Thursday, June 8, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 408: Leave My Food Son Alone

(Seychelles sees a Chatzy Madness for the first time)

Seychelles: Oh gods.
Seychelles: JRM do Not tell me there is a prize for being funny
Seychelles: You don’t want the consequences for that
Diadem: there is no prize, its just a collection of things goops personally found funny
Seychelles: Wrong
Seychelles: There is a prize and its VINDICATION
Diadem: fair 'nuff
Seychelles: The worst drug of all


Jumpropeman: I'm glad gooper included the footage of Zhang's death in chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes I add context, and in this case I just had to see what you were talking about
Jumpropeman: that boss you fight already had sufficient motivation to fight since they killed and replaced your sensei
Jumpropeman: but we also had to have Zhang reappear after her supposed death just to get roasted instantly
Jumpropeman: Zhang is the Floatzel of Shinobi
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: *searches Dracula The First Night on mobygames* *fourth result in the search results is Firefly Diary*
Jumpropeman: I feel like this was somehow targeted specifically at me
RubyChao: she lives...


Jumpropeman: atelier sophie has now twice spoiled a twist that has yet to show up in the plot :V Once through the opening, and then again through a tutorial screen
RubyChao: Atelier Seaworld


Melting Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Melting Sheep: I was on a trip, and it must have taken more out of me than I thought! Somehow slept until 3pm today!
Melting Sheep: Meanwhile:
Melting Sheep: Season's start is coming up quick! YAAAAAH!
Melting Sheep muppet flails
Draco: Woo
Draco: Coppy still exists. D:
Melting Sheep flails the compound bonds of his molecules apart, disintegrating rapidly.
Melting Sheep left the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hello sheep!
RubyChao: oh, bye sheep!
Draco: We had a Sheep.
Sey: Hey Sheep
Sey: your
Sey: Wait he’s gone.
Draco: He's gone.


Harpbebobop: i wanna smorch kisha i love her
Gooper Blooper: I think Kisha has been relevant longer than Alex at this point
Harpbebobop: dethroned
Harpbebobop: Sorry alex but Kisha the OG
Harpbebobop: dia is also more relevant than both of them, OOOOOH-
Harpbebobop: ahem.
Draco: I have no i-dia who you're talking about.
Harpbebobop: hardy har har draco
Harpbebobop: Perish
Draco: Okay.
Draco left the chat
Harpbebobop: i have the illusion of power
Sey: Wow
Sey: Remind me never to mess with Harpy
Draco joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: She killed one of my most powerful villains with yo yos once.
Draco: Reminder: don't mess with Harpy.


SteelKomodo: so
SteelKomodo: are we all set for RP?
Harpbebobop: As set as im gonna be
RubyChao: i'm pretty much set
RubyChao: brainrot is strong this year and i will inflict it on everyone else
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
SteelKomodo: sadly i have no brainrot this year
Harpbebobop: Mario brainrot incoming btw :3
Harpbebobop: (Just watched the mario movie)
SteelKomodo: (how was it?)
Harpbebobop: Good!
Harpbebobop: Chris Pratt’s voice wasn’t as distracting
SteelKomodo: I see
Harpbebobop: Also girlboss peach
Harpbebobop: Either way even if his voice isnt as expected the movie itself and all the musical and visual easter eggs are worth it


Melting Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hello my friend sheep
Melting Sheep: Hello, this is your monthly mandated M Sheep check
Melting Sheep: AAAAA
Melting Sheep: AAAAAAAA
Melting Sheep: Been chained to the comp all day doing auditions.
RubyChao: live footage of me and sheep every time he shows up
Melting Sheep: :I
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Melting Sheep: b-baka


(Re: my extremely negative review of Lunar Lander)

Jumpropeman: Lunar Lander crashed and burned hard, eh
Gooper Blooper: I looked at the review later and was like "should I tone it down a little? ...Nah, I REALLY did not enjoy playing Lunar Lander."
Harpbebobop: Destroyed like the moon in SA2
Jumpropeman: sometimes you gotta whip out the claws
Cornwind Evil: I read that as "sometimes you gotta whip out the clowns"
Harpbebobop: that too
Harpbebobop: bring in tha dancin lobstahs


RubyChao: quick barpost to tie up katelyn
Lurkabree: whoa there chao it's a little early in the season for bdsm
RubyChao: there's always time for bdsm


Magnanimous Sheep: "I had been asked if I could come and fix up a computer in the game corner."
Magnanimous Sheep: Was it Bill's PC?
Magnanimous Sheep: "caught up in the normalcy of the conversation"
Magnanimous Sheep considers
Magnanimous Sheep: "the support of an Internet idol an effective and intoxicating energy boost"
Magnanimous Sheep lies down
Magnanimous Sheep: "Remember, like, comment, and subscribe!"
Magnanimous Sheep foams at the mouth
Magnanimous Sheep: "The woman's shout resounds through the area, drowning out the rustling of the bush out from which she leaps!"
Magnanimous Sheep: POKEMON!
Magnanimous Sheep: “Sevii League is the league of old people”
Magnanimous Sheep: :I
Magnanimous Sheep: “I want Iono to fistfight the entire Sevii League”
Magnanimous Sheep: >:I
Magnanimous Sheep: "getting up close and personal as she bends down and transparently inspects the streamer's thighs."
Magnanimous Sheep: I have some concerns.
Magnanimous Sheep: “Lose the streamer weight babyyyyy”
Magnanimous Sheep: :I
Magnanimous Sheep: "For an old woman, Ultima hides a surprising strength"
Magnanimous Sheep: I should hope so; I'm pretty sure she's a late game RPG spell!
MobileDraco: Iono Zone is maliciously fat shaming Iono. No wonder she hasn't shown up since October.
Magnanimous Sheep: "The view from up here's changed over the years," she comments wistfully,
Magnanimous Sheep: Shouting over the blaring horns and guttering smog below.
Magnanimous Sheep: "The difference now is that they call me weird and tell me I scare off the tourists."
Magnanimous Sheep: Same.
Magnanimous Sheep: "when someone comes who can make it, there's no better test. If they can make the climb, they earn a battle. If they can make the climb and learn something about these islands on the way up, they earn something more valuable than that."
Magnanimous Sheep: A gift card to Ponderosa Steakhouse?
Magnanimous Sheep: “ULTIMA-SENPAI NOTICED ME” “It’s always the old people who understand us”
Magnanimous Sheep deflates
Magnanimous Sheep: "Flapple leading off with an Acid Spray, dousing the cape with a putrid liquid to start the battle on its own terms!"
Magnanimous Sheep: CITRIC ACID!
Magnanimous Sheep: "Apple hits frog"
Magnanimous Sheep: READ ALL ABOUT IT!


Jumpropeman: *starts final boss* "Dualshock Controller Battery is Low" their power knows no boundaries D:
Cornwind Evil: They learned from Psycho Mantis


Del City Nights!: Tragic...
Del City Nights!: Chastity is really an adult now
Del City Nights!: She won't randomly fight people in the street!
Cornwind Evil: The downside of being a cougar: you conserve energy like a cat now.
Del City Nights!: Lmao


Gooper Blooper: I can't wait for M Sheep to do his first event of the year when Playmate's drinking buddy goes missing and he has to get up in front of the kobbers, hat in hand, and confess that he's lost M' Marbles
Magnanimous Sheep brushes plot under rug


Jumpropeman: the voice acting in this game seems promising
RubyChao: >2006
RubyChao: yeah that tracks
MobileDraco: That voice acting could be in Symphogear.


