Monday, January 11, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 226: It Works

SteelKomodo: I tried toffee vodka today
The Invisibree: I assume it tasted like ass?
SteelKomodo: it was okay, but tbh i think the vodka spoils it a bit
SteelKomodo: it had a rather caramel taste, but there's the chemical vodka sting that kind of fights against it
The Invisibree: ^ my opinion of booze in general
The Invisibree: basically "it would be good except for the alcohol part"


The Invisibree: whatcha doin
RubyChao: playing metroid romhacks
Schrödingers Inkling: Loafing
Schrödingers Inkling: Intense loafing


Gooper Blooper: So I'm watching this battlebots video
Gooper Blooper: And on the old show there was this robot named Herr Gepounden
Gooper Blooper: The video is of a non-official tournament, and some of the robots had to change their name because of copyright concerns
SteelKomodo: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Herr Gepounden changed it's name to First Abe Lincoln On The Moon
Gooper Blooper: The team also had a spare Herr Gepounden (in case the first one broke) and they entered that one too, and they called this one "Ernst Preamps, Herrstylist To The Stars"
Gooper Blooper: And both of them won so many fights that they're now facing each other
Gooper Blooper: the name graphic is all smushed trying to cram both of those jumbles in there
Spy Waits on Huge Lines for Do: Oh god
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: The robot is as simple as it gets, too, which makes the name funnier
Gooper Blooper: It's a box with two big wheels and a hammer sticking out. He attacks by spinning in place.
Gooper Blooper: Also fun fact Herr Gepounden is still showing up at robot events to this day, making it the oldest still-active combat robot in the world


RubyChao: i'd say "and then i did a metroidplot next year"
RubyChao: but i kinda spent the Ardea seasons mining metroid for all i could plot-wise
RubyChao: well yeah
Gooper Blooper: wait, I got it
RubyChao: MEGAPLOT 2016
Gooper Blooper: Metroid Prime Pinball Plot
RubyChao: "The name "Elephant Bird" is the result of a mistranslation, similar to Varia Suit. The Japanese name for this creature is simply 鳥人像 "Chōjin-zō", meaning "Birdman Image" or, as commonly translated, Chozo Statue. However, "Zō" also means "elephant" in Japanese, with a similar kanji, 象."
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: IT'S A GIRAFFE


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: so i was playing a metroid hack
RubyChao: and thanks to being low on HP and a troublesome room
RubyChao: i lost to
RubyChao: ​botwoon
Gooper Blooper: perfect


Jumpropeman: fite time!
Jumpropeman: I gotta warn you guys though
Jumpropeman: WALL!! is in this fite
Jumpropeman: so expect complete seriousness BI


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7

Jumpropeman: one more 7 and I get jackpot
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Jumpropeman: darn
Jumpropeman: incidentally, three 7s make a 21
Jumpropeman: a bit sad no one's used that as a tractor gimmick
Spy Back: . . . Huh
Spy Back: Its Vegas. We really should do that sometime


RubyChao: i am adding steam games to my backloggery
RubyChao: watching the unfinished percentage skyrocket


