Sunday, September 8, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 346: Category: Meanies

Gooper Blooper: Dr. Amigo does prostate exams and he's got a hot deal going
Jumpropeman: you weren't lacking for fake dr marios if you needed them


Jumpropeman: im trying to post
Jumpropeman: brownie is trying to stop me
Jumpropeman: Brownie
Rank: Post Saboteur
Codename: BROWN DOG

Gooper Blooper: there are just
Gooper Blooper: so many curse members
Meringue Sheep: Even these words are Curse members!
RubyChao: so manyyyy
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna miss the Curse
RubyChao: Steve Buscemi
Rank: Javalina Farmer
Codename: COMEDY


Jumpropeman: somebody thought this video was worth making
Gooper Blooper: HELP ME INTERNET
Jumpropeman: more importantly
Jumpropeman: they thought it was worth making
Jumpropeman: in 2017
Gooper Blooper: Look, somewhere out there is someone who bought FireRed in 2004 and has been waiting 13 years for someone to tell them how to cut trees
Gooper Blooper: Also out there: someone who watches the video and sobs desperately because they have LeafGreen instead and there's no video for that version
Jumpropeman: even more important
Jumpropeman: this is the only pokemon thing on their channel
Gooper Blooper: oh god, that's the best one
Gooper Blooper: I was expecting you to have found some stupid channel with a million pointless Pokemon FAQ videos
Jumpropeman: they do have a lot of important subjects though
Jumpropeman: like this
Gooper Blooper: I've always wanted to wash my hair with eggs
Jumpropeman: spoilers, the video says how long a peacock is, not how tall
Jumpropeman: although the description concerns me
Jumpropeman: 28 FOOT TALL PEACOCK
Jumpropeman: "They retail in stores for up to but you can make them just a peacocks."
Jumpropeman: Some algorithm is definitely making these


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: you gotta play that
Meringue Sheep: Now that's some sort of art
Jumpropeman: humpty dumpty and a bat had a son
Jumpropeman: "Did you ever get punched by a banana? Tussle with a mushroom? Tumble into a black hole? You will now! ZOOM into space and race around the play grids, out-running the funny critters who pop up in the strangest places!"
Jumpropeman: that guy's name
Jumpropeman: is Mr. Smart
Meringue Sheep: Is it now?


RubyChao: Sometimes I wonder how the Super Show was real
Jumpropeman: that chiseled jaw!
Gooper Blooper: "After the war, Washingtoad (having caught a cold during the series of events) declares that Mario and Luigi are "official uncles" of the country."
Harpy: Whuh
Gooper Blooper: hi harpy
RubyChao: hipy
Harpy: im in a state of perpetual confusion
RubyChao: so like always? HEYO
Harpy: i mean you’re not wrong
Gooper Blooper: “I feeel good now! I feel good.”
—Elvin Parsley, Super Mario Bros. Super Show
Gooper Blooper: the extra E really makes it
Jumpropeman: they aren't even parody versions
Jumpropeman: just the actual band Milli Vanilli
Jumpropeman: "Subsequent airings of the cartoon cut their songs and replaced them with different instrumental music (the pair still move their lips while performing these songs in the re-releases, however, as the episodes were not reanimated to reflect the change), as well as cutting any references to Milli Vanilli throughout the episode."
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: "Roxanne is a beautiful woman whom Mario was once friends with. On one night fifteen years ago, Mario made a promise to Roxanne that he would sell her plumbing supplies at wholesale prices, but Mario partially forgot about this incident, and thought that he had instead promised to marry her one day."


RubyChao: "In the live-action segment following Plummer's Academy, "Glasnuts", Gorbachev (played by Martin Gardner) visits Mario and Luigi at Mario Bros. Plumbing to learn how to make pizza. When he piles unusual ingredients onto the pizza, Mario and Luigi become concerned that once he tries it, he'll hate it, and they'll get in trouble for it. But Gorbachev ends up loving the pizza, and decides to open his own pizza place in Russia."
RubyChao: "It was only when Mario and Luigi were unpacking Dr. Frankenstein's possessions that they realized that Dr. Frank N. Stein was, in actuality, Dr. Frankenstein"
RubyChao: i forgot how good this was written
RubyChao: thanks chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: bring back the super show, nintendo
RubyChao: "The true name of this article is "The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before it Happens". The title has been shortened to save space."
Jumpropeman: cowards
RubyChao: link
RubyChao: "When Luigi sees Obi-Wan Cannoli, he tells Mario who he is, which causes Mario to recognize him as "the famous spirit who helps people who are about to get pounded" and to ask for his help. Obi mentions how he came on short notice and requests to be filled in on the details of the situation."
RubyChao: "Mario Joe and Luigi Bob are two cousins of Mario and Luigi; described as both hicks and country bumpkins, Mario Joe and Luigi Bob, aside from their clothing, look completely identical to Mario and Luigi."
RubyChao: "Edison is a friend of both Mario and Luigi and their roommate in Mario Brothers Plumbing in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Despite living in Mario Brothers Plumbing, Edison is rarely there, and when he is, it is usually only briefly. Edison can most commonly be found in the walls of Mario Brothers Plumbing or a manhole in the floor, which apparently leads outside into Flatbush. Edison has an exceptionally odd appearance, his face being mostly covered by his goggles and mop-like hair, Edison is also always shown wearing a construction helmet with a light attached to it too. In contrast to Mario and Luigi, who are plumbers, Edison is an electrician."
RubyChao: so when do i do Super Show Plot
Msomething Sheep: Mario and Luigi sure have met a lotta people!


