Sunday, July 9, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 296: I'm A Cuckster

F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: Little do you suspect that Kap is Tony Kapponi, a wereform of the tiny lizard lady from when she was bitten by an enthusiastic island surfer.
Jumpropeman: Ven, you're undoing all my hard work D:


Beach Cookout: I WANT TO LOVE VERA"

Jumpropeman: I'm loving Vera
Jumpropeman: because she's so ruthless
Jumpropeman: can't survive on a diet of goofball bad guys alone
GermanChao: were the big five goofballs? :V
Jumpropeman: the penguin love was very serious
Jumpropeman: I've already explained to you mister, but I meant more the villain where the piss isn't taken out of them or they get silly at times. Even Chaos has done jokes
GermanChao: that's true
Blast Chiller: i know she's ruthless for a reason and i like her for that too but maaan
Blast Chiller: i like cool ladies
Jumpropeman: we have a significant lack of cool ladies in rp
Jumpropeman: you'll have to look elsewhere im afraid
GermanChao: i think we can afford at least one evil cool lady :V
Blast Chiller: I CRY
GermanChao: no, that was an evil cute lady!
GermanChao: very different


Bree: hey DMG, since you are in the military and all, do you know anything about guns?
DMG: I know an awful lot about the M16
DMG: that's about it
Bree: alas
El Diablo Pollo: what about
El Diablo Pollo: THESE GUNS
El Diablo Pollo flexes
Bree: very impressive, ivel
DMG bows down to the total rippage of Ivel's guns
Jumpropeman: ivel is the Beaster Bunny
DMG: hope you know, Beaster Bunny has every one of my votes for the name alone
Bree: no >:I nibbler is gonna win the brawl!
Gooper Blooper: There's something about Beaster Bunny I need cleared up
DMG: Is CustardKittens somebody I should know?
Gooper Blooper: Is he made of chocolate, or does he just look like he's made of chocolate
El Diablo Pollo: jrm sister
Gooper Blooper: That's one of JRM's sisters
DMG: oh, cool
DMG: just wondering
Gooper Blooper: She draws art for the Brawl every year
DMG: cool
Bree: along with his other sister, RainbowDash
Bree: jrm actually has like five sisters
Jumpropeman: he is made of chocolate
El Diablo Pollo
Bree: jrm actually has like five sisters
Jumpropeman: he is made of chocolate
El Diablo Pollo: jrm confirmed made of chocolate
Gooper Blooper: Okay, thanks for that important info
Jumpropeman: I'm sweet as sugar 🤗


F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: Over the years since, I've slowly come to believe the ill fortune came in place of relieving death from the affronted several gods in question, but specifically, I've insulted Zeus several times standing in metal in a thunderstorm, yes.
SteelKomodo: how are you still alive? :P
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: Am I, he asked, staring into the distance and pulling back on his boots. The crusting of blood, mud, and sweat permeate the carpet as he shifts uncomfortably in place at the query. Am I?
Then he requested your patience in that he would be back later, and stood to leave for the Wal-Mart.


Miserable Sheep: Edited a weakness
Miserable Sheep: My usual refrain during Brawl signs ups


ivel: and Ikki's info edited in
ivel: might make some changes to my entries, especially since Gino now knows more skills, but this is likely to be it
ivel: yes, considering some of the entrants, I absolutely had to mention the Illusion Fist probably wouldn't work on the dumber people in the Brawl :U
ivel: I swear if he loses to Big


Gooper Blooper: Funny thing: I thought Tamatoa was killed instead of imprisoned because of Louis doing that sale on crab meat or whatever the day after the plot
Phone: The crab meat was a herring of the red variety. :v
Big Chick: i was hoping for king crab meat, not just plain red crab meat
Big Chick: :I
Big Chick: crab and herring don't go well on the same plate


Big Chick: if etro wins
Big Chick: i'm going to die just a little bit
Big Chick: so i hope he loses
Big Chick: I mean I have to do a revival plot for him I JUST GOTTA
ivel: Etrohus and Jasper just kill each other
ivel: "Thanks man" "You too"


M Sheep: you guys
M Sheep: are making me write physics
M Sheep sinks under desk


SteelKomodo: i must now make an embarrassing announcement
SteelKomodo: i have come to understand the concept of inflation via Scrooge McDuck
SteelKomodo: i have needed a children's cartoon to explain economics to me
Jumpropeman: my brother-in-law explained bullet drop-off to me yesterday with some legos
Jumpropeman: knowledge comes from strange places
SteelKomodo: indeed