Gooper Blooper: Five Degrees of Sarah
Gooper Blooper: All RP characters can be traced to Sarah
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: trace... PATCHOULI to sarah
Gooper Blooper: Patchy >​ Gloria >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: that was easy
RubyChao: uhhh
RubyChao: ridley!
Gooper Blooper: Ridley >​ Samus >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Harpy: trying to think of a difficult one
Cornwind Evil: The Swat Kats
Harpy: ivel says to trace hulk hogan to sarah
RubyChao: Hogan >​ Labrys >​ Faith >​ Ariel >​ Sarah
Harpy: b-but we asked goops
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: I was afk for a second, hang on
Gooper Blooper: Skulldozer >​ Silence >​ Yuugi >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Swat Kats >​ Barkle >​ Moosh >​ Kletchatyy >​ Sarah
RubyChao: okay, in that case, i must pull out my final trump card
Harpy: ALEX- wait
Gooper Blooper: Alex >​ Xavier >​ Gloria >​ Patchouli >​ Ridley's Skull >​ Mother Brain >​ Samus >​ Ash >​ Beck >​ Mega Man >​ Ronnie >​ Mikey >​ Goomy >​ April >​ Priscilla >​ Checkmate >​ Silence >​ Yuugi >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: SEE IT'S EASY
RubyChao: ahahahahahahaha
RubyChao: amazing
Harpy: thats like an ouroborous of fluff
Harpy: i can't fuckin spell that word right, ever
Gooper Blooper: Business Chao >​ Jester Chao >​ Nue >​ Xavier >​ Alex >​ Sarah
Harpy: SONIA :U
Harpy: that wasn't 5 :U (ivel)
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: i have been defeated
RubyChao bows in defeat
Harpy: sarah: has more connections than sine
Gooper Blooper: Sonia >​ Gloria >​ Sarah
Harpy: i almost forgot
Harpy: whoops
Harpy: alternatively, sonia >​ carla >​ sarah
Gooper Blooper: Business Chao >​ Gardevoir >​ DJ Candy >​ Shimmer >​ Sarah
Harpy: teen girl squad :U (ivel again)
Gooper Blooper: there, got it to five
RubyChao: Teen Girl Squad >​ Emma >​ Ko >​ Edea >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Teen Girl Squad >​ Emma >​ Ko >​ Celestia >​ Sarah
RubyChao: almost the exact same, nice
Harpy: kek
Gooper Blooper: no one can escape Sarah
Harpy: but what about
Harpy: BIG DICE- *shot*
RubyChao: Big Dice >​ Otik >​ Millennian >​ Sara >​ Sarah
RubyChao: this is fun!
Gooper Blooper: NO ONE
RubyChao: wait wait
RubyChao: what about
Harpy: the one i was thinking of
RubyChao: SCP-173???
Harpy: was big dice >​ frankie >​ stacy >​ sarah
Gooper Blooper: SCP-173 >​ Sine >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: or perhaps Sine >​ Celestia >​ Sarah
RubyChao: but what about
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Sarah >​ Ariel >​ Sarah
Harpy: one day ivel will introduce a character
Harpy: and sarah will not have a connection to them
RubyChao: sarah's evil twin Haras
Harpy: don't haras me
Harpy: that's illegal
Harpy: Lanky Kong
Gooper Blooper: Lanky Kong >​ Donkey Kong >​ Parsee >​ Celestia >​ Sarah
Harpy: sarah is the alpha and the omega
Harpy: i wouldn't give her alpha though
Harpy: she might become a god temporarily
Harpy: and then be unconscious for a week
RubyChao: ooh, i know
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: Bing Bot
Gooper Blooper: I'm on it
Harpy: *dramatic music*
Gooper Blooper: Bing Bot >​ Yahoo Bot >​ Jumpropeman >​ Widow Maker >​ Sarah
RubyChao: ...i give up
RubyChao: i can't beat you
Harpy: was going to say "mother"
Harpy: but it could easily go
Harpy: mother >​ sheep >​ alex >​ sarah
RubyChao: okay in that case
RubyChao: *slams desk*
Harpy: dammit now "cornered" is playing
Gooper Blooper: One moment
Harpy: Kuriza :U
Harpy: as you can see i am having way too much dumb fun with this
Gooper Blooper: Random Farmer >​ Slash and Blaze >​ Samus >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Harpy: this is getting real srs
RubyChao: okay, uhhh
RubyChao: Rubber Soul
Gooper Blooper: Rubber Soul >​ Grey Fly >​ Ariel >​ Sarah
Harpy: one letter ruins my plans
Gooper Blooper: Kuriza >​ Tensuho >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: okuu is very helpful
Cornwind Evil: SARAH
Harpy: we already said that dude
RubyChao: what about... PAUL HEYMAN
Gooper Blooper: Paul Heyman >​ Silence >​ Yuugi >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Harpy: YURAN-*shot*
Gooper Blooper: Yuran >​ Sarah
Harpy: i have no idea how you do that :I
Gooper Blooper: magic
Gooper Blooper: ​white​ magic
Gooper Blooper: He did
Harpy: welp
Harpy: my 2012 knowledge is lacking! :U
Gooper Blooper: One of his few significant "moments" was watching along as she took on Who Wants To Be A Gorillionaire
Harpy: i don't know if i have a significantly obscure char :U
Harpy: but all roads lead to sarah
Gooper Blooper: Reimu >​ Kaito >​ Sumireko >​ Gloria >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Mecha Waddle Dee >​ Doc >​ Kirby >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Arle >​ Sarah
Harpy: reimu somehow counts as obscure now :U
RubyChao: okay but what about
RubyChao: My Original Character Blarah
Harpy: SATOSHI nah
Gooper Blooper: Not so much obscure as just me tossing out a random harpchar
RubyChao: also i will point out: what about Yuyuko
Harpy: just tack her to the top of the reimu chain
RubyChao: but that makes six
Harpy: but ivel insists on five- dammit
Gooper Blooper: Blarah >​ Chatzy Madness >​ Butts >​ Josephine >​ Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Oreo >​ Harpy = Sarah
Harpy: damn
RubyChao: The Ruby Chao
Gooper Blooper: The Ruby Chao >​ Gloria >​ Sarah
Harpy: gloria/sumireko/viola
Gooper Blooper: Yuyuko >​ Satori >​ Utsuho >​ Sarah
Harpy: yuyuko has no connection to satori actually
Gooper Blooper: Yes she does
Harpy: or at least, no formal one? idk
Gooper Blooper: They went on a BBBBP together
RubyChao: they fought together in the Rin Satsuki BBBBP
Harpy: ah okay
Harpy: whoops
Harpy: my bad
RubyChao: peko pekoyama
Gooper Blooper: Peko >​ Chao >​ Gloria >​ Sarah
RubyChao: okay, last one for now
RubyChao: Ric Flair
Gooper Blooper: Ric Flair >​ General Cleft >​ Hulk Hogan >​ The New Mage Order >​ Sarah
Cornwind Evil: (They watched that movie in the bar first year)
RubyChao: okay, you win
Gooper Blooper: Wids was there for nearly all of those
Gooper Blooper: Horror Film Marathon 2011 >​ Widow Maker >​ Sarah
Harpy: but how could you possibly link gooper blooper to sarah
Gooper Blooper: Gooper Blooper >​ Sumireko >​ Gloria >​ Sarah

