Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 52: Baby's First Creepypasta

Saberwulf: I just realized
Saberwulf: I have tortilla chips, shredded cheese and a microwave
Saberwulf: Time for ghetto nachoes
TheDeleter: do it
SteelKomodo: yessssss


SteelKomodo: also, there's gonna be options for flirting with wimminz
SteelKomodo: that nets you bonuses and stuff
SteelKomodo: and each episode has a unique female lead that Dirk goes after like the loser he is
RedSpy: Pffft yes
SteelKomodo: Leisure Suit Dirk
SteelKomodo: like the wrestling episode has this girl from mebbe oklahoma or something like that
SteelKomodo: and the first time Dirk makes a move on her she suplexes him
SteelKomodo: "Yep... she digs me... '@_@"
RedSpy: Ahahahaha suplexes
RedSpy: Sabinette
SteelKomodo: indeed
SteelKomodo: also Dirk takes the piss out of whatever the subject matter of the episode is
SteelKomodo: like in the Watchmen episode, when he paraphrases Rorschach's famous quote
SteelKomodo: "The whores will look up and cry 'Save us!'... and I'll whisper... '2/10, wouldn't fuck."
RedSpy: "And the ladies will look up and say "Dirk, please let us show you our asses." And I will say . . . "Fuck yeah!" "
RedSpy: Pffft I almost had it
SteelKomodo: I'll save both, just in case


RedSpy: Hey, wanna hear a joke?
SteelKomodo: yes
RedSpy: The Super Mario Bros movie
SteelKomodo: XD


RedSpy: That's how it begins. You shoot up only occasionally, every week or so. Then suddenly, once a week just isn't cutting it. So you up it to twice a week. But now you've done twice a week enough it only gets you feeling normal, so you need more.
RedSpy: VGCW is a hell of a drug.


SteelKomodo: 1. Injustice: Gods Among Us is retitled Injustice: The Mighty Among Us in the Middle Eastern regions
SteelKomodo: you can't refer to gods over there, they're mostly muslim and islamic territories that don't like that sort of thing
JRM (lvl 20): Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles kinda thing, eh?
Gooper Blooper: In the Middle East, Arceus is just the CEO of Pokemon land


Gooper Blooper: Dirk tries hitting on all five sarahkin one after another, going down a line
Gooper Blooper: "You? You? How bout you?"
SteelKomodo: "And I'm taking you down, and I'm taking you down, and I'm taking you out, and I'm taking you out! ...for dinner!"
Gooper Blooper: And Sarah just stares
Gooper Blooper: "...I'm taken." "So?"
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: "There's dinner." "So?"
Gooper Blooper: "Don't think of it as a date, think of it as me paying to feed you."
SteelKomodo: YES
Gooper Blooper: yayyyy


RedSpy: No Tigger you can't ride
Gooper Blooper: front of the same box
SteelKomodo: Tigger gets shafted at the Winnie-The-Pooh reunion road trip :<
TheDeleter: well he tends to gatecrash these things
SteelKomodo: ...Top Gear: 100-Acre Wood Special
TheDeleter: gotta draw the line somewhere
SteelKomodo: tigger is clarkson, pooh is may and piglet is hammond
SteelKomodo: mmhm
SteelKomodo: "Admit it, buddy-bear, you brought the wrong car." "Oh, bother."
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: XD


SteelKomodo: probably fake, but d'aaaaw :3
Saberwulf: awww
SteelKomodo: SarahMoth


SteelKomodo: um, I forget
SteelKomodo: did Ilsaria come from Moga Village?
SteelKomodo: I vaguely remember she did
BasedSpy: Believe so, yes
SteelKomodo: ah
TheDeleter: dude how could you forget, you nearly blew it up
TheDeleter: :P
SteelKomodo changed name to Shao Kahn


Saberwulf: I flipped over to the forum tab and saw "AU and Original Content" and immediately read it as "aeiou"
Saberwulf: Goddamnit Del


SpyHatesEverything: This one site has a shitton of great stories. Better than the entire Creepypasta wiki, really
SteelKomodo: pffft
SteelKomodo: holy shit, this is actually awesome
SpyHatesEverything: He even does lost episodes right
SpyHatesEverything: Either making them nothing but creepy-ass TV shows or subtlely working twists in


SteelKomodo: guys, can you read what Dirk's saying?
Draco: I can.
SteelKomodo: phew
TheDeleter: barely
TheDeleter: but mind you i'm tired and my eyes hurt so
SpyHatesEverything: I can read it
SpyHatesEverything: I can read it nine times
TheDeleter: yeah it isn't very clear to me, could be darker
Saberwulf: I can read it perfectly because LCDs have destroyed my vision


SpyHatesEverything: Today, my mom asked me what a MILF is. Apparently that's her nickname at work. FML
Gooper Blooper: confession by sarah
SteelKomodo: oh god
Gooper Blooper: Legend of Milph
SteelKomodo: i can only imagine how awkward that convo was
Draco: That's awful. D8
SteelKomodo: also it was Light of Mylf
Gooper Blooper: oh yes
SteelKomodo Remembers
Gooper Blooper: Pepperidge Farm remembers
SpyHatesEverything: Milfman: one letter away from a milkman, but oh so different


JRM (lvl 23): i clicked on the Super Smash Bros Bloody Brawl link at the bottom of that page. That story is terrible, it's like a child writing his first creepy pasta
SpyHatesEverything: oh god don't click random pages on Creepypasta Wiki
SpyHatesEverything: Its the worst possible thing.
Draco: Yeah, that Bloody Brawl one was not scary.
JRM (lvl 23): it's like, "Yeah this character was bloody and had no eyes and so did THIS ONE and oh my gosh so scary I returned it!"
JRM (lvl 23): and he bought it for 2 bucks somehow on release night
Draco: THAT is the scary part. How is that Gamestop going to stay in business selling $2 pirated copies?
JRM (lvl 23): Well it's obviously not a used pirated copy because that would be at least 45 dollars
Draco: True.


