Saturday, November 28, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 220: My Curiosity Got The Better Of Me

Gooper Blooper: link
Bree: teaaaaaa
Bree: everyone's big on tea at the SDM
Bree: during the offseason sean is going to become a tea connoisseur
Bree: identify the brand and purchase date by smell alone


Jumpropeman: la cucaracha!
Jumpropeman: la cucaracha!
Jumpropeman: something something spanish words


M Sheep: ​That Widow Maker vs Spitfire fight was pretty cool though​
Gooper Blooper: ​Reminder that Stag Beetle and The Scorpion also wound up rolling dual 20s in their final battle
Jumpropeman: ​Sara and Sarah need a rematch so they can do the same​
Gooper Blooper: ​they roll dual 1s instead and bounce off each other with a cartoon sound effect
Bree: ​but what cartoon sound effect, goops​
Jumpropeman: POMF
M Sheep: BONK
Gooper Blooper: probably this one
Draco: ​Sara and Sarah bounce off each other and accidentally switches bodies in a zaaaaaaaaaaaaany accident! Then they swap outfits and nobody notices.


RubyCameo: oh shit i forgot until right now
RubyCameo: thanks to timezones today is touhou 15 day
Draco: Is Parsee in it?
Jumpropeman: are any good touhous in it?
RubyCameo: well here's the stage 4 boss
Jumpropeman: oh, and is Parsee in it?
Gooper Blooper: new hus?!
Harpy: is that just sariel in a different body
Harpy: you can't fool reimu
Gooper Blooper: reimu is not impressed
Jumpropeman: >​one winged angel
Harpy: good to see zombie reimu is still a thing
Jumpropeman: estuans interius ira vehementi!
Harpy: no
Draco drops the mike and walks off.
RubyCameo: ok that's the only newhu i have a pic for so far
RubyCameo: ...brb
Harpy: considering the name of the game, i wonder if it'll show off people from silent sinner in blue
Harpy: going to THE MOON
RubyCameo: ok i see no art of her yet
RubyCameo: 2hu fandom slow
Gooper Blooper: OH YEAH?!?!?!
Harpy: goopy plz
Jumpropeman: *slightly edits the picture of that bunny girl I drew*

RubyCameo: haaaaa
Harpy: haw
Bree: lel jrm
Gooper Blooper:

RubyCameo: gotta art FAST
Harpy: amazing
Jumpropeman: what a face
Bree: haha goops that's amazing
Jumpropeman: now put it on danbooru and become a superstar celebrity
RubyCameo: ok, we have a picture of the stage 5 boss
Harpy: jesus
RubyCameo: and i guarantee you
RubyCameo: absolutely none of you are going to expect what she looks like
Gooper Blooper: still female though!
RubyCameo: yeah but
RubyCameo: this fucking outfit
Jumpropeman: cute girl WITHOUT a hat?
Harpy: is it utter lunacy
RubyCameo: sees for yerself
Harpy: i'm calling the fashion police on that gal
Jumpropeman: i actually really really like it
Bree: what the hell is that name
RubyCameo: "Clownpiece"
Brinehammer: I call her for next year.
Bree: I know but
Bree: what the eff is that name
Harpy: oh man
Harpy: wait
Gooper Blooper: here is my fanart
Harpy: stripes... blue... stars...
Jumpropeman: every year a new jester
Harpy: this cleft's personal jester
RubyCameo: yeah she's WEARING A FLAG ON HER BODY
Harpy: or is she america personified
RubyCameo: well
RubyCameo: she IS holding a torch...........
Gooper Blooper: americlown
Jumpropeman: Zun's style actually works really well for her too
Gooper Blooper: fucking love the name btw
RubyCameo: is it because it's a new level of ridiculous
RubyCameo: like everything else about her
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: no frilly names, no japanese word salad
Gooper Blooper: just
Gooper Blooper: "clownpiece"
Gooper Blooper: we're going to name our baby clownpiece
Gooper Blooper: "is she going to grow up to be a clown?" "no"
Gooper Blooper: "just a piece of one"
M Sheep: Clownpiece
M Sheep: that name says it all
M Sheep: Clownpiece is, I imagine, the closest I'll ever come to wanting to RP the Touhou