Gooper Blooper: Here's a crash course on Polka-Dot Man if anyone was dying to know more about him
Jumpropeman: bless their hearts for trying with those spot and dot jokes


Bree: josephine's original name was angus
Bree: like angus beef
Bree: because she thicc
Gooper Blooper: josie used to be more petite
Gooper Blooper: then things happened
SteelKomodo: thiccsephine
SteelKomodo dances
Gooper Blooper: how did it take this long, I have no idea
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Let Peach Take a Selfie: im feeling kinda blue, has anyone got a thing to cheer people up
Let Peach Take a Selfie: whats new in the world of memes and video games
Bree: link
Let Peach Take a Selfie: gasp
Let Peach Take a Selfie: thats perfect
Let Peach Take a Selfie: thanks bree


Gooper Blooper: that feel when you just got told you're part of a fight where everyone but the winner dies
ivel: lel yes
M Sheep: Man, Rainbow Dash wants it this year
M Sheep: Pulling out all the huge image stops


MLK And His Cyborg Legs (ZZZZwind ZZil) joined the chat
ivel: why does MLK have cyborg legs
Bree: there he is
MLK And His Cyborg Legs: It's from some guy talking about the old days when you had to go to some really out of the way places to find wacko conspiracy theory 'documentaries'
ivel: oh okay
MLK And His Cyborg Legs: And he said they were about stuff like MLK being half Jewish and having cyborg legs
MLK And His Cyborg Legs: I have no idea if he was just making stuff up or if that really existed
Bree: MLK being martin luther king, right?
MLK And His Cyborg Legs: Yes
Bree: I think malcolm X shoulda had the cyborg legs, he could use them to kick racists in the balls


M Sheep: Two sixfoot, burly men barely win fight they picked against small girl wearing a hat who bodied them most of the fite. News at 11.


M Sheep: Note to self: give Dovetail more weaknesses


Big Chick: oh no these hot fries are stale
Big Chick: *eats them anyway*


Draco: I hope Jumpluff wins.
Jumpropeman: after all, a vote for Jumpluff is a vote for jumpin for all
Gooper Blooper: AND IT GAVE THEM HOP


Jumpropeman: only 2.50 a month for an ad free photobucket!
Jumpropeman: how can I resist!
Gooper Blooper: Looks like Brine might not know
Gooper Blooper: Photobucket now completely blocks all users who are using adblock
ivel: I can't even see the pic because Photobucket is bypassing my anti-adblock popups setting
Gooper Blooper: Combined with redirects it makes the site almost unusable
Brinehammer: Oh, for real? They made photobucket worse?
Gooper Blooper: Yep :V
GermanChao: yep
Brinehammer: Good god.


ivel: Aeronaut is looking at the entries
ivel: Aeronaut: Oh lord
-ivel: haha
-ivel: :U

BECAUSE THE PILOT WAS A BANANA: Tell him that the Appule Crew is always hiring
ivel: Aeronaut: EFFIE WHAT
-Aeronaut: BIG THE CAT
-ivel: XD
-Aeronaut: ...JUMPLUFF

Jumpropeman: the hero we need
Gooper Blooper: Aeronaut should totally read the brawl to see how this nonsense goes
ivel: he should
ivel: Aeronaut: This is silly
ivel: Aeronaut: ...Chuckster from Super Mario Sunshine


ivel: Dia reveals her #1 vote, Duer teases her mercilessly
Gooper Blooper: omg yes
ivel: XD
Gooper Blooper: Gino wins, the Brawl just kinda stops for a few awkward minutes while doctors revive Dia
Big Chick: well
ivel: Gino revives her with a phoenix feather
Gooper Blooper: Gino standing there rubbing the back of his head as Nurse Tongus licks Dia's face
Big Chick: Dia can revive herself :U
Big Chick: Nao Stones, bitcheees
Big Chick: or she can let Gino french kiss her better
ivel: dear plz :I
Big Chick: as he dumps some spit on her
Big Chick: this is the weirdest.
Gooper Blooper: Remember BBB1 where characters revived so quickly JRM had to ask them to be dead again so he could use them as zombies
GermanChao: hahahhaa, yeah
GermanChao: mainly with erebus
Gooper Blooper: yeah, Erebus was back up INSTANTLY
Gooper Blooper: and then it turned out he got zombied and Wids chopped him up into pieces so Brine had to get a little more in-depth with the revival bit
ivel: wat
Big Chick: we have a weird history, dear
Jumpropeman: ivel my child
Brinehammer: I remember that! It was intermission and I was like "Well... Shoot."