Jumpropeman: "trying to find a Ellioot busy shouting and so not looking at his controls a moment."
Jumpropeman: "Ellioot"
Jumpropeman: that's what you get when you clone your clones too much
Mulled Sheep: Whoops!
Draco: "That's Ellioot! Two Ls! Two Os!"


RubyChao: now that it's finishing up, i gotta say
RubyChao: for all that it took me a while to pull together what i wanted to do for this
RubyChao: and my nervousness that the train control part would flop
RubyChao: this event came out pretty good!
Draco: It turned out great. Yohane had another chance to do things. :)
RubyChao: i definitely think the two-front style was a big part of it, i don't think either the train sim alone or the insecticon battle alone would have really carried it
Draco: Yeah. I agree. This worked well.
Draco: Now for the tractored fight against Polonaise.
RubyChao: don't spoil it!
Gooper Blooper: Polonaise attempts to inflict the kobbers with that greatest of dangers
Gooper Blooper: secondhand smoke
RubyChao: he fills the entire room with pipe smoke
RubyChao: when it clears, he has vanished entirely, jester chao style
Gooper Blooper: it almost works except he just HAD to get himself a pipe that makes a train toot every time he puffs on it
Gooper Blooper: so we just play Marco Polo except it's Cough Toot instead
Draco: Sanae appears in GaoFighGar and purifies Polonaise with Hell and Heaven.
Jumpropeman: *Blasto shoots Polonaise with the grenade launcher*


Jumpropeman: I really should pick Glory of Heracles back up some day
Jumpropeman: but if I did
Jumpropeman: who would play this Rugrats minigame collection?
Mulled Sheep: Doing God's work.


Mulled Sheep: "Emboldened by their short time left on this planet and limited accountability because of it,"
Mulled Sheep: You've literally described the aging process and why the elderly have no fear
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: jrm did work around old people for a long time
Draco: That's why I don't worry about how bad my plots will be, Sheep.
Mulled Sheep: :I


Jumpropeman: the big question about 2020
Jumpropeman: will N1RV Ann-A release before RP
Jumpropeman: during it
Jumpropeman: or after


RubyChao: "Jerry goes over to the bookcase and pulls it aside, revealing a ceremonial black table with candles, a dinner plate and a strange box. There is a Masonic symbol against black cloth just outside where the fake stage window would be. Jerry says some weird things in a foreign dialect, and one cut of the camera shows a poster of Barack Obama (This episode originally aired in 1995). The scene ends with Jerry waking up in bed, as though it’s all a nightmare. Kramer comes in and asks if Jerry has seen a lizard. Jerry laughs and says “we are the lizards” and the camera zooms slightly. His eyes become slivered, like almonds."
RubyChao: and then the laugh track plays
Gooper Blooper: Chao digging up an ancient artifact creepypasta here
RubyChao: i'm bored and have access to webarchive
RubyChao: so i am feasting
Gooper Blooper: Tragic that you had to use webarchive to access shittypasta
RubyChao: it's shameful
RubyChao: so few people write bad pasta anymore
RubyChao: what happened to all those writers from 2014
RubyChao: end of an age, man
Gooper Blooper: webarchive, where were you when we needed you five years ago to archive King K Rool Country
Gooper Blooper: it's relevant now, dammit


Del Is You: Don't forget, you're anime now


Jumpropeman: *looks at Elite Four* ah yes, mysterious skilled warrior, guy with a machine gun, love live idol, and a big beefy brui- hold up
Gooper Blooper: one of these things is not like the other things
RubyChao: you will see in due time why the love live idol is there
RubyChao: trust me when i say she is More Than She Appears
Jumpropeman: I bet you a hundred dollars the comments on this youtube video are people saying why the answer isn't the blue one
Gooper Blooper: "don't lie, we all thought it was the flower shaped balloon because you were going by shape"
Gooper Blooper: top comment on the video
Draco: I was gonna say the far right one for being a donut at first.