(GB goes to bed)

Harpy: nah he's goin to bed ivel
Harpy: was a joke, sorry
Harpy: i look like i'm talking to myself
Draco: All's vell that Ivel.
Harpy: YOU ARE
Draco: Harpy, are you and Harpy fighting again?
Harpy: *X-files theme plays in the distance*
Draco: Are you getting...a divorce? D;
Harpy: i can't divorce what i haven't married
Harpy: draco i'm sorry
Harpy: but
Harpy: you're adopted
Draco: D8
Harpy: harpy just wanted another child and
Harpy: she couldn't wait
Draco: You're NOT my dragon-parents after all? 3=
Harpy: nevermind the fact that we abandoned you in california like the terrible parents we are
Draco: 8O
Draco: Well, things like that happen all the time.
Harpy: another thing: we aren't dragons
Harpy: we're harpies
Harpy: thats different
RubyChao: this is a very tense family situation and only proper dialogue can resolve it
RubyChao: so instead i will say the word "dicks"
RubyChao: dicks
Harpy: i read that as "pope dialogue"
RubyChao: that could help!
Harpy: i knew i shoulda went to DC to talk to Pope Francis the other day
Harpy: tell him to read the rps
Harpy: i'd fucking die before that happened
Harpy: sounds like something we'd say in a cards against humanity game


