Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 219: Don't Google That

Jumpropeman: Ven's hands and mine could star in a sitcom about a pair of roommates who are just so different it's WACKY
Jumpropeman: "Ven's hands! I told you to clean that dirt from under your nails!" "And I told you to do garden work!" "BUT MY NAILS WOULD GET DIRT UNDER THEM!" "Where do you think the dirt under mine came from?" *laugh track*


Bree: oh my gawd seaport hime is in the bar ​and the panda is in hawaii​
Bree: I have been the architect of my own suffering
Bree: w-why
Bree wilts


RubyChao: today i learned
RubyChao: there is a specific booru tag for "too many cats"
RubyChao: "Tag to be used when there are at least six cats in the image, especially if there are too many to count."
WorkDel: hahaha
WorkDel: there should be more tags like that


Guest over: Wait what What WHAT ​WHAT​ did you say, Youtube? o_o
King's Quest is back?
Guest over stares childhood in the face
Guest over begins to sob, torn between RP and Insane Puzzles
Guest over shakes Chao



Saberwulf: "A whistle-blower anonymously published a highly sensitive report obtained from an Australian spy agency on the website 4chan, but his document was soon automatically deleted after it failed to gain much attention. Those 4chan users who did view the document dismissed it as 'fake and gay'."
Saberwulf: I love the internet


Saberwulf: Everybody loves the chao garden
RubyChao: i know this might come as a shock
RubyChao: and that you probably never expected this of me
RubyChao: but i liked the chao garden
Gooper Blooper: :O
Jumpropeman: *is the only person who didn't care for it much*
RubyChao: get out.
RubyChao: just get out.
RubyChao: >:(
Jumpropeman left the chat
RubyChao: rip
NotJumpropeman joined the chat
NotJumpropeman: hey, chao garden is the best!
NotJumpropeman: so good
NotJumpropeman: chao karate is fantastic
Saberwulf: Bye folks I was supposed to leave like five minutes ago
Del Wing: Later bae
NotJumpropeman: bye wulf!
NotJumpropeman: who I've never met because I'm a new person
NotJumpropeman: who likes chao garden


M Sheep: Meanwhile in srsland: ​Faaaaaaith ;^; So much guilt piling on up​
Jumpropeman: that picture you see is the half-finished commission I paid for the year she debuted
Jumpropeman: and I only received that sketch late last year
Gooper Blooper: such professionalism
Jumpropeman: this is why I do not like commissions


Del Wing: Can i afford to get involved in jrmplot
Jumpropeman: I can remove the typical 5 dollar entry fee for this JRM plot if that helps you afford it
Gooper Blooper: All money raised from JRM plots goes towards supporting the JRM Backlog Foundation


Bree: I have to know, has sasha banks (I know that's not her real name) had plastic surgery?
Bree: maybe it's the expression she's making, but her face in that picture looks weird to me every time I look at it
Gooper Blooper: well the pic is probably airbrushed or something because it's an official stock photo
Gooper Blooper: but she's a female wrestler employed by WWE so probably :V
Gooper Blooper: (one of the notes for Silence's creation was "make her as un-Diva as possible")


Jumpropeman: HOPE YOU ENJOYED PLOT *flounders*


RubyChao: ​to be fair you did have a reason


M Sheep: there is no love in sheepplot!
M Sheep: only despair


Jumpropeman: best documentary ive ever seen


Harpy: Frankie forced into a magical girl outfit
Harpy: and for one moment
Harpy: you can see all the hatred and anger of the world in his eyes
Harpy: Alice has a companion, just for one second


Saberwulf: "I am here because I would like to find my perfect 2D waifu."
Saberwulf: The joys of OKCupid everyone
Saberwulf: Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
boku no pico

Saberwulf: Oh boy
Saberwulf: (don't google that)
Saberwulf: (you won't recover)
RubyChao: it's too late, i already know what it means
RubyChao: regret fills my life
SteelKomodo: same as chao
SteelKomodo: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
Saberwulf: The abyssssss
Harpy: i know what it is but I haven't watched
Harpy: i am still innocent


Saberwulf: goddamnit I want old lego sets but I don't have money
Saberwulf: So many years wasted staring at Rock Raiders in magazines