Jumpropeman: for some reason I haven't been hungry at all today
Jumpropeman: I've made myself eat
Spy Agonizes Over Chili joined the chat
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: JRM
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: YOU
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: MUST
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: EAT D:<
Jumpropeman: pass the chili then
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: Will once I cook it tomorrow~
RubyChao: how much chili did you settle on
Jumpropeman: well... i don't actually like chili :V
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: I decided to do one, just because I'm also doing
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: THIS
Jumpropeman: but how much cornbread
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: A nice hot skillet's worth
Draco: Spy, make JRM food and FedEx it to him.
Draco whips his head around.
Draco: No wonder they kicked you out of Texas. Not liking chili...good grief!
Jumpropeman: i am, however, a big fan of cheese, so no wonder I ended up here
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: I do like cheese
Draco: Cheese is awesome.
Jumpropeman: *begins considering if I can make Sam-I-Am RP viable*
Jumpropeman: "He is a short, unidentified bug" "He tries to convince Joey to try the new dish called Green Eggs and Ham."
Jumpropeman: >Joey
Jumpropeman: *looks at "Joey"'s page on the wiki*
Jumpropeman: it does not call him joey
Gooper Blooper: JRM's on a wiki again
Gooper Blooper: *readies chatzy madness*
Jumpropeman: "Guy Am I is an anthropomorphic Knox who doesn't like Green Eggs and Ham "
Jumpropeman: ah yes, a Knox
Jumpropeman: "Mr. Box Joey "Grouchy Guy" Knox in Box is a character from the Dr. Seuss book, Fox in Socks"
Jumpropeman: another Joey!
Jumpropeman: someone on this wiki has a Pro-Joey agenda
Jumpropeman: trying to turn everyone into Joeys, especially the Knoxes!
Draco: The ajoeyenda.
Jumpropeman: and that's how a Dr. Seuss character got a password-protected Minecraft world
Jumpropeman: Quotes
Can I come out now, Mom?
Humph too!
Bunglee bungle!

Jumpropeman: ah yes, remember when Rudy the Kangaroo said "Neither!"
Gooper Blooper: but how many personality descriptors does he have
Jumpropeman: not many, but you can see every frame he was in of the Horton Hears a Who CG film in his gallery
Gooper Blooper: Categories: Dr. Seuss Characters The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss Characters Males Animals Heroes Kid Heroes Mammals Villains Reformed Characters
Gooper Blooper: at least there's a million categories
Gooper Blooper: including both heroes and villains
Jumpropeman: 146 unique images of Rudy the Kangaroo from that movie
Jumpropeman: including such pivotal scenes as when he has his ears of his moms pouch only
Jumpropeman: whoever added the name Joey to Guy Am I did it to all relevant articles
Jumpropeman: "Plums
A plum is a fruit of the subgenus Prunus of the genus Prununs. Appears in How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

Draco: That's the guy who started the "Grinch in Smash" rumor I bet.
Gooper Blooper: "Well, Just this once. I like Rudy. Well, Rudy from the 2008 Film that is. He's cute & friendly. (Sigh) I never got a chance to see the 2008 version of Horton Here's a who. I was distracted or I had 2nd thoughts. I hope someday the 2008 version of Horton Here's a who will return to Movie Theaters for a 2 or 3 week limited release. Who knows? Time will tell."
Gooper Blooper: can't watch it on home video, gotta see it in theaters
Jumpropeman: don't worry commenter
Jumpropeman: I bet you can construct the whole movie from wiki images
Draco: Don't worry, commenter. It never will
Jumpropeman: "Description
The Lorax is a small, orange creature. He has fluffy fur and what seems to be a pale yellow mustache.

Jumpropeman: the lorax page is locked
Jumpropeman: there was a battle here
Jumpropeman: Personality

Jumpropeman: not much of a battle it seems :V
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: here it is
Jumpropeman: the original personality
Jumpropeman: "He's sort of a cranky, grumpy little creature. But seems to care a-lot about the environment. He also shows that he has feelings for the Forest Animals and [[The Onceler]] for when he tries to warn him that cutting down the trees is bad for the environment and could affect the whole world. But The Onceler didn't listen, He just went on cutting down the trees anyway. But still, even though The Lorax may seem mean and grumpy. He has a good heart. Just don't judge his instincts or trigger him by doing something he doesn't like. And he is also known as thoughtful, hard-working, earnest, loving, optimistic, rational, affectionate, understanding, trustworthy, helpful, efficient, responsible, assertive and selfless."
Jumpropeman: has the proper wiki descriptors
Draco: Such awful language.
Jumpropeman: "He also shows that he has feelings for the Forest Animals"
Jumpropeman: Don't trigger the lorax
Jumpropeman: hold up, secret origins time
Jumpropeman: "The Grinch first appeared in the short story The Hoobub and the Grinch which was originally published in the May 1955 edition of Redbook magazine. Unlike later incarnations, the Grinch is a yellow colored creature who cheerfully tricks the Hoobub into buying a piece of green string by convincing the Hoobub that the string is worth more than the Sun. It is later revealed that Grinches often tricked Hoobubs into buying worthless items on a regular basis.
Like the later Grinch story, this one is concerned with consumerism and commercialism."

Jumpropeman: Dawn, I have a piece of green string you'll love to toss your enemies into
Jumpropeman: "Trivia
Fozzie Bear got green paint all over as the Grinch from It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie."

Jumpropeman: "In It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie, Fozzie Bear is being green painting disguised as The Grinch and He goes to steam baths and turning back to normal. So, Fozzie Bear went to Miss Bitterman's Office."
Jumpropeman: this person is really trying to say Fozzie briefly looked like the grinch once
Jumpropeman: my favorite character
and mine along with Horton, The Cat In The Hat, The Lorax, Sour Kangaroo, Wickersham Brothers, Jojo, General Genghis Khan Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Mayor, Mayzie La Bird, Gertrude McFuzz, Ted and Audrey, Vlad Vladikoff and Cindy Lou.

