Monday, August 15, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 259: Draw Me Like One Of Your Noseless Girls

Etrohus: waiting for ivelpost
Etrohus: then i shall retreat to the safety of my bed
BrawlChao: >​ivelpost
BrawlChao: *harpy stays up for an eternity*
ivel: :I
Etrohus: i would if i didn't have work at 9
ivel: I guess I'll just cancel this post I was writing about Gino then (I actually am writing one, it's actually about to be posted)
Etrohus: nanimachines, son


NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: Why am I already trying to beat True Arena with no abilities
ivel: because you have a problem
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: I have a serious problem


Etrohus: i have a stupid post in mind
Etrohus: please hold
ivel holds Harpy
ivel: that's what you meant right? :U
Draco: omai <3


Draco: At least we'll never see Gyaos again.
Gyaos joined the chat
Gyaos stands there for a moment.
Gyaos leaves.
Gyaos left the chat

Draco nods.
Cornwind Evil: He's just lucky he showed up when I was taking a phone game break


Cornwind Evil: I don't know what's funnier
Cornwind Evil: ​How many times they did 'LOOK! WE'RE HIP WITH THE YOUTH!" style commercials, or how many times they did chocolate themed superheroes.​
iKomodo: I'm more concerned about the lengths Barney's going to
iKomodo: if you want some cereal, dude, just ask! Fred's your best buddy, it's not like he'll say no!
iKomodo: i get that we wouldn't have a commercial if he did that, but jeez
iKomodo: i wonder if this is why Barney was so poor in the movie - he blew all his money on these elaborate schemes and Betty didn't have the heart to hold an intervention
Cornwind Evil: There's drugs, there's hoarding, and then there's Cocoa Pebbles


BrawlChao: what's up
iKomodo: Butts


Jumpropeman: somewhat related, I have an idea I really like for a bartender for the Island setting, especially since it'll probably double as a swim-up bar
SteelKomodo: hahaha
brood: Is it Reggae Shark, JRM?
Jumpropeman: NO
Jumpropeman: *scraps Reggae Shark*


CrystalChao: so guys
CrystalChao: are you hype to see more of
Draco: YES
CrystalChao: too bad
CrystalChao: i'm just going to srspost about the Council
Jumpropeman: #JusticeForFloatzel
CrystalChao: even if nobody cares about them
Draco: :I
Draco: The only one I care about is in jail ​or about to get crushed by Nobel Gundam​ and the person who cares about her is AWOL.
brood: The Pokesquad is acting live in Reno, aren't they ?
Jumpropeman: Floatzel is the jester chao of the pokesquad
Jumpropeman: we don't take him seriously now
Jumpropeman: but then he's gonna kill regigigas in one hit or something
Draco: ALL the Regibros with a single Aqua Jet.
CrystalChao: floatzel subverts the formula
CrystalChao: he eventually permadies, having accomplished nothing whatsoever of value
Draco: D8
Draco: Cloakplot is now about going to Lavender Town and saving Floatzel's soul.


Bree: okay del just posted about sexbots and meiling's looking at kids toys
Bree: I'm so conflicted
Bree: dammit panda


Draco: Oh Meiling, you're a thousand years old but still a kid at heart.
Bree: meiling is not a thousand years old :U
Bree: she's only 499!
Draco: ​Parsee and Yamame are both older.
Draco: Meiling's been 499 for 501 years.
Bree: noooooooo she refuses to believe she's old
Del: meiling is 4ever young to scarlett
Bree: she's also forever young to hong, reminder that he calls her "hatchling"
Bree: babby dragon
Del: adorb babby dragon
Bree: but it's tru, meiling is 499 and season 7 will feature meiling freaking out about the half-century birthday milestone
Gooper Blooper: haha
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: celestia makes a cake with 500 candles
Bree: she burns down the birthday party venue
Gooper Blooper: they are arranged in the shape of a dragon
Bree: I can't believe the panda is fucking old


