Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 257: Kill All White Mages

M Sheep: "So, let's go over what we know."
M Sheep: Gloria then pauses for several seconds and says "And that's all we know."
M Sheep: Patchy: "But you didn't-"
M Sheep: Gloria: "Yes."
Gooper Blooper: no, sheep, that was last year
Gooper Blooper: this year you actually progressed things!
M Sheep: What?!
Kitty Bree: someday it has to end, sheep
Kitty Bree: someday
M Sheep: Some interesting theories from the Mage Minds to be sure
Gooper Blooper: *and then it turns out Gloria was wrong about everything and Purnima is the one who made the bomb*
M Sheep: Ohohohohoho~
M Sheep: Turns out, Purnima was Mrs. Kovalchuck
M Sheep: and the bomb is actually Junko
Draco: Junko is da bomb. <3
M Sheep: And to think Blik was the mastermind behind the whole thing
Draco: Alice was trying to save us.
Gooper Blooper: Blik even told us he was going to build a bomb back in season 2
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately, none of us could understand him
Gooper Blooper: so we just played the king's quest town theme on loop and laughed at the unintelligible robot man
M Sheep: Alice wasn't the hero we wanted
M Sheep: but the hero we deserved
Draco: To be fair, Goops, Gloria gets obvious things wrong sometimes.
Gooper Blooper: Like having no idea that "Gloriamame" is just a scheme to allow Yamame to fill her with cookies and then eat her?
Draco: More or less. :V
Kitty Bree: don't eat the sugar mage, yamame, it'll go right to your hips
Kitty Bree: and you'll get the diabeetus
Draco: D::::
Kitty Bree: does yamame actually have eight eyes
Draco: Sometimes. Usually she only has two.
M Sheep: It's 2016
M Sheep: She can have as many eyes as she wants
M Sheep: I hope she works her way up to sixteen before the season is out
M Sheep: No slacking now!
Draco: ​You haven't seen Yamame go full spider yet.
Kitty Bree: ​will there be a terrifying image when yamame does go full spider?​
M Sheep: ​You never go full spider.​


Pellar: ​Gregor dies of injuries sustained while accepting Brawl Championship, meaning only the horse wins
FinancialChao: >​implying any assistants will make it
FinancialChao: they had their year >:(
Gooper Blooper: Actually, that makes me want to ask - Does the horse have a name? If so, JRM would want to know
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing it doesn't
M Sheep: It's name is Gregor's Meal Ticket
FinancialChao: Gorgre
Pellar: In game, no. Scarcely any of the horses, really. For most characters it's just a class change. There's one in FE that does- Sophie's- but any for Gregor is flavortext. That said, liking to consume text as I do, we shall call it Ogre Gr.
Kitty Bree: its name is Emergency Rations
Gooper Blooper: mrgrgr
Pellar: It's name is That Remembrance Of Days Long Past That Neither Time Nor Drink May Blur.
Alternatively, you could plagiarize Geralt of Rivia and name the horse Roach, but I imagine the white wolf might take issue with that.
FinancialChao: its name is Bad Horse
FinancialChao: and it turns out it's the godbeast of the brawl
Pellar: Bad Horse, (Bad hoooorse!) Bad horse, he's bad!
He rides across the nation, The thoroughbred of sin *sings away badly*
FinancialChao: so, as someone who's never watched it, just read about it, answer me this
FinancialChao: is bad horse just literally a horse
FinancialChao: that is bad
Pellar: You never see him perform any actions, but at the ending, he is a literal horse standing at the table with the other human supervillains. =u Most of his characterization is from Horrible or from Bad Horse's own minions.
Pellar: It is ​implied​ that Bad Horse is entirely capable of speech, plotting, and motive, as well as possibly a great deal more, but whatchersee is a horse. Y8
FinancialChao: excellent
FinancialChao: i am glad that he is nothing else


Draco: For some reason, it just feels right having Zeldoten use British insults.