Jumpropeman: and I am pulling out of the Seuss wiki for now
Jumpropeman: I leave you with Farmer Falkenberg's page:
He is seen taking a nap outside on his hammock along with his pet cow after working hard on growing a produce of radishes, however under the dirt, the seventeenth radish was unlucky to live on as a worm under ground takes a bite out of it.
Msomething Sheep: Too Seussical for you?
Msomething Sheep: "unlucky to live on"
Jumpropeman: can't say die, sheep
Jumpropeman: okay one last trivia section
Jumpropeman: "Trivia
Cy is probably best known for his high pitched, yet elegant, voice.
Cy is known for being a popular character, coming second to Aunt Grizelda
Cy is known for saying the most memorable phrase in the movie, that one being You greedy dirtbag!"

Jumpropeman: Aunt Grizelda is the most popular character in The Lorax
Jumpropeman: according to this trivia
Gooper Blooper: well I mean
Gooper Blooper: shitpost memes meant I actually did recognize what this was from that memorable phrase
Jumpropeman: this is Aunt Grizelda
Msomething Sheep: Shake that bottom line
Jumpropeman: "Personality
She is shown to be rather mean, obnoxious, argumentative, opprobrious, hateful, frustrated, confrontational, vituperative, defamatory, uncaring, bossy, serious, rude, cruel, cunning, deceitful, and intimidating, as she growls a lot in her deep, gravelly voice."

Jumpropeman: I THOUGHT I WAS OUT
Gooper Blooper: you can't escape the bottomless chatzy madness potential of fan wikis, JRM
Jumpropeman: opprobrious: expressing scorn or criticism
Jumpropeman: the comment section has an ASCII version of that image too big for the screen
Msomething Sheep: Oh geeze
Jumpropeman: "Grammy Norma is often mistaken by the name Granny Norma. However, the latter should not be mentioned."
Gooper Blooper: under penalty of death
Draco executes Zeldoten.
Jumpropeman: Granny Norma
Jumpropeman: is a porn star
Jumpropeman: hence the wiki wording :V
Jumpropeman: all the comments are about that
Msomething Sheep sound of glass breaking in the distance
Jumpropeman: "It is never stated if she's married or not, because Mr. Wiggins ,somewhat, doesn't appear at all."
Jumpropeman: He's somewhat entirely absent
Jumpropeman: Category: Meanies
Jumpropeman: only one character
Jumpropeman: not even an antagonist
Jumpropeman: Category: Beautiful Heroines
Draco: What qualifies one as a Meanie and/or a Beautiful Heroine?
Jumpropeman: well Cindy Lou Who is on the Beautiful Heroines category twice, she's just that beautiful
Jumpropeman: "She was the first heroine (in Dr. Seuss movies) who gives the protagonist a kiss on the cheek at the end for bringing Christmas back"
Jumpropeman: I always hated how many times characters brought back Christmas and didn't get a kiss on the cheek! (in Dr. Seuss movies)
Msomething Sheep throws a blanket over JRM
Draco: Sounds like SOMEONE could use some W Ketchup.
Jumpropeman: alright alright
Jumpropeman: just one last image and I'm done
Cornwind Evil: You can't see me but my eye-vein is throbbing over the insane sperging of these darn wiki pages
Jumpropeman: I enjoy the earnestness of those wikis
Jumpropeman: somebody out there thinks Aunt Grizelda being opprobrious is a valuable contribution


Messy Sheep: "China's Chang'e-4 lunar rover has discovered an unusually colored, "gel-like" substance during its exploration activities on the far side of the moon."
Messy Sheep: Alien about to become a documentary.
Draco: "Are you watching, Chang'e?"
Messy Sheep: They think it might be melted glass from meteorites striking the moon, but don't know yet
Draco: "I left you some delicious pudding on the moon."
Delppleganger: Moon pudding


Messy Sheep: "Blart, I need to speak to you about your future..."
Messy Sheep: Draco, you absolute mad man.
Draco: You know you like it, Sheep.
Messy Sheep: True.


Jumpropeman: harpy on a rampage


RubyChao: i don't know about you guys
RubyChao: but this girl looks like
RubyChao: a nerd
Gooper Blooper: nerding it up since 2015


Messy Sheep just noticed
Draco: What, you don't immediately think of the Beagle Boys when you hear Metal Gear?


Jumpropeman: if there was a ZFRP character gacha game
Jumpropeman: Elliott would be one star filler you keep getting
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: The Mother is a character people found in data mines but she hasn't been added to the drop pool yet


RubyChao: the two love lives that actually matter, granblue-ized
Draco: Pretty awesome. :D
Harpy: that is very gran blue
Jumpropeman: you're allowed to have different expressions honoka
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: now that JRM mentions it
Gooper Blooper: she DOES make that face a lot doesn't she
N Goat: Impossible, JRM
N Goat: Listen, her face doesn't have any points of articulation
N Goat: That's the Honoka experience
RubyChao: i like honoka a lot but
RubyChao: i will accept that her official art tends to be samefacey
RubyChao: one must admit the flaws of those they love
Jumpropeman: and that's why I say Cirno is perfect
Gooper Blooper: she's happy!!
Gooper Blooper: :D
RubyChao: :D
Draco: D:
Draco: Honoka's a very happy person.
Jumpropeman: it's the bread smoke
Jumpropeman: really clears the mind
Harpy: i... don't think i needed to imagine honoka snorting bread fumes
N Goat: Gotta get that YEAST
Jumpropeman: she snorts lines of flour before opening every day
Draco: The new drug on the street all the kids are snorting, they call it...YEAST....dammit Sheep. XD
N Goat: Makes yuh rise, bruh