CrystalChao: i found the best comment about the Dover Boys cartoon
CrystalChao: "This is like the cartoon version of a shitpost."
Del: hahahaha
CrystalChao: having watched it, i can confirm it is accurate


ivel: according to Mabinogi, Gino is
ivel: 28 years past 25
ivel: no wonder he lost :U
Etrohus: thats
Etrohus: uh
Etrohus: 53
Etrohus: get out of my brawl, grandpa
Gooper Blooper: he's quite youthful-looking for 53
ivel: for some reason Mabi says ___ past 25, for clarification
Etrohus: milletians tend to be the "eternally youthful" kind of immortal
ivel: wait
Gooper Blooper: Mabi letting ten-year-olds go into the fantasy world to fight and kill seemed a little odd
ivel: it says 44
ivel: on the rebirth page
ivel: what
ivel: Nexon can't math :I
Etrohus: nobody can math
Etrohus: i dunno, ten year olds can also do farming :U
ivel: they're the anime immortal 10-year-olds Goops
Etrohus: 10 year olds grow up fast.
Etrohus: (you grow a year every week on saturday :U )
Etrohus: its basically really hard to pin down a milletian's actual age due to rebirthing into other ages
Gooper Blooper: the only proper adventure for a ten year old is a Pokemon League Challenge
Gooper Blooper dramatically turns cap backwards
Etrohus: kek


CrystalChao: "M-Mario, are you sure we should do this to him? Maybe that's a poser made by King Koopa, I wouldn't put it above him--"
"Luigi, don't worry! He's a criminal, and needs to be shown what happens to people who are bad! This is the right thing to do!"
"Mario, I'm with Luigi, this is pretty drastic, even for you! This just feels wrong to do, especially after all we've been through with him! Besides, where would we get a bag to do this?"
"Don't worry, Princess. It's all okay, we'll use Luigi's spare bag that he never uses!"
These were some of many lines stated by Mario, Luigi, and Peach, as many, many more were stated in a sort of argument about a bag, and putting a criminal inside the bag--
Wait. All these things are connected. All the things Toad did must have made him a criminal, possibly with a bounty on his head, the three characters could be planning to get the bounty for themselves.

Gooper Blooper: christ, that pasta again
Gooper Blooper: I'll never forget "Luigi's spare bag that he never uses"
CrystalChao: and DO NOT TELL anyone
CrystalChao: is it bad that i can read mario and luigi's lines in their voices, though
Gooper Blooper: are you using the Super Show/Vinesauce voices
CrystalChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: then you're doing perfect
Etrohus: i'm using cd-i voices
iKomodo: Super Mario World voices for me
Draco: I got CDi Mario, cartoon Luigi, and N64 Peach voices. O_o


Gooper Blooper: rainbow mothra is alive


CrystalChao: i need to run an errand tomorrow
CrystalChao: but *patchouli*
CrystalChao: reminder that according to chatzy jokes, patchy considers every single aspect of being alive to be effort
CrystalChao: (but dying would be way too much work)
Draco: Patchouli doesn't run errands; she walks them.
CrystalChao: >​walk
CrystalChao: >​patchouli
Etrohus: well, she did it before!
Etrohus: :U
CrystalChao: under duress
Etrohus: how dare you
Draco: She was wearing a nightgown at the time, not a dress.


Etrohus: anybody need me for anything else?
CrystalChao: no
Etrohus: *chao promptly bans me from the forums forever*
ivel: I do
ivel: :U
Etrohus: but not for RP stuff dear :U
Draco: Not tonight, Harpy-sama.
ivel: lel


Etrohus: and now i feel like posting for no particular reason
Etrohus: this is why i'm a great rper guys


CrystalChao: "A gingerbread man sits inside a gingerbread house. Is the house made of flesh, or is he made of house? He screams, for he does not know."


