Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 405: Dawn's Lewd Stash

Jumpropeman: "I'm lost, come get me" the character I'm escorting says when he's like six feet away staring right at me
Draco: lol
AlternateChao: and you just left him there?
Jumpropeman: "You currently have 30 shares remaining"
Jumpropeman: my website has a plugin called Jetpack that gives me stats and stuff but also has a Jetpack Social setting I never touch. They apparently think they can get away with charging for posting your stuff to facebook on twitter for you V:
Jumpropeman: I could pay them for the privilege of getting more shares... or just like, copy paste my link over to twitter and facebook
Kuro joined the chat
Kuro: i'm lost, come get me
Jumpropeman: maybe it was a sort of existential feeling of being lost all along...
Kuro: yeah basically
Jumpropeman: explains why he did that like ten more times during the escort too
Kuro: at that point that escortee should have just clung to your leg like a scared child


Jumpropeman: sometimes I think "man I miss Korone" before realizing she's been streaming constantly so it's not like she went anywhere :V
Draco: lol
2 Kromer: Korone is still a threat


Jumpropeman: gotta feel bad for mariah carey though. Every year the only thing she gets for christmas is people
Jumpropeman gauges the room if this qualifies for my Dad Joke Joke Book
5 Kromer: She will never get real presents
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Lol, lmao


Jumpropeman: something that didn't click for me with Loonatics Unleashed until now
Jumpropeman: they're all descendants of the old tunes. That means Daffy Duck got some. That means ROADRUNNER got some.
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Well uh
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I don’t know what to say to that


Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: I can’t believe ironmouse is fucking dead
Jumpropeman: im surprised she finally got some words out :V
Jumpropeman: "Jonesy: $10.00"
Jumpropeman: can't believe Jonesy's an IronMouse simp-
5 Kromer: She probably is
5 Kromer: She also watches Benita
5 Kromer: Also this video is mostly ironmouse cracking up constantly and I love it
5 Kromer: "She fucking cheated on her husband with the fucking bee?!"
5 Kromer: Yes
5 Kromer: Humanity cannot distinguish between good and bad ideas
Jumpropeman: bee movie is more insane than I remembered
Jumpropeman: barry proposes a freaking suicide pact
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Good lord
5 Kromer: I have never watched bee movie
5 Kromer: In any form
5 Kromer: But everything I've seen of it is unreal
Jumpropeman: I believe I caught it on tv back when it was somewhat new
5 Kromer: Damn
5 Kromer: Ground floor of the b movie
Kira’s Sandwich Fiasco: Man
5 Kromer: The dubious honor


Gooper Blooper: I'm enjoying the latest flavor of the month anime girl
Jumpropeman: i believe her concept is "lesbian so embarrassed she dies"
Gooper Blooper: She resembles Kokoro, but instead of not emoting, she emotes so violently she changes the show's animation style
Jumpropeman: kokoro develops emotions so strong she breaks rp rules


Jumpropeman watching a tv show
Jumpropeman: "oh this would be a good screenshot moment"
Jumpropeman: my mind is broken
Gooper Blooper: I have sometimes had to keep myself from swiping my finger on a book to turn the page
Gooper Blooper: technology.
Jumpropeman: we have become the boomer comics
Gooper Blooper: you say tomato
Gooper Blooper: I say video games
Jumpropeman: XD


AlternateChao: "Yeah, if you could just roll me out, I'd appreciate it."
Very confused, but not willing to look a gift elimination in the mouth, Nova slowly begins to roll Kaede across the ring. Push, push, push. Eventually, she reaches the side with the broken ropes still strung across the edge, and pushes Kaede over the edge. The pianist rolls down the pyramid, very definitely out of the Rumble.

AlternateChao: never forget that time kaede just went "yeah i had enough rumble"
AlternateChao: "that was fun thanks"
Gooper Blooper: she was tired
Gooper Blooper: peachpuff is one of the alltime chao greats
AlternateChao: i'm excited for you guys to read 40 chao characters biffing each other again
Gooper Blooper: I enjoy it! It's like a mini-Brawl without the dying
AlternateChao: goops telling me the 40-man rumble was a one-time gimmick not just in goop rumbles but in real WWE rumbles was SUCH A GODDAMN SHOCK
AlternateChao: i still like jrm's description as a non-serial movie
Jumpropeman: the dying doesn't have to be left out-
Jumpropeman: also wow, i thought the 40 man was at least more common in wwe
Gooper Blooper: They did it once to push Alberto Del Rio and it got a lukewarm response
Gooper Blooper: much like alberto himself
Gooper Blooper: who infamously had some editor's notes left in on his official website bio along the lines of "(Let me know if this is okay. I know he's supposed to be a big deal fairly quick.)"
AlternateChao: it's funny how differently my trajectory with the three "things i kept doing after goops stopped doing them" went
AlternateChao: oh, by the way: the only chaoacters with perfect entrant records are Kotohime and Peko
AlternateChao: though Kennedy and Cirral have perfect appearance records, they just spent one of those years doing commentary instead
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: has that been preserved
AlternateChao: you will find out!
Jumpropeman: I meant the alberto thing but also, that is a good response to that too :V
AlternateChao: as for the goop wrestling matches
Jumpropeman: I feel like Peko's a cinch
AlternateChao: Gloria, Celestia, Josephine, Ariel, and Wids appeared in all 6, and Helios and Sarah in 5 each
Jumpropeman: she's been pekoing too long to stop now
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: oh man, right at the top
Jumpropeman: It's almost like they're asking the audience "are you okay with him"
AlternateChao: fuckin' A+
Gooper Blooper: "Big Deal, Fairly Quick" became a meme amongst wrestling fans for a while afterwards for any particularly transparent pushes


Jumpropeman: >duolingo's new letters to teach me: ga gi gu ge go
Jumpropeman: my god... the baby patriots


AlternateChao: Watching the show when I was a kid:
"I wonder if the enemy will be defeated here?"
Hey Digimon plays
"Yeah, they're dead!"

