpropeman: or you can hold back and let second place hit the beams instead
Jumpropeman: because the computer is shit and will always hit them
Gooper Blooper: kek


Deletons: Hey brilliant kid
Deletons: Thanks for responding to sweeps week as a dog
Deletons: It was
Brilliant Kid: Hahaha
Deletons: Brilliant
Deletons: "What do we do do we need a dog channel now" "how do we advertise to dogs"
harpiano: there's probably this one show that's dedicated to bacon
Brilliant Kid: I wanted to work in Dog Cops somewhere because I'd been re-reading last year's Hawkeye
Brilliant Kid: But then I remembered Cop Dog
Brilliant Kid: Gotta drive Mike nuts somehow
Deletons: Haha


RubyChao: "When the Party page loaded again, the titles of the Bad Eggs had all changed. It took my shocked mind a moment to comprehend that they were actually forming a sentence:

Jumpropeman: my fault? Oh, I'm sorry then
Jumpropeman: we good?


Gooper Blooper: So my dresser is outside my room, in the little hallway place between bedrooms
Gooper Blooper: And today Goopsmom told me to clean off the top of it
Gooper Blooper: "I finally got a good start on my Christmas shopping but now I have nowhere to put anything, so I'm going to start wrapping presents and putting them on the dresser"
Gooper Blooper: "you already have like 20 presents"
Jumpropeman: dang son
Gooper Blooper: and I was like "wat really" and she was like "I mean you two aren't going to get A NEW CARRR or anything but this is our first year in the new house and I want lots of things to open"
Gooper Blooper: "We're going to sit under that tree for two hours and wallow in commercialism"
RubyChao: ahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: have I mentioned I like my mom
Gooper Blooper: because I like my mom
RubyChao: yes
Jumpropeman: and then she's got individually gift wrapped ketchup packets to round out the present roster
Gooper Blooper: That's something she won't do, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Every year she mentions how awful the Christmases on my dad's side of the family were
Gooper Blooper: "Okay, so everyone opens one at a time and everyone else has to watch them. That's fine if it's us, there's only three of us, but with his family there were a dozen people there"
Gooper Blooper: "And they would buy a thing of socks and wrap each individual pair and we had to watch people open twelve identical sock presents. You can't do that to kids, they lose their marbles"
Jumpropeman: there was actually a bit of problem in my family at christmas when we got together like thirty people and were doing the present openings and my oldest sister got mad that we were "rushing it", aka opening more than one gift at once
Gooper Blooper: gotta watch Jumpropeman's Uncle Greg open his socks


Gooper Blooper: Here's a pair of ZFRP characters duking it out, with very special teammates
RubyChao: and if you count Dio as Fake Glabados's reference, that makes it three!
Jumpropeman: oh my god that sandy
Gooper Blooper: note the touhou-fied version of Balrog's Street Fighter 2 stage, which is Las Vegas
Jumpropeman: just a really poor MSPaint drawing
Gooper Blooper: ​reimu's win screen omg
Jumpropeman: ​so basically how I'd draw her​
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: When's Poorly Drawn Sandy?
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Why does Spongebob have a laser
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Which one is Spongebob's stand. Is it Squidward or Sandy
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Is it his Standy?
RubyChao: there's also Mr. Krabs
RubyChao: maybe spongebob just has multiple stands
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Truly Spongebob is a stand user without parallel


harpiano: with nice, clean language
harpiano: and a much nicer way to call you out on your bullshit
Gooper Blooper: old reimu very disappointed in the new reimu
Gooper Blooper: "you're a meanie" "oh for fuck's sake kid"
harpiano: when frisk turns 13, reimu will allow her to swear
harpiano: yet frisk doesn't swear anyway except in the case of giant douchebags
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Undyne's trying to cut the swearing in front of Frisk
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: Her efforts get downright hilarious during games of Mario Kart against Sans
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: (Do not play Sans in Mario Kart)
Jumpropeman: frisk is 12 right?
harpiano: 12, turning 13 next year
SPY CONFIRMED FOR SMASH 4: *All the Kobbers look at Undyne like she said worse than a swear*


Jumpropeman: Motion to furthermore refer to the Spongebob Squarepants television show as "The 'Bob"
Jumpropeman: all in favor?
Draco: Aye aye.
Jumpropeman: the motion passes!
Jumpropeman: referring to it by the previous name will lead to seven years bad luck


harpiano: i dreamed that i found a fuckton of pokemon cards in a drawer today
harpiano: including some special "Team Rocket Ace" pokemon, which I am sure don't even exist

(They don't)

harpiano: among them was a xatu
harpiano: my brain knows one of my favorite gen 2 pogeys


Gooper Blooper: Today I found out there was going to be a female mantis enemy in Undertale but it was dummied out of the game
Gooper Blooper: wids was busy and had to cancel her appearance, I guess
iKomodo: #Ruined


Deletons: I have not ever stayed up all night with video games
Deletons: But xcom enemy unknown has kept me up till 2 or 3 in my uni days
Deletons: Because xcom is great
Gooper Blooper: Del was, however, up all night to get lucky
Deletons: Its true goops
Deletons: Its all true


Draco: Hey, can you please use Spoiler tags on Halo spoilers? I don't want the game spoiled for me before I get it. :(
Using the Archaic: Ah. Apologies. I'll give n' more, than.
Draco: You can spoil any other game; just not Halo 5.
Jumpropeman: in that case ​at the end of Super Mario Bros, you save Princess Peach​
Brilliant Kid: GASP
Gooper Blooper: ruined forever
Using the Archaic: Well, I never.
Jumpropeman: too soon for that spoiler?
harpiano: undertale spoilers: ​toriel is a goat
Brilliant Kid: yeah :( I don't think anyone could have expected to know that, jrm
Gooper Blooper: I only just beat SMB this past winter so I scraped by


Gooper Blooper: Oh, it turns out today was Friday the 13th
Draco: Yep.
Brilliant Kid: Sure looks like Saturday the 14th to me :P
Jumpropeman: tell us what the future's like BK
Jumpropeman: do we ever invent hover pants?
Gooper Blooper: This happens every New Year's, BK
Gooper Blooper: At 7 PM my time we ask the britbros what the future is like
Gooper Blooper: there are never any jetpacks
Brilliant Kid: It's pretty dark in the future guys
Jumpropeman: which is why I set my bar lower
Jumpropeman: literally, pants are lower on the body than jetpacks
Brilliant Kid: Also kind of rainy
Gooper Blooper: But it's dark and rainy here as well!!
Brilliant Kid: The future must be reminiscing on the old days


Gooper Blooper: I loved how Undertale showed up in RP and the peaceful message immediately crashed headlong into ZFRP’s "HELL YEAH MURDER THOSE ASSHOLES" philosophy


harpiano asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup
harpiano: you really meant cereal, didn't you
harpiano asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no
harpiano: okay then
Draco: Dang, Chatzy.
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between harpy and cereal. Chatzy chose: harpy
RubyChao: it supports u
harpiano: i love you chatzy
harpiano asked Chatzy to choose between i love you too and just eat cereal already. Chatzy chose: i love you too
Draco: :O
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Parsee and Cereal. Chatzy chose: Parsee
Draco: !!!!!!


Mdcl: You never realize how many vowels go into saving your life until you try to spell medical without them.

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