Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 187: Roll for Chuckling

(Regarding an enormous bowl of cereal)

SteelKomodo: ...why D:
Harpy: world records
Harpy: also to appease sarah
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Draco: It's Corn Flakes though. She won't eat what ain't sweet.
SteelKomodo: just add a bit of sugar
SteelKomodo: it's what I always did with my corn flakes when I was a kid
Harpy: i just dump sugar on cheerios
Harpy: like a heathen
Draco: I always just bought Frosted Flakes.


ivel: "Ice Mario, Tanooki Luigi, and Fire Luigi turn on Boomerang Luigi, killing him."
Harpy: die, non-official art char
Harpy: all the non-official art dudes gun die
ivel: :I
ivel: watch Frog Luigi win


Dark News Del: i wrote the knuckles rpg
SteelKomodo: he has and all
SteelKomodo: seems p. awesome so far
Dark News Del: im writing the gm rules right now
SteelKomodo: woot
RubyChao: oh my god del
RubyChao: that's beautiful
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Dark News Del: gm rules
RubyChao: i like how laughing evilly is a required part
Dark News Del: its v important


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: i just found a theory
RubyChao: that the regi trio represents the atomic bombings
SteelKomodo: ...what D:
RubyChao: it's short, i'll quote the whole thing
RubyChao: "If you ever played Pokémon 3rd gen (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald), then you probably know the three legendary Golems; Regice, Regirock, and Registeel. They is also the key to obtain Regigigas in Pokémon Platinum. All of them have unique patterns on their faces that look similar to alphabet letters. Regirock has H, Regice has T, and Registeel has O. The compound HTO ( Hydrogen Tritium Oxygen) is produced during nuclear explosion.
In order to even meet the three Golems, you also need two additional Pokémon: Wailord and Relicanth. Wailord looks similar to the B-29 bombers used in WWII and Relicanth looks like a missile without its fins.
The Golems' cries sounds weird as well. If you listen closely, Regirock's cry sounds like bomb shelter demolished, Registeel sounds like explosion, and Regice sounds like screams of people. To further perpetuate this matter, if you raise them from start, they all start with the move explosion. Their final learnset is Hyperbeam at Level 89. 8/9/1945 is the day of second / Nagasaki bombing of Japan in WWII.


Cornwind Evil: Take two....okay Samus, THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL
RubyChao: guess what this video has inspired me to do
RubyChao: if you guessed "play more Metroid Prime" you were right


RubyChao: also i just remembered part of my dream
RubyChao: it had to do with GOOPER
RubyChao: 's blog
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: namely, you were doing a blogpost on your top ten pogeys
RubyChao: and for some reason... like all of them were Gen V
RubyChao: like i don't remember the specific pogeys but 8 or 9 of them were Gen V
Gooper Blooper: well I DO like a lot of gen five pogeys but I'm pretty sure my top ten would be fairly diverse
Harpy: volcanarona, petill, possibly cottonee
Gooper Blooper: Going by this, the gens are 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 5
RubyChao: you can't like regice! HE'S A METAPHOR FOR THE ATOM BOMB
Gooper Blooper: I'm so spooked right now


Cornwind Evil: "Unable to score a record deal, Jay Z started his own label, selling CDs out of his car. (For younger readers, CDs are magical downloads that exist on enchanted circles that fit into that slot on the dashboard in cars.)"


ivel: wow that's rude game
ivel: I just got a title in Mabinogi "The one who can't find a needle in a stack of needles"
ivel: :I


SteelKomodo: "Stick insects are great at disguises, and a bunch of slow-motion bumbling stumblefucks at everything else."