Del: i like my bookstores like i like my coal
Del: burning
Del: hiyooooo?
Draco: D:
ivel: we have a nice local bookstore here, it's two floors
Del: but the last time i went to an old bookstore was not a good time
OnyxChao: oh dear, what happened
Draco: Cat piss.
ivel: and it has plenty of books, both older and slightly newer
Del: it was cramped and everyone looked really miserable and i ended up buying contact and dune
Draco: Everywhere.
OnyxChao: oh
OnyxChao: rip
Del: which were not the high fantasy space hijinks i was promised
ivel: and no cat piss
Del: one is too long and the other was shit, i'll let you decide which is which


Draco: Saw a funny Pokemon GO picture today. Someone saw a Lickitung as a baseball game and it looked like a Godzilla-sized Lickitung standing on the pitcher's mound.
Gooper Blooper: Bringing whole new meaning to the ol' spitball


Jumpropeman: "I need to find that guy with the robot hand I kidnapped for my amazing promo video"
Jumpropeman: I misread that quite terribly
ivel: ...
ivel: jrm
ivel: no
SteelKomodo: jrm pls


ivel: " The Sexy Reason Why The Society In Zootopia Is Doomed " I've seen some weird Cracked article titles but
ivel: that's easily one of the weirdest
ivel: and I don't think I want to know why
OnyxChao: post
Gooper Blooper: #JustClickbaitThings
iKomodo: Well considering the amount of art I've seen about the one gazelle character
iKomodo: i'm not surprised that article exists :U
Gooper Blooper: the gazelle character's name was
Gooper Blooper: gazelle
iKomodo: such creative
Jumpropeman changed name to Human
Human: don't see the problem
iKomodo: much original
iKomodo: wow
OnyxChao points to Gallade


Etrohus: it hapen
Gooper Blooper: somehow
Gooper Blooper: it happened
Gooper Blooper: *looks at season 6 RP, shrugs*
OnyxChao: you never expected Ariel to be the only pairing-less Sarahkin, did you
Etrohus: ariel is the last one standing
Etrohus: now i gotta
Etrohus: i gotta
Etrohus: um
Etrohus: (no)
Gooper Blooper: Ariel X Stacy
M Sheep: Purnima X Stacy
OnyxChao: so guys, i had a small realization
OnyxChao: gloria is now canonically bi
OnyxChao: funny how things work out
Gooper Blooper: and the main reason for that is because I knew I couldn't ignore that "Red Mage from accounting" gag from five years ago without JRM going "HEY WHAT ABOUT RED MAGE FROM ACCOUNTING"
Gooper Blooper: so ta-da
Etrohus: ariel will prolly end up not paired imo cuz she doesn't strike me as one seeking out romance
Etrohus: she seeks
Etrohus: JUSTICE
Etrohus: not apollo tho.
Etrohus: sad faec.
OnyxChao: on the other hand
OnyxChao: gloria didn't strike anyone as seeking out romance
OnyxChao: and then this season happened
Gooper Blooper: We were making "gloria isn't a pairing character" jokes less than a year ago
Gooper Blooper: "oh she's a booksexual"
Etrohus: ariel x carlos crackships
Etrohus: (not happening...?)
OnyxChao: as far as i tell, rp just picked up you and draco
OnyxChao: plunked you down at your computers
OnyxChao: "now make them kiss"
Gooper Blooper: It's Patchouli's fault
OnyxChao: if only she wasn't so fat


Brinehammer: I don't do plots, I just show up and slack off.
OnyxChao: what about clashplot?
OnyxChao: you're doing clashplot riiiight
Brinehammer: Eeeeeeeeeh
Brinehammer makes vague noises and waves hands.
OnyxChao suplexes Brine, but in a way that only hurts and does not prevent future plot doing


ivel: "But at least there's a gargantuan, esoteric help page to get new users into the groove."
CouncilChao: sumireko immediately starts editing wikipedia
ivel: lel
ivel: "That's one reason Wikipedia's coverage is so unbalanced. People write about what interests them, and these interests can be awfully esoteric"
ivel: now I'm just impressed :U
CouncilChao: just imagine sumireko shaking in hype
ivel: if you say it three times does that summon sumi
CouncilChao: i hope so
ivel: "Oh, and sometimes that esoteric interest"
ivel: is why I asked :U


CouncilChao: “What? You’re insane!” They said. I went back to my house, and sat on my floor, with my friend. As I opened the SP, the system turned on by itself, red, and two blood red eyes with a gaping bloody mouth, staring at me, through the screen.
“THEY came back. I crave more.” the screen read in chicken scratch. I screamed, and flung the SP on the wall. It emitted a scream so loud, louder than mine. My friend went to shut it off, and ran over to calm me.
2 years later I opened the SP once more, and the next screen was worse than the Rayquaza screen. It was THEY’s decapitated head, bleeding still, eyes open wide and face frozen in a grimace, as if he was truly real and in pain.

