Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rejected Characters Depot III

It's time for another roundup of characters from the Rejected Characters Depot! Some of them graduate to Fite Club appearances, some make cameos or get a mention, and some never leave this page, but all of these characters have one thing in common: they were meant to be a significant regular character in my stable. But not everyone can hit the big time. Here's a look at some characters who missed the cut.

Origin: Mass Effect
Intended Season: 4
While looking up big wormlike monsters as inspiration for The End, my 2014 megaplot boss, I came across the Thresher Maw, which I considered for The End's design but discarded. Before I did, though, I looked up Mass Effect cutscenes featuring the Maw, and from there started looking up videos featuring Tali. I always liked Tali's design despite never touching a Mass Effect game, so she became a possible character. However, it was late in the season and we were leaving the space setting behind for Season 5, so I did not feel Tali was a priority. Plus, I don't often use characters unless I have first-hand experience with the media they originate from. Exceptions exist, but are rare. Tali was too complicated of a character for me to want to try and use without being a Mass Effect expert.

Lord Crump
Origin: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Intended Season: 5
Despite the first two Paper Mario games being among my very favorite games of all time, I have almost totally ignored it in RP in favor of other series I loved but didn't rate quite as highly. Lord Crump almost became a character in the form of a brawl entrant! He was my pick for Big Bar Brawl 5's Secret Fiter... until it turned out Chao had decided to use him as a member of the Alliance of Evil. If my plans had gone through, Crump would have appeared riding inside Magnus von Grapple, using it as his weapon. He may also have brought some X-Nauts to sit in the stands and cheer for him.

Origin: Metal Slug
Intended Season: 5
Yes, she DID appear in Fite Club, but Fio was meant to be a major character! Partly because of Metal Slug 2's first two stages, I strongly associate the series with the desert, which Las Vegas just happens to be surrounded by. Fio wearing desert camo helps too. There would have been some battles, likely against General Morden's forces, but it was not to be.

Toejam and Earl
Origin: Toejam and Earl
Intended Seasons: 2, 3
Another one of those "fit two different themes" characters that still couldn't get off the ground. These two would have largely been joke characters, considering their greatest forms of offense in the original game are throwing tomatoes at people and making their enemies dance.

Origin: La Pucelle Tactics
Intended Seasons: 1, 2, 4
Priere is an ass-kicking gal who I described in my 2014 Vidya Year In Review as "the world's curviest nun". I've considered introducing her for years, but any niche she could fill is already mostly taken by my other characters (not to mention that in our Manhattan days I considered her too lewd for RP), so she's been left out. And yes, you read that correctly - she was a possible character as early as Season 1.

Sister Angelika
Origin: Twin Blades: The Reaping Vanguard
Intended Seasons: 2
Speaking of ass-kicking nuns, here's another one - a far, far more obscure one. Twin Blades showed up for a time on Xbox Live Indie Games (a few years back the developer went bust and the game vanished from the marketplace), and was an early impulse purchase from me after I tried the demo. However, I soon ran into a boss I couldn't figure out how to kill, and the gameplay was pretty repetitive. I thought about trying to "get my money's worth" by turning the main character into a ZFRP character (possibly alongside Priere), but ultimately I shelved her for being too obscure and not interesting enough to make up for it.

Tony Valentine
Origin: The Tony Valentine novel series
Intended Seasons: 2, 5
A rare sight from me: a character from literature! Years ago, I discovered the Tony Valentine books when four of them were available in the lobby of the local hospital, where my grandfather was staying after getting surgery. The books are about Tony, who is a middle-aged retired cop, being hired as a private eye. His cases tend to revolve around casinos and gambling. Since he's a novel character and therefore doesn't have any pictures, I used Detective Tyrell Badd from Ace Attorney Investigations as my idea of what he'd look like. The resemblance isn't perfect, going by the occasional physical description seen in the novels, but it was close enough.

Tony has been everything from a considered main character to a Secret Fiter possibility, but ultimately I deemed my roster too crowded - not to mention it's now been years since I've read the books, so attempting to write the character would be difficult, and he's too obscure.

Axe Cop
Origin: Axe Cop
Intended Seasons: 2, 3
I was briefly into Axe Cop in Season 2, as evidenced by Wexter making a sort-of cameo that year. I considered using Axe Cop himself as a very weird kind of character. Axe Cop is essentially invincible, and this was both the initial draw and what led me to scrap him. He just brought up too many OP issues, so I decided to dump him.

The Undertaker
Origin: WWE
Intended Season: 3
I wanted a spoopy character and I wanted someone with physical might... but I didn't want to RP a real person. It felt weird, which is why my "real people" characters (Gaben, Michael Cole, etc) are all minor. So I split the concept in two and wound up with Viola and Silence.

Origin: Garfield
Intended Season: 5
Yes, Garfield. He would have hung out in the lounge and snarked at people, and should he have ever had reason to get involved in a plot (a very very rare thing) he would be a nuclear option and behave like ShakespeareHemmingway's Garfield. I already have a non-active snarker (Mary) and a nuclear option (Regigigas) so I didn't need Garfield.

Unnamed Cowgirl
Origin: Original
Intended Season: 5
While an original character, this MySims NPC comes pretty close to what I thought she'd look like. This character was one of my first ideas for Las Vegas, but I decided to scrap her. She would have been a rowdy tomboy, sort of a cross between Belinda, Barbara, and Sandy from Spongebob.

Origin: Original
Intended Season: 5
Yep, Jigglypuff. She would have acted like the anime version, always looking for people she could sing to that wouldn't fall asleep. Ditched because I have enough Pokemon already. And hey, Jigglypuff showed up in RP anyway! ...As a horrible tragic monster played by FormerVengeance. :V

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