RubyChao: i watched one steam train related video linked here and now youtube won't stop recommending me anime titty thumbnails
Harpy: delete it from your history
iKomodo: Oh no D:
Tableter: You cant fight it chao
Tableter: Embrace the anime titty
iKomodo: Technically, he already has :U
iKomodo: not sure if burds count tho


Gooper Blooper: I went grocery shopping today and saw something weird
Harpy: do tell, goops
Gooper Blooper: My store (Price Chopper, New England chain, mentioned them before) has this little no-man's-land section where they dump stuff that's on clearance
Gooper Blooper: I peek over there every so often
Draco: And that's where he found....?
RubyChao: a baby
Gooper Blooper: Today they had an action figure of WWE superstar Dolph Ziggler, and his presence greatly confused me because I have been coming to this store for years and they have never sold WWE figures, ever
Gooper Blooper: where did this thing come from
Gooper Blooper: On the bottom of the package was scrawled in pen "2.00"
Gooper Blooper: everything else there had a normal price tag
Tableter: 2bux
RubyChao: goops no
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: you'll wake up and he'll be hitting you with his finisher
Gooper Blooper: I decided to leave him be, I don't really know what I would do with a Dolph Ziggler action figure
RubyChao: oh, someone else gets the creepy then
iKomodo: Pfffft
RubyChao: have him wrestle godzilla
RubyChao: what ELSE would you do
Harpy: gooper isn't the type to willingly go along with a creepypasta
Gooper Blooper: I have to admit the thought crossed my mind


RubyChao: utsuho reiuji has really big wings


Harpy: meanwhile i watched the most awkward episode of Jojo ever
Harpy: "okay how do we get fanservice while making it a giant joke" "Hey i know how about we get a lady with a stand that can magnetise them, and she has a ton of nuts and bolts in her bra and she has goddamn sexy legs and an ass like woah"
Gooper Blooper: an ass like woah?
Gooper Blooper: more like
Gooper Blooper: an ass like Jo
iKomodo: pfffffft


Tableter: I just read a comment telling someone to drink bleach because they liked the sonic adventure 2 version of Sonic's theme over the SA1 version
Tableter: Never change sonic fans
Tableter: Never change
Harpy: the fuc
Gooper Blooper: why were you reading comments
Harpy: the SA1 version sounded a bit like ass imo
Harpy: 2slow for a fast as hell hedgehog
Draco: O_O
iKomodo: D:
Tableter: Because goops
Tableter: I like to hurt myself mentally
iKomodo: gotta admit, I liked the SA2 character themes better
iKomodo: but then I never played SA1
Gooper Blooper: del hurt himself today
Gooper Blooper: to see if he still felt
Tableter: Dont worry goops
Tableter: The great emerald's power allows me to feel
Harpy: >​ban: Tableter
Tableter: Not possible


RubyChao: who wants EVEN MORE TENSHI
iKomodo: I'm going to sleep
iKomodo: so I cannot witness more Tenshi
RubyChao: no tenshi it is
RubyChao: except for WATERSKI TENSHI
Gooper Blooper: hahaha the comment
RubyChao: tenshi is apparently a banjo-playing pokemon trainer now
RubyChao: who knew
Harpy: sir, that is a lute or a mandolin
Harpy: not a banjo
Gooper Blooper: ...what the
Gooper Blooper: again, one comment on the image
Gooper Blooper: same user, same reaction image
RubyChao: i think whoever it is just really likes short haired tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Miya just inexplicably nosebleeds at every tenshi pic on Pixiv
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: we've reached
RubyChao: fun fact short haired tenshi is really popular
RubyChao: if i ever give her a haircut i'll have tons of art to use
Draco: Crisis on Infinite Tenshis
Gooper Blooper: *immediately goes to comments*
Gooper Blooper: yep, there's Miya
Gooper Blooper: I like Realistic Fish Head Tenshi
RubyChao: *checks miya's profile*
Gooper Blooper: it's full of tenshis isn't it
RubyChao: 12 pictures, all of tenshi or iku, and a shitload of bookmarks which appear to be all tenshi or iku from cursory looks
RubyChao: but primarily tenshis, yes
RubyChao: tenshi how the fuck are you riding the nimbus cloud
RubyChao: you're not even close to being pure of heart
Gooper Blooper: yeah I clicked on it and the avatar, three listed works, and three listed bookmarks were Tenshi, Tenshi, Tenshi, Tenshi, Tenshi, Tenshi, and Iku
Gooper Blooper: lel
Draco: She's not really riding it so much as desperately clinging to it.
Gooper Blooper: and fucking Miya again with the reaction image
Gooper Blooper: why do I find this so funny
RubyChao: in a plot twist, Viola leaves her pixiv open
RubyChao: it turns out she's Miya
Gooper Blooper: imagine if Miya had some ghost Pokemon scattered in there
RubyChao: they even left a reaction on My Original Character Titshi
Gooper Blooper: *translates miya's "self-introduction"*
Gooper Blooper: "Tenshi-chan Seriously angel!!"
RubyChao: hell i never need to search for tenshis again
RubyChao: all i have to do is go through miya's bookmarks
RubyChao: and i'll have all the tenshis i ever need
RubyChao: a picture on the 18th page of miya's bookmarks is from this year
RubyChao: which means they've been working hard at collecting tenshis
Gooper Blooper: literally every drawing of Tenshi on Pixiv has Miya come in, reaction image at it, bookmark it, and leave
RubyChao: absolutely required
RubyChao: so casual
Harpy: sweater
Gooper Blooper: okay, so that picture is Tenshi eating a peach with Miya reaction imaging in the comments
Gooper Blooper: that's as close as you can get to "a summary of tenshi on pixiv"
RubyChao: hahahahaha
Draco: Tenshi eating things and being stalked by Viola Miya.
RubyChao: the essence of tenshi