Draco: Yay! XD


AlternateChao: "This may be the fucking funniest use of text justification in all of gaming"
Jumpropeman: I am laughing out loud so yes
Draco: m o n k e y


Mista’s Cake Fiasco: Late night thoughts with sk
Mista’s Cake Fiasco: strong bad and wario basically went through the same character arc
Jumpropeman: if there was a mario character I expected to say Holy Crap, it would be wario
Mista’s Cake Fiasco: Yes


Jumpropeman: I haven't been playing particularly awful games lately, but I do notice lately I'll finish writing a review and then say aloud "there, now get out of my life"
AlternateChao: XD
AlternateChao: jrm just wants these games to Die
Kuro: damn you just kicked them out the door and left them out in the blizzard
Gooper Blooper: *rubber-stamps game with Okay* "NEXT"


AlternateChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nAbiZYvC_F4
Gooper Blooper: "im sorry" - if they were sorry they wouldn't have done it (I'm glad they did though)
AlternateChao: i'm honestly surprised jrm hasn't ever used doug dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome
AlternateChao: he feels like a jrm character
Jumpropeman hides notes


Moliday Sheep: Huh...
Moliday Sheep: What's that whooshing sou-
Moliday Sheep buried under JRM's gifts
Moliday Sheep: Th...
Jumpropeman: merry christmas!!!
Moliday Sheep: Thank you.
Moliday Sheep croaks out.


Moliday Sheep: My sister's heading back to Japan in January for another year to finish out her contract. Her big ole Akita is staying here :V
Moliday Sheep: Three dogs here now!
Jumpropeman: sheep, i hope you realize the irony in your name and the fact you're watching over multiple dogs
Moliday Sheep makes vaguely mystical hand gestures and mumbles about strange fate
Draco: In Soviet Russia, sheep herds dog!
Moliday Sheep: I also take care of dogs in neighborhood, and walks and such :V
Kuro: *looks at alternate duer suffering in this fic i am writing for fun*
Kuro: i, too, t-take care of dogs...
Draco: Take care of them...permanently. >:)
Kuro: oh god that probably sounded better in your head
Draco pushes a plush dog off of a plush cliff and into a plush mineshaft.
Moliday Sheep: with a plush arm?
Jumpropeman: oh the plushmanity!
Draco: I tied it up with a plush rope too.


Draco: Chatzy was a mistake once. Then we fumigated the carpet and sprayed for Cirral and now it's okay.


Draco: NFTeez NUTS
Draco flops over.


Jumpropeman: the christmas hauls are coming
Gooper Blooper: Ivel beat me to it this year!
Draco: Bye Goops!
Jumpropeman: gotta get better at... receiving gifts?
Draco: Git gud...gifts.
Gooper Blooper: only one way to get better - practice, practice, practice
Perpetua Is Jurassic Park: Sorry I was at dentist practice
Jumpropeman: you can't be a dentist if you don't have any teeth BI
Jumpropeman gives cornwind some teeth to practice on :)
Perpetua Is Jurassic Park: ...don't these need to be in a jaw?
Jumpropeman: i don't know, I'm not a dentist
Draco: You would be if you had gone to Dentist Practice. >:I


Harpbebobop: i brought splats to ivelmom’s
Harpbebobop: Everyone can watch me suck


ChristmasModo: i got frankenstein vs baragon, which i need to watch
ChristmasModo: also Baragon Did Nothing Wrong
Harpbebobop: baragon did nothing wrong
Festive Del joined the chat
Festive Del: Baragon did nothing wrong!!!!


Gooper Blooper: link
Chao McMahon: you know
Chao McMahon: if the cabbage christmas tree was explicitly designed to be a short-lived "you make it two days before christmas and throw it out immediately" weird gimmick thing
Chao McMahon: i could respect that
Chao McMahon: but the way it says "oh it needs replacing" like you're meant to just have one all december
Chao McMahon: that's where you lost me
Gooper Blooper: you can trim your cabbage to make it last longer


(During the Chao Rumble, it comes down to Iono vs Johnny Dollar)

Gooper Blooper: This has got to be the silliest final two I've ever queued up It Has To Be This Way for, but I'm doing it anyway.
Chao McMahon: the fact that you're doing it makes me unironically proud
Gooper Blooper: "BUT MAYBE WE'RE BOTH THE SAAAAAME" "No, I really think we have absolutely nothing in common."