FinancialChao: you know, on the one hand, it's too bad kirigiri is likely going to skip this season, considering what's going on
FinancialChao: on the other hand
FinancialChao: i can totally see why she's burned on the KoB :V
Cornwind Evil: Well if there's an issue so complex that no one else can solve it...
Cornwind Evil: Otherwise yeah, she'll avoid the place where ​she got murdered and skinned​
Draco: That's why I avoid Denny's


DetectiveChao: >​begin writing reply to brinepost
DetectiveChao: >​realize halfway through that clash isn't in the bar
DetectiveChao: reading comprehensiooooon *jazzhands*


DetectiveChao: sumi gets a KO in last place
DetectiveChao: because she tries to do fancy gun tricks
DetectiveChao: shoots herself through the head
DetectiveChao: is forever remembered as the Stupidest Brawl Entrant Ever
Gooper Blooper: 66th Place: Sumireko Usami (Herself)
DetectiveChao: amity flops over
DetectiveChao: stares at sumi
DetectiveChao: "rekt"


Draco: I EFFORTED Sara at least.
Gooper Blooper: Seaport places in bottom five but Sara somehow wins
Gooper Blooper: despite not being an entrant
Draco: She wins the Big Assist Brawl
DetectiveChao: sara wins
DetectiveChao: by fudging the registration form
DetectiveChao: and backstabbing seaport
DetectiveChao: "We were separate entries all along."
Gooper Blooper: "IT'S ME, SEAPORT"
Gooper Blooper: and then Sara really was the major villain she was planned to be
Draco: yay :D
DetectiveChao: for her first move
DetectiveChao: she VAPORIZES MARCHE
DetectiveChao: but because of popular demand, draco is forced to keep him around
Draco: D;
DetectiveChao: so instead it turns out out Marche was teleported to another dimension
DetectiveChao: where Robo-Marche took over the world
DetectiveChao: after Real Marche actually died, Robo-Marche would later come back and fill his role
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing people figured this out, but I'll go ahead and confirm
Gooper Blooper: Sara is the "full-time taste tester" Celestia mentioned yesterday
Draco: Marche was MALP all along.
DetectiveChao: wait, are you saying he was from malp
Draco: That is dramatic.
DetectiveChao: or that he was all of malp fused into one body
Draco: Yes.
DetectiveChao: thank for clarifying
Gooper Blooper: marche and sara final bosses 2016
Draco: All year every year.


Gooper Blooper: I've only seen one episode of the new battlebots season so far but they're off to a pretty good start
Gooper Blooper: there's one dude with a hammer who can set the hammer on fire, so the idea is they bash someone open and then cook the insides
Gooper Blooper: looked awesome, then he set himself on fire
ivel: welp


DetectiveChao: i figured out how to handle FFT if i ever play it
DetectiveChao: my special run condition will be
DetectiveChao: Kill All White Mages :D
Harpy: plz
Gooper Blooper: chao why :<
DetectiveChao: to spite you
M Sheep: Should have told him people die in the brawl when they are killed, Goops
M Sheep: Now this mage over here
M Sheep: is going to have to have a little
M Sheep: accident
M Sheep drops ice cream cone on ground
Draco: 😭
Gooper Blooper: sheeeeeep *cries*


Gooper Blooper: mcdonalds anime
DetectiveChao: i've seen it
DetectiveChao: those production values
DetectiveChao: (i can confirm that actual japanese mcdonalds is not that level of anime)
Gooper Blooper: ran ran ruu
DetectiveChao: in fact, while this may seem shocking
DetectiveChao: mcdonald's in japan was basically "it's mcdonald's, but all the menus are in japanese"
DetectiveChao: sorry to disappoint :V


Draco: I think I'm going for an all-new cast next year.
Harpy: me?
Harpy: all new cast?
Harpy: i need to recycle.
Gooper Blooper: >​Yamame only getting one season
Draco: Harpy, you'll have an all-new cast to RP alongside your all-old cast.
Brinehammer: I'm probably starting next year fresh, unless a newer character ends up continuing on.
DetectiveChao: >​clash only getting one year


DetectiveChao: i was in scouts once
DetectiveChao: ...we couldn't do that much scouting
DetectiveChao: because of city living :V
Draco: Chao Scouts go to Central Park to sleep in a tent.


M Sheep: On June 6th, Kotaku[8] published an article about the illustrations titled “Overwatch Fans Have Turned DVA Into a Dorito-Eating Gremlin.”


