Monday, March 2, 2015

I Open Up My Wallet, And It Is Full Of Blood


"You do realize that defeating them head-on is impossible. At least, you'd better." said a hissing, insistent voice.

"Hmph. Do you really think so little of me?" Rex Maximilan replied as a hulking shadow quietly extended out of the darkness of the bar to hand him a fresh drink. "That's not how - thank you - this is going to work. I never operate that way, anyway. That's the domain of all of you, most of the time. But I'm going to ask that you all show some restraint."

"Restraint? I don't have time for any fuckin' restraint." said a voice corrupted with anger. "I'm here to fuck shit up, and you don't have any shit worth fuckin', I'll find my own!"

"Then you do so at your own peril." Rex said cooly. "This will not be a conventional war. This war will be fought my way. Subterfuge. Stealth. Suppression. We will not break their bodies. We will break their minds and spirits." He glanced at the angry-voiced one. "Surely even you could appreciate that kind of destruction."

"Heh. I get you, Rex." drawled a voice from the corner. "Much as I love a good pummeling... there's more than one kinda power. And us, we have all kinds here. That's what it's all about, y'know. Power. Someone's gotta lead these sheep. And we're the ones to do it."

We hold power.

The voice came from everywhere and nowhere, and nobody batted an eye at its' hollow echo or foreboding tone.

We shall find them and drive them out. They will fear us.

"My sister and I have a request." a haughty female voice spoke up. "We'd like to focus on those two succubi. They bring dishonor to the demon name, and have broken all of the-"

"You can have 'em, long as we get a hold of Silence. What got into her? I can't wait to wring an answer out of her." said the rough-edged voice of a young, strong man.

"How do you propose to do that?" the haughty woman shot back. "A lively game of charades? Ohohohoho-"

"What, we're calling dibs now?" said the man in the corner. "Can we at least wait and see which of those bozos actually shows up?"

"Hmmmmmph." a muffled voice concurred.

"Oh yes, we all have our favorites." a woman cooed. "If that ratty recluse comes back for a second round, my darlings will beat up more than just her Pokemon."

"Everyone, settle down." Rex said patiently. "You'll all get your turn at glory. For now, we wait, and we plan. If we all work together, just as they got famous for doing, and just as we have these last two years... we can win."

Rex looked around the bar. Not just any bar, either - this was none other than The Monster's Lair, a very special bar. One maybe not so different from the one that had been in Manhattan three short years ago.

He looked at the faces. Masked men - and a masked woman. The unholy sisters. The monstrous, looming, silent bartender. The two men with hate in their hearts, one wrapped in shadows and the other lost under bulky armor. The insect. The dragon tamer. He looked for a moment for someone else who had spoken earlier, but did not see them. One never could be sure where THAT one would be, even if they were speaking directly to you. And there were a few others not present right now.

"...After all," he smirked, "There's only one thing proven to defeat a kobber...

More kobbers."

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