Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 347: Old Dog Eating ASMR

N Goat: Tonight on Black Clover: "Some stuff sure did happen."


Cornwind Evil: What's Pitohui's real name again
Jumpropeman: elsa kanzaki
ivel: Pit O Hui
Moonlit Sheep: excuse you
Moonlit Sheep: it's Pit O'Hui
Moonlit Sheep: respect her heritage!


Moonlit Sheep: Yanno
Moonlit Sheep: When I see a box of DVDs sold for almost 400 bucks
Moonlit Sheep: and then there's a charge of 4 more dollars for shipping
Moonlit Sheep: I feel like I'm being laughed at
Draco: You are.


Cornwind Evil: "Lifetime isn’t wasting a single second in its effort to release a movie about the college admissions scandal as quickly as possible—in fact, rather than spend a moment thinking up a more creative title, they’re just calling it The College Admissions Scandal."
Harpy: uh
Harpy: ?!?!?
Cornwind Evil: What are you ?!?!? about Harps?
Harpy: that whole sentence
Harpy: why is lifetime putting this up
Harpy: why aren't they being creative about it
Harpy: there's a scandal about college admissions?
Jumpropeman: the college admissions scandal was a bunch of rich people paying their children's way into college
Cornwind Evil: 1) It's Lifetime
Cornwind Evil: 2) It's Lifetime
Cornwind Evil: 3) Yes
Cornwind Evil: 3.5) It's better than "Mother, Can I Sleep With Danger?"
Harpy: mother can i sleep with a raptor?
Cornwind Evil: Ask Chuck Tingle
Harpy: can i ride a lil tykes raptor-mobile?
Harpy: (i saw one of those in walmart today and i had to stop myself from imagining Dashra proving why she needs a driver's license with it)


RubyChao: this feels
RubyChao: like a JRM thing
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: I watched a video about that this morning
Jumpropeman: I considered linking it in chat even :V
Jumpropeman: you know me too well
Gooper Blooper: Directed by Jeff Lew
Produced by Jeff Lew
Story by Jeff Lew
Music by Justin R. Durban and Jeff Lew
Cinematography Jeff Lew
Edited by Jeff Lew
Production company Killer Bean Studios

Jumpropeman: this is the video I watched
Jumpropeman: the best part is when the guys talking over footage imitate the bean characters in ridiculous parody voices, you can't tell them apart from the characters :V
Harpy: is this
Harpy: the bean's knees?
Jumpropeman: its unbeanlievable


 RubyChao: this penguin knows all your sins
Jumpropeman: i hope so, I tossed that baby off the mountain right next to her


Gooper Blooper: I take a very different approach to fite writing from what JRM does for the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: I keep RP the top priority, but that means the fite takes an eternity larva to write
Gooper Blooper: but we WILL see it before season's end
Menu Sheep: The approach is: He write all the entrants' names on sticky notes and then pastes them on dinofigs he moves around a simulated battlefield.
Menu Sheep: Or is that Plague?
Gooper Blooper: That was how Plague did Brawl plans. He had one of those military maps you see in briefing room sequences where they push around tokens with a stick, except the tokens were dinosaur toys
Gooper Blooper: Every entrant was a different species
Menu Sheep: That's a lotta dinos
Menu Sheep: Welcome
Menu Sheep: To Brawlassic Park
Gooper Blooper: the triplets of belleville were represented by a trio of hadrosaurs
Gooper Blooper: each a different color, of course
Menu Sheep googles
Menu Sheep: Ah-hah!
Gooper Blooper: they're the family of dinosaurs most closely associated with noisemaking :V
Menu Sheep: "Hadrosaurs (Greek for "bulky lizards") were far from the sleekest, or most attractive, dinosaurs ever to walk the earth. These plant-eaters were characterized by their thick, squat torsos, massive, inflexible tails, and tough beaks and numerous cheek teeth"
Menu Sheep: This anti-hadrosaur agenda!
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of old dino books talking about how dumb and useless stegosaurs and sauropods were
Menu Sheep: *snert*


RubyChao: i can't believe jrm is making us kill cirno 98 times


RubyChao: the most (9) pic to ever (9)


Menu Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Menu Sheep: I mean
Menu Sheep: haha, look at those little rascals
Menu Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Menu Sheep distant screaming


RubyChao: imagine Honoka doing this
Cirnoropeman: i love that framing on the photo
Cirnoropeman: really makes him feel like the only guy
Draco: Yohane does that, goes hunting and fishing FOR CURSE
Gooper Blooper: We need a srspost of Honoka awarding herself employee of the month
RubyChao: remind me to do that at the end of september
Gooper Blooper: and a pan to the wall of the bakery showing rows of identical photos of Honoka for all previous months
RubyChao: and i will do it
RubyChao: and all those photos are going :D
Gooper Blooper: don't cross that out, that's the most important detail
Gooper Blooper: also Hibiki is present and she applauds politely
Gooper Blooper: she's there every time.