Jumpropeman: Ryuk and Ryuko, I'm sure that's another place where there will be zero typos



Bree: amity wagers 1 hug on her frands
Bree: if she wins the bet, jinako has to give her a hug
Bree: if she loses the bet
Bree: amity has to give jinako a hug
Bree: ...jinako wisely doesn't bother trying to clarify which frands she's betting on
Gooper Blooper: Jinako's good at hugs
Gooper Blooper: hug a jinako today
Bree: squishable shopkeeper
Buddy Catte: Brandon will hug Jinako
Buddy Catte: Brandon was also going to make a bet but
Bree: jinako hugs komachi, causes hugpocalypse
Bree: too much marshmallow
Buddy Catte: b-but brando?


Gooper Blooper: I still laugh every time at "dongs"
Jumpropeman: *changes Brawl prize to 50 dongs*


Jumpropeman: "At worst, it's still a vote! Keep little Juzo breathing slightly longer!"
Jumpropeman: is funny joke you see, because Juzo is an assist
Jumpropeman: I can kill him any time I like 😈
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: Assistants oddly seem to outlive competitors a lot. =u
ivel: true
Jumpropeman: that bingo space gets a lot of love
BECAUSE THE PILOT WAS A BANANA: I want Suppaman to win it all
BECAUSE THE PILOT WAS A BANANA: And then realize wait shit he's like
Gooper Blooper: Juzo survives the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: but it's actually bad because it means he saw all that death
Gooper Blooper: so now he's sad
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: :c


DMG: did you hear that the guy who invented the door knocker was awarded the No Bell Prize?
ivel: heard that one
Buddy Catte: plz


F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: Part of me almost wants to bother up JRM to see a renovated S4 Brawl just because of that changed-awareness-and-depth, truly. h= How the various contestants and villains get resorted, if at all. But two Brawls in one year and one of them solely for curiosity would be a definite nay.
Jumpropeman: that is an interesting concept at least, even if one that can't be executed
Jumpropeman: how would old brawls look a second roll round
Gooper Blooper: Wait, you mean doing BBB4 again by rerolling and rewriting it, but with the same contestants?
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, that does sound interesting
Gooper Blooper: but yeah, a Brawl is an insane amount of work
Gooper Blooper: we're lucky to get the one!
Jumpropeman: psshaw, goops
Jumpropeman: I just have to write a novel's worth of words every time
Gooper Blooper: and draw fifty pictures of people dying
Gooper Blooper: and commandeer your out of control siblings to help you
Gooper Blooper: and make me draw noses at gunpoint
Jumpropeman: don't think I didn't notice the eckhardts have them
Gooper Blooper: noseless just was not going to work there
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: JRM cheats at Nanowrimo, submits illustrated Brawl
Draco: Gasp
Gooper Blooper: my marshmallow anime tropes can only be stretched so thin
Jumpropeman: Cavendish is noseless at least


Draco: One day, Youmu and Yamame will Fite over who gets to be Yams.
Gooper Blooper: we worked that out
Gooper Blooper: Yamame is Big Yams
Gooper Blooper: Youmu is Little Yams
Draco: Ah.
Bree: does that mean yamame is youmu's mom
Draco: Sure.
DMG: I think that's exactly what it means
Draco: She's Youmu's Yamommy.
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: *as stereotypical Godfather era gangster- But which Yams has gams?
Draco: That'd be Yamame.