MobileDraco: SKULLMAGEDDON will probably end up appearing a lot because I'm already having fun.
Jumpropeman: skullmageddon is already fun
MobileDraco: I'm sorry. ;p
Jumpropeman: you better be!


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: yum
Gooper Blooper: I don't know what possessed Chao to put it in his post that fateful night but I hope he's happy that half the characters in RP eat smurfs now
RubyChao: i was not aware of what i would unleash
Gooper Blooper: I doubt it's real smurfs, but if this was Season 1, it would absolutely be made from actual smurfs
RubyChao: it's true
Sey: What?
RubyChao: season 1 was a lot more edgy/violent in tone in part because of the context surrounding it
RubyChao: the bar had a lot of casually weird/violent drinks
Gooper Blooper: yeah, it was a different time
RubyChao: over time that aspect has been very toned down
Jumpropeman: Smurf and Turf comes with a side of Quarter Water
Draco: The most meme food of all time
Draco: It's probably just really blue and tastes like apples.


Lurkabree: WTF is not a literature genre, but if it was then lawnmower man would certainly be in that genre


Jumpropeman: it's kinda weird how a pokemon game starts by introducing Pokemon as mysterious creatures
Jumpropeman: "Welcome to Wisconsin, home to mysterious creatures known as... animals"
Draco: To be fair, back in the first Gen they WERE mysterious.


Magnanimous Sheep: "GBC makes no secret of her attempt to eavesdrop, but Gamecube was content to stay in her chair and wait for food to come."
Magnanimous Sheep: The GameCube is a ambush predator
Draco: Gamecube isn't even going to order. She's just going to sit there hoping Miyoi brings her something off the kids' menu.
Magnanimous Sheep: Time for more Smurf and Turf....


Gooper Blooper: So without even trying, Harpy and Chao have found a new way to ruin something already ruined
RubyChao: as usual-
Diadem: damn i have some mad sorcery going on
Gooper Blooper: I started playing the Magolor Epilogue in Return To Dreamland Deluxe today, and first off, Magolor's quips in the skills menu are dead-accurate to Spy's writing style
Gooper Blooper: But the thing is, in the Magolor mode, those skills are upgraded by collecting points, and you get points by playing the stages and performing combos. Longer combos get you more points, and you get a rank at the end of the stage, with the best rank being Platinum
Magnanimous Sheep sounds of shattering glass
Diadem: so yeah when are you getting all P rank Magolor mode
Gooper Blooper: I have gotten a few Platinum Magolors. You don't need to maintain the combo nonstop the whole level, which is good because that appears to be impossible in most stages
Diadem: this but with magolor
RubyChao: when are we making lanterby do the entire pizza tower
Draco: Do we dislike her THAT much?
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, in terms of the main story mode when I played co-op with goopsmom, when Magolor betrayed Kirby Goopsmom burst into an I KNEW IT. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU? RIGHT FROM THE START!" She didn't specifically predict he would be evil but she did find him sus and wondered why he wasn't finding his own dang ship parts
RubyChao: i mean draco, the answer is clearly yes
Draco: Because he's lazy, Goopsmom.
Diadem: lanterby in WAR
Draco: Fair enough, Chao. That'll be a June plot.
Diadem: also based goopsmom
Gooper Blooper: Giving Lanterby a gun?
Diadem: yes
Diadem: she's killing living, breathing food crimes
RubyChao: lanterby with a shotgun would be dangerous
RubyChao: not least because she doesn't know how to use it
Gooper Blooper: It worked for Wriggle!
Magnanimous Sheep: MOTHRAAAAAA
RubyChao: reminder:
RubyChao: Lanterby considers square pizza to be normal
Diadem: based lanterby
Magnanimous Sheep: Because
Magnanimous Sheep: Lanterby IS a square.
Gooper Blooper: I heard it's hip to be square.
Magnanimous Sheep: Only if you dare to be stupid
Diadem: because lanterby doesn't cut corners
Draco: Square Pizza IS normal. :I


RubyChao: "Nobody remembers the halcyon days of a movie chopped up into 10 10-minute chunks on YouTube and part 7 is always missing."
MobileDraco: lol
Jumpropeman: watched entire animes in chopped up youtube bits
Cornwind Evil: "Nobody remembers the halcyon days of a movie chopped up into 10 10-minute chunks on YouTube and part 7 is always missing." I do
Lurkabree: you remember when the first land animals evolved, cornwind, you don't count
Gooper Blooper: I actually just read earlier today that nowadays kids are doing that with TikTok videos, watching cartoons in, like, twenty little chunks across twenty videos
Jumpropeman: probably while subway surfers plays in the bottom half
Magnanimous Sheep hears this and collapses into a pile of ammonites


Cornwind Evil: So I'm perusing Something Awful
Cornwind Evil: And in one thread the topic gets derailed into a posted poll where it measured how many people thought, from the sample size, that they could beat various animals in a fight
Cornwind Evil: I'm thinking 'Should I post 'I miss Zoofights'?' I decide no, don't want someone to be reminded of that, decide to do some internet searching, and come potentially bother us.
Cornwind Evil: A page later
Cornwind Evil: Someone else entirely. "I miss Zoofights."
Cornwind Evil: And me I go DOH


Lurkabree: link
Jumpropeman: those dudes still providing security this year?
Lurkabree: of course! what, you wanna get rid of the stormtroopers
Lurkabree: it wouldn't be zfrp without stormtroopers
Lurkabree: frost is still head of security as far as I know, she's gotta have security to be head of
Jumpropeman: just doublechecking! it is funny we brought them in to match the spaceship setting and now they're guarding lighthouses and magic ships
Lurkabree: at some point ditching the stormtrooper armor for a different uniform was seriously considered
Lurkabree: but then some genre savvy genius came in and gave a 45 minute lecture on the cultural importance and symbolism of the common mook
Lurkabree: how vital they are
Lurkabree: several people were moved to tears by the presentation
Lurkabree: and from then on it was set in stone
Lurkabree: the stormtroopers are stormtroopers
Jumpropeman: their armor is a point of pride!
Cornwind Evil: Then the stormtroopers get milkshake ducked
Draco: Whalestrand Stormtroopers:
Jumpropeman: snowtroopers would be a good call
Draco: We could have had these guys in Kuwahawi or Agama too:
Jumpropeman: they look too cool though
Lurkabree: the snowtroopers look ridiculous


Lurkabree: I tried asking chao his thoughts on how the mayor should respond and alas it seems he is ded
Lurkabree: I knew him, horatio
Lurkabree: he was a chao of most excellent fancy
Jumpropeman: chao ees good-type friend, yes
Draco: We'll get a new Chao. Called HP and tell him to start looking.
Lurkabree: oh he might be back, his discord status changed from idle to online :V
Draco: Nope. Too late. I already have his replacement, RoobeeChow, brewing in the 3D printer. ;p
Lurkabree: he said he's not available so I will just write a poste :V


Lurkabree: shitpost
Lurkabree: if you need to ask any questions (such as "bree what the fuck") before you reply, let me know, I'm on discord :V
Draco: Roger.
Jumpropeman: can't blame him for wanting a ghost waifu
Lurkabree: this ridiculous idea came to me the same way as "the mayor is a monkey" did, which is it just waltzed into my brain like "hey you know what would be stupid" and I was like "oh no, what is it now" and then I told chao and he supported it :V
Draco: srspost
RubyChao: speaking of support
RubyChao: you should all support my brave decision
RubyChao: of going to bed
Draco: We do.
RubyChao: thanks :D
Draco: Now leave and never return for like 8 hours or so.
Jumpropeman: spathi took it better than I expected :V
Lurkabree: same :V I'm not sure if spathi realizes where the mayor and the keeper's relationship stands right now...
Draco: She's a literal killing machine who finds joy in working for local government. A sentient monkey wanting to marry a ghost is the least weird thing she is going to hear about this year. She's not Iris, who sees absurdity in huge guys waving swords around Ghost Town Applebee's.


