Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 179: The Unstoppable Water Fountain

SteelKomodo: yo bro
SteelKomodo: remember primary school?
Tableter: Yeeeeeeesssssss?
SteelKomodo: remember the Making Table?
SteelKomodo: because that's all I remember from Year 1, like I don't remember what the other tables were
Tableter: What bought this on
SteelKomodo: just reminiscing
Tableter: There was the one you had to sit on if you didnt do your work
SteelKomodo: ...oh yeah, I remember that
Tableter: I spent a lot of time there after we got banjo kazooie
SteelKomodo: del pls
Tableter: Never
RubyChao: darnit young del


RedSpy joined the chat
Tableter: Hey spaps
SteelKomodo: ey spy
RubyChao: greetings spy
RubyChao: if that IS you
RedSpy: O)_(O


Cornwind Evil: Tom Nook will win Star Road 2
Cornwind Evil: That is my prediction because that's what the AI will do


Gooper Blooper: and then, when no one was looking, French Toast Crunch returned
Gooper Blooper: still waiting on the return of Oreo O's
RubyChao: go find a south korean box


Draco: I had to rush in here because I found an article that is ZFRP relevant.
RubyChao: is this saying that josephine's kid is gonna be a genius
Gooper Blooper: dem fat banks
Thrash: So Sarah-baby would be the Emperor of Mankind, is what Draco-article read for me.
Thrash: :U
Ringabel: Kevin is not sure how to feel about this article
Gooper Blooper: they're talking specifically about the lower body areas tho
Thrash: Not entirely. The breasts are covered in the last paragraph, for infants already born and feeding.
Gooper Blooper: Are the sarahkin smart enough or did Celestia's hips in fact lie
Ringabel: but he appreciates his fine tush regardless
Gooper Blooper: The largest-chested sarahkin is Gloria and that's more like being the tallest midget
RubyChao: and yet they're all bustier than tenshi
Draco: Tenshi somehow manages to be concave.
Thrash: Celestia's hips didn't lie. :v Their intellect manifests in their magic, tho.
Draco: All the Sarahkin took class Archetypes that use Int for their Spellcasting instead of Charisma or Wisdom.


Thrash: In the high stress combative world of pogeymenz, where a kid can be robbed at any given day by passerby flashing a ball or have his life threatened walking into the tall grass, there has to be a terribly prolific drug trade -somewhere-. Especially considering the usual regions depicted. :f
Somehow, though, I doubt it's team rocket. Too public, and their suppliers would be irked if they went blasting off every time they went on a job. Or getting high, or whatever you kids call it.
Thrash proceeds to write a grim Noire filled with blood in the pogey world


Gooper Blooper: you tritium
RubyChao: just start pasting that sticker on every villain utsuho defeats
Draco: Tenshi adds a peach to her hat every time she defeats a villain. That's why she only has two. =V
Gooper Blooper: burrrrn
RubyChao: that burn is so hot not even tenshi can tank it


RubyChao: i'm rereading the terminator fight
RubyChao: forgot how much space marines were jobbers
Gooper Blooper: I remembered
Gooper Blooper: Xarr was to try and make a threatening marine
RubyChao: it worked!
RubyChao: it worked SO WELL
RubyChao: my next villain will be space marine Kairos Zarr
RubyChao maximum original


Saberwulf: Goddamn I forgot so much stuff from my old posts
Saberwulf: Jaxx had a house in Ekspansa back when it was only written as a market
Saberwulf: Now it's a house the size of france


Ringabel: "mom's on the phone with gloria"
Ringabel: even my own family is #ruined


