Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 193: Five Nights At Friendlies

ivel: I just got Chao in a phone app
ivel: "Giant Hero Chao"
RubyChao punches a kaiju


RubyChao: bbl in like
RubyChao: ten hours
RubyChao: ...*five hours
RubyChao: not ten hours
RubyChao: i'm not coming back at 4 am


Gooper Blooper: goopschars don't do drugs
Draco: BREAK NEWS: Sarah arrested for using a performance-enhancing spell to win the martial arts tournament.
Cornwind Evil: Sarah knows martial arts?
Draco: She knows sumo? =V


Spy Ready To Party joined the chat
Spy With Legs Showing joined the chat
Spy With Legs Showing: HE
Spy Ready To Party: HAS
Spy With Legs Showing: NO
Spy Ready To Party: STYLE
Spy With Legs Showing: HE
Spy Ready To Party: HAS
Spy With Legs Showing: NO
Spy Ready To Party: GRACE
Spy With Legs Showing: THIS
Spy Ready To Party: SPY
Spy With Legs Showing: IS
Spy Ready To Party: A
Spy With Legs Showing: CHEATYFACE


Harpy: [2:02:14 PM] Ivelchild: Longtime RP partner problems
Us: Okay, this time we're going to develop this relationship slowly. Give it some good, tense buildup.
Us: (two days later)
Us:Well, I guess they're married now.


SteelKomodo: ...did i mention the inhabitants of Dewford creep me the fuck out?
Draco: You're not alone.
RubyChao: why do they creep you out?
RedSpy: Maybe its because they're so single-mindedly trend obsesed
RedSpy: And change their entire lifestyles on a dime based on what some random 10 year old says is the Next Big Thing
Draco: Also, they never wash their hands.
SteelKomodo: basically that, spy
SteelKomodo: they are the very definition of an insular nerd community, mindlessly latching onto whatever the next big thing is
SteelKomodo: except clock that up to 11
SteelKomodo: I mean, Potion festivals? Seriously?


(Cornwind is about to watch WrestleMania)

Cornwind Evil: Does anyone want to ask me anything
Tableter: uh
Tableter: are you freddy for ready
Cornwind Evil: Hopefully I will neither have to inhale dongs
Cornwind Evil: Nor be an enragement child


ivel: One time I was in a call with some friends and one asked me to guess what she got for a snack
ivel: I guessed moon pies and I was right, and she from then on considered me psychic


(Chao links various images of Yuyuko)

RubyChao: ok that's enough for now
Draco: It sure is.
RubyChao: would you think differently if i was linking parsee
Draco: NO.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Draco bluffs well.

RubyChao: let's test that bluff
RubyChao: with THIS
Draco: =O
Harpy: least he didn't bluff a lot to the point of you having a breakdown during a poker match, ruby
GoopaMania: lel
RubyChao: my hair remains safely dark for now
Draco gives RubyChao a Stocking-esque hair dye job
RubyChao: cue the x-ray of my brain that says "TOUHOU TOUHOU TOUHOU TOUHOU"
RubyChao: (but who's panty)
GoopaMania: goopy and chaoting with harpybelt
RubyChao: sounds about right
GoopaMania: (spy is chuck)
RubyChao: (lel)


GoopaMania: I just realized something
GoopaMania: The relationship between birds and dinosaurs has in recent years been shown to be so intimate that there is no clear dividing line, therefore birds can be considered a kind of dinosaur
GoopaMania: Utsuho is a dinosaur
GoopaMania: Pit is going to marry a dinosaur
Harpy: (velociraptors are related but not direct ancestors to birbs)
RubyChao: dramatic 2015 plot where utsuho discovers that besides bird and human she's gained the ability to shift into a third form
ivel: then would Pit be a Dino Rider
Draco: Wait...if birds are dinosaurs...
Draco: ...then is Harpy a dinolady?
GoopaMania: ivel pls
Harpy: i am a duno
iKomodo: Hahaha
Draco: Harpy is a She-Rex.
Draco withers.
iKomodo: "That's cooler than marrying a bird, Pit!" " a way, yes!"
GoopaMania: okuu gets really pissed off during a srs plot, makes the T-Rex roar (or alternatively the Godzilla roar because lel radiation)


iKomodo: Oh hey look a post
GoopaMania: five nights at burger bears
iKomodo: Goops pls


Harpy: that feeling when you wanna write but don't know exactly what to write about
Draco: Write about Sammy eating a churro while exciting stuff happens around her.
Draco: Then at the end, a villain tries to tackle her, but she just wipes cinnamon sugar off her face and vaporizes him with a lightning bolt.


