Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 25: Thinking is Hard

TheDeleter: beat another sam and max chapter
ColorChange: woo!
TheDeleter: now i have to figure out where all these underpants-wearing sams came from


TheDeleter: that's weird
TheDeleter: one of my buddies has updated his facbook to say he's in a relationship, but he didn't specify who with
TheDeleter: i'm gonna assume it's his hand


SteelKomodo: "Garfield and Jon Arbuckle was sitting at home watching the tv when M. Bison came on tv with announcement to Garfield."
SteelKomodo: ALREADY
SteelKomodo: First sentence and it's already beautifully, batshit insane,
ColorChange: Why is Garfield a paragon of manliness
SteelKomodo: Why wouldn't he be?


Saberwulf: One of the reasons I'd really love collab-building with the Hub if it gets chosen is that since it's before the Hub war and all that shit, so there's hundreds of countries in the place instead of the three big cities.
Saberwulf: It's at its most diverse, which means possiblities are at 100%
Saberwulf is totally not pimping his shit


GB: Hubsephine
GB: god dammit why do I like attaching random words to the back half of Josephine's last name
Saberwulf: Because it's amazing
GB: It started with Throwsephine - at least that goddamn rhymed
Saberwulf: Amazephine
ColorChange: Oh god Throwsephine
GB: She takes up jazz
GB: Saxsephine
ColorChange: . . . Oh god Throwsephine didn't appear at the final battle D:
GB: It so should have, but alas
Saberwulf: -sephine is like thanks, ants. thants
GB: Garland wrecked her shit
Saberwulf: Thanksephine
ColorChange: pfft
GB: It took me way too long to get that
Saberwulf: Haha


GB: In case you've ever wondered what the deal was when Amazon charges thousands of dollars for random books:
Saberwulf: Holy shit, that's actually really interesting
Saberwulf: I love weird programming shit like that


Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: rawr
SteelKomodo: hi harpy
Harpy: sup
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: also hi


Saberwulf: As you know I fucking suck at voting so I'll try to do it when I get home tomorrow
SteelKomodo: sure
Saberwulf: Gotta THINK
SteelKomodo: it is XD


GB: Is Sir Barnaby McManus von Buxton snooty enough or should I throw in even more surnames
ColorChange: Nah, that's good
ColorChange: Maybe The Third in case of emergency
GB: Esquire


Cornwind Evil: I am getting flashbacks to how my old image uploading site stopped working for me
GB: It really ruined the moment when I reread Sine's dramatic bloodsword transformation and the image was broken
ColorChange: PFFFFFFT


GB: This happens every so often - there's vidya I really should be trying to finish but I just won't do it
GB: The Four Heroes are on floor 90 of the second bonus tower. They need me dammit
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: i know how you feel
SteelKomodo: for me, War is still stuck in the Spire trying to solve this one puzzle, whilst Alex Mercer is pissing about on the rooftops of Manhattan
SteelKomodo: and so on
GB: I'm also like three playthroughs away from finally unlocking everything in Godzilla Save the Earth


GB: oh god
GB: "Some shipments of Lego Lord of the Rings for Xbox 360 are arriving with demo discs instead of full retail copies."
SteelKomodo: ...D:
GB: "Lego Lord of the Rings is not the only game to launch today that left some users scratching their heads. Some gamers who purchased the PC retail version of Call of Duty: Black Ops II were unable to complete installation because the second disc was not Treyarch's new shooter, but rather Mass Effect 2. Neither EA nor Activision has commented on the matter yet. "
SteelKomodo: wat
GB: how does that even happen
SteelKomodo: waaaaaaaaat
GB: They aren't even from the same company


SteelKomodo: but damn, thanks to Welward I can't use a villainous character I wanted to use anymore :<
Toothpaste: ?
SteelKomodo: it's because he's wearing a plague doctor's mask
SteelKomodo: and since he's doing that, I can't use this one villain, because he too wears one
SteelKomodo: such is the price of keeping your plans secret
Toothpaste: Or they could be plague mask bros
Toothpaste: And bond over their ridiculous beaks
GB: oh noes, multiple plague doctors :<
SteelKomodo: yeah
TheDeleter: it's a convention
GB: David is there
SteelKomodo: but hopefully they're different enough characters to make it ok
GB: "Eh, close enough"
TheDeleter: he added some extra bits onto his mask to fit in
SteelKomodo: actually, I'm pretty sure they'll be vastly different
GB: I have no idea how frequently Dr. Welward is going to appear
TheDeleter: painted it white instead of the copper/dirty brass i always imagine it is
GB: That's ZFRP for you
GB: Don't let me stop your MASTER PLAN
SteelKomodo: pfffft


GB: Also this got updated one more time
GB: it is so enormous
Toothpaste: Nicknames: Honeypants
TheDeleter: glorious
GB: yes
SteelKomodo: indeed
Toothpaste: *sees Tiamat's status as retired*
Toothpaste: Yesss, retired . . . FOR NOW *dramatic thunder!*
SteelKomodo: no, she's retired
SteelKomodo: for good
GB: ded tiamat
SteelKomodo: >:I
Toothpaste: Skeleghidorah
GB: A Pile of Vaguely Threatening Dragon Bones
GB: *Banjo-Tooie boss intro music*


TheDeleter: in LoL news, there's a new mastery coming up that grants(possibly steals!) gold when you hit people
TheDeleter: cue hit and runs!
TheDeleter: I say, a gay man in dazzly armor just hit and run me
TheDeleter: what on earth was that old chap
GB: Haven't a clue. *psssh*
TheDeleter: the reign of support characters mugging people begins
TheDeleter: alistar would be terrifying
TheDeleter: a minotaur charges out of the bushes and mugs you
TheDeleter: what do you do against something like that man
GB: Well, if you're Erebus, you rip his horns off and crush his head
Toothpaste: . . . So THAT'S why he was named Ali!
TheDeleter: shit


Harpy: i have the easiest final ever for one of my classes
TheDeleter: excellent
Harpy: all I have to do
Harpy: is bring in two canned goods
TheDeleter: really?
TheDeleter: that's it?
SteelKomodo: wish I had your classes


TheDeleter: Herzog's name should be Herzog Zwei instead of Alpharius Herzog


TheDeleter: also you know barkley shut up and jam gaiden
Saberwulf: I do
Saberwulf: WHAT
Saberwulf: Ahahahahahahaha holy fuck yes
TheDeleter: only good things can happen


Saberwulf: Mother of fuck, I've always been trying to figure out what actor fits David all these years
Saberwulf: It's Ewan McGregor, goddamn he even looks just like him in my head
TheDeleter: aw shit son
Saberwulf: Slightly shorter, larger eyes and little horns but goddamn

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