RubyChao: "don't you hate when money goes away when you spend it"
RubyChao: goops: is this sephine
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: also me
RubyChao: sarahkin infused with gooptraits etc
Ringabel: they already have gooptraits
Ringabel: what is there to fuse
Gooper Blooper: that's what he's referring to
Gooper Blooper: added at birth
RubyChao: and yet you're ABANDONING GLORIA
Gooper Blooper: I'll have you know I started a new book today
Gooper Blooper: a physical book made of paper with pages you turn with your hands
Ringabel: nice
Gooper Blooper: when I was done I marked the page with chao's fancy-ass bookmark
RubyChao: much better
RubyChao: i'm proud of you
RubyChao salutes goopy
RubyChao: (also yaaaay my present is helpful)
Saberwulf: what book be it
Gooper Blooper: This one about 2spooky monsters, found it at the recycling center with a destroyed jacket but otherwise in great shape
RubyChao: so do you know the truth?
Gooper Blooper: I think he's saving that part for the conclusion
Gooper Blooper: viola etc
RubyChao: channel your inner viola
RubyChao channels his inner viola too hard, starts fanboying over Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: what do you do
Gooper Blooper: when you're a fan of your own character
RubyChao: write them more i guess?
Gooper Blooper: who's in control any more
RubyChao: i suppose i'll have to bring tenshi back for 2015 at this rate
RubyChao: despite the outcry against it
Gooper Blooper: If you insist
Ringabel: lel
Thrash: I was always told that writing reflects the writer. -reading up at Goops-traits in chars-
-stares at cast and writing-
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to hell I go, gettin' on the way got no time to play, hi ho, hi ho hi ho hi ho
Thrash wanders away again


RubyChao: goops, question
RubyChao: what if i invited you... to ponderosa steakhouse :D
Gooper Blooper: They're out of business, chao
RubyChao: turns out they're a chain
Gooper Blooper: well I would still obviously decline
RubyChao: ...unless it's an unrelated chain with the same name in the same general region
Gooper Blooper: they used up their chances
RubyChao: goops plays HARDBALL with his food
Gooper Blooper: I take food very seriously
Gooper Blooper: food is important
RubyChao: it is
RubyChao: also i read up on the chain and they went into bankruptcy at one point
RubyChao: good job, guys
RubyChao: good job
RubyChao: ...
Gooper Blooper: Okay I looked up Ponderosa myself
Gooper Blooper: Logo looks familiar, must be the same chain
Gooper Blooper: Most importantly, there's a review on Yelp
RubyChao: oh god lemme guess
RubyChao: "they wouldn't listen"
Gooper Blooper: Guy orders medium steak
Gooper Blooper: receives well-done steak, asks for medium steak
Gooper Blooper: receives a second well-done steak, asks for medium steak
Gooper Blooper: receives a third well-done steak, leaves
RubyChao: gee i wonder why they went bankrupt
Ringabel: DEROSA
Ringabel: *seethes*
Gooper Blooper: "We had a "Fear Factor" contest and dared each other to eat the grossest looking buffet items."
Draco: Those reviews remind me of a place I went to on my birthday years ago. It was called Memphis Barbeque and their idea of wet ribs was to put a tiny blemish of sauce on a "rack" of THREE ribs. Place was not open long.
Gooper Blooper: I remember you mentioning them before, draco
Draco: My family still jokes about that place to this day.
Gooper Blooper: fuck those lame-ass ribs
Draco: INDEED.
Draco: Nature weeds out the utterly awful restaurants.


RockCandyGuy: Just hanging out at the doctors, stimulating stuff.
RockCandyGuy: The clerk sure is retiring today, she's really making sure everyone ever knows!
SteelKomodo: man, how many times has she brought it up? :U
RockCandyGuy: To every person that has come in. All of them. I need to make a comic to express my dissatisfaction with my doctoral services
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RockCandyGuy: You can only hear FOUR THIRTY so many times before you just kinda have to chokeslam someone


RockCandyGuy: Bout to go ruin this water fountain, with my thirst
SteelKomodo: hahaha, good luck!
RockCandyGuy: It's life supply is limitless! Damn! There's no way I can stand against this foe!
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RockCandyGuy: Not even with my ultimate drink technique! The HOSS GULP can't shake this devil of a machine!
RockCandyGuy: We'll need more power! More liquid capacity! More than that of a literal Liquid Snake!
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: this is more entertaining than the cinema
RedSpy joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey spy
RedSpy: Sup everyone
SteelKomodo: you're just in time to witness the battle of the ages
SteelKomodo: RockCandyGuy vs. A Drinking Fountain
RedSpy: Deer lord
RockCandyGuy: Damn! It just, it just keeps coming! Th-There's no end to this water flow! At this rate, the water bill will be fucked!
RedSpy: Destroy that water bill
RedSpy: Make it supper
SteelKomodo: ALIEN BEANS
SteelKomodo: (lol i get that reference)
RockCandyGuy: And a fucked water bill may as well be punishable by 1000 years of death! We can't keep this up! Then, there is only one thing left to do!
RedSpy: Escape velocity?
RedSpy floats away
SteelKomodo: come back spy D:
RockCandyGuy: The only one who can save us now is...GODZILLA! My great reptilian diety please save me from this chaos with billions in collateral damaaaage!
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
RockCandyGuy: Don't you hear it? That epic J-Rock indicative of a total and utter reaming of whatever it is I don't like?!
RockCandyGuy: This is the power of nature baby!
RockCandyGuy: That's right! The only direction we go is foreword! Go Godzilla! This office is your oyster! Get that PhD you beautiful bastard!
RedSpy: And so Godzilla obtained his PhD in Smashing (with a minor in Thuganomics)
RockCandyGuy: And it was a glorious end for us all, until the camera cut away to a nearby street lamp, and it's sinister gaze towards the audience!
RockCandyGuy: -credits roll-


