Friday, March 20, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 189: Tenshi Edition

Deleter: wulf i may be coming to the usa in the near future
Saberwulf: Gesp
Deleter: gusp
Saberwulf: Which area of this wonderful land of highways and starbucks would you be visiting?
Deleter: it depends on which part of the training course i take
Saberwulf: Do the one that sends you to the east coast, the west is garbage
Deleter: i could be in ohio, massachusetts, california, washington, colorado
Deleter: wulf i fear your eastcoastness may bias you :P
Deleter: also i have never been to the us ever so
Deleter: i want to experience the long highways, shitty commercials, terrible food and insane worldview fresh and wide-eyed
Saberwulf: Ohio's boring, Mass is okay but HORRENDOUSLY WHITE, Cali's poppin' but the cities are giant slums and everything outside of them is racist and homophobic, Washington if you mean the state is really chill but a burger is 15 dollars and everyone shoots heroin, colorado has legal weed and is a lot cheaper than washington
Deleter: yeah but dross is in ohio so i can go surprise him
Saberwulf: Pff


Saberwulf: I apparently rendered a woman a complete sobbing mess with my poetry so I guess I have talent


Gooper Blooper: I am going to make a boyga
Gooper Blooper: I also have donuts
Gooper Blooper: good times
Saberwulf: Make the burger from the boondocks
Saberwulf: Bacon cheeseburger between two krispy kreme donuts
Saberwulf: You'll die but damn will it be worth it
Deleter: scorp's famous flaming boygas
Deleter: literally on fire
Gooper Blooper: Can't be done, my donuts are minis
Saberwulf: That's exactly the kind of thing Scorp would make
Saberwulf: Also damn
Draco: That sounds glorious, Wulf.
Gooper Blooper: *sarah eats one in ZFRP*
SteelKomodo: lel


Deleter: im
Deleter: im gonna post
Deleter: like right now aaaaaa


RubyChao: rip satori
Gooper Blooper: but it's so soft
RubyChao: notice that okuu's boobs smashed her into the wall, though
Gooper Blooper: oh okay
Gooper Blooper: 2booby


Jumpropeman: *open cracked article: "7 Monsters That Bigfoot Hunters are too scared to believe in"* Number 7: Ogopogo
Jumpropeman: ; _ ; 7
Gooper Blooper: :<
iKomodo: ;_;
RubyChao: :(


Jumpropeman: Tenshi after every failure
Gooper Blooper: woah hold on a second
Gooper Blooper: that Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Ah-HA
Gooper Blooper: YES
Jumpropeman: holy crapoli
Jumpropeman: I was spot on then :V


RubyChao: first: i understand cirno's pain on a spiritual level
RubyChao: second: look at that url
RubyChao: letty getting insulted by websites now


Jumpropeman: *sends Bree one (1) huggles*
Breetannia: *sends Jumpropeman three (3) huggles in return*
Breetannia: interest
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: twas a sound investment


Unnerved Spy: Today I learned walking home at 11 PM may lead to seeing some weeeird shit
Breetannia: like what?
Cornwind Evil: Like what?
Gooper Blooper: 2spooky
Cornwind Evil: What's that old playground game, jinx?
Leafsong: What was it?
Cornwind Evil: Where two people say the same thing at more or less the same time?
Gooper Blooper: That's what it's called. Always did hate that.
Jumpropeman: I'll have you know I'm the Jinx world champion six years running >:I
Unnerved Spy: Well, it turns out people like to get drunk at this hour
Unnerved Spy: Some people get a bit . . . indecent when drunk
Leafsong: Really now?
Unnerved Spy: Like today's delightfully nsfw moment of some random guy shouting "WHO WANTS TO SEE MY DICK!?", then whipping it right out
Breetannia: hahahahahahahahahahahaha​haha
Breetannia: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: only the most high-class of individuals at Cornell
Breetannia: that's so funny
Unnerved Spy: My dorm's off-campus but still counts as cornell housing
Breetannia: literally lol-ing right now
Unnerved Spy: So I dunno if he was a student or just Some Guy Who Lives In Town
Leafsong: Oh Sweet Jesus.
Unnerved Spy: But either way he was quite excited about showing it off
Cornwind Evil: It turns out he just wanted everyone to meet the private detective he hired.
Unnerved Spy: I'm just laughing because my friend was specifically saying "I'll show you a way home that's a bit quicker and less dark"
Jumpropeman: Inch High Private Eye does fit easily in your pocket
Unnerved Spy: And yet instead of less strange stuff we got . . . that
Breetannia: and now I'll forever associate JRM's new character with dongs