Gooper Blooper: spy do you know what today is
Moustache: Annual moustache day?
RubyChao: monopoly man plot
RubyChao: in which he's going to do something very heelish
Moustache: FUCK HIM
Gooper Blooper: it's time for the next exciting installment of monopoly man
Moustache: I'M-A EAT HIS FACE
Gooper Blooper: god I still find that nickname entirely too funny
Gooper Blooper: fuckin monopoly man


Moustache: What's an unyu
RubyChao: okuu's nonsense catchphrase
RubyChao: for example
Gooper Blooper: ​an accurate representation of utsuho trying to fly away after feed yer mates 2
Bree: lots of 2hus have nonsense sound effects as catchphrases
Bree: youmu goes myon
Gooper Blooper: patchy has mukyu
RubyChao: aya says ayayayaya
RubyChao: ​reimu's is "FUCK"


iKomodo: I have just seen a man make a revolver out of toilet brushes


Del all the way down: is that cockroach hitler
Del all the way down: what the fuck


Draco: Hotel Mario GOTY every year.


Gooper Blooper: "I don't want anything else getting my bucket."
Gooper Blooper: understatement of the goddamn millennium
Gooper Blooper: I just
Gooper Blooper: It's a little girl who sits in a bucket all the time, and if you take her bucket away she is very angry
Gooper Blooper: it's so goddamn absurd
Gooper Blooper: I love it
RubyChao: very, VERY angry
Draco: "My preciousssssssssss..."
RubyChao: i think my favorite part is that literally nothing else seems to piss kisume off
RubyChao: if you hurt her she'll just be "D:"
RubyChao: if you hurt her bucket she will end you


Caught Tomwhere In Time: I mentioned a couple days ago that I had a plot I made for ZFRP I basically scrapped right off the bat, or nearly so
Caught Tomwhere In Time: because I didn't think I could do it right
Caught Tomwhere In Time: and now I'm pondering turning it into a book plot
Caught Tomwhere In Time: except I dunno if that's a good idea either
Caught Tomwhere In Time: you ever have that, an idea you're looking at like
Caught Tomwhere In Time: is this genius
Caught Tomwhere In Time: or terrible
Jumpropeman: no. I am perfect and everything I write is amazing. *kicks the huge pile of discarded plots under the bed*


Del all the way down: ​freddy and friends take on agony, they don't win but they mock her relentlessly all the time
Del all the way down: ​"are you someone's shitty deviantart oc or something"
Del all the way down: ​"you're the worst new budget buddy"


SteelKomodo: ...that raises some nasty implications
SteelKomodo: like, what happens when Utsuho washes/irons that cape?
SteelKomodo: does she cause mass extinctions with OxiClean?
RubyChao: plot twist where it's like that futurama episode
RubyChao: and all of the ZFRP universe
RubyChao: is contained within Utsuho's cape


RubyChao: i hope you don't mind but satori basically confirmed "yeah i'm getting reimu to marry them"
Harpy: Reimu decides to put Yuyuko in her outfit and see how that goes
RubyChao: "do you promise to love each other a whole lot forever and eveeeeeer~"
Gooper Blooper: ​Yuyu fits in Reimu's outfit?
Harpy: Yukari can fuck with the border between a medium and a large
Harpy: Yukari cannot, and I mean CANNOT, fuck with Yuyu
Gooper Blooper: don't fuck with the spook
Harpy: she is the biggest bitch of touhou canon imo, but she's yuyu's friend, and if she fucks with anybody yuyu likes or yuyu herself, Yuyu will definitely put her in time out
Harpy: and by that I mean kill her


Jumpropeman: also also, been doing an Avast full system scan today because ever since I installed it it has caused random stuttering, so I was told to run a full scan so it has preloaded the files or something. Despite doing it all day, it is at 0%, but its been scanning the whole time
Saberwulf: Avast is for squares
Saberwulf: I say as I don't have an antivirus
Jumpropeman: wulf's computer is just a breeding ground for viruses. It has so many viruses they naturally cancel each other out and make a completely safe computer


Jumpropeman: The Pokemon Ancient Origins card set has cards of the Porygon family, which is possibly the least appropriate pokemon you could put in that set
Draco: But JRM, Porygon is still running Windows '95!