M Sheep: plunging into review mode
M Sheep: please wait warmly


(M Sheep is reading JRM's blog post of rejected RP characters)

M Sheep: >​Fibonacci Sequins
M Sheep: If I ever had reason to put together a reject list, this guy would have been on there too!
Jumpropeman: whaaaaaat
M Sheep: Yeah, and I think he would have pal-ed around with some other character from the special, but that's all I remember.
M Sheep: I don't even remember who the other character was., I'd have to re-watch the special or something
M Sheep: You've gotta be kidding me...
M Sheep: >​Jelly Jiggler
M Sheep: This was, uh, also in my reject pile
Jumpropeman: Sheep and I are secretly the same person
GoopaMania: Sheep and JRM secretly the same person all along
GoopaMania: 2slow
Bree: goops and jrm are also the same person apparently
Bree: JRM is everyone
GoopaMania: but that would mean I'm the same person as Sheep
M Sheep: And Jrm's reasons he's a discard are about the same thoughts I had
GoopaMania: maybe Sheep is just my outlet for grimdark and spoopy
Jumpropeman: Til All Are One
M Sheep: I briefly considered him for 2011
M Sheep: The 2011 season, I mean
Jumpropeman: wow, that's before I considered him definitely
M Sheep: ...I think that's when I joined up, actually
GoopaMania: well there wasn't a season before 2011, so yes it was :V
M Sheep: welp
M Sheep how do I even time


M Sheep: "Anyway, I love the idea of characters with multiple arms, as shown with Ixael. However, the thing with multiple limbs in fiction is they tend to just lump together. Swing with one arm, swing with all. Kamaji is a good example of putting all his arms to use like a real person could if they were born with such things."
M Sheep agreeing intensifies

M Sheep: Kamaji's introduction scene freaking stole the rest of Spirited Away from when I first saw it
Bree: that quote about multiple arms made me imagine Armsephine
Bree: she's got a gun in every hand
M Sheep: And the stretching arm when he opens the cabinet
Bree: and she's firing all of them
M Sheep: aaaaaa
GoopaMania: one hand is holding a pastry instead
Bree: and another hand is pointing at DAT ASS
Bree: (possibly Dirk's ass)
RubyChao: that reminds me of a dumb joke i thought of
RubyChao: what would dirk do... if he woke up and jo had a FLAT BUTT???
RubyChao: he would stick with her because he likes her for more than just her appearance
Harpy: riot
GoopaMania: but there would still be a "get jo's booty back" plot
Bree: what if tenshi woke up...and viola was no longer spoopy!?
GoopaMania: and then JRM and Sheep end up RPing Spirited Away characters after all
Bree: she'd kick the impostor out and go find viola
GoopaMania: Viola becomes a Fairy Tale Girl
Jumpropeman: spooky party:
RubyChao: tenshi gets just as weirded out as during the stalker phase
RubyChao: no, more weirded out
M Sheep: I just can't get over Kamaji's design
GoopaMania: Rest assured viola will always be 2spoopy and josephine will always be 2booty
GoopaMania: it's just who they are
Bree: Viola becomes a Fairy Tale Girl, suddenly Momoko has a full squad of Dark and Ghost types
Bree: 2 booty or not 2 booty
Bree: that is the question
Bree: and the answer is always 2 booty
GoopaMania: not enough booty
Jumpropeman: Fairy Tale Girl Viola has a bunch of cute pokemon and then a baby Duskull hatches out of an egg


RubyChao: oh shit oh shit
RubyChao: searching pit and utsuho on pixiv GOT A RESULT
iKomodo: SHOW US
RubyChao: (it's just dirk cosplaying as utsuho but still)
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: "A BIR-" "Dirk, that just raised all sorts of awful questions."