Bree: so basically the half of youmu that's phantom is that white blob thing that some fans dubbed myon
Draco: Oh, I thought she was just constantly farting. (jk)
Jumpropeman: XD


Phone: Does it really constitute fanservice with no one to observe, I wonder?
Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman's always watching ◉◞౪◟◉)


Mulling Sheep: I hope Rainbow Dash enters Rainbow Vomiting Sloth next Brawl


Jumpropeman: Life Goals: get Theodore and Inch to sing this song
Jumpropeman: "Jerry's voice is cute and childlike, but Tom's voice is kind of hot!!!!"
Jumpropeman: and I learned again why you should avoid youtube comments
Draco: Well said.
Murky Sheep: And yet you made sure we couldn't avoid it
Jumpropeman: I will not suffer alone


Murky Sheep: >-Treasure Island-
Murky Sheep: Repeat the spot
Draco: I really ought to try bringing it up for things besides Cornwind.
Murky Sheep: >You remember how in the Dino Riders show, the good guys used some weird amulets to make the dinosaurs like them enough to strap all sorts of weapons on them?
Murky Sheep: No.
Murky Sheep: But I do, in the vaguest terms, remember a Spider Riders show
Murky Sheep: Which I'm sure I only remember at all because the theme was weaponized grade annoying catchy
Murky Sheep: >Scaeyl doesn't do that.
Murky Sheep: Ah.
Murky Sheep: Well, then.
Murky Sheep: "It chose poorly."
Murky Sheep: Careful, Scaeyl, your haruspex is showing
Draco: Yamame watches Spider Riders, get offended at its portrayal of spiders.
Draco: "Spider Rider" is also what you call her girlfriend. JK
Murky Sheep: my evens
Murky Sheep: i don't
Murky Sheep: I do enjoy that Barubary not only never runs out of disparaging remarks, but has managed to thoroughly back it up in his appearances thus far.
Draco: Glad you're liking him. He and Levi are taking their act on the road next season.
Jumpropeman: Barubary vs. Botwoon in a Worm That Just Won't Die match


Libreery: in my experience nearly everyone likes fart jokes


F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: I have made sleepy, frazzled errors in the real world. Somehow, I have three pies and not a slice of the cheese for the grilled cheese sandwiches I went shopping to replace. b=
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉ lays down and stares at ceiling


Jumpropeman: it is really hot here today
Jumpropeman: 101 degrees
ivel: :<
Jumpropeman: only gonna be hotter tomorrow! :V
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: nother scorcher!


Jumpropeman: listening to a podcast: "I'm gonna make a bold prediction right now: Metroid Prime 4 will be out before both the FF7 remake and Kingdom Hearts 3" everyone responds with "Definitely"
Jumpropeman: "We're never going to be talking about Kingdom Hearts 3 on this show, it's gonna be our grandchildren"
Gooper Blooper: they can't make kingdom hearts 3 right now, first they have to make Kingdom Hearts 2/9748 Super Halfpipe Remix
Gooper Blooper: It's pronounced Kingdom Hearts Sheena Cosheena
Jumpropeman: fantastic


AmericanChao: >itch under bandage
AmericanChao: well
AmericanChao: time to cut off my leg
Gooper Blooper: rip
ivel: GOOPS NO
Draco: Goops please.


Jumpropeman: can Chuckster lightly toss people
AmericanChao: if he uses a remarkable amount of self-control
Jumpropeman: that was a joke but also helpful info!
Gooper Blooper: the best kind of response


The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: The Cosineaus own...
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom rolled a die with 4 sides. The die showed: 3
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: Three houses.
Jumpropeman: one for each girl
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: One main one, one vacation one, and a log cabin in deep woods for Cauren when she wants to get back to nature
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: The main one has...
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom rolled a die with 65 sides. The die showed: 26
Draco: Log cabin in the woods for when Sine's wereplatypus side awakens.
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: 26 rooms.
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉ reads up
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 13
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: 13 of which are bathrooms
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: ....Sine is a bad architect
Draco: Parsee has $10 in her wallet.
Buddy Catte: wow
Buddy Catte: what
Gooper Blooper: 13 bathrooms
Buddy Catte: are you guys even talking about this time
Gooper Blooper: and one room for hot dog holding
Jumpropeman: the bladder of a mouse
Buddy Catte: welp
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom rolled a die with 13 sides. The die showed: 1
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: Because ONLY ONE WORKS
Draco: Well, when people get older, they have bathroom troubles. It's only natural for a lady of Sine's age to...have issues.
Buddy Catte: if only one works, you might have crossed some pipes wrong
Jumpropeman: they're lesbians, gooper, they don't need a hot dog holding room
Buddy Catte: JRM.
ivel: JRM
Buddy Catte: plz.
The Dead Wrestler Bathroom: Sine: Speak for yourself!
Gooper Blooper: XD
F҉O҉R҉M҉E҉R҉V҉E҉N҉G҉E҉A҉N҉C҉E҉: I can neither confirm nor deny the accusations as to Cauren's intentions or meddling. I can neither confirm nor deny that Sine is a wereplatypus. I can neither confirm nor deny the average nature of the size of the family torture rack. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of three houses entirely or the use of twelve bathrooms as disguised weapons and smuggling chambers.
ivel baps jrm