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Harpy: that's the second time he copied Sarah
Gooper Blooper: SHE GETS UP
Jumpropeman: Pride is just Sarah in disguise right
Harpy: Pride for unofficial sugar mage
Harpy: Pride is Sara's brother
Jumpropeman: Pride's real name is Glori
Harpy: i'm so tempted to make a jokepost out of that, JRM
Harpy: just
Harpy: Sarah confronts him
Harpy: "who are you"
Harpy: he makes a motion like he's unzipping his skin
Harpy: underneath is another sarah
Harpy: "Hi! :D"
Bree: and then the real sarah unzips her skin
Bree: and underneath... is another sarah
Bree: but it's smaller
Harpy: russian doll sarahs


Jumpropeman: it probably is best for the world Jasper only gets back his basic kit. He's been eating gold instead of putting it back into the economy!
Jumpropeman: Think of poor Capitalism people!


RubyChao: time for me to try writing
RubyChao: a
RubyChao: srspost
Gooper Blooper: do it
Gooper Blooper: I will read in the morning
RubyChao: spoilers
RubyChao: it'll have a bunch of chaoacters
Harpy: quick srspost for goopy to see
Gooper Blooper: make sure to keep us updated on what Nerique is up to
Jumpropeman: *the SRSpost breaks up the Alliance, has Praline become a grizzled PTSD veteran, Matt decides to stop exercising, and Jackal becomes a nun. And I guess the Touhous kersplode or something*
Jumpropeman: and then Chao leaves for a week
RubyChao: shhhhh
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: praline becomes an imageshack saleswoman


Jumpropeman: I hope Melvin Underbelly gets one of the cars from Twisted Metal: Small Brawl


Draco: "she walks over to a table with books on it" <- FAKE PATCHOULI
RubyChao: the table was literally 3 steps away
RubyChao: it was within Acceptable Parameters


M Sheep: You know, I want to see Cian do more Dullahan things
M Sheep: ...Which I guess means i just want to see him take his head off more often?
M Sheep: What?
M Sheep: What am I even saying?
Jumpropeman: things are getting out of Dulla-hand!
M Sheep boo
Jumpropeman: don't be Dulla-hating
M Sheep BOO
Draco: Cian's got a good head on his shoulders.
Jumpropeman: these jokes are Dulla-hilarious


Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: I just googled
Jumpropeman: "dr. doom's origin"
Jumpropeman: and it comes up with a picture and says "Earth"
Jumpropeman: like, as if that is the answer to my question
M Sheep: ahahahaha
Jumpropeman: Dr. Doom is from Earth, thank you google


Del all the way down: i am looking at wargames and their rules to try and rewrite age of sigmar
Saberwulf: A fruitless task my prince
Del all the way down: true
Saberwulf: Only despair shall ye find upon those shores
Del all the way down: but i must persevere
Del all the way down: MY QUEST MUST CONTINUE
Saberwulf epic music swells to a peak
Del all the way down: also i found titty werewolves
Del all the way down: so there's that i guess
Saberwulf: Hahaha
SteelKomodo: del pls
Saberwulf: Why did they put titty wolves in
Del all the way down: because NERD SHIT
Del all the way down: why yes i shall go to war in my bikini top
Del all the way down: this is not a bad decision
Del all the way down: bark bark
Saberwulf: "put some tits on it so you know it's a girl" every fantasy ever
Saberwulf: Who the fuck designed that torso it's a mess
Del all the way down: there is nothing wrong with her
Del all the way down: no glaring weak spots
Del all the way down: none
Saberwulf: Nothing like boiler steam on your boobs
Del all the way down: one more
Del all the way down: this one got lost on the way to Kingdom Death
Saberwulf: Christ who the fuck designed these
Del all the way down: i believe the proprietors of Cool Mini Or Not dot Com designed these for their Wrath of Kings skirmish wargame
Del all the way down: the rules are very good but the models are pretty ugly
Del all the way down: even the cheescake ones
Del all the way down: which is basically every woman
Del all the way down: NERRRRRRDS
Saberwulf: Fuck neerdddss
Saberwulf: Gonna give 'em a wedgie
Del all the way down: shove em in a locker