Gooper Blooper: reminder that due to not knowing anything about bioshock infinite, I thought Songbird was like seven feet tall so I had Silence try to suplex it and she won the tractor roll
Gooper Blooper: and so draco obligingly let Silence suplex it


DetectiveChao: i figured out how the brgrgr saga will end
DetectiveChao: parsee finally gets a brgrgr
DetectiveChao: she takes one bite, it's the best thing she's ever had
DetectiveChao: then she takes a second bite
DetectiveChao: ​she chokes to permadeath on it
M Sheep: hey all you people
M Sheep: hey all you people
DetectiveChao: NO
DetectiveChao flings Sheep out the window
Gooper Blooper: chao you're supposed to listen to him
M Sheep: Looks like Team Sheep is blasting off agaaaaaiiin-
M Sheep ding


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Well I was GOING to sleep
Cornwind Evil: It was a long tiring day
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Clash inspiring such heroism
DetectiveChao: but she has Tenshi-
DetectiveChao: okay yes
DetectiveChao: she needs you
Gooper Blooper: she is a precious cinnamon roll
Bree: cornwind is here for you, cinnamon roll!


Harpy: Josephine needs to become a Dancer
Gooper Blooper: do you ​want​ dirky to die


Pellar: Hello.
Gooper Blooper: FV finally escapes the monster that is Rh'eedBak, if only briefly


Del: yo chao
Del: how would nitori like a bunch of advertising and free publicity
FabioChao: she would fucking love it
Del: cos if you post in srs about someone wanting to see her
Del: it'll happen
FabioChao: ok
Del: spoilers its nbn
FabioChao faints in dramatic shock
Del: rip


Del: julius comes in, heals everyone, dies
Del: rip
FabioChao: julius please
Del: im saying rip a lot


Bree flops around like a fat seal
SteelKomodo joins in


Gooper Blooper: Found a thing on Know Your Meme yesterday about two sides of people being mad at each other over a diet advertisement
Gooper Blooper: and I got a mental image thanks to it
Bree: beach booty
Bree: sephine's got it
iKomodo: fucking ace, as dirk would say
iKomodo: Just showed that image to del
iKomodo: his response was "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww​ yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"​
iKomodo: exactly like that
Gooper Blooper: Josephine is Big Bar Brawl ready
iKomodo: Indeed she is
Gooper Blooper: *and then she places in the bottom ten*
FabioChao: no that's sumi
FabioChao: josephine isn't gonna suffer
iKomodo: ​more like Big Booty Brawl ready :U
Gooper Blooper: Going off of my own predictions, the GB character most likely to job is actually Silence
Gooper Blooper: how the mighty have fallen


Bree: there must be tenshiola smoochies
Bree: v. important
Bree: need more tenshiola fluff this season before they retire forever
Bree: plz
FabioChao: and by retire i mean die >:D
Bree: ruby I'll fucking stab you
Bree: don't fuck with me bro
Bree: ​do you see this face​
FabioChao: no
Bree: ​this is my serious face​
Bree: ​:I​


Bree: at some point tenshi should interact with yamame, that would be neat
FabioChao: they did once
FabioChao: yamame considered tenshi to be the least appetizing thing she ever saw
Parsee: It's true. Even Ariel is yummier.


M Sheep: >​Giving Stan Ligature actual music for the Big Bar Playlist
M Sheep: And worse
M Sheep: ​I Like it​
M Sheep: :I


FabioChao: so who wants to know a fun fact about turn of the century internet from me
Gooper Blooper: I do
M Sheep releases pokeball
FabioChao: so we had this clickradio service - it was basically the precursor to all the current music streaming services
FabioChao: except thanks to slow internet, it just automatically downloaded the songs for you onto your PC
FabioChao: and it autoupdated, we thought it was neat
FabioChao: it's how i heard two songs that are ingrained with me nowadays
FabioChao: anyhow, for the last couple years we had it (we might still have the program/files, we have the first desktop boxed up somewhere) it would constantly be trying to update but failing
FabioChao: we never figured out why
FabioChao: until a couple weeks ago when i looked it up
FabioChao: we were using it until 2003, but clickradio had gone under in 2001
FabioChao: it never updated because no one was left to update it :V
Gooper Blooper: rip