Gooper Blooper: today's mental image while listening to music on YouTube:
Gooper Blooper: Celestia bringing in and revealing the wedding cake for Saralex, set to Also Sprach Zarathustra
Gooper Blooper: A massive curtain slowly revealing more and more cake as Celestia spreads her arms dramatically
RubyChao: everyone begins to move away in shock
Gooper Blooper: cut to reactions from the audience
Gooper Blooper: Fear, shock, nervousness
Gooper Blooper: then Josephine staring dully with drool, and Sarah with big shining eyes and =D mouth


Jumpropeman: *googles GRE test prep* Hmmm, google says I should have been preparing for two months before the test, not two days


Tableter: Im frantically reblogging skeletons


Wanderer: Round 1: Earl Urd stabs Mand'alor with a tree branch. Grandma Lily and Lone Wanderer threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Earl Lemongrab forces HK-47 to kill Raul Tejada or Yagren Njuilchao. He decides to kill Yagren Njuilchao. Kim Gray forces Commander Shepard to kill Lyssia Ijaat or Courier Six. She decides to kill Lyssia Ijaat. Razaan Redscales forces Kim'ika Keilyli to kill Cole of the Fade or Queen Safira. She decides to kill Cole of the Fade.
Round 2: Raul Tejada and Cauren Carpetshield fight Queen Safira and Kim'ika Keilyli. Queen Safira and Kim'ika Keilyli survive. Mynmikda Borjigen tries to find other tributes and finds Courier Six. Razaan Redscales stabs Veovis Keilyli with a tree branch.
Round 3: Queen Safira, Earl Urd, and Mynmikda Borjigen successfully ambush and kill Dian Akaan'agol, Kim Gray, and Khan Caetzyr.
Round 4: Mr. Daniel forces Commander Shepard to kill Aiden Thane or Kim'ika Keilyli. She decides to kill Aiden Thane. HK-47 dies of thirst. (Among a startling abundance of shack-building all of a sudden.) (While being a robot itself.)
Round 5: No cannon shots. Crowd displeased.
Round 6: Queen Safira shoots a poisonous blow dart into Mr. Daniel's neck, slowly killing him.
Round 8: Forscythe Puddingshins taints Earl Urd's food, killing him. Earl Lemongrab attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. Commander Shepard dies of thirst. Razaan Redscales dies of dysentery.
Round 9: Mynmikda Borjigen and Kim'ika Keilyli threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Forscythe Puddingshins accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Courier Six cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Random Guest at Ash's Wedding wins. :S
Wanderer: Most common causes of death: Sticks, suicide, and dehydration.