Review und sleepper: I was finally informed I should not take the security fails personally, because it turns out Cauren was ​not​ Sine's head of security. She was her ​bodyguard​, but the one that made the decisions and personnel placement was another employee. :u
He came highly recommended to Sine. A respected Senator, a celebrated General, a fellow who fought beside some of the greatest heroes of his time and brought change about to the entirety of the many worlds of the place he lived.
​Fucking Jar Jar Binks is the reason everything ever this year failed. 8v
RubyChao: ​BIIIIIIINKS *shakes fist*
Review und sleepper: And now everything makes sense. 8u Forever.


Cornwind Evil: I had a dream last night that Daniel Bryan came back
Cornwind Evil: But for some reason he teamed up with Hulk Hogan and the Big Show
Cornwind Evil: ....and that's all I remember
the tiddy: No wonder its a dream
the tiddy: It starred (REDACTED REDACTED)


Gooper Blooper: "He lives in New York?" "Yeah." "New York CITY?" "Yep." "Where in NYC? Manhattan? No way he lives in Manhattan." "Looked it up, he's in Manhattan." "Who does he live with?" "His parents." "What do they do?" "I think they're both lawyers." "Oh, that explains it."
RubyChao: gahahahaha
RubyChao: goopsmom is onto me :V


Gooper Blooper: GameFAQs is taking another crack at contests
Gooper Blooper: It is a "best game" contest, so place your bets now: Will it be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or League of Legends?

(It was Undertale)


Gooper Blooper: "ATV, Calypso, Club Kid, Cousin Eddy, Create Car, Crusher, Death Warrant, Drag Queen, Dragula, Firestarter, Flower Power, Goggle Eyes, Gold Tooth, Juggernaut, Kamikaze, Meat Wagon, Meter Maid, Micro Blast, Mime, Moon Buggy, Orbital, Piecemeal, Pit Viper, Pizza Boy, Primeval, Quatro, RC Car, Reaper, Road Boat, Talon, The Joneses, Tower Tooth, Trapper, Trash Man and Vermin are the only vehicles to have so far been in only one Twisted Metal game"
RubyChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: such an exclusive club
Gooper Blooper: The ONLY ones!
Cornwind Evil: They even list the Create A Car option from Twisted Metal 4
Cornwind Evil: Make sure you note the time Spectre went to pick up the Homing Cluster Missles!
Gooper Blooper: Careful cornwind, we don't know if that's canon! We'll have to add a disclaimer.
Gooper Blooper: Can you imagine some action movie having an unexplained scene where the guy goes down a dead end hallway to grab a powerup just because there's a powerup there in the video game tie-in
RubyChao: ahahaha


Jumpropeman: You know how Wikipedia has that Did You Know section? Well, I used to think it was pretty cool, even if some of the facts were like, "did you know this random mushroom with no common name has an unusual trait?" and I would be like "well, I don't think anyone knew that, but okay!"
Jumpropeman: My opinion changed on October 4th
Jumpropeman: when one of the facts was: "did you know... that the music video of "Work" featured Iggy Azalea engaging in twerking and lap dancing sequences?"
Jumpropeman: what a great fact Wikipedia, I'll make sure that gets into the textbooks
Gooper Blooper: but JRM
Gooper Blooper: did you know that
Jumpropeman: ... I didn't v_v
Gooper Blooper: Wikipedia still taught you a fact!
Gooper Blooper: thank you wikipedia