Jumpropeman: whenever Ilsaria gets her groove back, her eyes and hair will disappear back into shadow


AmericanChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
AmericanChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2

AmericanChao: god, miu, you suck at this
AmericanChao: but i know just how to roll with this
Gooper Blooper: What is with all the pre-brawl fite clubs me and chao are doing being hilariously one-sided
Gooper Blooper: Hecatia and Cuckster breezed through theirs, too
Gooper Blooper: ...that is an unfortunate typo
ivel: ahahaha
Buddy Catte: cuckster
Buddy Catte: cuckster
Buddy Catte: cuckster
Gooper Blooper: HE'S A CUCKSTER
ivel: HE CUCKS
Buddy Catte: i almost choked on a coke
AmericanChao: GOOPY PLS
Gooper Blooper: don't choke a coke when you chuckle at the cuckle
Draco: Chokester
AmericanChao: "being a cuckold is-" "I'M A CUCKSTER!" *hurls the husband through the roof*
Gooper Blooper: >Chokester
Gooper Blooper: well, we know what to call him if he places bottom five
Gooper Blooper: "I'M A CHOKESTER!" *dies*
Buddy Catte: NO
ivel: rip Chuckster. If only Aero had signed up to vote...
ivel: ;;


Muddled Sheep: oh hey, what do you have to say about Banner Saga, Ven?
Muddled Sheep: Been eyeing it for like two years
FЯIΣD grips Sheep's shoulders and leans in uncomfortably close, down, peering from ogre height direct into eyes with bristly blood matted beard nearly touching skin

FЯIΣD: You, especially.
FЯIΣD: You'll dig the trippier mythos bits.


(Discussing Steam games)

ivel: another fun one is Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator, mostly for people who can play it with someone else either on the same computer or in an online game
ivel: not specifically for Sheep, mind you
ivel: just as a general suggestion for people :U
Jumpropeman: This Product has been rated #NotSpecificallyForSheep
Jumpropeman: viewer discretion is advised
ivel: lel
Muddled Sheep: Make sure you read over the system requirements when purchasing a game
Muddled Sheep: some may require a working Sheep
Jumpropeman: that's another thing that curbed my wanton steam purchases
Jumpropeman: my sheep isn't up to scratch
Jumpropeman: its an H Sheep
Jumpropeman: when I need an M Sheep
Muddled Sheep: an H Sheep?!
Muddled Sheep: I haven't seen one of those in the wild for YEARS
Jumpropeman: I know, I'm practically a caveman


Muddled Sheep: Meanwhile, in forum plot
Muddled Sheep: Suddenly, SENTAI
Dirkisms: Very suddenly
Muddled Sheep: The most sudden, in fact
FЯIΣD: May Suddenly, Hentai offscreen not be too much so. =U People tend to like moods and prep.
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Sentai on the streets, hentai in the sheets
ivel: plz
Jumpropeman: get you a man who can do both
Dirkisms: Del what
Dirkisms: um
Dirkisms: er
Dirkisms flails
Gooper Blooper: they dont call em riders for nothing
Gooper Blooper is escorted out
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Goops does it again


Muddled Sheep: “Why is there a fucking penguin?!”
Muddled Sheep: ZFRP: Why is there a fucking penguin?!
Muddled Sheep: >The kappa people call Tony Kapponi walks forward
Muddled Sheep: The mightiest of the hundred Kappa
ivel: lel Sheep
Muddled Sheep: "Formation 3; guard the Kappa."
Muddled Sheep: ZFRP: Guard the Kappa


Jumpropeman: Kapponi's spell cards are all New York phrases
Jumpropeman: "Spell Card: I'M WALKIN HERE!" "Spell Card: WHY I AUGHTA"
Buddy Catte: toni is actually a pidgeon
Muddled Sheep: Spell Card: BROOKLYN RAGE
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: "Spell Card: BIG APPLE"


KappaChao rolled a die with 2 sides. The die showed: 1
KappaChao: oops
ivel: lel, 2 sides
KappaChao: "what's a 2 sided die" "a coin"
ivel: I wondered what a 1-sided die would be with Harpy once and then realized
ivel: it's just a sphere


Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Watching the Chuckster video Goops posted makes me want to anti-effort Chuckster.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: I beat Mario Sunshine. I'm pretty sure I've played that level at least once and just blocked it from memory.
RubyChao: that level is the entire reason i made Chuckster a character
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: 😐
B.C.: Im a chuckster
B.C.: Hyuk


Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Dirkism


Phone: If he became a drug dealer, would our moon faced friend be Smack Tonight?