Dark News Del: so i took some newbs into the warrens to kill some pigmen
Dark News Del: helios and barbara hit 100 stress and became stalwart and forceful respectively, proceeding to own bowns
Dark News Del: however, i had an unnamed leper with me
Dark News Del: the pigmen LOVED vomiting on him, he hit 100 stress, freaked out and became cowardly, and racked up a ton of debuff quirks
Dark News Del: i quickly found a name for him
RubyChao: that's beautiful
Dark News Del: it's poetic
Dark News Del: then i fired him and hired a new rogue


Breetannia: sad truth: I'm disappointed that I do not need glasses because I look hella sexy in glasses
Breetannia: or anyway I think I do =P


Gooper Blooper: If I say that one of the things I'm most looking forward to when me and the fam go shopping on Goopsmom's birthday is buying storage containers, does it give away that I am A)spring cleaning B)getting ready to move C)a Huge Dork D) all of the above
RubyChao: D
RubyChao: most definitely D
Harpy: D
Harpy: for Dorkus Maximus
SteelKomodo: yeah, obviously D :U


(Harpy's linked image of Ramza Alex's head suddenly multiplies in size)

Harpy: why is my alex thing suddenly hueg
Harpy: i have no idea what happened and I didn't even touch anything
Gooper Blooper: Haha yeah I saw that
Gooper Blooper: that image is larger than Alex himself
Harpy: WOAH
Harpy: goopy with the low blow
Gooper Blooper: it's not really an insult
Gooper Blooper: tiny blonde couple is adorable
Harpy: that image is about the size of his heart tho
Harpy: hur
Gooper Blooper: :3
SteelKomodo: :3
Tableter: 3:


RubyChao: i had a silly thought on the way here
RubyChao: a doppleganger tries to impersonate tenshi
RubyChao: they've copied her body perfectly, they captured her arrogant attitude, they even faked being unable to swim
RubyChao: but they make one crucial mistake
RubyChao: they laugh "Ohohohohoho!" instead of "Ahahahahahaha!"
RubyChao: instantly exposed


Harpy: sonia was actually supposed to be a paladin/warrior type character
Harpy: as i made her several times before in MMOs as the pally-warrior peep
Harpy: in one she even has a sword that has the spirit of a girl in it that sorta thinks of her as her big sister? I dunno how to describe it
Harpy: alas zfrp happened and suddenly it was mages all the way down
Harpy: though it would be funny to have a pally hype as fuck about demons
Gooper Blooper: I'm trying to imagine the demon-summoning witch as a paladin
Gooper Blooper: it's not working :V
Harpy: zfrp is embedded in you
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't have it any other way
Gooper Blooper: I love #ruined


RubyChao: >​parents are watching some show
RubyChao: >​overhear "It's okay. I had a party with my books."
RubyChao: gloria intensifies?
Gooper Blooper: imagining a comparison picture
Gooper Blooper: panel 1: Boring Normal Day, Gloria sitting in a big comfy chair reading a book
Gooper Blooper: panel 2: BOOK PARTY, Gloria in the same chair in the same pose reading a book, but she's also eating a slice of cake


Jumpropeman: *shoots a three-pointer from downtown*
Cad: Whoaaaa there.
Cad: No, no, no, boy. I appreciate the pun, but sneakers do not give ninjas a stealth bonus. :v
Jumpropeman: sneakers, more like squeakers amiright
Jumpropeman: *laugh track*
Cad: Yessir.
Cad: You aren't going to tell us who the Doc's friends were, are ya.
Cad: -pokes curiously-
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: there's an intelligent one
Jumpropeman: and one has a steaming rifle
Jumpropeman: and a fat one
Jumpropeman: and a winged one!
Jumpropeman: and that's not even all of them :D
Cad: That's -what- rather than whom.