RockCandyGuy: I'm probably in trouble for standing at this water fountain for so long


Gooper Blooper: I heard they considered a Thunder Yellow for GBA but even Game Freak was like "okay no that's too much milking" and backed off
RubyChao: >​game freak rejecting milking
RubyChao: now i've heard everything


Gooper Blooper: tenhsi hianawni
RubyChao: oh god


SteelKomodo: ok so watching this cartoon
SteelKomodo: Yogi Bear is a selfish prick
SteelKomodo: his pals are trying to find this ruby and Dick Dastardly just tried to blow them all up
SteelKomodo: and instead of helping them he's in the kitchen cooking fucking pancakes
SteelKomodo: even Boo-Boo knows this is dumb as shit but he doesn't do anything to stop him so he's just as bad
SteelKomodo drinks heavily


SteelKomodo: the ToQgers are gonna stay for half a day in a place called Dazzle Valley
SteelKomodo: Hikari's reading a detective novel, tho, and is gonna stay on the train
SteelKomodo: man, they take reading seriously in Japan
SteelKomodo: Gloria would be right at home
RubyChao: so would i, sk


SteelKomodo: ok so Toride doesn't really know if the ToQgers are the culprits are not
SteelKomodo: but he's bringing them in to be on the safe side
SteelKomodo: I guess this guy follows the spirit of the law rather than the letter
SteelKomodo: a law unique to him given unto him by the mad octopus god only he can see
Draco: 8V
Draco draws angry eyebrows on Goops.
Draco: Now everyone can see the mad octopus god. =V
Gooper Blooper: the mad octopus god
Gooper Blooper: IS ME
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: dark rituals involving books, money, sweets, and environmental activism pamphlets
RubyChao: to unleash the goops into the mortal world
Ringabel: nnnnnoooo
Ringabel: he's already in the mortal world dude
Ringabel: and he's playing various vidya
RubyChao: that's because SOMEONE SUMMONED HIM, harpy
Ringabel: his mom did
RubyChao: ...that's true
Draco: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Gooper Blooper Vermont wgah'nagl fhtagn!


RedSpy: Oh god Mega Man no D:


Tableter: matt and zoe
Tableter: Actually i should probably rephrase
Tableter: Conrad and ellie
Saberwulf: Basically
Tableter: Its sad because its true
RubyChao: 40 years from now we'll still be calling del's characters huge dorks
RubyChao: and i'll be thinking of how to work in the characters from Touhou 30
Gooper Blooper: *40 years later* "Aw man, Sarah got second place for the third time in a row. Maybe next year GB"
Tableter: Jonesy still alive 40 years later
Tableter: "Fukken die already mom" "lolno"
RubyChao: "mooooom why'd you have to become immortal" "so i can laugh at you forever"
Saberwulf: "I'm old as shit but THESE HIPS SURE AREN'T"
Saberwulf: *shakira music*
Tableter: Conrad sighs for a year straight
Gooper Blooper: well if she does in fact become a new Greed Avatar
RubyChao: now i'm imagining jrm trying to subtly and then unsubtly rig things for goopy to finally get his win
RubyChao: yet it doesn't work
RubyChao: "new rule: goops can enter 15 characters"
RubyChao: "new rule: all of his characters start with 5 votes"
RubyChao: and somehow the tractor just never listens
Gooper Blooper: your BBB23 winner... YUMMY MUMMY
Gooper Blooper: with a hard-fought victory over Celestia in the final two
RubyChao: *myriam gets second*
Gooper Blooper: lost a close one to Birdie the Early Bird
Gooper Blooper: maybe next year
Tableter: Hahaha
SteelKomodo: Saberwulf: "I'm old as shit but THESE HIPS SURE AREN'T"
why was this the first thing I saw when I came in here
Gooper Blooper: your dirkvision was drawn to the word "hips"
SteelKomodo: it was