Jumpropeman: from earlier: sarah being the smartest derpkateer
Jumpropeman: well, Utsuho knows nuclear physics
Jumpropeman: but sarah probably has broader knowledge
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, utsuho is an idiot savant
Jumpropeman: and shimmer... she knows how to count by twos and tie her shoes
Gooper Blooper: sarah has previously shown some significant skills in fields like diplomacy and occasionally displays serious insight (and not in the accidental way Shimmer does)
Jumpropeman: *Disclaimer: Shimmer may not actually be able to count by twos
Gooper Blooper: The brainy sarahkin is of course Gloria, but they all have some merit
Jumpropeman: *Double Disclaimer: She's never tied any shoes
Gooper Blooper: "velcro straps are cooler anyway"
Harpy: alex not derp enough to be a derpkateer
Harpy: he is just
Harpy: alex
Gooper Blooper: unfortunately there can only be three derpkateers
Jumpropeman: her current boots/skates are slip-ons


RubyChao: i'm playing Fusion on an emulator and there's a couple rooms/fight that are super laggy
RubyChao: was wondering if it was a Fusion consequence or an emulation one
Jumpropeman: my memories of Fusion are far gone too, but I don't think I remember any lag
RubyChao: probably a byproduct of emulating, then
Gooper Blooper: By using the power of Google, I searched for "metroid fusion" and "lag"
Gooper Blooper: The majority of results are people complaining about emulation
Gooper Blooper: One result mentions the Ridley fight lags, and that I do remember as true
Gooper Blooper: it is an absolute clusterfuck, that fight
Jumpropeman: MetroidFan2002 on this forum I found is making fun of people for actually paying for Metroid games... doesn't seem like a fan to me >:I
Jumpropeman: MetroidFan2002, you're why we get Federation Troopers
RubyChao: oh god the ridley fight
Gooper Blooper: *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM -samus hurt noise-*


RubyChao: anyhow, yeah, my birthday's tomorrow so that's nice
RubyChao: i might get books!
Gooper Blooper: might?
Harpy: *i will get books
Harpy: fixed
RubyChao: there's always the possibility that my parents just completely disregard my requests and buy me the World's Largest Collection of Handkerchiefs
RubyChao: but it's unlikely
Cornwind Evil: I believe Death of VEW is on your wishlist
RubyChao: >​VEW
Cornwind Evil: ....WCW
RubyChao: CW
RubyChao: CW why
RubyChao: whyyyyy
RubyChao: (yeah, it is)
Cornwind Evil: Brock Lesnar is killing all the wrestlers


Vince McChao: ...wait... buff, one arm
Vince McChao: ​Waaaaaa-gren
Gooper Blooper: Mental image
Gooper Blooper: Microgame starts
Gooper Blooper: It's a mostly blank screen with a random cute kobber in the middle
Gooper Blooper: "BREAK!"
Vince McChao: goops pls
CHAOPPY CHAORTHDAY!: Level 1: Zephyrus. Level 2: Ariel. Level 3: Cauren.


Cornwind Evil: "All of a sudden two T-Rex came up behind Beavis and Butthead and they were both eaten. The End"


Cornwind Evil: ...I need to stop listening to podcasts about serial killers


Jumpropeman: if Actaeus could do stuff on his own he wouldn't have created Ixael, the Tower, or really any of the Deck
Jumpropeman: he'd just fly around being like "FUCK YOU IMMA MAGIC PLANET BWAAAAAAA"
Jumpropeman: which, while fun for a while, runs its course shortly
Review: That was what made him more relatable and palatable. 8v He had limitation and motivation. He had to foster codependence to manage anything, and he wasn't Powah Incarnate.
Review: I would rock to Actaeus plot again happily. =v
Jumpropeman: you know, there's a little Actaeus in all of us
Review: He lives in you~
He lives in me~
He watches over
Everything we see?
Review realizes he joked a disney song and bashes head into desk


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: What's this? Sheep in the chat while the sun still graces the sky?~!
M Sheep: Madness
RubyChao: sheeeeep
RubyChao: hi
M Sheep: Hello
Harpy: hi
RubyChao: barpost
M Sheep: such a dork, I just trilled a hello at the screen like y'all can here me
M Sheep: Hello, Harpy
RubyChao: >​implying i can't


M Sheep: >​squishy, crying potato
M Sheep squints at Barchives
M Sheep sighs and adds to pile


Spy W aits forthe Class: If plot is still going after nycc tomorrow I send in the Hulkster
Spy W aits forthe Class: I likely won't get home until rather late today so I doubt I'll make it this time
Spy W aits forthe Class: If enough spaces are open I'll throw in a Spy absolutely free
M Sheep: Come on down to Goops' Plot Barn! Where the prices are so low, we're practically GIVING Spies away!