Cornwind Evil: You know, I just realized
Cornwind Evil: Bison has no faith in Balrog at all
Draco: Would you if you were M. Bison?
Cornwind Evil: He's the main champ legitimate, why does everyone act like he's already lost?
Gooper Blooper: It came up earlier
Gooper Blooper: Balrog basically directly asked Bison exactly that
Gooper Blooper: Bison doesn't want it to come to that
RubyChao: he's hedging his bets
RubyChao: sure, balrog might beat hibiki in the ring
Gooper Blooper: (also Balrog cheats when he's in trouble)
RubyChao: but bison wants the surety
Draco: But can Balrog defeat....DAN?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco: No. Catte wins.
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
RubyChao: dan wins in less than a minute
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Gooper Blooper: Hibiki finally gets to the championship match, has to fight Dan instead
RubyChao: and then defeats hibiki for good measure
Gooper Blooper: it's really anti-climactic
Draco: Yohane is proud of her dark minion of fluffy darkness.
Draco: He gets extra treats that night.


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: Curse plot has really come far from fighting the Street Freaks
Draco: Indeed. To think the Curse started with some little robots trying to stop Skeiron from delivering pizza.
Jumpropeman: if they got away with stopping the pizza
Jumpropeman: Olympia would be Plague's by now!


Delvian Amphitheatre: The Roman forum
Delvian Amphitheatre: Where Romans would shitpost
SteelRome-Modo: Kek


Gooper Blooper: We're far removed from it, but I still instantly connect Metal Gear Rising to Cornwind
Gooper Blooper: All other Metal Gear games, however, connect to Sheep
Gooper Blooper: even Metal Gear Survive
Cornwind Evil: Darn it Tapatalk did changes again
RubyChao: there's a reason i immediately thought
RubyChao: "if dawn shows up it's very fitting"
Minus Sheep: Red Dawn Rising
Minus Sheep: Goops, why
Gooper Blooper: Because you were the most vocal about it when it was coming out :V


Cornwind Evil: Reality is far weirder than fiction


Minus Sheep: "She's looking very excited, and we soon discover why - Frost has gotten her Welcome Mats back,"
Minus Sheep: After the Peacock fight, she got out there with a broom and dustpan
Gooper Blooper: we can only trust one person with them
Gooper Blooper: I know they're supposed to be placed on the ground but I love the mental image of Frost just fuckin' heaving them at people
Jumpropeman: She holds them in front of her chest and football tackles you to the ground
Gooper Blooper: just flinging around electric bear traps
Gooper Blooper: Frost for BBB10?!
Minus Sheep: Frost throwing them from the back of the police car
Gooper Blooper: She has a big stack in the backseat


RubyChao: as a new yorker
RubyChao: this resonates on a deep, spiritual level


Minus Sheep: Back again
Minus Sheep: Tell a friend
Jumpropeman: hey chao, sheep is back
Jumpropeman: hold on, I have chao's number somewhere
Minus Sheep lies down
Gooper Blooper: ancient memes rise again
Gooper Blooper: fitting
Jumpropeman: i dunno sheep, the curse had a few f-zero racers


Minus Sheep: "It's funny."
Minus Sheep: Is it?
Minus Sheep: Are you certain?
Minus Sheep: Hm.
Draco: Yes.
Minus Sheep: "You can't handle the terror of choice, so you seek the balm of inevitability."
Minus Sheep: I do like this sentence though
Jumpropeman: the balm of inevitability is what i call chapstick in winter time
Minus Sheep: "Blasto holsters his pistols as he begins drawing out heavier weaponry to try and punch through Magnus's flesh."
Minus Sheep: His Muzzleflesh?
Minus Sheep: "A gun is a weak organism's implement, requiring only the depression of the trigger to fire."
Minus Sheep: *Basu intensifies*
Minus Sheep: I like that he says this while drawing a gun, by the way! Ahaha
Draco: This is why Yohane only murders people with her bear hands.
Jumpropeman: like any good relationship, Blasto recognizes the flaws in who he loves
Jumpropeman: but he loves guns anyway
Draco: Coward. Be a real jellyfish and kill with your paralyzing neurotoxin.
Minus Sheep: "Niftu had successfully avoided detection!"
Minus Sheep: Nifty!
Jumpropeman: go to bed
Minus Sheep: "HIBIKI!" Dana says, running towards Honoka. "HIBIKI!" Rachel cries as she runs up to the fallen Hibiki.
Minus Sheep: It begins.
Draco: "KIHIBI!...oh, fish paste!" Spongebob says, steppin' on the beach towards Honoka.
Minus Sheep: “I have no idea what kind of meme juice you chugged up with your ass,"
Minus Sheep: gross
Jumpropeman: i know right
Jumpropeman: it should have been meme soda
Draco: meme beer
Minus Sheep: That's quarter water.
Draco: No, that's meme water
Draco: meme beer is Bir
Minus Sheep: Oh, that's right, isn't it
Minus Sheep: "Who knows where I'll come from!?"
Minus Sheep: Well, I should hope you do!
Minus Sheep: Otherwise we'll be here all day.


Minus Sheep: Elliott for BBB10!
Minus Sheep slams fists on table
Jumpropeman: i'll enter elliott in every slot
Jumpropeman: even make him the mystery fiter and host
Minus Sheep: Do it, you coward!
Minus Sheep: I'll vote them all to the top!