CouncilChao: so realistiiiiic
SteelKomodo: del pls D:
CouncilChao: !?
Del: xcom 2
Del: bought all the dlc
Del: first mission
Jumpropeman: Del was actually spooked by the creepypasta
Del: some weird snake thing in blue armor freezes my guys
Del: and then escapes through a portal when celestia crit-snipes it


Spy Goes Home entered for the first time
CouncilChao: hi sp- first time?
CouncilChao: that's odd
Jumpropeman: that's weird
SteelKomodo: ???
CouncilChao: lemme go try something
Spy Goes Home: I guess because its a new name?
Spy Goes Home left the chat
The Nipple entered for the first time
RubyTso entered for the first time

RubyTso: huh, that's new
The Nipple left the chat
RubyTso left the chat

Gooper Blooper: chatzy, you weird
RubyChao entered for the first time
Spy Goes Home joined the chat
RubyChao left the chat
RubyChao joined the chat

RubyChao: yeah, that's an odd addition
Spy Goes Home: New feature. Huh
CouncilChao: well, at least it isn't like
SteelKomodo: that is indeed weird
CouncilChao: "hey, here's your HOME CITY plastered right on your screen"
CouncilChao: "against your will"


Jumpropeman: I was wondering if I really should bring Shimmer back next year or give her a year break like Jasper
Jumpropeman: I think just being a dumb happy girl with Dewnine made me want to keep her :P
iKomodo: Yaaaaaay :3
iKomodo: I'm glad I managed to do that, however inadvertently :U
Etrohus: posted
Jumpropeman: srspost
Gooper Blooper: I actually thought this "Shimmer grows up" miniplotline was leading up to her retirement
Jumpropeman: Shimmer becomes an adult, realizes Kobbers are kid stuff
Jumpropeman: works an office job until she dies
Gooper Blooper: :<
Jumpropeman: hence why it's not :V


Gooper Blooper: Josephine is going to murder this man, destroy his casino, and take his money


Gooper Blooper: ​lelvin underlelly


M Sheep: "Do you like, have any powers? People here often do!"
M Sheep: See, now, Jrm likes to tease for shoving Shimmer into the bar and causing my characters to spill their guts
M Sheep: But she really does cut right to it


Jumpropeman: if you guys want to buy a print of all the cool guys from Daffy Duck's Dick Tracy parody
Jumpropeman: pony up 725 dollars
Jumpropeman: *gets Draco that print for his Brawl prize*


Etrohus: that chicken kabob was delicious
Etrohus: so much food tho
Etrohus: gotta save it for tomorrow
M Sheep: Really, Harpy?
Etrohus: yes
M Sheep: With this plot
M Sheep: I'm thinking D'arbys
Etrohus: i fucking hate you >:U
M Sheep noisemakers
ivel: link
CouncilChao: boooooooooo
iKomodo: Git rekt


CouncilChao looks at rolls
CouncilChao: so
Jumpropeman: i prefer ankleing
Gooper Blooper: it turns out chao's swerving us and Saul dies so hard he also does a VEW Tenshi segment in the same post to make it more interesting


Gooper Blooper: >​"your dropbox is almost full"
Gooper Blooper: wow, a dang chatlog pushed it into "give him a warning message" territory
Jumpropeman: just delete some unimportant pictures
Jumpropeman: like any of Ariel
Draco: Burn Dropbox to the ground.
Gooper Blooper: Nah, all I have to do is move this one big folder with an old game in it
Gooper Blooper: it's a bigger filesize than five years of chatzy logs
Jumpropeman: don't delete that massive folder of Shroud pics though
Jumpropeman: might need em
CouncilChao: oh, kek
Jumpropeman: hundreds upon hundreds of hand-drawn images of a faceless man in a cloak facing slightly different directions