Natural Playdel: any of yall seen the new disney card game
Cornwind Evil: No
Jumpropeman: whats it called del
Natural Playdel: it has the very inspired name of
Natural Playdel: lorecana
Natural Playdel: its not out yet but they've leaked enough cards that people are doing proxy games of it
Cornwind Evil: I thought it was going to be called Disney's Official Card Game(TM)
Jumpropeman: some companies would name it like that
Natural Playdel: theres two gimmicks i kinda like about it
Jumpropeman: Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie comes to mind
Natural Playdel: one is that your resource is Ink which you get by putting cards facedown into a pile. its like mtg lands but you don't need to worry about type
Natural Playdel: it's sort of like duel masters
Natural Playdel: the second gimmick is that you win by generating points with your characters, but when a character does that they then become vulnerable to being attacked, so there's this push and pull of needing to protect the characters who generate points and beating up the opponents stuff
Natural Playdel: also here's tigger
RubyChao: all i know about duel masters was watching the english dub as a kid and i'm pretty sure nobody knew how to play the card game on that show
RubyChao: the dubbers sure just decided to take the piss out of it
Jumpropeman: he is a wonderful thing :3
Natural Playdel: the third gimmick is there's cards called Songs where you can tap cards to play them for free, to represent characters doing the songs from the movies
Jumpropeman: I was kinda worried it would be like, edgy wizard tigger
Jumpropeman: since there were a lot of disney things recently that try to make characters cool
RubyChao: yeah i like that it's literally just
RubyChao: Tigger
RubyChao: as is
SteelKomodo: well jrm
SteelKomodo: wait until tigger gets added to the mirrorverse
Natural Playdel: there's some alternate designs of characters
SteelKomodo: then your nightmare really will come true :P
Natural Playdel: sk tigger's already in mirrorverse
SteelKomodo: wait fucking what
SteelKomodo: shut up
Jumpropeman: oh no
Natural Playdel: he has a nice hat
Natural Playdel: thats about it
RubyChao: the iono zone
Jumpropeman: not bad! It's just Tigger LARPing
Gooper Blooper: but is he still a Wonderful Thing
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Sources suggest no.
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, I think they were afraid of some Blood and Honey Lite redesigns
Jumpropeman: Fractured Tigger
RubyChao: yeah i like how mirrorverse is just
RubyChao: "wow! i'm an explorer! :D"
Draco: Tigger and the Ink Machine


Magnanimous Sheep: Grima?
Magnanimous Sheep: More like
Magnanimous Sheep: LIKE
Magnanimous Sheep: grimy
Draco: D;
Draco: Sheeeeeeeeep, whyyyyyyyyy
Draco cancels Dracoplot FOREVER.
Gooper Blooper: The Fell Dragon, Grimer
Draco: Goops figured it out, my villain is a Fossil Grimer from MALPverse.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: you enter an alley and see this boy giving you the eye
Jumpropeman: what do
Jumpropeman: i will note his lower body doesn't have too much definition
Jumpropeman: it's almost like he melts into the floor


Draco: Pretty sure this is Futo canon.
RubyChao: seems about right, draco


RubyChao: every BBB
Jumpropeman: cant believe that brawl art leaked early
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: One month plus one week to go before the brawl machine starts up
Gooper Blooper: hype
Jumpropeman: rev up those diers!


(JRM introduces us all to the mental image of a "clam and peas sandwich")

Gooper Blooper: that kid was lucky Barney was the one ordering, any other person ordering fast food would throttled him-
Jumpropeman: he's getting between a dinosaur and his meal
Draco: Holy shit. Barney's about to go Full Karen on this kid.
Gooper Blooper: Well if the kid would LISTEN
Lurkabree: the car is too loud!


Jumpropeman: a pizza that comes in a delivery box made out of pizza
Lurkabree: why
Jumpropeman: i'd try it, but also, be very worried about how sanitary it is
Draco: Pizza Box Pizza seems tasty in theory but I bet the topping on the top half would just fall off.
Jumpropeman: maybe cook them under the cheese like chicago style
Lurkabree: hella structural issues on the pizza box pizza
Draco: That crust better be stuffed too.


Jumpropeman: "Heinz's success came after he teamed up with Dr. Wiley and revolutionized the process of making and preserving ketchup"
Jumpropeman: if only he could have settled for that instead of trying to kill Mega Man...
Draco: If he had though, would we have...W KETCHUP?
Draco: (W is for Wily)



Del City Nights!: Little Buddy seeks his miso-flavoured death
Jumpropeman: Little Buddy grenade
Draco: I can't believe Little Buddy's already dead.
Jumpropeman: Little Body
Cornwind Evil: He gets booted back out of Valhalla for 'slumming it'
Del City Nights!: When you have a tiny throwable friend who thinks being eaten is an honourable death, you yeet that boy


(Re: Seychelles' plot about reviving a dead person with necromancy)

Gooper Blooper: I think my favorite thing about this plot is that Sey has said the out-of-universe goal is to get this guy alive so he can be entered in the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: which means he's most likely gonna die again
Gooper Blooper: the post-brawl revival should be easier though!
Hooded Pitohui: Welcome back, here's your ticket to a death tournament
Cornwind Evil: I can just see him
Cornwind Evil: "God, it's good to be alive again? What's this? A massive death tournament? SIGN ME UP!"
Cornwind Evil: And everyone else face-vaults
Jumpropeman: sey does a post-brawl plot that is just the same events repeated


Jumpropeman: i am disturbed that Makuhita Sweat is an ingredient in the Pokemon world
Draco: Well, it must be precious if you have to harvest Makuhitas to get it.
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of this WOW trash drop
Cornwind Evil: Which used to be White
Cornwind Evil: Which meant it somehow had value
Cornwind Evil: I think it might have been used in a potion recipe or two
Cornwind Evil: But now it's just trash to be sold.
Cornwind Evil: Why anyone wants to buy it I don't know
Draco: The shopkeepers are obligated to buy it from you or Bobby Kotick will kill them.


Cornwind Evil: So. Who wants to hear a "Oh, you DICKS." moment for gamebook writers?
Jumpropeman: sure, hit us
Draco: Go for it.
Cornwind Evil: Okay, so one of the main gamebook series is Fighting Fantasy
Cornwind Evil: The books vary in difficulty, but some are absolutely merciless
Cornwind Evil: Like House of Hell, which has precisely ONE route you can take to win
Cornwind Evil: Every other route will eventually lead to your death
Cornwind Evil: It makes a weird sort of sense; in that book you're just a normal person who, after their car broke down, went into the absolute worst choice of shelter you could find
Cornwind Evil: While in other books you're usually some sort of warrior. Sometimes a rookie one, but still a warrior
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, virtually all the books go from 1 to 400.
Cornwind Evil: You always start at 1, and go to whatever numbers based on your choices and actions and dice rolls
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, there's one, Masks of Mayhem. Your main quest is to face and defeat/kill the evil witch Morgana.
Cornwind Evil: But if you go through the book on a 'good' route, you'll find out that you have a traitor in your court (you're a prince or something) feeding Morgana information.
Cornwind Evil: That turns out to be your court wizard, Ifor Tynan.
Cornwind Evil: However, even if you play the book perfectly and KNOW it's Ifor, when you kill Morgana, it just says "Based on who the traitor is, turn to the correct number. Otherwise, you are stabbed in the back and die."
Cornwind Evil: No other hint besides "There's a traitor, and it's your court mage Ifor Tyan."
Cornwind Evil: Now
Cornwind Evil: Tell me
Cornwind Evil: Where is the hint on where to turn?
Draco: The back cover.
Cornwind Evil: Nope.
Jumpropeman: forty one?
Jumpropeman: or just forty
Cornwind Evil: Jumpropeman gets it. Ifor Tynan.
Cornwind Evil: GOD that's a dirty trick
Jumpropeman: if the traitors name isn't something like Ima Backstabya, it's gotta be a clue in some other way!
Cornwind Evil: But you can see how it's one of those "WHAT IS THE CLUE" (you find out) "GOD IT'S SO OBVIOUS AND YET NOT SO!"
Jumpropeman: i wish I could remember what twist it was, but some game had a name clue that I went hours without figuring out and only got it like, seconds before the reveal :V
Cornwind Evil: I hate it when I forget details like that
Draco: I would've thought 49 by that logic.
Jumpropeman: yeah, I guessed forty one first since I though that nan must be something, nine makes more sense