Harpy: so stacy
Harpy: how ya feelin
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Harpy: ...uh
Libertarians in Space: Pretty good apparently
Libertarians in Space: HIVEMIND


RubyChao: ...oh god
RubyChao: so guys, i need to watch a video for my journalism class
RubyChao: and the video is
RubyChao: a bill clinton speech about monica lewinsky
RubyChao looks at JRM
Jumpropeman: =D
Jumpropeman: tell them the truth chao
Jumpropeman: it was just a long, worm like creature in human form covering up his visit with his true mate as a love affair
Jumpropeman: you might get extra credit!
Cornwind Evil: ​So, wait, if they were alruthines....then what was the stain on the dress?
Jumpropeman: false evidence constructed for da ruse
Cornwind Evil: WORKS FOR ME


Jumpropeman: the best part about my Clinton idea, was that over the summer, I went to the Clinton Museum in Little Rock. RESEARCH


RubyChao left the chat
RubyChao joined the chat

RubyChao: fucking
RubyChao: you know what it is
RubyChao: i don't even need to say it
RubyChao flails


Harpy: *disappears off the face of the earth*


Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 8
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 3
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 8
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 8
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 15
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 4
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 19

RubyChao: oh god
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 22
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 16

RubyChao: all these awful rolls (except for death)
Dacor: There are only two constants in the world: DEATH and ​TIMZONIUS​ TAXES.
Neo Gooper flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 9
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 17
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 18
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 23

RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: the warriors heard us
Harpy: they're just as mad and confused about ken penders as we are
RubyChao: Ken Penders turns out to be true final boss of neo kobber plot, we must defeat his ten thousand Identical Knuckles Clone Army first



Neo Gooper: Another character I considered for Fite Rush that probably won't be able to squeeze in:
Neo Gooper: sumireko
Jumpropeman: O_O
Neo Gooper: you guys will probably have to wait for her
Jumpropeman: >​_>​
RubyChao: nooooooooo- okay next year
Harpy: but who would she fite
Neo Gooper: I dunno
RubyChao: KAITO
Neo Gooper: but you can probably expect her in a fite
Jumpropeman: well, duh, Sumireko for BBB6
Neo Gooper: like, say, a fite that opens signups in... let's say mid-june
Neo Gooper: That sounds like a good time for sumi to sign up
RubyChao: ehhhh
Jumpropeman: Robot Rumble 3?
RubyChao: you sure august wouldn't be better?
Neo Gooper: JRM ruined it but I wanted to do the reveal anyway
Neo Gooper: :V
Jumpropeman: can't fault my enthusiasm :V
Neo Gooper: sumi actually a robot, it's the twist of the century


Neo Gooper finally gives in and changes out of t-shirt for long sleeve shirt
Neo Gooper: is cold now
RubyChao: i'm still wearing shorts today
Neo Gooper: is it because they're comfy and easy to wear
RubyChao: yes, how did you know
Neo Gooper: just a hunch