Christmas Day-Il: Did you ever come up with any sort of reason how Bambi got from being a Bleach minor villain to a Kobber world golfer?
Chao McMahon: nope!
Chao McMahon: rp bambietta is basically just a gal who likes to golf and who can cause explosions at will
Gooper Blooper: Sounds similar to the ronpas and Jinako and such where the character's original story is nowhere close to RP canon
Jumprumbleman: sometimes you just carve off the source material
Chao McMahon: pretty much
Christmas Day-Il: I sure hope she never decides to look herself up in Dawn's database
Jumprumbleman: Dawn has SO MUCH PORN of her
Christmas Day-Il: Dawn: I have immense amounts of porn of everyone.
MobileDraco: "Biology research" *Dawn deletes her files in a rush*
Jumprumbleman: well then I need to schedule a research session
MobileDraco: Oh my, Dawn. :O
Christmas Day-Il: Dawn: That's what I get for trying to hack into Beach Episode.
Jumprumbleman: you were looking for Episodes of Bleach, got Beach Episode
MobileDraco: lol
Christmas Day-Il: But the joke is that Dawn likely has records of 'Kobber alternates' after her own experiences
Christmas Day-Il: And in theory Bambi would pull up her canon self
MobileDraco: Dawn's folder on herself is the buggest
MobileDraco: *biggest
Jumprumbleman: the widow maker folder is the buggest
Christmas Day-Il: Pictured: Dawn's picture of Bambi in her folder.
Christmas Day-Il: Maybe she's secretly a One Piece Fishman related to Arlong
Christmas Day-Il: Bambi has 75 pictures on Danbooru and about 15 or so are lewds.
MobileDraco: Thanks for checking.
Christmas Day-Il: Dawn's picture folder: has 200 photos of Bambi.
Christmas Day-Il: She went to websites on ALTERNATE WORLDS
Christmas Day-Il: Just to MAXIMIZE


(On Christmas Day...)

Jumpropeman: spent the day reading more on comixology. Batman The Long Halloween was indeed good but I do not think it was the right day to read Irredeemable BUT I READ IT ALL ANYWAY :V

(Some time later...)

PROTECT THE PUFFY PALACE: "I do not think it was the right day to read Irredeemable BUT I READ IT ALL ANYWAY" To be fair, there's probably no real right day to read Irredeemable
PROTECT THE PUFFY PALACE: Could have been worse. You could have read Mark Millar's Nemesis
PROTECT THE PUFFY PALACE: (Do not read Mark Millar's Nemesis)


ChristmasModo joined the chat
Kuro: i read that as "Cheesemodo"
ChristmasModo changed name to CheeseModo
CheeseModo: There you go :U


yetivel: gah, forgot to renew the switch online plan
Draco: Insert money directly into the Switch.
Festive Del: The DS printed money
Festive Del: The switch eats it
Festive Del: Glue your DS to your switch
Festive Del: Free Nintendo online
RubyChao: i read that exactly in the style of the old troll science comics and it was great
Draco: lol


Jumpropeman: Link (Fuecoco final evo spoilers)
Gooper Blooper: had to go all the way back to gen 5 for more than one example...
Jumpropeman: I saw an image from the anime of someone hugging Inteleon and if you had no idea it was Pokemon you'd think Inteleon's a normal sentient character
Jumpropeman: I could pass one off as a Brume!
Draco: What about Primarina?
Draco: I think Infernape gets a pass for being an ape too.
Jumpropeman: that's all the way back to gen 4, Rillaboom does get a pass though
Draco: Agreed.
Jumpropeman: here it is
Jumpropeman: that someone was misty :V
Draco: Does Typhlosion count since it was a Legends Arceus starter?
Jumpropeman: you're forgetting Hisuian Typhlosion's tuxedo, briefcase, and sports illustrated membership


Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1715506
Jumpropeman: >:|
Jumpropeman: meant to be kokoro's face but it looks like I'm angry :V
Kuro: gya
Gooper Blooper: yeah I thought you were doing Miko instead :V
Jumpropeman: failure...


Jumpropeman: well, since christmas festivities are wrapped up now
Jumpropeman: I guess it's time
Jumpropeman: to ride some beasts
Gooper Blooper: While brandishing an axe made of gold?
RubyChao: my whole career is riding on this
RubyChao: my legacy
Jumpropeman: lady on the cover seems to have a sword, she didn't get the memo
Draco: Rude.
Gooper Blooper: It's not called Golden Sword!!!!
Draco: Call it Golden Fallout 76. Then swords and axes are okay.
Jumpropeman: "The vast armies of the evil Death Adder have massacred the Axirians"
Jumpropeman: at least the people are Axes
Gooper Blooper: this is gonna be a nailbiter for sure
Gooper Blooper: I have not heard any Golden Axe Beast Rider discourse
RubyChao: yeah i'm banking this entirely on catastrophic dev stories
RubyChao: here's hoping they didn't pull it together
RubyChao: at least if my streak did break
RubyChao: dragon song was a great conclusion
Gooper Blooper: It would be funny if I'd revealed Death Adder in my rejects blog before Chao settled on this game
RubyChao: i still don't think i can top the sheer, unmigated awful of that game
Jumpropeman: gotta read what a Health Bar is in the manual first before I start
RubyChao: every piece of dragon song was carefully designed to work in tandem with every other piece
RubyChao: just to make them worse
Gooper Blooper: Dragon Song definitely sounds the worst of them all, yes. Games like Drake of the 99 Dragons and Aquaman are funny bad, the kind that are enjoyable to read about
Gooper Blooper: Dragon Song was the kind of bad where it's actually depressing how a team of supposedly talented people could make something like that
Gooper Blooper: it's the classic angry reviewer cliche line: "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?" Except no, seriously, what the fuck were they actually thinking.
Jumpropeman: "Towards the end of her quest, Tris will encounter a Beast unlike all others." could it be... CHICKEN LEG?!
Gooper Blooper: If Chicken Leg isn't in this game it's an auto-Atrocious
Jumpropeman: probably not, the default beast abrax looks a bit like a "cool" Chicken Leg
Gooper Blooper: Uh oh, I think you're right
Gooper Blooper: this is a cool critter but Chicken Leg is iconic
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: perfection
Jumpropeman: "I'll need to ride this beast to get to the ceremony quickly!" the ceremony was like twenty meters away
Gooper Blooper: This beast still be under warranty!


