Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cutting Room Floor 2014: Shit That Didn't Happen

Not everything makes it to print - we all know that. I already shared a large chunk of my could-have-beens in my October post about my Mammon/Chronos Xarr/The End megaplot, but there are other things I considered having happen this year that didn't get to the final stage. Here's an assortment.

Morgan and Lily received a stag beetle amulet while exploring the Seat of Mazda. This amulet was meant to activate during a critical moment to help the pair, but every time a battle worth using it arose, I either forgot about the amulet or didn't bring the succubi. With the succubi returning next year, I can hopefully call on the amulet then.

Several Fite Club battles I had listed were never taken. One (a guest fight for the Pavilion) I still think is really good so it'll be available next year, but the rest were nothing too special so I'll give up on them since no one was interested. There were three: Two of them centered around fighting returning characters from my 2012 roster (Clippy and Electra). The third was a brawl with the "secret robot master", Toilet Man.

In retrospect, Toilet Man would have made an ideal cameo choice for the battle with the Toadbeast, seeing as 90 percent of that fight took place inside a giant restroom. Alas, I didn't think of it at the time.

My original pick for the BattleBots-themed Fite Club was Ankle Biter. I swapped out for Diesector at the last minute because his jaws and hammers were a better fit for a cartoony, non-bloody battle with Apollo Justice. I probably would have used Ankle Biter instead if a robot or similarly non-squishy character picked to do that fite.

A possible mini-Shroudplot centering around discovering who or what he really was almost happened, with the revelation that Shroud was an undead. As he had been healed by white magic earlier, however, the plot could no longer happen and it was scrapped. A similar plot point about Viola actually being a ghost was discarded for similar reasons (and because Chao and Bree would kill me if I tried it).

A possible nuclear option for large-scale battles: Vyse of Skies of Arcadia fame piloting his giant airship the Delphinus. Scrapped due to not wanting to add more characters to keep track of to my roster. This is the third year running I've considered and rejected Vyse and Skies of Arcadia characters in general, so I'm pretty sure by now it ain't happening.

I still fucking love that game though.

Doopliss has been waiting even longer - I've thought about doing a Doopliss dayplot since 2011. With the cavalcade of doppelgangers this season, however, it became clear that the usual "play people against each other" mind games have not only been used multiple times, but they can easily become off-putting and/or frustrating, so I will actively avoid any kind of doppelganger plot. That includes Doopliss.

Besides, no one is topping Teshni.

Howsabout a joke sequence wherein Gloria gets drunk and starts making ship-tease crack with Oceanus? No, that's not happening either.

Sharkleberry Fin, a possible encounter during Shark Week, particularly as a Fite Club opponent for Jaws. Never got around to it, and Vengeance beat me to it in the end.

More Shroud weirdness. Was he possessed? Was he evil all along? Was it someone else pretending to be Shroud? Who knows, because I discarded practically everything interesting about Shroud. Poor bastard.

Unused skeletons.

The Space Angler. A possible miniboss to tackle during a dayplot.

Adeleine has been kicking around as a possible character for me for a long time. Not only did I not have room for her, Mikey took her niche as "cute kid who paints stuff to life". Come to think of it, they'd make a cute couple.

I was going to use this image for when Beheeyem was defeated in his Fite Club matches, but he keeps winning!

This lightsaber chainsaw was my first pick for Sheryl's weapon when she called out Bluejay in 2013. I deemed it too hardcore and gave her the shotgun instead.

These hyper-realistic Parasects were possible mooks if my 2013 greenhouse plot had gone differently.

Brigette, the mascot character for Pokemon Bank. I tossed around the idea of making her a goofy inventor whose stuff didn't work right despite her brilliant mind. However, this idea was based entirely on Pokemon Bank's rocky, delayed launch. By the time RP started, Bank was out and fully functional and the joke's sell-by date had passed.

Zygarde was slated to make an appearance as an Ardean protector, demanding that order be brought to the world (this was at the height of our plot clusterfuck when there were twenty-plus plots all going on at once and none of them were ending). He would assist Viola for a time, perhaps even allow her to capture him, but at the end of the year he would request his release and Viola would obey.

Speaking of releases, one scrapped scene for the end of the year was Viola finding the Durant colony and releasing her own Durant to reunite it with its' clan. Alternatively, Durant would refuse to leave Viola.

Zygarde lending his power to Cofagrigus would create this powerful hybrid.

The original direction for Viola's dayplot involved battling the forgotten Pokemon in Glitch City instead of the Distortion World. Later plot finangling changed stuff around. The "jealous Hoenn Hex Maniac" bit was a late addition based on the retcon of that character design to allow GameFreak to reuse Pokemon XY graphics. Their laziness enriched my plot!
An unused Volcarona.

Volcarona is freakin' amazing.

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