Monday, December 4, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 413: Socially Acceptable Peanut Butter Devouring

Jumpropeman: playing the original mario maker while its online is still available
Draco: Good.
Draco: Play EVERY game.
Gooper Blooper: Using the Ashley costume for every level I bet-
Jumpropeman: one of the top rated levels of all time is a coffin dance autolevel/music level
Draco: Nice.
Gooper Blooper: A relic of its' era.


(Draco makes a Cloudinary account because Discord is nuking its' image hosting)

Gooper Blooper: welcome to Cloudinary
Jumpropeman: huzzah!
Gooper Blooper politely waves around buzzword-laden business apps
Draco: Yes, Chao had to break three of my toes and threaten my Fumos, but I am formally using Cloudinary now.
Gooper Blooper: The fumos?! Chao, we are not cavemen
RubyChao: look
RubyChao: i was desperate
Jumpropeman: they're happy in a fumo garden now


I HATE YOUR FLIP FLOPS: "Then again, there was the specialized oath of Green Lantern in the 90's creation Jack T. Chance...
"You who are wicked, evil and mean,
I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!
Come one, come all, put up a fight
I'll pound your butts with Green Lantern's light!
Draco: Yowza
Gooper Blooper: Yao Zerr
RubyChao: perhaps someday we will learn if they let him teach again.........


I HATE YOUR FLIP FLOPS: When you're kissing Tony Stark, you're kissing Galactus.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Opening the Cabinet of Curiosities

It's been a while since I've had a ZFRP plot with as convoluted a development as my Season 13 one. For that reason, it's finally time I dusted off the old Plot Retrospective tag and give some behind the scenes information on the many twists and turns I took while coming up with what we eventually did this year!

I had many ideas for Whalestrand, but I also had a desire to minimize how many events I ran. I wanted to do more with less. This naturally led to the concept of a plot that was a series of widely-varying vignettes that may or may not have all been connected. In the final version of the plot, most of the events actually were connected in one way or another, but this wasn't a guarantee early on. A lot of the pieces of The Cabinet of Curiosities were snipped portions from what could have been bigger plots, so this was something of a "best-of" of the many story concepts I was sifting through. Let's look at each one of these individual pieces, and what got cut in favor of the snippets I cobbled together into the Cabinet.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 412: A Giant Bear Made Of Nickelodeon Gak

PhoneModo: Rickety Town more like
PhoneModo: Uh
PhoneModo: Shitty Town?
PhoneModo: ...I didn’t sleep last night
PhoneModo left the chat
Mirrored Sheep joined the chat

Mirrored Sheep: Come on and ride!
Mirrored Sheep: Big Bunyan Ride!
Mirrored Sheep left the chat


KamenModo: posted


HIS WISH IS PUNCH!: "The Tour de France, the most challenging and most prestigious bicycle race, has a long and storied history of cheating. Most people have heard of the decades worth of scandals involving performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), but the early years of the race involved much more overt methods of cheating. The second Tour de France (in 1904) had so much cheating that it almost resulted in permanent cancellation. Multiple cyclists were disqualified for cheating, and the 5th place finisher was declared the winner since everybody ahead of him was disqualified. And he had also cheated at least once, but for whatever reason was only given a warning. Much of the cheating was amusingly audacious (skipping sections of the race by getting rides in cars or trains, or for those who wanted to still "ride the bike" for the whole course having a car pull them along with a tow rope), but it also included sabotage (nails were laid out in roads to cause flat tires) and even violence (masked men in a car attacking the then-leading cyclists, and fans of some cyclists threw rocks at everyone else as they passed)."


Jumpropeman: WOOPER WATCH
Jumpropeman: the next hour is wooperpalooza in go
Gooper Blooper: woop woop
Jumpropeman: no increased shiny rate I believe but I'm getting one dang it
KamenModo: PULL OVER DAT no
MobileDraco: If only those COWARDS would put Paldean Woopers in too.


Jumpropeman: wooper watch over... zero shinies
LadySeychelles: Oh no
Gooper Blooper: you told me you were going to get a shiny, JRM
Gooper Blooper: you lied to me
MobileDraco: JRM, why did you lie to the boy? ;-;
Jumpropeman: your first mistake was trusting me
Gooper Blooper: I was in my hospital bed and I begged him to catch a shiny woop for the gipper
RubyChao: that shiny woop could have cured cancer
Diadem joined the chat
Diadem: walked into some drama, i see-
Diadem: anyway hello
Jumpropeman: harp, bail me out here, I know you got a shiny woop stash
Diadem: sorry bud i got nothin but an idea to record a Furret solo run
Jumpropeman: play the acerola town song the whole run 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 411: Government Cheese

(Re: the Blogger content warning)