Gooper Blooper: harpy: did cleffas ever squeak, in your mind, before 2014?
Harpy: nope
Harpy: ruined
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Gooper Blooper: you might notice I've never had any of my RP'd Pokemon do the thing where they say their own name
Gooper Blooper: I prefer having them make more general noises instead
Harpy: mhm
Jumpropeman: my pokemon do that too!
M Sheep: and you even have one of the pokemon whose name is the most fun to say mindlessly over and over
Bree: cerise is kind of a borderline case since she says chan
Jumpropeman: how many RP Pokemon have done that?
M Sheep: Bidoof
M Sheep: Biiiiidoof
M Sheep: Bidoof
Jumpropeman: Gallade Gallade! EVIIIIIIL! GALLADE!
Gooper Blooper: imagine if Regigigas couldn't talk
Gooper Blooper: he'd be so much less fun to RP
M Sheep: oh no, wait, I'm getting them mixed up aren't I?
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately yes
M Sheep: Bidoof is the unevolved form, isn't it
Gooper Blooper: yep
M Sheep: ah, right
Bree: it's a bibarel
Gooper Blooper: take it from me, I'm literally a pokemon master
M Sheep: hmm
Jumpropeman: it almost was a Bidoof, but then the HM Slave angle didn't work
M Sheep: nope, just not as fun to mindlessly repeat
Jumpropeman: Mud
Jumpropeman: Kip!
Jumpropeman: Mud
Jumpropeman: Kip!
Jumpropeman: Mud
Jumpropeman: Kip!
Gooper Blooper: *squeaky hammers intensify*
Jumpropeman: everybody remembers the Clefairy minigame noises
Jumpropeman: but that Magikarp minigame was a cacophony
M Sheep: Mt. Moon in the cartoon will forever haunt me
M Sheep: EVERY SWING of the fingers for metronome, they say it


M Sheep: Otik, I wrote you as such a jerk, I have no idea how you endeared yourself to anyone
M Sheep: but thanks for being interesting


Draco: BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You thought I was done with giant robots for the year, didn't you? WELL I'M NOT! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Draco dies.


 Saberwulf: "dimitri "being such a naughty girl""
Saberwulf: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€ good shit goเฑฆิ sHit๐Ÿ‘Œ thats ✔ some good๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œshit right๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œth ๐Ÿ‘Œ ere๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ right✔there ✔✔if i do ฦฝaาฏ so my sel๏ฝ† ๐Ÿ’ฏ i say so ๐Ÿ’ฏ thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: สณแถฆแตสฐแต— แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰) mMMMMแŽทะœ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘ŒะO0ะžเฌ ๏ผฏOO๏ผฏOะžเฌ เฌ Ooooแต’แต’แต’แต’แต’แต’​แต’แต’แต’๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ŒGood shit
Dacor: Is that language of some kind, Wulf? D:
Saberwulf: It is
Saberwulf: It is Goodshitese
Dacor: Bleaurious! ;o;


Gooper Blooper: watched Vinesauce's version of Sonic Dreams Collection
Del Wing: Ghghgftvtchfgbghcvgvg
Gooper Blooper: it was everything I wanted
Del Wing: Did he find big
Gooper Blooper: He found Big
Gooper Blooper: And he didn't know who Big was, not sure if that made him more or less frightened
Del Wing: Hahahaha oh god
Harpy: welp
Dacor: Sonic Dreams frightened me and I'm glad it was the Game Grumps who introduced me to it because I don't think I could've stood it with a less insane group.
Gooper Blooper: he has very little Sonic knowledge
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: he knows who Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman are and that's about it
Del Wing: He is blessed
Del Wing: Truly blessed
Gooper Blooper: He picked up the Chaos Emerald they have you use as a flashlight and said "I'm just gonna call this Green Gem, and I know someone's gonna get really mad at me for calling it Green Gem, but it's Green Gem"


Cornwind Evil: Rumors are Daniel Bryan may be out the rest of the year
Cornwind Evil: So I guess WWE can have him enter at No 1 at the Royal Rumble, then have Cena and Reigns throw him out at the same time and dance on him.
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: Kane and Big Show throw him out, then Cena and Reigns eliminate THEM
Gooper Blooper: thereby saving the day
Cornwind Evil: And then all four dance on him
Gooper Blooper: we just saw a goat fly
Del Wing is still crying over the grave of zack ryder
Cornwind Evil: Hey, he's actually been on TV a few times the last few months!