RubyChao: so sheep
RubyChao: i know this sounds like a question that is bullying you but it's a legitimate question
RubyChao: taking the entire show up to this point
RubyChao: who used their power sets better:
Minus Sheep: :I
RubyChao: bleach or black clover
Minus Sheep: You're a cruel man, Chao
Minus Sheep: You know that answer.
RubyChao: it's black clover, right
Cornwind Evil: The answer is Sword Art Online
Minus Sheep: Begrudgingly, with a gun to my head, I would be forced to say it's Black Clover.
Cornwind Evil: And even Bleach occasionally managed some cleverness, like the fight with Pernida (sp?)
Cornwind Evil: Though it did come off as a little deus ex machina I CAN TACTICALLY PREDICT EVERYTHING
Minus Sheep: Bleach had very VERY shiny toys, enough it could coast on its cool toys alone, but struggled to use them
Minus Sheep: In rule of cool, Bleach comes in first.
Minus Sheep: But that's the only thing that rates
Minus Sheep: Mayuri fights were definitely always good, CW
Minus Sheep: even in the filler :V
Minus Sheep: They were so refreshingly different
RubyChao: hey cornwind
RubyChao: remember when
RubyChao: i brought in a bleach antagonist as a golfer
RubyChao: man
RubyChao: it's been a long time since i hurt sheep by bringing up bad moments from bleach
RubyChao: ...i'll pass for now.
Minus Sheep: Chaaaaao
Minus Sheep: :I
Draco: Sheep LIKES being hurt though, just like Tenshi.
RubyChao: i only bully you out of love, sheep
Jumpropeman: and because you need his lunch money


Jumpropeman: "Welcome to Fujisawa Academy – an educational institution where nothing is as it seems and every pupil hides a dark secret. Having made a pact with a demon fox - and bestowing you with the power to see the truth behind the lies, you must infiltrate the secretive Fujisawa Academy and uncover the sinister truths behind the seemingly normal façade."
Jumpropeman: And here's a screenshot of the game being described
Jumpropeman: the sinister truth is apparently that it's HuniePop
Draco: So sinister! :I


Jumpropeman: hey sheep
Jumpropeman: this game looks finger licking good don't you think
Magnanimous Sheep: That sure is a game...
Magnanimous Sheep: WAS THAT A DOG?!
Magnanimous Sheep pausing the video to work out the physics of that star pompadour
Magnanimous Sheep: Pausing the video there also reveals just how wonky that little fang is
Magnanimous Sheep: Yes, that is indeed a corgi driving a little car...
Magnanimous Sheep: PROFESSOR DOG
Magnanimous Sheep: >Publisher: KFC
Magnanimous Sheep: ARE YOU KIDDING ME
Magnanimous Sheep: I have so many questions
Magnanimous Sheep: This is such an odd direction to go after the work they did into polling to realize the growing population of people who don't know Colonel Sanders was a real person
Magnanimous Sheep squinting at trailer, analyzing the frames like a madman
Harpy: we have to talk about parallel universes?
Jumpropeman: here's a harpchar
Jumpropeman: and on the right, a sheepchar
Magnanimous Sheep: Great, and now because of this game, I've learned there's a Rivals of Aether dating sim
Magnanimous Sheep: the madness is unending
Jumpropeman: pisstake dating sims seem to be in vogue
Harpy: my god
Harpy: she's cute
Harpy: but what would i use her for...
Magnanimous Sheep: Do let me know if you ever actually review this KFC game, JRM
Jumpropeman: i do need a valentine's day special...
Harpy: what is that from
Harpy: the harpchar
Harpy: unless it is the KFC game...
Magnanimous Sheep: It is.
Harpy: oh well
Magnanimous Sheep: It's finger lickin' good, Harpy.
Magnanimous Sheep looks at screenshot, unsure if JRM was talking about the pudgy boy, the oven robot, or rping all three things in the picture as a mentally fused, Gregorian chorus of the coming Fried Times.
MobileDraco: I have a character.
Jumpropeman: interesting if true
Harpy: i have
Harpy: thing
MobileDraco: She is...a cute girl.
Jumpropeman: hear hear!


MobileDraco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1WAlkyxz2mU
Magnanimous Sheep: What is this video?
Jumpropeman: a warning PLEASANT SAFE WATCH
Gooper Blooper: a trailer for Samhain's return to RP


Harpy: basically KSS in a nutshell
Harpy: warning: loud


Magnanimous Sheep: waaaugh
Magnanimous Sheep: Internet is so spotty!
Magnanimous Sheep: Having a guy come out and mess with it tomorrow, thankfully
Draco: Good to know. :)
Magnanimous Sheep: Hoping very much its all cleared up then so I don't have to worry about just disappearing during plot
Magnanimous Sheep: Oi
Draco: Fuse yourself with good Internet on Friday.
Magnanimous Sheep: Aiyaiyai
Draco: So, um, make sure that Internet's working so...um...*checks his roster*...Gunglue and Gundober can fuse or something.
Magnanimous Sheep: GUNGUN!
Magnanimous Sheep: Fuse Gyanko with a Gundam :I
Draco: You mean like this?
Magnanimous Sheep: :I


Jumpropeman: "Frogs married to please rain gods, divorced after two months to stop the incessant rain"
Jumpropeman: "The frogs were wedded on July 19 in drought-stricken Bhopal in a belief that it would please Lord Indra (Hindu god of rains) and bring rains in the region. However, in view of the heavy rains lashing Madhya Pradesh, the, er, "couple" had to be divorced to stop the rains."