iKomodo: I dunno if it's just me
iKomodo: but I think Arceus's position in the national dex should be changed to, say the actual #000
iKomodo: like, that would give him more importance and make him stand out. He's the Pogey God, he deserves that kinda treatment!
iKomodo: as is, it kinda makes him look silly. "I am the be-all and end-all of- wait, what's this hedgehog thing doing here?"
iKomodo: "...wait, I made you lot as well? Shit, no more Jack Daniels for me!"
RubyChao: pffff


Gooper Blooper: I was playing Mario Party with the family
iKomodo: Aw yiss mario party
Gooper Blooper: and it was as Mario Party as Mario Party can get
iKomodo: How many friendships got ruined by the end of it all? :U
RubyChao: i hope you were able to refrain from fighting your bro
iKomodo: Am I correct in assuming this was Mario Party 10?
Gooper Blooper: No, we don't even have a Wii U
iKomodo: Aw :<
Gooper Blooper: Did Mario Party 5 on the Cube
Harpy: >​mario party 5
Harpy sobs in corner
iKomodo: Ah, I see
Gooper Blooper: harpy no
Gooper Blooper: so anyway here's what happened
iKomodo: Ooh
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro dominated the game for the most part. He was just the straight-up best player. Goopsmom said "I used to like Yoshi, but now he's just annoying" and I said "Exactly how many times have we seen the phrase 'Yoshi Wins'?"
RubyChao: heheheh
Gooper Blooper: But recall that this is Mario Party we're talking about. Twists were yet to come.
iKomodo: Oh boy
Gooper Blooper: About halfway through we got a Battle Minigame triggered, and everyone's coins were put on the line
Harpy: *ominous thunder*
Gooper Blooper: The minigame chosen was Astro-Logical, Goopsmom's number one favorite minigame
iKomodo: Oh boy
Harpy: i can't even remember that minigame
Gooper Blooper: We'd played 12 rounds of Astro-Logical before starting the board game proper, and Goopsbro won eight of them
Gooper Blooper: I won one, Goopsmom won two, and the last one was a draw when two people both couldn't find the right symbol
Gooper Blooper: So it was Goopsmom's favorite minigame, which Goopsbro was also good at, for all the marbles
Gooper Blooper: Unsurprisingly, they were the final two, and Goopsmom managed to win. Much cheering ensued.
Gooper Blooper: I got the pity coin and everyone just started laughing again
Harpy: better you than the CPU
Gooper Blooper: For the rest of the game, I kept losing coins. I couldn't hang on to the dang things.
Gooper Blooper: Then, near the end, another major event happened
iKomodo: oh lawd
Gooper Blooper: Bowser had made the Last Five Turns Event "every space has an event on it" and I got a Bullet Bill, using it to land on the same space as Goopsmom and stealing all her coins in the process
iKomodo: OH GOD
Harpy: fucked
Gooper Blooper: This then triggered a Duel. Since Goopsmom had no coins because of the Bullet Bill, we were forced to fight over Stars. We each had one
Gooper Blooper: I won the Duel, and in a single turn had stolen all of her coins and all of her stars
RubyChao: goops pls that's no way to treat your mom
iKomodo: Mario Party, everyone!
Gooper Blooper: But then the space I landed on activated - it was Goomba, who swaps your coins with another player
RubyChao: HA
Gooper Blooper: I swapped coins with Goopsmom, resulting in her having ALL THE COINS and me having ALL THE STARS
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro remained ominously in first place, with two stars and more coins than Goopsmom
iKomodo: oh boy
Gooper Blooper: One turn later, it was time for the Bonus Awards
Gooper Blooper: The star for the most coins won in minigames went to Goopsmom because she won the Astro-Logical battle game
Gooper Blooper: The star for the most coins collected total also went to Goopsmom, for the same reason
iKomodo: Oh god
Gooper Blooper: The Happening Star, for most stops on a question mark space, went to me - I was the only player to ever step on one
Gooper Blooper: This put me at three stars and won me the game
RubyChao: it happened
Harpy: top fucking lel
Gooper Blooper: On the next screen we found out Goopsbro had collected only four fewer coins than Goopsmom
Gooper Blooper: Because of her winning that game of Astro-Logical, he lost
Gooper Blooper: And as for the Duel, that determined whether it would be me or her that won it all
RubyChao: goopsbro buried
Gooper Blooper: The CPU player was Wario. Wario collected no stars and never had more than 25 coins. He made it to the star space without enough coins twice
Gooper Blooper: wario sucked
RubyChao: wario REALLY buried
iKomodo: #Waaaa
Gooper Blooper: and that was Mario Party to its maximum
Bree: now I have this mental image of Celestia playing MMOs with one or more Sarahkins (possibly sephine)
Bree: they're raiding
Bree: Celestia is the raid leader
Bree: sephine fucks up and wipes the whole raid
Bree: Celestia puts down her mouse and her keyboard
iKomodo: Wipesephine
Bree: turns to sephine with an ominous scowl
Bree: and declares
Bree: "You will not be eating dessert tonight."
Saberwulf: Sephine Jenkins
Gooper Blooper: missing out on a celestia dessert is the greatest of punishments
Bree: indeed, but wiping the raid is worthy of Celestia's greatest punishment