(To build up heat for their VEW match, Sasha Banks attacks Mary, Silence's defenseless younger sister, and attempts to break her leg with a steel chair)

Bree: damn guys
Bree: damn
Bree: the heel heat is so intense the panda's fucking melting right now
Bree: back in her hotel room
Bree: just melting
Bree: "dimitri I can't do it I can't watch"
Bree: "oh god I can't not watch"
Bree: panda puddle


Saberwulf: Never let me near creamer, me and my stylist do shots of the shit
Saberwulf: It gives you a nice shiver if you do it right
Saberwulf fucking trash
Harpy: i use creamer in outside coffees too
Harpy: preferably french vanilla
Harpy: brings out the sweetness a little bit more
Harpy: brings out the coffee's inner sarah
Draco: French vanilla or Irish Creme for me.
Harpy: it's nega-sarah without anything
Saberwulf: Essence of ze mage
Harpy: oh yeah that reminds me, even my clinic is ruined
Harpy: there's a vet tech named sarah there
Draco: D:
Saberwulf: Pffff
Harpy: she has cool tats and a nose ring
Draco: Just like ZFRP Sarah! =D
Saberwulf: Yoooo the Sarah I know has a nose ring and tats too
Saberwulf: But she's a missionary
Draco: Just like ZFRP Sarah! =D
Harpy: i think she cloned herself :U
Harpy: either that or she's sarah's twin, sarah
Draco is shot.
Harpy: don't down booze so early
Draco has shot.


Saberwulf: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saberwulf: "Collider is reporting that during the TCA's, producer John Davis spoke about the franchise and cites the recent summer blockbuster Mad Max: Fury Road as an inspiration on how he can fix it."
Saberwulf: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saberwulf: Female-centric league inspired by fury road this is the best thing that could happen
Bree: the league of extraordinary ladies
Saberwulf: Yeeeee


iKomodo: "Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Snakes on a Plane and Team Fortress 2. The story should use starting a band as a plot device!"
Draco: Nice.
Del Wing: "Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Hardy Boys and CSI. The story should use being in prison as a plot device!"
Del Wing: Surprisingly apt


Draco: Drat. I'll have to debut the Vibecca picture at Raspberry Plot ​and Knuckles​ 3.
Gooper Blooper: featuring dante from the devil may cry series


RubyChao: uh
RubyChao: spy
RubyChao: ​you voted bikker twice
Moustache: ​Wait what I did
Jumpropeman: he wants them to win twice
RubyChao: ​i know you like bikker but that's a bit outside the rules
RubyChao: ​#4 - BIKKER
Moustache: How did I do this
Moustache: How
Moustache grabs self
Moustache leaps high in air
Moustache suplexes self


Cornwind Evil: Sasha's last scene is based on Randy Orton after Daniel Bryan had his dream moment at WM 30
Cornwind Evil: Daniel's all YESing with the belts and the crowd is rabid and there's pyro and confetti
Cornwind Evil: And then there's a brief cut to Randy leaning against the table just looked weary and resigned
Gooper Blooper: tfw you lose to big dumb mask lady


Jumpropeman: *starts watching the latest episode of Sonic Boom*
Jumpropeman: *it starts with a Soar the Eagle news report*
Jumpropeman: I can tell this is a good episode already
Jumpropeman: never mind, it wasn't that great
Jumpropeman: just one of many "Boy Bands are actually using hypnosis" plots that for some reason are very popular on TV
Moustache: Aww