Gooper Blooper: The Kobbers have taken down kings and lords and gods and saved planets and a million other things
Diadem: now i want crab legs
Diadem: smh


Sey: So guys would you say my first session quickly turned into a pile of bull?
Sey: Eh? Eh?
Gooper Blooper: I called the event "A Load of Bull" in the Barchives
MobileDraco slow claps.


Magnanimous Sheep: "As he sat in his newly de-haunted pizzaria, Peppino Spaghetti wondered how he got here in the first place."
Magnanimous Sheep record scratch, but funky
Diadem: y'all ready to get funky
Magnanimous Sheep: "Mark at Pizza Church"
Magnanimous Sheep: Hmmmmm
Magnanimous Sheep: "we'll show them what pizza made with lots of human heart tastes like!"
Magnanimous Sheep: *human hearts not a valid topping at Peppino's
Magnanimous Sheep: "I'll say more words, but first I must do this with my hands!"
Magnanimous Sheep: I can't believe Pizza Vampire killed Peppino...
Magnanimous Sheep: ""No more ghosts!" Oh, but I knew a guy who had a sandwich shop run by ghosts, so maybe the people would have wanted to see them?"
Magnanimous Sheep: There be a literal ghost kitchen in Food Plot
Magnanimous Sheep: "Pizza Church is a franchise"
Magnanimous Sheep: like all religions-
Gooper Blooper: PERHAPS THE SAME CAN BE SAID OF ALL RELIGIONS *swirls wine glass*
Magnanimous Sheep: "Pizza is alive, you need to let it speak to you! "Daddy, I want to be covered in olives!" And you say "yes, my pizza son, I have so many olives to give my beautiful pizza boy!""
Magnanimous Sheep: Is
Magnanimous Sheep: Is the pizza talking to you now, Pizza Vampire?
RubyChao: >his pizza doesn't talk to him
Jumpropeman: for sheep
Magnanimous Sheep: DRACO
Gooper Blooper: This is what happens when Draco focuses on the other Junko for a minute
Magnanimous Sheep: Chao, my pizza only talks to me to an impression of the movie House 4: The Repossession
Sey: I always enjoy Sheep’s reaction to things
Gooper Blooper: We all do
Gooper Blooper: He's known for his live chat reactions
Diadem: sheep streamer mode
Magnanimous Sheep: "Oh, I remember my niece as she asked me for a strawberry pizza. A crime, they'd call it! And maybe it was"
Magnanimous Sheep: Peppino did hard time for that one.
Magnanimous Sheep: Alternate joke: The origin of Peppino's villain arc
Magnanimous Sheep: ""Strawberry pizza? Oh mamma mia mia mia..." PV leans back in his chair, mouth watering at the thought. How had he not thought of such a delicious dish himself? He's going to need to go home soon and throw whatever fruit he can find on the next few pies out of the oven!"
Magnanimous Sheep: You both need to go to Pizza Church
Diadem: no
Diadem: :)
Magnanimous Sheep: Because y'all need Pizza Jesus
Diadem: i don't want a pizza jesus
Jumpropeman: pizza innovation is being stifled by pizza doctrine!
Diadem: we get that enough through communion wafers
Magnanimous Sheep: "I wish you could just adopt me right now"
Jumpropeman: pizza vampire is going to nail 95 recipes to the Pizza Church sliding doors
Magnanimous Sheep: I'm sure you could get paperwork from the mayor
Magnanimous Sheep: "Gustavo is a good man, but"
Magnanimous Sheep: he cooks pizza like a trucker does a jigsaw puzzle
Magnanimous Sheep: "The money doesn't taste as good as the pretty smiles on the happy people's faces!"
Magnanimous Sheep: Please do not taste the customer's faces
Diadem: brick is offended
MobileDraco: Morag has the paperwork ready for Pizza Jesus.
Magnanimous Sheep: or, really, any part of them
Magnanimous Sheep: "They call him... Count D- OH!"
Magnanimous Sheep: THE Count Donut??!
Gooper Blooper: Count Dough is actually a reasonable name for a pizza-making vampire...
Magnanimous Sheep: "they say "how could I ever not eat from a hearse!""
Magnanimous Sheep: It's the logical evolution of coroners eating over dead bodies in crime dramas.


Jumpropeman: put on a video called "The Evil Secrets Behind Free to Play Games"
Jumpropeman: its sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends :V


Cornwind Evil: "And then there's Japanese “Ironman Heavymetalweight” Title, which originated in Japanese secondary wrestling company DDT Pro Wrestling. Said belt was actually created as a parody of the then-WWE Hardcore Title and its 24/7 rule; the IH Title took the concept to its logical extreme, as it could be won by anyone or anyTHING in ANY way as long as a referee was there. The title still exists today, long outlasting the Hardcore Title and the 24/7 one, with no less than 1,571 champions, spread across 392 people, 7 teams, and 44 different inanimate objects. The belt has been won via auction, rock paper scissors, and in a match that occurred in a wrestler’s dream. It had been won by ladders, stuffed toys, the Young Bucks tag team, and a copy of the autobiography of the Young Bucks. The wrestler with the most reigns? A wrestler/guy called Shinobu (Sugawara), who has held the title 216 times. Most of those reigns happened on the back of two house shows, where, battling another wrestler named Yuko Miyamoto, he traded the title back and forth between the pair 303 times. And then another 60 times at another house show."


RubyChao: in this post, i succumb to the inevitable urge to let Shirley do Hitman-style doublespeak


Jumpropeman: "nobody's volunteering to intentionally get killed by overcharged machinery." they will in june!
Gooper Blooper: dancing into the meat grinder


Jumpropeman: hmm
Jumpropeman: Pokemon names are the same plural and singular, but for a plural possessive, would it be Unowns'
Jumpropeman says the only guy who cares about this
Gooper Blooper: I used "Klawfs" during my event because it felt less confusing
Jumpropeman: it would be better if Pokemon were pluralized normally, and LEGO wasn't all capitals
MobileDraco: They are? :O
Diadem: klawfing...
Magnanimous Sheep: plural Unown are
Magnanimous Sheep: Unwice
MobileDraco: If they're wild, they're Unowned.
Gooper Blooper: "I'm not Unowned! I'm not Unowned!!" I continue to insist as I slowly shrink and transform into a letter
Diadem: terrifying
MobileDraco: Goops whipping out the two sentence horror story.