Jumpropeman: chao, Golden Axe Beast Rider is bad... but I'm not sure it's THAT bad
Jumpropeman: still more game to go though
RubyChao: oh noooooooo
RubyChao: have i failed...
RubyChao: is it all over...
Jumpropeman: we'll have to keep our hopes... down?
Big Man: dig a hole for the bar to go in
Big Man: now, is this referring to golden axe beast rider, or a setting suggestion for whalestrand?
RubyChao: we will jrm
RubyChao: m-maybe they just put all the good parts at the front
Jumpropeman: well, remember Firefly Diary
RubyChao: that's true
RubyChao: firefly diary just kept going down
RubyChao: until simon says.......


Jumpropeman: well, golden axe beast rider just froze and the world turned into a green and red striped haze
RubyChao: so you're telling me
RubyChao: there's a chance
Jumpropeman: hard to snap a photo because it immediately dulls to darkness after I exit the PS3 menu


Jumpropeman: "You will bow before me!" "Perhaps monster.... BUT NOT THIS DAY!" a rather lame exchange between the final boss and main character before the killing blow :V
Jumpropeman: the final spoken line in Golden Axe Beast Rider though is "Blood and shit!"
Jumpropeman: an accurate summation of the game?
Draco: Beautiful. 


RubyChao: i am glad you finished beast rider
RubyChao: i am on pins and needles
RubyChao: can i safely assume that it's one of the three negative ratings :V
Jumpropeman: it is a negative rating yes
RubyChao: even if you can't spoil if it was full Atrocious
RubyChao: excellent
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, this time JRM needs to not tell us ahead of time
Gooper Blooper: we genuinely don't know
RubyChao: yeah like
RubyChao: something like dragon song, the only question was "is there enough material for a true Disaster Report"
RubyChao: but here it might just be a Terrible, or even a Bad!
RubyChao: the suspense...


Moliday Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Moliday Sheep: Hey, party people!
Jumpropeman throws a single piece of confetti
Moliday Sheep inhales it and chokes

Draco: Hi Sheep.
Draco goes through Sheep's pockets.
Moliday Sheep: A thing I'm in finally came out :L
Draco: Neat! Do we get to know what?
Moliday Sheep: A small part in an Abridged-style parody
Moliday Sheep: 50 seconds in
Moliday Sheep: Guy with the cigarette. Who apparently has a name, going by the script
Moliday Sheep: It's Tiger Blade
Draco: "You so-called bitches" - M_Sheep, 2022
RubyChao: hi sheep!!
Kuro: i can't believe i heard sheep swear
RubyChao: it's okay he was just playing a part
RubyChao: sheep himself is still pure
Jumpropeman: they're only so-called
Jumpropeman: if they were real bitches it would be a swear
Moliday Sheep: Tiger Blade also talks again 1:33 and then is killed for real this time


Big Man: watching the defunctland on mcdonalds and disney
Big Man: and screaming
Big Man: all of the history of america in the mid/late 20th century was the same five rich white guys who met in world war 2 apparently
Draco: I hate those five rich white guys. :\
Big Man: lol


RubyChao: there's one touhou fangame that i have never been able to get to work on any system
RubyChao: to the point where i am not even sure that it is real
RubyChao: everything else i can generally kludge into functionality
RubyChao: but not that one
Gooper Blooper: bonus points if the advertised main character is rin satsuki
RubyChao: lmao


Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5885664
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: she's joined the no brain club!
Draco: She was bitten by Clownpiece and now Iono has no thoughts head empty.
Gooper Blooper: >implying she had any to start with
Draco: So that's how she became a Streamer...
Draco: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5913861
Gooper Blooper: this depiction of Clownpiece has to be one of my favorites
Gooper Blooper: vacant-staring foot-tall drooling gremlin who drinks gasoline
Gooper Blooper: it's so ridiculous
Draco: It's cute and funny.
Jumpropeman: now you see why claire likes her
Draco: There's nothing to predict so Claire can have a nap.


Jumpropeman: Gale has been isekaid into the PokePast
Draco: Oh no
Gooper Blooper: oh god, you dare subject Gale of all people to Legends Arceus?
Gooper Blooper: there are no video games in hisui...
Gooper Blooper: and a lot of physical activity...
Jumpropeman: see, that's why we know she won't want to stay in the past


Jumpropeman: this random level 16 staravia wasting more of my pokeballs than alphas and fully evolved level 30s I've encountered
Jumpropeman: catching it has long since been a matter of practicality
Jumpropeman: it is now a matter of pride
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes that happens
Gooper Blooper: A random Bagon put up a ridiculous fight when I tried to catch it in Violet
Gooper Blooper: I named it "Rebel" for being such an edgelord


Kuro: i can't believe it took me this long to notice
Kuro: raiko's a vip-
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, I saw that on Chao's posts today
Gooper Blooper: chao what did you do
Jumpropeman: ewww
Gooper Blooper: it's over on the right of every post he makes, too
Draco: Did you give money to Tapatalk?! D:<
Jumpropeman: the avatar thing aint bad but that corner thing yeah
RubyChao: oh yeah
RubyChao: i did nothing other than ask people things on the support board
RubyChao: someone threw this at me for... some reason
RubyChao: i would turn it off if i knew how
Jumpropeman: we'll just get you a new account
Jumpropeman: Twoby Chao
Gooper Blooper: https://www.tapatalk.com/vip_plus_introduction
Gooper Blooper: "Festive Hats
Use all Festive Hats for free."