Gooper Blooper: Everything going well?
RubyCameo: yep, got in some good studying today
Gooper Blooper: that speed reading ability probably comes in handy in times like these
RubyCameo: sure does :V
Gooper Blooper: I try to read fast like that during the Brawl since the updates are so huge but it's really hard and I tend to miss a lot
Gooper Blooper: I reread the first page of it earlier today and I missed a ton of little details
RubyCameo: clearly you need to beat me up and take my asterisks
Gooper Blooper: I could never beat you up
Gooper Blooper: Spy, however, seems to have no problem with it judging by the number of wrestling finishers he's hit you with
Cornwind Evil: Clearly you must design a game so hard that Ruby cannot beat it
Cornwind Evil: And that will count by default
Gooper Blooper: CW, please
Gooper Blooper: that's not possible unless you make the game blatantly unwinnable
RubyCameo: reminds me of one hack i read about
RubyCameo: the last level wasn't done
RubyCameo: ...so it was just a bottomless pit
Gooper Blooper: good job, hacker
Gooper Blooper: real quality work


RubyCameo: link
Jumpropeman: twue wuv <3
Gooper Blooper: they finally overcame their differences


Bree: if viola ever wore something sexy, I have a feeling meiling would be to blame for it
Gooper Blooper: yeah probably
Gooper Blooper: "hey can you wear this" "why" "I'm getting really impatient here, I just want my tiny lesbians"
Bree: not tiger
Bree: panther because they're sleek and dark haha get it :U
Gooper Blooper: rowr
Bree: idk
Bree falls over


(Concerning The Uncontained Whimsy)

Bree: imagine a dog running across a wooden floor and scrabbling and then just sliding right offscreen
Bree: that, except a scorpion train
M Sheep: ahahah
M Sheep: pretty much


Saberwulf: Bad news bears my "make lost in translation look like shitty vhs" plan failed because the filters I used sucked and didn't look real enough
Saberwulf: I just want my movies to look like diet pepsi commercials dammit
Del Wing: Need more aesthetic


Del: so saint pepsi did an AMA on reddit
Del: under the username of antipepsi
Del: and someone said "antipepsi is a good name"
Del: his response was to post this
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
Dacor: GASP
Del: it's a pretty good trollface image actually
SteelKomodo: indeed


Gooper Blooper: *clicks "Dark Pit" danbooru tag*
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: welp
RubyCameo: goops
RubyCameo: why
Gooper Blooper: because I have a strong stomach for this stuff
RubyCameo: oh ok
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: I Have No Mouth And I Must Kek
Mos Deadri: Hehhhhh. Dat reference, bro. :v
Del Wing: So i just clicked the dark pit tag too
Del Wing: Help
Gooper Blooper: there's no help on the interwebs
Gooper Blooper: only butts
Del Wing: Damn it all
RubyCameo: del we warned youuuu
iKomodo: ​Josephine approves


Gooper Blooper: this cookie website had a lot of fun with their product descriptions
Gooper Blooper: "A light, crispy cookie with a tongue-tingling coconut flavor. If you love coconut you'll love this cookie. If you hate coconut, you'll wish you loved coconut."
Dacor: XD
Gooper Blooper: "The only way to get to the mouth-watering vanilla crème on the inside is to go through the crave-inducing chocolate cookie on the outside. Lucky you."


Jumpropeman: >​Konami game developers are being demoted to working as security guards and janitors
Jumpropeman: I think Konami got tired of EA always having the title of Worst Gaming Company and is trying to get in the running


Jumpropeman: *opens youtube subscriptions* "Man, it's been a while since that one guy uploaded anything, would really like to see a new video from him" *there's a new video* maybe there is a god *o*
Draco: Do I neglect Captain Sarah that much? D;


Jumpropeman: when JRM gave Sine the Snappers I almost made a photoshop of them with the sine wigs
Jumpropeman: but I couldn't find the wig draco used
Jumpropeman: HOWEVER
Jumpropeman: I typed "red hair" into google in my search
Jumpropeman: first result is Pipa
Cornwind Evil: Huh
Cornwind Evil: She was just a random picture I saw on imgur
Jumpropeman: apparently a very popular random picture