Gooper Blooper: "Tenshi Bananawi"
iKomodo: more like Tenshi Kong amirite?
RubyChao: parallel universe where bananas grow in heaven instead of peaches


Jumpropeman: I didn't realize how hot Janet was until Bree drew her


Bree: dracoooooooo
Bree: 4 u
Bree: not pictured: Bree being pushed down the stairs because Parsee was jealous she didn't write all of that by hand
Bree: Spy are you ready for your art
Bree: guess not, I'll just keep it then
Bree: just kidding, here you go
Cornwind Evil: That is one effective red spy


RubyChao: i guess i'm here
RubyChao: even though no one else is
RubyChao: except for my frands
Draco: Eeyup. Just us.
Jumpropeman: but chao
Jumpropeman: im here too


Draco: Patchy is the perfect pilot for Zeong.
Jumpropeman: I still can't help but think of Patchy the Pirate when ya'll use that abbreviation for Patchoulli
Draco: Patchouli is too lazy to be a pirate.
Draco: Now I must go. VAMANOS!
Draco tries to fly off in the Patchouli Gundam, but it doesn't want to move.
Jumpropeman: bye bye
Draco escapes in a lame-but-motivated mecha. ;n;


RubyChao: holy shit what a smug motherfucker


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hey all you people
RubyChao: NO
RubyChao shouts down JRM before he can sing
Jumpropeman: *does not have an extraordinary sandwich made with jellyfish jelly* U_U
Gooper Blooper: but chao it's not any ordinary sandwich :<


Jumpropeman: *looks at a Metroid Timeline*
Jumpropeman: I love how it has description of all the events during the games
Jumpropeman: but for Other M it justs says (events of Other M)
RubyChao: lel


RedSpy: Guys I just realized
RedSpy: We can track the trajectory of the Jurassic Park series by seeing how it runs parallel to another series
RedSpy: Which one? I dunno, what other series has had a 1, 2, 3, and World?
Gooper Blooper: it all started when mario, the princess and I came to dinosaur park for a vacation
Harpy: goopy plz
Jumpropeman: I can't wait for Jurassic Park Power Tennis
RedSpy: Next movie's gonna be Jurassic Park 64, in which there are exactly 64 dinosaurs
Gooper Blooper: but when we got to Jurassic Park, the place was deserted
RedSpy: Then Jurassic Park Sunshine, in which the dinosaurs all go on vacation
Gooper Blooper: And I was face to face with a velociraaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA​AAAAA
Harpy: where's jurassic kart
RubyChao: you forgot Jurassic World 2: Raptor Island
RubyChao: about the raptors carrying babby t-rex to its parents
RedSpy: Amazing


Jumpropeman: *opens Backloggery Fortune Cookie function* Alright Backloggery, which game should I try to beat next!
Jumpropeman: >​AI War: Fleet Command on Steam
Jumpropeman: I don't even know what that is or how I got to own it >​_>​