Gooper Blooper: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RubyChao: dare i...
RubyChao: "Your VIP+ Membership will expire on 01/05/2023"
RubyChao: okay so it's literally a week lmao
Draco: Whew!
RubyChao: also while poking around i found a "hide badges" option
RubyChao: i have unchecked it
RubyChao: all is well


RubyChao: it's always been kind of interesting to me that most heroes have the definitive arch-nemesis (lex luthor, joker, doctor doom)
RubyChao: but spidey never really feels like he has one that's truly THE arch-nemesis
Draco: Yeah, the closest you get is the Green Goblin.
Gooper Blooper: If you asked me, a comics layman, I'd probably say Dr Octopus
RubyChao: green goblin comes close but venom (when heel) and doctor octopus feel like they both approach that in ways that the other batman villains or superman villains don't, imo
RubyChao: exactly
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: thank you two for proving my point
Draco: lol
Draco: No problem.
Gooper Blooper: anytime fren


RubyChao: i have a comic where superman and green lantern see hell
Draco: They went to Ohio?


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, it's the last day of 2022
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, I never felt like it was ever "Fully" 2022
Jumpropeman: like, I still have those "oh yeah it's 2022" moments sometimes
PROTECT THE PUFFY PALACE: 2020 enters its fourth year
Draco: lol


RubyChao: welp
RubyChao: i'm playing a pokemon hack
RubyChao: iono has officially dragged me back in


RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5931891
Draco: Where did Anelace get a sword? D:
RubyChao: at the soup store
Draco: Oh, okay.
Gooper Blooper: It's the fifth-best sword she's ever owned.
RubyChao: FUCK YOU


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: "how did you get your dreamcast?" "hard work"
Gooper Blooper: Creme Savers are available EVERYWHERE
Jumpropeman: I can hardly walk for all the creme savers here


Jumpropeman: weird question I asked myself today: "does Hatsune Miku have a personality?"
Draco: Yes. She likes shopping.
yetivel: it depends on the song
Gooper Blooper: She loves Dominos pizza.


Jumpropeman: images of miku were sent on a probe to venus
Jumpropeman: i hope the aliens come to earth one day requesting to meet Hatsune Miku and we have to have a tough talk about what she is
RubyChao: i know how we tell them
Jumpropeman: but then they'll want to meet cranky instead-


RubyChao: - is a DLC boss
- never showed up in the main game
- gets like 5 minutes of screen time
- all his coworkers hate him
- drops the hottest mixtape in the entire game
- refuses to elaborate
- dies
RubyChao: (khamsin)
Jumpropeman: one thing I liked about the rather rough Travis Strikes Again is its DLC boss actively complains that since he's in the DLC hardly anyone will ever get to meet him, complaining about all the barriers to even meeting him
Jumpropeman: first you got to buy the game, then play enough of it to decide if you like it, then come back to the game months later and buy the dlc and then play it
Jumpropeman: a percentage of a percentage of all players meet him!
Gooper Blooper: It's true!
yetivel: I feel like he'd get along with Deadpool
Jumpropeman: one funny thing too is I was hesitant to play Travis Strikes Again because I couldn't rent the version with DLC included and supposedly the DLC had relevant story bits for No More Heroes 3 (the dlc has hardly any story bits at all actually) but that meant the existence of the DLC made it less likely for someone to play the game, that boss thus even LESS likely to be seen :V


Jumpropeman: I forgot the Shrekoning was 15 games long


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: ashley post-knife loss
Gooper Blooper: I was talking to chao about that the other day
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure Ashley's knife spirit bomb, the last attack of Season 12, was the one and only actual physical attack she performed in two years
RubyChao: and it killed the final boss of the setting-long megaplot
Gooper Blooper: also she still has the bladeless handle and will probably add it to the cabinet of curiosities as a "cardholders got their ass beat" exhibit
RubyChao: ashley will never use a physical attack again to preserve her 100% kill rate
Gooper Blooper: reminds me of the chatzy gag where Gale put in effort once, was rewarded with DeMonde, and now will never put in effort again to preserve her perfect record
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: queen of the mountain
Draco: Gale put in effort once, now Lucy will carry her the rest of the way. Literally.


ivel: oh man, people have collections of Wishbone eps on archive
ivel: that makes me happy
Gooper Blooper: An iconic member of the "wheeled TV cart arrives in elementary school class" club alongside bill nye and reading rainbow
Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman: Wishbone is not a salvager
Jumpropeman: wish I had remembered this joke
ivel: dang


Jumpropeman pauses in the Nickelodeon Kart Racer and loses the ability to steer my kart when I unpause
Draco: Should've bought those boosts.
Jumpropeman: apparently tilt controls had been activated


RubyChao: [12:54 AM]Keltik: Fun dk64 fact: the any% TAS is actually longer than the human speedrun
[12:55 AM]Keltik: Because TAS runs have to be done from a clean sram and dk64 any% uses a glitch with one of the banana fairy unlocks, so the TAS has to actually go photograph them

Jumpropeman: rise against the machines!
RubyChao: but i like the machine
Draco: I think the machines are cool.