Gooper Blooper: if silence enters the brawl again, will she place better or worse than last time
RubyChao: better
Gooper Blooper: *places the same*
RubyChao: silence becomes the next Saxton Hale
Gooper Blooper: If Del enters Saxton again and he gets fifth place I will lose my shit
Tableter: Haha if that happens all will be right in the world


Tableter: "Does the D&D tabletop RPG have one official setting? The answer is yes. That setting is the multiverse, which includes all D&D worlds."
Tableter: Gg mike mearls
Tableter: You fucking win
Saberwulf: Goddamn
Tableter: Also there's warforged and kender races coming up
Tableter: A bitter fucking pill
Saberwulf: not kenders
Saberwulf: Please not kenders
Tableter: Yep
Tableter: Kenders
Saberwulf: fuuucckkk
SteelKomodo: Thanks, kenders
Tableter: Not even warforged can balance that out
Tableter: And warforged own
Gooper Blooper: pen kenders
RubyChao: kenders vs. penders
RubyChao: whoever wins everyone loses?
Gooper Blooper: knuckles miniatures
Tableter: Id play the knuckles rpg
Tableter: Whats my fighting freak stat
SteelKomodo: ^
Tableter: Actually i got it
Tableter: Two stats
Tableter: Fighting you wanna roll high
Tableter: Chuckling you wanna roll low
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: where does flexing your muscles come in
Tableter: If you roll low on chuckling you have the option of flexing your muscles


RubyChao: relevant to oras
SteelKomodo: lol rayquaza in the background
Groudon: Groudon's face. XD


Ringabel: i saw a tiny dog in AFV
Ringabel: I was trying to tell ivel "that puppy is so tiny!"
Ringabel: but i said "that dog is so puppy!"


RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: does anyone here know someone named Brinehammer?
Cornwind Evil: Nope
Gooper Blooper: nope
RubyChao: well whoever they are they just joined the board
Gooper Blooper: pretty badass name though
Ringabel: nice
Gooper Blooper: Maybe that's what RockCandyGuy is rolling with?
RubyChao: Might be, but I didn't give him the link to the boards yet, just the chatzy
RubyChao: He could have searched it out on his own, though
Gooper Blooper: Sounds unlikely then
Gooper Blooper: well we'll find out soon enough
Gooper Blooper: still don't know who the hell xaphod is
RubyChao: Status: 2 minutes ago : Hey.
Brinehammer? joined the chat
Ringabel: dreaaams
RubyChao: hello!
Ringabel: hello sir
Gooper Blooper: the mystery reaches its climax
Decept: Good evening. How goes, mate?
Brinehammer?: Hey guys, this is Erebus. What's up?
Ringabel: Oh god hi Erebus
Gooper Blooper: oh shit
RubyChao: >​erebus
RubyChao: holy shit what
Ringabel: sweeeerve
Brinehammer?: Yup!
Gooper Blooper: Did you forget your password for Marduk?
RubyChao: lost your old pass, then?
Brinehammer?: I kinda... forgot how to log in under Marduk.
Brinehammer?: Took the words off my fingers, lol


RedSpy: having an organic chem test and a genetics test in the same day
RedSpy: This is like fighting off Mechagodzilla and King Ghidorah at the same time. Except I'm not Godzilla, I'm like Anguirus or something