(Zeldoten and Sumireko become a pairing)

Gooper Blooper: I hope you all enjoyed this sequence (or will enjoy it when you eventually read it)
Harpy: i enjoyed it!
Jumpropeman: amazing scene
N Goat: What I read so far is good stuff!
Draco: Good, because now it's time for the Nibbles/Huge Hermit confession scene we also have planned. JK?
RubyChao: i loved it
Harpy: huge hermit is now the president of cheng'de.
Harpy: ^joking
Draco: Aw D:
Draco: Glad at least two of you liked it and one of you was glad it finally happened.
Harpy: 'ey, it's goopy's char, who knows what the fuck huge hermit is doing right now but him
Harpy: aside from a hero
N Goat: Hermit opened a fried chicken franchise.
Gooper Blooper: he wouldn't be able to handle the pressure
Gooper Blooper: Of being prez, that is
Harpy: he would prolly be a defender
Gooper Blooper: he could possibly handle a chicken place
N Goat: President of a fried chicken franchise
Harpy: we're not putting a popeyes on Cheng'de
Draco: We're doing El Pollo Loco instead.
N Goat: Hermit Fried Chicken
Harpy: seagulls? delicious.
Harpy: also its 12 eastern
Harpy: what the fuck
Draco: Kuroma is empress of my heart. I'll go get her chicken.
Harpy: kuroma is the empress
Harpy: of the couch.
Harpy: she's a potato.
Draco: Still an empress. 💗
Harpy: empress of idaho
Draco: No, shedaho. ;p
Harpy: she's a ho?
Harpy: rude.
Gooper Blooper: couch potate ho
Harpy: time to put that on a shirt
Draco: Then she can hang out with Chill Jill.
Harpy: and that one prinny with the cool shirt


N Goat: Next up!
N Goat: It's!
N Goat: black clover.
Gooper Blooper: *sheeps shrieking in the background*


(After a streak of eight plot days in a row, there is finally a day off)

Jumpropeman: *dumps 21 super villains all around Olympia*


Mist Sheep: "And it’s not a perfect movie, but then again, what is?"
Mist Sheep: Thank you for that lack of any comment, mr review man?
Mist Sheep: "Many have asked, and with good reason: Do we need another Joker movie? Yet what we do need—badly—are comic-book films that have a verité gravitas,"
Mist Sheep: I want to grab this man by the shoulders and shake him.
Gooper Blooper: there just aren't enough comic book movies, dangit
Harpy: shut up and give me original content
Mist Sheep: "isn’t just a captivating character study, it’s a superrhero—or should that be supervillain?—movie like no other."
Mist Sheep screams
Mist Sheep: There's just something about how film reviews are written sometimes that drives me up the wall.
Mist Sheep considers podcast consisting of him slowly losing the will to live as he tries to read through movie reviews
Jumpropeman: *takes notes from the movie review*


Jumpropeman: RainbowDash extended the three day weekend doggy daycare to labor day too
Jumpropeman: I think I legally own Brownie now


Harpy: i will prolly do some freeform stuff and uh
Harpy: dbz stuff
Mist Sheep: You're going to destroy the moon?
Harpy: yes i have the tournament of power on the brain, without the big teams or gods being childish shits about universe destruction
Harpy: just weird gimmick fights
Harpy: and strategery
Mist Sheep: Appapi Strap match?
Draco: Four Neps.
RubyChao: tournament of power is neat
Harpy: It really is
Harpy: i liked the concept
Harpy: not so much about the execution
californivel: Gimmick fight you say?
californivel does a Nep on a Pole match
Draco: Nep vs Nep in a Nep on a Nep match.
californivel: Oh my how lewd
californivel: 1tnyekyentwbfqbfatbw


Jumpropeman: so guys
Jumpropeman: Sans's voice is literally a sample of Patrick Star's voice
Gooper Blooper: incredible


Jumpropeman: "Robot pole dancers to debut at French nightclub "
Jumpropeman: oh momma
Jumpropeman: that reminds me
Jumpropeman: the original version of Gullstrand, the water tapper from Blastoplot
Jumpropeman: he was essentially a porn star on his home planet
Jumpropeman: he knew how to tap the water juuuuust right
Gooper Blooper: I can see why
Gooper Blooper: the sexiest toilet man
Draco: Ooh la la


Mist Sheep: srspost
Mist Sheep: in which, there is a miracle
Draco: Camilla returns?! :D
Mist Sheep: Listen, you only get one Sheepmiracle a year and you spent it on Junko
Mist Sheep: i don't make the rules
Draco: Aw... D;
Draco: Well, Junko IS pretty great and awesome and the best Sheepchar since Camilla, so I'll let it slide.


