Friday, December 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 166: Iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeecccc​kkkkkkkkkghu

RubyChao: Pages in category "Five Nights at Freddy's"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.

RubyChao: is it worth even looking at these pastas
RubyChao: probably not
RubyChao: "After that, I went to Pirate Cove. But, when I saw Pirate Cove, the "Out of Order" sign was replaced by: 'Digger'. I saw Foxy on the ground. He was lying in a puddle of blood. I also saw a message on the curtain saying this: 'Digger is after you.' I got really creeped out. Then, I saw the time. It was...666 A.M.?? It only went to 5 A.M."
Tableter: Wow
Bree: yes, that's the first thing I'd think if I saw it was "666 A.M."
Tableter: Fucking terrible
Bree: it only goes until 5!
SteelKomodo changed name to Patman Post
Patman Post: TERRIBLE
Patman Post changed name to SteelKomodo
RubyChao: "When the head director brought all the animators to view the episode, he told the one animation group who were animating the last bits to bring the finalized version, but they did not respond. He went to their cubicles, and when he got there they were all dead with blood stains on the alleged tape. The hospital was called and they were sent to the emergency room as soon as possible but it was too late; they died of unknown causes. But we still had the tape so we decided to watch it in their honor and their hard work they put into it."
SteelKomodo: probably not the smartest move :U
Bree: nobody in any creepypasta ever does anything smart
SteelKomodo: tru that
RubyChao: "'DO NOT PLAY THIS VERSION OF EOSD, IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE EXTREME HARM. DELETE THIS FOLDER PERMANENTLY! DO NOT PLAY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE.' After I reread the message in confusion, I simply tilt my head back and laughed, thinking to myself, the game isn't really that hard!"
SteelKomodo: spy.txt
RubyChao: "Then it cut to a normal episode of Foster's before the VCR exploded in sparks. Oddly enough, however, while the VCR was totally destroyed, the tape remained intact. I could show it to you, but I've locked it in an impenetrable safe."
RubyChao: did i ever show you guys
RubyChao: the Zelda CD-I creepypasta
RubyChao: "The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written 'YOU ARE Condemned', there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank."


RubyChao: the worst kind of vidya loss
RubyChao: is the one that's your own fault
Gooper Blooper: aw


RubyChao: one of the truest posts i ever saw on tumblr was "Pokemon that break free after three shakes are why I have trust issues"


RubyChao: *skims through 3DS*
RubyChao: *Rusty's Real Deal Baseball has shown up*
RubyChao: :I


Magical Harpsichord: >​dinner invitation
Magical Harpsichord: >​Mispells last name as "Portuna"
Magical Harpsichord: :I
RubyChao: they've uncovered your true form: A PORTRAIT
Jumpy: The Port of Harpy
Magical Harpsichord: i'm just a parfait
Magical Harpsichord: a portrait of a parfait


Magical Harpsichord: acrobike 5 life


SteelKomodo: Critikal vids rule
SteelKomodo: "I know you don't care for me personally, but could you show me enough respect as a human being to give me my arm back?"


Gooper Blooper: Did more online rotation battles today
Gooper Blooper: protip #1: Shedinja is actually really good in rotation for mind games
Gooper Blooper: protip #2: Half of the people online don't know what Shedinja is or what Wonder Guard does
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: ...okay, I'm not surprised
Gooper Blooper: "Greninja used Waterfall! Greninja used Water Shuriken! Greninja used Strength!"
SteelKomodo: there's so many fucking pogeys it's hard to keep track of them all
Gooper Blooper: But Greninja did not use his dark type STAB
SteelKomodo: especially the oddballs like Shedinja
SteelKomodo: and damn it goops i nearly typed Waterballs because of that
Gooper Blooper: WATERBALLS YUM
Tableter: damn it yoshi
Gooper Blooper: I also fought two people who disconnected as I KOed their last Pokemon instead of waiting three seconds so the fight would officially end
Gooper Blooper: This prevents the victory music from playing
Gooper Blooper: stay classy
Tableter: kill anyone who denies their foe the victory music imo
Tableter: Shameful display etc
Gooper Blooper: Somehow Team Six Bugs I Threw Together is undefeated
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Bugs own tho