RubyChao: honestly, the only real issue i would have had personally would have been the relative rush of Neo Kobber stuff in the latter half of the year compared to the former half, BUT
RubyChao: i don't count that because that stemmed from RL reasons
RubyChao: you didn't just not do plots because lol
Neo Gooper: Yeah, it wasn't possible for me to properly space out the plot this time
Jumpropeman: Chao probably felt it more since he was involved in every one
Jumpropeman: I didn't really feel inundated with Neo Kobbers because I missed a few :V
RubyChao: eh, like i said, the variety helped
RubyChao: the same as deck last year
RubyChao: it's easy to handle a bunch of plots in a row when it's not just a series of palette swaps
RubyChao: also the highest praise for Deck and Neo Kobbers that i can think of is ​them inspiring me to start thinking up a possible megaplot for 2016
Neo Gooper: :3
Jumpropeman: well then you won't like my plot next year where ITS ALL ABOUT PALETTE SWAPS
RubyChao: you're right
RubyChao: i won't
RubyChao boycotts
Neo Gooper: you fight a goomba in the first event
Neo Gooper: but then
Neo Gooper: in the second event
Neo Gooper: you fight a gloomba
Jumpropeman: Can you handle Goblin, Cave Goblin, Sea Goblin, Sky Goblin, Greater Cave Goblin, Grass Goblin, Dirt Goblin, and Enraged Goblin?
RubyChao: it keeps building up
RubyChao: the final boss is Hyper Spiky Paragloomba
Neo Gooper: How about a dozen recolored CD-i Mario heads?
Neo Gooper: Now that there is a plot
RubyChao: goops please, a ​dozen?​ that's just stupid
RubyChao: now if it was ten
RubyChao: then we'd be in business
RubyChao: ...oh god, that reminds me of one thing i did in a fanfic i wrote nine years ago
RubyChao: the GOOMBA GANG
RubyChao: they were simply every possible permutation of Hyper/Non-hyper, Spiky/non-Spiky, Para/non-Para, and Gloomba/non-Gloomba possible
RubyChao: i later reused the idea a few years later but i had stopped being dumb and now they actually had variety
RubyChao: so that was nice
Jumpropeman: so what you're saying is
Jumpropeman: your Megaplot will be us fighting the Goomba Gang?
RubyChao: uhhhhHHHHH
RubyChao disappears in a flash
Jumpropeman my characters stare

Neo Gooper: XD
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: i know my critique
RubyChao: now, this is gonna come as a shock
RubyChao: but i feel that Neo Kobber plot
RubyChao: was too bloopy, and not enough goopy
Neo Gooper: God dammit, I can just never get the goopy/bloopy balance right
Neo Gooper: it's my eternal curse
RubyChao: you'll get there someday
RubyChao: i believe in you


TWO YMIRS?!: let us see if I can do the things
TWO YMIRS?! asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and DENNIS. Chatzy chose: yes
TWO YMIRS?!: oh god
TWO YMIRS?! asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: yes
Gooper Blooper: even chatzy wants it
Gooper Blooper: which is rare, usually chatzy is a total wet blanket
Gooper Blooper: It just sits in the corner yelling about cereal
TWO YMIRS?!: hahaha
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and HE. Chatzy chose: cereal
TWO YMIRS?! asked Chatzy to choose between Sam and Dirk. Chatzy chose: Dirk

RubyChao: see? see?


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: Utsuho vs. The Devourer in an eating contest
RubyChao: who wins


Jumpropeman: there's a Mario Maker level where you become Bowser and kill your bus driver
Gooper Blooper: at long, long last, that poor man's dream can be realized


Cornwind Evil: So you know how a lot of ads have slogans
Cornwind Evil: Well I just saw the laziest one
Cornwind Evil: Ever heard of Buckley's cough syrup?
Gooper Blooper: I believe so, yes
Gooper Blooper: What's their slogan?
Jumpropeman: i might've
Cornwind Evil: Their catchphrase is "It tastes awful. And it works."
Cornwind Evil: So they have released it in a pill so people can avoid the taste
Cornwind Evil: The tagline for this product?
Cornwind Evil: "It works."
Jumpropeman: fantastic
Gooper Blooper: I love it
Gooper Blooper: I want to see that with more products
Jumpropeman: They release it as a placebo: "It is."
Gooper Blooper: How about a new line of bread or something with the tagline "It's Edible"
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of the firefighter movie Ladder 49
Cornwind Evil: Which had the most generic tagline I have ever seen
Cornwind Evil: "Every hero has a destiny."
Jumpropeman: sounds like the intro of a generic movie trailer
Gooper Blooper: oh wow
Gooper Blooper: Go ahead and show people that tagline and ask them what the movie is about
Jumpropeman: that will then subvert itself
Jumpropeman: with THIS guy!
Jumpropeman: *goofy looking fella looks at camera*