RubyChao: bye sagume
Gooper Blooper: sagume died on the way back to her home planet


Gooper Blooper: Side note: as much as I enjoyed seeing Pitohui be put through the wringer for being an asshole
Gooper Blooper: tonight, good things happen to Pitohui in exchange for her learning earlier lessons
Gooper Blooper: like getting to punch an old man in the face because he played music she didn't like
RubyChao: heheheeheh
Hooded Pitohui: It's true. Tonight ought to be the night things finally take a turn up for someone who's been so down on her luck, eh?
Gooper Blooper: it's one of the most hilariously petty and one-sided rivalries in RP and the petty one is the protagonist
Gooper Blooper: she's pretty much just going DINKLEBERRRRRG every time Ol' Skool shows up
MobileDraco: This is awesome. 🙂
Hooded Pitohui: Chao and I just had a discussion the other day about how it's been a pleasant surprise that Ol' Skool has lasted this long in the first place and that this odd one-sided rivalry developed in the second.
Jumpropeman: I was surprised he stuck around after Miror B
RubyChao: the whole reason i added him is because for ten years i have had the mental idea of a boss fight that's a weaponized DJ setup
RubyChao: and now i finally get to do the proper fight with ol' skool that i wanted to do back in august
RubyChao: so thanks!
Harpy: old skool did nothing wrong
Gooper Blooper: he has done surprisingly little wrong for a Curse member, but we've seen a few members like that
Gooper Blooper: Cordie for instance was pretty much just a Kobber fighting for the wrong team since she was probably my most blatant face turn of the group
Gooper Blooper: just giving the spoyd a test drive to see if I liked RPing as her (I do)
Jumpropeman: it threw me for a loop when she was revealed as a villain
Jumpropeman: and then the unloop happened
Gooper Blooper: the untwist
Gooper Blooper: it was so I could cut off Cordie and ship her off somewhere if I wasn't happy with her since I feared she was a flash in the pan interest, especially since she has a single ten minute cartoon as the entirety of her appearances (The guy who made Cliffside is still trying to get someone to pick it up as a full series, but has yet to see any success)
Hooded Pitohui: Cordie struck me early on as too charming to be a villain and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited when she turned because it meant seeing some more of her.


Mild Sheep: I can't believe Paul Blart is Curse
Mild Sheep: He's turned his back on the mall security universe!


RubyChao: jesus, ramsay
RubyChao: stone cold
Gooper Blooper: Chao: The thumbnail makes it.


Jumpropeman: it's not shocking he fires a blast of plasma from his hands
Jumpropeman: it's shocking the teacher glows in the dark
Hooded Pitohui: I'd be more concerned by "My Teacher Fried My Brains" - definitely sounds like a professional violation
Jumpropeman: you think that's bad
RubyChao: i read that as Funked the planet at first
RubyChao: the evil plan of the funky cops
Gooper Blooper: Man, I haven't thought about the My Teacher Is An Alien series in a LONG time
Gooper Blooper: thanks JRM
RubyChao: so when does it turn out that uhhhh
RubyChao: who's the most teacher-like of the curse left
RubyChao: when does it turn out they were an alien
Jumpropeman: My Plague is an Alien
Gooper Blooper: Natasha maybe
Gooper Blooper: got a bit of that stern teacher vibe to her
MobileDraco: Don Genie is most like a teacher
Jumpropeman: wait I got it
Jumpropeman: Alien Green is actually a human teacher
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaaaaa
Cornwind Evil: I read those books
Cornwind Evil: Funnily, My Teacher Glows In The Dark's title is the least relevent to the story
Cornwind Evil: It would better be called My Teacher Invented TV
Cornwind Evil: Or My Teacher Tampered With Human Society
Cornwind Evil: And the kid's brain doesn't get traditionally fried. In some ways, it's worse than that.
Cornwind Evil: The alien teacher has a machine that increases intelligence. The main character uses it, gets smarter. Great. Uses it again, great. Uses it a third time...
Cornwind Evil: Accidentally turns his brain into a radio and TV receiver
Cornwind Evil: Resulting in being bombarded by a jumbled mess of audio and visual images 24/7. If this wasn't a kid's book it could have gone very badly for him


RubyChao: Praline's going solo in King of Fighters until she figures out a good ally or two
RubyChao: and considering all her dbz powers...
Harpy: I’d like to rp Praline vs Sakaria for a dbz experience
Harpy: one day
Mild Sheep: Praline and Spat.
Mild Sheep: Praline and A Tub Full of Crites.
Mild Sheep: Praline and Master Micrabby.
Jumpropeman: Praline and Inch
Mild Sheep: Praline and Chicken Policeman for Maximum OverDBZ


Cornwind Evil: "Like his brothers, Greasus grew up to become strong and fat. However, unlike his brothers, he killed and ate his own father."
Jumpropeman: *looks him up*
Jumpropeman: time to introduce him to fill the enormous void left by Melvin
Draco: The Drachen sisters sometimes call unwelcome clients "Underbellies"


Del Is You: "Never expose this girl to Scarlett, her head would explode."
Del Is You: Then he got an idea.
card games: Oh goodness
card games: Poor gal hasnt even been fully established, calm down
Del Is You: I will never log off calm down
card games: Plz