Etrohus: OOOOOOO
CouncilChao: no, harpy, it's Wizard who's on this plot
TiredSpy finishes the Rommin Ragnis summoning ritual
Etrohus: we're not roman reigns
Jumpropeman: OOO AAH, OOO AAH!
ivel: I knew I heard that somewhere before
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: also a good one: WATCH YOUR BACK, IT'S A SHARK ATTACK
Gooper Blooper: At first I was like "I... THINK I remember this gorilla hot wheels ad?"
Gooper Blooper: and then
Gooper Blooper: and I knew
CouncilChao: *watches*
CouncilChao: yeeeeep, me too


Muddle Sheep: AAAAA
Muddle Sheep: There's been a new Overwatch character that's been announced!
Muddle Sheep: ...why am I so interested in a game I STILL have yet to play...
Spyworth: Because deep down in your heart
Spyworth: You wanted Baby Winston to win


Gooper Blooper: Years ago I actually considered pushing for Widow Maker X Purnima but deemed her too emotionally unstable and unreliably present, so instead they are Just Friends
Muddle Sheep: Same, actually
Spyworth: The Lost Ship
Muddle Sheep: She's a mess though
Gooper Blooper: someday, purnima, M Sheep's mutant love will taper off and you'll get another shot at telling your story


Gooper Blooper: I love googling JRM's sig to see what manner of nonsense pops up
Jumpropeman: that kid looks hella rude just calling out ol' dran'pa like that
Jumpropeman: incidentally, I have quite a back ache myself after the wedding
Jumpropeman: I should get myself some Smart Weed and Belladona plasters
Gooper Blooper: "OH! MY POOR BACK''
Gooper Blooper: (price 25 cents)


Gooper Blooper cringes in fear at the NX they refuse to reveal any details of
Jumpropeman: THE NX! with a brand new controller you hold with your mouth!
GamblerChao: i just want metroid :<
Jumpropeman: Chao RPing Federation Force is somehow making me more interested in it
GamblerChao: i uh
GamblerChao: don't think the game's Federation Force will be as personable and varied
GamblerChao: sorry :V
Gooper Blooper: Remember when you played Castle Crashers and were disappointed the organ didn't transform into a mecha
Gooper Blooper: it's gonna be like that, but all game long
Jumpropeman: its kinda like how SK's Pit made me want to try Kid Icarus uprising more even though he doesn't act like that game's pit at all
Jumpropeman: or the castle crashers thing yeah
Jumpropeman: or Mighty No. 9 beck
Jumpropeman: I set up these walls
Jumpropeman: and then they fall down around me
Gooper Blooper: God, that happened to me with Pit and it just turned out
Gooper Blooper: *fart*
Gooper Blooper: but I still like ZFRP angel bros a lot
GamblerChao: maybe if kid icarus's pit had a burd to hug
Gooper Blooper: or to shield him from palutena
GamblerChao: Palutena and Yukari do the fusion dance
GamblerChao: goops ragequits
Jumpropeman: KIU Pit is very much a bouncing board for the larger personalities of the other cast
Jumpropeman: SK, however, had Pit do things on his own, and thus had to give him more than "heroic...?"
Gooper Blooper: Fused Palutena/Yukari for ZFRP final boss


GamblerChao: remember when we thought the Federation Force were going to be villains
GamblerChao: even ​i​ thought they were going to be villains
GamblerChao: then i started playing them and things got away from me
Etrohus: you fooled even yourself
Gooper Blooper: I certainly thought so
Gooper Blooper: all things considered :V
GamblerChao: yeah, the intention was they'd land more on the "replace samus" side
GamblerChao: and be assholes about it who you'd want to see get #comeuppanced because everyone likes samus!
GamblerChao: then i accidentally made them guys who just want to fight some space pirates and don't really begrudge samus at all
GamblerChao: and then i made the mistake of playing them individually
GamblerChao: and now i have four more minor characters
Gooper Blooper: vintage zfrp


Jumpropeman: Candy has the rare distinction of being a Goopchar I draw without a nose
Gooper Blooper: I saw in the Praline/Candy fight last year!
Gooper Blooper: It was like the universe flexed a little bit as JRM's western sensibilities were tested
Jumpropeman: usually I'd give a char like her a button nose, but the conductor pic looked so much better without one so Rodeo Candy also went noseless
Gooper Blooper: Silence also gets to go nose-free because of her mask design
Muddle Sheep: Draw me like one of your noseless girls
Gooper Blooper: *it turns out this is why she got the mask in the design phase in the first place*
Jumpropeman: no wonder you said you like it :V
Jumpropeman: when I draw her I mean
Gooper Blooper: lel