Natural Playdel: oh god so many to reply to
Natural Playdel: sagfuisdghfs
Jumpropeman: the pain of being popular
Magnanimous Sheep: Del, try being less likeable!
Natural Playdel: listen i can do this
Natural Playdel: nobody wants this, especially not me
Natural Playdel: but i can do it!!!


Hooded Pitohui: srspost
Hooded Pitohui: small fix of "zero" to "X"
Diadem: idk man, a variable is a variable


Cornwind Evil: "Vought thought that Homelander was too powerful so they created a contingency. The contingency was to create an even more powerful clone of him, then tell him his sole reason for existing was to kill Homelander if he went rogue. Then he put him under a mask and made him pretend to be Homelander's friend so he'd always be close to him if need be."
Cornwind Evil: Perhaps you can see how this would go terribly wrong
Gooper Blooper: Seems legit


Gooper Blooper: "Sure, the Kobber seats came in all kinds, but he still felt like he stuck out some"
RubyChao: goops that happened to me once
RubyChao: i stopped in at a bar to get dinner and i was the only white person there, everyone else was black
nice place and it had some very good chicken tenders
RubyChao: but i was definitely feeling like homer for a bit


Magnanimous Sheep: "Oh no. You had such soft hands."
Magnanimous Sheep: :I
Cornwind Evil: What do you mean :I ?!?! They're both adults here!
Magnanimous Sheep: :I


Magnanimous Sheep: "Well, over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes!"
Magnanimous Sheep: So
Magnanimous Sheep: When Saltbaker eats something
Magnanimous Sheep: Can you just see it sitting there in glass, on top of his salt?
Cornwind Evil: Memoirs of a Salt Golem Baker
Cornwind Evil: (Memoirs of an Invisible Man, where the Invisible Man discovers he can now see his digestive system working)
Jumpropeman: I deliberately did not address Saltbaker's food visibility for the sake of the audience
Magnanimous Sheep: But JRM
Magnanimous Sheep: I am the audience.
Jumpropeman: the good news
Jumpropeman: is that salt inside him seems to be on mouth level, so it probably isn't possible to see food enter him
Magnanimous Sheep: And how does the food exit, JRM
Magnanimous Sheep: How about that?
Diadem: the food is unassalted-


(Thanks to hard work from Miyoi, Lanterby and Saltbaker take a few steps towards patching up their bitterness towards each other.)

MobileDraco: Aw, Lanterby made a not-enemy. :3
Jumpropeman: don't worry drac, Lanterby will find something to complain about next visit
MobileDraco: Thank goodness!
MobileDraco: I'd hate for people to only unintentionally throw knives at her. (;


Harpbebobop: i am doing nothing of note-
Harpbebobop: phone really wanted me to say “i am doing nothing wrong”, which is technically correct but also a very sus thing to say
MobileDraco: Suspy
Gooper Blooper: harpy confirmed baragon
Harpbebobop: we’ve come full circle after all


Magnanimous Sheep: "A long time ago in a far off land called Gensokyo"
Magnanimous Sheep: Never heard of it
Jumpropeman: miyoi doesn't know that 2/3s of kobbers are gensokyan yet


RubyChao: i have now officially completed Johnny Dollar
Jumpropeman: nice! What are you final thoughts on mr. dollar
RubyChao: pretty good. definitively reflective of the times (there are some... unfortunate depictions of women, and early on a couple REALLY unfortunate depictions of minorities that were absolutely played by white guys doing fake accents)
Magnanimous Sheep: Congratulations on getting through all of Johnny Dollar, Chao!
Magnanimous Sheep: Also, darn things and them being products of their time.
RubyChao: and the 5-parters were usually overextended and padded
RubyChao: but, generally it's good fun
RubyChao: Bailey is indeed the best Dollar once he gets past the five-parters and really hits his stride
Jumpropeman: hi harpy!
RubyChao: after him i'd say Edmund O'Brien, who brought a neat noir-esque atmosphere, and Mandel Kramer, who managed to be More Of Bailey for that final stretch
RubyChao: John Lund was okay but forgettable, Charles Russel is just generic, and Bob Readrick was trying too hard (he came right after bailey and super overdid it in imitation of him)
RubyChao: and the two guys who only auditioned barely even count
Jumpropeman: i can't even imagine what the five-parters must be like
Jumpropeman: how much gold digging can a broad do?
RubyChao: my favorite was that time that i could tell in the second minute of 70
RubyChao: "oh, this attractive woman johnny just happened to meet is absolutely the killer"
RubyChao: end of part 4, bailey says "a twist that will make your head spin!"
RubyChao: the attractive woman was the killer


RubyChao: "i wonder how long the walk i took today was, i feel real tired"
RubyChao: >check
RubyChao: >18 and a half miles
RubyChao: "oh"


Gooper Blooper: here's 800 images worth of 90s CGI
Magnanimous Sheep: Why would you do this to me?
Magnanimous Sheep: I'm gonna be here all day
Gooper Blooper: enjoy
Jumpropeman: that 90s cgi collection has big "early pc game cutscene" energy
Jumpropeman: I can even imagine the swooping camera view
Magnanimous Sheep: Oh man
Magnanimous Sheep: yeah
Jumpropeman: the future of communication
Gooper Blooper:


Magnanimous Sheep: "What did you DO to her?"
Magnanimous Sheep: I worried for a second I had managed to poison her :V
Jumpropeman: Yuuma was fun while she lasted, huh guys?
Jumpropeman: Turns out hobo funk is fertilizer for Devil's Hair
Magnanimous Sheep: I mean, it cultivates everything else
Magnanimous Sheep: "I think they might have made the Heaven and Hell Dough!"
Magnanimous Sheep: Oh, we Shonen now!
Magnanimous Sheep: "well, it all ties back to a man named Tonio Trendy."
Magnanimous Sheep: A JOJO REFERENCE?!
Magnanimous Sheep: "and brought aboard two others, Wanze"
Magnanimous Sheep: You must be joking.
Jumpropeman: =D
MobileDraco: What's JoJo?
Magnanimous Sheep: "Supreme Foodon Sauce"
Magnanimous Sheep: Oh my GOD, JRM
Magnanimous Sheep: "Chef Latte could not create a Fighting Foodon"
Magnanimous Sheep: *screaming*
MobileDraco: JRM killed Sheep with Joseph Josaltbreaker.
Jumpropeman: it wasn't all meant to be anime... it just hashed out that way :V
MobileDraco: Yohane isn't going to be helpful with this plot. XD
Magnanimous Sheep: I'm amazed at this point that you stopped before you threw in that One Piece lady with juice powers
Cornwind Evil: Sheep Juice Thing JRM tried, but Mama ran him off.
Jumpropeman: most events will have some food prep angle for normies still
Magnanimous Sheep: Yohane's gotta hack the Livingini
Jumpropeman: not to give too much away, but the foodon event will have us making the foodons! Not fighting them ourselves or something
MobileDraco: It's a good thing we don't have Pokemon characters there to go HERBA MYSTICA
Jumpropeman: i bet if I had played violet sooner, I might have integrated them somehow
MobileDraco: Well, go play Violet sooner. :I


Gooper Blooper: I sent three male characters to today's event
Gooper Blooper: cherish this rare moment
MobileDraco: We'll never see Samhain again.
Jumpropeman: i think that means we had a 50/50 gender split (not counting prosperity since she wasn't fighting)
Sey: Good job?
Sey: Most of my characters are guys
RubyChao: my god, goops, you're right
RubyChao: we will never see this like again.
Jumpropeman: sey, there are definitely events where, not on purpose, it's 100% ladies
Jumpropeman: on both sides of the conflict even
RubyChao: yeah, we're mostly poking fun at how goops' roster is very women-weighted
RubyChao: so him sending 3 male characters is very rare
MobileDraco: >_> I think Skullmageddon is my first male protag in awhile.
Sey: I know, just trying to contribute
MobileDraco: It's all good.
MobileDraco: I just like RPing ladies.
Sey: I get it.
Sey: Ladies are hot. I have eyes as well
MobileDraco: lol
Sey: I must now say good bi.
Lurkabree: good bi to a good bi
Sey: Sey good bi even
Lurkabree: lel
Lurkabree: can confirm sey is a good bi


Gooper Blooper: The classics I grew up with are all masterpieces, it's everyone ELSE'S personal blorbo games that aged poorly


SKELEDEL: i need to get jade shipped with a brinehcar already!!
Draco: There's a fine lass named Violence ready to be tenderly loved.