Gooper Blooper: I remember being surprised when the Sealanders suddenly became pogey trainers but it feels so natural now
Gooper Blooper: it "feels natural" that the star trek captains would have a team of dragon pokemon, because that is what RP does to us


Jumpropeman: top quality content from the internet
Jumpropeman: don't even watch it
Jumpropeman: its more of a waste of time than those hours you spent there
Jumpropeman: to let you gaze upon the holy grail and deny you it
M Sheep: oi, this fite man
M Sheep: this vote is ripping me apart
Jumpropeman: well, while the indecision tears at your very soul, I'm going to play video games


Gooper Blooper: ​Father Squid somehow has coupons for an arena on another planet that only just opened. The man is relentless.
Harpy: ​this is the most serious boss battle of all time. don't fuck with Father Squid man
M Sheep: ​If Father Squid had rolled low, the guy would have totally called him out on that​


Harpy: this week is a tad bit slow because Ruby's absence sucks the life out of the forum
Harpy: ruby IS the party
Jumpropeman: probably can't make it sadly
RubyCameo: so uh
RubyCameo: basically i can never do this again can i
Harpy: well it's a good thing you did, for yourself
RubyCameo: yeah it is, i needed this
Harpy: you gotta prioritize your stuff and you did
RubyCameo: but rip forum :V
Draco: Ruby, you can take weeks off if you promise to adopt Parsee
Harpy: so I don't mind it, I'm just pointing out my observations
Harpy: I will adopt Parsee
Harpy: *takes next week off*
Draco: Okay. Done.
Draco: She's all yours.
RubyCameo: dude i'm only 22, i can't possibly raise a hundreds-year-old hashihime
Draco: :I
Harpy: i'm also 22
RubyCameo: 2222
RubyCameo pose
Draco: Parsees eat the same things Patchys do. Just not nearly as much.
Draco: Alright, you two can have joint custody. Harpy RPs her Sunday through Tuesday, Ruby gets Wednesday to Friday, and Saturdays are her RP days with JRM.
Draco: Any questions?
M Sheep: where's my support money?
Draco: You get it when Sheeplot is over.
M Sheep: Junko is The Mother
M Sheep: there, Sheeplot solved!
M Sheep: gimme my money
Gooper Blooper: you gotta roleplay it out on the forume
Gooper Blooper: we have like three major sheeplot branches to work out here
Gooper Blooper: I remember when Tom asked me for a summary of all the plots back in June when he first joined
Gooper Blooper: Describing Sheeplot was a task and a half
RubyCameo looks sadly at Eggerman
RubyCameo: someday........


RubyCameo: ​i'd totally like to hear my plot summarized because i have ego
Gooper Blooper: well, chao, I COULD summarize your plot...
Gooper Blooper: orrrr I could turn it over to someone else
RubyCameo: like who
Jumpropeman: There's this plot with like, an owl magician or something I dunno.
Jumpropeman: ^Shimmer
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Widow Maker, Mary, Ariel and Viola. Chatzy chose: Ariel
Gooper Blooper: Take it away Ariel!
WhisperwindDryad joined the chat
RubyCameo: oh my god
RubyCameo: this gonna be gr8
WhisperwindDryad left the chat
RubyCameo: PFFFT
Gooper Blooper: Thanks, Ariel.
RubyCameo: ​can i hear violes/wids
M Sheep: Amazingly, Ariel's summary is the same as Junko's
CleverMantis joined the chat
CleverMantis: SOMEBODY'S POISONED THE- Nah, we did that already. But really, King Douche-A-Lot of Shortstack Mountain over there thinks it'd be a great idea to monopolize water. It's not the Sahara, dude. You're gonna need a lot more clout.
CleverMantis: He had an owl
M Sheep: eieio
CleverMantis: There's some other guy who looks like he went dumpster diving in Bulgrave's trash on pickup day, and Elohim knows what his problem is
RubyCameo: "shortstack mountain" wonderful
CleverMantis: Of course, the real winner was the stag beetle that thought it was a Ninjask, but Ariel handled that little problem quite nicely so the rest should go down easy.
CleverMantis left the chat
Gooper Blooper tries to remember Viola's chat username