Jumpropeman: CKR will likely get her vote in tonight
Jumpropeman: i used a secret technique called "my sisters think today is the last day for voting"


Buddy Catte: oh man
Buddy Catte: etrohus already has more votes than intended
Buddy Catte: please nerf
ivel: him getting ANY votes was more than intended
ivel: "I want to lose" is a surprising way to earn votes :U
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Welp, I'm doing it now. I thought I was getting food, but I'm efforting.
Margleblargh Sheep: The madman
Draco Mariano Guyenstein:
Buddy Catte: NO
RubyChao: u monster
Buddy Catte: the goat cries
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: #VoteGote
Buddy Catte: being etrohus is suffering
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Well, now he has a cool video game about him. It's a Goat Simulator hack with a Skyrim helmet on the goat.
Buddy Catte: you can already play as goat satan :U
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Then he has preempted me. He's a wise king who knows what the kids are into.
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: So, yeah, sorry-not-sorry for Goat King Simulator.


RubyChao: votes up
Margleblargh Sheep distant wail heard in the distance
RubyChao delights in Sheeps' suffering

Jumpropeman: #YearoftheDeer


RubyChao: i have hoarded nearly every pillow in the house and am lying in on and around them
RubyChao: life is good


Margleblargh Sheep: >Finding Nemu, 2017
Margleblargh Sheep slams fists on table
ivel: lel


Bree: so jrm, has everyone voted
Jumpropeman: I haven't voted yet
Jumpropeman: #REGGAE SHARK
Jumpropeman: there, done
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Yissssssssss
Gooper Blooper: he's a master of da arts an crafts
Draco Mariano Guyenstein swaps Etrohus vote for Reggae Shark.
Jumpropeman: all votes for Reggae Shark are actually votes for Yotam
DMG swaps all votes to reggae shark
Draco Mariano Guyenstein: Okay.


Mission Complete!: Man. I STILL feel like I should do more
Mission Complete!: But
Mission Complete!: Is putting in effort really part of the Big the Cast spirit?
Jumpropeman: Big the Cast is what we call Harpy's roster
DMG: I think doing nothing aught to count as effort for Big the Cat


Gooper Blooper: link
ivel: that's beautiful and made me hungry, brb food
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Jesys
iKomodo: Holy shit that's awesome


Spoi!: "In particular the Gorton’s Fisherman, has been featured on The Late Show with David Letterman numerous times"
Spoi!: Is this the Deadly Alliance
Gooper Blooper: Gorton Fisherman for godbeast
Gooper Blooper: calling it now
Gooper Blooper: t r u s t h i m
Spoi!: I want the Gorton Fisherman to steal Big's body as his newest vessel
Spoi!: Combining the brain of a horror from beyond the stars with the unstoppable body of a really fat cat
Draco: He's famous. :D


B.C.: Envy vs paru
B.C.: our good friend vanessa acts as judge
Draco: Okay, but she needs the googly Prinny eyes.
B.C.: Will a googly eyed prinny hat work?
B.C.: Remember, vanessa used to be my Envy :u
Draco: I do remember. Now she is Parsee's friend.
Draco: Autocorrect wanted to make "friend" into "dad"
B.C.: Vanessa is a dad now.
Draco: Vanessa Mizuhashi
B.C.: "Hi paru, im dad."
Draco: " Papa 8U "
Bad Choices joined the chat
Bad Choices: Cian just stares
Bad Choices: "am i going to have to ask you for parsee's hand in mariage"
Bad Choices: Vanessa crosses her arms and slaps a fake moustashe on her face, then gets a pipe and says, "Yes."
Draco: For one moment, Parsee stopped being jealous. Then died cause she's a jealousy elemental.
Draco: Jk
Bad Choices: nah, she's back to being jealous again
Bad Choices: who the fuck does this envy chick think she is
Draco: "Wait, are we getting married? When were you going to tell me? I need a dress. D: "
RubyChao: pffft
Bad Choices: "WELL, the marriage thing comes after the proposal and oh god i should find an engagement ring shouldn't i"
Bad Choices: cian cries in the corner because how do you girlfriend
Draco: The accidental marriage proposal. XD
Bad Choices: or rather
Bad Choices: how do you fiance.
Bad Choices: WITHOUT
Bad Choices: CIAN
Bad Choices: HAAAA
Draco: Parsee randomly dials a number "How do I marriage?!" "Ma'am this is the sanitation department."