Gooper Blooper: SEASON 1
King of Beasts: 28,581
Serious RP: 17,460
Fite Yer Mates: 3948
The Betting Corner: 503
The Big Bar Brawl: 362
Hot Drugs: 256
Open Bar: 175
ZNN: 12
TOTAL: 51,297
RubyChao: a record we'll never pass
Gooper Blooper: SEASON 2
King of Beasts: 8350
Serious RP: 7835
Fite Yer Mates: 493
Big Bar Brawl 2: 149
Casual Bar: 85
Betting Corner: 36
BBB1 thread: 11
TOTAL: 16,959
RubyChao: it's amazing that it got that high considering the dearth of posts in the second half, really
Gooper Blooper: SEASON 3
Serious RP: 6135
King of Beasts: 2284
Orvance: 947
Fite Yer Mates: 545
Big Bar Brawl 3: 94
TOTAL: 10,005
RubyChao: *flop*, the season
Jumpropeman: wow, season 3 didn't beat season 2
Jumpropeman: although chatzy is partly responsible i wager
Gooper Blooper: season 2 started off incredibly strong
Gooper Blooper: postcountwise, Season 1 did not overtake it until deep in the summer
RubyChao: yeah it posted like mad for the first three months
RubyChao: and then fell over and died
Gooper Blooper: SEASON 4
Serious RP: 8439
King of Beasts: 6505
Fite Club/BBBBP: 1519
Fite Yer Mates: 505
Big Bar Brawl 4: 113
Drown Yer Mates 4: 72
TOTAL: 17,153
Jumpropeman: barely beat season 2
Jumpropeman: again, i blame da chatzy. We don't have to post on the forum everyday since we can talk to each other outside of it now
RubyChao: that casual rp jump from S3 tho
Jumpropeman: 40 posts less in FYM this year D: this year was a failure! FYM IS CANCELLED FOREVER *seppuku*
Gooper Blooper: but JRM
Gooper Blooper: you missed that DYM had its own topic
RedSpy: Almost 30,000 posts
RedSpy: Casual RP is what's Best for Business
Jumpropeman: ...acceptable *un-seppukus*
RedSpy: I, your new COO of ZFRP, officially declare srsbz locked and Randy Orton your new champion
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: zfrp currently has a sum total of 95,414 posts
RubyChao: just a few hundred more and we'll have broken the hundred thousand barrier
Jumpropeman: we haven't locked the topics yet
Jumpropeman: just in case Rainbow Dash wants to post a Joltik revival post in March
Gooper Blooper: joltik is alive
Draco: Rainbow Dash! =D
Draco: Spy, you're COO of nothing! D:<
RubyChao: spoilers:
RubyChao: eggerman is alive
Draco: Spoilers: Captain Sarah is alive.
Draco: And hiding under your bed.
RubyChao: wait, she is? dammit
RubyChao: i thought for sure i got her with that last ship explosion
Gooper Blooper: My bed lies flat on the floor, she couldn't possibly be under there
RubyChao: watch out
RubyChao: captain sarah might be PAPER sarah
RubyChao: which would explain everything
Jumpropeman: sarah paper thin? that's a paradox


Jumpropeman: ha, just realized
Jumpropeman: gooper did chronos xarr to keep the space marines of erebustimes alive
Jumpropeman: well now we got erebustimes again
Jumpropeman: bring on the warhammer brinehammer
RedSpy: Awww yissss
RedSpy: A shame the ro-bros are gone for good this time I swear. Maybe I'll have them write if he ends up bringing some of the classics back, but they ain't leaving Orvance
RedSpy ties my hands behind my back to be absolutely sure. I can still type with my nose, I mean. My nose would never betray me!
Jumpropeman: cameos don't hurt
Jumpropeman: six month long cameos where they participate in every plot
RedSpy: JRM no. Stop encouraging my nose
RedSpy: These foul whispers of treason must cease D:
RubyChao: Zephyrus and Oceanus confirmed for MOVE OVER NEW STARS
Jumpropeman: if you bring them back, how will you ever have the time to introduce your new character
Jumpropeman: Kanye West
Draco blows up Orvance.
Draco: Now Zeph and Osh are free to be on Earth.
Jumpropeman: they'll probably just move to neptune instead
Jumpropeman: where oceanus is free to be himself
Draco: How about they go to Chuck E. Cheese's, where an Osh can be an Osh?
Draco: IS Osh a farm?
Jumpropeman: in my experience, everyone is a farm
RedSpy: No, Osh is a farm and Zeph is a pizza store


RubyChao: *realizes something he follows has updated*
RubyChao: goodbye for half an hour
RedSpy: xD


iDel joined the chat
SteelKomodo: yo bro
SteelKomodo: he is not here :<
iDel: Dicks


Draco: For those of you who love bad games, I saw a Sega Genesis game for sale today. It was a Barney game that had its case and its instruction book.
Gooper Blooper: oh man, Barney's Hide and Seek!
Gooper Blooper: That's the original "awful old game" for me, found it on gamefaqs in 2002 or so and loffed and loffed
Draco: Yep, it was indeed Barney's Hide and Seek.
Draco: One of the selling points: "Kids ALWAYS win and Barney NEVER gets hurt."
Gooper Blooper: When they say the kids always win, they aren't kidding
Gooper Blooper: my favorite thing about it is that if you put the controller down and leave it alone, Barney will do the level by himself
Gooper Blooper: even a child with no functioning limbs can beat Barney's Hide and Seek
Draco: Goops knew the game without me even showing the picture. XD
Gooper Blooper: Barney game for Genesis, it couldn't be anything else
Draco: Barney was doing the "plays the game for you" before Mario was.


