Monday, January 12, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 174: Master Splinter, Should We Buy Destiny?

RubyChao: dirk slightly modifies the marriage speech for pit and okuu
RubyChao: "Do you Pit Angelos take this bird-" "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRK​"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: "do you take this bird to have and to hold and TO SHACK UP WITH DEAR GOD PIT I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT SHE'S A BIRD"


Kevin: possibility of me getting a kirby amiibo from wal-mart? 70%


Gooper Blooper: hey remember that time I bought a giant cookie for a dollar
Gooper Blooper: Dollar Tree put them on clearance. Giant cookies for 50 cents
ivel: nice
Gooper Blooper: bought four, much sarah such cookie wow
RubyChao: consume
SteelKomodo: hahaha


RubyChao: "I hope I still have Pokemon when I grow up. Because if I have kids, I'd want to trade Pokemon with them."
RubyChao: goops_as_a_dad.txt


(Harpy begins her Omega Ruby adventure)

Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between Sammy and Siren. Chatzy chose: Sammy
Harpy: oh god I am the Sammy
Harpy: i'm gonna play omega ruby and end up with like a blajillion pogeys
Gooper Blooper: The first thing I did after leaving my house in OR was to look for The Science Guy
Gooper Blooper: If they ever stop doing "fat guy talks about how great science is" in Pokemon I will be very disappointed
Harpy: "hey want me to catch you a pokemon"
ivel: Kappa Mikey?
Harpy: Sammy just stares and pulls out a picture of Carla and her E4 pogeys slowly and points
Harpy: "she givin' me pogeys :D"
Harpy: oh hush ivel :U
RubyChao: choose the one that prepares itself for dinner for you
Harpy: torchic you look so adorable
Harpy: but I have a version of you with your hidden ability
Harpy: don't give me that look
Harpy: no stop giving me that look
Gooper Blooper: burd
Harpy: "love me ;;"
Harpy: ...
ivel: WELP
Gooper Blooper: 12.5% chance!
RubyChao: you know what to name
Harpy: okay sorry but this means I have to name it Mokou and keep it on my team
Harpy: if it were male I'd trade it but
Harpy: it was female
Harpy: i can't give away such a cutie
Harpy: *weeps*
Gooper Blooper tosses Torchics onto Wonder Trade without a care
Harpy: oh god now i have this stupid vision of sammy wearing a knapsack the wrong way (in front)
Harpy: and in it is Mokou the Torchic, all happy
Gooper Blooper: chansammy


RubyChao: pogeyupdate
RubyChao: after effortlessly crushing her rival and leaving him a broken hollow shell of his former self, tenshi strode confidently into the gym and brushed aside all those who dared obstruct her path, before wiping the floor with the gym leader and wresting her rightful prize, with no oni or lawyers around to deny her the spoils of war this time
RubyChao: disclaimer: the above report was written by guest reporter viola nightshade
Gooper Blooper: "It remains accurate."
RubyChao: (in actuality that was prolly the closest gym leader fight yet)
RubyChao: (gaben was the only one standing at the end)


RubyChao: i didn't realize i would be fighting lysandre right away
RubyChao: and when his pyroar came up
RubyChao: my team was Drifblim, Shrike, Chesnaught, and Wriggle
Gooper Blooper: DRIFBLIM TAKE THE WHEEL *Drifblim expodes due to fire hitting hot air balloon* OH THE HUMANITY


Harpy: ...
Harpy: I just had a horrifying thought for this playthrough
Harpy: wh-what if
Harpy: what if I try to catch all the pokemon
Gooper Blooper: do it
ivel: do it
RubyChao: but
Gooper Blooper: You must have knocked out a good chunk in XY already
RubyChao: should i try to catch all the pokemon
Harpy: the dexnav makes it much easier to see what pokemon I am missing on routes
Gooper Blooper: Everyone should aspire to be The Very Best
Gooper Blooper: Like GB was