RedSpy: meet boy gonna try
RedSpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
RedSpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RedSpy: How is this possible? He had a 141 2/3rds chance
RedSpy rolls a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6. 6. 6.
RedSpy: alright guys i hav a real psoooyp story for you all todya oyur not gonna bleive the shit ive been seing
RedSpy: so my freands told me about new gam cad five nights at fuckboys 2 and i was all "oh boy that sounds super soppo"
Bree: oh god, buckle up ladies and gents
RedSpy: because as you all no i am teb gis asexy horro rfan numbah one
Bree: spy when you finish this one
RedSpy: so i guy gme form frienads and they arell all " no u rget this spy"
Bree: we've gotta do a crappypasta collab
RedSpy: buyt say i :no i like the scare bring it on fuckboys"
Bree: where we take turns writing and just see what bullshit we can come up with
RedSpy: i dont know why i calld my rand a ufckboy maybe i was just high on the adrenamilanie
RedSpy: (yes perfect we have to do this)
RedSpy: i pu tgame in compoopr and im all come on load already i am your maste r and god
Bree: I can't even understand this, less typos pls
RedSpy: i dont know why i say that either mayb i have gomania or something
RedSpy: the game felt like it took ninety million viollion years to loade but when i look at clock it was only five minutes
RedSpy: but then i look at the tittle screm and it doesnt say five nightes at freddys. it says five nights at friendlies
RedSpy: y would it say that. i dobt want friends, i wantBLUD
RedSpy: but i wasnt scareed maybe it was just glitch or somerthing. no glitch would ruin my funtime night!
Bree: amazing
RedSpy: so i start day one and im disugsted. everything was colorful and pink and happy and ther wre happy clowns stapled to the walls. what is this i said this isnt scary
RedSpy: the fone guy came on the phone and he said "welcome to fred freds i thes happiest place on eartf. im your best frian and i wanna see ur face"
RedSpy: the webca came on bugt i tol the game no. i dont want my face on the internet!
RedSpy: sp ga,e was a;; "oh okay " and got sad but it kept going
RedSpy: (okay wow that one was bad, maybe I should actually look at the keyboard a little)
Bree: haha
RedSpy: nothin really happened because it was just day one but at one point i almost died to the pirate fox. i thought his teeth were full of blud but phone guy called to tell me it wqs just strewaberry cake frosrting
RedSpy: night endred but trehn i had a mimigame
RedSpy: i wqas small child looking at big kompuet. therew as startic on schreen
RedSpy: i couldnt move. i coulndt hit button. it was just screen
RedSpy: giant hand grabbed ikid by hisr head and dragged him into compouter. it ook like bare hand but i wasn very sure
RedSpy: day 2 started. happiest place on earth was not so happy anyrmee. all the clowns were sad and there was a cupake with frowny face on my desk
RedSpy: phone guy asked "hello player we going to fun today?" butbefore i could ansewr buny caem charging through the door
RedSpy: i noticed new button before he jump: WEPON
RedSpy: in panic i hit the button and big shotun came from bottom of the screen. the bunny head fo blown right off in a shower of confetti
RedSpy: "you almost dedded" said phone guy "but i give gift so you staying alive. are we friends now?"
RedSpy: but i say no not yet because i dont trust this gam. why is it talking to me? I didnt tdownload any spyware, did i? Is he trying to sell me something?
RedSpy: night went as normal, but whenever scary animatrons appeared i just shot them with wepon. each time, phone guy loffed and loffed
RedSpy: then it was nigtr three. the wals were blank and couldve sworn i smeled fire
RedSpy: there were no clowns. only heads
RedSpy: "they rot" saidphone guy. "they rot and rot and rot and ort. do you wanrt to rot?"
RedSpy: i was too scare to answer
RedSpy: there weretn many animatronics because i shot them all. freddbu was still there but he ran scare d whenever i took out wepon.
RedSpy: then came day four. nothin spawned anymore. everything was on fire. and yet phone guyt still taked
RedSpy: "its o quiet today. want to see somrthing cool?"
RedSpy: "no" said. "your weording me out"
RedSpy: "but im boooooored"
RedSpy: "i dont care"
RedSpy: "too bad"
RedSpy: then hand shot out of my computer and freabbed me by the face. it felt too soft, and when i opened my eyes i saw it was not hand but paw. bear paw.
RedSpy: fredy fazbuts had got me. i was pulled through The screen like it was a pain of glass
Harpy: the fuck did i walk in on
Harpy: kasen save me
RedSpy: by the time i rarrived it was day 5 . wepon was there but everything else was ash. there was n o door, there was no hlemet. hwere was nothing
Watch Seth Rollins Dance: Red's doing another Crappypasta
RedSpy: "this iws hell" said phone guy. "beuaz youre bmad to yuor firends, you go here. they want revegne. they want the bliud"
Bree: it's not that crappy aside from the million billion typos
RedSpy: light turned on and i was surrounded by all the animatronics i shot. theyu looked like zombies and black goo poured from their eyes
Bree: this would be a good pasta with...well a lot of editing
RedSpy: they took off their heads and then . . . they wer my frineds
RedSpy: "you hat us" said my best friend carl. or so ii tohught. "you always taek us for granted and cignroe us. now we hurt you"
RedSpy: thy walk to slowly and i look around for exit but im urrounded. so i take out WEPON
RedSpy: but wepon had no ammo. phone guy loffed and lofed
RedSpy: "for your sijns we all make you pay. now it is the time of revengeance
RedSpy: i screamed as all my friends surroundedme and tore me to bits. carl it me in the facde with my own leg and i cried
RedSpy: soon i was just a head. they kicked mr earoiund like a soccer ball and kept laughing. my blood was everywhere
RedSpy: thrne they walked away and broguht out a new suit. it was rabbit but gold, an it has no face
RedSpy: threy shoved all my body prts in the rabbit and thren put my head on top. i twithced and scramed as i came to life
RedSpy: if your friends ae mad at you, never buy five nights at freddys 3. because i will be there, and i will be there to make you lern your leosson just like threy mase me learn mine
RedSpy: be good to oyur fiends and whatefver you do DONT TURN ON THE GAME
RedSpy: fin