Bree: well I've done all my planning for Shalour, I'm ready to beat it aside from wanting a few more levels on my team
Bree: and, you know, physically getting there
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't worry very much about your levels
Gooper Blooper: Two of Korrina's three Pokemon cannot damage ghost types and the third is eight levels lower than your Delphox
Gooper Blooper: you're fine
Bree: mmm, if you say so
Magical Harpsichord: goopy is right
Magical Harpsichord: went in there with a ghost type and swept her arse in no time
Gooper Blooper: You guys get way too spooked about the bosses in this game
Gooper Blooper: Even if they win, it's not a big deal
Bree: I'd honestly like to maintain my haven't-lost-to-anyone streak
Bree: Melody is a fucking winner
Magical Harpsichord: me? spooked to bosses?
Magical Harpsichord: please, i had sammy
Gooper Blooper: harpy it took you months to beat the E4 and you bought dozens of healing items despite level 95 sammy
Magical Harpsichord: ....SAFETY PRECAUTIONS


Gooper Blooper: Sylveon's best ability is Pixilate, which is the hidden ability
Gooper Blooper: Pixilate turns normal moves into Fairy moves, adds 30 percent power, and then adds STAB on top of everything
Gooper Blooper: Imagine what that does to Hyper Beam
Gooper Blooper: fuckin nuke
Magical Coffee Gal Kogasa-Chan: SUPER
Magical Coffee Gal Kogasa-Chan: MAGICAL GIRL
Magical Coffee Gal Kogasa-Chan: BEAAAAMUUUUU~
Magical Coffee Gal Kogasa-Chan: i need this


Tableter: Jonesy would make a noise like
Tableter: Iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeecccc​kkkkkkkkkghu
Tableter: And then disapprove



Also the formula: We talking tower of mastery?
Also the formula: I tried to win without mega evolution as a protest
Also the formula: It never worked


Kogasa-Chan~: Hiiiii~ Kogasa-Chan here and I have infiltrated the King of Beasts~ Doesn't look much like a lion, though...
HomewardSpy changed name to Doc Louis
Gooper Blooper: Doc Louis for BBB5 assist/sideline character/manager
Kogasa-Chan~: Little Mac vs. Silence
Kogasa-Chan~: if this doesn't happen in vegas, I want my money back
Gooper Blooper: How often do you cheer for the goliath in a david-goliath situation
Gooper Blooper: Silence stalking around the ring, looking like a monster, crowd's totally on her side
Gooper Blooper: Doc confused


RubyChao: viola attempts to bury her face in tenshi's chest
RubyChao: it looks weird, because she's just kind of
RubyChao: leaning against a flat surface


Cornwind Evil: "the doctor crash lands his tardis into new york and meets the teenage muntant ninja tutures"
Cornwind Evil: "Yamcha fell to the floor, blood dripping form the corner of his lip. Then Drowning Pool's Bodies stared playing."
Cornwind Evil: "Goofy decided to become homosexual"
Gooper Blooper: gawrsh
Bree: (in George Takei's voice) gawrsh~
Cornwind Evil: "Captain N: The Game Master Kevin and Lana are informed that Charles Manson has escaped from prison."
SteelKomodo: i think we better stop D:
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna make one up and see if it fits in
Gooper Blooper: "'But Wildwing, the Mighty Ducks are gonna lose if we don't find a replacement player!' But that's when Wildwing pointed to Garfield in the crowd. 'Play for our team, Garfield!' he said."
SteelKomodo: i know fuck all about the Mighty Ducks
SteelKomodo: and yet that fits in amazingly, goops
Bree: it's too factual, you didn't get enough wrong
Bree: and it needs more typos
Gooper Blooper: "'But Wingwild, the Mighty Duks r gonna lose if we dont find a replacement player!' But that's when Wildwang pointed to Garfield in the crowd. 'Play for r team, Garfield' he sid."