Cornwind Evil: I'm referring to the film Prometheus
Cornwind Evil: Have you seen that?
M Sheep: Prometheus, Prometheus...Ah, that was a Sci Fi flick that came out last year or so, wasn't it? I believe they find life on another plant or somesuch
M Sheep: or was it the one where people wake up inside a spaceship to find everything changed?
Cornwind Evil: No that's Pandorum
Cornwind Evil: Prometheus was ​a stealth prequel to Alien.
Cornwind Evil: Have you seen ​Alien?
M Sheep: Noooope.
M Sheep: Keep meaning to
Cornwind Evil: Seriously?
Cornwind Evil: You have never seen Alien
M Sheep: I've seen a couple bits
M Sheep: from early in the film
Cornwind Evil: Sheep the master of body horror HAS. NEVER. SEEN. ​​ALIEN.
M Sheep: It's on the list!
M Sheep: blblblbl
M Sheep: let me tell you, random people who read this chat later
M Sheep: you just missed quite a flurry of PMs


M Sheep: oh boy
M Sheep: Bikker's applying real life physics to video game physics
M Sheep: this will end well
M Sheep stares at Donkey Kong
Cornwind Evil: Calypso: Physics will work right up until they don't.
M Sheep: Bikker: *regurgitates Wikipedia*


Mountaineer: I can abide spinach in flecks and minor strands. -eyes Italian dishes and soups- Sometimes I'll even admit to it making an excellent and nutritious minor filler. But... for all that I long to be a mature adult about such things... I cannot abide an abundance of the stuff. :F As a flavoring, sure, fine, but as a main course, BEGONE
Mountaineer hurls green bowl off table and flees to room crying


Draco: Ermahgerd, I found a picture of Harpy
Jumpropeman: Draco, don't dox her like that D:
Harpy: oh god
Harpy: *bans Draco forever*


RubyChao: so guuuys
RubyChao: you know what we haven't had in a while?
Gooper Blooper: Bootlegs? Wait, no, I posted Skateboarding Goku the other day
Draco: Fun? B(
Gooper Blooper: OH WAIT WAIT
iKomodo: Pfffft
Draco: No, I had that for lunch.
RubyChao: YES!
Gooper Blooper: BRING ON THE SHIT
RubyChao has gone mad with power again
Draco puts a peach hat on RubyTenshi.

RubyChao: "After a few other levels, I jumped into the painting for Bob-omb Battlefield and picked the first star, and when the level started I noticed something strange- every character (except for Mario) had been replaced by Koopa the Quick. This was odd because it wasn't like a deliberate, careful replacement by a hacker. Instead, the game simply tried to render the proper shape and animations of the enemies using Koopa the Quick's model. Some people might find it horrifying to behold, but I found it hilarious when I was attacked by the giant chain chomp that now resembled a gigantic glob of Koopa parts."
RubyChao: "I ran up to the top to see what the king looked like. To my disappointment, he looked normal, but I decided to fight him anyway because I wanted to see if the star model would also be messed up. When I beat him, however, something unexpected happened. Instead of his usual post-battle speech, he instead said 'Just remember, you deserved this.'"
Gooper Blooper: #YourFault
RubyChao: "That bit confused me, and the cold, singular message seemed rather off, but I haven't played Super Mario 64 in a long time and I figured that some other character must say that line at some point."
Gooper Blooper: #JustAGlitch
RubyChao: "As I got up to turn off the console, Bowser's dialogue popped up. 'Don't turn off the console. That would be rude.' was the first line of dialogue. This time I knew I couldn't write this off as misplaced text. I was a bit shaken at how direct that seemed, and I wanted to just go ahead and be rude, but I realized that I just may be in one of those haunted video game situations, and my curiosity got the better of me."
Gooper Blooper: one of those good ol haunted games
Gooper Blooper: #GotTheBetterOfMe
Gooper Blooper: so many cliches
RubyChao: "Since I'm still alive posting this, I recognize that it's hard to imagine me being in danger here, but keep in mind that just because I'm alive doesn't mean nothing bad happened. I mean, maybe later in the story I dive toward the console to turn it off and I land poorly and sprain my ankle."
RubyChao: watch it end with him dying
RubyChao: like so many others
iKomodo: Pffffft
Gooper Blooper: okay, now that's a unique angle
Gooper Blooper: if he dies though, toppest kek
RubyChao: ...ok, this twist actually made me laugh
RubyChao: "'Think about it, Steve. You know exactly what you did.'
Suddenly, I realized that something was wrong. Really wrong, and I don't just mean with the game or my ability to write a compelling narrative. I had to rectify the situation immediately. I put my hand to my forehead and told the game 'Uh, my name isn't Steve.' I continued advancing the game's dialogue.