Screaming Sheep: I somehow didn't realize until this very moment that Cobramaru has spikes coming out of his chest
Jumpropeman: nipple stab ninjutsu!
Screaming Sheep: More noticeable here
Screaming Sheep: Very strange
Gooper Blooper: I expect nipple spikes to be worked into his fight now
Screaming Sheep: :I


Meek Sheep: Think I finally see where this post will end.
Jumpropeman: with your forum signature


Cornwind Evil: Really, I think a lot of issues in comics are basically grandfather issues.
Cornwind Evil: Ie, this wasn't an issue 70 years ago and for it to work we have to suspend our disbelief.
Cornwind Evil: It probably helps that in comics you can legitimately claim evil twins, time travel, alternate dimensions, reality warping, magic, etc
Cornwind Evil: That likely muddies the waters a lot
Cornwind Evil: There was this short lived series called Century City that tried to theorize what it would be like to be a lawyer in 2100
Jumpropeman: there's no real world anchor for things like time travel
Cornwind Evil: How laws would have changed and how society's constant evolving might bring about new crimes
Jumpropeman: we have no clue how alternate dimensions would work in real life so we can't see the cracks unless its egregious
Cornwind Evil: I mean, we have enough problems convicting rich criminals as it is
Cornwind Evil: Imagine a world where you could legitimately claim that wasn't you, it was your clone cloned without your permission.
Jumpropeman: that's how Elliott's still outta jail
Draco: That's how Parsee's still outta jail.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn wouldn't say it
Cornwind Evil: But this issue is why she did the training thing with her flying suit the way she did
Draco: Because people keep cloning her? ;V
Cornwind Evil: No, the way Emu or whatever his name was ambushed her
Draco: Ah.
Jumpropeman: Emu?
Cornwind Evil: The Lodge guy!
Jumpropeman: Orm
Draco: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!
Meek Sheep: Orm?
Jumpropeman: you got one letter almost right :V
Draco: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorm
Meek Sheep: Went from worm to bird!
Draco: The early bird becomes the worm.
Meek Sheep: Sometimes, CW, I can't tell if you actually forget a name or having a joke on us :I
Cornwind Evil: All I could remember was three letter name
Cornwind Evil: I did almost type Ohm
Cornwind Evil: But I then second guessed myself
Meek Sheep: Orm had some good art, by the way
Meek Sheep: Also a neat way to fight
Meek Sheep: Also a good concept for an event
Meek Sheep: Also-
Meek Sheep crypt door sealed
Jumpropeman: the creature i imagined him as was a sort of technology parasite, and I realized lightning bug was probably a profitable way to search for art to use
Jumpropeman: the phrase lightning bug that is
Meek Sheep: I can see why!
Meek Sheep: That phrase probably didn't warrant an exclamation mark
Cornwind Evil: In any case, what Orm did was exactly what Dawn was trying to train her for.
Jumpropeman: I was very happy for that early scene since it paralleled so well with this!
Draco: Dawn should've attacked them during lunch.
Draco: Then she would've been ready for it.
Cornwind Evil: Also if Dawn was there she probably would have tried a Cosine style punishment on Orm
Jumpropeman: he'd have to spend the rest of all time watching the TV Guide channel
Draco: Eadis barfed fire on him. That's a pretty good punishment.
Cornwind Evil: Noooooo, not to Dawn
Meek Sheep: Cursed to be chained to rock where an eagle rips out his liver every day.
Draco: I mean, if she'd recovered from being mind-blown she might've tried boiling the bug alive in his suit, but nope.
Meek Sheep: Have a long lie down, Eadis
Draco: She'll have a roughly five-day lie down.
Cornwind Evil: If you want to sadistically target the so called weak so you can score 'points' in a murder game
Cornwind Evil: Then you will get an eye for an eye, a tooth for a whole city block
Draco: Go play Danganronpa
Draco: Oh.


Cornwind Evil: "It has a large cast (126 speaking roles) led by Treat Williams."
Jumpropeman: you talking about Curse Plot with Treat as Plague?
Cornwind Evil: The film Prince of the City
Meek Sheep: Treat's an interesting name


iKomodo: https://youtube.com/watch?v=B8WzMf_E55w
Jumpropeman: guh huh desu yo
Del is Home: What if
Del is Home: You wanted to be in smash
Del is Home: But god said
Del is Home: GUH HUH


Harpy: Prepare yonder anuses


Del is Home: Okay so question for the crowd
Del is Home: What's a funnier power for Joshko to have
Del is Home: Summoning a really old Kamen Rider with a terrible looking suit, or turning into a low tier persona
RubyChao: the former
Gooper Blooper: former sounds funnier
MobileDraco: First one
Del is Home: That's pretty unanimous!
Del is Home: Although
iKomodo: i was gonna say the second
iKomodo: but
Del is Home: This was gonna be my selection
iKomodo: por que no los dos
Del is Home: For #2
Del is Home: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Agathion
iKomodo: Well rip
MobileDraco: That's pretty crap.
Del is Home: Option #1 is this incredibly unflattering image of Kamen Rider Stronger, the ugliest suit in the entire franchise
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: do it
iKomodo: ew
iKomodo: stronger was not great
Gooper Blooper: SO STRONG
Del is Home: He clearly skipped leg day at rider school
Del is Home: And arm day
Del is Home: I think he only did chest, shoulder and
Del is Home: Head
Del is Home: Day???
Del is Home: I want you all to know that I'm so tired I'm laughing at the concept of Head Day
Gooper Blooper: gotta train those head muscles
Gooper Blooper: Not face muscles
Gooper Blooper: Not jaw muscles
Gooper Blooper: Head muscles.
Jumpropeman: just smash your head against a punching bag repeatedly
MobileDraco: Stronger looks like a balloon.
Gooper Blooper: you know what they say
Gooper Blooper: harder better faster Stronger
Del is Home: Where there's smoke, they pinch back
MobileDraco: A+