FabioChao: that was fun
FabioChao: now i just need to find out a way to save dolby because ​you aren't taking her from me
Gooper Blooper: you got to know a little more about Dolby today
FabioChao clings
Gooper Blooper: Chao clings to Dolby, winds up just holding onto a line of tape as a song burbles out at double speed from Dolby continuing to walk
FabioChao: (wild guess: knowing you, there's gonna be at least one mega-jerk who we love to punch)
Gooper Blooper: I do love a good villain-punching


iKomodo: ...guys
iKomodo: worst pun
iKomodo: Sharkiplier
DrawingTypeJRM: well SK, this friendship was great while it lasted, but now you must go
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: worth it


Draco: I am perturbed. Someone asked for a story told from the perspective of a Dorito, but apparently it was too macabre.
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: how
SteelKomodo: and moreover, why
Draco: They wanted something like Toy Story.
Draco: They got: "I've lived my entire life in darkness. Ever since I awoke, my brother and I have been confined to a small universe where we could feel, hear, and sometimes even break each other. We knew there was a larger world out there; we could hear the voices, feel outsider forces moving our little world about. Every jostle would cause one of my brother to cry out in pain as a corner was broken off or - even worse - they broke in half."
Draco: They didn't let me finish. :I
SteelKomodo: woooooow
SteelKomodo: that's some shit
Draco: I have a passion for RPing as chips, I guess?
Draco: The story wouldn't have been much longer anyway. The next section would've just been: then the bag was opened and someone ate me. THE END.
SteelKomodo: double woooooow
SteelKomodo: *shrug*


(Tenshi is fighting Rayquaza, who prevents her Sword of Hisou from changing the weather thanks to Air Lock and Delta Stream)

Draco: "Your sword not working, Tenshi? That's okay; it happens to a lot of Celestials as they get older."
FabioChao: tenshi's favorite weapon is just
FabioChao: so fucking useless this battle
FabioChao: #comeuppance
Draco: "This battle?"
Draco: Parsee blairhorns.
FabioChao: "At least I wasn't stuck on the same span of wood for five hundred years."
Bree: oooooooooooh
Draco: "You got me there. It was a fine bridge though. Perfectly flat."
Draco: "Kind of like your chest."
Draco: "And your personality."
FabioChao: i can't come up with a counter to that one
FabioChao: draco 2good
Bree: Tenshi: "And your wallet."
Bree: maybe?
Bree: idk
Bree: ...the wallet is flat because it's empty
Bree: because there's no money in it
Draco: "Honestly though, I can see why you're normally really good at controlling the weather. Nobody else has as much experience with hot air as you."
Bree: okay yeah draco 2good
Draco: "You know why you have all those floating rocks with you? Because I'd wanted to be that stoned too if I had to spend so much time with you."
Bree: the sick burns never end


FabioChao: so who wants a fun fact about Winston Payne
Bree: me
Bree: this person
Gooper Blooper: man, who wouldn't
FabioChao: a bunch of the prosecutors in AA (and even a couple of the defense attorneys) have been canonically shown to use dirty tactics to get victories, prioritizing that over all else
FabioChao: ...but Payne is not one of them, which I didn't even remember when I picked him for this
FabioChao: another fitting reason that he's the honest man trying to prove the truth when his boss gave in to political pressure
Bree: he's kind of a precious cinnamon roll and I don't know why I feel that way but I do
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
FabioChao: i think you are the first person in recorded history to describe winston payne that way
Gooper Blooper: it's amazing
FabioChao: (is it because he's clearly in way over his head but he's trying anyway)
Bree: I just enjoyed how he was standing around in the bar like an awkward derp going "so um"
Bree: and the panda gave him a potato chip and he was just like ".................." and then rolled with it
Bree: it's still funny to me
FabioChao: when in doubt
FabioChao: eat the chip


Gooper Blooper: >​amazon prime day is July 12
Gooper Blooper: oh boy, discounts on mainstream things! *flails disinterestedly*
FabioChao: not enough touhou


FabioChao: "I remember what the image looked like in that split second before the game cut to black; The sky had darkened, the title emblem was rusted and ruined, the SEGA 1991 was now instead SEGA 666, and the water had turned red, like blood, except it looked hyper-realistic.
But the freakiest thing that was in that split second frame was Sonic, his eyes were pitch black and bleeding with two glowing red dots staring RIGHT AT ME, and his smile had stretched wider up to the edge of his face. I was rather disturbed about that image when I saw it, though I figured that it was just a glitch and forgot about it."