'Wait, really? Oh boy, I've messed up. See, I'm Steve's pet turtle. I died because he forgot to feed me for a long time. I haunted his favorite video game to try and get revenge on him.'
'So the reason for those Koopa models-'
'Right, you get the idea. I'm really sorry about this, I feel really bad. Just gonna be on my way now, you can press reset and things will be back to normal.'"
iKomodo: That twist tho
iKomodo: epic
RubyChao: don't worry, this next one is not a parodypasta
Gooper Blooper: I'm not worried, that was actually good :V
RubyChao: "The 'Kelly Langmack' logo appeared as normal, but was followed by a wave of static. The logo appears again along with the static. The number "666" appears in the video in blood red. More static. The 'Kelly Langmack' logo shows again, but this time, the color was changed from orange to blood red. The logo was bleeding. Weird chanting was playing in the background of this."
Gooper Blooper: aw yeah that's some good cliche shit
Gooper Blooper tokes up
RubyChao: "The title 'EVIL SAM' appears in blood red for about 000.010 milliseconds. The video then pans to Scotty, saying he's sorry for no reason. Static again. Sam appears with red eyes. He speaks in a pitched-down, reversed, slower, and reversely echoed voice. He holds up a bloody knife while loud static plays in the background. Panning to Scotty, the episode screams. Scotty has been cut open, his heart and intestines visible. His heart is spilling out red and blue blood."
RubyChao continues to grow more powerful with every cliche
RubyChao: "I deleted the file. I then heard, 'Want to play a game?' It was Sam, with red eyes, smiling.
Alleged Video
There is a video based off the creepypasta that I have made. Just look for it. It should be in the story somewhere"

Gooper Blooper: "just look, okay, I'm not going to spoon feed you, you imbecile"
RubyChao: "Several anomalies were apparent on this version of the box than that of other copies sold on the high street. Firstly, the title was different; normally it was called either 'Operation Extreme' or 'Mission Xtreme,' but never 'Mission eXtreme'. Minor differences could be seen on the characters' faces. The two figures in the background looked frightened on this version where normally they were scowling. The detectives thought that this must have been a misprint and carried on."
RubyChao: "He began to notice several small things about the game that seemed odd. The enemies of the base didn't have any lethal weapons, and sometimes they would run away from Action Man. However, to complete the missions, you had to eliminate them by shooting them or beating them to death. The game, however, told the detective in an end of mission status report that the enemies had been 'captured.' The detective presumed this was so the game could get a 3+ rating and wouldn't upset any children."
RubyChao: action man why
RubyChao: "Okay, here is how you do it, You fight Dracula Duck 3 times. Beat him when the time strikes 2 the first time, 5 the second time, and 6 the third time. Die the first two times but get the treasure on the third one. After that, the background should turn black, the timer will disappear, then Scrooge will start moonwalking. While all of this was happening, I started to hear a little ghost girl slowly say the numbers 2... 5.... 6... Yes, 256, the number of incoming doom. After that, I was shown a horrifying flurry of split-second frames of mangled, ripped apart corpses of all the bosses I have killed while hearing what sounded like Daisy Duck screaming in reverse. After THAT hell of a sequence was over, Scrooge just slowly started to decompose while some quiet, unsettling whispers were playing. All I know is that I thought I heard that same ghost girl say 'Satan, look at me now'. By the time Scrooge was nothing but a pile of rotting, pixelated meat, it just left the game with that image for 2.5 seconds before cutting to a 'Game Over' screen with a bunch of demonic laughing playing at full blast."
RubyChao: so much spooky crammed into one paragraph
RubyChao: how can anyone take it
RubyChao: "While I was in the store, I had a look at the SNES games and Atari games they had for sale. I bought a few nice finds, including Dragonfire and Fire Fighter for the Atari 2600 and Mario Is Missing and Equinox for the SNES. I also managed to find an original cartridge of Castlevania: The Adventure on the Game Boy along with, finally, a copy of the Game Boy Colour Puchi Carat. I was really pleased with my finds, despite them costing me a lot of money and went home to try them out. (I have bought from this store years back and occasionally, I did get some games that didn't work properly or at all... including that SNES lead that I went there to replace.)"
RubyChao: look at all dem irrelevant deets
Gooper Blooper: he's immersing us in the world
Gooper Blooper: I actually own a copy of Dragonfire :V
RubyChao: does it suck
Gooper Blooper: It's not bad. Very simple, but it's an Atari game
RubyChao: "Ripper is in the cartridge of the game too, ruling out for the most part that the ROM I played was a hack. I have discovered that he only appears once you've completed the game with every character. Once you've done this, you can play through again, and there is about a one in a hundred chance that he will appear, just before the battle with Paz. The 'reset Game Boy' error always appears when he does, and Sapphire is the only character that can beat him, because when you play as her he suicides his game. I have never found a way of making him playable, I don't think he is. But the fact that his so well hidden and mysterious is somewhat creepy. I wonder, what is his story?"
RubyChao: sounds legit!
RubyChao: "I died out of nowhere, afterwards noticing that it wasn't out of nowhere. It was the blue eyes that jumped at Mario to kill him instantly.
I shot back out of the warp pipe, losing a life. Baffled at what just happened, I was oblivious to something even more weird. I walked around Delfino plaza to see those creepy blue eyes jumping at the others in town and the other people played the Mario death animation and faded out. This was just beyond hysterics now."