Lurkabree: I will get a rise out of cleveland jeremiah sharpe, this I vow


(Chao quotes one of JRM's old rejected character blogposts)

RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: "A character from a real actual radio show, Johnny Dollar is a man with an "action-packed expense account" from a radio show my dad and I listened to together a bunch. His schtick is you would hear about what he had to purchase as he unraveled mysteries as an insurance investigator. I would have loved to slip him in somewhere, but insurance investigating is not too interesting on its own and annoying meta if applied to our setting, so he remained a half-baked idea before I admitted that an Inch High Private Eye would be my only detective character."
RubyChao: how does it feel to have seen how much of a run he's gotten
Jumpropeman: i never expected it. Even if you told me he would show up, I wouldn't expect him to stick around so long
RubyChao: in fairness, making Team Business was pretty much mandatory to have ti be a multi-season group
RubyChao: i don't think any of them would have been more than a one-season character solo
Draco: Well, justice is cute.
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Basically canon.
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Someday she'll escape the narration booth and destroy us all.
Gooper Blooper: There's a few characters in particular I'm itching to do more with but they keep not finding any events fitting for them
Gooper Blooper: I'm banking on Neo Neo Kobbers and Harpy's plot to help me out
Jumpropeman: that's me with penny
Gooper Blooper: I joked to Brine that I totally wanted to do stuff with Burnin Justice but yesterday was not their day because Burnin would be bald in seconds
Jumpropeman: Snuffed Justice


Cornwind Evil: "NIGHT OF THE LIVINGUINI!" I initially read this as 'Night of the Living Gun'
Gooper Blooper: Foodplot final boss: Pudding With A Gun
Cornwind Evil: Those strangers might be long gone, but Pudding With A Gun is forever
Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: I wish I remembered pudding with a gun
RubyChao: there's still time jrm
Jumpropeman: we'd be making that instead of the wonder tart
Jumpropeman: it makes sense: once yuuma eats the pudding, it can shoot the devil's hair from within
Draco: We're going to feed Yuuma Utsuho's macaroni and kill the Devil's Hair that way. And Yuuma too, probably.
Jumpropeman: the ingredients for the wonder tart should have included smurf and turf
Gooper Blooper: it's not too late to make one of your events about the smurf cartel keeping one of the ingredients from us
Draco: Snork Chops
Draco: Snorks are sea creatures too so there's probably tons of 'em around Whalestrand.
Jumpropeman: Snorks start showing up at Aqualand
Jumpropeman: we don't save them though, we're fine with it
Draco: Heck with them.
Jumpropeman: i remember trying to watch snorks on boomerang
Draco: I vaguely remember seeing them on Cartoon Network.


Sey: So I have a story for you guys
Sey: It’s another family lore story, sequel to Cow in the House
Draco: Uh oh
Gooper Blooper: I almost joked it was more cows
Sey: And before I begin I want to apologize for the awkwardness this will cause to one memeber of this group
Sey: This is the Sheep Balls story
Gooper Blooper:
Magnanimous Sheep: What?
Sey: So this story begins when my mother was in her early twenties and single. She had tagged along as a third wheel to a couple of friends to a showcase of livestock, because the guy was a sheep farmer.
Sey: My mom was very very bored. So she began to notice to notice something about the sheep; namely that proportioned to their height, sheep have really big testicles.
Sey: At least according to her, can’t say for sure
Sey: Anyways sometime later she goes on a hike with a close friend and her boyfriend. They are hiking in a national park and encounter some mountain sheep. As they let the sheep cross, my mother shares her observation about sheep balls to her companions
Sey: Her friends are under the impression that she has been single for too long.
Sey: Anyways as an in-joke they buy her a toy sheep from a souvenir shop and one of her friends pins a homemade set of balls to the plushie, made out of nylon and cotton balls.
Gooper Blooper: tanooki sheep
Jumpropeman: i remember how wild it was finding Pom Poko on basic cable
Jumpropeman: just flipping channels and suddenly, giant ball tanookis bouncing all over the screen
Sey: Fast forward a few years later. My mom has meet my father and at this point are getting pretty serious in their relationship. She still lives alone and still has the stuffed sheep
Draco: Uh oh.
Sey: One day my grandma (dad’s mom) stopped by for a visit, with one of my cousins tagging along. My cousin, being rather young at this point immediately zeros in on the cute stuffed animal on my mother’s shelf
Sey: “What’s this?” My cousin asked innocently, pointing to the ~addition~ Mom’s friend had made many years prior
Magnanimous Sheep:
Jumpropeman: the goat is wearing a fanny pack is all
Sey: Grandma gave Mom A look. It would not be the last time she got that look from grandma
Sey: “Nothing to worry about.” She told my cousin removing the safety pins, and flicking the extra bits into the trash.
Draco: Damn. Sey's Grandma castrated a sheep. D:
Sey: Anyways that was the first and last time my mom castarted someone
Sey: Draco you were on the right track, wrong family member
Draco: Oh. Gotcha. XD
Jumpropeman: brutal


Cornwind Evil: The "My Teacher Is An Alien" series is fun if you don't know what they're about and try to guess the plots based on the titles
Magnanimous Sheep: Is
Magnanimous Sheep: is it about your teacher
Magnanimous Sheep: being an alien???
Cornwind Evil: Which are "My Teacher Is An Alien" (okay that's simple), "My Teacher Fried My Brains." "My Teacher Glows In The Dark" and finally "My Teacher Flunked The Planet."


Diadem: tfw you have a very important mission to do but your guide is talking to you AND playing mahjong at the same damn time
Diadem: and your superior's like ":o i'm curious what is that game?!?"
Diadem: the superior is welt. god fucking damn it welt, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SENSIBLE ONE
Diadem: certified dork
Jumpropeman: we've all bee there
Jumpropeman: dang, I think my N key is dying now too
Jumpropeman: this old laptop is fading
Diadem: oh no
Cornwind Evil: oh o
SteelKomodo: rip jumpropema
Maychelles: oh darn
SKELEDEL: f to the jumpropelaptop
Magnanimous Sheep: JRM has become like the handprint of an old man on a forgotten rail...
Gooper Blooper: IIRC, didn't JRM get a new computer and kept the old laptop around for compatibility or convenience reasons? I may be misremembering.
Jumpropeman: that's the case! I use the old laptop for RP since sometimes I'll be playing a PC game or some such on the nicer one
Gooper Blooper: Well that's good at least! It would be a lot worse if you just had the one computer and if it died you lost practical access to the forum
Gooper Blooper: (I say practical because of these newfangled smartphones)
Jumpropeman: I could just control+c the letter n (and f has been giving me troubles too lately)
Magnanimous Sheep: ""Yeah, I'm on it right now, Mr. Yang. I'm looking at this train REAL hard.""
Magnanimous Sheep: SWORD OF OWENS! Give me sight beyond sight!
Magnanimous Sheep: Wow
Magnanimous Sheep: *OMENS
Diadem: it gives s no fs, huh?
Magnanimous Sheep: HE'S GOT A SWORD
Magnanimous Sheep: LOOK OUT!
Maychelles: Now I'm imagining a sword with Owen Wilsons voice
Cornwind Evil: Post
SKELEDEL: put the sword down owens
Gooper Blooper: Imagine JRM trying to write the brawl with no Ns or Fs
SKELEDEL: at o the lad