FabioChao: never forget how fantastic sonic.exe is


Gooper Blooper: people were actually worried I was going to do it
FabioChao: wait, really?
FabioChao: imagine if you had
Gooper Blooper: #JustSeason2Things
SteelKomodo: ...goops
SteelKomodo: i know what you need to do
SteelKomodo: have Josephine face the scales again
SteelKomodo: turn around
SteelKomodo: and ​sit on them
SteelKomodo: and then they fukken explode
Gooper Blooper: On the note of Josephine and confidence, note something I did today and compare it to Season 3
FabioChao: poolsephine
Gooper Blooper: In season 3 she hesitantly appeared at the pool in a one-piece
Gooper Blooper: today, she... was not wearing that :V
Parsee: #lewd
SteelKomodo: huzzah :U
SteelKomodo: Dirk would be so proud
Gooper Blooper: it's thanks to dirky~


FabioChao: is
FabioChao: is this jester chao
Gooper Blooper: So that's what those """"books"""" sold on Amazon are like
Draco: "books"


Cornwind Evil: I have to wonder what would happen if someone introduced Jester Chao to dadaist humor
Etro2hus: the heat death of the universe
Draco: Jester Chao is the father of humor.
Cornwind Evil: Which is stuff like "How many doctors does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Going to a gig and pogeying madly."
Etro2hus: i don't even
Etro2hus: how
Etro2hus: what
Cornwind Evil: Dadaist stuff is just complete nonsense
Draco: That's not far from what he does already.
FabioChao: ^
FabioChao: oh god
FabioChao: imagine jester chao making
FabioChao: A DAD JOKE
Etro2hus: you mean he doesn't already do that already?
Etro2hus: we're all his children
FabioChao: no but i mean like
FabioChao: he'd do it like this
FabioChao: "Hi, I'm Sumireko." "Hi, Sumireko... I'M JESTER CHAO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


M Sheep: Chao, wasn't there some video you wanted me to see?
FabioChao: yes
FabioChao: look what i found!
M Sheep: Such a waste of an interesting power
M Sheep lies down
Cornwind Evil: At least Kenpachi's next big opponent used their interesting power better and died better
FabioChao: i might as well tell you that this has given me the perfect inspiration
FabioChao: after all the evidence collecting for anderson
FabioChao: it'll just end with him hulking up and dying in one hit
FabioChao: thanks, sheep!
FabioChao: you've made this plot far better!
M Sheep: Chao, I will literally die a little inside
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
FabioChao: hi goops
FabioChao: we're tormenting sheep


FabioChao: i have 420 barposts
FabioChao blazes it


FabioChao: so question
FabioChao: is patchy's catchphrase "that sounds like a lot of work" yet
FabioChao: or do i have work to do
Gooper Blooper: I remember this came up a while back, and it kind of is, but it's been more common as a chatzy joke than as an RP thing
FabioChao: gotcha
FabioChao: then it needs to happen more in rp
FabioChao: patchy minimizing any and all effort
Gooper Blooper: You are getting in an acceptable amount of mukyu, though
Gooper Blooper: so good work there


M Sheep: "i fear that bubsyland was not a strong enough deterrent"


M Sheep: >​biggest, barriest, brawliest brawl yet
M Sheep: While it's bigness is unparalleled and its brawlness quotients are off the charts, according to Zoo News analysts
M Sheep: Not all the numbers are in yet as to the Big Bar Brawl's barriessness


Draco: So what I want to know is, when is Ruby challenging Yamame to a "Gloria on a pole" match?
FabioChao: after the brawl
Draco: Deal.
M Sheep: Feel free to make your opinion known on its barrieghyssnejhss on our, online, Zoo News poll*!
M Sheep: *Void in Canada and Gensokyo, results may vary, may actually be a pole
Draco: A poll pole?
M Sheep: when Zoo News attempted to contact Zoo News for comment, Zoo News responded to Zoo News with: "No comment."
Draco: I'm sorry. Do we need a citizen of Poland to decide that? The poll pole Pole?
FabioChao: no, we need a politician of Poland
FabioChao: the poll pole Pole pol
M Sheep: The views and comments expressed on Zoo News are not necessarily those of Zoo News
Draco: Ah.