Gooper Blooper: I wasn't trying to make Keladem look old! XD It was just a hair color that was sort of a mix of their hair colors
Harpy: it was a complete joke until i realized dia is actually Old (tm) and decided to run with the joke and have Kela panic about being a fusion of the young and THE ANCIENT
Jumpropeman: dia is infinity billion years old
Harpy: i never thought she was old, I just wanted Kela to definitely freak out about something because Dia is taking a huge backseat
Harpy: selena's older.
Jumpropeman: infinity+1 billion
Gooper Blooper: More design notes: To try and compensate for how much the design looks like "Kela cosplaying as Dia", I gave her Dia's skin color (she is much pinker than Kela, who is pale)
Harpy: i like the fusion literally being "Kela cosplaying as Dia"
Harpy: mostly because it shows just how much influence Dia has on the fusion just because she's old
Harpy: but like an old person, she has to take a backseat and let the youngin' take care of things
Gooper Blooper: Stupid design note: Dia's shirt normally says "let them eat cake" and the fusion's shirt just fuckin says "CAKE" because I thought that shit was hilarious
Harpy: CAKE
Jumpropeman: the cake hunger has consumed her
Gooper Blooper: well we can see they're both pretty big fans of cake


Cornwind Evil: My jokepost was so funny, everyone's on the floor laughing still
Harpy: welp
MobileDraco: We are.
MobileDraco: We're rolling all over Soringtrap.
Cornwind Evil: I don't get that mashup name
Harpy: Groundtrapped
Cornwind Evil: That one I do
MobileDraco: I'm not good at ship names, okay?
Cornwind Evil: That explains why you called it Zoomingwrecko.
Cornwind Evil: (A theorized really badly mangled portmanteau of Zeldoten and Sumireki)
Harpy: ...
Harpy: sumireko
Cornwind Evil: I IS RIGHT NEXT TO O
Cornwind Evil: If I could edit in Chatzy, you can bet I'd have had a score less Chatzy Madness entries
Harpy: sumireko more like sumiRECKYEEE
ivel joined the chat
ivel: more like sumirekt, OHHHH
Harpy: i'll end you
MobileDraco: SumiGET WRECKED
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of this Sesame street bit
MobileDraco: Zeldoten's favorite shape: Sumirectangle


Harpy: i would like to cleanse but i'm afraid that if i turn my back, sheep will post

(time passes)

Harpy: okay, time to cleanse
More Sheep: srspost


Jumpropeman: Vs and Ks for days and days
Gooper Blooper: I can barely keep up with the swarm of new names and creatures but I know one thing
Gooper Blooper: Sheep really loves Bionicle
RubyChao: he's not the only one
RubyChao: this plot is making me intensify A Lot
RubyChao: just
Draco: Honk Swarm
More Sheep: I did have a humble Bionicle collection growing up.
RubyChao: fittingly for the focus of our combined Bionicle stuff this year
RubyChao: the year with the Piraka was the last one i really collected
RubyChao: i have all six in various disassembled forms around somewhere
More Sheep: Did anyone keep up past the Piraka?
More Sheep: That seemed to be the big dip for the franchise
RubyChao: i have yet to meet anyone who did, yeah
RubyChao: i know a couple people who got some of the Barraki but
RubyChao: that was it
RubyChao: never met anyone who picked up a 2008 set
Gooper Blooper: Here's the thing
Gooper Blooper: My main familiarity with Bionicle was from a happy meal promotion where action figures of the piraka were given away in happy meals
Gooper Blooper: But this was after I stopped getting happy meal toys, so I only got a single figure from this line at the time courtesy of Goopsbro, and it was Hakann, so I was familiar with Just Hakann and was happy to see him in RP, I thought his figure was cool and I still have it somewhere
Gooper Blooper: So of fucking course that was the one that died immediately
RubyChao: oof
Gooper Blooper: I did get another figure at a yard sale at some point and it's white so I guess that's Thok but he didn't stick with me as well
More Sheep: Ack, sorry, Goops!
Gooper Blooper: It's okay, I'm laughing as I type this, I think the one I actually knew immediately being gone was hilarious especially considering the ridiculous circumstances behind how I know him
RubyChao: oh, that's good :V
Gooper Blooper: Also, I connect Hakann to Shadow The Hedgehog, the video game, because Goopsbro rented that the same day he got Hakann so I remember handling the figure while watching Goopsbro play
Gooper Blooper: This is the road life took me down on
RubyChao: i have bizarre connections like that!
RubyChao: i connect a particular level in one spyro GBA game to a particular duel in the yugioh anime (bandit keith vs. joey) for the sole reason of
RubyChao: "after searching a lot i found that level at the same time i was watching that duel on tv"
More Sheep: Ahahah
More Sheep: Ah, memories.
More Sheep awkward silence
Gooper Blooper: The early-mid 2000s!
Gooper Blooper: Old enough for Dolby!
RubyChao: can't wait for that period to be popular in nostalgia
RubyChao: i'll be all over it
Gooper Blooper: Won't be long, Chao
RubyChao: plot twist: the 90s kids make sure the focus on 90s nostalgia lasts forever