Big Man: i found a homestuck podcast
Big Man: ive been listening to it
Big Man: wow that work has not aged well
SteelKomodo: welp
SteelKomodo: how badly we talkin?
Big Man: lots of use of the r word
Big Man: some racial humor
Big Man: yknow not great stuff
Big Man: very 2009 humor
SteelKomodo: oh
SteelKomodo: oh dear
Big Man: sweet bro and hella jeff tho? perfect
SteelKomodo: lmao of course
Big Man: the big man.... hass the rock


SteelKomodo: how the fuck was i meant to know i had to put the gorgonzola in the policeman's hat


Jumpropeman: >the iron man game was made by the same company as Golden Axe Beast Rider
RubyChao: oh my god
Kuro: oh no
Draco: lol


Big Man: CHAO
Big Man: IVEL
Big Man: I DID A WIN
RubyChao: nice!
ivel: WOO
Big Man: now
Big Man: this was done with the skuitract egypt mod
Big Man: which some may say is cheating
Big Man: however, the mod owns actually
Big Man: heres a quick snapshot
Big Man: 31 might be the most populous ive ever made a city
ivel: what does the mod do?
Big Man: it basically reworks the egpytian civ ability, doesn't touch cleo or any extra leaders you might add
Big Man: their civ ability is reworked to be that, for every two distracts along a particular river, city centers get 1 amenity and districts get 1 extra tield of their particular type, and if the river floods it negates the damage and each distract along that river generates a bunch of resources
ivel: ah
Big Man: then it throws out the sphinx and gives them a really early unique indisutrial zone that gets adjacency bonuses from farms and rivers and provides extra production when building a wonder
Big Man: so it basically forces you to look at the tiles along rivers to try and set up so if a river floods, a bunch of cities suddenly complete all their projects and all of your current research finishes lol
Big Man: no updates to cleo or their chariot archer, it makes them a really interesting generalist civ
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Big Man: heyjrm
Big Man: im talkin civ
Jumpropeman: good evening ya scallywags
Jumpropeman: mamma mia look at all those cities!
Jumpropeman: baby buenos aires looming in the corner
Big Man: oh yea poor beunos aries
Big Man: just hanging out looking over at my 31 pop capital city like >:I
Big Man: you may also be able to guess Mbumbi and Mpinda are not egyptian city names
Big Man: well, kongo fucked around and found out is what happened there
CheeseModo: Rip


Jumpropeman: my poor Christmas Stantler in Pokemon Go has been trapped in a gym in a different city for ten days and no one will defeat it to set it free
Jumpropeman: Pokemon Go does these notifications too where a pokemon in gym for a while will have a "Stantler needs a treat..." notification where you can boost up its health and I keep getting those but you can't give it a treat unless you go to the gym
CheeseModo: Been playing episode 2 of wallace and gromit
A Big Del: Oh boooo
CheeseModo: Trying to play it blind so that i don’t just breeze through it
CheeseModo: and can actually use my brain
A Big Del: Wow bad timing on that I was feeling sorry for jrms stantler
A Big Del: let the pogey go, gym!!
RubyChao: stantler suffers most
CheeseModo: He does
Draco: You don't need to physically go to the Gym to feed your Pokemon.
Draco: You can feed them remotely but the berries don't restore as much health.
Jumpropeman: huh, I thought I remembered getting messages I need to be closer to the gym to interact
Draco: You should be able to find it in your list and it'll give you the option to go to the gym. Golden Razz still fully heal them though.
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, there you go
Jumpropeman: still... if I feed it then that means it's less likely to be defeated and freed
Jumpropeman: maybe the 1948 Lockheed Shooting Star is just its new permanent home
Jumpropeman: crammed in that aircraft with a kabutops and jolteon
Jumpropeman: i gave it a gold berry to wish it well in its new life
Jumpropeman: if you love someone, set them free. if they come back to you, it was meant to be
Draco: Well, it's hanging out with its friends. 


Gooper Blooper: more evidence of Stantler suffering most: you can catch one in Scarvi and the dex entry emphasizes that it "used to" be able to evolve
Gooper Blooper: poor bastard
RubyChao: brutal.
Kuro: OW
Draco: Owch.


RubyChao: https://moriparty413.tumblr.com/post/677117801477144577
Jumpropeman: there's no wrong way to play a game
Jumpropeman: except... maybe if it breaks your arm
Draco: What about my face? Can I still use my face to play Bubble Ghost for Game Boy?
Jumpropeman: that's the way the designers intended
Draco: Excellent. :3
Draco: The real friends were the friends we made along the way.


Jumpropeman: they don't make movies like they used to
Draco: Did you hear that a gorilla escaped from the zoo? No? That is because I am a very quiet gorilla.


RubyChao: perfectly timed screenshot
ivel: lel
RubyChao: all it needs is the filter and arrow and you have a solid "to be continued" meme
CheeseModo: Lmao
Jumpropeman: looks like they caught the famous jack sparrow