Gooper Blooper: So ABC's official youtube channel has uploaded a handful of matches from the new season of Battlebots in beautiful 60 FPS HD
Gooper Blooper: I haven't seen the latest episode yet, but here's one of my favorite matches from the first ep
Gooper Blooper: There's another great match on the channel from episode 1 but they literally tell you who wins in the description
Gooper Blooper: Complete Control is the jokester who brought that net in a box last year
Gooper Blooper: that's why Bombshell brought a present
Gooper Blooper: Bombshell's present, however, was empty. They said the producers told them "if there is ANYTHING in that box you're disqualified"


M Sheep: Whoops, pardon me, back
Draco: You're excused Sheep.
M Sheep: Oh good
M Sheep: you can fill in for me then
Draco: Sure can!
M Sheep: I expect a thirty page essay on melodrama on my desk by eight
Draco writes a post where Junko meets a handsome detective with a weird hearing mutation and they fall in love and fight crime successfully and have a reasonable number of children and a pet javalina instead. :3
M Sheep: >​weird hearing mutation
M Sheep files away for later
Draco writes a sequel where Junko receives ALL the police awards and gives a speech at the premiere of her autobiography movie that makes so much money the studio can afford to send all starving children pot roast forever.
Bree: 10/10, draco better at roleplaying junko than sheep
M Sheep: But everything changed when the Pot Roast Generation bomb went off...
M Sheep: Through no fault of her own, Junko will be remembered as history's greatest monster
Bree: sheep
Bree: get out
Bree punts
M Sheep: A Newbery Medal Award winner
Etro2hus: the children
Etro2hus: were potroasts
Bree: because the pilot was a loaf of pot roast


Bree: friggin congregation
Bree: they are sads
Bree: bree no want sads today
Bree: obviously you guys can do whatever you want, sads or no sads


M Sheep asked Chatzy to choose between d and d. Chatzy chose: d
M Sheep: Good choice


The Great American Goopy: gee dustine how do you know so much about this crime
The Great American Goopy: why if I didn't know any better, I'd say you...
FireworkChao: *dustine collapses in shock*


DrawingTypeJRM joined the chat
DrawingTypeJRM: boip
Draco: Hi newbie. Welcome to our chat.
FireworkChao: hey jrm
DrawingTypeJRM: wow, this chat is full of sexy people, I might stay a while!
DrawingTypeJRM: whoops, wrong chat
Draco: I was going to say...
DrawingTypeJRM: I like to open only the sexiest of chatrooms at work
Draco: Unfortunately, you're about two weeks too late to join in our annual celebration of friendship, the Big Bar Brawl, in which all of our favorite characters violently murder each other in the name of friendship.
DrawingTypeJRM: oh poo
DrawingTypeJRM: I was going to enter Mac Tonight!
Draco: Don't worry; it's not that great. Some Q-grade writer writes it every year, but the art is worth looking at at least. Some good artists on hand.
DrawingTypeJRM: Q-grade? I really liked that guy Q!
DrawingTypeJRM: as far as I remember he never eated cakes :3


Cornwind Evil: I think Devil Ed wrote this synopsis


iKomodo: Ok so
iKomodo: watching this episode of River Monsters
iKomodo: the presenter is investigating reports of a giant killer fish in lakes around Ukraine
iKomodo: one guy tells the story of a power plant worker who encountered one in the cooling pond and had his hand literally pulled off
iKomodo: the presenter asks the interviewee where this happened
iKomodo: "Chernobyl."
iKomodo: ​Dead fucking silence.
iKomodo: ...also posted more Mika being a clumsy dork


M Sheep: >​72: "Angelic Alice" (M Sheep)
M Sheep: Goops, just throwing all my characters up on the villain list as soon as they appear
SteelKomodo: kek
The Once and Future Awful: I remain amazed the entirety of mine isn't up for some reason or another.
M Sheep: They don't stay alive long enough for him to finish filling out the entry :I


Etrohus: i fuckin posted guys
Etrohus: *chao rushes and glues his face to the screen for like 6 seconds*
Etrohus: *then he types out: good shit*


SteelKomodo: mighty no. 9 trip report
SteelKomodo: ...but on the plus side i figured out how to beat that one miniboss


M Sheep looking at Youtube comments
Bree: sheep no
Bree: down that road lies madness

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