Gooper Blooper: I especially hate that it makes me look at the content warning
Gooper Blooper: it's my blog you freaking moron
Jumpropeman: do you want to look at your own dirty dirty smut
Jumpropeman: said smut
Gooper Blooper: DISGUSTING
Draco: LEWD D:
Draco gets out the PG-13 Establishment sign.
Seashells: What’s next? H*nd h*lding?
Draco: SEY PLS D8


Draco: "Jumpropeman: that's true. I still refuse to accept that people call soda just "pop" despite all those maps of america" <- You live in Wisconsin now. Don't they call it pop?
Jumpropeman: i haven't heard it yet!
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman checks
Jumpropeman: we're in the red spot :V
Jumpropeman: sure didnt hear people asking for cokes unless they wanted cokes down in texas though
Jumpropeman: but again
Jumpropeman: i was in that red patch
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: gonna start using fool's champagne
Gooper Blooper: you're not in the right spot for that
Gooper Blooper: I'll call them what I've always called them
Gooper Blooper: [this space intentionally left blank]


Cornwind Evil: "Warren Ellis in the mid-1990's, while trying to get ahead at Marvel, he worked on Druid (1995), starring C-List member of The Avengers Doctor Druid, apparently intending on mimicking another title, Hellstorm, starring C-Lister character Daimon Hellstrom. However, sales were so abysmal that that ongoing series was turned into a four-issue mini-series, which ends Druid killed by a magical gun and burned in a dumpster by Hellstrom himself."
Cornwind Evil: When you're just so mad a character didn't catch on


PhoneDel: god has cursed me to be awake at 5am
PhoneDel: and I'm gonna make it someone else's problem
Jumpropeman: del is going to cause problems on purpose
Draco: Sounds good.
PhoneDel: shitpost in bar
Draco: It's a good shitpost.
Jumpropeman: yeah, she's a fan of DAFTWERK
PhoneDel: danke. I'm going full bore with this, jade will smooch that necron. I don't expect it to be a very long term relationship but hell we've seen weirder
PhoneDel: lmao
PhoneDel: necrons are all basically old nobles so they'd probably be scandalised by twerking, absolutely not as civilized as
PhoneDel: idk whatever they had
PhoneDel: I can't say belly dancing because they ain't got bellies no more
Jumpropeman: tasteful still buttocks
PhoneDel: cryptek Ramses exiled for refusing to stop sculpting butts
Draco: We have seen weirder, like a man and a woman dating and getting married.
PhoneDel: scandalous
Draco: Super scandalous.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 410: So Good It's Blasphemous

Cornwind Evil: I honestly don't know among mine which would be the worst chef
Draco: Dexter
Cornwind Evil: ....that's not UNtrue...


ShasO Viorla Del: Okay
ShasO Viorla Del: Stop everything
ShasO Viorla Del: They're making a spiritual sequel to the Zelda cdis
ShasO Viorla Del: Including getting the VAs of link and zelda
Jumpropeman: holy frijoles
ShasO Viorla Del: And honestly, thank god
Jumpropeman: man, I did not expect the cdi voice actors to even be available
Jumpropeman: they feel like they were just destined to disappear into the mists of time
ShasO Viorla Del: They found morshu's va somewhere
ShasO Viorla Del: I'm keeping an eye on this one
ShasO Viorla Del: We need more weird as hell games
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: i think if they get harkinian
RubyChao: they just automatically win


RubyChao: a lanterby
RubyChao: i'm excited for jrm to get to the final arc and be disappointed by how little of her there is
Gooper Blooper: woah, she's smiling
RubyChao: she's excited!
RubyChao: more natural


Lurkabree: touhou in a nutshell: "what if [insert basically anything here] was a cute girl and the cute girls fought each other?"


Gooper Blooper: My favorite thing about Kokoro in the Brawl: in both the picture where she's killing someone and the picture she's being killed, she's making the same bored expression

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 408: Leave My Food Son Alone

(Seychelles sees a Chatzy Madness for the first time)

Seychelles: Oh gods.
Seychelles: JRM do Not tell me there is a prize for being funny
Seychelles: You don’t want the consequences for that
Diadem: there is no prize, its just a collection of things goops personally found funny
Seychelles: Wrong
Seychelles: There is a prize and its VINDICATION
Diadem: fair 'nuff
Seychelles: The worst drug of all


Jumpropeman: I'm glad gooper included the footage of Zhang's death in chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes I add context, and in this case I just had to see what you were talking about
Jumpropeman: that boss you fight already had sufficient motivation to fight since they killed and replaced your sensei
Jumpropeman: but we also had to have Zhang reappear after her supposed death just to get roasted instantly
Jumpropeman: Zhang is the Floatzel of Shinobi
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: *searches Dracula The First Night on mobygames* *fourth result in the search results is Firefly Diary*
Jumpropeman: I feel like this was somehow targeted specifically at me
RubyChao: she lives...