Watch Seth Rollins Dance: Apparently Hypotenuse heard about the whole #Butts thing
Jumpropeman: *prepares to click it, sees butts joke*
Jumpropeman: I think im good


Gooper Blooper: April, the bloggiest month of the year
Gooper Blooper: AKA "oh god it's really almost time oh shit"
RubyChao: the only time of the year when i write blogposts


Seth Rollins Dances Again: I rolled a 21 on 'can Sine cook' roll


Harpy: i now have tenshi but sadly ruby said all she's good for is tanking
Gooper Blooper: so like ZFRP then
Gooper Blooper: [smug] ​
Gooper Blooper changed name to Viola
Viola: I have purged the fool who smeared Tenshi's name.
Harpy: it is a shame that I can't use Tenshi for anything aside from tanking. Oh and debuffs. I wanted to be offensive tenshi :C
Viola: Perhaps if you grind Tenshi more.
Viola: She should be about level 850.
Silly faces: 'But Tenshi is already offensive enough on her own!' ... is what a lampooning detractor would have said when her inevitable girlfriend is standing there.
Harpy: grinding is a bit difficult in this game, but she's up to speed at least
Silly faces: Hah! :b Grinding Tenshi more. Perhaps -you- shoul- no. 2 lewd.
Silly faces shushes up and flees
Viola: Your words are a gust of wind in a sealed chamber.