Gooper Blooper: I keep making Josephine do ridiculous things
MobileDraco: Like Dirk. ;V


Milkman Sheep: Dolby surely has a radio inside her somewhere, right?
Gooper Blooper: Dolby's got what you need
Milkman Sheep pulls a rubber chicken out of Dolby
Gooper Blooper: a SNES, a Gamecube, a couple Walkmans, I think there might be a Tomy Omnibot in there for some reason


Jumpropeman: by the time I'm done using Janga, all art that exists of him online will be used
Jumpropeman: EVEN THIS ONE


Jumpropeman: *scrolling through Janga google images because I lost the good hat tipping one I saw before*
Jumpropeman: *sees Cordie*
Jumpropeman: Curse is taking over GIS
Gooper Blooper: *searches for Janga, scrolls*
Gooper Blooper: awful lot of spongebob
Jumpropeman: I get a lot of Jenga if I don't search Janga Klonoa


Jumpropeman: "Farquaad is the villainous, ruthless, greedy, cruel, evil (literally), short-tempered, egotistical, and iron-fisted ruler of DuLoc. He is an extremely selfish, arrogant, conceited, oppressive, and power-hungry dictator who doesn't care about anyone but himself."
Jumpropeman: LITERALLY evil
Gooper Blooper: as opposed to figuratively evil
Jumpropeman: the wiki does not explain how he is literally rather than figuratively
Jumpropeman: Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life
Though rarely appearing, Lord Farquaad serves as the main antagonist of the pasta. According to, Farquaad is the creator of Drek, a blue ogre who looks like Shrek, but is affectionate, courageous, reliable, and loyal to Farquaad and is more ruthless than Shrek. Both Farquaad and Drek want to destroy Shrek and his brogres, or make them love Drek instead of Shrek and thus, spread all Farquaad's hate to the whole world. Drek appears the most time than Farquaad but he always gets killed by Shrek in many stories

Jumpropeman: "The MUGEN ARCHIVE wiki is a massive and demanding documentation project focused on quality and consistency. Born form the combination of a selection of high-quality wikis"
Jumpropeman: >born form
Jumpropeman: consistent quality
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: don't worry, that's all of that wiki I'm touching
Draco: Prove it. :I
Milkman Sheep: With a nine and a half foot pole?
Jumpropeman: I just saw that Farquaad was on a MUGEN wiki and was hoping he was a Mugen fighter


Jumpropeman: Mii Gunner in her new sans outfit
Gooper Blooper: josephine jokes etc
Jumpropeman: will sans kill the hot mii gunner art?
Jumpropeman: as we get hot sans art instead
Gooper Blooper: as if we haven't been getting "hot sans art" since 2015
Jumpropeman: the sans outfit on the eshop has its description written in character
Jumpropeman: "heya, so if you want your MII to look like sans (a.k.a me) from UNDERTALE, this here will let you do that. the outfit part is Mii gunners only, so there's that. honestly, seeing myself like this sends a shiver down my spine.
sure hope you found that... humerus. wink
oh, and there's a special arrangement of the song MEGALOVANIA, if you don't like...
... i've got a bone to pick with ya"

MothWars: ONfgdkljfsdl


(Sheep gets his first pairing with another user's character... Motormer the old-timey car X Jason-3 the talking satellite)

Miracle Sheep: So, I feel like now might be the time to reveal a bit of a scrapped portion of plot for Mortimer...
Gooper Blooper: link, draco
Gooper Blooper: Motormer was Sheep's villain of the year, clearly
Gooper Blooper: but Jason-3 faceturned him
Miracle Sheep: Originally.
Miracle Sheep: Yes.
Gooper Blooper: Of course.
RubyChao: that's incredible, sheep
Gooper Blooper: Considering people loved Motormer pretty much from his first appearance
Gooper Blooper: even without jason-3, I think there might have been an effort
Draco: 💗
Miracle Sheep: He was going to be just kind of around on the sidelines. Making jokes, but being kind of ineffectual.
Miracle Sheep: Here's the thing
Miracle Sheep: I like things that appear one way, but actually have a different nature
Draco: I'd joke that Motormer could've won that F-Zero race if he'd actually moved, but we all know Ernie was destined to win.
Miracle Sheep: So Motormer was designed to be likeable and seeming largely harmless while not really connecting with anyone besides being kind of humorous
Draco: And now he's the Main Character.
Jumpropeman: I've definitely enjoyed characters with that angle before
Miracle Sheep: And then a quick peeling back to reveal how much the humour was a crutch for a deep-seated self-loathing and despair of always being in Mammoth's shadow
Jumpropeman: sorry Moty, you got the love and support you deserve!
Miracle Sheep: And then there would have been an event fighting Motormer after he kidnapped David Mammoth in a fury
RubyChao: i assume we would have had to kill him off, of course
Miracle Sheep: That was the plan
Jumpropeman: and then sheep did the plot idea anyway
Gooper Blooper: Clearly now it's David Mammoth who kidnaps Motormer
Gooper Blooper: sticks a car boot on him
Jumpropeman: Mammoth is jealous of Motormer's fly honey
Gooper Blooper: We defeat David Mammoth by taking his photograph and showing it to him, whereupon he laughs himself into a heart attack
Miracle Sheep: But I wanted to a little reversal where the nice guy turned out to have a really dark personality underneath that shell and we had to save the guy who at first seemed a lot worse
Draco gasps.
Draco: David Mammoth has Motormer towed! D:
Miracle Sheep: Basically that was the seed of the whole thing
RubyChao: and then oops
RubyChao: a satellite happened
Jumpropeman: you should have planned for a sassy feminine satellite who's happy to flirt
Jumpropeman: really though
Jumpropeman: thanks for going along this odd path with me
Jumpropeman: I promise we don't gotta RP them sitting on a picnic blanket counting the stars or nothing
Miracle Sheep: It was interesting