(JRM tries to determine the identity of an old Bionicle-like toy)

Jumpropeman: I went to the Bionicle reddit
Jumpropeman: it is what is called
Jumpropeman: a Slizer Throwbot
RubyChao: ahhh, technic
RubyChao: yeah, that's the precursor to bionicle
Gooper Blooper: Slizer Throwbot is a 90s kid
Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: do I add Sub Slizer to Curse
Gooper Blooper: it's not too late
Draco: No, Sheep will add him.
Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IpZOOIKD-xc
Jumpropeman: look at that dinky harpoon gun
Jumpropeman: "Slizer, known as Throwbots in the US and Canada, is a subtheme of TECHNIC that launched winter 1999 and continued into 2000. It features bots that throw."
Jumpropeman: "It features bots that throw."
Jumpropeman: thanks for the clarification
RubyChao: i believe in you, jrm
More Sheep: He was number one.
More Sheep: Yes, add Slizer.
RubyChao: he is CLEARLY
RubyChao: one of natasha nielsen's curse people
Jumpropeman: "Planet Slizer is located 4000 light years from Earth, and is divided into seven elemental zones. A transmission from the planet reads "WE ARE SLIZER. JOIN US.""
Gooper Blooper: they make a convincing argument
Harpy: welp
Jumpropeman: "Comics packed with the sets offer small looks into the story. In one, the Slizer participate in a tournament at the Slizer Dome, throwing discs at the energy ring in the center of the arena. Jungle Slizer is the first to land a shot through the ring's mouth, and shouts victoriously."
Jumpropeman: that's the whole synopsis of that comic
Jumpropeman: you get 'em Jungle Slizer
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: wow
Harpy: bunglin and junglin
RubyChao: Sub Slizer's rank:
RubyChao: Professional Disc Thrower
RubyChao: his role in the curse is to maintain the curse's absolute dominance
RubyChao: over the sport of disc throwing
Jumpropeman: my final remaining Curse member DOES work at the waterworks...
Gooper Blooper: During the fight, he throws a disc and a kobber catches the disc in their mouth
Gooper Blooper: he then shouts victoriously
Jumpropeman: and then he quits the Curse
Jumpropeman: he just wanted that thrill
Harpy: sorry
Harpy: i can't stop imagining him cheering after cerato catches it
Harpy: cerato brings it back
Harpy: he does it again
Gooper Blooper: FETCH, BOY
Harpy: Rank: Dino Distracter
Harpy: Rank: Dog Sitter


RubyChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=V_WIj_daLMk
Jumpropeman: what a dork
Draco: If only she'd had a Symphogear.


Draco: Dracoplot's next big villain.
Jumpropeman: Mr. Mind!
Draco: Watch him match wits with the likes of geniuses like Shimmer and Utsuho and Wildfire and...um...maybe Dawn I guess I dunno.
Cornwind Evil: Mr Mind would actually be an excellent villain
Draco: Prepare to be challenged to a laughing match, KOBBERS.


More Sheep: Vezok was the Piraka I dreaded writing when I first decided to use them.
More Sheep: All the Piraka, except for Zaktan and Avak, gave me a lot of trouble, but Vezok the most
RubyChao: what about hakann
More Sheep: Hakann's a weird case, but I'll get around to that
More Sheep: Actually, there's no story, so I'll just say it
More Sheep: When actually writing them, he turned out to be the one I had the most trouble with to write, so he was the one whose head went on the chopping block first during the Ravage War
Jumpropeman: ha
RubyChao: that explains it :V


Gooper Blooper: link
MobileDraco: Someone cool and Futo


Gooper Blooper: https://i.redd.it/pqyha9wu9mm31.jpg
MobileDraco: Nice.
HarpFairy: that sure looks like the right thing and totally not a swap
Gooper Blooper: no one will notice!
HarpFairy: I'LL SWAP IT


Jumpropeman: "Developer: Nude Maker
Publisher: PLAYISM"

Jumpropeman: surprisingly
Jumpropeman: Nude Maker only made one game and it was a Clock Tower spiritual successor
Jumpropeman: despite being a horror game, steam tags assure me there is some nudity, so at least they tapped their expertise
Draco: Pffft


Jumpropeman: literally one of the rarest video games
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that saves me time explaining why!
Jumpropeman: "When Limited Rare started selling the game, the logo in their Twitter profile photo used the same font as Limited Run’s, replacing the ‘Run’ with ‘Rare’. Limited Run Games says that it was made aware of this, and asked for the logo to be changed. Later in the day, the logo then changed to be similar to that of another competitor, Super Rare Games, and then Strictly Limited Games, before finally changing to an image of the Poop Slinger’s game case instead."
Jumpropeman: they got caught ripping off another logo... so they ripped off two more before giving up :V
Jumpropeman: luckily you can still get Poop Slinger digitally
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: "luckily"
Jumpropeman: and somehow
Jumpropeman: with that article being from april
Jumpropeman: there are still no steam reviews of it yet
HarpFairy: you should fix that-