RubyChao: "I need to find out something. I decided to pop in another game. This game had the worst possible atmosphere for what I had wondered about these creepy blue eyes. Luigi's Mansion.
I had been thinking about using Luigi's Mansion over dinner but then it turns out that I couldn't find it. I said screw it and just went back into Super Mario Sunshine."

RubyChao: what an anticlimax
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: SWERVED
RubyChao: "Alright, let me start off by saying that this has nothing to do with the awesome TV show, Doctor Who. This is something worse. Something Scary. Something....Unknown.
These are the Daleks.To differentiate the pronunciation of these and the Daleks from Doctor Who, I pronounce them "Day-Leks" to keep the two apart when talking about them."

Jumpropeman: Something worse than Doctor Who? Is that even possible?
Gooper Blooper: dick burn
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: *sick
RubyChao: ahahahaa
Jumpropeman: ouch
RubyChao: that sounds very painful


Jumpropeman: "8/17: Marina may want to consider getting away from the kobbers"
Jumpropeman: well put Gooper


SteelKomodo: so me and del were doing dumb voices
SteelKomodo: just so you know :U
Gooper Blooper: dumb voices is an admirable pastime
Del: dumb voices is gud
Gooper Blooper: here's an idea
Gooper Blooper: challenge each other to make the Banjo-Kazooie Voice Grunts
Gooper Blooper: for bonus points, do it drunk
SteelKomodo: goops pls
SteelKomodo: but that is an intriguing challenge nonetheless


Cornwind Evil: Why has KI Gold aged poorly
Gooper Blooper: well, according to SK
Gooper Blooper: "the controls are clunky as fuck and comboing is a sisyphean task"
Del: yes that
SteelKomodo: also charitably speaking, the graphics look like a cheap diorama project
SteelKomodo: uncharitably speaking, they look like arse
Gooper Blooper: #arse
Gooper Blooper: and not the good kind, mind you
SteelKomodo: not the josephine kind, sadly
Gooper Blooper: "A game that looks like jo-jo would look fuckin fantastic" "aw dirky :3"
SteelKomodo: :3


Reave: I'd had a thought of turning what's generally considered an archetypical game villain into a semi-sympathetic antihero and moving along at that, but I dunno. There someone you would like to see fill the oversized shoes in particular, be it a day or a decade hence?
RubyChao: that sounds like an interesting concept
RubyChao: the villain one
Reave: #​Ganondorf​ for main after killing everyone it is :3
Harpy: kill yagren ganon
Harpy: kill him
Harpy: only then can you call yourself surpreme villain
RubyChao: >​ganondorf
RubyChao: oh my god
Harpy: *hides alt universe Oda Nobunaga*
Reave: Challenge accepted​
Nah, this would be more of a next year thing.
RubyChao: ven: waaaay in 2011
RubyChao: Devil Ed had Ganondorf make a cameo on the jury of a trial
RubyChao: and he said "nah Ganondorf's an okay guy Link is just kinda racist"
RubyChao: he never did anything with that though, so i'd be very interested to see how it really plays out
Harpy: because it's not just time he's displaced from
Reave: 8u Continuing on Devil Ed's theme into the modern day? Delightfulll. :D