Gooper Blooper: >​no hats
Gooper Blooper: what fresh hell is this
RubyChao: welcome to hatless touhou, where the decorations are made up and the characters don't matter


Jumpropeman: I think my brief Metroid Marathon must come to a close now. The only ones I haven't beat now are the original Metroid (I beat Zero Mission so why bother :V) Metroid Prime Pinball (which I have yet to buy) and the Prime Trilogy (which I heard isn't that good anyway, not nearly as good as Other M at least)
Gooper Blooper: JRM do you want Chao to kill you
Gooper Blooper: don't do it chao it's not worth it
Gooper Blooper: but yeah Original Metroid doesn't hold a candle to the GBA redo
RubyChao: "and the Prime Trilogy (which I heard isn't that good anyway, not nearly as good as Other M at least)"
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: literally the reason I don't want to start the Prime Trilogy yet is I would have to sync my wii remote with my wii u instead of my brothers and we play Hyrule Warriors so often it doesn't seem worth the effort
Jumpropeman: maximum Fatsealimilitude
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: jrm no
RubyChao: :I
Gooper Blooper: Oh, so you already have the games?
Jumpropeman: I bought the Trilogy back when it was ten bucks on Wii u
Gooper Blooper: nice, that's a steal
Gooper Blooper: ...but only if it's actually played :V
Jumpropeman: I'll get around to it, just like every game I own :'D


(JRM plays Bravely Default)

Jumpropeman: "data for four people updated"
Jumpropeman: Gooper, Chao, Harpy all sent 9999 damage
Harpy: templar saves lives
Jumpropeman: Draco sent 9999 heal
Jumpropeman: best friends evor
Gooper Blooper: LET US HELP YOU
Jumpropeman: >​Draco's heal is named Tramadol
Jumpropeman: perfect


Gooper Blooper: *gets another reblog of Supra Lotty Wintre, looks at the tags said reblog used*
Gooper Blooper: I think they enjoyed it
Harpy: kek


SteelKomodo: heh, funny story - I originally pictured Carol to be a lot skinnier, way back in Season 3
SteelKomodo: but then Season 4 happened and somehow (lel) that got retconned to death :U
Kogasa: I still use Jessica as my ref image fer carol
.: We had too much junk and too few #butt jokes, because Ven steadfastly did not apply his appointed portion to cast. :v It had to go SOMEWHERE.
.: Sorry, Carol.
SteelKomodo: indeed
. eyes skinny starved sorts (and C)
.: C had some opportunities, I suppose, but she was too High Class and High Strung.
.: Also Catte most of the time.


RubyChao: i just came up
RubyChao: with the greatest pokemon card creepypasta ever
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: goops completes every set ever
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: goes to sleep, confident and happy
RubyChao: when he wakes up
Gooper Blooper dies
Spynosaurus: I Forgot
Spynosaurus: I was walking through the hall
Spynosaurus: Notice something oddly familiar taped on a door
Spynosaurus: I check, burst out laughing, and remind myself to tell Goops
Spynosaurus: There was a fucking Fossil Grimer on the door
Gooper Blooper: Was it alone?
Spynosaurus: Yes
Spynosaurus: Just a Fossil Grimer taped on a door
Gooper Blooper: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: if it had been accompanied by Togepi In Trouble you'd have a whole new level of creepy
Spynosaurus: Goops don't even joke


Spynosaurus: HE
Del: HAS
SteelKomodo: NO
RubyChao: STYLE
Spynosaurus: FACE
Del: hahaha
RubyChao: darn it
Del: what a clusterfuck
RubyChao: i was trying for "HE HAS STYLE"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Spynosaurus: I was trying for HE HAS NO FACE


RubyChao: "And second, yeah. Elesh Norn! Whooo! Is she a villain? Is she one of the good guys? Will there be a subplot? Will there be absolutely nothing because who knows what's going on Next Year?"
RubyChao: was this from after 2012?
RubyChao: because of the whole "it might be ded by then"
Gooper Blooper: I think that was late 2012, after the season ended, or somewhere around there. Maybe very early in 2013.
RubyChao: imagine if the RP had died
RubyChao: pitsuho would have never happened :<
RubyChao: or all the other things but pitsuho is clearly the most important, no i'm not biased what are you talking about?
Gooper Blooper: lel
Del: forty keks
SteelKomodo: hahaha :3
Gooper Blooper: the future of RP was very uncertain for a period during the 2012-2013 offseason
Gooper Blooper: spoilers: we got over it
SteelKomodo: we did
RubyChao: as far as i tell
RubyChao: i bet if chatzy hadn't been made
RubyChao: rp might have actually died
RubyChao: i wasn't there so i'm just guessing,but that's kind of the impression i got
Gooper Blooper: That is actually a very real possibility
RubyChao: with the forums dying, the staff gone, and half the members gone, you needed something to keep the remaining core together over the offseason
RubyChao: and chatzy provided that
Gooper Blooper: chatzy keeps us together even when RP isn't happening - otherwise people might've drifted off- yes exactly
RubyChao: least, that's how i see it
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: man, we dodged a hell of a bullet there
RubyChao: so as much as we complain about chatzy
RubyChao: we gotta give them credit
RubyChao: they may have just saved ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: but not premium
Gooper Blooper: "but for just 56 cents-" "no"
Spynosaurus: Thanks, Chatzy
Spynosaurus: Thatzy
Gooper Blooper: Fatzy
Spynosaurus: Lets abolish April Fools Day for a new holiday, Chatzy Appreciation Day
Spynosaurus: In which we pay 56 cents for a single day of premium to get their hopes up and send them dashing down
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: lel
SteelKomodo: jej