Harpy: I want to get my ears pierced one day to have an excuse to wear chain chomp earrings


ivel: oh god
ivel: was watching Super Best Friends Play
ivel: Matt lost to GLASS JOE
ivel: in Wii Punch Out
Harpy: that's horrifying
RubyChao: ultimate jobber
RubyChao: even 2013 samus could beat glass joe
ivel: he kept trying to punch his now-protected face
RubyChao: oh it was title defense glass joe?
RubyChao: that's not AS bad
Gooper Blooper: glass joe for bbb5
ivel: One of them beat King Hippo in Championship mode, aka 1-hit KO mode
ivel: I think it was still Matt?
RubyChao: *glass joe defeats tenshi, goops regrets everything*
Gooper Blooper: tenshi just buys an enormous keg
Gooper Blooper: fills it with booze
Gooper Blooper: flops into it
ivel: but yeah they went into Exhibition and he went to Glass Joe
ivel: Technically now with 2 wins
ivel: unofficially
RubyChao: "Tenshi, are you okay? You've been soaking in the booze for a day now..." "I'LL COME OUT WHEN I'M GOOD AND READY, VIOLA"
Harpy: i read that as "smoking in booze"
RubyChao: no, see, that's tenshi's hardcore training
RubyChao: soak herself in alcohol and set it on fire
RubyChao: "I can tank the flames."


Tableter: Going to foosball today
Tableter: Small town sports team etc


Tableter: (Gazetteer) Matt you confusingly attractive snakejerk : (


HorribleDraco joined the chat
RubyChao: hi draco
HorribleDraco: Hello, Ruby.
RubyChao: i'm killing your species in bravely default
RubyChao: sorry about that
HorribleDraco: Nooooooooooooooo.
HorribleDraco: They owed me money. D:
Tableter: Oh dear
HorribleDraco: You'll pay for this, Chao! PAY!
HorribleDraco sends a bill to Chao's office.


Gooper Blooper: team goopy was dominant to the point of parody today
RubyChao: tell us more
Gooper Blooper: So I decided that for my Diver I was going to use a random level 25 Octillery I Pokebanked over, so the team for the Team Magma climax was five mainstays and this underleveled Octillery
RubyChao: i'd ask how you managed to get to team magma already but i bet it was "playing omega ruby the same way i played bravely default"
Gooper Blooper: So in the final battle with Maxie, he sends out his Camerupt and I counter with Random Octillery, who was around 34 thanks to the Exp. Share. Camerupt proceeds to Mega Evolve... and then get outsped and OHKOed by Surf
RubyChao: Random Octillery MVP
Gooper Blooper: Then of course, the Groudon sequence. I was worried about this one since Groudon is immune to paralysis, knows Rest, AND doesn't get a boosted catch rate like most "story legendaries" do, so I went in ready for the most difficult fight yet
Gooper Blooper: Caught with a single Dusk Ball after refusing to use Rest while Audino and Rotom whittled him down, wasn't even statused. I checked and Game Freak did NOT change Groudon's catch rate and tons of people online have had trouble catching him
RubyChao: hooooly shit that's hilariously good


Gooper Blooper: It took three years but I finally found a somewhat reasonable avatar for Cannonbeetle
iKomodo: Fuck yeah Cannonbeetle
Tableter: Horrah goops, my dream of the kobber movie is closer than ever



Gooper Blooper: *checks to see latest status on the Reanimammut projects*
Gooper Blooper: They've got mammoth blood now, we're getting close
RubyChao: when do zoofights become reality
Harpy: when i can surgically give my dog a scorpion tail and laser eyes
Harpy: and buzzsaw claws
ivel: she already has them
ivel: she just hides them well


ivel: related
Harpy: oh lawd
ivel: continued
Gooper Blooper: steelix
Harpy: steven gets rock hard for geology
Gooper Blooper: steelix no
Gooper Blooper: Steven's D's Journal


Scrimmy Bingus: BARRAS


(While troubleshooting Bravely Default)

Gooper Blooper: Okay, found the problem re: nemesis
Gooper Blooper: You can only get a specific nemesis from someone by streetpassing them because da derp de derp da teedily derpy derpy dumb


Harpy: >​only one who can learn cut on my team is Sewaddle
Gooper Blooper: sewaddle eats the trees and makes hoodies out of them
Harpy: must i teach you cut, little wormy
Harpy: must i taint you with the horrible move of all generations?