Jumpropeman: night gooper [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink]


Gooper Blooper: >​Patchatolli
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Cornwind Evil: HER NAME IS HARD
RubyChao: kek


Tired Tom: of all the foes Shara might have had to face
Tired Tom: a happiness radiating tank box
Tired Tom: was not what I expected
Gooper Blooper: the only way to deal with such an unconventional plot: an even more unconventional hero
Tired Tom: I should really stop thinking I know what to expect from this group
Tired Tom: I mean I didn't really but still


(Agony traps Utsuho in a depressing nightmare where she loses her love of adventure)

RubyChao: so guys, what do you want first
RubyChao: another Metroid Fusion fun fact
RubyChao: or un-sad okuu
Gooper Blooper: the fucking latter you dunkstick
Harpy: don't fuck the ladder kids
.brief: Personally, the RP. But that's because Tiiiime is involved.
Harpy: wait
Jumpropeman: I want
Jumpropeman: the budder
Gooper Blooper gives JRM the solt
RubyChao: i dunno, maybe you guys stopped liking okuu?????
Harpy: tell us the funfact after Utsuho is okay
RubyChao: eh, i'll just write patchy
Jumpropeman: NO! *smack* I don't want that! >:I

(Utsuho breaks free of the nightmare)

RubyChao: NOW can i tell you a fun fact
RubyChao: without being thrown off a cliff for it
.brief: I never promised that. :i
.brief: I just said RP first.
RubyChao: fack
.brief has a cliff ready and everything
RubyChao: anyhow
RubyChao: Metroid Fusion actually has the most boss themes of any metroid game
RubyChao: with a whopping nine
RubyChao: (Arachnus, the Charge Beam Core-X, Zazabi/Mega Core-X, BOX, Serris/Yakuza, Nettori, Nightmare, Ridley, and the SA-X)
RubyChao: part of it is because of how many bosses there are (12)
RubyChao: but part of it's that they don't keep using the same themes over and over
RubyChao looks at Super Metroid
RubyChao: also spoiler alert: ​i am a metroid nerd
Cornwind Evil: There was this lesser known RPG called Shadow Madness
Cornwind Evil: And I don't know what their music composers was thinking
Cornwind Evil: But it has like 25 seperate battle themes
RubyChao: maybe they were just really excited


Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: utsuho in the bar
Gooper Blooper: "I dreamt I worked at a convenience store for the night shift, it was terrible"
Gooper Blooper: mary leans in
Gooper Blooper: "excuse u"


Gooper Blooper: wat
RubyChao: *looks at other items* rockbull returns
Gooper Blooper: we never did fight that mousepad-making bull golem
Gooper Blooper: Wouldn't you love to own a poster depicting Utsuho being absolutely miserable
RubyChao: Agony would've!
Draco: I feel bad just looking at it.
Gooper Blooper: Agony's house is just wall-to-wall decorated with posters of kobbers crying
Gooper Blooper: "Notice:Most of those Images Download from the Website then change the size and the length and width ratio, and both give freeware use of their images but if by mistake we took someones Copyright work, please contact me to arrange for Credits for the Images or its removal."
Gooper Blooper: oh okay, it's freeware use of their images
RubyChao: sounds legit
Gooper Blooper: or you can contact them about Copyright to arrange for Credits for the Images, or perhaps talk to Someone about the Unnecessary Capital Letters


Boreas: visited frostburg
Gooper Blooper: was there frost in frostburg
Boreas: No it was hot as shit

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