Coirses: I'm sorry, my dear seaman, but you just have no porpoise here. : | I'm sure it's a whale of a tale. I can assure you that Sine will probably find it quite fishy when she gets better from Being Erased From History. Frankly, you've a hagfish look about you I'd rather not clown around with, sir, you're no angel, no, not even a dogfish sort of fella. What's your angler, then? Hmm? Trying to mussel in on our surf-and-turf? You'll find the owner downright crabby about that kind of thing, no mistake about it. It's a half baked idea to even get your silly shark hunt going on it, and puffer to you, sirrah.
Coirses: Gouda, sir.
Coirses: |V
Coirses closes door
Kogasa-Chan~: man
Kogasa-Chan~: that was some gouda cheese
Coirses: :P
Droca: Note to self: magical girls are weak to cheese.
Kogasa-Chan~: excuse me
Kogasa-Chan~: my true weakness is coconut flavored donuts
Kogasa-Chan~: ...and the entirety of thanksgiving
Kogasa-Chan~: i'm so fat qq
Droca: Oh Harpy, you are so kawaii desu~~


Goopsgiving: Mii Plaza always has that damn blue update
Goopsgiving: it's always something


*text tone noise*: I'm dying of laughter imagining Fell Stinger Surskit
*text tone noise*: Is it stabbing me with its ahog-
*text tone noise*: I know what you're named
*text tone noise*: Welcome to the team, Alex the Janitor
Goopsgiving: *Ahoge Chanbara trailer goes here*


*text tone noise*: The secret to Pokemon-Amie is as follows: shove cupcakes down their throat
*text tone noise*: When they're full throw yarn in their face
*text tone noise*: This will tire them and give them more room for cupcakes
*text tone noise*: Repeat until wuv
Bree: I'm amused by the mental image of Viola petting her Froslass
Bree: she's completely decked out in winter wear, including thick gloves
Bree: Froslass is just sitting there with a deadpan "bitch are you serious" face




Kogasa-Chan~: jesus you guys are offering a lotta things
Goopsgiving: *offers harpy dittos, cleffas, and chocolate*
Kogasa-Chan~: GOOPY PLZ


Goopsgiving: In contrast to SK, I wrote an extremely short and extremely dumb thing for thanksgiving
Goopsgiving: I wrote it in like three minutes
RubyChao: i like it
SteelKomodo: :3
SteelKomodo: that was cool
Goopsgiving: thank
RubyChao: good thing gloria's outfit is so baggy :V
Goopsgiving: it comes in handy every november
RubyChao: the real reason all the sarahkin except ariel wear loose outfits
RubyChao: (ariel just works all the thanksgiving food off)
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dying uses a lot of calories)
Hostil joined the chat
Goopsgiving: dying: the ultimate exercise
RubyChao: hello probably spy or ven
RubyChao: or random internet stranger who stumbled across us and left in confusion
SteelKomodo: probably the latter
Goopsgiving: lel
Goopsgiving: you cannot grasp the true form of zoofights chatzy
RubyChao: who are these people who have such a lax approach to death


RubyChao: *looks at the boss he has to fight in this game*
RubyChao: *realizes he has literally no idea when she can be damaged and when she can't*
RubyChao: ...
Tableter: Livin on the edge there chao
RubyChao: the rubychao method is basically "if i hit this wall with my head enough it'll break eventually"
RubyChao: ...the rubychao method is not used for construction work, just hard video games


Bree: What does Skeiron call Dirk?


RubyChao: did i ever link you guys Wailord Horde
RubyChao: too bad i'm linking it again


Draco: One of Harpy's gift shipped.
Goopsgiving: one of these days harpy is actually going to get that five pound hershey bar
RubyChao: watch, everyone decides to send harpy a five pound hershey bar at once
RubyChao: christmas morning
Goopsgiving: *throws sarahkin at thirty pounds of chocolate*


Actual Sunshine Shia LaBouef: Guy just bragged about how good he can use a Float Stone
Actual Sunshine Shia LaBouef: Man
Actual Sunshine Shia LaBouef: Its a fucking rock
Actual Sunshine Shia LaBouef: You ain't shit
Actual Sunshine Shia LaBouef: I can give my Pokemon a rock too