Deleter: it appears jonesy cannot run a city
Deleter: no matter how much she thinks she can
Cornwind Evil: Where did she goof?
Deleter: power
Deleter: ran out of cash to build more windfarms
Deleter: thankfully the new city of dongington is doing much better
Cornwind Evil: Good thing considering the name
Deleter: it has to
Deleter: we have to show that our skyscrapers will be the biggest
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Deleter: do not pursue cuccoo
Harpy: i wouldn't pursue chicken anyway
Cornwind Evil: If you have to be warned against seeking sex on the basis you deserve it, it's do not construe snoo-snoo.
Deleter: haha
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: here's a stupid comic about Robotech
Deleter: how to draw robotech eh
Gooper Blooper: first you draw a bunch of shapes
Gooper Blooper: then you draw more shapes
Gooper Blooper: and hey presto it's a hovertank
Deleter: yeah that's a common complaint actually
Deleter: draw these basic lines
Deleter: then do a bit more
Deleter: then draw the goddamn owl


RubyChao: i was playing echoes and i realized something
RubyChao: there's more characterization given to a bunch of troopers who are already dead than were given to living members of you-know-who's squad
RubyChao: that says something
RubyChao: (it says that that game sucks)
Gooper Blooper: (shock of the decade)
Deleter: other kek
SteelKomodo: Kektroid
RubyChao: metroid II remake
RubyChao: advertised with "It's Not Other M So Be Happy"
Gooper Blooper: they'd have to be somewhat more subtle
Gooper Blooper: something like "it's the original metroid style you remember"
Gooper Blooper: or "BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT"
Gooper Blooper: or "she's a mastodon again"
Breetannia: "20% less THE BABY"


Breetannia: listening to Evanescence while playing Pokémon-Amie is a weird experience and I don't recommend it
Breetannia: unless you are Viola
Breetannia: Viola being an Evanescence fan is my headcanon
Gooper Blooper: "BRINNNNNNG MEEEEEE TOOOOO LIIIIIIIFE" *cleffa eating cupcake*
SteelKomodo: XD
Breetannia: yes exactly
RubyChao: idk why but that made me think of viola being one of those people who dances/sings along to their favorite music
RubyChao: but only when no one could be watching
Breetannia: I didn't plan on this bizarre combination but I was playing pogeys, wanted some music, and when I opened up my music player I had one of their songs stuck in my head so I decided to play it
Breetannia: and then somehow instead of selecting the one song I accidentally selected all of them so :shrug:


Cornwind Evil: So
Cornwind Evil: A month ago I requested Angeflre close my old website which has been floating in the Internet murk for the past 15 years
Cornwind Evil:'s still up
Gooper Blooper: kek
Cornwind Evil: It's going to become my own personal Ron Paul sign
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: The Eternal Shame
Gooper Blooper: speaking of which, I saw it today sooooo
Gooper Blooper: RON PAUL SIGN UPDATE: yep, there it is
Gooper Blooper: vote for ron paul 2012
Breetannia: what is "Ron Paul sign"
Breetannia: I mean I kind of know who Ron Paul is
Breetannia: he's a politician IIRC
Gooper Blooper: Outside my local recycling center there is a political sign advertising Ron Paul for the 2012 Republican primary
Gooper Blooper: It has been there for over three years now and nobody ever bothered to remove it
Saberwulf: RON PAUL
Gooper Blooper: The left and right sides of the sign, however, have fallen off
Saberwulf: Ron Paul is goofballs crazy and so is his son
SteelKomodo: ey wulf
Gooper Blooper: so now it just says "n P"
Gooper Blooper: but it remains up, keeping an eternal vigilance
Gooper Blooper: it might be the only Election 2012 sign left up in the country for all I know


Saberwulf: Delaware City's very much unhidden gem
Gooper Blooper: >​"senpai, notice me"
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Deleter: that looks awesome
Cornwind Evil: Have I mentioned I hate the word waifu?
SteelKomodo: you have now :U
Cornwind Evil: I just...don't like it
Saberwulf: Waifu is funny as all fuck
Deleter: i don't like waifu used straight but i laugh so hard at husbando
Breetannia: Viola is Tenshi's waifu
RubyChao: "NO SHE ISN-" "she totally is" "SHUT UP YUUGI"
RubyChao: i love how tenshi constantly yells at the girl who is a foot and a half taller and way more muscled than her
Gooper Blooper: it's very tenshi of her to do so
Deleter: all skeletons are my waifus
Gooper Blooper: just completely disregard that this woman is twice your size
Deleter: its hard
RubyChao: it doesn't matter that she could probably break you in half with her bare hands, SHE OFFENDED YOUR PRIDE


