Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prison Break


"This is officer CX-1 DA300. I need backup! Repeat, I need backup!" Browny said urgently, clutching his communicator like a lifeline. "Someone! ANYONE!"

Around the corner, it was utter chaos. Rioting prisoners overturned tables, ripped signs off of walls, and set fire to anything flammable. A refrigerator, its' door ripped off, was thrown and slid down the hall past Browny, who wisely made a tactical retreat.

As Browny advanced towards a quiet-looking hallway, he was forced to change direction again when he heard the crackling of electricity - and the shouts from two security guards to someone to "hold fire". But they didn't hold fire, instead unleashing a loud crack of lightning, electrocuting the men. As Browny retreated again, he heard the attacker laugh, delighted.

Another route... this one also trouble. Browny shrunk back as he saw two shadows cast by people around the corner. One, judging from what appeared to be a hat, was an officer. The other...

"Go on, son. Just try it." the figure drawled.

The officer fired his gun.

The other man didn't even flinch. He laughed, and there was a sudden movement, followed by the sound of the officer collapsing.

Browny once more ducked away, finally finding a safe spot inside a supply room.

"I don't understand..." Browny thought to himself. "Who are these people? We don't have anyone with those powers in this prison... that's what the kobbers are for. But the kobbers aren't here. Where did they come from? Who could they-"

It was then that Browny figured it out. There was only one prisoner in this compound that could possibly warrant this magnitude of an escape. Only one prisoner that could have these kind of connections. One that he'd gotten the kobbers' help dealing with, two and a half years ago...

 And then Browny's luck ran out, when a man opened the door, saw him, and charged. The last thing Browny saw before shutting down was a swinging foot wreathed in flames.


"I thought you had that bastard under lock and key!"

"We did." Browny sighed. "Unfortunately, that prison break was of a magnitude higher than anything we've seen since the dragon attack in November 2012. We weren't prepared, at all. And to no one's surprise, when we finally got everything under control, he was among the unaccounted for."

Electra groaned, hand on her forehead. "Ugh... So what are you doing sitting in your office? Shouldn't you be tracking him down?"

"I've been forebade to."


"There is solid evidence that they escaped to Las Vegas, Nevada. However, the police force there has prohibited outside investigation into the case, and is claiming they will handle it. If you want my opinion, I think a large portion of them have been bought off or are being suppressed. I hear my former coworker Theodore is there, and there's no way he would fall to corruption, but his division doesn't seem equipped for this level of threat. Hopefully he doesn't run into trouble.

Now, I called you here for more than to just share the news. I can't abandon my responsibilities here, so it's up to you."

"Me? Why me?"

"You knew him better than anyone else in this city, and you have a connection to the kobbers. You're the perfect woman for the job."

"Heh... All right, Browny, I'll bite."

"This time, though... don't expect to make an arrest."

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