Mere Sheep: "This is for the simple fact that, unlike Pokemon, the overall design style of Digimon underwent a dramatic and almost absolute shift sometime after the first couple of hundred monsters, from gnarly organic beasts like Cyclonemon (left) to sleek, shiny, highly accessorized action figure guys like Susanoomon (right), and for me personally, the vast majority of these newer characters all sort of end up feeling exactly the same."
Mere Sheep: It's like they're saying
Mere Sheep: what we're all thinking
Jumpropeman: but sheep, isn't Armored Human great?
Mere Sheep: "my dear pal Gloom can evolve into either the just slightly less good Vileplume or significantly less good Bellossom"
Mere Sheep: preach
Jumpropeman: >sheep found bogleech
Jumpropeman: BOUT TIME
Mere Sheep: I've fond Bogleech before!
Mere Sheep: I just tend to glance at it once every other year though
Mere Sheep: "And here he is, the UTTER dork that is Gabumon"
Mere Sheep: sometimes
Mere Sheep: I wonder if Bogleech and Goops are the same person...
Draco: Gooper Bleecher
Gooper Blooper: We differ in a few important ways
Jumpropeman: gooper can't get as angry as bogleech
Mere Sheep: said goops as he clicked to the slide in his presentation
Gooper Blooper: Well I mean the most obvious is he loves horror and I only dabble in it a little
Jumpropeman: that's just to set apart your personas clearly
Draco: Yeah, Goops only dabbles in horror a little! *throws a blanket over Dolby at the huntplot*
Gooper Blooper: that's dabbling!


Cornwind Evil: I wonder what would happen if someone else stole Malizza's soul
Draco: Gyronna would make Eadis take her place probably.
Draco: Or die.
Jumpropeman: but what if we took eadis's soul too
Draco: Hmmm...probably Moltar's soul.
Draco: If he even has one.
Jumpropeman: well now the risk is too great
Cornwind Evil: What if someone else offers their soul?
Draco: Depends on the soul.
Cornwind Evil: Does it get eaten and digested and vanish?
Draco: Good question. Not saying.
Mere Sheep: We give her
Mere Sheep: Grey Moon's soul
Mere Sheep: and end up killing her anyway.
Draco: She needs GREAT souls, Sheep. Not something you can get at Dollar General.
Draco: Worshippers have to be genuine. Just going "Hey, you're great! Woo!" or equivalent ain't doing it.
Draco: Gods aren't like Instagram. You can't just buy actual followers.
Draco: Plus, don't know if gods can worship other gods.
RubyChao: the solution is clear
RubyChao: offer flu's soul
Jumpropeman: but that would poison gyronna
Draco: That's the point.


Jumpropeman: there are so many good monster designs from tokusatsu
Jumpropeman: like this guy
Mere Sheep: Let's give a big hand to that guy.
Mere Sheep: It's the folds in the skin that really sell that design for me


RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hoi
Jumpropeman: howdy
RubyChao: i am finally back properly for rp
Jumpropeman: too bad, we're done for the year
RubyChao: damn
Jumpropeman: dont worry, we wrapped up don genie tastefully
Jumpropeman: he drowned in his bathtub
Jumpropeman: in fact, all loose ends were resolved that way
Jumpropeman: because next year
Jumpropeman: Bathtubplot
Jumpropeman: they finally had enough of our shit
HarpFairy: jrm projecting his bathtub hatred into RP
ivel: why are you shitting in the bathtub
Jumpropeman: bathtubs have been colluding with That Which Must Not be Named for ages
ivel: Gruntilda?


Muddled Sheep sinks into the darkness
MobileDraco hoses off the darkness.

Muddled Sheep: Leave me beeee
MobileDraco: No. I will leave you wasp.
Muddled Sheep builds mud dauber nests all over Draco's ceiling
MobileDraco: Excellent. My plan to bring more bugs into my plot is proceeding according to keikaku.
ivel: translator's note: keikaku means moo.


Gooper Blooper: how about a kiss... for luck
Jumpropeman: Noonsa went down before he got his chance to use that ultimate technique
Gooper Blooper: Don't ask me why I was looking up pictures of Noonsa
HarpFairy: is that...
HarpFairy: from...
HarpFairy: ...i'm blanking on the anime.
HarpFairy: slayers.
RubyChao: yep
HarpFairy: bisexual harpy approves
Muddled Sheep: It's
Muddled Sheep: NOONSAAAAAA
Muddled Sheep arises
Muddled Sheep: Goops, we know you were looking up pictures of Lina Inverse to add her to the Curse :I
Gooper Blooper: With Noonsa, Dillweed, and Five Trolls gone, no one can stop her