Cornwind Evil: Clive Barker wrote a novella, the Hellbound Heart
Cornwind Evil: Later made into a film, Hellraiser, whose lead villain/protagonist was just supposed to be called 'The Lead Cenobite'
Cornwind Evil: But due to his costume, fans dubbed him 'Pinhead' and it stuck
Blue: xD
Cornwind Evil: Barker was always a little annoyed by this, and decried that in 1998 he would be working on a book that would reveal Pinhead's TRUE name as part of the plot
Cornwind Evil: ...and he worked on it for SEVENTEEN YEARS
Cornwind Evil: But it finally came out
Cornwind Evil: AND SO.
Cornwind Evil: ​...never actually given. He's just called "The Hell Priest". Evidently that plot ended up on the cutting room floor.
Cornwind Evil:


Del Wing: Bad news - new core set for X-wing
Del Wing: Good news - it shows off the new names of the new factions
Del Wing: The empire remnant is called the First Order
Del Wing: And then the new rebellion is
Del Wing: Drum roll
Del Wing: The resistance
Gooper Blooper: genius
Gooper Blooper: I bet they spent all night thinking up those names
Del Wing: The first order is pretty cool tho
Gooper Blooper: Simple but effective, yeah
Gooper Blooper: a bit plain but what can ya do


Jumpropeman: let's see, tomorrow is... Neo Kobbers
Jumpropeman: can't imagine which one we'll be fighting :V
Jumpropeman: I'll send my best char
RubyChao: we'll be fighting
RubyChao: Yuugi
Jumpropeman: *sends Shimmer*
Jumpropeman: oh
RubyChao: yeah it's a big plot twist but i'd thought I'd drop it on you all now
Jumpropeman: well, I guess Shimmer can kill Yuugi too
Gooper Blooper: yuugi vs shimmer in the battle of the century
Gooper Blooper: *shimmer is defeated on the second hit of the Knockout In Three Steps, leaving Yuugi to punch the air awkwardly*
Jumpropeman: *spraypaints Shimmer over Nasennia and recolors Seaport from the last fite*


Cornwind Evil: ....Bowser
Gooper Blooper: Good ol Red, still jobbing
Bree: cornmad
RubyChao chisels a tombstone
RubyChao: "Here lies Cornwind's hopes and dreams."
Bree: "rip cornhopes" would be faster
RubyChao: but it would lose the spongebob reference :I
Jumpropeman: "Here Lies Cornwind: VOMIT!!!!"
Gooper Blooper: FRENCH ANTHEMS
Gooper Blooper: JOLTIK
Gooper Blooper: REGIGIGAS
Gooper Blooper: The next Hypotenuse needs to be Pokemon-proof, clearly
Jumpropeman: Hypotenuse enters with the same tech that makes some villains only vulnerable to Henshin tech
Jumpropeman: is killed by a random Putty
Gooper Blooper: Putty for mystery fiter 2016
Cornwind Evil: ​RED WINS


Jumpropeman: what are the hell in a cell rules?
Harpy: give me a sec
Gooper Blooper: Hold on, I know
Harpy: goops here to save the day while I do the posts
Turncoats: Is Hell in a Cell when the android alien eats satan? :u
Gooper Blooper: Hell In A Cell is basically a normal match but there's a giant cage around the ring to keep people in/have something to use as an obstacle or weapon
Gooper Blooper: I have a suggestion
Jumpropeman: okay, cool
Gooper Blooper: Treat it as a normal fite, but with the big cage surrounding them
Jumpropeman: that's the ruleset I was hoping for :V
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry too much about "I have to make X wrestling reference I don't know about", they're already fighting with no weapons
Bree: and also THE CAGE IS ON FIRE
Bree: or not
Turncoats: A big electrified cage! With turrets! And aerial mines! And the cage is on fire!
Turncoats: Aw. Bree beat me to it.
Turncoats: :v
Jumpropeman: and the cage is alive and is actually a third combatant!
Gooper Blooper: basically it's just this fite's gimmick arena
Gooper Blooper: and I know how you love gimmick arenas
Jumpropeman: I resent that assessment BI *staples more hands to airplane wings*
Jumpropeman: originally Seaport and Nasennia wasn't going to go up into the air, Seaport would have gotten free in time
Jumpropeman: but then I was like "nah let's fly"