Del: Translation from harpish: a pogeyman has evolved


Del: Wulf destiny sux
Del: Dont buy it
Del: 180 awards my arse
Saberwulf: I know, dude I regularly sparred with at muay thai told me it was shit
Del: Well that's one way to get gaming news
Del: Master splinter, should we buy destiny?
Del: No my sons
Saberwulf: Pff
Saberwulf: He was just a fellow student, if I sparred with my sifu he'd beat my ass in two seconds
Del: Haha
Harpy: "yo sensei is destiny any good" "it's about as good as you are at fighting me"
RubyChao: hahahahaha


Saberwulf: ahaha holy shit Steam has japanese ero games now
Del: Gaben knows where the money is


Gooper Blooper: "In the Generation VI remake, there is no feel value for Pokéblocks and Pokémon have no limit on the number of Pokéblocks they can eat. As a result, it is possible to raise a Pokémon with maximum condition in all five categories."
Gooper Blooper: THANK YOU


Harpy: hm, what to name this illumise
Gooper Blooper: I named my Volbeat and Illumise "Useless(male symbol)" and "Useless(female symbol)"
RubyChao: reckt
iKomodo: Goops pls
Harpy: 420 blaze it the oddish
Harpy: acceptable


RubyChao: bravely default is now listed as my highest playtime game
RubyChao: why am i not surprised


Harpy: I have a Whismur I may use
Harpy: as well as a Skitty
Gooper Blooper: so many pogeys
Gooper Blooper: can't hug every pogey
Gooper Blooper: *harpy hatches the egg, tries to use that too*
Harpy: that's the problem with pogey games
Harpy: i try catching them all, I end up trying to use them all
Harpy: not helping is the fact that I am nicknaming them
Harpy: Excite Trike the Electrike ;;


Chevalier Rampant: Fortress of solit- how? WHEN? With what resources? .-o You mine that metal yourself, boyo? Get the permit first? With what money? You're a reporter, aincha? Or are you salvaging bits off the enemies you blew up and the planes you -didn't- save? Or just takin' up the 'free' ore inside the earth? God only knows the rants that could go on about the purpose for it, or the apparent genius-tech that is it's makeup and function, but I want to start at something more basic. :I You did this with a -day job-? How many people died while you were busy mining and picking up interstellar dreadnought pieces to make a clubhouse?
Chevalier Rampant: Huh, supahboyo? HUH?


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: why goops, however did you get a picture of the rubychao in his natural habitat
Gooper Blooper: patchouli garden with patchouli race and patchouli karate
RubyChao: patchouli karate takes forever because she can't put any force behind her punches
Gooper Blooper: sissy slaps everywhere
iKomodo: Hahaha


Gooper Blooper: CHRISTMAS TREE UPDATE: Goopsmom refuses to take Christmas tree down, suggested putting hearts on it for Valentine's Day


(Concerning the new Final Fantasy lead)