Tableter: [22:51] (mistaya) "Today was the worst day. I skipped school, then I nearly got drowned in a toilet, then everyone found out I'm a zombie, then all my friends tried to kill each other because of a bridge. But I did get to ride a werewolf so that was fun. (Not like that.)"
Tableter: Monsterhearts!


Saberwulf: So I'm reading about this young male makeup artist and the skincare products he uses since his skin's similar to mine
Saberwulf: Oh my fucking god this shit is hundreds of dollars
Saberwulf: You can't even fucking buy some of this without making an appointment on fifth ave in NYC
iKomodo: D:
Saberwulf: Like literally the best dermatologists in the US and this kid is just "haha yeah I buy it in bulk"
Saberwulf: like ahhhhh
Saberwulf: And I'm here wondering if I should drop 20 on a new exfoliator
Tableter: Smother your face in ice cream
Tableter: It wont help your skin but youll feel good
Bree: only if you do that in the summer
Saberwulf: Honestly noxzema feels very close to that
Bree: clearly you should use guacamole
Saberwulf: But filled with the overpowering scent of eucalyptus
Gooper Blooper: eucalyptus ice cream obv
Bree: they probably make that in japan
Tableter: My skin hates me and i hate it
Tableter: I wish to be free of it and become the skeleton i was meant to be

Saberwulf: While I don't have nice feet, I do have the legs of a cocktail dress wearing singer laying on a piano circa 1952 so I'm saved


iKomodo: We interrupt this programme to bring you an important announcement
iKomodo: butts
Bree: #butts
iKomodo: butt quota filled. Go about your lives.


Saberwulf: You can change the tone of music by yawning
Saberwulf: I think it shifts the structure of your inner ear
Tableter: Sleepy music magic


Gooper Blooper: "Originally the arcade game shipped without the Pleasure Dome bonus level implemented, although there was text mentioning it in the game. The design team had not been sure that players would actually get to the end of the game. However, players did finish the game and after arcade operators informed Williams of player complaints of being unable to finish it, the company sent out a new revision that included the Pleasure Dome level."
Gooper Blooper: This happened a lot in the days of arcade games
Gooper Blooper: There's also a game for the Atari 2600 - I forget the name, but it was a space shooter - that promised a big surprise for anyone who managed to max out the score
RubyChao: was the big surprise that it rolled over
Gooper Blooper: The surprise was supposed to be a fireworks show. Unfortunately, the game took up too much of the cartridge's space and there was no room for the show so it was replaced with a message telling the player they did a great job
Gooper Blooper: The programmer said he felt bad he had to do it
RubyChao: awww


RubyChao: do you think it's likely this artist has a favorite character
Gooper Blooper: HMMMMMM
iKomodo: Maaaaaaaaaybe :U


iKomodo: I have restarted that old Tamagotchi I mentioned some time ago
iKomodo: so far, Jo has reached the teen stage and resembles a walking strawberry
iKomodo: More as it develops
Gooper Blooper: >​Jo
Gooper Blooper: lel
iKomodo: lel


Jumpropeman: im pretty sure I could clip my fingernails in fucking Turkey and they'd somehow show up in my bed


Del: monsterhearts update - werewolf jonesy is naked in front of three boys
Del: i'm not even giving context for that
Saberwulf: Werewolf Jonesy is increasingly sounding like the RPG character Jonesy herself would play
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Del: conrad doesn't invite her to rpg nights anymore
Draco: Does there NEED to be context? It's Jonesy!
Draco cues the laugh track.
Del: "mom no the dragonborn won't give you the stone if you give him all your money" "this game is bullshit"
Saberwulf: Hahaha


Del: watching spinal gameplay on youtubes
Del: pro skeltal
SteelKomodo: thank mr skeltal
Del: much thank for many bones
Draco: The thankful never ends.
Del: soon it's gonna be praise mr skeltal and we'll be sacrificing innocents on a rollercoaster build as an altar to mr skeltal
Del: a rollerghoaster
SteelKomodo: D:


RubyChao: you managed to show up in my dreams again :V
Gooper Blooper: what nonsense did I babble this time
RubyChao: none, actually
RubyChao: the premise was me, you, and harpy were sharing a hotel room to save costs
RubyChao: and the hotel was stupidly absurdly crowded so all three of us were having a tough time getting anywhere
RubyChao: also harpy looked like marisa
Gooper Blooper: what did I look like
RubyChao: i didn't get a good luck, we were seperated by the crowds for nearly the entire dream
Gooper Blooper: is this going to be a running gag in your dreams?
Gooper Blooper: I'm Wilson from Home Improvement?
RubyChao: apparently so! :V
RubyChao: maybe the third time will be the charm
Gooper Blooper: I mean it's kinda fitting but lel
RubyChao: and then you show up looking like letty


RubyChao: it's 2015 and three shakes escapes still make me mad


Saberwulf: Cool dude I know's gonna be streaming Hatoful Boyfriend, everyone's favorite bird dating game
Del: but how can we date birds if we don't know what they are?


iKomodo: For del


RubyChao: so funny thing i just remembered
RubyChao: in tenshi's first appearance in rp she told people to hold their applause, and... um... okay i forgot where i was going with this and thus killed the funny
RubyChao: i'm sorry
Tableter: Lol
iKomodo: hahaha
Draco: Tenshi told people to hold their applause and they did.
Draco: For the rest of the season.
Tableter: Oh god someone call the burn unit
RubyChao: that's clearly why her new quote is about not holding applause
RubyChao: *Won't Get Fooled Again starts playing*
Draco: "Please, applause as much as you want!" And they do. *crickets chirp*
Tableter: Haha
Draco: The only thing Tenshi can't tank is the deafening silence.
Tableter: She cant tank her emotions
RubyChao: Everyone cheers... when she leaves the room
Tableter: Then again erebus learned to hug with nuclear arms
Draco: Tenshi enters, nobody cheers. Tenshi swaps for Viola, everyone cheers.
Draco: Or Utsuho instead of Viola.
RubyChao: hand with poofy white sleeve sticks out, silence
RubyChao: hand with long black sleeve, standing ovation
Draco: Silence comes out to Silence. The entire crowd is wearing Silence masks.
Tableter: Lol
iKomodo: Lel
Tableter: Lil
Tableter: Lalulelilo


Jumpropeman: YO
Jumpropeman: CHECK AND MATE
Draco: Dang, son! You done BLOWN MY MIND.
Jumpropeman: "Only guys can juggle!" literally no one used to say, but this image proves them wrong!
Draco: I'm pretty sure Irrationally-Sexist Irwin said it a few times. He'd draw a new thing to be sexist over every morning from his dictionary and then shout about it from his bunker in eastern West Virginia.
Jumpropeman: the Irwin family has really gone downhill since Steve
Draco: Wrong Irwin family.
Draco: This Irwin isn't from a cool family like Steve's.
Jumpropeman: is he the Irwin from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Jumpropeman: because, as you know, there are only two species of Irwin in the known universe, unless you are suggesting some radical theory where there is a THIRD type of Irwin
Draco: I think that's the one I was thinking of, yes.
Jumpropeman: ok, good
Jumpropeman: I almost had to call the Science Inquisitor to force you to admit the existence of only two types of Irwin
Jumpropeman: *pulls out the pain remote* BI
Draco: D:
Draco: *pulls out the pain remote's batteries*
Jumpropeman: ... I have been bested ; o ;
Draco: Aw heck, I can't stand to see a grown ghost cry.
Draco returns the batteries.
Jumpropeman: YAY! *presses the button repeatedly*
Jumpropeman: wait...
Jumpropeman: this is the remote for my pain chip D:
Jumpropeman: *reacts appropriately to realization*
Draco: Push the button and prove it. BI
Jumpropeman: *presses the reverse polarity button*
Draco vanishes.
Jumpropeman: There are two Irwins B|
Draco says nothing.
Jumpropeman: that's the smartest thing you ever said
Draco: Certainly smarter than that time I said I was buying just two copies of Cory in the House.
Jumpropeman: everyone makes that mistake. They think they can only play two cory in the house copies at once since they have two hands, but you've got your face and feet to play it too, and your belly button if you get creative
Draco: Indeed.
Draco: That's why I own a copy of Cory in the House for each room of my house. Then I can't not play it.
Draco: Alright, I'm scooting off to bed now, which is the second-smartest thing I've said in the last two minutes.

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