RubyChao: oh, bree
RubyChao: just because it came to me today
RubyChao: would amity's name for iku be "coo"
Breetannia: no it's ick
Breetannia: Iku = ick
RubyChao: "Hello, I'm Iku." "ick" "...:I"
Breetannia: exactly
Breetannia: :U


Kogasa: Touhou music or disgaea music
RubyChao: disgaea music
Kogasa: Ruby with the swerve
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Kogasa: Is this some sort of reverse psychology trick
RubyChao: not as far as you know
Kogasa: Are you saying it is as far as YOU know
RubyChao: i didn't say that outright, did i?
Kogasa: Or is this a ploy to keep all the touhous to yourself :u
RubyChao waves hands spookily
RubyChao: well shit she's onto me
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: just roleplaying a revolving door of touhous constantly
RubyChao: a different one each week
Kogasa: I have to give up the rights to reimu
Breetannia: still thinking of RPing a 2hu for season 5
Breetannia: (or season 6 or something)
RubyChao: i would quite enjoy seeing other people rp 2hus
RubyChao: my influence spreads
Breetannia: if I roleplay a 2hu then you have to repay me in unyus
Breetannia: not enough unyu
SteelKomodo: yes Okuu should totes go unyu at some point
RubyChao: i will find ways for okuu to unyu, then
Breetannia: more votes for unyu
Breetannia: the best way to unyu is a quizzical unyu
Breetannia: "unyu?"
Breetannia: or maybe "unyu~"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Kogasa: "Do you swear to luv pit 5eva" "unyu~"
SteelKomodo: :3


Harpy: dw8 stuff: ivel's character had a kid
Harpy: good stats
Harpy: how would that conversation even go


Gooper Blooper: meanwhile in blogger news
Gooper Blooper: blogger was going to enforce a strict no-porn policy but backed down
Gooper Blooper: dirkblog is safe
SteelKomodo: :D


RubyChao: oh, i just remembered this ridiculous mental image i came up with
RubyChao: involving a character who i'm not even planning to use in rp
Gooper Blooper: I love ridiculous mental images
RubyChao: okay so remember that yoshika is a touhou and a zombie (well jiang shi but it's a similar enough concept)
RubyChao: i had this sudden thought of her on a Kobber Adventure, and the villain slices her head right off her body
Gooper Blooper: That the one with the spell tag on her forehead?
RubyChao: yup!
RubyChao: anyhow, thanks to her undead nature, she's able to get her body to just pick her head up and hold it on her body, while asking for help
RubyChao: ...unfortunately, sarah accidentally uses a spell for healing instead of a potion. and she zaps off yoshika's arm
RubyChao: "..." "..." "...Sorry D:" "I can get a new one, it's cool."
Harpy: if she dies then she can just rise back up again
Harpy: she's technically immortal if you don't burn up her entire body at once
Gooper Blooper: Yoshika and that dullahan 2hu take on Eudes Incael
Gooper Blooper: "ALL HEADS OFF BUT MINE"
Gooper Blooper: *heads fall off, they keep fighting*
Gooper Blooper: "fuck"


Harpy: i am sorry, draco and ivel
Harpy: i have failed to eat all the chocolate
RubyChao: nooooo
Gooper Blooper: ssbm announcer etc


Cornwind Evil: For bad video game lines
Cornwind Evil: Nothing beats the Sega Saturn version of Shining Force 3
Cornwind Evil: "Spirits, lend me your powers? Like, if it's not too much trouble and stuff?" *pops gum*
Gooper Blooper: Shimmer etc
RubyChao: "I'm going to kill you."
RubyChao: "...Well, if I feel like it."


Gooper Blooper: also Goopsmom conversations about the other two brawls went like this:
Gooper Blooper: BBB3:
"So we did another one of those giant roleplay character fights."
"Who'd you enter?"
"Widow Maker-"
"No, but she-"
"*disappointed noise*"
RubyChao: did you tell her a rock won
Gooper Blooper: I told her a Paper Mario character won
Gooper Blooper: "Well good for them but I wanted Widow Maker"
Harpy: obvious bias towards son
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: BBB4:
"Whatcha doing up this late?"
"Just reading the end of this year's big character battle."
"How'd you do?"
"Get ready... second place."
Harpy: this is why we don't allow her to vote


RubyChao: >​creepypasta called Noah
RubyChao: >​not about one of the bible games
RubyChao: i'm disappointed

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