Saberwulf: The new character is designed on the same principles that the descendents of Nomura-san's style have applied to females, but he's brought it back and formed it to a male visage, accentuated the chest as a focal point while also including other eroic areas of the male body, such as the ass, groin and back of the knee
iKomodo: ...the back of the knee is an erotic area?
THEDEMONKANEHELLSFAVORITEDEMON: . . . Wait, the back of the knee's erotic?
Saberwulf: It's dumb, but the motherfucker made the belt industry millions thanks to final fantasy so FULL SPEED AHEAD
Gooper Blooper: To some people, sure
Harpy: oh yeah bby, show me that kneeback
Harpy: any part of the body can be erotic if you try
Saberwulf: Yes, the knee pit is one of the less known areas of eriticism, and is in fact a very sensitive area
Gooper Blooper: If Reimu's exposed armpits have a fanbase so can FF Guy's kneepits
THEDEMONKANEHELLSFAVORITEDEMON: Oh, as in its an erogenous zone then
iKomodo: Well shit
Harpy: oh god goops mentioned the armpit fetish
Saberwulf: Also that brings up another area, the armpits
iKomodo: i know too much now D:
THEDEMONKANEHELLSFAVORITEDEMON: Well technically I think the back of the knees would be more like the inside part of the elbow
Gooper Blooper: oh bby elbow pits
THEDEMONKANEHELLSFAVORITEDEMON: So I guess this means the equivalent to the armpit fetish would be iiiiii'll stop talking that area seems a bit nsfw
Saberwulf: The armpits are a much more well-known area, and being one of the major areas of pheromone release, are quite key to the design
Harpy: ahem
Harpy: *goes and imagines Gluttony in Ringabel's performer outfit*
iKomodo: Can't we just stick to the ZFRP standard?
iKomodo: #Butts
Harpy: nobody needs to see gluttonybutt
Harpy: so
THEDEMONKANEHELLSFAVORITEDEMON changed name to This Is A PG Establishment
Saberwulf: 2015 will be the year when you learn why David is the Best Booty in Bangkok
Gooper Blooper: I've been waiting all my life for that backstory to be revealed
Harpy: david finds competitors in josephine, lisa, and kevin
Harpy: 2015 is year of the booty
Bree: Year of the Booty!
Gooper Blooper: Josephine is not a competitor there
Gooper Blooper: Because she's never been to Bangkok
iKomodo: Nah, you mean Jewel Man
RubyChao: tenshi shows up, "WHAT ABOUT ME"
iKomodo: Lisa's about the chest, need I remind people :P
Bree: who got the booty? jewel man got the booty
RubyChao: "tenshi your butt is completely flat"
This Is A PG Establishment: Viola votes 10 anyway
Bree: and then tenshi puts on ten billion petticoats to make it look like she has the booty
Gooper Blooper: I feel like Tenshi would be the kind of person who would enter competitions she has no business entering simply out of an intense desire to prove her superiority
RubyChao: she totally would
Gooper Blooper: Like she'd enter a fucking woodworking competition if it meant she had a chance to WIN something
This Is A PG Establishment: Tenshi enters the Worlds Least Blue Hair competition
Harpy: *shoves plans for tenshi in closet*
RubyChao: about the only thing you couldn't get her to enter would be a swimming competition
Gooper Blooper: yeah I think she'd draw the line there
Gooper Blooper: but she'd have several dozen excuses as to why she wasn't able to enter, and would claim she COULD have won if only she'd entered
RubyChao: "I was tired out from the cooking contest, the singing contest, and the cosplay contest."
Gooper Blooper: "That girl's lucky I was abducted by aliens when I was about to sign up."
RubyChao: also oooh what plans
RubyChao opens the closet
RubyChao is buried under Harpy's thousands of ideas, only his hand sticking out of the pile

RubyChao: *Tenshi fouls every ball*


RubyChao: your reminder that somehow i have gone two years in zfrp without a single character with a fab butt
iKomodo: This must change, chao
iKomodo: at once
RubyChao: *ends up roleplaying a Bravely Default character with a #butt*


Gooper Blooper: *looks at sarahkin*
Gooper Blooper: *Sarah, Ariel, and Josephine have confirmed things to do, Celestia likely as well*
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to bring all of them in again aren't I
RubyChao: >​no helios
RubyChao: :I
This Is A PG Establishment: >​no gloria
This Is A PG Establishment: I:
Gooper Blooper: see what I mean
Gooper Blooper: I have things for SOME of them
Gooper Blooper: but everyone demands ALL of them
Gooper Blooper: (except nobody cared when Ariel skipped a season :V)
RubyChao: because we wanted her to live
RubyChao: and not die
RubyChao: and die
RubyChao: and die