Breath of Death: What's in the box? Auuughhhhhh WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOX
Draco: It's weed.
Jumpropeman: IT is weed, you beautiful marijuana enthusiast =)
Gooper Blooper: link


Breath of Death: No, no no! Not again! No!
Breath of Death: -hides from commercials-
GamblerChao: i'm going to assume that those are commericials that just play nonstop in Texas
GamblerChao: your version of "1-877-Kars-4-Kids"
GamblerChao: god that jingle
GamblerChao: you can tell who lives in new york or new jersey if they cringe in pain at the name
Spyworth: CHAO NO
GamblerChao: see? see??
Etrohus: >​kars 4 kids
Etrohus: kill me.
Bree: applies to maryland too apparently
Etrohus: i've heard a super country version of it
Etrohus: we're fucking doomed.
GamblerChao: harpy why
Bree: I don't watch tv like ever anymore or else I'd tell you what indiana's resident overplayed commercial is
Jumpropeman: I like the Farmers Only better, if only because it often has country people abandoning or attacking bad rich dates to get with some random country person who appears from nowhere
GamblerChao: the worst part
GamblerChao: is that the jingle is also spammed on the radio
GamblerChao: so you don't escape it in the car
Etrohus: its mostly heard in the car
Etrohus: never see it on tv
Bree: yes you do, if you ​​drive over a cliff​​
GamblerChao: harpy, you're lucky
Bree: the last thing you hear before you die
GamblerChao: in new york city
GamblerChao: they play it on TV all the damn time
GamblerChao: my mom flinches when it comes on
GamblerChao: dad, too
Draco: Okay, wait, what is that even for? Why do kids need cars?
Draco: The only thing I could think of without being told is "Well, maybe it goes to parents who can't afford to buy a car."
Bree: that's what I've been wondering, draco
Jumpropeman: kids gotta eat
Draco: Eat cars?!
GamblerChao: from what i know, it funds a jewish summer camp
Bree: imagine if nitori spent that much on advertising
Bree: had a terrible, overplayed kawashiro jingle
Bree: and it was everywhere in vegas
Draco: Meh Burger's got a better advertising budget than that.
GamblerChao: nobody buys from kawashiro ever again


GamblerChao: "40 might be our plateau though, since pushing further might just be too ambitious. I wouldn't mind scratching 42 or 45, but to push up to something like 55 would be insane. Unless I got a lot more artists that is an impossibility."
GamblerChao: oh, past jrm
GamblerChao: you underestimate your work ethic so much


GamblerChao: #ruined
Etrohus: Yuugi plz.
Etrohus: Parsee's like "what the fuck"
Bree: this picture is officially something that can happen
Etrohus: Hina's look can only be described as "i-is this really a good idea"
Bree: because these are all #ruined
Etrohus: suddenly, yuugi.
Bree: hina should meet yuugi sometime
Bree: ...hina should appear again sometime
GamblerChao: she should
GamblerChao: ​hina for the next chaoplot
Etrohus: diadem should write about hina sometime
Bree: are you sure you want hina on your plot
Etrohus: *hina causes a maelstrom of luck fuckery*
Etrohus: *followed by furious apologies*
Bree: ^
Bree: the villain is defeated by being drowned in apologies
Draco: Hina become Dra Co's employee of the month after turning all the Crits that would've killed him into misses.
GamblerChao: i do
GamblerChao: i dooooo
Bree: are you ​sure​ you're sure
ivel: lel
GamblerChao: yes


Dolorous Edd: "GamblerChao: what if keahi wears a grass skirt and a bikini too"
Dolorous Edd: confirming he's the kinda dude who would just do that one day
Dolorous Edd: no warning, just for a laugh
Bree: well if he does then he has the panda stamp of approval on his bartendership
Bree: because her second-favorite thing (the first being sexy ladies) is stuff that is hilarious
Dolorous Edd: those are my two favorite things too :V
Bree: no, your favorite thing is bubsy
Bree: and your second favorite thing
Bree: is also bubsy
Dolorous Edd: my worst kept secret revealed D:


