Friday, September 28, 2012

Alex X Josephine

The king's daughter has been kidnapped! I know, that never happens, BUT IT DID! Princess Sarah has been spirited away by a nasty witch! Fortunately, Alex is on the case - as you knew he would be. The brave knight ventured out into the wild alone, with only a crappy sword and a bunch of free potions for company. In a dark cave, he thought he'd met his match in the form of a minotaur, but luckily Pit came to his rescue with some timely magic spells, and the minotaur was vanquished!

At the other side of the cave was the witches' lair, where Alex and Pit discovered Josephine trying - and failing - to fend off some monsters that stood between her and her sister. After helping the poor girl, Alex and Pit teamed up with her and the three charged united through the castle, soon reaching Sarah. Unfortunately the witch appeared and transformed into a griffin, forcing the four young adventurers to work together to bring her down after a long, difficult battle.

Returning to town, Alex, Pit, Josephine and Sarah were shocked to find nearly everyone (except, inexplicably, the guy who saved their file) turned to stone, and they weren't far enough into the game to have Gold Needles or Esuna! It was at this time that Dark Pit took over Pit's mind and encouraged him to get the hell out of Dodge before he was petrified too, and Josephine sent Sarah to stay with him in a safe haven, fearing for her younger sister's safety. Now with only Alex for company, Josephine resolved to save the town, feeling that if she'd only protected her sister better none of this would have happened...

...And that's what happened when I renamed the characters in Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light, which I began playing today.

Alex fits well as a heroic lead, and since he's the dude you start with I think he's supposed to be the leader. Josephine is a bit more heroic and selfless here than in RP, but looking at her, I can easily see Josephine for some reason, even though she's got different clothes, hairstyle, and weapon. I didn't realize Pit would be such a douche, but I can fudge it by making it pre-Kronosium Pit getting taken over by Dirk Pat, and when he has an inevitable change of heart later in the game and starts being a hero, that can be Light Pit reasserting himself. Sarah is so close to working perfectly, except for one hilarious flaw - although she's kind, cheerful, and pleasant most of the time, she's also very selfish and has a huge ego. It's like normal Sarah with a streak of City of Beasts Sarah running through her veins. All in all it worked out decently, although tragically nobody has an ahoge so Alex, Sarah, and Pit are bereft of their glorious wriggling headpieces.

And now Alex and Josephine are adventuring together.


Alex does not seem the type to have a wandering eye (although there was a brief period last year where Sarah feared he had lost interest in her), but I'll be keeping a close eye on these two kids for any romantic tension.

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