Bad Choices: i should make odyssey shit his pants
Bad Choices: and put sammy in the arcade
Draco: GASP
Draco: Odyssey wears pants?!
SteelKomodo: yep


Jumpropeman: I had to take a break from writing the Brawl today, because my family organized a Dr. Pepper Tasting Challenge
ivel: hi burpo
Draco: Hi JRM.
ivel: did you win
Draco: Does the Dr. Pepper from a can taste better than the Dr. Pepper from a bottle?
ivel: one time iveldad family had a Pepsi drinking contest
Jumpropeman: There were 7 drinks: Dr Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dr. Topper, Dr. B, Dr. B with Cane Sugar, Dr. C, and Dr. Thunder
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
ivel: I forget what we had for mine
ivel: ivelmom loves Dr. Thunder
Draco: Dr. Pepper, Mrs. Pepper, and their seven children knock offs.
Jumpropeman: I correctly identified 3 of the 7
Gooper Blooper: well, if ever there were a reason for JRM to take a break
Gooper Blooper: there it is
ivel: never heard of Topper, B, or C
Jumpropeman: they were: Dr. C, Diet Dr Pepper, and.... Dr Pepper itself
Jumpropeman: I have been validated
ivel: I remember I got regular and diet Pepsi right with ours
Gooper Blooper: if you didn't correctly identify normal Dr. Pepper we would have an issue
ivel: I wanna do another thing like that some time
Jumpropeman: my family and a friend of mine participated, and on Dr Pepper, which was number four, it was the only cup I finished, so everyone guessed it was Dr Pepper as well (except CKR who doubted me :V)
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: Diet Dr Pepper was the worst of the drinks
Jumpropeman: proving that you can't lie about diet
ivel: ivelmom will fight you about that
ivel: unless Dr.s B, B with cane sugar, and C are really good
Jumpropeman: Dr C was also pretty good
Jumpropeman: if Dr Pepper suddenly stopped existing, I could survive on Dr C


Draco: I've already got next year's Brawl line-up: two Street Sharks, Big Joe from Xenogears wielding a guitar, and a Boy and his Blob.
Bad Choices: all I know about my next brawl lineup is that Duer HAS to be on there
Draco: Clownpiece wagers five crackers on Duer placing in the top 70.
Gooper Blooper: I'll enter Morgan and Lily if you enter Sonia
Bad Choices: i wouldn't dare
Bad Choices: i don't wanna deal with the possibility that Sonia...DIES
Bad Choices: by Lily's hands, even
Gooper Blooper: Season 1 JRM totally would have done that
Gooper Blooper: that time sarah killed alex


Mixing Sheep: >-Treasure Island- It's not Ryuko this time.
Mixing Sheep: I feel betrayed
Mixing Sheep: this isn't what the audience asked for


Gooper Blooper: ruined
ivel: Aeronaut: I don't own a windlass I swear
-ivel: that's probably exactly what someone who DOES own one would say

Bad Choices: i loffed
Bad Choices: he owns a windy lass
Bad Choices: an air elemental girl, if you will
ivel: Aeronaut: Wow that word is a lot more boring than I thought it would be
-ivel: ?
-Aeronaut: Windlass
-ivel: I figured that :U
-Aeronaut: :U
-ivel: what is it though
-Aeronaut: "a type of winch used especially on ships to hoist anchors and haul on mooring lines and, especially formerly, to lower buckets into and hoist them up from wells."

Gooper Blooper: "The Hot-Air Balloon Pilot's Winch" was deemed unlikely to sell


RIP in Peas: Vince is going to do the shittiest-executed betrayal in the world
RIP in Peas: just like "whoopsie daisy" punches noodle

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