(Harpy discusses her plans to use a mono-Fairy team in ORAS)

Kogasa: I'll prolly breed copies
Kogasa: For contests
Bree: army of sarahs
Kogasa: Yes I am doing contests
Goopsgiving: Army of sarahs would be swirlixes instead
Bree: and they just chant feed us over and over


Kogasa: How's that team sound, Monsieur goop
Goopsgiving: I looked over it for a sec because I noticed one slightly important coverage area
Goopsgiving: I noticed nothing on the team can Earthquake despite two Pokemon weak to electric
Goopsgiving: The only earthquaking fairy is Granbull. You can play around it with Whimsicott's grass resistance and Sylveon's very high special defense, though
Kogasa: Fuckin magnetometer
Bree: can any of them learn other Ground moves?
Goopsgiving: Oh shit hold on I think Wiggly gets Dig
Goopsgiving: WIGGLY CAN DIG
RubyChao: diggly
Kogasa: Wiggles digs this
Bree: Ruby you made me genuinely laugh out loud
Bree: dammit ruby
RubyChao: my work here is done


Goopsgiving: Wait a second, why the hell were we worried about Winona's Altaria when the entire team is Fairy-type
Goopsgiving: Every single last one of them hits that sucker super effective
Kogasa: Because i
Bree: technically Harps also has Altaria so not the entire team
Kogasa: forgot it's dragon type
Bree: unless she's scrapping it
Goopsgiving: Drake is going to be such a joke, lel
Kogasa: i will keep fluff
Bree: yay, fluff burd
Kogasa: for dragon moves
Kogasa: temperance plays rough with dragons
Draco: Sad day for me. );
Goopsgiving: "BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF DRAGON TY-" *entire team is fairies* "oh fuck this"
Goopsgiving: Altaria gets sent out
Goopsgiving: "finally something I can hit with dragon moves"
Goopsgiving: Altaria mega evolves
Goopsgiving: "FUCK"
Bree: lel
Kogasa: top kek


Yoshika Rubyako: did i ever mention an #Important Fact about tenshi
Draco: No.
Draco: Please do.
Goopsgiving: I wouldn't know unless you said what it was
Yoshika Rubyako: she's just as flat in the back as in the front
Goopsgiving: oh god the poor thing
Goopsgiving: even Ariel's like "yikes"
Bree: so Ariel, I take it, at least has a lil booty on her
Goopsgiving: She's not a complete board (though she may look it next to her family)
Kogasa: Gluttony worries
Bree: lel
Bree: meanwhile Okuu is totally boobalicious
Bree: not bootylicious
Yoshika Rubyako: it's true
Bree: Dirk is the ass man, Pit is the boobs man, clearly
Goopsgiving: That's the Pit Theory, Bree!
Yoshika Rubyako: soft pillowy mounds
Kogasa: mhm
Bree: sqush burd
Goopsgiving: I posted it a while back and SK's response was along the lines of "I'm not sure how to feel"
Bree: lel
Bree: poor SK
Kogasa: gluttony prefers neither
Yoshika Rubyako: tenshi starts overeating sarahstyle, madly theorizing that "maybe i'll get something out of it"
Yoshika Rubyako: her metabolism means that she doesn't change body shape at all
Yoshika Rubyako: just gets tankier
Goopsgiving: All her fat goes to her peaches
Goopsgiving: she can barely hold her head up because of the weight of the hat
Draco: Bye Goops.
Kogasa: gluttony likes big thighs
Goopsgiving: still insists on wearing it everywhere all the time
Kogasa: and buff ladies
Yoshika Rubyako: even when she takes off the hat, the fat still goes there
Bree: no no I've got it, I know the secret!
Goopsgiving: *succubi intensify*
Bree: all her fat is converted... INTO BLUE HAIR
Bree: that's why she has so fucking much of it
Kogasa: sophia and scarlet flatline
Yoshika Rubyako: "tenshi your blue hair is twenty feet long"
Draco: Tenshi's hair is two miles long.
Kogasa: thet are the targets of gluttonys affection
Yoshika Rubyako: eventually tenshi learns Hair Fu
Kogasa: someone help them
Kogasa: oh tenshi
Bree: the 2hu style amuses the hell out of me because Tenshi is so loudmouthed, arrogant, boisterous, etc. that she just screams tomboy with every fiber of her being
Bree: what's her look? a big, poofy blue skirt, an apron, a button-up collared shirt with puffy sleeves
Kogasa: zun made zombie reimu
Bree: and literally miles and miles of hair
Kogasa: i can't forgive him
Draco: She's adorbs.
Bree: adorable tenshi is adorable
Kogasa: indeed
Yoshika Rubyako: don't forget Completely Impractical Boots
Bree: sexy sexboots