Gooper Blooper: *Chao enters Wriggle as a joke lottery entrant for BBB5, she wins and Chao uses her all the time and she becomes his favorite touhou again*
RubyChao: >​implying i'm allowed to enter any lotto entrant other than yuugi
Gooper Blooper: >​implying JRM won't lose his mind and ask for two lotto entrants per user, then allow all of them
RubyChao: >​implying that i wouldn't enter a bravely default character as my second lotto entrant
Harpy: >​two lottos
Gooper Blooper: no that would be your secret fiter
RubyChao: sadly, no
RubyChao: i have the perfect secret fiter idea already
RubyChao: and none of you will ever see it coming
RubyChao laughs


The Table Is Magic: Maybe I'll do something to surprise JRM this year, now that he's starting to analyze my style and tendencies in-and-out of RP writing.
I know.
I'll force all my warriors to retire and take up non-aggression pacts without actually killing any of them, and proceed to roleplay a gambling ice cream salesman the rest of the season.
The Table Is Magic: And if you believe that assertion, why not come over here? I've some oil, a lamp, and even a bridge to sell you. :3 Good price.


Bad News Cornwind: "Seeing the danger, Goku teleported Mickey Mouse to Antarctica"
Gooper Blooper: good work goku
Bad News Cornwind: "Funky Kong comes and causes trouble for Baby Luigi. He had a bad birthday."
Bad News Cornwind: "My thoughts on Ferguson as told through the Harlem Race Riots of 1964. Set during The Gyre Widens. Will contain Halo characters."
The Table Is Magic: That's a plot? .-o
Bad News Cornwind: "now there's neo-nazis everywhere, I hope the people there are safe from them." Sonic said."
Bad News Cornwind: "Triple H: Which is why I'm out here right now… This is a warning to Adam Sessler and everyone in the back!"
Bad News Cornwind: I don't recognize this name
Gooper Blooper: "Adam Michael Sessler (born August 29, 1973) is the President of TheoryHead, Inc. a consultancy firm for entertainment and media.[2] He is best known for being a former producer and editor-in-chief of Rev3Games, X-Play with Morgan Webb and editor-in-chief of G4's game content for the network."
Gooper Blooper: It's X-Play Guy
Bad News Cornwind: "Stay tuned for fun updates and a crazy adventure because this thing is gonna be wild from start to finish. Rated M because of ghost sex."
Bad News Cornwind: "Wario said, "Pit, nobody wants to see a Christian band at a metal festival!"
Gooper Blooper: oh pit you silly billy
RubyChao: "I DO" "Okuu, Pit's not actually playing in it" "nevermind then"
Gooper Blooper: unyu
Bad News Cornwind: Ash:....sometimes them naming that Pokemon trainer that in the dub is annoying.
Gooper Blooper: *Christine eagerly reads Ash's Sensual Journey*
The Table Is Magic: Nah, man. Christine already mentioned the thangs she does for her man.
The Table Is Magic: Curses. Last.
The Table Is Magic: |D
Bad News Cornwind: ""Capture this instead!" Said Garfield as he grabbed a large wrecking ball he used to weights and threw it at the Blackhawk helicopter."
Gooper Blooper: gee I wonder what series that one is from


Gooper Blooper:
Tableter: I tried a few responses to that in my head goops
Tableter: Not even screaming a swear at the top of my lungs worked
Tableter: Itll do tho
iKomodo: I love how it looks like the other characters are staring at Pooh's thoughts
Tableter: FUCK
iKomodo: like, how does that even work
ivel: Pooh Bare
iKomodo: Also Pooh is thinking way too hard about that
Tableter: Dont we all though
ivel: indeed
iKomodo: XD

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