RubyChao: cyborg okuu
RubyChao: and cyborg okuu in action
Tableter: That looks very heavy
Gooper Blooper: okuu, do up your shirt
Gooper Blooper: you're in the middle of a fight dammit
Tableter: If she didnt have back problems before they're guaranteed now
Gooper Blooper: utsuho powers through back problems with THE STRENGTH OF THE ATOM
Gooper Blooper: *50s filmstrip music, clenches pipe in teeth and talks down to a young boy named Timmy in order to tell him to duck and cover*
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: oh god that gave me this thought
RubyChao: "Meet your friend, the atomic bomb!"
RubyChao: *atomic bomb represented by chibi utsuho*
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: If utsuho had existed back then you know they totally would have gone for it
Gooper Blooper: "It's perfect! A cute personification of certain death!"
Gooper Blooper: "Let's see them make When The Wind Blows NOW!"


RubyChao: a
Tableter: A
Gooper Blooper: b
Tableter: HE
Gooper Blooper: HAS
RubyChao: HAS
Gooper Blooper: awwww
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper: streak broken
iKomodo: NO
RubyChao: we botched it goops
iKomodo: aw, nuts
RubyChao: we botched it
Tableter: No he-at trick
Tableter: Rip lonkry kang
RubyChao: Here Lies Lanky Kong
RubyChao: ~He Had No Style, He Had No Grace~
Gooper Blooper: lanky kong for BBB5
RubyChao: watch, it'll be del's lotto fighter
Tableter: its that or knuckles
Draco: That Kong...had a funny...face. [;-;]7


Breetannia: you know what would be great
Breetannia: a pairing
Breetannia: of a 2hu
Breetannia: with another 2hu
RubyChao: hot 2hu on 2hu actions
Draco: Tenshi x Her Ego
Tableter: 2hu4me


Cornwind Evil: So
Cornwind Evil: ON A WHIM
Cornwind Evil: Imma putting Tenshi's name into Deviantart's search engine
Cornwind Evil: Let's time before how long I regret it!

(time passes)

Cornwind Evil:
RubyChao: #comeuppance
Gooper Blooper: oh god the comeuppance
RubyChao: now to make it canon no that'd be too much
RubyChao: even for me
Gooper Blooper: Viola finds other accounts about Tenshi causing natural disasters that aren't biased versions delivered by tenshi, is disgusted and leaves tenshi, tenshi cries herself to sleep that night and never returns to roleplay OKAY CUT IT PRINT ROLL CREDITS
RubyChao: you forgot the part where viola spreads the truth and the bar agrees to ostracize her (despite accepting people with much more checkered pasts)
Gooper Blooper: "Comeuppance: The Rise And Fall of Tenshi Hinanawi gets a Thumbs Up from me for giving that asshole what she really had coming to her" - every movie critic
RubyChao: so did you find anything regret-worthy yet, cw
Cornwind Evil: Within one second
Cornwind Evil: I just didn't mention it
RubyChao: oh, haha


RubyChao: hey look


Breetannia: it's My Friend Jumpropeman!
Breetannia: hello Jumpropeman!
Jumpropeman: yes, it is My Friend Jumpropeman! Ain't he swell
Jumpropeman: poke his belly and he'll say a catchphrase!
Leafsong: poke!
Breetannia: My Friend My Original Character Blumpropeman is better >:I
Jumpropeman: "OW! Be more careful! This is how Houdini died!"
Jumpropeman: Blumpropeman has me beat on all fronts ; o ;


Ded Spy With Sickness joined the chat
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Silence
Draco: Hi Spoi.
Cornwind Evil: And now bad spelling
Cornwind Evil: Watch out you'll summon a giant female wrestler to smash you
Draco: =O
Draco: Me ow
Cornwind Evil: And now you're a cat
Cornwind Evil: Who can't type
Draco: Can any cat type?
Cornwind Evil: Fair point


(SK is watching Ninninger)

SteelKomodo: he throws this red shuriken at the monsters and it cuts a load of them down. One of them demands to know who he is
SteelKomodo: His reply? "A ninja."