Cornwind Evil: Tomorrow's plot, you will get AN UNEXPECTED CHARACTER
Cornwind Evil: Who you have seen yet never seen before!
Draco: It's Clownpiece. You weren't expecting her.
Jumpropeman: Homer Simpson?
Draco: It's Sage.
Gooper Blooper: Nobody expects the Dorothinquisition
Sey: Isn’t the point of an unexpected character is that nobody can guess who it is
Draco: Alright, guess and I'll tell you if it's Clownpiece. ;p
Cornwind Evil: Is it Clownpiece?
Draco: How did you guess?!


RubyChao: "I'm not ashamed to admit that Ride to Hell had me completely fooled. I thought, I knew for sure, that we were going to have to wait until Pretty Boy got on the bike and then there was going to be some sort of chase scene where you had to drive close enough to him to detonate the explosives. Why else would you rig a motorcycle with secret explosives and give it to someone you don't like if you aren't hoping to blow them up with it?
But no, it turns out that Jake just wanted the bike to blow up extra big when he shot it with guns. And then it didn't even work! "Blow up the bike to draw out Pretty Boy." Then right after you blow up the bike, "Kill all the thugs to draw out Pretty Boy." So everything we did, meeting up with Brandy, beating up Baggy Vance, stealing the bike, having it rigged with explosives, finding Mr. T's army friend in the trailer park and running away from scripted objects, all of that was completely and utterly pointless. Jake could have accomplished just as much with a bundle of dynamite and Diaper Chris' throwing arm.
And then for the punchline, once you do kill the thugs what does Pretty Boy do? Jump on a motorcycle and drive off. Gosh, wouldn't it be handy if his bike was rigged with explosives that you could then detonate? The game designers are actively taunting you at this point."
RubyChao: for jrm
Jumpropeman: in moments like that Ride to Hell thing, I feel like "surely I missed a detail that made this make sense", but I really should know better


Jumpropeman: i totally forgot the gritty power rangers movie was supposed to be the first of seven
MobileDraco: Oof
Natural Del of Town: Absolute counting chickens scenario
Natural Del of Town: Yes the power rangers movie that nobody is gonna like will spawn six more movies
Natural Del of Town: Like who are you kidding


Maychelles: Emerald's picture is giving me trouble
Maychelles: I blame racism


Gooper Blooper: "Maybe mustache salvagers picked this place clean already." Mustache Salvagers Plot 2024
Jumpropeman: Lord Mustacho's revenge...
Draco: Quit posting my plot spoilers, Goops. D:


Magnanimous Sheep: "However, much more capable here are Peko Pekoyama"
Magnanimous Sheep: Peko
Magnanimous Sheep: Pekopekopeko
Draco: Peko "Peko" Pekoyama and Peko "Yama" Pekoyama.
SKELEDEL: Peko Pekoyama of the Pekopeko People of Pekoland


iadem: i pressed q on accident and got quequequeque
SKELEDEL: at least it wasnt h
SKELEDEL: then we'd be back in 2011 league of legends
Magnanimous Sheep: "despite the site's condition - there were a lot of cameras still functional"
Magnanimous Sheep: Are you ready?
Magnanimous Sheep: Five Nights at Robotnik's Lab
Magnanimous Sheep: Why ever would you want to leave?
Magnanimous Sheep: "Just follow my quest marker."
Magnanimous Sheep: :I
Draco: I:
Magnanimous Sheep: I can't believe Clownpiece is about to be sued by Sony.
Draco: Just do the Main Story, Sheep. You don't NEED to spend eight years on the side quests.
Jumpropeman: it is imperative I find all the hidden dorats though!
SKELEDEL: the commune in france?
Draco: Just go do the fishing minigame!


Magnanimous Sheep: link
Gooper Blooper: that's what GBC says as she defeats the second place brawler


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: Spinosaurus is an eldritch being and if we ever find the full skeleton it's going to have, like, six legs or a set of wings or something
Gooper Blooper: just blatantly break open all of evolutionary biology completely
RubyChao: "dinosaurs are-"
RubyChao: spinosaurus: No
Gooper Blooper: imagine if Jurassic Park III used the fat seal version and the movie was exactly the same plotwise
Harptop: sniff sniff
Harptop: *cerato fucks off*
Harptop: no wait thats 2
Gooper Blooper: no you were right, Cerato is in 3
Gooper Blooper: he wanted no part of the spiny boi mess
Harptop: shit stank


(JRM starts playing Atari 50)

Jumpropeman: i can't believe this game mentions Puppy Pong
Gooper Blooper: I thought of you when I got to Puppy Pong, JRM
Jumpropeman: if I were rich and making an arcade room, I'd have a puppy pong cabinet no doubt
Jumpropeman: "Puppy Pong's more fun than your office goldish" BOLD CLAIM


Jumpropeman: back into atari land
Jumpropeman: and I'm very amused by the internal documents that are like "female versions of a popular game prove successful" because Ms. Pac-Man was a hit
Gooper Blooper: "Gentlemen, I have a plan." *stuffy 80s business executive pulls out a manilla folder labeled "Rule 63"*


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: that's a barbie and ken reference
RubyChao: i did not expect that
Gooper Blooper: yeah, the barbie and ken prison signs meme is taking off
RubyChao: i think the most fitting chaoacters for that would absolutely be Lara and Bambietta
RubyChao: in that order
Diadem: tanya and damien
Draco: Sumireko and Zeldoten
Gooper Blooper: Vanessa and Cecily
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure we're like two steps from it being actually canon for vanessa and cecily
RubyChao: it can't be Tenshi and Utsuho because they'd both be going "hell yeah"
Cornwind Evil: Joy and Neeko
Draco: Vince and Koakuma
Hooded Pitohui: Stick any ol' duo in those slots and that's Aurora and Amber
Jumpropeman: Stoke and Crocomire


Jumpropeman: I wanted Jahnu to bring up an animal he's seen that not many others have, but I don't think blue whale's a good choice :V
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: look, the big boys need room to swim okay


Jumpropeman: found this review of Pac-Man 99 recently when doing research and I swear, someone just went over this review and used a thesaurus without considering what words they're swapping
Jumpropeman: "The online multiplayer method of the Pac-Man-themed fight royale is free with Nintendo Switch Online, despite the fact that you can burn through cash on things like beautifying agents, a score assault mode, and disconnected modes played against AI on the off chance that you’d prefer to. I wouldn’t trouble except if you attempt the free delivery and love it. The center game will be sufficient for most."
MobileDraco: They took your review. D;
Gooper Blooper: oh, I remember us finding a site with these word swap reviews before, might have even been this one
Hooded Pitohui: "What’s more, I imply that in a real sense. There is no immediate method to assault different players."
Gooper Blooper: I think it's because it's a plagiarized, stolen review
Jumpropeman: "On the left half of the screen, you can pick between Stronger, Speed, Train, and Standard, while the correct side of the screen"
Hooded Pitohui: Don't you dare even think about looking at that incorrect left side of the screen.
MobileDraco: Look there and Shigeru will break down your door and slap you.