Jumpropeman: creepypasta concept: somebody buys a haunted copy of silent hill and all the changes to it are making the spooky stuff cute and friendly instead
Draco: Otherwise it plays exactly the same.


Jumpropeman: >Niftu the Nifty
Jumpropeman: we're not making that a thing
More Sheep: It's a thing.
Jumpropeman: [REJECTED]
Draco: Yes we are.

(Draco makes "Niftu the Nifty" the ticker)

Jumpropeman: 8I
Draco: And if I forget to change it, that's our ticker for today. :V
Jumpropeman: i'll remember to remind you


More Sheep: Welcome Mats claim another victim!
More Sheep: If the Curse had replaced some of this membership with Welcome Mats, they would have beaten the Kobbers by now!
Jumpropeman: next year
Jumpropeman: just a whole team of Sentient Welcome Mats


Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: 150 scenes
Jumpropeman: of that dancing baby
Jumpropeman: dancing baby reminds me
Jumpropeman: I gasped last night when I saw a certain game finally received a Western release
Jumpropeman: and that game is COME ON BABY!
Jumpropeman: the minigame collection from Japan featuring such games as: babies chained to the ocean floor and drowning, babies in a fighting game arrangement, babies getting electrocuted by jump ropes, and more!
MODOK Sheep: JRM, what


Jumpropeman: apparently curds and whey is just another name for cottage cheese
Draco: WHAT?!
Gooper Blooper: you've turned my world upside down JRM
Gooper Blooper: "Actually, you’ve probably eaten curds and whey without knowing it. Curds and whey are actually the lumps and liquid found in cottage cheese."
RubyChao: could they have chosen more unappetizing words for that
Harpy: whey is just cheese water
Jumpropeman: mmm
Jumpropeman: delicious lumps and liquid


Cornwind Evil: Pictured: Okuu
Gooper Blooper: Friar Tuck takes one bite out of a sausage and then throws the rest away
Gooper Blooper: how shameful
Harpy: no waste
Gooper Blooper: otherwise seems pretty accurate


Jumpropeman: i found two people roleplaying in the comments section of a retsupurae video of all places
Jumpropeman: one is the lich king from world of warcraft
Jumpropeman: but the other I guess was some anime guy but he changed his avatar since
Jumpropeman: so now he's kermit the frog talking about his anime genocide, destruction of gods, and driving a girl to madness
Cornwind Evil: The internet, everyone
Cornwind Evil: You know you've gone too far when even I shake my head.


Cornwind Evil: "I am the last son of Basu."
Cornwind Evil: And I keep trying to render my family house extinct!


MODOK Sheep: "Was Joy joyful?"
MODOK Sheep: Asking the hard questions
Cornwind Evil: She loves fighting
Cornwind Evil: She didn't get the title of THE JOY ironically


Draco: "I'M APOLLO JUSTICE, AND I'M FINE!" <- Is this on his business card?


Jumpropeman: I know it's silly, but ever since I was a kid I always didn't like that Transformers toys sometimes required removal of parts since it didn't fit the stories around them
Jumpropeman: I certainly recognize why it's the case, but I can't unwire that part of my brain
Cornwind Evil: Yeah well the cartoon is so full of animation errors that I'd say it balances out
Cornwind Evil: And not just animation. God, the Constructicons....
Cornwind Evil: I just LOVE the Constructicons story in the OG seasons
Cornwind Evil: Because they were paying so little attention that their origin was that Megatron was built by the evil Constructicons
Cornwind Evil: Then Megatron turned the good Constructicons evil.
Cornwind Evil: Then he built the evil Constructicons.
Draco: G1 continuity was a nice suggestion. XD


Cornwind Evil: "Life isn't fair to Tamaki. Her near-supernatural clumsiness results in a 'Lucky Lecher Lure', which means she is either stumbling out of her clothes or landing into compromising situations with men." So not only is it excessive cheesecake IT'S WRITTEN INTO THE PLOT
N Goat: Oh, Cw was talking about something in the show...
N Goat sigh
Jumpropeman: this is what happens when a country censors its porn
Jumpropeman: no country is hornier than japan
N Goat: what's next
N Goat: i dont even care anymore
RubyChao: i think sheep broke
N Goat lies down
RubyChao: Rank: Curse Pinup Girl

N Goat: Don't you even dare
RubyChao: listen, sheep
RubyChao: i am going to make a minor curse subfaction that is 100% Anime Tropes Sheep Hates
RubyChao: and you are going to kick all their asses


Draco: Like all original people, I have immediately made a Sans MiiGunner.

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