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello my squishy babies


(Gooper Blooper's avatar changes to this to reflect leaving on an Ohio trip)

Jumpropeman: OH
Jumpropeman: that's ohio
Jumpropeman: for a bit I thought wooden lump might be relevant to mysterious gooper plot
Gooper Blooper: nope :V
Gooper Blooper: although electronics with wood paneling will be in attendance
Jumpropeman: WoodenLumpPlot is next year though, right?
Gooper Blooper: that's not a very nice thing to call Ariel
Bree: so jrm
Bree: when does fumes show up to eat the whole cake
Jumpropeman: :I
Bree: :3
Gooper Blooper: he eated it :3
GamblerChao: om nom nom


Jumpropeman: *playing Mighty No. 9*
Jumpropeman: Ray: [AD LIB MOANING IN PAIN]
Jumpropeman: did they just... put the script in wholesale to the text box?


Bree: who the ass is buying pokemon cards at hot topic
GamblerChao: hecatia


Gooper Blooper: JRM cycling through all the Duck Tracy one-shots as avatars made me remember a thing I thought might happen during the brawl
Gooper Blooper: Jukebox Jaw, unhappy at JRM dissing him, calls in some of the others as Characters From Nowhere and they briefly hijack the Brawl before the entrants rally and take them out
Gooper Blooper: But instead of heel turning he was just incredibly pitiable
Jumpropeman: yup, despite his past of crime, Jukebox Jaw is just a swell guy
Jumpropeman: Mac feels pretty shitty for punching him out when he realized that later
Gooper Blooper: Pumpkinhead vs Samhain, fite yer mates
GamblerChao: nah, goop
GamblerChao: that's Jukeboxplot
GamblerChao: where they show up to shoot down the fazfucks for vengence
Jumpropeman: Jukebox Jaw, realizing how meaningless he is, tries to make his mark on the world
Jumpropeman: *plot lasts one post, he's owned immediately*
Jumpropeman: by Floatzel, no less
GamblerChao: i wonder if i should do something with the New Pokesquad soon


Gooper Blooper: I don't know what the answer to the fumes/midori mystery is, except
Draco: Alchemy.
Gooper Blooper: I'm confident it'll be some ridiculous callback that will make half of us go "OH MY GOD" and the other half go "sorry I don't remember that at all"
Draco: It was Owen all along.
GamblerChao: it was... DUMBLYDORE
Jumpropeman: couldn't a been dumblydore, Bandana Dee was picked over him
GamblerChao: no, bandana dee was picked over dumbledore
GamblerChao: dumblydore is very different
GamblerChao: Other Names: Dumblydum, Dumbeldore, Dumbelldore, Dumbledum, Dubleodre, Dumbelhor, Dumbledork, Dubledork, Dumbledark, Dumblewhore, Dumbledoree
Jumpropeman: is he the one that says "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUCKERS?!"
GamblerChao: yes
Jumpropeman: "Everyone in the class stared at me and then Draco came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back."
Jumpropeman: ""Crookshanks!" I shouted at him. Voldemort fell of his broom and started to scream. I felt bad for him even though I'm a sadist so I stopped. "
Jumpropeman: My Immortal is a well you can always come back to for gold
Jumpropeman: "I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT….” Hargirid paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!”"


Gooper Blooper: Okay, with that done
Gooper Blooper: I should probably go for tonight
Gooper Blooper: goodbye, frands
Cornwind Evil: Later GB
Etrohus: see ya in a week
Cornwind Evil: Have fun
GamblerChao: night goops
GamblerChao: PM me when you get net
Gooper Blooper: I plan on cameoing at least, harpy, so it won't be a full five days of no goop unless I can't get on their net somehow
Jumpropeman: night goop
Jumpropeman: and then RP stopped until Gooper came back
GamblerChao: nope
GamblerChao: because unlike last time
GamblerChao: you've got me to keep it alive
Jumpropeman: *kills Chao*

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