Tableter: I survived and still have my job
Da Wulfo: Huzzah
Tableter: Probation is extended but i know im gonna improve and work hard
Da Wulfo: I wasn't aware you were on work probation
Tableter: Basically you have to do well enough to pass it and get the job fully
Tableter: And i did not quite do it
Da Wulfo: Oh probation as in testing probation and not you stole shit or did drugs probation
Gooper Blooper: you can do it del
Tableter: Wulf the only thing i have ever stole is fudge from a pick and mix
Gooper Blooper: lel
Tableter: And the only drug i have done is fanta
Da Wulfo: Criminal Del
Tableter: Well i did make an effort to improve and im gonna keep doing that
Tableter: Im not losing this fucking job
Gooper Blooper: go del go
RubyChao: u ain't losing it del
Tableter: Besides my new department is full of attractive foreign women
Tableter: So there
Gooper Blooper: important incentive
RubyChao: the best incentive
Tableter: Yep
iKomodo: Hahaha
Da Wulfo: Get dem goyls
Tableter: The many goyls
Tableter: Gargoyls
RubyChao: dating a gargoyl might be awkward
RubyChao: "well i'll see you in 12 hours" *turns into a stone statue*
Tableter: Alt-universe ellierad
Tableter: "Shit my girlfriend is adversely affected by acid rain"
iKomodo: XD
Da Wulfo: "This is my girlfriend" "why is her skin gray and stony" "she's Filipino"
Tableter: Hahaha


Gooper Blooper: Reposting the pogeycard pulls I got today from 8 dollar store packs for harpy and ivel
Harpy: >​hidden ball trick
Harpy: oh my
Gooper Blooper: inhale his dong enragement aqua
Harpy: matching icons for ivel and goops
ivel: and Harpy
RubyChao: whats my icon
Harpy: why
RubyChao: or am i left out in the not-lewd
Gooper Blooper: lewd gif, dunno if chao will want it to represent him
RubyChao: lemme see
RubyChao: yes, yes this will work
RubyChao: "Then why don't you do something about it?" "I didn't say I was complaining."
Gooper Blooper: lood


Draco joined the chat
Draco crashes through the doors.

ivel puts the presses on overdrive


M Sheep: Buh, wish Del was here
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *tumble tumble tumble*
Jumpropeman: *sticks the landing*
Jumpropeman: TA DA
M Sheep: You're not Del!
RubyChao: whyzat sheep
M Sheep: I just found a this audio clip of a guy talking about the importance of having a scary skeleton
M Sheep: and how to go about it
Bree: you could just... post it and someone will pass it along to Del
M Sheep: Well, I suppose if we must be LOGICAL about it, I could! :I


Jumpropemine: *kicks feet for 8 hours while he waits for the SP meter to charge in BD*


Harpy: HE
ivel: HAS
Spynosaurus: HAS
Harpy: NO
Seth Rollins Ate Sugar: NO
RubyChao: GRACE
Spynosaurus: FUCK
Harpy: he doesn't have a fuck either
ivel: double fail
Spynosaurus: FUNNY FACE
Harpy: that's how many fucks he gives

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