Jumpropeman: atelier sophie has now twice spoiled a twist that has yet to show up in the plot :V Once through the opening, and then again through a tutorial screen
RubyChao: Atelier Seaworld

Sunday, April 30, 2023

GB's Game Reviews, 2022-2023 Edition

Here we go again! This time I've got two different types of reviews. My usual review style where I go over a game once I've seen the credits will be here as expected, but I also will be including a bunch of what I'm calling Quick Impressions. This review type is for arcade games I played in compilations or at Funspot. I only tried many of these games briefly, and they usually don't have an ending, but I'll still share my thoughts on what I saw, and I'll also have a "Insert Token?" rating, where I decide whether or not I would give up a shiny Funspot token to drop in the machine to play it again - either "No", "Maybe", "Sure", or "Absolutely".

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 407: The Glory of the Garf


RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: also, been thinking about character things lately and I don't think we've seen the last of Tron Bonne in RP
-Gooper Blooper: I have A Plan
-Jumpropeman: Tron creates the Neo Neo Kobbers

RubyChao: from mid-2019
Delmon-chan: Oh boy
RubyChao: jrm predicted them right down to the name...
Jumpropeman: I expect Tron to show up BI

Jumpropeman: man, where would Mario be without Upside-Down Pipes?
Gooper Blooper: don't forget the most important mario character, Purple Yoshi
Draco: "Fantastic Firsts: Upside Down pipes" Okay, I guess those are good. "Poison mushroom" HUGE impact on the series, sure.
Gooper Blooper: I especially like the "Fantastic Firsts" listed for Mario Land 2, consisting of Wario and then a bunch of stuff they dropped forever after one game
Jumpropeman: I am just taking this image's word that 3-Up Hearts are a thing
Jumpropeman: cool kids get 3-ups from smiling moons!
Gooper Blooper: I played some Mario Land 2 when the Switch Game Boy app hit, can confirm 3-up hearts are real
Gooper Blooper: I think a lot of the weirdness of Mario Land 2's items comes from needing to be clear without using color, so you get hearts instead of one-up shrooms because you couldn't distinguish them from normal shrooms
Gooper Blooper: and Mario randomly getting a feather on his head when he's Fire Mario in this game only
Draco: What I really find funny is that Super Mario Bros 2 had more of an effect on the series than than the actual sequel to Super Mario Bros and it wasn't even originally a Mario game.
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: gotta love a feel-good story <3

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Art Of Gaming

"Ahhhh... Look at all of zis space! And for such a good deal, too!"

Spreading her arms as she walked around the building she had recently purchased, Palette took in the sight and let her imagination take over. It was stark and empty right now, but she imagined the building filled with the sights and sounds of people at work and play, and her heart soared. Her plans were ambitious, but she had received plenty of encouragement and support from Chimata and the Legion of Stationery to pursue her dream.

The Hardcade was remaining in Agama. The semi-breakups of the Sega Hard Girls and Nintendo Hard Girls, with many of them declining to follow the Kobbers to Europe, ensured that it couldn't come to Whalestrand in its' usual form. Rather than try to cram an arcade into the Journey's End, which was already both a lighthouse and a restaurant, or the Safe Harbor Inn, a new approach would be needed to adapt one of the Kobbers' favorite pastimes to Whalestrand.

Friday, April 7, 2023

There Was Life Here Once

The hunter approached the valley of death.

There was no sound but H'aanit's own footsteps and the whistling of the wind through the pines. She heard the old trees creak gently as their branches swayed. Looking away from them, she stared out upon the ruins in front of her, one hand reaching down to stroke the fur of her loyal pet, Linde the snow leopard. Nodding to her companion, H'aanit stepped forward and entered what was once a village.

They had been here before, but it still hurt every time.

H'aanit walked slowly and deliberately among the rubble, Linde following along behind, her footsteps silent compared to her human owner. Some buildings were almost completely demolished, while others were partially standing. One lucky cottage was almost fully intact, though H'aanit had noticed the paint wearing down over time, more unsightly marks appearing every time she returned. She gently placed a hand against the cottage's wall. If no one maintained it, this little house would eventually fall into disrepair. And there was no one left in the former village to do so.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 406: Ride Back To Hell

Jumpropeman: Gale in Hisui:
Jumpropeman: no rainbow hair option :V
Draco: They didn't have rainbows back then.


Gooper Blooper: The goopsfamily has made a tentative plan to go somewhere new and exciting this fall
Jumpropeman: kmart?