RubyCameo: lemme check
Jumpropeman: TenshiFan#1
RubyCameo: EtherealPhantom
Gooper Blooper: thank you, frand
RubyCameo: ...so would utsuho's chat usename be
RubyCameo: "Utsuho!!"
Gooper Blooper: I remember that was almost how she signed her email and it was so great
Gooper Blooper: I think she only used one exclamation
EtherealPhantom joined the chat
EtherealPhantom: Water. The life force driving everything on this planet.
EtherealPhantom: If you control water, you control life itself.
RubyCameo: yeah it was "Utsuho!" in the email
RubyCameo: also
RubyCameo sits eagerly
EtherealPhantom: This is a story about a man. A small man with big plans. A man who would, if he had any say, go down in history, burned into people's minds as their overlord of water.
EtherealPhantom: The only source of water, and the only source of life. He alone would determine who would live and who would die.
EtherealPhantom: And all the while, he would accumulate the riches of society, his coffers overflowing with the world economy as people slowly came to understand that even the greatest of riches meant nothing if you did not possess water.
EtherealPhantom: A story of darkness, of greed, of control. Of hatred, misanthropy, and desire. Of the darkest and most horrific exploitation of humanity.
EtherealPhantom: It is also the story of how he gets his hindquarters served to him on a silver platter by the kobbers.
EtherealPhantom left the chat
RubyCameo: those were both wonderful
RubyCameo: many thanks
Gooper Blooper: I must make the chao happy in his moments of availability
Jumpropeman: but how would Silence describe this plot
RubyCameo: by miming punching a short man in the face over and over
Gooper Blooper: I almost put her on the chatzy chooser
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between write it and talk about it. Chatzy chose: write it
Gooper Blooper: One moment
RubyCameo: by the way, i know this will surprise people
RubyCameo: but
RubyCameo: ​profiteur isn't really a redeemable villain :V
Jumpropeman: nooooooooo
Draco: OH YEAH?
Draco: ​Draco offers Profiteur a million dollars and asylum to sell water to fish.
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyCameo: your monthly reminder that silence can't write
RubyCameo: (what does it say)
Gooper Blooper: "Profiteur Sucks Ass"
Jumpropeman: It says "Not actually a bad guy I think we can save him =)"
RubyCameo: lel
M Sheep: Guys, I think we can redeem Profiteur
Gooper Blooper: you just gotta believe!
Gooper Blooper: And derail the epic final battle with offerings of olive branches!
M Sheep: #Friendship
RubyCameo: so will ariel go hardcore and blow up the entire building
RubyCameo: or just put an arrow through the inevitable big fancy picture of him
M Sheep: I'm just saying, if you had offered to sit down and talk about the Lord of the Night's feelings
M Sheep gaining heel heat
Gooper Blooper: Sheep, that actually happened :V
M Sheep: ahahah, I thought it did!
Gooper Blooper: He swung by the bar and patiently explained why we were wrong
Gooper Blooper: then he left


RubyCameo: anyhow, prolly won't be cameoing tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: WELL I BET YOU WILL
RubyCameo: well i have a final that day
RubyCameo: sooo :D
Gooper Blooper: obviously you'll cameo after the final
RubyCameo: no i won't
RubyCameo: it'll be like 11:30
Gooper Blooper: if nothing else, I'm gonna look at that "Last Activity" note on the forum and it's gonna say "Today, 1:30 AM"
Gooper Blooper: it'll happen

(later that night)

RubyCameo: RubyCameo joined the chat 80 minutes ago
RubyCameo: >​80 minutes
RubyCameo shakes fist at frands
Jumpropeman: WHAT A CAMEO
Gooper Blooper: extended chaomeo
M Sheep: More like supporting role
Gooper Blooper: wait hold on
M Sheep: what
Gooper Blooper: hold everything
Harpy: wait what
Gooper Blooper: It's past midnight
Gooper Blooper: Chao did it, guys, he showed up today!
Gooper Blooper: HI CHAO
RubyCameo: ...
RubyCameo: ​fuck
Gooper Blooper: I FUCKING TOLD YOU


Cornwind Evil: Sine decides to turn the CDi into an actual playable system
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Cornwind Evil: ......she really CAN do anything


Cornwind Evil: Sine: So, how are things?
Cornwind Evil: Parsee: Good.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Cool
Cornwind Evil: RP OVER
Draco: WOO!

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