SteelKomodo reads chatzy review mode
SteelKomodo is flooded by #BUTTS


Tableter: So
Tableter: Godus is on tablets and stuff now
Tableter: Its peter molyneux's latest thing
Tableter: And hahahaha it is some serious f2p shit
Kogasa-Chan~: wat
Tableter: It's a god game
Tableter: You sculpt the land and try and help your followers survive and build a civilization
Tableter: And there are so many baffling layers
Tableter: So houses take 5 minutes to build
Tableter: And your people tire out so you gotta tap em to get em to work harder
Tableter: And you need to expand your population to unlock fucking gameplay features
Tableter: Like "direct follower control" and "build houses on grass"
Tableter: But some of these don't unlock straight away and you need to apply "stickers" to them to enable them
Tableter: Go on
Tableter: Guess
SteelKomodo: money
Tableter: Ding ding ding
Tableter: Sk wins the FUCK YOU BUDDY trophy
SteelKomodo: that's not a good prize D:


(Chao is filling out the profile questions in Pokemon Y)

RubyChao: >​looks at color survey
RubyChao: >​royal blue
RubyChao: is it doing this on purpose


Gooper Blooper: black mage fakemon
Gooper Blooper: fund it


Gooper Blooper: there's some weird 2hu stuff on amazon
Gooper Blooper: like a 364-dollar replica of her cannon
Gooper Blooper: hot dog, that's on sale from the usual price of 405. BLACK FRIDAY STEALS
Gooper Blooper: Oh no, not this guy again
Gooper Blooper: Some dope is clogging up the search results with dozens of "custom mousepads" featuring touhou art swiped from pixiv and put onto an overpriced mousepad
RubyChao: what a jerk
Gooper Blooper: makes it look like there's oodles of okuu merch, but it's just this one guy and his fifty mousepads
RubyChao: i bet he doesn't even credit the artists
Kogasa: why would he
Gooper Blooper: Lemme look at one
Gooper Blooper: It's a generic copy-paste description so he doesn't have to change anything
Gooper Blooper: I first met Custom Mousepad Guy when I was browsing for regi bro merch the other day - he made a regi trio mousepad
Gooper Blooper: and all of his mousepads are
Gooper Blooper: 9.99
Gooper Blooper: (plus five fuckin bucks shipping)
Droca: If the dude's taking art off of Pixiv, he's not going to credit artists.
Gooper Blooper: 0% positive over the past 12 months. (1 total ratings)
Gooper Blooper: oh no, Operation Flood Amazon With Mousepads has hit an early snag
RubyChao: lel
Gooper Blooper: "Beware this seller gets its products directly from China and can take almost a month to receive your merchandise. Amazon should do a better job of letting their customers know of this situation."
Gooper Blooper: It's not even some dude using CafePress, it's asian bootleggers


RubyChao: i forgot how much the ruby dex insulted magikarp
RubyChao: it literally says "Magikarp is a pathetic excuse for a Pokémon"


RubyChao: Utsuho learned Flail!
RubyChao: *imagines Utsuho flailing around like a madwoman*
Gooper Blooper: SHIMMER learned about UTSUHO's wedding!
Gooper Blooper: SHIMMER used FLAIL
Gooper Blooper: JUMPROPEMAN also used FLAIL

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