Jumpropeman: Gain Ground features playable characters like FIRE KNIGHT, SYBER, GENERAL... Mud Harry... Mum... Betty... AND WEBAD
Draco: WEBAD
Gooper Blooper: WEBAD
RubyChao: WEBAD, the successor to Sinbad
Jumpropeman: Webad is a cool dwarf archer
Gooper Blooper: Webad face reveal!


Jumpropeman: one thing I forgot to mention
Jumpropeman: Webad, the dwarf archer from Gain Ground, ended up being the most useful unit
Jumpropeman: so really
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: Wegood
Bree: git gud? more like gotgud
Draco: gitgreat


Draco: Chat is for nerds. Huge stupid nerds who ride Dolphin Paddlers.


Jumpropeman: "January 18 at 11:59 PM PT" more time than I thought left thanks to timezones
Jumpropeman: Stadia's death goes by draco time... suspicious
Draco: BI
Draco: I killed Stadia, you caught me.
Jumpropeman: you know what this means drac...
Jumpropeman gives you a medal
Draco: ;o;7


Jumpropeman: stadia isn't letting me take new screenshots
Jumpropeman: the death has begun...
Draco: The death knell...
Jumpropeman: I posted to twitter I am playing outcasters and suddenly I'm getting games reliably!
Jumpropeman: 32 minutes til stadia death!
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: stadia's still running!
Draco: Someone must still be playing Halo 2 on it.
Jumpropeman: some people are reporting that they're getting kicked out of their games
Jumpropeman: but I'm still in it at 2:20!
Jumpropeman: following the stadia reddit during this, people reporting which games still work and their images of the kicked out screen
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that might be it
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: can't open worm game or outcasters now
Jumpropeman: Rest in Pastaroni, Stadia
Jumpropeman: shame because we were literally starting a multiplayer match in Outcasters before it... cast us out
Jumpropeman: seems 12:30 PT is a bit more of a hard cutoff as more people get booted
Jumpropeman: site still works in general though
Jumpropeman: look at all those games you can no longer play
Jumpropeman: can't even access my profile or screenshots anymore now, so yeah, plug fully pulled
Delstuck: Rip
Delstuck: So long stadia
Kuro: so long gay stadia
ivel: rip
RubyChao: here lies stadia it never scored
SteelKomodo: rip stadia
SteelKomodo: it died
SteelKomodo: the end

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 405: Dawn's Lewd Stash

Jumpropeman: "I'm lost, come get me" the character I'm escorting says when he's like six feet away staring right at me
Draco: lol
AlternateChao: and you just left him there?
Jumpropeman: "You currently have 30 shares remaining"
Jumpropeman: my website has a plugin called Jetpack that gives me stats and stuff but also has a Jetpack Social setting I never touch. They apparently think they can get away with charging for posting your stuff to facebook on twitter for you V:
Jumpropeman: I could pay them for the privilege of getting more shares... or just like, copy paste my link over to twitter and facebook
Kuro joined the chat
Kuro: i'm lost, come get me
Jumpropeman: maybe it was a sort of existential feeling of being lost all along...
Kuro: yeah basically
Jumpropeman: explains why he did that like ten more times during the escort too
Kuro: at that point that escortee should have just clung to your leg like a scared child


Jumpropeman: sometimes I think "man I miss Korone" before realizing she's been streaming constantly so it's not like she went anywhere :V
Draco: lol
2 Kromer: Korone is still a threat


Jumpropeman: gotta feel bad for mariah carey though. Every year the only thing she gets for christmas is people
Jumpropeman gauges the room if this qualifies for my Dad Joke Joke Book
5 Kromer: She will never get real presents
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Lol, lmao


Jumpropeman: something that didn't click for me with Loonatics Unleashed until now
Jumpropeman: they're all descendants of the old tunes. That means Daffy Duck got some. That means ROADRUNNER got some.
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Well uh
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I don’t know what to say to that


Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I can’t believe ironmouse is fucking dead
Jumpropeman: im surprised she finally got some words out :V
Jumpropeman: "Jonesy: $10.00"
Jumpropeman: can't believe Jonesy's an IronMouse simp-
5 Kromer: She probably is
5 Kromer: She also watches Benita
5 Kromer: Also this video is mostly ironmouse cracking up constantly and I love it
5 Kromer: "She fucking cheated on her husband with the fucking bee?!"
5 Kromer: Yes
5 Kromer: Humanity cannot distinguish between good and bad ideas
Jumpropeman: bee movie is more insane than I remembered
Jumpropeman: barry proposes a freaking suicide pact
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Good lord
5 Kromer: I have never watched bee movie
5 Kromer: In any form
5 Kromer: But everything I've seen of it is unreal
Jumpropeman: I believe I caught it on tv back when it was somewhat new
5 Kromer: Damn
5 Kromer: Ground floor of the b movie
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Man
5 Kromer: The dubious honor