Jumpropeman: jesus this dog food bag is crazy
Jumpropeman: it's got urls on it that are by no means short
Gooper Blooper: "I'm 3 years old and I EAT Gentle Giants"
HarpFairy: bog of dog food is a literal thing i just said
Jumpropeman: 27 YEARS OLD! "I'm 24 years old" "I'm 27 years old" 24 YEARS OLD! Tara is now 24 years old! Her friend, Sugar (left), is 27 years old
Jumpropeman: I wish they'd tell me how old these damn dogs are already
HarpFairy: buh wah
Jumpropeman: I like the random uses of the Disney font on this dog food too
Jumpropeman: meanwhile the 24 and 27 year old dogs have disappeared from this dog bag
MobileDraco: I am confused.
RubyChao: i figured out how to describe this dog bag
RubyChao: the exact way
RubyChao: this is if you took end of the 90s/start of the 00s free anyone can make websites, but printed them out onto a physical object
RubyChao: that is the exact aesthetic.
Gooper Blooper: That was the first thing I thought of, chao
Jumpropeman: considering the oldest dog ever was just short of 30 years old
Jumpropeman: I bet that Sugar (left) was faking her age!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I was just about to mention
Draco: Wow. That's a great point, Chao.
Gooper Blooper: According to Wikipedia's list of oldest dogs
Gooper Blooper: Only seven dogs in history are confirmed to have made it to 27
Jumpropeman: oh shi
Gooper Blooper: (I'm sure there were more but they weren't documented)
Jumpropeman: Sugar is on the list
Jumpropeman: but uh, she was from 1977 :V
Jumpropeman: pretty much any 20 year old dog is a record breaker, so it's shocking Gentle Giants makes so many! Must be that good!
Gooper Blooper: Trying to find Sugar on these damn bags is like finding Waldo
Jumpropeman: Sugar was on the first bag (left) of Robin
Gooper Blooper: ah, there we go
Gooper Blooper: Sugar (left)
Jumpropeman: I just noticed this odd claim
Jumpropeman: 'No Greasy Coating of Fat' Is Healther!*
Jumpropeman: why the quotations
Jumpropeman: why the asterisk
Jumpropeman: is it comparing itself to greasy coatings of fat or is bragging about its greasy coating of fat?
Jumpropeman: "Gentle Giants is the ONLY food that your dogs needs for its entire lifetime"
HarpFairy: gentle giants OR PERISH
Gooper Blooper: The asterisk is for "See veternarian explanation on back"
Gooper Blooper: in other words the other side of the bag is probably just as much of a goddamn circus as the front
Jumpropeman: oh man hold on
Gooper Blooper: We can see a bit of one of the sides and you can tell it's madness there too

Draco: Gentle Giants, the W Ketchup of dog food?
Gooper Blooper: fucking hell JRM I burst out laughing
HarpFairy: i'm
Gooper Blooper: This is one of your best discoveries in a while, reminds me of when you found GarfieldEATS
HarpFairy: making weird dog noises
HarpFairy: like i'm an evil dog in the backseat of dick dastardly's car just sniggering
Draco: I think that dog food is threatening me. I don't even have a dog.
HarpFairy: Abra will fight this dog.
Jumpropeman: im on their website
HarpFairy: JRM what are you doing
Muddled Sheep: JRM's ordering you dog food.
HarpFairy: i'm
Jumpropeman: there is a video I want to share so bad
HarpFairy: going to leave and end up having dog food-related nightmares if it's not work ones
HarpFairy: nite!
HarpFairy left the chat
Draco: Byepy
Jumpropeman: full scan of a bag but no way is it readable
Draco: I've read smaller text.
Draco: Typically by putting my face an inch away from it and using a magnifying glass.
Jumpropeman: THIS is a video on their site for some reason
Jumpropeman: just freaking
Jumpropeman: old dog eating ASMR
Jumpropeman: there was ALMOST music
Jumpropeman: but then after
Jumpropeman: just loud dog lip smacking
Gooper Blooper: I'm fucking losing it
Gooper Blooper: how did you find this goldmine
Jumpropeman: that joker video sheep linked briefly mentioned it since Robin's on the bag
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: the connections
Draco: I'm tempted to see if there's any at my local Ralph's next time I stop in.
Jumpropeman: the gentle giants dog food has a page devoted to someone else's article saying Burt Ward was the best Robin
Draco: I mean, look how much space on the bag they dedicate to him.
RubyChao: >burt ward founded it
RubyChao: guys, i think there might be a slight tinge of bias towards why they promote burt ward's depiction of robin
RubyChao: maybe
Gooper Blooper: yeah, that's why he's on the bag
Jumpropeman: not just the bag
Jumpropeman: you'd be lucky to find a page on their website without the same damn picture of him
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: yeah goops i thought it was just unlicensed depictions
Jumpropeman: robin winding up a boomerang is going to be etched into my mind
Draco: Burt Ward owns it. This website is no longer an unbiased source.
Jumpropeman: before I bid adieu to Gentle Giants
Jumpropeman: a closer
Jumpropeman: "Any purchase of one or more items from our store qualifies you to receive one (1) FREE PHOTO Limited Edition Collectible Photo of Burt Ward as "Robin, the Boy Wonder" from the BATMAN TV Series with a Special Message from Burt. A new Limited Edition Collectible Photo with a Special Message from Burt will be available every two weeks."
Gooper Blooper: gee
Gooper Blooper: I wonder what the photo is
RubyChao: it's the same photo every time, only the special message from burt changes
RubyChao: calling it now
Jumpropeman: ANY purchase too
Jumpropeman: I feel like there's gotta be enough pictures of Robin with a batarang to fill a swimming pool by now
Jumpropeman: you know I had plans to get stuff done tonight
Gooper Blooper: JRM starts to fall asleep at his desk
Gooper Blooper: wakes up to find he wrote five paragraphs of Joy and Wildfire eating dog food
Draco: Canon.
Jumpropeman: it's the ONLY thing they ever need to eat!

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