SKELEDEL: i bought boltgun then forgot i bought boltgun and remembered i'd bought boltgun
SKELEDEL: incredibly ralph wiggum voice
Jumpropeman: I too would like to buy, forget, then play boltgun sometime
Jumpropeman: or maybe just rent it ;p


Diadem: sorry for leaving yuumapino's fate to you jrm
Jumpropeman: I already wrote the part for it! We're not being too serious today
Jumpropeman: writing a tragic fate for yuumapino and then following it up with a twinkie bug nibbling on a bacon warrior would be something
Diadem: thats the whiplash i've come to know and love out of zfrp


Gooper Blooper: And you call this status effect "Steamed" despite the fact that Baconator is obviously grilled.
Jumpropeman: its a regional dialect. We're in India after all!
Gooper Blooper: I see.
Draco: lol


Diadem: donutula shoulda gotten a buff because its national donut day today-
Diadem: (i celebrated by having krispy kreme)
Magazine Sheep: I wondered if the donuts in my search bar had a meaning...
Diadem: dollars to donuts
Gooper Blooper: *chara intensifies*
Jumpropeman: chara has Donutvania all to herself today
Jumpropeman: what could pawsibly go wrong
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: i'm imagining that as literal
RubyChao: Chara has been placed in charge of running the restaurant
Gooper Blooper: they sold their entire stock today, sir, it was wildly successful *urp*
Diadem: chara nooo


Cornwind Evil: Youtube got caught up when I was loading so I had to keep hearing "LEAVE MY FOOD SON ALONE." "HE HAS TO FIGHT HIS OWN BATTLES." over and over for like 12 seconds.
Draco: LOL
Harpbebobop: Food son
Draco: Has to fight his own battles.
Magazine Sheep: Oh lord
Magazine Sheep: Thanks, Draco, hahaha


Jumpropeman finally checks out draco's youtube short
Jumpropeman: canon voices? :V
Draco: That's exactly how Morag and Brighid sound, yes.


Cornwind Evil: Street Fighter 6 video content: About all sorts of things, from history to gameplay to screwing around in the new open world mode
Cornwind Evil: Street Fighter 6 video thumbnails: LOOKIT CAMMY'S BUTT
Jumpropeman: they know what the people want
Cornwind Evil: If I could draw I'd draw Cammy in full clothing sitting on a large , flat topped pillar of rock.
Cornwind Evil: And say look, it's Cammy's butt(e).
Jumpropeman: go to bed
Jumpropeman: you're done for the day


Cornwind Evil: Oh great we're in the storybook from Resident Evil 8
LadySeychelles: I haven't played that game
Draco: Nobody has. Resident Evil 8 more like Resident Evil Goes In The Toilet (just kidding)
Jumpropeman: you're thinking of Corpse Party, draco
Magazine Sheep has terrible flashbacks
Cornwind Evil: Oh come on, Corpse Party only had...
Cornwind Evil counts on fingers.
Cornwind Evil: Four at most in game events related to being in a bathroom!
ivel: almost as many as there are versions of Corpse Party!


Natural Del of Town: Arg
Natural Del of Town: I'm exploding
Natural Del of Town: Didn't even roll for it


Magazine Sheep: srspost
ivel: there's that Sheep
ivel throws an M Sheep ball
Magazine Sheep sees his reflection in the orb, screams, and flies back to his pyramid to rest and regain his strength within his sarchophagus

ivel: dang, it missed
ivel sends a group of four explorers to raid Sheep's pyramid
ivel: Nothing could go wrong!
Magazine Sheep the explorers all perish, split up, thwarted by rooms themed after their poetic hubris
ivel sends four more explorers only for the remains of the first group to finish them off

ivel: just can't find good help these days.
Cornwind Evil goes to explore Sheep's pyramid himself.
Magazine Sheep CW finds a portal to another world where an old man ships shrunken corpses of the reanimated dead to perform endless labor
Magazine Sheep there was another stairway after the room, going yet deeper, that he did not see
Cornwind Evil flees back into the chat, being chased by flying, bladed silver spheres.

Cornwind Evil: HELP
Cornwind Evil: ONE OF THE TWO
Draco gets Cornwind a four-barreled tennis racket.
Cornwind Evil: This will either be the perfect weapon or useless, I really don't know
Magazine Sheep turns into a silver sphere and flies away
Magazine Sheep it will not be addressed why this happened

Draco: Sheep's voice acting Ozma from FF9!


(Jade the Octoling is revealed to be a Jinteki clone)

RubyChao: oh SHIT
RubyChao: i was not expecting that reveal del
RubyChao: hit me like a left hook in a good way
THE MINES OF MARIO: I have no idea what you mean :U
Diadem: what are you even talkin-
ivel joined the chat
ivel: I know you like seeing me but wow
Diadem: oh hi hun
Diadem: the timing


Magazine Sheep: This plot reminds me that this dropped yesterday
Magazine Sheep: Which looks VERY COOL
Magazine Sheep: But also, Blood Bowl 3, from what I hear, is STILL an unplayable mess.
ivel: all I know about Blood Bowl 3 is that they really dropped the ball, so to speak
Magazine Sheep: Yeah
ivel: a real fumble, if you will, instead of the prior touchdowns
Magazine Sheep makes noncommittal noises while trying to shut the door on ivel
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: that's pretty foul of you Sheep


Draco: "OC (faceclaim is from Queen's Blade, which is very horny so don't google it unprepared)" <- I don't do anything prepared. :U
RubyChao: YOU FOOL
Cornwind Evil: Oh please how bad can Queen's Blade be-HESUS CHRIST
RubyChao: (thanks draco)
Draco: No problem, Chao.


Gooper Blooper: I'm just slightly too late for him to read this but I've really enjoyed SK's plot so far. We haven't even really interacted with it yet since the first event was watching a show, but he's been doing a great job and the plot really has the Whalestrand spirit I think
MobileDraco: Meanwhile after finally talking y'all into a chilly setting, I make sure my plot's going out of town. :V
Hooded Pitohui: lol, same
Hooded Pitohui: I finally go somewhere chilly and my first plot for the season is somewhere else...
Gooper Blooper: God, I hadn't even realized that until now. HP, the community's biggest winter lover, is given the setting he wanted on a silver platter
Gooper Blooper: Immediately has us go to tropical islands.
RubyChao: we won't get his snow and ice plot until we go back to kuwahawi
Diadem: "lol same" is not something i expected to hear from pitohui for some reason
Hooded Pitohui: I get that often.
MobileDraco: HP normally comprises himself with more grace and decorum, but it's a lol same day today.
Hooded Pitohui: Every now and again I'll drop something relatively informal and that's the usual reaction.
Jumpropeman: now if he said roflcopter, I'd really be gobsmacked
Diadem: i'd ask if he was kidnapped
Diadem: i'm sorry, you are very dignified so it took me off guard


Magazine Sheep: "Yuuma distracted herself by showing him things on the internet, considering he had basically missed twenty years of civilization's advancements while messing around with the Livinguini."
Magazine Sheep: Can't believe she taught Wanze to floss
Jumpropeman: well now it's canon-


Diadem: posted
Diadem: nothing fancy just peppino slipping on banana


Cornwind Evil: So uh I pulled up the 'kids write jokes' thing
Cornwind Evil: And here's one from what I suspect is a unique kid
Cornwind Evil: "Why are trees green?
Every year, somebody vomits on all the trees and waits until it goes away so they can do it again."
Hooded Pitohui: Almost there, Harps!
Diadem: yeah the sun is barfing green light
Diadem: blurghlgfjklg

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