Gooper Blooper: As much as we joke about dirksephine it'd take a while to get there
Gooper Blooper: Josephine getting a Dirk compliment means two very different things for her right now
TheDeleter: the magic of shipping
TheDeleter: ~it's wonderful~
Gooper Blooper: 1: He hit on my mom. I HAVE THE FIGURE OF MY MOM OH GOD
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: ...does she?
Gooper Blooper: 2: Dirk hits on everybody, so what makes me special?
Gooper Blooper: I don't think so
#RedSpy: Probably
TheDeleter: welp
SteelKomodo: ah
SteelKomodo: welp
Gooper Blooper: I mean, let's be frank here
Gooper Blooper: Celestia's forty years old, a mother of four, and her favorite hobby is cooking
Gooper Blooper: she's not jesus


Gooper Blooper: "So who does a methodical roleplay benefit, King?" "Well, when the dominant roleplayer takes his time, it gives everybody a chance to catch their breath, So I dunno!"


JRM (lvl 23): yo corny
Cornwind Evil: OH GOD
Cornwind Evil: WE MUST SAVE HIM.
JRM (lvl 23) changed name to JRM (rank 23)
JRM (rank 23): damnit, stupid fps level up systems
TheDeleter: JRM unlocked the new perk: Ghostly Dude
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornwind Evil (Rank -1)
Cornwind Evil (Rank -1): AH ITS GOT ME


Cornwind Evil: Sine: Sarahhhhhhhhh
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Oh SARRAAAAAHHHHHH
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: No fancy names
Gooper Blooper: just
Gooper Blooper: 100 pounds of chocolate
RedSpyLevel9001: #MillionsOfChocolate
Gooper Blooper: This has gotta show up in RP somewhere
SteelKomodo: sadly, CW, Sarah is not here


JRM (lvl 24): oh! That reminds me of something
JRM (lvl 24): an introduction topic for new members
JRM (lvl 24): my sister had no idea where to post when she joined
RedSpyLevel9001: So SHE'S Rainbow Dash!
Gooper Blooper: So that WAS your sister!
Gooper Blooper: amazing
JRM (lvl 24): yuppers, she found us one night
RedSpyLevel9001: Why do I bet she'll join fites again and again until Rainbow Dash wins
JRM (lvl 24): after ransoming some of my stuff to get the link
JRM (lvl 24): I gave her the lowdown on a lot of RP history
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
JRM (lvl 24): im surprised she listened to it all to be honest >​_>​
Gooper Blooper: "Let me tell you about the day we fought the GREY team"
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpyLevel9001: "And then none of them returned this year. The end!"


Gooper Blooper: Jerry The Dirk Lawler


TheDeleter: #GrabsDick
SteelKomodo: del no not in public D:


Saberwulf: I gotta go broom rocks because I don't have grass. They're all over the sidewalk because I happen to live across the street from a school and kids are little shits who can't walk on the sidewalk like normal people. See you dudes later
SteelKomodo: later


TheDeleter: hahaha, wulf says he has to sweep up but an alert has just come up on steam
TheDeleter: Saberwulf is now playing Team Fortress 2
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: he is sweeping up robots
Harpy: clearly
SteelKomodo: that's the only explanation


TheDeleter: i'm a bit late on this but YESSSS EREBUS IS RETURNING kinda sorta
Gooper Blooper: Erebus the user or erebus the character
TheDeleter: the user silly
TheDeleter: the character will never come back ever :I
Gooper Blooper: NEVER
TheDeleter: not at all
TheDeleter: not in the slightest
Gooper Blooper: RP plans always work
SteelKomodo: :<
TheDeleter: he wont come back
TheDeleter: honest
TheDeleter: not even in the direst of circumstances
Gooper Blooper: Even though he's from space and has a pet dragon
TheDeleter: nope
Gooper Blooper: He really showed up two seasons early, is what happened
Saberwulf: Haha
TheDeleter: hahaha
SteelKomodo: pffft


TheDeleter: yo
TheDeleter: sarah
SteelKomodo: that's a hell of an oreo
Gooper Blooper: let the gorging begin
Gooper Blooper: Do that a couple dozen times as the filling between two 100-pound chocolate bars
Gooper Blooper: cawing smart


SteelKomodo: del where are astronauts reacting to obvious aliens
SteelKomodo: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
VeryHungrySpy: "Nah man its a hoax" "Shopped" "Show us your tits"
TheDeleter: 1 sec
SteelKomodo: "aeiou"
Gooper Blooper: "pics or it didn't happen" "We're standing right in front of you." "Nah man it's fake I can tell from some of the pixels"

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