RubyChao: who wants to know the most ominous bathroom i've ever seen
RubyChao: (not in an unpleasant way)
Draco: Were there lit candles around the bowl?
RubyChao: no, but i did once see a bathroom with a pitch black toilet
RubyChao: that had a menacing aura
RubyChao: but no the most "i probably shouldn't be using this" case
RubyChao: >need bathroom, out in the relative boondocks of nyc
RubyChao: >go to a neighborhood deli, "hey you got one"
RubyChao: >guy points to the back
RubyChao: >go to the back, see nothing
RubyChao: >he gestures up
RubyChao: >i realize i am meant to climb the rickety ladder in front of me
RubyChao: >climb the rickety ladder into an unlit attic with an unlit bathroom, navigate via phone flashlight
RubyChao: >do not find light switch
RubyChao: it still worked out but boy that is not a "5 stars would use again" type of experience
Gooper Blooper: You were one stumble away from falling into the backrooms with that one.
RubyChao: and we're talking a full-on "feet on the rungs hands on the sides" ladder ladder
Demons Hate Research: That is an extremely inconvenient bathroom
RubyChao: it was 100% a staff bathroom where they just shrugged and went "yeah sure"
RubyChao: found the pitch black one
RubyChao: cursed aura
Gooper Blooper: Cursed, but an almost classy kind of cursed
RubyChao: reminds me of the toilet in my grandparents' basement
RubyChao: so back when they first moved into their house, the basement was very sparse and empty except for my grandpa's office in its own room
RubyChao: i would usually sleep down there when we visited, since there was one guest room and my parents used it
RubyChao: and the office was fine - well-lit, nice little room, a couch i could sleep on or unfold into a bed
RubyChao: but if i wanted to use the bathroom, i had to exit into the basement (and this was back when it didn't have much in the way of lighting, since it hadn't been wired up)
RubyChao: and travel the empty, barren basement to the corner on the opposite side of the stairs
Draco: O_o
RubyChao: to a toilet that was just. sitting in the middle of the floor. it was over by the wall but it was just out in the open
RubyChao: like this without anything around it
RubyChao: now, later on, they renovated the basement to make it more of a usable space, and part of that meant some walls went up around the toilet along with a sink
RubyChao: made it an actual little bathroom
RubyChao: but man was it ominous as a kid of 10
Demons Hate Research: Reminds me of Mick Foley (the wrestler) recounting an odd dressing room bathroom that was basically that
Demons Hate Research: And how while using it, he first met someone who would help his early career, Eddie Graham...who happened to be with his wife, Missy Hyatt.
RubyChao: ...while on the toilet?
Demons Hate Research: That is the impression I got, yes
RubyChao: talk about awkward introduction
Demons Hate Research: They just came in and walked over to talk with him
Demons Hate Research: Or maybe he had little shame and called out to them, but the book just says he "met" them


ivel: this message was ominous
Gooper Blooper: "Please"
ivel: all the message contains is enough currency for a multisummon
ivel: but that message


Jumpropeman: Lickitung's German name is Schlurp
Jumpropeman: also, it had weird shaved eyebrows in the early anime, I forgot
Jumpropeman: more importantly though
Jumpropeman: Lt. Surge's German name is Major Bob
ivel: Ground type beats the Major Bob~
Jumpropeman: more pokemon facts: Unova is called Isshu in Japan and is the only region not to share it's name between English and Japanese


Gooper Blooper: can't imagine why JRM stopped counting mobile games as being part of Every Game
RubyChao: i love how they don't even try
RubyChao: it's literally the same levels
RubyChao: "All of these reskins come from a singular source, that being an old, now-deleted listing on the CodeCanyon marketplace named "Hopping Bird Game with AdMob". You were able to purchase the source code/assets and reskin it however you wanted, and that combined with the seemingly low price and support for AdMob (as listed in the title) meant that it was a quick way to make money from people dumb enough to download these."
Gooper Blooper: Vinesauce takes a long time to notice the levels are endlessly repeating, but to be fair that video is a supercut where it's made to look like he's doing them all in a row so there was lots of other garbage in between each one
RubyChao: yeah, it mentions in the description this was from multiple streams too
Jumpropeman: I guess it's part of the humor when they pop up but these mobile game players on youtube really don't know airplane mode will turn the ads off huh
RubyChao: it will???
Gooper Blooper: finally a use for airplane mode-
Jumpropeman: there are games that won't work without it like Pokemon Go of course but I don't think these games need to connect to internet for any other reason
Gooper Blooper: (I had actually heard of this trick before)
ivel: same
RubyChao: i legitimately never had
RubyChao: so i can't blame them for not knowing
Jumpropeman: glad to spread the word then


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: An actual picture of Twitter.
Gooper Blooper: oh hey, isn't that the cobra girl from Sheep's CHRISTMAS!! JUST ONE WEEK AWAY!!" video
RubyChao: jrm i hate how true this is
Gooper Blooper: Twitter is not an art site but it killed most of the art sites so artists use it anyway while talking about how much it sucks
RubyChao: tumblr was so much better
RubyChao: and then the second greatest mistake in tumblr history happened...
Draco: It was created?


Jumpropeman: >Iron Man VR will be finished downloading in 3 hours
Jumpropeman: ah good, enough time to figure out all these gizmos then
Gooper Blooper: hopefully Iron Man VR is better than Iron Man PS2
Jumpropeman: it's a low bar
Jumpropeman: I'm more afraid of another Unearthing Mars
Jumpropeman: especially since I have a game called Farpoint
Jumpropeman: "Farpoint is a riveting VR space adventure set on a hostile alien planet."
Gooper Blooper: RIVETING
Jumpropeman: maybe it is!
Jumpropeman: I'm just afraid to go back to space in VR


Gooper Blooper: Youtube recommended me an anniversary retrospective on the Year Of Luigi
Jumpropeman: the year of luigi will rise again
Jumpropeman: and be another one of the worst years financially for nintendo-
RubyChao: more like the year of LOSEigi
RubyChao: because y'know
RubyChao: he lost
Draco: Year of Iono
RubyChao: >year of iono
RubyChao: do you want nintendo to go bankrupt
Draco: Yes. BI


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: verdict is guilty, sentence is no video games
Draco: That's not Sumi...