Gooper Blooper: haha this stock photo
Gooper Blooper: someone's playing favorites
iKomodo: Yep
Harpy: i approve
ivel: #lewd


Breetannia: wow, fortree city is like *Ariel breathing heavily in background*
Gooper Blooper: haha yeah lemme check what I said when Ariel got to Fortree in my Emerald run
Gooper Blooper: "Ariel reaches Fortree City, a city of treehouses with an emphasis on connecting with nature and living green. Ariel has to take a cold shower from the excitement."
Breetannia: lel
iKomodo: XD
Harpy: amazing


RubyChao: who wants a touhou
RubyChao: singular
Gooper Blooper: touhous are like pringles
Gooper Blooper: you can't have just one
Harpy: i am almost curious
RubyChao: 1hu
Gooper Blooper: classy
Gooper Blooper: and now we watch as chao struggles to not link another hu
Breetannia: don't resist, chao
Breetannia: give in to the temptation
RubyChao: 2hu
RubyChao: redhu
RubyChao: bluehu
Breetannia: encouragement apparently not needed


Gooper Blooper: "FIIIIIRRRRRRE" *5 million bullets*
RubyChao: are you implying this is how tenshi works
Gooper Blooper: oh god imagining Tenshi in BLU Medic's place
RubyChao: complete with flipping everyone off
Gooper Blooper: viola doing the hand wave, reimu doing crotch chops
iKomodo: The villains just staring like O_O
Gooper Blooper: she can even use State of Enlightenment instead of the ubercharge, fuck it's too perfect
RubyChao: literally the same poses except it's tenshi crackling with red energy
Harpy: yiss


Gooper Blooper: Mental image: Chao makes it this season's mission to get a pairing with Gloria, goes in with both barrels trying to win her over, somehow ends up paired with Silence instead
RubyChao: hahahahaha
RubyChao: i end up crafting the perfect gloria-dating nerdy bookish boy character
RubyChao: gets scooped up by silence
RubyChao: because silence likes that type more than gloria does


Breetannia: honestly every suggested and joke pairing makes me squee, it's not "I want to see this character in a pairing" it's just "I want to see more pairings"
Breetannia: "more more more not enough yet"


Knock Knock Its Del: crusader kings is a game of medieval power politics
Knock Knock Its Del: and murder
Knock Knock Its Del: and incest
Knock Knock Its Del: basically game of thrones but with actual history


Gooper Blooper: here's a Plasma Blast pack with Genesect spewing lightning everywhere
SteelKomodo: Genesect calm down brah
Gooper Blooper: actually they put Genesect on the pack art again in the very next set and he looked to have got it out of his system
Gooper Blooper: "nah man it's cool"
SteelKomodo: phew


RubyChao: "But I'm not like a Celestial at all and... I'm a teensy bit self-centered..." - from tenshiart
Gooper Blooper: she admits it
RubyChao: but she's only very slightly self-centered
RubyChao: just a little


Bree: just explained #butts meme to blue
Bree: do you want to see the discussion
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: oh this should be good
SteelKomodo: yes
Bree: Brenda: Chatzy is obsessed with Josephine's ass.
-Azure: Oh God...
-Brenda: Just in case you were not aware.
-Brenda: It's a meme.
-Azure: It is?
-Azure: Lol
-Brenda: Yes, the meme is specifically called "#Butts" because we talk about butts too much.
-Azure: Lovely.
-Brenda: It started when SK introduced the character Dirk who is a lovable perv and had him talk a lot about super-friendly f-rumpy-mage-robe mother of four Celestia. And her ass.
-Brenda: Her very large ass. Her badonkadonk.
-Brenda: Basically, Dirk hit on this sweet, innocent mom character because she just had an ass that would not quit.
-Brenda: It became canon that Celestia's butt levels were over 9,000.
-Brenda: And then it became a joke about Celestia's daughter, Josephine.
-Azure: Lol
-Brenda: And Dirk started dating Josephine and taught her to be confident about her body (Josephine had a minor plot where she had body image issues because she worked in a clothing store).
-Brenda: So now it's a meme. Butts are great, and Josephine's butt is the greatest of them all.
-Brenda: The Holy Grail of butts.
-Azure: All hail the Butt!
-Azure: And then all the other characters stood by like the fish in Nemo: "He touched the butt!"

RubyChao: #butts
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Dirk's done a lot more than just touch the butt, I'll have ye know :U
Gooper Blooper: I love the first line

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