Harpy: anyway hope you enjoyed mondorplot (and stupid alternate dimension sheenanigans)
Gooper Blooper: can't wait to finally kill percy
Gooper Blooper: good times
Harpy: heel heat achieved
Harpy: even though i did that earlier
Harpy: oops
Gooper Blooper: It's been achieved since he was in blogposts
Gooper Blooper: been waiting to kill this guy for like a year :V
Harpy: alt!Sara squealing over Alex
Harpy:'s basically Saralex
Gooper Blooper: pretty much
Jumpropeman: in alt universe they call it Alesara
Gooper Blooper: except alex's cuddlewife is in a geomancer costume
Harpy: did Rex burn out her eyes at one point
Gooper Blooper: with a laser pointer
Gooper Blooper: because business
Harpy: man now i just wanna chill with rex and tron
Jumpropeman: Suppaman borrowed that laser pointer to use on Masamune
RubyChao: does that mean this world has a goofy bumbling gardevoir
Harpy: yes
Harpy: its basically the same as this one, with some kobbers being neokobbers instead
Jumpropeman: in this alternate universe, Melvin Underbelly ​is still himself, SOME THINGS NEVA CHANGE​
Gooper Blooper: I finally looked up Melvin on youtube to see him in action
Harpy: they also had to deal with LORD OF THE DAY
Gooper Blooper: he's as awe-inspiring as I'd hoped
Jumpropeman: Melvin is like, the only boss I fought in that game. I had to stop playing because to switch minion type effectively you need a scroll wheel and I don't have a mouse


Gooper Blooper: look at all this ruined
Jumpropeman: wrong weapon Ariel
Jumpropeman: Stella has her gun though!
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that's Sara
Jumpropeman: I am a dumb


Jumpropeman: *googles Hermaeus Mora*
Jumpropeman: first thought: he's a cutie!
Turncoats: The Daedric lord of secret knowledge, JRM. :u ​Totes yer type bro


Harpy: profiteur does not donate pennies a day to feed children in africa
Jumpropeman: I don't know chao
Jumpropeman: doesn't seem like something Profiteur would do
Jumpropeman: he's very charitable
RubyChao: well yeah
Jumpropeman: and sweet
Jumpropeman: and kind
RubyChao: he's too busy withholding funds from the association for the poor
Jumpropeman: all around a nice guy
RubyChao: he doesn't even tip


Cornwind Evil: It turns out Hector and Vector don't pick up their phone because someone made everyone on their plane suffer epileptic seizures
Cornwind Evil: Yes
Cornwind Evil: They had to deal with
Cornwind Evil: Shakes On A Plane
Jumpropeman: there's the door cornwind
Jumpropeman: you may leave now
Draco: ......
Gooper Blooper: did you hear about the guy who discovered that rubber serpents make a great fabric cleaner?
Gooper Blooper: he calls them
Gooper Blooper: snakes on a stain
Jumpropeman: the door is still open for you two as well
Cornwind Evil: Batman's latest enemy is a reptile controller who infests his body with microscopic attack animals
Cornwind Evil: Yeah
Cornwind Evil: Snakes In Bruce Wayne
Gooper Blooper: Sarah just can't fly without her favorite snacks
Gooper Blooper: cakes on a plane
RubyChao: ok i'm going to bed
RubyChao: night
Gooper Blooper: me too
Gooper Blooper: nite
Jumpropeman: night
Jumpropeman: probably will leave myself
Jumpropeman: to escape these puns
Gooper Blooper: EVERYONE DIED


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