Delstuck: Guess what mistake I've made
Delstuck: You'll never guess
CheeseModo: What mistake is that
Mantle Sheep: I don't know why you'd ever think to stick it there-
Mantle Sheep sound of shattering glass
Delstuck: Uh I guess I am engaging with Homestuck again
Delstuck: But like, from a distance
Delstuck: It is a very strange object
CheeseModo: Oh yeah, you told me about this while we were making our burgers
Mantle Sheep: A most troubling affliction!
Delstuck: I blame this podcast that quite genuinely gave me the phrase "Ideology works like Lord English"
Delstuck: Which I am gonna use to do psychic damage to people at some point
CheeseModo: You monster D:
Delstuck: Also I'm gonna play more civ 6 with mods I think but my friends at work are slacking off to play Rust all day?
Mantle Sheep nods and begins sealing Del inside the wall with his cask
CheeseModo: Oh man sheep
CheeseModo: i get that reference and i gotta say
CheeseModo: hell of a pull
Delstuck: Yep
Delstuck: Wait
Delstuck: I'm real slow
Delstuck: So slow that now I'm sealed in this wall
Delstuck: With this cask???
Mantle Sheep: You see
Mantle Sheep turns to address the camera
Mantle Sheep: The cask in this case-his "cask"- is his newly re-lit interest in Homestuck
Mantle Sheep: Now
Delstuck: Well, jokes on everyone else
Delstuck: Because now
Delstuck: They can't get ye cask
Mantle Sheep: Who can tell me the name of Poe's ca-
Mantle Sheep hit by bus
Mantle Sheep: Actually, now the joke's on me
Delstuck manically wheezing laughter
Mantle Sheep: Poe and Lovecraft melded into one authorial entity in my mind there for a hot second
Delstuck: Okay I just googled it and I'm sort of stunned that, if this is the reference I think it is, SK got it
Delstuck: But also not really come to think of it
Mantle Sheep: For those of you playing along at home, it was a reference to The Cask of Amontillado by Poe
Mantle Sheep: Spooky has been on the brain as I consider our upcoming setting.
Delstuck: It's a good setting for that sort of thing
Delstuck: I expect a non-zero amount of haunted houses


Big Man: anybody keeping up with the latest d&d stuff?
Big Man: cos if not OH BOY


Kuro: out of context britposting:
Kuro: i'm just like "i feel like they shoved so many stereotypes in here but this is hilarious"
Draco: Shadouw the Hedgehoug
Kuro: correction they said: "shadouw the 'edgehoug"
Draco: lol
Kuro: you mean
Kuro: loul
Draco: 'oul
Draco: 'ou'
Draco: 'augh ouut 'ouud
Kuro: del is going to wake up, see this, and call a friend to put a hit on us and it's probably going to be chao
Draco: You mean Chaou?
Draco is already dead.
Kuro: chao murdered him, by god
taco ricevel: Kuro: correction they said: "shadouw the 'edgehoug"
taco ricevel: shadow the 'edge'og
Draco changed name to DracoChao
DracoChao: it is untrue i draco am alive chao has no killed me lol
DracoChao: i red all the book
Kuro: cursed


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Worm Game?!
Jumpropeman: might be one more stadia game on the hoard after all...
Gooper Blooper: You have five days to play Worm Game.
Draco: Worm Game is my January Patron Pick.
Jumpropeman: haha!
Kuro: worm. :)
Gooper Blooper: did someone say woooooooooorm
Draco: A good worm.
RubyChao: poor peachpuff still is not in on that joke
Draco: Someone will explain it to her someday in the blandest, most clinical tone possible.
Gooper Blooper: Kiibo, then
RubyChao: WOOOOOOOOOORM losing OOs every time a section got wrecked was a great running gag
RubyChao: the reduction from WOOOOOOOOOORM to Worm
Draco: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM inspired Dudunsparce.
Gooper Blooper: I appreciated that it got far enough that I could stretch that joke across the entire fite
Jumpropeman: I will be rather quiet as I go back to being Iron Man a bit
Jumpropeman: but once that game is done
Jumpropeman: it will be time for WOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM
Gooper Blooper: glad I could help alert you to this once-in-a-lifetime chance to play a snake clone


Jumpropeman: played worm game multiplayer and thought I was the wrong worm and immediately rammed into a wall. I bet the only other person playing worm game thought I was messing with them :V


Jumpropeman: recorded a bunch of worm game footage but it didn't save the audio :I
Gooper Blooper: Stadia trying to keep its' secrets
MobileDraco: Top secret audio
Jumpropeman: I did at least get footage of every level and every mode
Jumpropeman: except High Score Online since no one plays that apparently
Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NZYaz7c0RwQ
Gooper Blooper: w o r m _ g a m e
MobileDraco: They already ended sound support for Stadia.

(And soon after...)


Jumpropeman: playing no more heroes 3
Jumpropeman: they keep finding more heroes!
Brinehammer: Where do they even come from?


Kuro: >famous pokemon challenge youtuber comments on my old kdl3 video
Kuro: >"hope you come back some day!"
Kuro: i'm just gonna fall over and die because holy shit what are you doing to me, 2023
Jumpropeman: any excuse to play dream land 3-
Draco: Youtube suggested one of your old videos to me the other day because I have it in my favorites.
Draco: One of the Yoshi Cookie ones I think.
Kuro: *cat crying meme*


Gooper Blooper: So a few years ago I picked up this little knickknack from a local gift shop that was having a going out of business sale
Gooper Blooper: it's a little wooden ornament designed to look like an old-timey sign, advertising a lighthouse that is also a hotel and a restaurant - so, you know, kind of ahead of it's time
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately it cannot help us name our new home because it's referred to on the sign as "The Lighthouse Inn".
Jumpropeman: The Come On Inn
Jumpropeman: yes we are a brothel
Gooper Blooper: don't tempt dorothy
MobileDraco: Did someone say brothel?

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